November 4, 2023

"Western civilization is what gave the world pretty much every goddamn liberal precept that liberals are supposed to adore."

"Please, somebody stop us before we enlighten again."

"The partitioning of the region wasn't decided by Jews but by a vote of the United Nations in 1947 with everyone from Russia to Haiti voting for it. But apparently, they don't teach this at Drag Queen Story Hour anymore."


Bob Boyd said...

The Great White Father at the UN has declared the Palestinians shall live in peace on the Gaza Reservation for as long as the sun rises and sets, so what is the problem? Now here, take these blankets...

Dave Begley said...

The *funny* thing here is that today’s Dem party is against all those “liberal” values he listed.

Democracy. Dems want to jail the leading opposition party’s candidate for President.

Rule of law. Hunter Biden, BLM riots and J6 protest.

Free Speech. Don’t get me started, but what about what the FBI and old Twitter did about suppressing and lying about Hunter’s laptop?

Scientific inquiry. Destroyed and bastardized by the CAGW scam.

I was a Dem in college and law school. I don’t recognize today’s Marxist Dems.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

My favorite part of leftist Progressive cognitive dissonance is their complete ignoring that women of Gaza cannot go in public without a male escort. Also in Gaza - Homosexuality is illegal and punished by death.

I love how the left skip past all the Geneva convention and human rights abuses that occurred on Oct 7. and are still occurring.

Hamas now shows up to fight in... wait for it... Ambulances. They have hostages. Children as hostages. (the left rip down the posters!) Hostage taking is against the Geneva convention. Right?

News is coming out from survivors and the people who live in Israel near the Gaza border. For years, Men from Gaza would sneak over the gaza border into Israel wanting work in the fields and gardens. so the local Israelis would take them in and give then employment.

Turns out they were secretly mapping out the area, taking careful notes of who lived where, counting women, children, men, and dogs.
Then on Oct 7, these same people joined with the Hamas terrorists in the be-heading of families, the slaughter of families... They would kill the father first, then rape and torture the women - torture the babies... kidnap the children. The collective Progressive left and the Islamic world stood silent. Telling.

The hive-mind universal progressive left have not a peep to say about the Geneva convention. or the breaking of UN rules.

BTW - the UN should be abandoned by all good nations. Just let the UN be the United Nations of Islamic Supremacist Nationalism.

Dave Begley said...

All countries are not equal.

Here’s an example. The Nebraska state Senator who went to Ukraine told me the Russians left their war dead to rot in the field. Since the ancient Greeks, civilized countries reclaimed and buried their war dead.

Hamas uses innocent civilians as shields. Their HQ is underneath a hospital.

Old and slow said...

I'm not sure even the closing dig at "moderate Republicans" will be enough to save him from being labeled right wing after this defense of colonialism.

The Crack Emcee said...

I don't think Albert Einstein rejected Western Civilization, but he still called Zionists criminal terrorists. And I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be accused of "standing with Hamas" for saying it.

This little speech is just another distraction. All I had to do is think of this as two kids with a toy. All I wanna know is which one hit the other first and why. Everything I see and read indicates it was the Zionists. They wanted the toy for themselves, and they haven't acted in good faith, since. Telling me about the wonders of our civilization doesn't change that. Telling me how much Hamas doesn't share our views doesn't change that. Telling me, the United Nations went along with it doesn't change that. The world was a different place in 1948, and there were Zionists in the British contingent. Who was representing the Palestinians? Crickets.

Bill Maher's bout with TDSyndrome (as well as siding with Susanne Somers on Bill Clinton) should've already proving to everyone the man, at worst, is a bullshit artist, and, at best, has a problem with logic and reason.

Scotty, beam me up... said...

It is both amusing and scary how the “enlightened” lefties protesting on college campuses are not really “enlightened”. In reality, they are truly illiterate when it comes to the real world thanks to the indoctrination that they have received in public schools (and at some private and charter schools) and the colleges/universities. The women protesting for Palestinian “rights and freedom”have no clue that in most of the Muslim world the women have little to no rights and are viewed as someone required to produce children to further the cause, keep their mouths shut, and keep covered up to varying degrees depending on the local flavor of Islam (and no guarantee on anything as they are required to be dependent on male relatives or husbands for everything). And if these protestors, female, male, or whatever they imagine they are, happen to be LQBTQ-yada-yada-yada, they will be imprisoned or executed for going against the will of Allah.

I am enjoying seeing these young Regressives(TM) having job offers yanked out of their grubby hands - in many cases, jobs that would pay them a mint as rookies learning on the job. They are learning the hard, cold facts that life is hard and cold. Ironically, they have no freakin’ clue that these high paying jobs are the result of Capitalism, not their beloved Marxism. They also have no clue that if the US were to become a Marxist economy, those high paying jobs will be consigned to the dustbin of history and they will have to work for scraps and kiss someone’s a$$ in the government for a halfway decent job that really relies on who you know (and hope their benefactor doesn’t fall out of favor or get executed).

I just hope we can survive these ignorant bastards, cleanse the schools of the Marxist indoctrinators, and keep our country as Reagan’s shiny beacon of light before it’s too late.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I love how lefty Maher's template is to lecture his own side - then top it all off a snide comment about the R-party.
The R party that stands for all the good stuff he just noted.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Not even Maher has enough snark for this current insanity, but that’s a helluva good start. Why aren’t any elected leaders standing up for Civilization now that literal barbarians are marching in the streets, committing piracy in our ports and threatening students in our universities?

Jersey Fled said...

Re Albert Einstein:

Proof that you can be. brilliant physicist and not know how to fix a toilet.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bill made a quick point about how the Islamic men of Gaza beat and rape their women. (the head to toe fabric work well to cover the bruises)

American leftists? Silent.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

For the collective left: also known as - progressives:

Moral Equivalency Cheat Sheet

madAsHell said...

I don’t know why you would support him with posts That guy is a fucking screwball.

His whole broadcast is aimed at dim-witted women........but that describes most of TV.

Jamie said...

All I had to do is think of this as two kids with a toy. All I wanna know is which one hit the other first and why.

It's just... that... simple.

You are at least consistent - go back to whatever you see as the Great Wrong (with slavery everyone acknowledges that this is a correct characterization, with "Palestinian oppression" not so much) and demand recompense for it, no matter what has happened since on either side.

But you're ignoring the very, very obvious: it does matter whether Israel shares Western values, and it matters even more that the Palestinians don't. I'm not saying every one is a terrorist or a terrorist-in-training. But broad Palestinian support for non-Enlightenment values and goals means that there is no end to this conflict for them that doesn't result in the extermination of the Jews as a "race."

You've said the Jews should "just leave" - what's one more diaspora when you've already had so many, after all? But you overlook the fact that every time Jews have dispersed, every time they've stayed put, basically no matter what they've done up to and including in the modern era, they end up hunted, harried, and in too many cases, dead. Israel was set up by the world (without asking the denizens of the region, who after all had already made their feelings known during the Mandate) to do one of two things: if you're of optimistic mien, to give a people who had suffered unbelievably in the immediate past and suffered throughout their history at the hands of everybody else, the right to live where they originated and where many had already bought property. Or two, if you're cynical, to shove a problematic people who, everyone had to admit, had suffered unbelievably, into a tiny corner and hope they'd go away. Whatever that meant. Which is kind of where I see your position: they should just go away. Whatever that means.

But instead they did that whole making the desert bloom thing, which the prior denizens never managed on that land. Those same prior denizens, given the flower industry as part of their control of the Gaza, didn't even maintain what they'd been given - it was worth more to them to keep stewing about killing Jews, and worth more to their leaders to keep them in abject, photogenic poverty.

Why do you think any sort of peace is possible with people of modern times who play football with human heads? Yeah, that kind of thing used to be de riguer, but it is no longer.

I forget myself. For you, Crack, it never seems to be about the possible; it's about the grievance. How unfair you find the Palestinians' plight is irrelevant if the goal is... well, anything at all, really, other than the elimination of Jews from the region. Whatever that means.

Breezy said...

Two populations at war. One of them will win this time. Doesn’t matter what happened last century or even last decade. All we see now is one side started this episode with a brutality not seen in our lifetimes, and the other responding with a brutal yet necessary rebuke. War is hell.

Old and slow said...

I prefer to take all my moral instruction from the great Albert Einstein. He really is the final word on all things to do with the Jews. Right?

The Crack Emcee said...

Scotty, beam me up... said...

"The women protesting for Palestinian “rights and freedom”have no clue that in most of the Muslim world,..."

First, there is no way for you to know what they have a clue about - you're not psychic. Second, the rights of women in Palestine has nothing to do with the wrong the Zionists did to them for Israel. You are merely explaining why you will let the Israelis kill people. People who did nothing to them. Zionists just wanted their land. People who have done nothing to you. You just don't like them, so you will allow and encourage the Zionists to kill them.

And then you wonder why they hate you and want you all out of their lives.

Michael K said...

Chauvin did not "Murder" George Floyd but he is too useful a symbol to the left for truth to emerge.

William said...

The history of all literate civilizations used to be the history of their clergy, warriors and aristocrats. It was Western Civ that first gave voice to the middle and working class. That's a big deal....Humanity's Great Leap Forward was in the nineteenth century. People who hitherto had not been part of the drama suddenly had speaking parts, and it happened in Europe first....It has spread from that time and place to other parts of the world, but that's where it was born. It was placenta previa and many babies died in childbirth, and some of the surviving babies grew up to be monsters, but nineteenth century Europe was where the mother lived.

n.n said...

Liberalism is a philosophy of divergence. Progressivism is a philosophy of [unqualified]
monotonic change. Progressives and Liberals united under an [ethical] religion of Pro-Choice. Diversity is a dogmatic belief rooted in the principle of [political] congruence ("="). That said, today's liberal is tomorrow's conservative. Principles matter. #BLM

traditionalguy said...

As the world turns. Maher has gone Fair and Balanced while Fox News has gone Globalist America Last.

