August 28, 2023

"All this is gonna continue to weigh him down. He's been pretty skillful to this point, but I do think the weight will eventually get to him."

Said one of Chris Christie's advisers, speaking about Donald Trump and quoted in "Trump's indictments: Polling shows half of Americans want him to suspend his campaign, and more takeaways/Despite what he claims, he isn't getting a continued bounce in support" (ABC News).

Suspend his campaign. Remember when John McCain suspended his campaign? Why are the pollsters saying "suspend"? It's not like Trump can take a few months to tie up his various legal proceedings and then move on. Those cases will take years and will never really be resolved. Voters who support Trump have their own ideas about the subject matter of the cases and are not going to change their mind if a jury somewhere agrees with the prosecutor's interpretation. There's nothing to wait for. 

Speaking of wait... weight: Maybe commenters will find material for humor in "continue to weigh him down... the weight will eventually get to him," given that Christie has always been fat and that Trump has experienced scrutiny recently because his booking record listed him as weighing only 215 pounds.


tim maguire said...

“Half of Americans.”
Yeah, let me guess. Could it be…the half that doesn’t plan to vote for him?
How many Americans don’t want Joe Biden on the ballot? How many don’t want DeSantis? Harris? Ramaswamy?
What an idiotic question to build a story around.

Wince said...

“Said one of Chris Christie's advisers…”

Wasn’t the self-declared premise of Christie’s campaign that he alone had the guts to speak truth to power?

wendybar said...

Like Chris Christie even has a hint of a chance. He's a joke. The actual elephant in the room.

Enigma said...

Just more wishful and magical thinking by his opponents. They've been locked into this primitive coping mechanism since election night 2016.

"You CAN'T win an election if you act like Trump. It's impossible."

As sketched by The Princess Bride (1987), it was inconceivable:

Mr. Forward said...

"Ev'ry mornin' at the mine you could see him arrive
He stood six foot six and weighed 245
Kinda broad at the shoulder and narrow at the hip
And everybody knew, ya didn't give no lip to Big John"

Danno said...

News at 11 (coastie time) - Trump charged with bribing Fulton County arrest booking team to use a fake weight.

Chuck said...

"Suspend" has been campaign talk for as long as I can remember. And there is reason for that, as this definitional page describes.

This Slate explainer is particularly helpful.

The McCain usage of "suspend" was a little different and more literally true, because he really did suspend-and-then-restart his campaign. So that was indeed interesting. As an NPR report from that time recalls.

Rocco said...

Ann saif...
"Maybe commenters will find material for humor in continue to weigh him down... the weight will eventually get to him,'..."

Let me weigh in: Speaking in such an obvious chiche didn't give this PR guy's comments any heft; if anything, it made him seem like a lightweight.

mezzrow said...

And now, a word from the President

Damn it feels good to be a gangsta
Gettin' voted into the White House
Everything lookin' good to the people of the world
But the Mafia family is my boss
So every now and then I owe a favor gettin' down
Like lettin' a big drug shipment through
And send 'em to the poor community
So we can bust you know who
So voters of the world keep supportin' me
And I promise to take you very far
Other leaders better not upset me
Or I'll send a million troops to die at war
To all you Republicans, that helped me win
I sincerely like to thank you
'Cause now I got the world swingin' from my nuts
And damn it feels good to be a gangsta

Question: Who's the singer, now?

A case can be made for either of our prospective parties with this, right?
Not DeSantis, not RFK Jr., not Vivek Ramaswamy, but Trump? Biden?

Damn it feels good to be an old ass gangsta, don't it? Rappers and bangers keep sending love to the Teflon Don, while memeing his mugshot. Biden is the most powerful man in the world. If and when he wants, he can take out Putin tomorrow morning and nobody can stop him. This while Putin takes care of housekeeping at 28000 feet. Damn...

Maybe it isn't Chris Christie's world any more?

gilbar said...

and the other Half wants him for President.
Which MEANS (like in 2020), that IF the GOP would just get behind Trump.. He'd win in a LANDSLIDE!
Of course, the GOP would (like in 2020) MUCH rather have a democrat resident than a Trump Presidency

Dave Begley said...

Listing 215 as his weight was classic Trump. Almost as good as the mug shot.

Leland said...

