August 24, 2023

"Are you worried that they’re going to try and kill you? Why wouldn’t they try and kill you? Honestly?"

Tucker Carlson asks Trump to his face in last night's interview — video here, transcript here.

This is something that I've thought about but avoided ever saying, and I've even deleted comments that bring this up, because I'm afraid of stimulating deranged thinking, but Carlson brought it up so conspicuously that my restraint serves no purpose. 

But Trump avoids a direct response. I suspect he didn't appreciate Carlson's floating the idea of assassination. But he doesn't even say that. He says:
They’re savage animals. They are people that are sick, really sick. You have great people in the Democrat Party. You have great people that are Democrats. Most of the people in our country are fantastic, and I’m representing everybody. I’m not just Republicans or Conservative. I represent everybody. I’m the president of everybody. But I’ve seen what they do. I’ve seen the lengths that they go to. When they make up the Russia, Russia, Russia. When that’s exposed, and they go down, and Barr should have gone after them, and other people should have gone after them. And they did, very late, because the Durham report came out. It was fairly good. It could have been a lot tougher, I guess, but it was fairly good. But it explained how corrupt it was. I’ll tell you who did a great job was the Inspector General Horowitz. He did a phenomenal report. You didn’t have to go to Durham. He did it on Comey, and on, I guess, McCabe, and some others. And it was a vicious… It was basically a true report, how bad they are. But these people are sick people.

The "sick people" idea recurs, and that's his answer to the assassination question, hidden in that verbiage. There are sick people out there, and of course, it's been the case all along that he's a target for assassination. He must go on and leave the worrying, as ever, to the Secret Service, I presume, but he doesn't say that.

These are people that, I think they hate our country, you want to know the truth. When you see open borders, when you see these policies that they have and so many other things, it’s so sad to see. We have a country that’s very fragile right now. I’ve never seen… I  will say, look. I ran in ’16, which was ’15, but I ran in ’16, election in ’16, and there was tremendous spirit.

He switches to the positive. People hate him, but other people love him. 

In ’20, there was even more spirit. We got many millions of… We got millions and millions more votes. It wasn’t even a contest. People said, “Well, what’d you think of ’20?” I said, “We did much better.” We did. You got to base it on the number of votes. We got many more votes in ’20 than we did in ’16. But the election was rigged. It was a rigged election.

Now, he's just moving on to his own topics. 

And with COVID, they used COVID to cheat in a lot of different things. We have so much on it. It’s like, so easy. But we had judges that didn’t want to look. We had people, didn’t want to get involved. They would say, they told you, “She’s a conspiracy theorist,” if you say anything about the election. But I have never seen spirit like there is right now.

The word that outbalances "sick" is "spirit":

Even coming down here, just the people on the road that are just absolutely going crazy. And the reason is, I think they like me and I know they love my policies. I hope they like me, too. A lot of people say they don’t like me, but they like my, I think they like me. But I have never seen spirit like it is right now.

ADDED: Later in the interview, Carlson returns to the subject of assassination:

So if the protest didn’t work, you got elected anyway. Impeachment didn’t work twice, obviously. Indictment is not working. Your poll numbers go up.... They can indict you 20 times and you’re not going to lose the Republican primary because of that.... So if you chart it out, it’s an escalation is what I’m saying. So what’s next? Trying to put you in prison for the rest of your life, that’s not working. So don’t they have to kill you now?

Yikes. Carlson really wanted Trump to talk about dying.

Trump, once again, declines the bait. He just uses this prompt as an opportunity to talk about the indictments:

I got indicted four times. All trivia, nonsense. Bullshit. It’s all bullshit. It’s horrible. When you look and you look at what they’re doing, the boxes hoax. I’m covered by the Presidential Records Act. I’m allowed to do exactly that. [Biden is] not covered [by the Act] and he’s got 25 times the number of boxes. And he’s got them stored in Chinatown, he’s got them stored in a flimsy garage underneath his Corvette.... And by the way, at Penn, he gets millions of dollars. China pays this guy millions of dollars. See, I think he’s the most corrupt president we’ve ever had. And he also has the distinction of being the most incompetent. And I believe both. I mean, he’s both incompetent and corrupt....