And those pesky Jews have exposed everybody just by fighting back this time. Suddenly all revolves around who rules in Jerusalem.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Saint George Fentanyl - the poor man used by the corrupt collective left (and the corrupt democrat party state run media) to inspire hive-brownshirt leftists and Hamas-style leftwing Antifa thugs and BLM frauds to commit billions in property damage... (all allowed and applauded by the Hamas supporting left) and inspire the AOC's of the political left to start the "DE-FUND THE POLICE" movement (LOL - democrats now deny. Liars.) A movement that is still paying dividends with the off the charts crime in our nation.

Now we have an open southern border and a corrupt president and his corrupt people allowing lawlessness. The administration in concert with Soros funded groups are organizing the border crossings to occur.

Local Sanctuary democrat run cities are using billions of our tax dollars to pay for the illegal entrants. Who - again - are busses to the border as planned and on purpose.

We really are screwed.

On top of this - the progressives who hate Israel and Jews are telling us without shame that they support Hamas.

We really are screwed.

Bob Boyd said...

Is there any doubt the UN would happily partition America, move citizens off their land and give it to the illegal aliens coming in droves? Or that everyone from Russia to Haiti would vote in favor?
Would Americans just say okee dokee? Probably not.

Joe Smith said...

Maher is the perfect example of a smart, credentialed moron.

The Crack Emcee said...

Jamie said...

"It's just... that... simple."

Yes, for me it is. If people are going to get in my face about October 7 and not talk about any of the under-reported violence Israel has perpetrated on October 6, or in all the decades before - but especially during Israel's creation - then - for me - it's just that simple. Also, the Einstein litter to the New York Times makes all the difference. The Jews were trying to get him onboard - and he just wouldn't do it. He called the Zionists misled criminal terrorists. And we all know who they were terrorizing.

"But you're ignoring the very, very obvious: broad Palestinian support for non-Enlightenment values and goals means that there is no end to this conflict for them that doesn't result in the extermination of the Jews as a "race."

Poppycock. Jews are all over the world.

"You've said the Jews should "just leave" - what's one more diaspora when you've already had so many, after all?"

First, it's not just me. Orthodox Jews also never signed onto this, and think the whole enterprise is criminal, because it goes against Judaism to have national ambitions (Christopher Hitchens called Zionism "a waste of Judaism"). You can't fix a bad idea by continually doing bad things to defend it.

Iman said...

You, Bill Maher, promote, deify and vote for these brainiacs and their political ideology and policies.

What’s your beef?

Iman said...

“And then you wonder why they hate you and want you all out of their lives.”

Projection much, Crack? Who the fuck needs torturers, rapists and murderers IN their lives? Shake your fucking head, your eyes and brain are stuck.

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robert Cook said...

"I don't think Albert Einstein rejected Western Civilization, but he still called Zionists criminal terrorists. And I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be accused of "standing with Hamas" for saying it."

If Einstein were alive today, you can be sure he would be under a barrage of condemnation for being a "self-hating Jew" who "stood with Hamas."

Carla Zaz said...

About Palestinian statehood: Understand that there have been many counties in history that decided to engage in war with other nations and were consequently defeated, such that those countries no longer exist.

Nationhood is subject to forfeiture.

Robert Cook said...

"Chauvin did not 'Murder' George Floyd but he is too useful a symbol to the left for truth to emerge."

Sure he did. Even if an argument can be made Floyd would have died even if Chauvin had taken his knee of the neck of the manacled and subdued George Floyd a minute or three sooner than the nearly ten minutes that was the case, Chauvin and the other officers are responsible for his death by not heeding Floyd's repeated cries that he couldn't breathe. They should immediately have had a medic attend to him.

Most cops are not murderers, but too many cops who are killers get off with no punishment.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hamas provided Biden with a huge gift.

Taking our attention off Biden family corruption.


Gusty Winds said...

It's a funny monologue. And it's true. Craziness pushed by the education establishment.

But Mahar ALWAYS returns to the safe harbor of his Trump Derangement Syndrome. Last night he made reference to the "fine people" hoax. Even when he was calling out the Ivy League for their woke bullshit a week or two ago...he then used conservatives (who resisted the brainwashing in college) as his example of horrible Ivy League Graduates.

Never mentioned climate hoax pusher John Kerry. Mahar still hold up Obama as a beakon of light. Obama is the one who set the country into warp speed toward anti-semitism and drag queen story hour.

I think Mahar tries to straddle the fence so he doesn't get expelled from his NY and LA sex clubs.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hamas are congratulating their killers. They think the Jew-killers will be rewarded in heaven. This death cult is embraced by American leftists and Islamic supremacists.

I propose Hamas be captured one at a time and each thug placed in solitary confinement for the rest of their lives. Force their families to pay for them. No after-life rewards.

Every once in a while - take one of the Hamas savages out and after a trial - execute him in the manner in which he executed his Jewish victims.

William50 said...

"Israel is the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language, and worships the same God that it did 3,000 years ago."

- Charles Krauthammer -

Gusty Winds said...

Michael K said...
Chauvin did not "Murder" George Floyd but he is too useful a symbol to the left for truth to emerge.

You're right. He didn't. Fentanyl killed George Floyd.

Mahar is a sophist. He speckles his dialogue with just enough left wing lies to stay in the club. It blows all his credibility.

Mahar is as deep in the TDS swamp as Sam Harris. What Mahar refuses to see, is Donald Trump and the MAGA movement who are the ones fighting to maintain the values of Western Civilization. Minus the stupid endless wars of course...

narciso said...

where have you been Maher, you tore down every foundation, with your both side ism, you chose the Hamas party, because Orange Man, so now look upon your works

JAORE said...

Maher can see so much wrong with the radical left. But he can not even imagine a moderate Republican.

And people wonder how so many in crumbling cites keep voting for the same people that got them to the dismal state of today

Old and slow said...

Jamie, you have the patience of a saint to spend your time spelling all of that out. I agree with what you have written entirely. Left unsaid by you is the obvious fact that anyone who persists in pushing for a solution that inevitably means death or exile for the Jews of Israel, is either too stupid to understand the situation or does in fact harbor genocidal hatred for the Jews. I'm also willing to consider that it might be both of these things.

“Bad Genes” said...

How do you agree to a ceasefire with someone who says they’re “never” going to stop trying to annihilate your country? Progressives think this is so easy to solve — what’s the solution?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Maher is the very definition of cognitive dissonance.

While it's nice that he lectures his side... these progressives are all loyal democrats.
Maher mocks the very party, that while imperfect, embraces old fashioned classical liberal ideals.
The party closest to conserving those classical liberal ideals.

Maher will never get that. sort of like bashing Hamas, but they getting coffee with them.

Of course the left are so married to abortion - they cannot see straight.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

busses = bussed

Quaestor said...

Maher ended his thesis with a gratuitous and ironic slap at the GOP, gratuitous because it was a complete non sequitur lacking any logical connection to what went before, and ironic in that only Republicans of any stripe wholly accept Maher's defense of Western civilization.

Did you notice how tepid and hesitant several spates of the applause were? Maher's studio audience is the most reliably leftwing group that self-assembles for anything that doesn't involve arson. They grudgingly granted Maher some noisy approbation, which arose mostly from pique and dread. They're embarrassed to be the target of Maher's diatribe and they fear the reemergence of decency in American culture. Yet, some of their depravity is so cherished that only a few could bring themselves to applaud the last points.

Drago said...

Crack Emcee: "First, there is no way for you to know what they have a clue about - you're not psychic. Second, the rights of women in Palestine has nothing to do with the wrong the Zionists did to them for Israel. You are merely explaining why you will let the Israelis kill people. People who did nothing to them. Zionists just wanted their land. People who have done nothing to you. You just don't like them, so you will allow and encourage the Zionists to kill them."

Somebody ask this hopeleesly ignorant Crack Emcee how much land was literally purchased by Jews, usually at far above market prices, from Ottoman Turks from the 1880's all the way to 1947 (the transactions and deeds were maintained by the Jewish agencies) and the Brits under the Mandate.

The Arabs that were "displaced" from those purchased lands had no legal right to them. They merely squatted, were told to flee by Crack's "heroic" 7th century death cult at the commencement of hostilities, and are now demanding to be allowed to return and take the land they never owned.

Hey, that DOES sound like a Crack thing after all!

Sorry Crack, nobody is going to be stupid enough to go along with surrendering to your islamic supremacist pals...the ones who spent 1500 years enslaving Afrians and making sure to castrate EVERY SINGLE BLACK MALE THEY ENSLAVED.

Crack wont care about that naturally since he has moronically claimed whites literally invented lying, murder and slavery.

Thats right. According to Crack, no one in the world ever lied, murdered or enslaved anyone until whitey taught them to do it.

With psycho beliefs like that, Crack makes the New Agers look like Isaac Newton.

Bruce Hayden said...

Mahar is apparently half Irish and half - Jewish, on his mother’s side. Because of that, if he converted to Judaism, he presumably would have a Right of Return to Israel. In any case, it shouldn’t be surprising his position here. He is old enough that, when he was at Cornell, he likely got a significant part of a classical liberal arts education.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Israel does to belong to the Palestinians.

Steven Wilson said...

Sounds like Bill is missing all those Chesterton fences.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jamie 9:52.

Well done.

Joe Smith said...

'If Einstein were alive today, you can be sure he would be under a barrage of condemnation for being a "self-hating Jew" who "stood with Hamas."'

If he were alive today he'd be desperately clawing at the inside of his coffin...

Tim said...

Yes, except what was proposed for Israel from the British Mandate was both much larger and more defensible than what was finalized....which the Arab countries surrounding Israel immediately (1948) tried to destroy, and then again and again (1956, 1967, 1973 and 1980) tried to destroy. After giving the West Bank and Gaza to try to gain peace to no avail, perhaps they will this time empty out Gaza and the West Bank and let the Arabs, who CREATED the problem, see Syrian President Halad al Azm's memoirs, figure out the solution to the problem. Me, any sympathy I ever had for the "Palestinians" evaporated on 9/11, and they repeated the same celebrations when Hamas was killing babies in ovens. Let us give them the same mercy they have demonstrated.

Jamie said...

"there is no end to this conflict for them that doesn't result in the extermination of the Jews as a 'race.'"

Poppycock. Jews are all over the world.

Hang on, Crack. That implies that it'd be cool with you if all the Israeli Jews were exterminated. I know you don't feel that way.

