"'Like when [Joint Chiefs General Mark] Milley is talking about, "Oh you’re going to try to do a coup." No, they were trying to do that before you even were sworn in,' the staffer says, according to the audio.
The next part of the conversation is mostly included in the indictment, though the audio makes clear there are papers shuffling as Trump tells those in attendance he has an example to show.
'He said that I wanted to attack Iran, Isn’t it amazing?' Trump says as the sound of papers shuffling can be heard. 'I have a big pile of papers, this thing just came up. Look. This was him. They presented me this – this is off the record but – they presented me this. This was him. This was the Defense Department and him.'
The indictment includes ellipses where the recording obtained by CNN shows where Trump and his aide begin talking about Clinton’s emails and Weiner, whose laptop caused the FBI to briefly re-open its investigation into her handling of classified information in the days before the 2016 election she lost to Trump.
Trump then returns to the Iran document, according to the audio recording and indictment transcript.
'I was just thinking, because we were talking about it. And you know, he said, "He wanted to attack Iran, and what…,"' Trump says.
'These are the papers,” Trump continues, according to the audio file."
“This was done by the military and given to me,” Trump continues, before noting that the document remained classified.
“See as president I could have declassified it,” Trump says. “Now I can’t, you know, but this is still a secret.”
“Now we have a problem,” his staffer responds.
“Isn’t that interesting,” Trump says.
While that’s the last line included in the indictment, the audio recording obtained by CNN includes several additional lines from the conversation:
Trump: “It’s so cool. I mean, it’s so, look, her and I, and you probably almost didn’t believe me, but now you believe me.”
Writer: “No, I believed you.”
Trump: “It’s incredible, right?”
Writer: “No, they never met a war they didn’t want.”
Trump: “Hey, bring some, uh, bring some Cokes in please.”
who made that recording?
Sounds a bit lie entrapment. Tho - entrapping Trump is easy to do.
“No, they never met a war they didn’t want.”
The same people who never shut up about WMD and Iraq - voted for Hillary.
Hillary is war machine.
Did he actually SHOW it to someone??
Did he have his assistant transfer them to her underaged sext texting husband who had his computer hacked??
WHO leaked this?? What happened to the GAG order?? Or is only TRUMP gagged so he can't defend himself.
WHY do leaks ALWAYS help one side and one side only??
Is THIS the kind of country you want to live in, where Politicians are corrupt and can do whatever they want, but an outsider is set up for a coup because he is exposing them for the criminals they are, and arresting his supporters and jailing them as political prisoners to shut everyone who supports him up??
This country is dead. The left killed it.
So...yet another leak from the DoJ. This is the problem. We had leaks to the press all weekend about Russia. Leaks from our Government to members of the press. Leaks about secure information. We had leaks all over the press a week ago about our capabilities with our undersea sensors. That we heard the submarine blow up. That was classified info that should not have been leaked. But it was.
Trump didn't leak. His info was his info. This is nuts. There is so much leaked every day in this country, as a matter of routine. Trump was allowed to take docs. Hillary, Biden, Obama, Bush- all have taken docs. Some- like Hillary and Biden, had them out for anyone to access.
I'm so disgusted with the lot of our 'journalists', our DoJ, the entire working thing that is called our Government.
The Democrats continued to spy on Trump after he left us office. He was pointing out how Gen. Milley refused to obey orders from the CiC, which is insubordination. Gen. Milley did follow orders from Nancy Pelosi, which is a coup. To hide all this, the Democrats will prosecute their political rival by making sure his point is not the the topic of discussion.
He is telling everyone the war machine left is the war machine left.
guards..... seize him!
'I have a big pile of papers, this thing just came up. Look. This was him. They presented me this – this is off the record but – they presented me this. This was him. This was the Defense Department and him.'
who is Trump talking about here?
The left are speech crime Nazis - From College campuses to... the top.
Sound of rustling papers? Well that's enough for me. Lock him up.
Seriously I've not seen addressed what "showing" the papers means in this context.
Did he just wave some papers at someone without letting him read them? If so, how can anyone know what was in them? And even if they were "classified" and "secret" in the legal sense, would that be legal?
Or,did he let someone read them?
Since nobody seems to be claiming the latter, I'm going with the former until someone shows different.
John lgb Henry
Two tiered justice system bullshit. Our country is screwed.