“Bad Genes” said...

To be entirely honest….I prefer my Presidential Candidates not be “out on bail”.

Heartless Aztec said...

True enough - Trump is not my Queen's Borough cup of tea. Not at all. But vs Gov Newsome of California? Or VP Harris? Trump it is. It's like watching the Roman Republic commit sepku in slow motion.

Maynard said...

This is something that I've thought about but avoided ever saying, and I've even deleted comments that bring this up, because I'm afraid of stimulating deranged thinking

Yes. I am also concerned about Chuck.

Ice Nine said...

I've thought this for a long time. Is there any thinking person who hasn't?

Look at the unbelievable extreme measures that the Democrats/Deep State have already used against Trump! They've tried most everything imaginable and now they are unabashedly trying to throw him in jail to keep him from becoming President again. If their vile lawfare against Trump doesn't work and if he is elected, they will kill him. Who doubts this? (I have three letters for you: J. F. K.)

Sebastian said...

"I represent everybody. I’m the president of everybody."

Not when you lose. Then you're the president of nobody.

"how bad they are. But these people are sick people."

So he didn't drain the swamp with his good buddies Chris Wray and Mike Pence?

"These are people that, I think they hate our country"

True. Their hatred of him is also hatred of us.

"When you see open borders"

True. By the way, what happened to the wall?

"We got millions and millions more votes"

So did the other side.

"But the election was rigged. It was a rigged election."

So why were you not prepared for their shenanigans and for the trap they set afterward?

"And with COVID, they used COVID to cheat in a lot of different things."

Correct. So again, why did you not fight effectively? Why did you worsen the problem by contributing to GOP losses in 2020 and 2022? And by the way, any second thoughts about how you mishandled Covid itself?

Dave Begley said...

The Dems are full of sick people. People who ignore basic facts. The Dems are the ones who want to mutilate children. Never in my entire life did I think that a political party would support such evil. The Dems want boys in the same locker rooms with girls. And to compete against them in sports.

One of the basic premises of today's Dem party is 2 + 2 = 5. They use this constantly in the CAGW scam. And the covid scam. Masks are worthless but the Dems will want to bring them back if they get half a chance.

D.D. Driver said...

Sort of funny that Trump had to do his interview of X/Twitter instead of Truth Social when many people are saying fantastic things about Truth Social and how its a much better social media platform. I hear it's the most downloaded app in history.

Randomizer said...

Early on, Trump got a reputation for saying anything, but that wasn't correct. He is careful about what he says, but it isn't what other people expect to hear. While he was president, when he talked about China, he didn't demonize them or Xi Jinping. Essentially he'd say they are smart, he admires them, but they are screwing us over.

Trump has always said something like, "When they are attacking me, they are really attacking you."

If Trump talked about assassination, that would be the story, and few of us can relate to that. We can relate to being prosecuted for political purposes and the malignancy of some of our governmental officials. He stays on message.

Misinforminimalism said...

That wasn't TuCa's first time asking that question, he posed it to Bobby Kennedy, too. It's a legitimate question in both instances and I'm glad he's not afraid to go there.

Darkisland said...

He is facing a potential federal death sentence right now in court

18 U.S. Code § 242 - Deprivation of rights under color of law


imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

The hook would be Ashli Babbitt's murder by Capital police office Byrd.

So yeah, he should be worried that they are going to kill him. They may be going to do it under color of law.

And if they don't actually carry out the sentence, they can put him incommuncado on death row.

And, if he gains too much traction in the campaign before he is convicted, they can revoke bail on the grounds that bail is inappropriate in a death penalty case.

Is that Chuckling I hear in the Peanut Gallery?

Why does nobody want to talk about this potential death penalty?

Yeah, it is not too much to say that he is risking his life for us.

John Henry

Brian said...

Killing him won't work. They need him to give up. Demoralize his base. Go back to 2008.

It's not happening.

Esteban said...

I don’t care for Trump, but his assessment of Biden being incompetent and corrupt is spot on.

PB said...

Biden was Obama's assassination defense, just as Kamala is Joe's. We're getting to the point where most Democrats would kill any Republican for any reason, not just Republican presidents.