And, return to Hamas's charter - I haven't heard anything saying it limits its Allah-given mandate to kill Jews to just those in Israel.

About Palestinian statehood: Understand that there have been many counties in history that decided to engage in war with other nations and were consequently defeated, such that those countries no longer exist.

Nationhood is subject to forfeiture.

Thank you, Carla Zaz - your entire comment bore repeating.

hpudding said...

Count me in as willing to call out any left-wing moron and ally myself with any honest conservative who supports Western civilization. I’m fine with participating in any realignment in US politics against these woke collectivist barbarians. If that means a jihad/crusade/whatever against groupthinking simpletons like Minister Farra-Crack and his peripatetic ally for the day Cookie, no problem.

I was initially going to confine my comments to Maher and the video and larger concept but I can see that as always, an ignorant, dejected jerkoff like Crack can’t help himself with this current effort of his to paint Einstein as opposed to Jewish national self-determination. (Which is what Zionism is). This is not and was never true. His letter to Jawaharlal Nehru proves that.

Simply because Einstein was intelligent enough to have sophisticated and dynamic thoughts, just means he was conscious. Unlike Collectivist Crack and Cookie, he could call out the wrongs committed by an isolated militia without abandoning a cause that they betrayed. If he were limited like them in his thinking he might have had to “switch sides,” like those clueless collectivists do. He supported the Balfour Declaration. He turned down an invitation to be the second president of Israel because he knew (and respected) his personal limitations, not because he didn’t appreciate the honor or the country that offered it to him. He did not suffer from the lust for absolute certainty that Crack and Cookie do.

I know that Zionism is a just cause and that Palestinian collectivism is wrong because the former is not weakened by self-correction, whereas the latter is. All nationalism, just like any ism, is prone to its excesses. Zionism is no different. But the Palestinian cause has been wholly embraced by the collectivist left due to the fact that they both suffer from a complete identification with failure, and an overconfident moral rot that abhors self-reflection. The collectivist left are essentially “self-hating Westerners.” The Palestinian cause sees Jewish nationalism as a mortal threat to Arabian or Islamist pride - forms of pride so toxic that they can’t just account for their own successes and failures. In that sense it’s also a movement that elevates victimhood over accomplishment. And since that will probably never change it will always be manipulable and controlled and hijacked by the worst of humanity - whether in the form of terrorists like Hamas or imperial psychopaths like the Iranian regime.

Enjoy your “decolonization” efforts, boys. And please let us actual Americans know when you’ve decolonized your own sorry selves from our beautiful Western, free country.

wendybar said...

Bill Maher:

"Young people who hated Trump because he wouldn’t condemn the people with the Tiki torches, talking about Jews – you’re the ones with the Tiki torches now."

BUMBLE BEE said...

Nails It

hpudding said...

First, it's not just me. Orthodox Jews also never signed onto this, and think the whole enterprise is criminal, because it goes against Judaism to have national ambitions.

Just so everyone’s clear, Minister Farra-Crack is talking about the few thousand Jews who belong to the Satmar or even more virulent Neturei Karta sects, not the millions of Orthodox Jews who have no quarrel with Jews having political rights as a nation and competently running their own affairs as such as part of a pluralistic society in the Middle East. The Neturei Karta are actually bonkers enough to meet with the Iranian regime. Maybe Crack could attend their next get-together with the ayatollah.

It’s also worth noting that a number of those same Orthodox Jews are exempted from conscription and receive subsidies to study scripture all day - at the expense of the country that Crack and his friends in some cults think shouldn’t exist. Maybe he identifies with their willingness to enjoy the fruits of a country’s labors that others are patriotic enough to protect and contribute to, but that they themselves think they’re too special to support in quite the same way.

Quaestor said...

Regarding the Charles Krauthammer quotation cited by William50: While there is much truth in that statement, 3000 years stretches the claim beyond what science and history can sustain.

Judaism as practiced today isn't much older than Christianity. Both arose from the Second Temple period which was subtly yet profoundly influenced by Hellenism. The Second Temple was raised by Herod the Great, a monarch who was widely despised as a foreign usurper by many Jews, consequently, the temple and its college of priests and scribes were regarded by the Pharisees and the Essenes as corrupt and disapproved by the God of Israel. The aristocratic Sadducees, however, accepted the Second Temple as sacrosanct and insisted on its primacy in Jewish life and worship. The Essenes apparently advocated for a third way focused on an imminent appearance of the Messiah and the resultant apocalyptic war between "the sons of light and the sons of darkness". Only the pharisean party survived the last two revolts against Rome, giving rise to the Rabbinic Judaism that is practiced today.

What we have from archeology doesn't support a distinct monotheistic Jewish identity before about 800 B.C. Prior to the Iron Age, the ancestors of the Jews were apparently polytheistic.

Oligonicella said...

The Crack Emcee:
and not talk about ... Israel's creation

Mystical Sins of the Father cult thinking.

donald said...

Little man, big mouth, unable and unwilling to back it up. What a pussy.

Rosalyn C. said...

The letter by Einstein referred to a very small faction of who employed violence, most notorious for bombing the King David Hotel to get the British out because the British were preventing Jews who were escaping from Europe from entering. The blockade was thanks to the demands of the Mufti and the pressure of the Arabs.

Einstein abhorred violence and nationalism in general and recognized the conflicts which would exist with the Arabs. However he was also a strong supporter of the Jewish homeland as time went on and the reality of what had happened to the Jews of Europe became known. Einstein was definitely a Zionist and misreading a letter is not evidence of the contrary.

Furthermore only a small fringe sect of Orthodox Jews are anti Zionists. They still believe however that Israel belongs to the Jewish people. They fundamentalists believe a messiah and divine action will bring about the state of Israel. What happens to the Palestinians in that scenario is anyone’s guess.

hpudding said...

Everyone here should keep in mind that when Crack talks about evil colonialist Zionist criminals who committed the evil act of purchasing land inside a supposedly “Islamically purified” part of the world and the UN’s acceptance of their statehood petition, he’s talking about 164,000 Ethiopian Jews from which he wants to cleanse the land. This is in addition to all those millions of very brown mid-east Israelis - who make up more than half their population.

No word from him on whether any of the 2 million Israeli Arabs would get to stay. I guess it depends on whether they were IDF or not. So Bedouins, Druze and some Christian and Muslim Arab Israelis would also have to be killed or “decolonized.” (Even if he objected, you can bet the new Hamas government would still carry that out).

Crack’s about as useless in advising on that situation over there as a Hutu advising a Tutsi - just before cheering on the Rwandan genocide. Just complete garbage, totally not worth listening to. His “justice” is about the law of doing whatever it takes to restore pride to low self-esteem people. So of course mass rape and the like is just how it goes in cases like that.

Jon Burack said...

I see a lot of lecturing of Crack here. I did it myself a couple of times earlier. He ignored by 100 percent the corrections I tried to make in his near totally wrong ideas about the history of the Jews and others in the Jewish national home. It really isn't worth it to go on with the effort, however.

What is astounding in all this is the powerful triumph of simplistic narrative over any actual effort at historical understanding. History is in fact NOT a narrative of any kind. There is no "story." The patterns are a vast, complex puzzle that shifts over time, constantly re-arranging itself. In this case, the dominant narrative substituting for this appears to be 1. Someone else lived there. 2. The Jews waltzed in and kicked them out. 3. The displaced are fighting back. It is wrong in every particular. But in the age of DEI especially, history has been murdered, narrative (especially all manner of anti-Western narrative) controls. The issue is not how do you argue people out of their narrative by referring to evidence. It just doesn't work. As the saying goes, you alter your own views after getting "mugged by reality." Only then, will you do the work to take on and take down the narrative that has mugged you. October 7 is doing that for some. Sadly, not for others.

Michael K said...


Chauvin and the other officers are responsible for his death by not heeding Floyd's repeated cries that he couldn't breathe. They should immediately have had a medic attend to him.

Does that include the period when he was in the squad car and was complaining he couldn't breathe? You are so transparent, Cook.

Old and slow said...

Wow! I’m agreeing with hpudding today. That is a pleasant surprise.

effinayright said...

Crack, pick up the WHITE courtesy phone.

History and Reality would like to speak to you.

gilbar said...

it was interesting listening to what his his audience laughed at..
"he said Vagina!! heheheh! vagina"
They seemed to have No Idea what he was Actually Saying..
It was sad that he didn't specifically mention "Queers for Free Palestine".. The stupidest of all

hpudding said...

If Crack honestly thinks Einstein had all the right answers on what those criminal evil Zionists were all about, don’t you think he would have accepted the presidency and told them to get packing, the way our settler colonialist (of American land) Crack thinks should have been done?

I think our woke commenter should rename himself: Colony Cleanser Crack.

Go cleanse those colonies, Crack! How many colonials are living in California, at this very moment!? Have you cleansed the land of your own colonial self? I take it you’re not a member of a sovereign Native American Indian tribe, so of course as a matter of justice you need to stop squatting. Which land will you go back to?

California is NOT Crack’s land. He needs to go… “back.”

The Crack Emcee said...

Drago said...

"Somebody ask this hopeleesly ignorant Crack Emcee how much land was literally purchased by Jews,,..."

"When a real and final catastrophe should befall us in Palestine, the first responsible for it would be the British and the second responsible for it the Terrorist organizations [built] up from our own ranks. I am not willing to see anybody associated with those misled and criminal people."

- Albert Einstein, 1948

Jamie said...

"Hang on, Crack. That implies that it'd be cool with you if all the Israeli Jews were exterminated."

That implies nothing of the kind. I care very much that the Jews exist. But, as I've said all along, I don't have a dog in the Palestine fight. So what I said implies I don't give a damn one way or the other if Israel exists as a state. Which is why I think it's a good idea for the Jews to get out of there. In case you haven't noticed, those people want to kill them now.

hpudding said...

"Count me in as willing,..." to call people a lot of names, and spit out a lot of rhetoric, and not put a single link to anything substantive in my entire spiel - while still thinking I'm credible.

"I've got to give you the straight answer: I think Zionism, the idea of building a state of Jewish farmers, on Arab land, in the Middle East, is a stupid idea to begin with; I've always thought that,...I think it's a bad idea. I think it's a messianic idea. I think it's a superstitious idea,...I've always thought it's a silly, messianic, superstitious, nationalist idea - and it's a waste of Judaism."