Most important parts of the conversation is Miley's lie (and wish) that Trump would attack Iran. I think someone says in the tape "they never saw a war they didn't like". We should be thankful to Trump for defeating ISIS quickly, and starting NO NEW WARS. This is why they relentlessly pursue him.
Russians and Ukrainians would not be dying, and the world's increased risk of nuclear conflict would not be happening, if voter fraud, that some people wanted "to move on" from, didn't take him out of the White House.
They hated that guy, and his voters, so much, they released a virus from a US funded Chinese lab. The coordinated Russian collusion lies were a "coup" against Trump and the Americans who elected him. They let the country burn and stoked racial division in 2020. The Ukraine phone call impeachment; we know was a cover for Biden family crimes. Now Russians and Ukrainians die to cover those crimes.
Through all of this, let's not forget, this is all perfectly ok with college educated white women. Abortion, transgender, abortion, trasngender...protect my education pension and the monopoly we have on the system to keep poor minorities down. They're the same people who stoked the Act 10 protests, and the bullshit Walker recall.
America's Femme Fatals.
So RFK Junior is right. And Tucker Carlson is right. The establishment goes after anyone who opposes their wars.
Funny how there were no bombshell and walls closing in leaks during the Durham or Hunter Biden investigation but as soon as it’s another Trump prosecution the Feds start leaking like the Titanic.
They are "bad sick people". That's the most truthful, and saddest part of the tapes.
Consider your justice system gone people. They're planning on marching this guy that won the last two Presidential elections to prison, while installed President "I sold a lot of state secrets" drives us further into the ground.
DeSantis supporters have already given up the fight. This type of shit works on them. They don't like it, but they delusionally believe college educated white women, and the deep state voter fraud machine is going to magically let DeSantis win, and not fix things for Gavin Newsome.
It's going to get a lot worse.
Funny, I seem to recall our esteemed Attorney General promising that information about this case would only be "made available in the appropriate way and at the appropriate time" and that the Justice Department "will speak through its court filings and its work." Who were the suckers who believed that wheelbarrow full of BS?
Joe and Hunter are corrupt... and Merrick Garland is a corrupt pile of shit.
It’s an audio tape. Think it’s gonna be admissible in court? This is typical Lawfare narrative framing.
Just because you say you have a paper with something on it and you indeed have a paper doesn't mean it has on it what you said.
Make a list of famous historical examples, e.g., "I have in my hand 57 cases of individuals who would appear to be either card-carrying members or certainly loyal to the Communist Party..."
But of course, your statement is evidence that can be weighed.
I'm more interested in this plan our military had to overthrow the govt of Iran and the leaking of that plan to the whole world, which Trump didn't do.
Trump kept us out of a war with Iran? Excellent.
Biden: “I was just thanking the — anyway, I started off without you, and I sold a lot of state secrets and a lot of very important things that we shared.”
Brandon yesterday to pm modi.
This seems far more worrisome. What the hell doe he mean?
Did he really sell a lot of state secrets? To who?
The press really needs to get us an answer on this. But they won't
John lgb Henry
Blogger Ann Althouse said...
I'm more interested in this plan our military had to overthrow the govt of Iran and the leaking of that plan to the whole world, which Trump didn't do.
Bravo. Exactly. Welcome to the club! Although us hillbilly-redneck Trump supporters figured out the game in the summer of 2015 after regretting Iraq, and abandoning the Bush regime.
Biden is done for in 2024. Harris is done. They're trying to throw Trump in prison.
DeSantis is pipe dream.
Gavin Newsome will be installed in 2024.
"They're planning on marching this guy that won the last two Presidential elections to prison"
You're back on the Trump won in 2020 lie?
The US has contingency plans for pretty much every situation one can think of (and probably several one can't think of). That's what military planners do and they've done it from time immemorial. Somewhere in a file in the Pentagon, there's almost certainly a contingency plan for the invasion of Canada--just in case. That doesn't mean anybody is actually itching to invade our friendly neighbor to the north.
Serious Question
Does a former President retain a security clearance?
If so, TRUMP would have a legal right to HOLD a classified doc; right?
he WOULDN'T have a right, to provide it for others to read.. But to HOLD it in his hands?
