October 11, 2023

"Disentangling race and politics in a situation like this is very, very difficult.... [It would be] breaking new ground in our voting rights jurisprudence."

Said Chief Justice John Roberts.

Quoted in "Justices Poised to Restore Voting Map Ruled a Racial Gerrymander/The case concerned a constitutional puzzle: how to distinguish the roles of race and partisanship in drawing voting maps when Black voters overwhelmingly favor Democrats" (NYT)("The difference matters because the Supreme Court has said that only racial gerrymandering may be challenged in federal court under the Constitution").


Paul said...

Well with 10-14 millions of illegals in the USA.. and even if 10m become citizens then the 40 million blacks in the USA will become.... moot.

See there is 230 million or so whites.. and that will make lots lots more whites and the illegals will take all the blacks jobs... and bummer... gerrymandering will become moot to!

How does that grab ya?

tim maguire said...

Concentrating blacks who vote Democratic would disenfranchise those among them who favor Republicans. Since we have the secret ballot, there is no way of really knowing who favors what.

gilbar said...

can't we just Agree? That each and Every vote, needs to be counted as a democrat vote?
Won't THAT solve everything. Seems like ALL our problems come from letting people decide who will lead them

Dave Begley said...

If Blacks didn’t vote overwhelming for Dems, this wouldn’t be an issue.

Interested to see if Jews abandon the Dems. Rationally, they should.

loudogblog said...

Correlation does not equal causality.

Gospace said...

Dave Begley said...
If Blacks didn’t vote overwhelming for Dems, this wouldn’t be an issue.

Interested to see if Jews abandon the Dems. Rationally, they should
have a long time ago.


Big Mike said...

Interested to see if Jews abandon the Dems. Rationally, they should but they won’t. FIFY, Mr. Begley.

They are so firmly convinced that antisemitism comes strictly from the right that their Democrat precinct captains could be herding them into cattle cars and they.’d still complain about Republicans.

n.n said...

Diversity in democratic gerrymandering.

Narayanan said...

Democrat precinct captains could be herding them into cattle cars
left side doors = acceptable

Political Junkie said...

I would like to see the black vote not be 90% plus D, but I don't see it ever changing. So this issue will always be present.

Lee Moore said...

I have no doubt that black folk do vote very disproportionately for the Dems. But I'm less convinced that the numbers of votes, and disproportion in them, is quite so overwhelming as the vote tallies suggest. The centers of the big cities have been Dem fraudfests since long before 2020. So long that ballot stuffing privilege in black precincts can almost be said to be a constitutional right under the Court's "historical practices" precedent.

Consequently, even if actual black voters get more disenchanted with the Dems, I wouldn't expect the tallies to change much.

Wilbur said...

If you think the Rob Reiner's of this world are ever going to vote for a Republican, you'd better think again.

Enigma said...

@Big Mike: "They are so firmly convinced that antisemitism comes strictly from the right"

The European Jews spent the last thousand years threading the political needle across national borders. They often were bankers, they produced art, they made wine, they populated universities, and they funded orchestras. They were (1) very urbane and into cultured activities and (2) needed to be diplomatic or at least not overtly threatening to the non-Jews around them. Perhaps routine excessive trust and dependence on host nations led to their modest resistance to WW2 ghettos and eventually concentration camps.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The White Left's religion is Trump-hate.. Yeah - they will move on to the next target as soon as one opens up. That's how the hive rolls.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

The case is seriously garbage.

The Democrat claim is that the Republicans gerrymandered based on skin color, not politics

However, to quote Roberts:
And -- and you're trying to -- to carry it without any direct evidence, with no alternative map, with no odd-shaped districts, which we often get in gerrymandering cases, and with a wealth of political data that you're suggesting your friends on the other side would ignore in favor of racial data.

Have we ever had a case like that with that combination? We usually are looking for those sorts of things and we have those. Have
we ever had a case before where all it is is circumstantial evidence?

And the answer is "no".

And the map the "panel" of judges drew up to replace the GOP won was Dem biased. Showing solidly that in fact the original gerrymander was completely political, and the opposition to it is completely political.

MA had 8 House seats 2012 - 2020. in that time they had a GOP Senator and a GOP governor.

But they never had a single GOP House Rep.

So No, the Democrats do not get to complain about GOP political gerrymandering