- Christopher Hitchens, eloquently nailing the Zionists first problem - forcing a bad idea on the world, and the Palestinians, specifically - before getting to what grotesques they're turning themselves into as Jews.

Jamie said...

According to Crack, no one in the world ever lied, murdered or enslaved anyone until whitey taught them to do it.

I've never heard Crack say that. He supports reparations as "payment on a debt," he thinks all white people are racist to some degree but mostly it's annoying now rather than actively oppressive (I'm inferring this one), he hates New Age stuff, in part because his ex-wife's mom died? I think? as a result of relying on homeopathic remedies, and he wants acknowledgement that Palestinians have an understandable grievance against Israel (without explicitly saying that Kansas was justified in the structure they committed on Oct. 7) and that Israel has blood on its hands.

But I don't think he's ever claimed that slavery was unique to white America.

Tina Trent said...

What if Israelis had perpetrated those gleefully barbaric assaults on Palestinians and were now holding Palestinian women and children hostages?

How would the world be reacting? The U.N.? Iran? Biden? Unz and the Voltaire Network? Nation of Islam? The New York Times?

I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be Hillel groups roughing up Palestinian students on American college campuses.

Narr said...

I've argued with hpudding before, so it's only fair to say that his comment at 1240 was spot on.

Many other good points have been made, but I want to note that.

farmgirl said...

“If Einstein were alive today, you can be sure he would be under a barrage of condemnation for being a "self-hating Jew" who "stood with Hamas."”

People can be wrong.
People with humility can admit when they are wrong.

I believe Einstein would be this type of person.

I also think Mahar proves the adage: “nature over nurture”.
Or, maybe: “blood is thicker than water”.

Jamie said...

I know that Zionism is a just cause and that Palestinian collectivism is wrong because the former is not weakened by self-correction, whereas the latter is.

And all the rest of hpudding's 12:40 comment*.

Pudd'n, I'm sure I'm going to go back to disagreeing with you about everything else once we get back to other subjects, but this was strong.

*maybe not the couple of insults, to the extent that they got personal rather than addressing positions

mikee said...

Are lapsed Muslims still OK to kill infidels with impunity, religion-wise? Asking because the expansionist Caliphate Muslims brought a lot of their civ to the West, from Math to Coffee, at least, and we lapsed Catholics aren'tallowed to Crusade any more, despite our ancestral heritage from divine right of kings to studious monastic orders.

The Crack Emcee said...

I know people understand there has been disagreement about Palestine since before Israel was born. And they know you don't have to be an antisemite to disagree about Israel. So why call everyone who voices that disagreement an antisemite? Is that helpful? Why keep deciding that "decapitated babies" is somehow now Israel's trump card, or should be considered your personal winning argument? I think the reason they do it is because some people never realized just how much disagreement there is about it. But is calling everyone an antisemite, or screaming "decapitated babies" going to change that disagreement? No, you just look like a lunatic. You look like you think Americans took a pledge of allegiance to Israel. Which we most certainly did not. I really don't remember anybody ever even talking to us about it (Lots of hit movies about the Holocaust, not one about the founding of Israel). So maybe we don't like the hold the Israeli Lobby has on Washington. Maybe we don't like how our tax dollars are being spent over there. Maybe, at this point, we don't like the idea of slaughtering Palestinians no matter what they do. Maybe we've always thought the whole thing was a pipe dream. And on and on and on. None of those things imply hating the Jews. They imply not feeling like you're told to feel. Not even by you. So, unless you can present some evidence that I'll find compelling, save your name calling because you're not changing anybody's mind.

The fact there's a war going on is getting people twisted, and that only makes things worse.

gspencer said...

C.A.D. Builders of Canton

Bender said...

Judaism as practiced today

Jews are a people, not a practice. Whatever the practices of some of them were, whether they were faithful to the Covenant or not, is irrelevant. As a people, they have lived on that land for thousands of years.

Candide said...

Another recital of the old canard that "Western civilization is what gave the world pretty much every goddamn liberal precept that liberals are supposed to adore."

The strange thing is that any European in 17 century wouldn't recognize any of these "liberal precepts". Since the fall of Rome and until early 1700, Europe was a domain of oppressive religious absolutism and feudal hierarchy. The ideas of tolerance and personal freedoms were exported into Europe from outside world, Asia and Americas. These ideas were made popular by Enlightenment philosophes, who developed the whole genre of criticizing early 18 century European institutions by ridiculing them from the point of view of North American savages, Persian travelers or Indian sages. The standard plot was that a visitor from outside of 'Western' world comes in contact with 'Western' life and lays waste to all 'Western' oppression, cruelty and obscurantism. Enlightenment project was directed ONTO Europe, to shame Europeans into becoming more tolerant, free-thinking and educated. There never was a 'Western' sage educating the Natives, there were always Asian and American sages demonstrating to European audiences how cruel and oppressive the 'Western' system is. That was the whole point of Enlightenment project.

Eventually enough Europeans internalized this message and then acted upon it. Naturally, being fanatical warriors for centuries Europeans proceeded to go on rampage for the new secular 'Enlightened' values, producing such humanitarian disasters as French and Russian revolutions and German 3rd Reich.

Of course, other World peoples were also targeted to receive the new-found 'Western Civ' values. Up to this day, it never occurs to 'Western Civ' warriors that perhaps the reason other cultures do not enthusiastically take to 'Western' values is not that they are ignorant of them but because they developed these ideas long time ago, explored their advantages and disadvantages and learned to use them in moderation.

Jim at said...

Chauvin and the other officers are responsible for his death by not heeding Floyd's repeated cries that he couldn't breathe. They should immediately have had a medic attend to him.

1. If you say you can't breathe? Guess what. You can breathe.
2. The medics were delayed by the mob surrounding the scene. If you want to blame anyone for his death - besides Floyd - blame those goons.

The Crack Emcee said...

Rand Paul and Pat Buchanan sure do sound like they hated Western Civilization

The Crack Emcee said...

Rosalyn C. said...

"Einstein was definitely a Zionist and misreading a letter is not evidence of the contrary."

You saying something, with no evidence to back it up, also isn't evidence of anything.

And bombing the King David hotel is terrorism - by the Zionists - in 1946.

The Crack Emcee said...

Jon Burack said...

"I see a lot of lecturing of Crack here. I did it myself a couple of times earlier. He ignored by 100 percent the corrections I tried to make in his near totally wrong ideas about the history of the Jews and others in the Jewish national home."

How many times do I have to tell you guys to put links to evidence of what you say or I don't give a damn what you say?

James K said...

Quaestor: 3000 years stretches the claim beyond what science and history can sustain.... What we have from archeology doesn't support a distinct monotheistic Jewish identity before about 800 B.C.

So at least 2800 years? 3,000 isn't much of a "stretch" then, is it? In fact there is some archaeological evidence of David's reign going back to the tenth century B.C.

Crack, besides ignoring the fact that Jews had lived there in larger or smaller numbers the entire time, whereas Arabs in fact were the interlopers (many migrating there after the Jews began makng the desert bloom in the late 18th century), seems unaware of the 800,000 or so Jews forced from their homes in surrounding Arab countries (Iraq, Syria, Yemen, etc.) in the 1930s and 40s, dispossessed of their property and everything they couldn't carry with them. And of course the Arabs rejected having their own state at least four times, including 1948, choosing instead to try to annihilate the Jews. But go ahead, keep thinking Jews threw the first punch.

The Crack Emcee said...

Jamie said...

According to Crack, no one in the world ever lied, murdered or enslaved anyone until whitey taught them to do it.

I've never heard Crack say that. He supports reparations as "payment on a debt," he thinks all white people are racist to some degree but mostly it's annoying now rather than actively oppressive (I'm inferring this one), he hates New Age stuff, in part because his ex-wife's mom died? I think? as a result of relying on homeopathic remedies, and he wants acknowledgement that Palestinians have an understandable grievance against Israel (without explicitly saying that Hamas was justified in the structure they committed on Oct. 7) and that Israel has blood on its hands.

But I don't think he's ever claimed that slavery was unique to white America.

Good Job, Jamie. Yes, my mother-in-law died - painfully - using homeopathy in France.

Jon Ericson said...

Helpful definitions. From Instapundit

THE WOKE DICTIONARY, ISRAEL-HAMAS EDITION: To follow the debate, you need to understand that words and phrases lose their ordinary meanings in favor of Orwellian ones when used by the woke. Thus:

Israeli occupation of Gaza before 10/7: Not a single Israeli soldier or civilian in Gaza

Indiscriminate bombing” Any bombing by Israel. Even the most precision bombing by Israel is always “indiscriminate.”

Innocent civilians: Any Palestinians, including armed terrorists.

The resistance: Armed terrorists.

Settlers: All Israelis.

Colonialists: See settlers.

Genocide: Any military action taken by Israel. Also, Israel just existing.

War Crime: See Genocide.

Posted at 5:05 pm by David Bernstein

The Crack Emcee said...

Show me the primer Americans got on the history of Israel. Show me where we were even taught the issues.

This expectation that everyone's gonna think the same, or else they're dumb and evil - about something hardly talked about - is just amazing.

Harun said...

Yes, there is a movie about the founding of Israel, and probably more than one.

Drago said...

Crack Emcee: "This expectation that everyone's gonna think the same, or else they're dumb and evil - about something hardly talked about - is just amazing."

You are quite dumb when it comes to this subject. Quite.

And nothing is going to change that.

The Crack Emcee said...

James K said...

"Crack, besides ignoring the fact that Jews had lived there in larger or smaller numbers the entire time,..."

That's either your first mistake or your first lie. I haven't ignored anything. I don't have a reason to ignore anything. The fact that you address me this way says to me that you're talking in bad faith.

"Arabs in fact were the interlopers"

And here we have another person who doesn't know how to put a link to information backing what he says, making himself look silly because he has no evidence.

"[Crack] seems unaware of the 800,000 or so Jews forced from their homes in surrounding Arab countries (Iraq, Syria, Yemen, etc.) in the 1930s and 40s, dispossessed of their property and everything they couldn't carry with them."