It seems like they aren't Even accusing Trump of committing a crime.. Again
Maybe they'll say that "can't remember the year or date" this took place.. Which would mean he's GUILTY
Blogger Ann Althouse said...
Just because you say you have a paper with something on it and you indeed have a paper doesn't mean it has on it what you said...
That should matter in court, but it won't. There's a lot of Twitter speculation as to whether the prosecution even has the papers. And sadly, the documents probably did contain plans to invade Iran.
Trump doesn't read from the papers he's holding. Doesn't seem like he handed them to anyone who then says "holy shit"! The released photographs of all the boxes are propaganda for college educated white women to swallow. They're not even part of the case.
We all know that same type of shit, perhaps worse, was on Hillary's server, Weiner's laptop, and in Biden's garage.
RFK Jr. will comment on this bullshit before Ron DeSantis. If DeSantis stays silent, you know his Karl Rove/Paul Ryan handlers are telling him to be quiet.
I have not listened yet (I am supposed to be working, and need to get back to it), but my initial thoughts are:
(1) Is this recording inadmissible at trial, and so leaking it is the only way this information gets out?; and
(2) Either way, this looks like an obvious attempt to taint any jury pool in advance of trial.
Weird how all the leaks from the DOJ only go one way.
Milley is perhaps the most cowardly general we’ve ever had. He was too cowardly to tell Trump no when Trump walked across DC to save a church then he went home and stayed up all night reading social media which hammered him for it. So he then reversed course, apologized, began to try to understand White Rage, and became the inside guy Nancy could bend to her will. He’s really a terrible man.
If Trump was clever enough to avoid every temptation to sin that they lay in his path, he would simply have become a Democrat, and gotten away with anything his id came up with.
"I have sold state secrets, and other important things" - Joe Biden
If Trump had said that, they would be playing it on a loop as he swung from the gallows.
"I'm not misquoting you, I'm interpreting you!" - A reporter to Bob Dylan.
Blogger Mark said...
"They're planning on marching this guy that won the last two Presidential elections to prison"
You're back on the Trump won in 2020 lie?
That's the prerequisite for everything we have all watched happen over the last three years, and are watching now. It's why they thrust COVID upon us. Try and acquire some deductive reasoning skills. Take a bullshit detection seminar.
Or don't. It would interrupt your pretend world view. Yours and all the college educated white women.
It's the 27th of June. Pride month is almost over. Is there a parade you should be marching naked in?? Better hurry. You'll miss your chance.
Like America did in 2020.
Blogger Ann Althouse said...
But of course, your statement is evidence that can be weighed.
I'm more interested in this plan our military had to overthrow the govt of Iran and the leaking of that plan to the whole world, which Trump didn't do.
6/27/23, 8:11 AM
The military has contingency plans on how to conduct a war against every country. Trump should understand this.
Trump from 2016:
“On political corruption, we are going to restore honor to our government. In my administration, I’m going to enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information. No one will be above the law. One of the first things we must do is to enforce all classification rules and to enforce all laws relating to the handling of classified information,”
“He leaked CLASSIFIED information, for which he should be prosecuted,” Trump tweeted in April 2018, in accusing James Comey released classified information to the media.
Why shouldn’t Trump be held to his own standards?
Very stable genius gets his own rope to hang himself.
Angry, mouth breathing MAGAts cry about Hilary’s emails and mumble something about Bill Clinton’s sock drawer.
Blogger Mr Wibble said...
"Our military should have "a plan to overthrow the govt of Iran".
Maybe a military interested in actual peace and freedom, rather than sex change operations. I'm sick of bombing people. After Iraq, I don't trust us.
Bullshit is Miley running around saying he feared Trump would attack Iran, after he avoided other conflicts. Woke Miley pretended to be stopping Trump from starting a war and implementing a "coup" when the coup already happened with COVID massaged absentee ballot fraud in WI, GA, PA, AZ, and MI.
Didn't Miley even "warn" the Chinese of the same fake possibility? Didn't Miley even issue pretend "stand down" orders or warning to the military for something that was a lie and never going to happen?
So no. I'm not comfortable AT ALL with assholes like General "Woke" Miley, having plans to invade Iran.
Gusty said..
"Biden is done for in 2024. Harris is done. They're trying to throw Trump in prison.
DeSantis is pipe dream.
Gavin Newsome will be installed in 2024. "
You might be right. Newsome signaled his loyalty to the mob.