Rusty said...

He's not wrong. But you read all the vitriol on this site and on interviews on the web and the seething hatred the left has for Trump it's almost like they're programmed. Like it's a robotic response. When you ask for a reason for the hatred it's never logical. It's never based on reason. It's always emotional.

Gusty Winds said...

Tucker is simply following a logical trajectory. What do these sick people do if indicting and even jailing Trump doesn't finish off his candidacy or popularity? Their current efforts in America and Ukraine seem to be desperate measures that are willing to sacrifice other human beings.

They were willing to sacrifice millions of lives during COVID to regain and solidify their privilege and power. Just look at the purposeful contamination of nursing homes in NY, NJ, MI and other states with Democrat Governors. They were able to convince Americans they were actually trying to "save them". College educated white women believe the bullshit.

The efforts to protect the corruption of our Washington establishment will never end as long as the Americans tolerate it, vote for it, and ignore it. It WILL get worse and it has every year.

I'd imagine some of the ridiculous dishonesty we've seen from GA Gov Kemp, Mike Pence, and liberal judges are driven by a fear of having their lives, or their families' live ruined. If you are bought and paid for you don't back out of the deal.

You don't do it with the Mafia...and you don't do it with the American government.

gilbar said...

I doubt that they Will assassinate Trump, because i DOUBT they'd want to see the results.

typingtalker said...

Here's an idea ... Donald Trump should select a VP candidate who has experience "Getting Things Done" and then run on "I will have the ideas, I will sell the ideas and he/she (or maybe 'We') will make them happen."

Iman said...

Saying the unthinkable, but I suspect the Derp Staters would have zero qualms about carrying it out.

The Crack Emcee said...

"They" aren't some faceless terrorist(s), as Ann seems to frame it, but the Democrat party that's put the nation through all this already.

What are THEY capable of is the question,...

The rule of Lemnity said...

Something I said last night: Dems are going for broke. It wouldn't surprise me. Heck, nothing would surprise me now.

What I really had in mind: “it wouldn’t surprise me if the Dems try to pull a fifth avenue in broad daylight, against Trump.”

But I remember how a lot of Jan6 defendants are in jail today for these types of offenses.

tim maguire said...

Rich said...To be entirely honest….I prefer my Presidential Candidates not be “out on bail”.

Me too. But, unlike you, I know where the finger of blame should be pointing.

wildswan said...

"Rich said...
To be entirely honest….I prefer my Presidential Candidates not be “out on bail”."

It's said that Emerson visited Thoreau who was in jail for refusing to pay a tax to support what he considered an unjust, imperialist war. He asked Thoreau why he was in jail and Thoreau asked him: "Why are you not in jail? [for opposing this injustice]." In certain circumstances, as for example, in a banana republic, you aren't prosecuted only because you don't matter.

Daniel12 said...

Tucker wants a martyr.

hombre said...

'To be entirely honest….I prefer my Presidential Candidates not be “out on bail”.'

It's a banana republic. If your candidate isn't a Democrat, get used to it.

CapitalistRoader said...

Rich said...
To be entirely honest….I prefer my Presidential Candidates not be “out on bail”.

Lavrenty Beria says hey.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'll become a Trump fan if he promises to go after Crook Biden. He never will.
If only Trump followed thru with his promise to go after Hillary. Instead - she was successful going after him.

Freder Frederson said...

Biden was Obama's assassination defense, just as Kamala is Joe's. We're getting to the point where most Democrats would kill any Republican for any reason, not just Republican presidents.

From the comment section of this blog (and don't even get me started on other sites like Gateway Pundit), you are once again projecting. It is not the more progressive commenters who are fantasizing about hanging their opponents or at least locking them up in concentration camps. Bruce Hayden spent several paragraphs pontificating on the best ammunition/firearm for killing BLM protesters. Gilbar fantasized about hanging all the traitors from lampposts.

Jupiter said...

"... because I'm afraid of stimulating deranged thinking ..."

Your taxes are paying for the CIA and the FBI. Do you really think they need your blog to stimulate their deranged thinking?