How you make that the problem of, or associate that with, the Palestinians - in any way - I don't know. Except they're all Arabs. But that's how a racist would think. You're not a racist, are you?

"And of course the Arabs rejected having their own state at least four times, including 1948, choosing instead to try to annihilate the Jews."

You guys keep acting like being offered a piece of your land is a great deal when it's all your land.

"But go ahead, keep thinking Jews threw the first punch."

I will as long as you guys keep talking without linking to any practical information. If you think "take my word for it" is a winning argument then you're crazy.

Drago said...

"According to Crack, no one in the world ever lied, murdered or enslaved anyone until whitey taught them to do it."

Jamie: "'ve never heard Crack say that."

Crack explicitly said that...and he was called out for it.

Note: He has never retracted that idiotic, stupid claim.

At this point I suspect he never will. In which case he'll have to wear it, permanently.

Big Mike said...

And they know you don't have to be an antisemite to disagree about Israel.

There is no practical difference between anti-Zionism and antisemitism. Being cool with raped and tortured and murdered women, and, yes, decapitated babies marks you as an antisemite. Decent human beings are repelled by the actions of Hamas, and don’t try to excuse them with phony excuses pointing back 75 years.

So why call everyone who voices that disagreement an antisemite? Is that helpful?

It’s clarifying.

(Lots of hit movies about the Holocaust, not one about the founding of Israel).

Obviously unaware of movies like “Exodus,” directed by an unknown director named Otto Preminger and starring a bunch of nobodies like Paul Newman, Sir Ralph Richardson, and Eva Marie Saint. It was only nominated for three Oscars (winning one). Also “Cast a Giant Shadow,” another minor movie featuring unknown actors like Kirk Douglas, Senta Berger, Yul Brynner, John Wayne, Frank Sinatra and Angie Dickinson.

Maybe, at this point, we don't like the idea of slaughtering Palestinians no matter what they do.

How does Israel prevent future recurrences of October 7th without slaughtering Palestinians? If there was a way to do that without killing anyone, I have reason to believe that they’d do it. Hamas, Hezbollah, and the mad mullahs of Iran call for a war of annihilation; Israel must respond in kind.

So, unless you can present some evidence that I'll find compelling, save your name calling because you're not changing anybody's mind.

I’m not trying to change that thing you jokingly call a mind. I laugh at you. You try to protest that you are neither dumb nor evil. You are both, but especially you are evil.

Harun said...

Another Holywood movie about the creation of Israel:

So, claiming no movies were made isn't true.

The Crack Emcee said...

"The Zionists, particularly, were against anything that is to be done if they couldn't have the whole of Palestine, and everything handed to them on a silver plate."

- President Harry Truman, who grew to dislike both sides involved in the Palestinian issue, 1948.

Drago said...

Lets try this again:

Somebody ask this hopelessly ignorant Crack Emcee how much land was literally purchased by Jews, usually at far above market prices, from Ottoman Turks from the 1880's all the way to 1947 (the transactions and deeds were maintained by the Jewish agencies) and the Brits under the Mandate.

Go ahead Crack. Go and do a little digging on this one.

Of course you wont. It's the kind of historical fact your simplistic and abistorical oppressor/oppressed framework wont allow you to answer.

Par for the course.

hpudding said...

Wow! I’m agreeing with hpudding today. That is a pleasant surprise.

You guys are going to have lots of allies. You too, Jamie. If the wokesters want to go full-throated in with Hamas then the American left will lose - big time. George Washington welcomed Jews into American life and if Crack thinks that kicking them out of the Middle East is a good idea because he identifies with the politics of barbaric losers who can’t govern a circle jerk, then he can cry oh woe is me with them until his lungs give out. Or until they exact their methods of October the 7th on him. They’re a bit indiscriminate that way - I guess that appeals to his sense of equality!

We will never let the American presidency go Islamist or anything close to it. There is an added element here of the imperial Islamic-supremacist nuclear theocracy of Iran being the only state actor willing to do what Crack wants. Not even the Saudis support that. The Chinese and Russians want to help them, though. So it is clear where the global lines are being drawn, similar to 90 years ago. This is just a third-world version of the evils Europe went through then. It’s freakish but clear how the interests and sympathies of a free west will align. Crack doesn’t know anything about that though because he’s not a free man. Neither is anyone else trying to push American policy in that direction.

We will never ally ourselves with such mental slaves though, no matter how much the loudmouths cry on college campuses. Their true colors and complete uselessness and intellectual and moral bankruptcy have been revealed. Now their dependent endowments will be also.

Crack is just a man who can’t think for himself, seeking group allegiances in all the wrong places. He did it before with his cults and his lovers’ cults. Now he’s joined the cult of Iranian nuclear blackmail and its “go avenge the settler colonials!” story. He will soon find that there are enough people who love this country and its history and western foundations enough to see right through that fascist Iranian-Palestinian BS. This is essentially an axis of the same morons who lost at Salamis and their pet heirs to the Barbary Wars. Let Crack join them and intellectually bankrupt his sorry cult-following self with them. Same goes for any other American who wants to go down that dark path - politically or otherwise.

Drago said...

Crack Emcee: "Show me the primer Americans got on the history of Israel."

There never was a "primer" on this subject.

Many of us simply were interested from a very young age to dig in and research and delve deeply into the critically important history of this region from many different viewpoints.

Which is why your shallow, "just got here", superficial and transparently false "hot takes" are so easily recognized and discarded.

So now you want what? A mythical single source, easy to consume article/video to help bring you up to speed, bypassing decades of reading and learning and thinking?

Yeah. Thats not happening. But it is very much on brand for you.

Just stick with regurgitating the BS put out by your 7th century death cult heroes. That's clearly where you are most comfortable.

Rosalyn C. said...
“… Einstein wanted was a homeland in which Jewish culture, ethics, and intellectual life might flourish; what he did not want was a state, with an army, interests, and endless strife. When the State of Israel was declared six years later, Einstein’s attitude had changed. Although he had never considered the idea of a state a good one, once Israel was established, there was no going back. “One has to fight it out,” he said. He didn’t say the Jews shouldn’t be there or should go back to where they came from — the anti-Zionist creed.
This may be too sophisticated for some people to understand. While Einstein had his reservations he most certainly supported the right of Jews to live in Israel. Trying to use him to argue against Jews’ connection to and right to live in Israel is a false and vicious claim. It’s sickening the lengths some people will go to to deny the legitimacy of the Jewish state of Israel.

hpudding said...

How many times do I have to tell you guys to put links to evidence of what you say or I don't give a damn what you say?

You don’t link to evidence. You link to loudmouths spewing opinions that you find attractive. Similar to how media used to work in the Middle East.

What’s hilarious is that you’ll never read a link to what any current Palestinian leaders or the people sponsoring them have to say. Or even what they had to say back then. (Haj Amin Husseini? Lol). But you are pretty obsessed with misinterpreting what a Jewish physicist said from way back when.

But we get it. If you linked to what Hamas or Iran are actually doing then it would ruin your narrative of a Palestinian land-slave revolt. You think Ghazi Hamad and Yahya Sinwar are John Brown. No, these mass rapes and kidnapping won’t liberate you. Neither will denying and revoking Jewish land claims halfway across the world.

If you want Israel to fall to the East and think it’s in America’s interest to do so, just say that. Or if you’re just afraid of whoever’s behind these actions in Iran and their nukes. But you’ve got to stop beating around the bush with this pretension to caring about justice. BS is never good.

The Crack Emcee said...

I'm an American. Guess what "we were taught" more about than the history of Israel?

"Remember those figures when it's time to take a test!"

Drago said...

Interesting factoid: the entire muslim world and all muslim nations are in universal agreement on just 1 thing: none of them is willing to take in a single "Palestinian" from Gaza.

Not a single one.

The Crack Emcee said...

Zelensky TERRIFIED Ukraine Is Being Abandoned For Israel!

hpudding said...

Which is why I think it's a good idea for the Jews to get out of there. In case you haven't noticed, those people want to kill them now.

And fifty years ago. And 75 years ago. And hundreds of years ago. Ad infinitum ad nauseam. What’s your point? That Hitler wouldn’t have enslaved and conquered Europe if Jews weren’t there? Megalomaniacal psychopaths always have psychotic demands.

hpudding said...

"Count me in as willing,..." to call people a lot of names, and spit out a lot of rhetoric,

Do you want to expel the Ethiopian Israelis too or not? Just answer honestly. I realize 164,000 is more than you have room to host in your hovel but I’m sure you’ll say it’s someone else’s problem anyway.

Big Mike said...

Clarity from Portugal’s President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa speaking to an ambassador from Palestine:

de Sousa: “Radicalism creates an ambiance of radicalism, and this time the radicalism started from some Palestinians.”

Palestinian ambassador: “That’s not an excuse for [the] reaction, it was brutal.”

de Sousa: “I know, I know you blame the Israelis, but this time someone from your side started it. The Palestinian side started it. You can’t blame Israel, you shouldn’t have started it.”

The Crack Emcee said...

Think about the words "Western Civilization" as you listen to the horrible history of Haiti.

Jamie said...

Jamie said...

"Hang on, Crack. That implies that it'd be cool with you if all the Israeli Jews were exterminated."

And then you said, "That implies nothing of the kind."

I have to take exception. I was referring to this:

[I had posted:] "there is no end to this conflict for them that doesn't result in the extermination of the Jews as a 'race.'"

[You responded:] Poppycock. Jews are all over the world.

Which does in fact imply that because Jews are all over the world, if they were to "disappear" from Israel it would not exterminate them as a "race." It's not a long stretch, in these times, to read into that the idea that it wouldn't be so bad if the actual offending Jews, the ones who did the colonizing and oppressing, were to "disappear." And I know, 100%, that's not what you were trying to say.

hpudding said...

Maybe we've always thought the whole thing was a pipe dream.

Ok, I get it. “I don’t have a homeland and neither should they.” Fine.

Just one question: Any other country of ten million or more that you’d demand self-depopulation of? There’s also half trillion $ GDP economy down the drain. And a pillar of Western history. All for the sake of making a mullah with nukes who shouts “Death to America!” and a few thousand fanatics he props up happy. For the sake of the same ideology that started America’s first war in 1801.