My ex-military Canadian friend tells me that Canada also had a plan to invade the US. The US plan to invade Canada and the Canadian plan to invade the US were completely at odds, with the two armies never coming close to each other. It is great to have Canada for a neighbor. Victory for both sides!
ANDG said...“He leaked CLASSIFIED information, for which he should be prosecuted,” Trump tweeted in April 2018, in accusing James Comey released classified information to the media.
Why shouldn’t Trump be held to his own standards?
Trump didn't leak this information to the media.
The corrupt DOJ prosecutor did. See the difference?
Comey actually did release classified information to the media to undermine a twice elected President.
Gusty started drinking early today.
In 1929 the Navy had plans for a Japanese attack on pear harbor. It even conducted some fairly elaborate war games about what to do in the event.
Fat lot of good it did. The December 41 attack basically duplicate the 29 simulation. To the point where there was some talk, but little evidence about whether the Japanese had access to the 29 plans.
John lgb Henry
What I found significant was that CNN had to tacitly admit that Milley had lied about Trump wanting to go to war with Iran. This whole affair is going to be interesting, I still wouldn't rule out things boomeranging back and taking down Schumer, Pelosi, et al., while Trump walks away smelling like a rose.
I have here a stack of papers, a record of a conversation between Biden and Hunter in which Biden is screeching about his “share”. Rattle rattle.
Question: even if Trump disclosed this "classified" information on this subject, involving a dispute with Milley about Iran and military plans for attacking Iran, how does it endanger our national security in any way? How does it have any effect on anything?
This is a bad-faith political prosecution of a former president who didn't have enough sense to return the documents when asked. They should have seized the records, taken them to the archives, catalogued them, and argued with Trump over what could be returned to him, and let it go at that. In other words, this is a civil matter.
This whole thing is so Trump: he creates a problem for himself by refusing to behave like a normal human being, thereby giving his enemies an opening that they exploit in the lowest, most norm-destroying way.
By the way, leaks are the currency of DC life. Adam Schiff wasn't leaking; he was lying and pretending to be leaking, but he still had the MSM's ear.
Remember Richard Nixon? He got in trouble because he set up "the Plumbers", who were supposed to stop the leaks. Their first job was burglarizing Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist's office, hoping to find some confessions. That worked out great.
As others have noted, our precious alphabet agencies leak classified/national security info all the time to the media and precious pundits. It’s unseemly to indict someone for having or talking about a document in private at the same time they are sharing national security info with the media. Trump’s lawyers should 100% rain hellfire on the DOJ for this aspect alone. DOJ does not have PRA privileges, after all.
Also, this audio leak is just pure distraction from Joe’s Troubles.
So the FBI is continuing to monitor Trump’s private communications? And continuing selective leaks to selected newsmedia?
Blogger TeaBagHag said...
Very stable genius gets his own rope to hang himself.
Angry, mouth breathing MAGAts cry about Hilary’s emails and mumble something about Bill Clinton’s sock drawer.
The ignoramous is not concerned that Secretary of State Clinton had an open email server and deleted 33,000 of them when subpoenaed. Then her staffers had a cell phone and hard drive bashing exercise just to be sure.
who made that recording?
Trump himself apparently requested the recording.
Does a former President retain a security clearance?
If so, TRUMP would have a legal right to HOLD a classified doc; right?
he WOULDN'T have a right, to provide it for others to read.. But to HOLD it in his hands?
Even if he does retain his security clearance, he no longer has a "need to know" these plans. And it already been established that Mar A Lago is not a proper venue for storing and viewing classified material.
They should have seized the records, taken them to the archives, catalogued them, and argued with Trump over what could be returned to him, and let it go at that.
That is what they tried to do (which is why Pence and Biden didn't get in trouble when classified documents among their personal documents). Trump not only actively refused to return the documents, he tried to conceal them and even asked his lawyers to hide them for him.
Everyone's going on about how this proves Trump illegally had classified documents, but the thing about an audio recording is that you can't see what document (if any) Trump is holding/waving around.
Blogger Big Mike said...
So the FBI is continuing to monitor Trump’s private communications? And continuing selective leaks to selected newsmedia?
6/27/23, 9:19 AM
No. The recording came from a meeting with people who are authors of a biography of a mark Meadows.