D.D. Driver said...

"He's not wrong. But you read all the vitriol on this site and on interviews on the web and the seething hatred the left has for Trump it's almost like they're programmed. Like it's a robotic response. When you ask for a reason for the hatred it's never logical. It's never based on reason. It's always emotional."

You say that. But, tell me which of these concerns is "emotional" and "irrational":

(1) Stealing private property to give it to foreign interests (Foxconn) who turn out to be conmen? "Fox" and "Con" is right in the name, Mr. Master Negotiator.

(2) Prohibiting private property owners from kicking deadbeats out of the property they worked hard to purchase and develop?

(3) Giving away massive amounts of free COVID money to people who did not need it leading directly to the runaway inflation we are experiencing?

(4) Not being able to connect with voters and win elections. He has one victory under his belt against HRC (one of the most hated politicians in history). One flukey victory against many, many, losses. The best argument against Trump is that despite all the bravado: he is a loser. He's such a loser that he had to go on Elon's platform to do his interview when he "owns" his own social media platform. He's all talk and few results. And, the results we do see don't exactly match the talk.

Two places he does not belong: jail or the White House.

Michael K said...

Blogger Rusty said...
He's not wrong. But you read all the vitriol on this site and on interviews on the web and the seething hatred the left has for Trump it's almost like they're programmed. Like it's a robotic response. When you ask for a reason for the hatred it's never logical. It's never based on reason. It's always emotional.

Exactly and that's why I have been worried about an attempt, at least, on his life. I also don't trust the Secret Service after that female agent said she "wouldn't take a bullet for him." I keep hoping he has good personal security.

Michael K said...

Not being able to connect with voters and win elections. He has one victory under his belt against HRC (one of the most hated politicians in history). One flukey victory against many, many, losses. The best argument against Trump is that despite all the bravado: he is a loser. He's such a loser that he had to go on Elon's platform to do his interview when he "owns" his own social media platform. He's all talk and few results. And, the results we do see don't exactly match the talk.

The Biden voter speaks out. Now do Joe quid pro quo.

Leland said...

I avoid and cringe at the subject as well, because it really is sick people that would try, and the other sick people that Trump mentions seem to have no qualms about egging them on to do it. And like the last couple of assassination attempts at the Congressional softball game practice and at a Supreme Court Justice home; they’ll be ignored to focus coverage on a few elder folks illegally taking selfies inside the Capitol building on Jan. 6th.

Sally327 said...

It's an absurd question but then Tucker Carlson is not a serious person so what more can you expect. Everyone who is in the public eye is at risk to be attacked or killed, even the most obscure congressman or congresswoman or any B-list celebrity or sports figure will draw crazy, dangerous people who want to do them harm. Carlson wasn't talking about the kookoo nuts out there, though, he wanted to get Trump to say he thought the FBI or the CIA was planning to take him out.

Donald Trump has taxpayer funded security and good for him. I'm not really interested in what he has to say about concerns for his own personal safety, I think he should talk about what it's like for the rest of us and what he's going to do to make our everyday existence more secure. Oh, wait...he doesn't actually know anything about any of that. If he did he might have thought twice about that criminal justice reform Kim Kardashian sucked him into supporting. She's been trying to pass the CA Bar, maybe he can make her Attorney General if he gets elected again.

Big Mike said...

There are sick people out there, and of course, it's been the case all along that he's a target for assassination.

Well, yes. The Secret Service is very good at what it does, but there are practical limits. What’s different in the case of Trump is that Democrat politicians and left-leaning newsmedia (which is practically all of them) cooperate to create a level of hatred that seems to me to have few precedents. I mean, people hated Lyndon Johnson over the Vietnam War, and I generally regarded the hatred of Dick Nixon, as whipped up by the likes of Sam Donaldson and Dan Rather, to be pretty irrational. But thinking back to fifty years ago, my impression is that TDS is way past Nixon hatred.

And as one can see it here in the Althouse commentariat, it’s working. I can readily picture the spittle flying out of their mouths as Chuck, Inga, jim5301, Cookie, that little old lady from Pasadena, and others type away on their keyboards. The people I listed are probably a touch too sane, and not nearly good enough at shooting, to have a go at Trump themselves. But I think the end goal of the Democrats and their media allies is to create the next James Hodgkinson and end Trump for once and for all.