I doubt half of America even knows Christie is running. Maybe he should just stop now.

Iman said...

Kris Krispy: gravitas or gravity?

Jaq said...

"Stop struggling everyone, and accept that their fascist tactics have already won!"

Jaq said...

I think that the most recent poll I saw had Trump leading Biden outside the margin of error, Biden is the one who is going to get dumped.

Owen said...

“… given that Christie has always been fat…”. First thing I thought of when I read “weight.” Christie’s advisers should choose their words more carefully. As should we all: let’s be respectful of Christie’s feelings here. Let’s use euphemisms when we allude to his massive largeness. Maybe not “fat” but “corpulent”? “Porcine”? Or…”husky”?

Yeah, I think “husky” will do the trick.

dbp said...

Christie has got to be the most delusional GOP candidate running: Why would Christie think Trump cares about his opinion? Even if Trump suspends his campaign, Christie will still have no chance and obese candidates should avoid using the term "weigh him down".

deepelemblues said...

The Christie campaign has reached this terminal stage so quick.

Rocco said...

Leland said...
"I doubt half of America even knows Christie is running."

And the half that does know should be worried about his joints.

Disclaimer: I'm only stooping to fat jokes here because Christie's PR guy used the phrase "I do think the weight will eventually get to [Trump]."

Rocco said...

...Half of Americans...

Is that the front half or the back half?

rehajm said...

I loathe Donald Trump but I find the Democrats banana republic prosecution of their political enemies just too weird so I’m voting for Trump

How Althousian of me.

rehajm said...

Half of all Americans? If only they’d found just one more…

AMDG said...

53% of American voters are committed to not
Voting for Trump under any circumstances.

Even the polls that show Trump leading Biden give Trump less than 45% of the vote.

Twice as many Americans despise Trump as those that love him.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It will be Biden V Trump - and Biden will win.

I'm not sure why everyone assumes anything else.

Spiros said...

In the 1982 Illinois gubernatorial race, Senator Adlai Stevenson III came within 5,000 votes of beating the heavily favored Republican. Stevenson cried foul and demanded an investigation. He got one! 62 indictments and 58 convictions of Democratic Party precinct captains and election judges. The FBI concluded that at least 100,000 fraudulent votes had been cast in Chicago for Stevenson. There was massive fraud vote buying and ballots cast by others in the names of registered voters. Voter fraud was so intense that FBI agents concluded that the Daley machine also stole the 1960 election for JFK.

Anyways, Trump lost a close one in 2020. I think he was entitled to a serious investigation and he would have got one in the not too distant past. And, who knows, maybe Trump was the beneficiary of all the voter fraud he's complaining about and the race wasn't that close? But I doubt it...

Also the grand jury in Chicago made a clever suggestion. The grand jury would require all voters to provide a thumbprint when registering and when voting. This would make forgery of voters' signatures (especially on absentee ballots) very difficult. Let's get this reform done now before the Democrats steal another one!

GRW3 said...

"Half of Americans..." You mean Democrats?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Christie did a fabulous job speaking at the convention prior to 2016. His Hillary Clinton is a crook speech was superb. Now - he is the only candidate talking about our unsustainable Debt.
Yeah - he will not win the nomination.

Big Mike said...

Reasons why Chris Christie should not even be allowed to vent the White House as a tourist:

(1) Screwing over New Jersey residents after Hurricane Sandy. Barack Obama promised “No bureaucracy. No red tape.”. But survivors of Sandy found the bureaucratic red tape as bad as always. Christie had an opportunity to hold Obama to his promise and make recovery for his constituents that much easier, but he chose to leave them to wrestle with the federal bureaucracy on their own.

(2) Screwing over the people who used the George Washington Bridge to get to work. Starting before the Monday morning rush hour on September 9, 2013, two of three toll lanes on the George Washington Bridge, resulting not only in gridlock in the entrance ramp onto the bridge, but gridlock on surrounding city streets in the city of Fort Lee, NJ. This lasted an entire week until the closures were lifted on the following Friday. This was apparently meant as a political retaliation against Fort Lee’s Democrat Mayor Mark Sokolich for some minor political slight. Christie’s deputy chief of staff Bridget Anne Kelly, and two of Christie’s political appointees. In the ensuing trial both the prosecution and defense argued that Christie knew about the closure and (wink, wink - nudge nudge) tacitly approved.