Trump allowed them to record.
Another example of Trump’s stupidity but the tRump Swabs will willfully ignore the warning signs about this guys.
Why do tRump Swabs love Trump more than they love America?
Blogger Mark said...
They're planning on marching this guy that won the last two Presidential elections to prison"
You're back on the Trump won in 2020 lie?
There's two ways to read "that won": "would have won", and "received the most valid votes".
For the first, would Trump have won if the legacy press, major social media companies and 51 high ranking intelligence personnel didn't conspire to bury Hunter's laptop? If there hadn't been an attempted coup in the guise of the Russian collusion hoax?
I could go on, but you get the point.
As for the latter reading, "received the most vaid votes". You assert, without evidence that is a lie. Given the onslaught of COVID excused mail-in voting, the attending sloppy procedures, and the secret ballot, it is impossible to determine the degree of vote fraud: whether Trump got more valid votes than Biden is unknowable.
Althouse: "But of course, your statement is evidence that can be weighed."
Not sure how that works.
You're apparently referring to the doctrine of prior inconsistent statements: an out-of-court statement (which is hearsay) is admissible to impeach (attack the credibility of) a statement of the declarant already in evidence. That assumes that Trump has already testified in court that he didn't unlawfully disclose a classified document. It's distinctly possible that Trump, like most criminal defendants, will not take the stand. If so, the statement is inadmissible hearsay.
AMDG said...
Trump from 2016:
“On political corruption, we are going to restore honor to our government. In my administration, I’m going to enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information. No one will be above the law. One of the first things we must do is to enforce all classification rules and to enforce all laws relating to the handling of classified information,”
“He leaked CLASSIFIED information, for which he should be prosecuted,” Trump tweeted in April 2018, in accusing James Comey released classified information to the media.
Why shouldn’t Trump be held to his own standards?
What classified information did Trump leak? It certainly isn't the well known fact that the US military has an OPLAN for every situation it can conceive of.
Mark said...Gusty started drinking early today...(and also)...I have here a stack of papers, a record of a conversation between Biden and Hunter in which Biden is screeching about his “share”. Rattle rattle.
That stuff is real; part of the laptop from hell. The Feds have had it for years. But I'm sure you believe it's Russian disinformation. The latest is not a stack of papers or emails. It's a real, confirmed What's App message where the Bidens shake down a Chinese firm for $5 Mil. And it's out there for all to view and read...with zero denial coming from the WH.
And then it's followed by our senile, corrupt ruler, slipping the Freudian Fandago, and admitting "I sold a lot state secrets and a lot of very important things."
However you are correct about one thing stated above. I have started drinking earlier and more. It's our greatest WI tradition, and with the libs taking over the state once again...I'm not the only one.
Please forgive me...Seeing videos of naked men like you parading around in front of children is more than I can take. Happy Pride Month Mark! I celebrate you! But hopefully you can understand it is tough on some of us that don't believe in wagging penises around in front of children. But you do you. Don't forget to wear sunscreen.
Well, well, well, look what I found here on the sidewalk outside.....
We've all been educated on the Evils of Carbon by now, on carbon taxes and carbon credits, and the notion that the virtues of Good Energy can be used against Evil Fossil Fuel Energy - what they call 'carbon offsets'.
So, just consider all these leaks as Biden offsets. When bad news comes out about the Biden's, say fr'instance, Merrick Garland and/or his AUSA Weiss lying to Congress about getting their finger out on Hunter Biden prosecutions before the Statute of Limitations on the crimes run out, well - time for a new Trump Leak, eh? {leans back in chair, opens file drawer}.
Mark said...
"They're planning on marching this guy that won the last two Presidential elections to prison"
"You're back on the Trump won in 2020 lie?"
Well. At least you admit you're stupid.
It has become nigh impossible to differentiate AMDG posts from The View transcripts.
As was predicted long ago for the earliest DeSantis supporters.
That and the mindreading "tells" seals the deal.
And yes, as others have already pointed out, this was an illegal DOJ leak, again, not a leak by Trump.
But GOPe-ers are gonna GOPe everytime.
Gusty Winds: "DeSantis supporters have already given up the fight. This type of shit works on them. They don't like it, but they delusionally believe college educated white women, and the deep state voter fraud machine is going to magically let DeSantis win, and not fix things for Gavin Newsome."