Narayanan said...

Biden was Obama's assassination defense, just as Kamala is Joe's.
was Pence similarly defense for Trump or was he the assassin biding his time to act on J6?

Dr Weevil said...

Thirty-two comments and no one thought to mention that Ecuador had a presidential election last Sunday, and that the most conservative major candidate was shot dead at a rally a couple of weeks before. His last-minute replacement came in 3rd with 16%, so two Socialists are running against each other in the run-off. Political assassinations do happen, and not just in Third World countries.

Valentine Smith said...

I highly doubt that The Party will assassinate Trump as a campaign strategy. The problem is marginally sane people in The Party have already demonstrated an eager bloody mindedness. Remember Rand Paul and the congressional softball game? The day after election day 2016 I was walking on the Avenue and spotted a 30 something young woman who was frantically moving from person to person grabbing them and yelling “What are we going to do about Trump”? There was genuine terror in her eyes. I thought it hilarious at the time. Now not so much. Trump derangement syndrome is not a trope. It’s very very real and quite scary.

Brian McKim and/or Traci Skene said...

"To be entirely honest….I prefer my Presidential Candidates not be 'out on bail'”.

*pinky extended*

donald said...

Trump pulled his punches 2016-2020 because seriously, who’d have ever thought our government was as evil as it is. In the end they won and the rest of the world lost what with the looming world wars and all. If you dispute that our world is hellish due to our current administration, you’re not a serious or honest person so go fuck your self. I can understand that that happened. I believe that every other president got his mind right when he ran into this. But not egomaniacal douchebag Don and we all paid for it. When I hear him say outlandish and stupid shit I blanch and wonder why? But in the end, I can’t afford to care. I believe he will go after the people that have run this cabal my entire life with pliers and blow torches. Hell, I believe that is his main motive. If he’ll just do that, I don’t care how big a douche bag he is and I gotta a pretty big ego myself, So I can identify.

Vote for the douchebag. Vote for America. Vote for vengeance. A lot of people have to pay.

Yancey Ward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yancey Ward said...

There will only be a conspiracy to kill Trump if it ever looks like they can't beat him by stuffing the ballot box. As of right now- the Democrats can't lose the election no matter what happens between now and November 2024. Against any normal GOP candidate, the Democrats start with a solid 279 electoral votes- already a majority. No standard GOP candidate can win Wisconsin, Michigan, or Pennsylvania and can only claw back Arizona and Georgia- every other blue state has a Democrat leaning of 4%+ (meaning that to win that state, the GOP candidate has to win the national popular vote by more than 4%). Only Trump makes the upper midwest states competitive (reduces the lean to less than 1%), and only Trump makes PA competitive.

The Democrats got surprised in 2016 and didn't cheat enough- they believed all the polls that showed Clinton winning a landslide. They didn't make that mistake in 2020, and they won't make it again in the future.

gspencer said...

I've wondered about the assassination topic myself. The left, of which the D Party is a dominant subset, has countless unhinged members. Why wouldn't one of them try getting to Trump?

mccullough said...

The question is why aren’t they going after Trump’s family. The answer is that this is all a show. Trump is in no danger of even going to prison because he is in no danger of winning again.

Rocco said...

Dave Begley said...
"....One of the basic premises of today's Dem party is 2 + 2 = 5...."

That's because one of the 2s identifies as a 3.

Iman said...

Lefties are at least consistent. When they’re not calling for blood or incarceration of their enemies, they’re mincing in a very light-loafered manner.

Thank God they don’t reproduce in high numbers.

MountainMan said...

In 1920 Eugene Debs ran as the Socialist Party candidate for President while sitting in his cell at the Federal Penitentiary in Atlanta. In 1918 the Wilson Administration prosecuted him for sedition for speaking in opposition to the US entry into WWI and for his vocal opposition to the draft. He got around 1M votes, which was about 3% of the vote at the time. If history is any guide then, attempts by Jack Smith and Fani Willis to put him behind bars won't necessarily keep him from being on the ballot. If would be fascinating if he won. I can't think of a bigger way for the suffering American middle class to give the Democrats/WEF/CCP/elites the big middle finger.