And he won’t stop there. He WILL destabilize the rest of the Gulf and who knows where else. So that would be a few trillion more lost out of the global economy.

But Crack thinks the Ayatollah will bring about world peace. Talk about a pipe dream.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“This expectation that everyone's gonna think the same, or else they're dumb and evil - about something hardly talked about - is just amazing.”

Hardly talked about? Inseparable from the Cold War, and then the Muzzie extremism that followed on the heels of that, I’ve heard it talked about regularly my entire life. The disingenuous shuck hasn’t worked for a long time now and, yes, is usually a leading indicator for dumb and/or evil.

James K said...

Show me the primer Americans got on the history of Israel. Show me where we were even taught the issues.

This expectation that everyone's gonna think the same, or else they're dumb and evil - about something hardly talked about - is just amazing.

As Daniel Patrick Moynihan said, everyone's entitled to his own opinion, just not his own facts. If you're not familiar with the history of Israel, try educating yourself. That's what I did. And maybe suspend judgment until then.

The Crack Emcee said...

More on Western Civilization and the horrible horrors of Haiti

JAORE said...

"Chauvin had taken his knee of the neck of the manacled and subdued George Floyd a minute or three sooner than the nearly ten minutes that was the case, Chauvin and the other officers are responsible for his death by not heeding Floyd's repeated cries that he couldn't breathe."

So Floyd called out he can't breathe while in the cop car. Got out was subdued on the pavement and for "nearly" ten minutes "repeated cries" that he can't breathe.

Someone above said if you can cry out, "I can't breathe" you ARE breathing.

IIRC the men's record of holding your breath is under 12 minutes. Set by a man after working at this skill for a long time, remaining motionless after a period of specialized breathing techniques. (There are longer times but they include using pure 02.)

Struggling against cops, calling out, no special training? Feh.

The Crack Emcee said...

OUCH: Naomi Wolf - Why I Would Not Move Back to Israel

The Crack Emcee said...

Harun said...

"Yes, there is a movie about the founding of Israel, and probably more than one."

Here we go again. I speak colloquially and I get the entire history of cinema coming back at me. Granted, I probably deserve this one, but you guys assuming I'm as dumb, as you assume I am, is really really tired. Swear to God, y'all are racist.

Of course, I know there have been movies made about the founding of Israel, but, what I meant was, it's not an ongoing concern in cinema. Or Hollywood. Not like the Holocaust.

We're the era of Schindler's List. Most of the people Bill Maher is talking about don't even know they made movies in 1960. So when I said, there are no movies about the founding of Israel, I meant something that a Millennial or Gen X would know.

Again: I probably deserve this one, but y'all are racist.

Big Mike said...

More on Western Civilization and the horrible horrors of Haiti

Take it up with Hillary Clinton. How much money did the Clinton Foundation raise for the relief of Haiti after the 2010 earthquake? How much was spent in Haiti?

The Crack Emcee said...

Big Mike said...

"There is no practical difference between anti-Zionism and antisemitism."

You're an idiot.

The Crack Emcee said...

hpudding said...

"You don’t link to evidence. You link to loudmouths spewing opinions that you find attractive."

That's a nice attempt at an out, but it still doesn't explain why you don't link to anything.

The Crack Emcee said...

hpudding said...
Which is why I think it's a good idea for the Jews to get out of there. In case you haven't noticed, those people want to kill them now.

And fifty years ago. And 75 years ago. And hundreds of years ago. Ad infinitum ad nauseam. What’s your point? That Hitler wouldn’t have enslaved and conquered Europe if Jews weren’t there?

No, but - if people wanting to kill you isn't the issue - you might as well have stayed in Germany.

The Crack Emcee said...

Big Mike said...

“I know, I know you blame the Israelis, but this time someone from your side started it. The Palestinian side started it. You can’t blame Israel, you shouldn’t have started it.”

Einstein said, if there's trouble, you blame the British and the Zionists. Not who started it "this time."

Oligonicella said...

The Crack Emcee:
How many times do I have to tell you guys to put links to evidence of what you say or I don't give a damn what you say?

I did that. Supplied you with a link to an interview of someone with intimate knowledge against Hamas and what was the very first thing you did?

You didn't examine it, just said I was dumb for linking to a Hamas spokesman as if I cross-linked the subject.

How do I know that? You were immediately called out on that, informing you of your "error".
I don't think you ever responded to that, much less corrected your attempted besmirching.

Not to mention the lies about a certain novel you refused to back up and, no, that video didn't support your lies.

The Crack Emcee said...

Jamie said...

"I know, 100%, that's not what you were trying to say."

No, It's not. I'm like Trump: I don't have a side - I want the killing to stop. I don't want anyone to "disappear." I don't want any race to be exterminated. I just don't think taking advantage of the Palestinians, because they're more "backward" than the Zionists, is anymore right than what happened to Indians here. The Palestinians got out-foxxed politically just as the United States broke every treaty we made with the indians. That's Western Civilization, too.

And it's nothing to be proud of.

The Crack Emcee said...

hpudding said...

"Just one question: Any other country of ten million or more that you’d demand self-depopulation of?"

I didn't demand anything. See how you re-formulate things into a negative outlook? I said it like the people of Israel should give it a thought. You turned it into a demand. I'm not you. I don't think in those terms. Do you want to kill the Palestinians. That's the kind of person you are. You make demands. Not me.

"Crack thinks the Ayatollah will bring about world peace."

Crack served in the United States Navy on the USS Kilauea in the Red Sea during the Iranian Hostage Crisis. I think he knows a little bit more about the Ayatollah than you do about either of us.

The Crack Emcee said...

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Hardly talked about? Inseparable from the Cold War, and then the Muzzie extremism that followed on the heels of that, I’ve heard it talked about regularly my entire life."

I hear about the individual things that happen in Israel, but how it connects to anything, no. The history? That's hardly talked about and you know it. There's definitely no critical eye put to it. I'm not the first person to re-read the history and run back and have to look at things because of October 7. The expectation that anybody is going to accept the hero narrative nowadays is insane.

The Crack Emcee said...

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Hardly talked about? Inseparable from the Cold War, and then the Muzzie extremism that followed on the heels of that, I’ve heard it talked about regularly my entire life."

I hear about the individual things that happen in Israel, but how it connects to anything, no. The history? That's hardly talked about and you know it. There's definitely no critical eye put to it. I'm not the first person to re-read the history and run back and have to look at things because of October 7. The expectation that anybody is going to accept the hero narrative nowadays is insane.

The Crack Emcee said...

Oligonicella said...

"You didn't examine it, just said I was dumb for linking to a Hamas spokesman as if I cross-linked the subject."

I don't take you seriously. You are just an attack dog to me. I've done nothing to you, but you've been calling me names and on my ass since I got here. I am assuming you're jealous or something. Whatever. I don't like you. Go away.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

The Crack Emcee,

We're the era of Schindler's List.

Crack, Schindler's List was thirty years ago. Really; you could look it up. On, say, Wikipedia, which so far as I can recall wasn't even a thing thirty years ago.

Name another Holocaust blockbuster, please. Preferably one from this century.

SteveWe said...

The history of Haiti won't save you here, Crack.

hpudding said...

I think he knows a little bit more about the Ayatollah than you do about either of us.

Good. Then go ahead and tell everyone what you think they’re getting wrong about him and his “leadership” of the great Palestinian Freedom Rape of 2023 and the conflagration it kicked off, before it kicked off your Rodney King’ing of the situation.

Narr said...

Candide twists his point--the Wise Foreigner observing the absurdities of European civilization tropes weren't based on the realities of non-European societies but on idealizations and desires. What did men like Voltaire actually know about Persia or the American indigenes?

Not enough to observe among them high levels of peace, prosperity, and learning.

And isn't it curious that these Enlightenment writers had some expectation that Europeans would react positively to criticisms of their religions and practices, presented as if by heathens and savages? How far would they have got at the court of the Great Mogul, or the Sultan of Oman?

It may be the case that non-Europeans fell behind Europe because of the former's highly successful civilizations and cultures--in which literacy was virtually unknown and warfare, slavery and oppression widespread--but I have my doubts.

Western Civ is the Revolutionary Civilization par excellence.

Up the Revolution.

Narr said...

"If experience made a general, there are two mules in Prinz Eugen's army who should be promoted right away." Attributed to Fredrick the Great, Noted Militarist.

Oligonicella said...

It's getting close.

hpudding said...

…you don't link to anything.

I’ve wanted to link to videos like you do, but I think the HTML protocols changed.

My thoughts are my own. I don’t need to parrot other people’s opinions. If I reference something or someone - I do do so directly. Anyone can look up any specific people or events I mention. It’s not my job to educate the world. If someone isn’t interested in finding something out about the things I refer to, then I’m not interested in stealing an opinion for them to swallow. Others can do that… or not. I don’t like dialoguing with the ignorant or uneducable.

Immanuel Rant said...

(1) The amount of land actually purchased in modern-day Israel by people wanting to move there in DECADES prior to 1947 was not insignificant. While it has been more than 15 years since I looked over those figures, it was startling. Why those persons and their descendants are brushed over as colonialists I can't . . . well, I won't say.

(2) There is a huge number of people that had been subject to pogroms or were other wise driven out of their own homelands only a few years after the horrors of the Nazis. They looked to the UN's decision in 1947 as a lifeline that gave them a chance after decades of uncertainty - up to and including the rounding up of their families and a brutal end.

Do the Palestinians have legitimate complaints about the UN partition? I think so, absolutely.

Is it a valid expression of that to kill, rape, and kidnap civilians - including killing babies - to make that point after decades of people trying to negotiate a solution? No. Jesus, no.

And the proposed solution: make the Jews move again?

- where? They were drive from their original homes. They were butchered by the millions. Just where is anyone proposing they go THIS TIME?

Maynard said...

Engaging Crack's nonsense puts him in a manic state where he bombs the thread and makes increasingly nonsensical arguments.

hpudding said...

”There is no practical difference between anti-Zionism and antisemitism."

You're an idiot.

Oooh. Impressive rebuttal.

Antisemitism is a dislike of Jews, and anti-Zionism is the belief that they should be deprived of a national right to self-determination as a people.