Not all DeSantis supporters, but certainly the AMDG's have which is why they have adopted in full the talking points of the idiot left.
First. Is Trump the final say on classificaton?
Now, if you are going to take this literally, you are forced to take all of Bidens utterences literally.
NorthOfTheOneOhOne said: "What I found significant was that CNN had to tacitly admit that Milley had lied about Trump wanting to go to war with Iran."
Excellent point. Why isn't this the story?
Sundance comments the leak is from Jack Smith team itself. The reason for the leak of the audio, according to Sundance, is that no document has been found in the trove that aligns with the audio. If no specific doc, the audio can’t be admitted into evidence. In essence, they’re contaminating the jury pool.
Donald trupp, just like any other american should be allowed to do whatever he wants with classified documents. 1st amendment. The “mishandling” of classified documents is in my opinion one of the only things of worth that the trump and biden administrations have accomplished.
. They should have seized the records, taken them to the archives, catalogued them, and argued with Trump over what could be returned to him,
That's not the law.
Nothing in the PRA or NRA allows "the government" to take, by force, documents in possession of the Ex President.
The Problem is clear. At the moment prior to the new President being sworn in, The past President has 100% Constitutional power to posses what he possesses. No one else in "the Government" has the power to challenge that possession.
That is why ALL Presidents have negotiated with NARA to get things NARA would like to have, in the goal of archiving history of the administration.
The warrant and raid are not allowed as the law has always been read in the past.
"Why shouldn’t Trump be held to his own standards?"
Oh, is this how we handle justice?
Comey wasn't ever tried. So I guess his "standard" was his actions were not criminal.
I don't want Trump to be president, and hope he loses the primary, but people are really going nuts here. Sure, he might even be guilty of something.
But this claim that we should have one special standard for Democrats and another for everyone else is extremely dangerous.
You know there is a really easy fix here:
Either be nice to all presidents, or...go after Biden with the same hammer and tongs.
He just admitted he sold state secrets! According to the Schiff Doctrine that's 100% the only proof you need.
Mark said...
Gusty started drinking early today.
6/27/23, 9:07 AM
Mark is more delusional than normal today. You need help Mark. Please see someone before you hurt yourself.
Why do tRump Swabs love Trump more than they love America?
6/27/23, 10:04 AM
Why do idiots like you want Biden to be President so badly. It's BECAUSE of people like you that the delusional one is sitting in the office that he stole today. Get over YOURSELF, and stop calling other people SWABS for not voting exactly like YOU. YOU make me want the Republicans to lose.
These witty people being witty, slay me
MAGAts - which I guess means, that Trump supporters are really maggots.
tRump Swabs - which I guess means, that Trump supporters are really no more than toilet paper.
Used reliably on each and every post, for all things concerning Trump, even tangentially.
Such cleverness! Such originality! So much wittiness and verve! So compelling, so persuasive!
We all remember these delicious feelings of glee, the thrill of writing the naughty word 'Fart' for the first time, when we were six. I guess for some, such memories are the staff of life itself. Rock on, Brave Warriors.
Why isn't Milley being prosecuted for telling the New Yorker (lying) that Trump wanted to invade Iraq? Isn't that classified?
The information that Trump allegedly conveyed--that Milley and the Pentagon wanted to invade Iraq--was information that Trump was aware of, documents or no documents. The existence of the document is simply Trump's suport for the claim that Milley was lying.
Trump seems to express the view, and frustration, that, despite his actually being allowed to retain the document, the contents of the document, he is now told, are "classified" so he can't put it out there in the public eye. Doesn't that support an inference that he, as the former President, believes that he is permitted to retain the document?
I had forgotten the comic detail that it was ephebophile sex pest Anthony Weiner's laptop that forced the Clinton email investigation back open (briefly). Pretty much my entire adult life, politics has become more and more farcical every year.
1) Trump had a perfect right to have those plans
2) Trump had a perfect right to read those plans
3) Trump had a perfect right to talk in a general way about those plans.
4) There's no evidence Trump showed those plans to anyone. Or allowed non-cleared personnel to inspect them, read them, or take copies, notes or photographs of them. He merely rattled a piece of paper, said "Hey look at this" and talked.
5) Trump did not damage national security in any meaningful way.