(3) Chris Christie recommended Christopher Wray to be the Director of the FBI. He strongly defends Wray’s performance on the job, an assessment which is not particularly in alignment with the perception of Wray’s performance held by most Republican politicians on Capitol Hill, much less by party rank and file.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Christie is the Left's preferred GOP nominee. They see him as the fat kid they abused all through elementary and high school. Old habits die hard.

MadisonMan said...

I should listen to and respect Chris Christie's opinion why, exactly?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

There are not enough GOP voters to push anyone into "landslide" territory.
Trump supporters have a delusional notion that Trump can repeat his 2016 close-call win.

gilbar said...

Personally, i'd MUCH rather see a second term of the Biden residency than see a GOPe admin.

What would Chris Christy do different on:
Border Security?
weaponization of the FBI, CIA, IRS, USPS, NOAA, USGS*

USGS* YES, weaponization of the United States Geological Survey is, and has been, the end game for them

Jupiter said...

If Chris Christie wanted to suspend his campaign, he'd need a crane.

Jupiter said...

Imagine how many people the ABC reporters must have called, trying to find a Republican willing to say Trump should "suspend his campaign", before they got to "one of Chris Christie's advisers".

Bob Boyd said...

Christie is a small candidate the size of a large candidate.

Bob Boyd said...

All the Republicans used to talk endlessly about our unsustainable debt.
Why don't they talk about it anymore? Because no one believes them anymore. They always talked but then they went right on borrowing and spending.
What is Christie's position on borrowing billions for Ukraine to the war going?

Thinking he can still fool voters by talking about our unsustainable debt shows that either Christie is completely out of touch or that he's not serious about winning the nomination and is just targeting a certain class of donors.

Michael K said...

Twice as many Americans despise Trump as those that love him.

Another lefty mind reader. Reading 300 million minds at once. Congratulations !

Robert Cook said...

"Like Chris Christie even has a hint of a chance. He's a joke. The actual elephant in the room."

Funny, that's what many in both parties said about Trump in 2015.

Personally, though, I agree. A fat man will probably not be voted in as President...unless it's Trump, who has grown fatter than he was in 2016.

Narayanan said...

Yeah, I think “husky” will do the trick.
squeaky voice from husky candidate

Narayanan said...

Listing 215 as his weight was classic Trump. Almost as good as the mug shot.
what is wrong with calling adiposity body armor and not part of BMI!!!

JAORE said...

Frankly who has thought of Christie in years? (Raise your hands - gawd how that concept sucks in a "debate".)

Christie looks like a candidate for the next opening on the Lincoln Project.

Or maybe just a book deal/seat on MSNBC panels.

Breezy said...

70% poll found Biden to be too old to have a second term. Which likely means they think he’s too old right now to be president. In essence, there’s more wanting Biden to suspend their campaign than for Trump to do so.

I don’t think Biden can win in a rematch. He’s the Fool Me Once candidate. Of course there’s all the cheating…. If Biden won the cheating would be have to be more widespread and more obvious.

JK Brown said...

Suspend his campaign? That's what losers do. Like McCain, but to be fair, Palin was generating enough interest that there was a fear that McCain could win when he was selected to lose gracefully.

Winners fight until they can't, then rejuvenate to overcome the seemingly end. Trump knows good TV. No one wants to watch a movie where the hero suspends his campaign.

Arashi said...

The only reason Chris Christie - AKA Jersey Phat - is even running is to generate a campaign chest that he can use for his own purposes, and to bad mouth Trump. That he cannot win is not one of his concerns.

Whether Trump, or any non-democrat, can win another deeply flawed election or not is a question we currently do not have the answer to. If the 'main' stream media was doing their actual jobs and not giving aid and comfort to the democrats, the democrats would not win. But they are in the pockets of the DNC and whoever is behind the DNC so the truth will not be coming from them.

farmgirl said...


My daughter sent this to me-
I replied: of course.
We all know it was stolen.
I’m voting Trump.

Be best.
America 1st.

Brian said...

Christie is the Left's preferred GOP nominee.

On Twitter the left accounts I saw with big followers loved the "I am Woman hear me roar" Nikki Haley. They all thought she had won and was the most moderate. They didn't wait long to proclaim that of course they wouldn't vote for her. Still "Too Extreme!(TM)"

Drago said...