Some do this because they harbor a strange religious belief that a messiah will usher in a Jewish theocracy. That might not be antisemitic but it’s pretty demented and obviously impractical. Also not sure how it’s respectful of Palestinian rights which would obviously not exist either under said theocracy.

Some people believe that nations shouldn’t exist anyway. So being an anarchist isn’t antisemitic but again, it’s pretty detached from reality.

The rest believe Jews should have no political right to self-determination because they’re either antisemitic or afraid of making antisemites like the Ayatollah and his proxies in Palestine and/or elsewhere really upset. Islam designates Jews (and Christians) as “dhimmis” who are second-class citizens that need to pay a tax to not be killed within “Muslim lands.”

This is part of the Hamas belief system and what most people in the Mideast have historically found to be a sensible position. It put Muslim rulers in a bind though because it’s hard to spread hatred of the old scapegoat if the capital you extort out of them has to flee the violent massacres that your religion requires your leadership to occasionally unleash on them.

Narr said...

What on Althouse is more New Age than whining about cults stealing your gal and demanding that everyone else back up their statements with links?

I was reading Mearsheimer and Walt back when they were oh-so-realistically suggesting that we not be so beastly to the Soviets. Right or wrong, they are predictable.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Pro-Palestinians are skipping past the 1400 slaughtered. the kidnapped that remain in hell captivity. Children.

chickelit said...

Jamie wrote: I forget myself. For you, Crack, it never seems to be about the possible; it's about the grievance.

Well put. For Crack, grievance isn’t everything-it’s the only thing.

James K said...

Crack, no one here is under any obligation to educate you. Do your own damn research. But having said that, why don't you start here:

Did Israel Steal Palestinian Land?.

Oligonicella said...

The Crack Emcee:
I've done nothing to you,


but you've been calling me names

You mean like you're calling anyone and everyone here "moron"?

and on my ass since I got here.

Pointing out lies is not on your ass.

Go away.

Nope. Thought you were ignoring me.

effinayright said...

Crack said: "You look like you think Americans took a pledge of allegiance to Israel. Which we most certainly did not. I really don't remember anybody ever even talking to us about it"

Crack, the US has many allies, but has never taken a Pledge of Allegiance to any of them.

That's a straw man argument, to the nth.

But we do have a number of Security Agreements with Israel:

"Steadfast support for Israel’s security has been a cornerstone of American foreign policy for every U.S. Administration since the presidency of Harry S. Truman. Since its founding in 1948, the United States has provided Israel with over $130 billion in bilateral assistance focused on addressing new and complex security threats, bridging Israel’s capability gaps through security assistance and cooperation, increasing interoperability through joint exercises, and helping Israel maintain its Qualitative Military Edge (QME)."

Meanwhile, your beloved Palestinians have been thrown out of Egypt, Kuwait and Jordan for being seditious parties; in Jordan they even tried to overthrow the government.

If the Arabs don't want anything to do with them, why should anyone bleat, mewl and pule about how downtrodden and oppressed they are?

They mad their bed, now they can lie in it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Stop stealing Hitler's big ideas.

effinayright said...

"Crack served in the United States Navy on the USS Kilauea in the Red Sea during the Iranian Hostage Crisis. I think he knows a little bit more about the Ayatollah than you do about either of us."
SNORT. Tens, even hundreds, of thousands of US servicemen and women have served in the Middle East over the last fifty years, some going back all the way to the 1950's.

Are you claiming they ALL agree with YOU? Are you also claiming you KNOW hpudding's history, education and "lived experiences"?

You have stepped into the fallcious dogshit called "credentialism".


You better ansawer that WHITE Courtesy Phone, STAT.

Darleen said...

Anti-Zionism = Anti-Semitism.

Israel is the World's Jew. A person that is to be the scapegoat for any ill, real or imagined, by the Jewhaters. Israel is held to different standards than any other country. There'd be no question if the whole city of Diamond Bar, California (pop 55K) were wiped out in an afternoon, of a violent and devastating counter-attack. Especially if the barbarity of the attacks on men, women, children was about slaughtering in the most horrendous way possible, with babies yanked from women's slit-open wombs, females of all ages raped with such ferocity that their pelvises were shattered and even guest foreign workers were hacked to death with garden implements.

Natan Sharansky wrote:

"The Jewish state is no more the cause of anti-Semitism today than the absence of a Jewish state was its cause a century ago.

To see why, we must first appreciate that the always specious line between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism has now become completely blurred: Israel has effectively become the world’s Jew. From Middle Eastern mosques, the bloodcurdling cry is not “Death to the Israelis,” but “Death to the Jews.” "

And we see all that in the pro-terrorist rallies of Hitler Youth on college campuses and in DC. Screams of "intifada" "From river to sea" "Death to Jews" "Gas the Jews" heard over and over.

Fakestinians can get bent. It ain't their land, 3K years ago or now.

Drago said...

"Crack served in the United States Navy on the USS Kilauea in the Red Sea during the Iranian Hostage Crisis. I think he knows a little bit more about the Ayatollah than you do about either of us."


Just because you were a swabbie on a resupply ship in the ME for a few months you think that somehow means you know jack squat about ME history and the Ayatollah?

Too funny.

Oligonicella said...

template for linking video:

{a href="xxxx"}yyyy{/a}

Replace the { and } with less than and greater than symbols, the xxxx with the url of the video and the yyyy with some descriptive text.

You do a preview and test the link.

This link to a discussion on the Israel/Gaza territories was just done that way.

Good, serious discussion with lot of info.

Big Mike said...

Big Mike said...

“I know, I know you blame the Israelis, but this time someone from your side started it. The Palestinian side started it. You can’t blame Israel, you shouldn’t have started it.”

Improve your reading skills, Crack. I didn’t say that — Portugal’s President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa said it, brushing off the Palestinian ambassador to his country.

Big Mike said...

And Crack should quit pointing to Albert Einstein as if he never made a mistake. Famously, he rejected quantum mechanics when it was still a new area of nuclear physics research, thundering “God does not play at dice.” Niels Bohr had to set him straight. Einstein treated the theoretical construct known as quantum entanglement as “proof” that quantum mechanics could not be correct, but we now know experimentally that quantum entanglement is a real phenomenon.

Big Mike said...

So when we point out that the ignorant black guy is ignorant, that makes us racists? Just more ignorance from the person who insists that it’s okay for Gazans (not just Hamas — ordinary Palestinians participated in the atrocities of October 7th) to murder babies as well as rape, torture, and murder young women because of alleged oppression, but, by the way, his support for raping and murdering Jewish women and murdering Jewish babies does not make him an antisemite.

The Crack Emcee said...

hpudding said...

Maybe we've always thought the whole thing was a pipe dream.

Ok, I get it. “I don’t have a homeland and neither should they.” Fine.

No, you don't get it. You just made a wrong assumption and ran with it. "Maybe" means "maybe" - there's nothing definitive there for you to "get". But you did. You "got" something. But, whatever it is, ii ain't anything I said. It's shit your twisted brain made-up. Because I didn't say anything.

If white people function like this all the time - just making assumptions and running away with them without confirmation - then I "get" how they fucked up, through history, and ended up killing so many innocent people that did nothing to them. Taking a "maybe" as a threat and shit. That's a pretty extreme mental process you've got going on over there.

The Crack Emcee said...

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

"Crack, Schindler's List was thirty years ago."

You seen any movies released - even one - about the founding of Israel since then?

The Crack Emcee said...

SteveWe said...

"The history of Haiti won't save you here, Crack."

This is not a church. No one's being saved. it's a blog as a salon. So people are supposed to be persuading one another. Look at your comment and tell me that's sincerely what you're trying to do.

The topic is Western Civilization. What the west did to Haiti, for achieving her freedom, is as good an example of it as we can get. Because we can point to every achievement the west has made in the modern world, from the Internet and the moon landing to the green revolution and helicopters on Mars, and be certain - the whole time - the western powers were making an extra effort to be sure and grind those specific black people down into the dirt. That's always been a part of it. Since 1804. Now. Let your chest swell with pride over that, and remember, wherever our military goes, we are threatening to bring some of that to them, too. Depending upon our mood.

Seriously, if anyone needs to be saved, y'all need to save yourselves.

The Crack Emcee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Crack Emcee said...

Immanuel Rant said...

(1) "The amount of land actually purchased in modern-day Israel by people wanting to move there in DECADES prior to 1947 was not insignificant."

There are three problems, and none of them have to do with Judaism, or Jews in Palestine, even: 1) the Zionists conspired to do this 2) the overwhelming number of Zionists, and 3) the ruthless attitude the Zionists came in with, on something the Palestinians never signed UP for. Everyone calls Palestinians "backwards," but that also means that they could be taken advantage of.

(2) "There is a huge number of people that had been subject to pogroms or were other wise driven out of their own homelands only a few years after the horrors of the Nazis. They looked to the UN's decision in 1947 as a lifeline,...."

Yes, but let's not pretend politics doesn't exist. Zionists were part of the British government. That gave them a leg up over the Palestinians. That's an unequal power differential that shouldn't be overlooked when seeking justice. The Palestinians had been seeking independence before the Zionists showed up. Their ambitions got thwarted by political betrayal.

"Do the Palestinians have legitimate complaints about the UN partition? I think so, absolutely."

That's all anybody has to say. The Palestinians have a righteous beef. It's pretending they don't that makes it so maddening.

"Is it a valid expression of that to kill, rape, and kidnap civilians - including killing babies - to make that point after decades of people trying to negotiate a solution? No. Jesus, no."

I agree - 100%. But it's not happening to me. I'm not living in a rubble-strewn city. I'm not getting bombed. My family members aren't dead. My land wasn't taken. I'm not the one in a struggle against what appears to be the entire fucking world. I have no idea what that feels like, especially when you stretch it over 75 or 100 years. I think it's arrogant to suggest that people wouldn't or shouldn't be filled with hatred. How those emotions would be expressed legitimately. I couldn't say. I wouldn't do it. But I live in the United States. In relative comfort, compared. I know what it feels like to have my neighborhood overrun by Mexicans. Fortunately, I'm not really attached to the ghetto. If I was, I don't know how I'd feel.

"And the proposed solution: make the Jews move again?"