The special counsel leaked this because they know the tape proves nothing except "Trumps state of mind". I guess we can just keep repeating whats obvious. This is a political show trial, an abuse of the DOJ and Federal power. And Garland should be impeached and removed.
Merrick Garland and jack smith leaked this, AFTER filing a motion to prevent Trump from saying anything about the Documents or witnesses involved in the trial.
Garland should be impeached and Smith fired.
General Milly Vanilli, our first Gay/Trans supporting Army chief of staff, has been playing politics ever since he realized Trump might lose in 2020. He was telling Trump he couldn't do this or that because it would be "political" while calling up Nancy Pelosi and chitchatting about various matters including J6, and how "to control crazy Trump".
AMDG This twitter feed is for YOU, and other Never Trumpers like you. Stop sucking up all the oxygen.
AMDG said...Another example of Trump’s stupidity but the tRump Swabs will willfully ignore the warning signs about this guys.
He not ignoring warning signs these guys. He's taking them on. Looking right at them.
Calling them out from public podiums.
Only difference between GOPe supporters and Trump, is Trump has not bent a knee to the corruption of our Deep State.
Gavin Newsome is already flirting, and meeting with a liberal Texas Sherriff seeing if they can charge DeSantis with a crime for flying and bussing migrants to sanctuary cities. Kidnapping or some other bullshit.
You're going to learn soon enough, DeSantis is not immune. And I'm not accusing him of bending a knee...yet...but his silence isn't going to win over the very large MAGA base. And I like the guy.
rcocean: "General Milly Vanilli, our first Gay/Trans supporting Army chief of staff,..."
General Milly Vanilli, our first Gay/Trans supporting Army chief of staff and secret communicator with his ChiCom buddies against the duly elected President of the United States.
Might as well get it all in.
Of course, AMDG is NOT going to like our pointing out what Milly Vanilli is all about. But we should keep doing it anyway.
wendybar (12:15pm) and Aggie (12:57pm):
Years ago I noted that any comment or tweet or other web-communication that used the terms "DemoCrap", "Demoncrat", "DemonCrap", "Rethuglican", "Repugnican", "Rethug", "Repug", or similar constructions, was utterly worthless as a comment. Even ignoring the epithets, no one using any of those terms was capable of rational argument. I continued to read them carefully, now and then, just to make sure, and never found a single exception. Looks like we can add "MAGAt" and "tRump Swabs" to the same category: absolutely reliable signs of nasty and stupid bigotry.
Professor Althouse should have a tag line for "college educated white women" for all of the posts from Drago. It's the reason he blames for everything wrong in America today. At one time in our history the blame was all put on the Irish, anther time the Negros, another time the Jews, and now it's the "college educated white women" who are to blame for everything. There were four of these blaming "college educated white women" posts by Drago just in this one thread today. I've started to read Drago's posts like the Bob Newhart show game, where whenever someone says "Hi Bob" you have to take a drink. So whenever Drago says "college educated white women" I have to take a drink. This has severely hindered my quest to modify my drinking.
Ann is more interested in a crime that Trump didn’t commit and isn’t charged with committing than a crime that Trump likely did commit and apparently confessed to. Seems like a strange position for a law professor.
"Trump caught red handed blocking neocons from starting another war."
Bolten has already called Trump a "coward" for not approving an air strike on Iran. Per Trump: It would cost too many innocent lives.
Now, we're supposed to be believe that "crazy President Trump" wanted to kill thousands of innocents in a rogue Iranian invasion. But peace-loving General Millie vannilli held him back. LOL!
Blogger wendybar said...
Why do tRump Swabs love Trump more than they love America?
6/27/23, 10:04 AM
Why do idiots like you want Biden to be President so badly. It's BECAUSE of people like you that the delusional one is sitting in the office that he stole today. Get over YOURSELF, and stop calling other people SWABS for not voting exactly like YOU. YOU make me want the Republicans to lose.
6/27/23, 12:19 PM
I desperately do not want Biden, or any Democrat for that matter, to win. That is a reason why I oppose Trump.
At some point the Trumpists must understand what anybody else’s with even a cursory understanding of electoral politics understands - TRUMP CANNOT WIN.
The came polls that show him cruising to the nomination show him losing all the swing states to Biden. Those same polls also show that a majority of American voters are concerned about Biden’s mental acuity. Those same polls show DeSantis beating Biden in each one of the swing states where Biden leads Trump.