Eugene V. Debs, the Five-Time Socialist Candidate for President Who Once Campaigned From Prison

Anna Keppa said...

Brian McKim and/or Traci Skene said...
"To be entirely honest….I prefer my Presidential Candidates not be 'out on bail'”.

*pinky extended*

"while sniffing a perfumed hanky".

Brian said...

They didn't make that mistake in 2020, and they won't make it again in the future.

Are you making the case that Trump should be the nominee?

If Trump isn't the nominee the Democrats win and don't need to cheat to do it.

If Trump is the nominee the Democrats win but have to cheat to do it, which is always a risk as the cheating may become obvious. Which may make cheating harder in the future.

Or are you saying Kent Brockman-like that we should "embrace our new insect overlords".

“Bad Genes” said...

Malignant narcissists are good at projecting what's wrong with them on others. How is stealing our county’s secrets, sharing them with others, hiding them and covering it up "political prosecution”?

Some of us are of the opinion that an elected public servant should be held to a higher moral and legal standard than your average guy on the street.

Drago said...

Weevil: "Thirty-two comments and no one thought to mention that Ecuador had a presidential election last Sunday, and that the most conservative major candidate was shot dead at a rally a couple of weeks before. His last-minute replacement came in 3rd with 16%, so two Socialists are running against each other in the run-off. Political assassinations do happen, and not just in Third World countries"

Bears repeating.

Harun said...

"Stealing private property to give it to foreign interests (Foxconn) who turn out to be conmen? "Fox" and "Con" is right in the name, Mr. Master Negotiator."

Wisconsin did that deal, IIRC.

Also, its extremely common, and Democrats make the same deals.

I don't like them, but large industrial companies often get these deals.

Iman said...

“Some of us are of the opinion that an elected public servant should be held to a higher moral and legal standard than your average guy on the street.”

Without evidence. You have no standing.

walter said...

"Some of us are of the opinion that an elected public servant should be held to a higher moral and legal standard than your average guy on the street."
You should be mighty concerned about a president whose daughter claims uncomfotrtable showers with and whose son refers to him as Pedo Pete.
But no..not a word.
Too invested in polituically assasinating his opponent with shampeachments, endless pocketed lawfare with kangaroo courts to keep him off ballot...aka election interference.
Cling hard to that high ground..

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"The Dems are the ones who want to mutilate children. "

Just remember, when you hear someone say they are either a trans-woman or a trans-man, what they really mean is they are either a faux-woman or faux-man.

Trans = Faux

Every single time.

D.D. Driver said...

Wisconsin did that deal, IIRC

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"To be entirely honest….I prefer my Presidential Candidates not be “out on bail”".

MLK has a sad.

King spent eight days in jail before being released on bail, and during that time wrote his famed “Letter from Birmingham Jail." Dr. King and Rev. Abernathy were still prosecuted after posting bail, and on April 26, 1963, they were convicted of contempt of court.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"He's such a loser that he had to go on Elon's platform to do his interview "

You mean the platform owned by the wealthiest human being on earth? Whose platform has more users that there are American citizens? That loser? That platform?

guitar joe said...

Anyone who grew up in the 60s in a JFK admiring household ended up assuming that the CIA and/or FBI had a hand in the assassinations of JFK, MLK, RFK, Malcolm X, and any number of government officials in the US and overseas. Countless films and TV shows over the last more than 50 years have put forward the idea that these organizations are pervasive in their observance of each and every one of us, and that they can take any of us out without anyone ever tracing it to them. That assumption came largely from those on the left.

If those organizations dislike DJT as much as the "deep state" obsessed people here now think is true, he'd have long ago joined that list--early in his presidency. One of two things is true. 1. We've vastly overstated the reach and capability of the FBI and CIA, which is certainly possible. 2. He serves some purpose for them.

Again, if their reach is as strong as you assume, consider that every post you make here is monitored and noted. Jusy sayin'.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

OK, my entire post just got et by the Internet daemons. Grr.