Or a one state solution based on the truth. A two state solution based on lies will not work, so the Zionists should either leave voluntarily, like Naomi Wolf did, or they can have a "come to Jesus" moment and try to honestly get along with their neighbors. If killing and pushing them around is, really, the only way they can imagine surviving there, then logic and decency say they really ought to go.

"Where? They were drive from their original homes. They were butchered by the millions. Just where is anyone proposing they go THIS TIME?"

I don't know. Black people in America seem to survive OK without our own land. We're not exactly beloved. I know that's not an answer, but the slave experience is the slave experience. It's jumbles up everything, and those who are even the historical beneficiaries of it have to make decisions other people don't. I've mentioned many times the pain of not having a homeland. I know the feeling. But I know the answer isn't living where you're not wanted. There's enough room in America to carve out an Israel, I think. Somebody mentioned New Zealand. I'm still not clear why the Zionists turned down Uganda.

The Crack Emcee said...

Maynard said...

"Engaging Crack's nonsense puts him in a manic state where he bombs the thread and makes increasingly nonsensical arguments."

Thank you for your contribution. I was enlightened by it. Anybody else here enlightened by it?

The Crack Emcee said...

hpudding said...

"Antisemitism is a dislike of Jews, and anti-Zionism is the belief that they should be deprived of a national right to self-determination as a people."

I love Jewish people, but I think Zionism is a stupid idea. I'm not alone in that. Trying to build a farming community in the middle of Arab lands in the Middle East is just dumb. And asking for trouble. How that equals to the belief that they should be deprived of a national right to self-determination is a mystery. I think the impulse to frame everything as hate is weak.

The Crack Emcee said...

Narr said...

"I was reading Mearsheimer and Walt back when they were oh-so-realistically suggesting that we not be so beastly to the Soviets. Right or wrong, they are predictable."

I just discovered them. We're losing the war in Ukraine, as Mearsheimer said we would. The book they wrote about the power of the Israeli Lobby seems to be quite intelligent, and offers good advice to the U.S.. There's no good reason for us to treat Israel different from how we treat other nations, or be associated with them when they go on a killing spree. Treat them like everyone else, and when they fuck up, say so. If we don't do that, I don't know how anyone thinks the people in the region wouldn't hate us.

The Crack Emcee said...

Drago said...

"Just because you were a swabbie on a resupply ship in the ME for a few months you think that somehow means you know jack squat about ME history and the Ayatollah?"

You'd be surprised at how much going someplace, and have an experience there, peaks your interest. Actually, you wouldn't. I don't think your brain works.

The Crack Emcee said...

Big Mike said...
Big Mike said...

“I know, I know you blame the Israelis, but this time someone from your side started it. The Palestinian side started it. You can’t blame Israel, you shouldn’t have started it.”

Improve your reading skills, Crack. I didn’t say that — Portugal’s President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa said it, brushing off the Palestinian ambassador to his country.

Improve your reading skills, Mike. I knew that.

The Crack Emcee said...

Big Mike said...

"And Crack should quit pointing to Albert Einstein as if he never made a mistake."

What a lame argument. All I'm saying is he was smarter than both of us, and he was there. He was a Jew, and he was alive at the time, and everybody wanted him on their side. For everything. He knew all the major players. And he considered some of them like Nazis.

Argue that.

The Crack Emcee said...

Big Mike said...

What is with you and murdered babies? You seem to use them as a weapon. The Israelis are murdering babies every time they drop bombs and you're not crying for them. Murdered babies. Jesus.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If Hamas-Palestinian death cult wanted peace, they could have peace.

If Israel stops defending itself - they would be slaughtered.

Rusty said...

If I am to believe that the "Palestinians " are humble peaceful people who, because of the outrages of westrn deplomacy, been forced to make war against their neighbors. Then I must also believe that had no state been declared by the UN the Jews in "Palestine", despite their legael and moral claim to be in "Palestine", must resign themselves to gradual anilhilation. Because even before the state of Israel was declared there had been periodic raids against the Jews living in "Palistine".

Aggie said...

You can always see the start of a trend by following the Ratings Whores. I wouldn't be naive enough to thing Maher really believes these ideas as deeply as it might seem.

JAORE said...

"Proof that you can be. brilliant physicist and not know how to fix a toilet."

In fact there is a pretty strong correlation.

I was, briefly, a physics major. Wooof, those guys are, very predominately, unable to focus on the real world.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Crack - your moral equivalence isn't working. You have nothing to say about those slaughtered by the death cult Hamas-Palestinians. nothing. Vile.
You have nothing to say about the kidnapped children. Again - you are vile.

War is ugly. Innocents die. Hamas chooses to harm innocents. Israel does not, you fool.

I would give Gaza two choices - Hiroshima or Nagasaki. Pick.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Crack - You belong with the White Left Progressive Democrats who align with the Islamic supremacist death cultists.

Does Rashida Tlaib(D) have an eternal victim/Grievance theater chat room? Go there.

Drago said...

Crack Emcee: "You'd be surprised at how much going someplace, and have an experience there, peaks your interest. Actually, you wouldn't. I don't think your brain works."

I am guessing my particular Navy experience vastly exceeds yours in terms of experiences peaking interests.

And you have demonstrated, through your profound ignorance of Middle East history, that spending bit of time at sea near there certainly did not peak your interest to learn anything about the region.

Big Mike said...

@Crack, if you’re cool with murdering babies then we have nothing to discuss.

The Crack Emcee said...

Here was an interesting clash over "decapitated babies" in the media that opened up into larger issues online.

Oligonicella said...


Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I’ve wanted to link to videos like you do, but I think the HTML protocols changed.

Bullshit. It’s been the same simple way for the lifetime of this blog.


I also have violated this rule, and apologize for those lapses, but like gravity and math the rules exist outside and indifferent to our feelings. Resist temptation and the shitbombing will be greatly reduced if not go away altogether. I’m too lazy to separate these two distinct thoughts so if you’ve read this far let me be clear and state unequivocally that the PSA and my brief response to pudding are in no way related and I am explicitly excluding him from the announcement.

We all have to do our part to keep this blog clean.

Paul said...

Maher is slowly being red pilled... as in realty.. Give him time and he will finally say Trump is the better president. But by that time the world will be in WW3 (but not frozen over at all.)

Immanuel Rant said...

How did everyone miss such a simple and easy solution? Just make the Jews move again - because they are not wanted there.

Of course, there are a few details to work out,like - after watching the demonstrations that seem to have thousands of people everywhere celebrating their deliberate murder - just where is it suggested they won't be bothered? Antarctica? The Moon?

And yes, many of the original "colonizers" bought the land they wanted to settle on, but that doesn't count because mysterious "Zionist forces" were at play. Of course deals can't stand when dealing with "Zionist forces." Everyone knows that. Lose your money, lose your land. I've altered our deal. Pray I don't alter it any further. Pray that wherever you choose to go now we don't do it again.

One wonders why blacks in the deep south back in the 50s and 60s didn't just use this simple, easy, and painless solution to their problem - people around don't like you and burn crosses in your lawn? Just move.

One wonders why so many stayed and fought and tried to gain human rights, respect, and recognition for their cause when they could have so easily moved somewhere where they might be wanted.

The Crack Emcee said...

Immanuel Rant said...

"One wonders why blacks in the deep south back in the 50s and 60s didn't just use this simple, easy, and painless solution to their problem - people around don't like you and burn crosses in your lawn? Just move."

You've never heard the Great Migration? How do you think America's cities got filled with blacks? They actually sent people down to the South who told blacks to come up North to work in the factories - where they were wanted.

It's terrible to live in a country filled with people who don't know their own goddamn history.

Immanuel Rant said...

You like telling half a story. So in short (as far as I understand you),those blacks in the South that didn't move deserved whatever they got - just like the Jews deserved 10/7.

But I still have to ask (again): "How did everyone miss such a simple and easy solution? Just make the Jews move again - because they are not wanted there.

Of course, there are a few details to work out,like - after watching the demonstrations that seem to have thousands of people everywhere celebrating their deliberate murder - just where is it suggested they won't be bothered? Antarctica? The Moon?"

- daylight brawl in New York City's Times Square (attacks Jews)
- outdoor diners in Los Angeles were physically attacked by a group carrying Palestinian flags
- Nazi imagery posted on a synagogue in Alaska
- "Gas the Jews" chanted by protesting crowd in Australia
- Cornell University student threatened to stab and rape Jewish students and ‘shoot up’ school
- 70% increase in antisemitic incidents in France between 2020 and 2022
- people carrying Palestinian flags celebrating in the streets of Berlin and London following 10/7
- British parents Jewish faith schools have been advised that their children should remove "obvious religious symbols" while out in public
- a record number of people on-line from all over the globe spreading the most horrific footage filmed by Hamas, proudly, of people being murdered, of people being kidnapped, of people’s dead bodies
- Human rights watch warns antisemitism is on the rise again across Europe. In 2021. Jews in "many European countries" reported an increase in hate incidents and feel increasingly unsafe. Synagogues have been attacked. Jewish cemeteries desecrated. Jewish children bullied in school.
- Anti-Semitic riots in Europe ‘took us back to 1938’ - in 2014
- "Death to Jews," and "Slit Jews’ throats" (Paris)
- "Gas the Jews" (Berlin) (at least they were on brand)
- Assailants shattered the windows of a Rabbis home (the Netherlands)
- "A recent survey suggested France had the highest percentage of residents — 37 percent — who were openly anti-Semitic, reported The Washington Post’s Anthony Faiola. In Italy, one-fifth of the population felt that way; in Germany, more than one-fourth. Other studies also found rising levels of anti-Semitism in other parts of Europe." and "“Over the past few years, levels of anti-Semitism have increased most dramatically in Hungary, the United Kingdom and Spain. . . ." Washington Post July 2014
- "Antisemitic incidents hit a record high in 2021" PBS

Note the vast majority of these stories pre-dated 10/7.

So where do they go? Narnia? Never-Never Land? Rock Candy Mountain?

Immanuel Rant said...

"Meanwhile, Hamas tells the New York Times they want “permanent” war for their political purposes, and designed the October 7 massacres to get one. They envision a state of total war with Israel that will force other Arab nations to join them to destroy Israel and slaughter its Jews."

Hm. Doesn't sound much like moving is going to solve much.