Trumps main problem is that independents, the people that decide elections, have decided they prefer a dementia patient over Trump. This is further compounded by Trump’s inability or unwillingness to try to appeal to independent voters.
Trump is most comfortable whining about 2020 and playing the victim- things that excite his base and simultaneously repel independents.
That is why I accuse Trumpists of loving Trump more than they love America.
LLR lonejustice: "Professor Althouse should have a tag line for "college educated white women" for all of the posts from Drago. It's the reason he blames for everything wrong in America today."
Its funny you think this approach will actually work for you.
I'll bet you and C**** spent hours filtering thru your "best" opportunities to float some transparent BS and hilariously this is what you dredged up!
On behalf of the rational Althouse commentariat, I thank you for beclowning yourself....
Truly, its like your super power or something.
"Trump caught red handed blocking neocons from starting another war."
Having plans for every contingency is good planning.
There has been zero evidence of any attempt to do anything but create contingency plans.
Nice try.
AMDG: "I desperately do not want Biden, or any Democrat for that matter, to win. That is a reason why I oppose Trump."
Well, I'm sure that will go a long way to making the "magats" and "tRumps" and the deplorables and cultists and great unwashed and those you can literally smell when you walk into a walmart come round to your way of thinking in terms of supporting a candidate whose advisors and supporters despise the Trump base.
Good luck.
Ann Althouse said...
"Just because you say you have a paper with something on it and you indeed have a paper doesn't mean it has on it what you said.
Make a list of famous historical examples, e.g., "I have in my hand 57 cases of individuals who would appear to be either card-carrying members or certainly loyal to the Communist Party..."
1. I suspect there's a pretty significant difference between Tailgunner Joe making a public speech and Trump having a private conversation.
2 i suspect most of your readers and posters totally believe that McCarthy's paper had on it exactly what he said.
AMDG says: “Why do idiots like you want Biden to be President so badly.”
Why do supposed Republicans/conservatives opposing Trump immediately take up lefty tactics? ANDG, do you really think you’re going to convince anyone by calling them an idiot? Make your arguments but if you really are a Republican or conservative then understand that we are on the same side.
"There has been zero evidence of any attempt to do anything but create contingency plans."
Were you alive at the time? Or do you get all of your data from what you are told now by our neocon controlled media? I remember that we came very close to starting a war with Iran over that drone that Iran shot down, and Trump stopped them.
jimmy numbers:
"Ann is more interested in a crime that Trump didn’t commit and isn’t charged with committing than a crime that Trump likely did commit and apparently confessed to. Seems like a strange position for a law professor."
But not a strange position for an American citizen. Or for a smart person who isn't taking the bait.
"We should be thankful to Trump for defeating ISIS quickly, and starting NO NEW WARS."
Who, (besides Trump) says he defeated ISIS?
As to his starting no new wars, that doesn't cut it. It took Biden to withdraw the US from Afghanistan.
"You're back on the 'Trump won in 2020 lie?'"
It's not a lie if one believes it. It's a delusion.
These idiots are deluded.
Who says Trump defeated ISIS? Anyone who was paying attention. When he was inaugurated, ISIS was openly selling Christian and Yazidi women as sex-slaves in their capital, Raqqa, a city in Syria near the Iraqi border. They also controlled roughly half of Syria and a third of Iraq. When Trump left office, the few remaining ISIS thugs were hiding in caves along the Turkish border, blasted with bombs or missiles whenever they stuck their heads out. It was an amazingly successful campaign, where the ground fighting was mostly done by U.S. allies, Kurds and others, while the U.S. mostly provided air support and intelligence. Few, if any, Americans were killed, and there are no more slave sales in Raqqa. Has Robert Cook never heard of this, is he pretending not to have heard? Either one is shameful.
Dr Weevil said...
"Who says Trump defeated ISIS? Anyone who was paying attention."
No links or other supporting evidence. Par for the course.
It took Biden to withdraw the US from Afghanistan
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the Biden administration claim they were forced to follow through with Trump's plan to pull out and the shitty outcome was all Trump's fault? Has history been rewritten already? That was quick!
No links or other supporting evidence.
After a rather longish post full of evidential facts? No refutation? Par for the course.
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