Anyway, to Dr. Weevil: You are quite right, and we're being silly not to consider the possibility. We've had a run of good luck, here. Lincoln/Garfield/McKinley was a very rapid succession of successful attempts. The closest we have recently is Kennedy/Ford/Reagan, and only one of those was successful. And the successful one was sixty years ago! And the last unsuccessful one, what, nearly forty?

But assassination porn has been all over the place for the last 20+ years. When GWB was President, the hope was that he would be assassinated. (Nicholson Baker's Checkpoint comes to mind). When Obama was President, the hope was also that he be assassinated. Not out of animosity to Obama, of course, but out of the dandy political hay that might be made of the event.

I doubt anyone has so much as thought of assassinating Biden. What would be the point? (Quite apart from the President Harris wrinkle.) Trump is another matter, and I'm surprised that he got through his first term (hedging here) w/o so much as an attempt. It isn't only RFKjr who ought to be concerned at this point.

Narr said...

I don't think The Organs will try, I think they will. That Trump jet is looking awful tired, and as we know aviation accidents are all too common.

RigelDog said...

Well we have all been driven at least a little mad by the chaos and terror-infusion imposed on us by the Powers That Be ever since 2016; we're all a little broken.

So, yes, I think Trump is especially at risk for assassination because of the officials designating White Supremacy as the number one threat to America, but tensions have been so deliberately stoked that I sense the odds of any political person of any party being attacked have gone way up.

“Bad Genes” said...

I’m new on here. Does Walter always write such BS? It was an entirely defensible, accurate, and really minor observation. And you whining about it says far more about you than me

Someone smarter than me once observed that you can’t reason a person out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into.

Jim at said...

To be entirely honest….I prefer my Presidential Candidates not be “out on bail”.

He's not your candidate, so why in the hell do you care?

Jim at said...

It is not the more progressive commenters who are fantasizing about hanging their opponents or at least locking them up in concentration camps.

Correct. You're too busy trying to kill them at baseball practice. Or their homes in DC.

Rusty said...

D.D. Driver said...
So, you gonna take out a contrct on him or what?
Nothing Trump has done can hold a candle to the ruinous policies of the mush brained shithead you voted for.

traditionalguy said...

My guess is that the CIA will finish off the Kennedy clan before targeting DJT. So RFKjr is the one who needs Secret Service protection. But wait, he’s being denied a detail. The plot is afoot.

hpudding said...

Why not just offer to be his lawyer? Your loyalty to him and disregard for the laws he broke will definitely win his appreciation. And since you must have enough to have retired off of anyway, the fact that he’d never pay you (or any legal bills he racks up) wouldn’t even make a difference!

The two of you could fulfill each other much more directly that way.

walter said...

Newly minted "Rich" feigns alarm while avoiding the tenets of my response.
But he has posted plenty before in his short tenure to display his love of a two tiered just us system. Some might say he has an uncanny resemblance to Chuck(!).

Buckwheathikes said...

If Donald Trump is putting his personal safety in the hands of the United States Secret Service, he's a dead man walking.

They can't even figure out who brought the cocaine into the White House.

rcocean said...

Yep, I cringed when Tucker brought that up. I don't know why. Maybe he wants to get it on the record. We all know that the Trump-haters and that includes people on this board, and also those who POSE as Republicans, would be happy as clams if Trump was jailed and then murdered. Or just plain assassinated.

These sickos didn't care that Ashli Babbitt was murdered. They've reveled and celebrated as peaceful J6 protesters have been jailed for years. They glory in the hundreds of thousands killed in the Ukraine and fly their little blue and yellow flags, and chortle about Putin being taken down a notch.

Whenever there's an interracial crime they wait to see who got murdered by who. If a black kills a white, they yawn or smirk. If its the other way, they screech about the injustice and demand life in prison without parole. They cry over George Floyd, and celebrate the BLM/Antifa riots.

Do Joe Biden even care when Deep Blue Maui got fire and 100 people died? I don't think. Where was Barrak, isn't he FROM Hawaii? And no different with the Bushies or Romney or the other Elite clowns. Trump, god bless him, seems to be different.