AMDG: "53% of American voters are committed to not
Voting for Trump under any circumstances.

Even the polls that show Trump leading Biden give Trump less than 45% of the vote.

Twice as many Americans despise Trump as those that love him."

Well, given those "facts" and the open alliance between the GOPe and the dems, sounds like your team is headed towards certain victory.

I suppose early congratulations are in order.

Why aren't you celebrating your inevitable lawfare win?

gilbar said...

did y'all ever wonder? Just How BIG of a scag is/was Mike Pence? Read it, and weep..
Mike Pence demanded praise.
the entire raison d'être for Pence’s candidacy is to give himself a national platform to brag about his self-proclaimed role in protecting the Constitution from Donald Trump’s plan to remain in power after the 2020 election. Pence, in Pence’s mind, is the hero to Trump’s villain.

But Pence appears to be rewriting the history of what he did on January 6. Contrary to his portrayal as one of the good guys on January 6, in reality, Pence is one of the bad guys.

He intentionally delayed release of a letter outlining why he did not have the authority to reject electors from contested states. Rather than publish the statement the day before or early on January 6, Pence made it public right before the joint session of Congress convened at 1:00 p.m.
By waiting until the last minute to make his case, Pence misled the president and Trump supporters who—justifiably or not—believed he could, or would, do something about an election that Pence himself admitted was not on the square.
.. his version of what happened on January 6 calls into question his honesty. Pence’s version does not match sworn testimony given by his top aides to the January 6 Select Committee last year. According to Pence, he woke up early that day, said a prayer, and went to work writing a statement to explain why he would not follow the advice of John Eastman, a legal advisor to Trump, and others who suggested Pence could delay the certification of Joe Biden’s election.
..But Short and Jacob told the select committee a much different story. The two aides, along with Chris Hodgson, Pence’s legislative director, headed to Pence’s residence around 8:30 a.m., a few hours earlier than Pence claimed in his book. And contrary to Pence’s portrayal as the sole author of the memo, Short and Jacobs described the statement as “a joint effort.”

Short told committee investigators, “we were finalizing a letter that the Vice President would release publicly later that day. So we were making final tweaks to that together.” He also said the four men reviewed the document on a “laptop,” not on Pence’s desktop computer.

Jacob confirmed Short’s description of the morning of January 6. “When we met up at the residence that morning, we were really just trying to get the statement finalized,” Jacobs told the committee.
Why the Inconsistencies?

So, why did Pence omit this from his book? After all, he recounted the conversation that took place at 11:00 a.m. Why not the first call?

And why did Pence mischaracterize, to put it kindly, how the final statement came together? There’s nothing unusual or inappropriate about staff helping to draft a letter. But why did Pence make it sound like he alone produced the document? And why did he give a false account of when his team arrived and their key involvement?

Pence also gave a different account of how he and his family traveled to the Capitol. In his book, Pence gave the impression he rode with his wife and daughter in the official motorcade. Seeing throngs of Trump supporters as he made his way to the building around noon, Pence said, “I turned to my daughter and said with a sigh, ‘God bless those people. They’re gonna be so disappointed.’”

But Short told the committee that he alone rode with Pence to the Capitol. Mrs. Pence and their daughter, Charlotte, were in “a separate vehicle.”

Again, why the inconsistencies? It’s one thing to fabricate, or overlook, inconsequential details when writing an autobiography. It’s quite another to misrepresent what happened on such an historic day, a day that serves as the entire basis of a run for president.

Michael K said...

Blogger Arashi said...
The only reason Chris Christie - AKA Jersey Phat - is even running is to generate a campaign chest that he can use for his own purposes, and to bad mouth Trump. That he cannot win is not one of his concerns.

The comment by a staffer of his about "Weigh him down" is like FDR's remark that you should never mention rope in the house of a man who has been hanged.

rcocean said...

Lets just pull back and have a moment of sanity. The latest RCP Poll averages:

Christie - 2.8%
Scott - 2.7%
Bumstead - 0.6%
Hutchinson - 0.4%
Haley - 5.0%
Pence - 5.0%

Trump - 53%
Desantis - 13%
Mr. V - 7.5%

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