August 5, 2023

"'If you go after me, I’m coming after you!' Trump wrote in all caps Friday afternoon on Truth Social..."

"The prosecutors said Trump’s post raised concerns that he might improperly share evidence in the case on his social media account and they urged that he be ordered to keep any evidence prosecutors turn over to his defense team from public view. 'All the proposed order seeks to prevent is the improper dissemination or use of discovery materials, including to the public,' [Senior Assistant Special Counsels Molly Gaston and Thomas Windom wrote in a court filing].... 'The Truth post cited is the definition of political speech, and was in response to the RINO, China-loving, dishonest special interest groups and Super PACs, like the ones funded by the Koch brothers and the Club for No Growth,' a Trump spokesperson said in a statement. Smith’s office has not sought a gag order in either of the criminal cases it is pursuing against Trump...."


cassandra lite said...

"And if you say nice things about me, I'll say nice things about you."

Chuck said...

Predicted, in considerable detail, by George Conway six months ago.

Additionally, although searching the link has been cumbersome, Conway predicted that Trump would gradually force his trial judges to ramp up pretrial release orders as Trump raged in public; that Trump would inevitably violate those orders; and that jailing Trump or taking him out of the media would become a practical/legal necessity. Unimaginable, when the defendant is a party's nominee for President in an upcoming election.

The larger point is that none of this is a surprise. Republican leaders could have and should have seen all of this coming, because the faithful Republicans who turned against Trump have been more or less explicitly issuing warnings about it for as long as Trump has been in GOP politics.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Be nice if we could see some mob justice come down hard on the corrupt Soviet Left(D) corruptocrats.

gilbar said...

Obviously, the public can NOT know the details of this show trial! They wouldn't Understand

Jake said...

The transparency advocated by the Government really gives me faith in our criminal justice system.

Wince said...

"If you leak on me, I'm going to leak on you."

MayBee said...

I have every confidence Jack Smith and the Biden DOJ will not overstep and turn this into an even bigger clown show.

(this reminds me of the days when Trump first took office and we were told over and over that the intelligence agencies thought it wasn't safe to share intelligence briefings with Trump. These people are so transparent)

Sebastian said...

"improperly share evidence"

As opposed to progs properly sharing nonevidence during the collusion hoax. Shame on Trump.

Bender said...

'If you go after me, I’m coming after you!'

I've known quite a few really stupid criminal defendants. Complete knuckleheads. Always doing stupid sh*t, undermining their own life and best interests. Donald Trump is one of them.

It's not a stretch to interpret this as a threat against the prosecution. A threat which will only earn him MORE criminal charges against him.

Add to that the reports that Trump is using campaign funds to pay his defense lawyers. It was a crime when the Clintons did it and there is no difference here.

All because Trump cannot or will not control his own stupid ass. And we're supposed to get behind this? We're supposed to vote for this? With even if he doesn't go down in flames will only guarantee six more years of this crap?

jim said...

And he's at it again, great.

TickTock said...

What the hell is "the improper dissemination or use of discovery materials?" Why is disclosure to the public improper? This isn't the case about improper retention of top secret information. That's another courtroom and another case. Do the prosecutors have wiretaps that include irrelevant material? Will this not be a public trial?

Michael K said...

Ann, do you read anything other than left wing sources ?

mikee said...

Supposedly, Trump was there for creation of whatever evidence is now held by prosecutors against him. So let's see the prosecutors prove he didn't know it already and tweeted from his personal knowledge.

Ollie North's convictions were overturned because the appeals judges were honest enough to realize the prosecution could not have occurred without use of privileged material from other immunized testimony. Let's see if there are any honest judges involved in Trump's case as the prosecution tries to gag a presidential candidate.

Limited blogger said...

Trump's CapsLk key should be deactivated.

Temujin said...

His team should try using the 'someone must have stolen my phone' excuse.

As is always the case with Donald J. Trump- he doesn't know when to just shut up. He'd be well into his second term if he had learned how to do that.

jim said...

"Stand back and stand by".

We know where this is going.

Ampersand said...

The evidence in a criminal proceeding has to be public. If not, we are in Star Chamber territory.
Of course, Trump has once again highlighted his instinct for ineptitude by publishing a dumb threat. Maybe he should focus on how he plans to prove his claims. In cases like this, the presumption of innocence is a joke. Get Nancy Pelosi and her allies on the stand. What about DT's request for increased National Guard protection? What about government agents at the Capitol? By now, the government must know the identity of everyone at the Capitol who wasn't charged.
The defense could take 30 days of testimony.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Isn’t this actually what all the Democrat abuses of power are about?

The Reichstag Fire, the censorship, the MAL raid, the indictments?

The Donks know they can steal any national election. It isn’t about that.

But Trump was POTUS for four years and he’s seen classified documents that incriminate the Donks and the Bidens. The indictments provide a legal framework to keep him from talking about what he’s seen.

hombre said...

"Improper dissemination or use of discovery materials?" Really?

Has there ever been a group more averse to sunlight than the Obama/Biden Deep State? It goes along with their aversion to Due Process.

Ampersand said...

The evidence in a criminal proceeding has to be public. If not, we are in Star Chamber territory.
Of course, Trump has once again highlighted his instinct for ineptitude by publishing a dumb threat. Maybe he should focus on how he plans to prove his claims. In cases like this, the presumption of innocence is a joke. Get Nancy Pelosi and her allies on the stand. What about DT's request for increased National Guard protection? What about government agents at the Capitol? By now, the government must know the identity of everyone at the Capitol who wasn't charged.
The defense could take 30 days of testimony.

JK Brown said...

they urged that he be ordered to keep any evidence prosecutors turn over to his defense team from public view.

Tell me you fear the American voters/public knowing the evidence without saying you fear them knowing.

After all, if the evidence is out for all to see, how much harder will it be for the prosecutors to try the case in the media with their calculated disclosures. I mean, there still are people who value original sources over crafted narratives.

traditionalguy said...

New crime created by Special Prosecutor. The scape goat threatening to return from desert if he survives.

Trump as Count of Monte Cristo.

tim in vermont said...

Yes, no stretch of fact and logic will be too ridiculous if it can be used to deprive Trump of a defense. But don’t worry, we have the word of the winners, who are criminally prosecuting anyone who looks into it, that they won fair and square.

Inga said...

Keep running your mouth Mr. Trump! Maybe you’ll be waiting for your trial behind bars yet.

Mason G said...

"Trump has once again highlighted his instinct for ineptitude by publishing a dumb threat."

Brandon said "We're in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for President Obama's administration before this, we have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics."

Didn't seem to be a problem for his followers.

Just sayin'.

Michael K said...

Blogger Inga said...

Keep running your mouth Mr. Trump! Maybe you’ll be waiting for your trial behind bars yet.

The Dullard is eagerly anticipating another First Amendment prosecution. Constitution be damned !

PB said...

For an organization that leaks like a sieve, often to poison the jurypool and pressure defendants, the DOJ should just shut the heck up.

boatbuilder said...

The NeverTrumpers advise Trump to respond to this unconstitutional joke of a political hit-job prosecution by keeping his head down and his mouth shut, lest he invite more charges.

The lefties say the same thing.

"Trust the system."

It would be curious if it wasn't exactly what they have been doing since Trump came down the escalator.

The system is trying to screw him, and has been doing so for a long time. He isn't playing the system's game.