Freder Frederson said...

If anyone gets assassinated over Trump's indictments, I will bet dollars to donuts that it will not be Trump or his co-defendants. It will be a judge, prosecutor, grand jury member, or someone else associated with the prosecution.

Nathan Redshield said...

Thank you, Ann, for bringing the A-word up; an issue so sensitive National Review wouldn't even let me post about Verdi's opera "Un Ballo in Maschera", a highly-fictionalized account of a real A-word of King Gustavus III of Sweden. Any sort of "Lone Wolf"; someone in a Praetorian Guard-like situation as with Indira Gandhi in 1984. Joe Biden is the Real Worry but Trump as target is the obvious one. However, more effective for the Bideninstas were to tar him AND his "movement" with "insurrection" and make them socially and politically "unacceptable" which is why these staged Stalin-style show trials are going on--but at this point a Putin-style attack on Trump by the Deep State would NOT surprise me.
Going back a little in history, I was expecting Obama to be taken out by a Moslem fanatic upset that an Apostate to Islam was POTUS; Conventional Wisdom was it would be some anti-Negro "Racist" doing the Deed. Gerald Ford seemed to have had "problems" from women. Even further back millions still can't accept that a left-wing pro-Castro fanatic upset at JFK's treatment of Castro was suddenly provided with a classic golden opportunity--and pulled off a Lucky Shot. That sort of thing DOES happen--Princip's killing of the Archduke and his wife was one; millions still hate Serbs over that one!

Nathan Redshield said...

Thank you, Ann, for bringing the A-word up; an issue so sensitive National Review wouldn't even let me post about Verdi's opera "Un Ballo in Maschera", a highly-fictionalized account of a real A-word of King Gustavus III of Sweden. Any sort of "Lone Wolf"; someone in a Praetorian Guard-like situation as with Indira Gandhi in 1984. Joe Biden is the Real Worry but Trump as target is the obvious one. However, more effective for the Bideninstas were to tar him AND his "movement" with "insurrection" and make them socially and politically "unacceptable" which is why these staged Stalin-style show trials are going on--but at this point a Putin-style attack on Trump by the Deep State would NOT surprise me.
Going back a little in history, I was expecting Obama to be taken out by a Moslem fanatic upset that an Apostate to Islam was POTUS; Conventional Wisdom was it would be some anti-Negro "Racist" doing the Deed. Gerald Ford seemed to have had "problems" from women. Even further back millions still can't accept that a left-wing pro-Castro fanatic upset at JFK's treatment of Castro was suddenly provided with a classic golden opportunity--and pulled off a Lucky Shot. That sort of thing DOES happen--Princip's killing of the Archduke and his wife was one; millions still hate Serbs over that one!

Rusty said...

Freder Frederson said...
Nah. The smart money is on a Biden voter. You guys can't control your emotions. Look who you voted for.

Jeff H said...

Basically from day 1 of Trump's time in office, my first web activity of each day was to check FOX News to see if Trump had been assassinated. I knew that there were those who were sitting around planning it, others who were sitting naked in their basement "pleasuring" themselves to the thought of it. Sick ain't 1% of it: they're evil b*stards who by any human sense of justice deserve to be hanged on a lamp post, their bodies left to rot.

FullMoon said...

A person assassinating Trump would imagine himself a hero to 81 million Biden voters.
And he, or she, would be right.

The people participating in lawfare are as admired in their social circles as they are by some commenters here and elsewhere.

FullMoon said...

Blogger Rich said...

To be entirely honest….I prefer my Presidential Candidates not be “out on bail”.

Just as cute as the infamous original by Bill Maher :"I prefer my heroes not to be captured" on his Real Time with Bill Maher show in 2015.

Donald Trump repeated the quote as a way of pointing out the despicable way leftist Maher spoke of John McCain.

Anthony said...

Donald Trump is Fort Sumter.

There are enough people high up in the state security organs that know this to prevent the Democrats (or rogue Republicans) from having Trump eliminated, and to keep them extra-vigilant against lone wackos.

Tina Trent said...

Turns out someone was trying to kill his youngest son while he was being booked in Atlanta.

Gives you pause.