June 8, 2023

Sunrise — 5:24.



madAsHell said...

You can now buy gender free panties at Victoria's Secret?

So.......it's not a secret anymore?

wild chicken said...

Yesterday some Facebook nostalgia page dashed off a post noting the death of "Asturd" Gilberto.

If I'm laughing hysterically right now it's only because of that stubborn refusal to proofread.

Dave Begley said...

Credible reports that the Biden Crime Family was paid $10m by Burisma. Sounds like news to me!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

This is really freaky

DINKY DAU 45 said...

As much as we will see it in the next year these charges will be decided in a court of law and a jury of the charged perps' peers, not by individuals, trumpeters who will just send $$, the ones who refuse any reality, MAGA (Make Attorneys Get Attorneys)folks in Congress and on the streets and cyber space just like the bogus 2 trial loss guy with the mustache law case conspiracies (Dunham) and the judges ridicule of case being brought. Like the bogus Rudy Guiliani (NEXT guy to be charged) $10 million dollar bribe case on BERNIE already rejected by a judge and the then criminal trump personal lawyer Bill Barr. C'MON MAN READ THE TRANSCRIPT.YES WE KNOW "LOOK OVER HERE" All the armchair quarterbacks, yup the ones that said facetiously that the walls are closing in now know the walls have closed in with 2 indictments and more to come, this fella makes Nixon look like a boy scout. Conspiracy to block a legal duty of Congress, charges coming out of Jack next for J6TH and Fani just waiting to drop the RICO. You got to pay attention, stop listening to FOX and the fake news, Not Enquirer INFO, little, but you got to do the work, c'mon man, pay attention and no tears especially when it's now in the hands of the courts not public opinion. This has been going on for a long time and the perp stuck his own foot in his mouth live and on the web, pretty stupid. for A GUY THATS SUPPOSED TO BE RICH HE SURE HAS A CLASS C LAW TEAM RUIDI AND that lady habba something?? The Comer/Jordon SHOW IS A TOTAL JOKE. ASSANGE, MANNING, SNOWDEN this aint new stuff, you think they had original documents? Donald and Melanie Rosenberg trump?, they better hope there is no dissemination trails. Cant wait for the debates, you think the former guy will show? And everyone said it would be boring with Sleepy Joe in the big seat Wrong! "Weekend at Bernie's" guy just chilling and watching the walls closing in! ASA has said no pledge to anyone who is guilty of espionage! hmmmm JACK did this on his own, with a grand jury and no interference from an AG, LITTLE DIFFERENT THAN THE LAST GREOUPING WITH BIG BILL, Mr interference, just like the special counsel rules state, homey don't play! I will handicap the next charges from Jack on j6th conspiracy on stopping legal action and lay odds when Im done I need a little more past performances.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I was invited by a friend to see the Braves play against the Mets at Truist park here in ATL.

What a game. The Braves overcame a three run deficit to tie the game in the 9th and win the game in the 10th.

It was the best game I’ve ever seen at a ball park.

tim in vermont said...

Propaganda works. Nazi Germany proved that. In 1948 we outlawed it by our government against Americans, and Nancy Pelosi’s Congress repealed that prohibition. The saying used to be that “it can’t happen here,” but Obama’s motto was “Yes it can!”

It’s hard to tell if you are dealing with a believer, or a fifty-center, who is just here to push party propaganda, but one clue is a complete refusal to engage counter argument. Joe Biden has a problem, he is only surpassed in unpopularity by Jimmy Carter. So he has subverted the rule of law to become rule by law, and the rule of men. He cannot hide the hypocrisy any longer, but he can ignore it. He has the same control over the press that Hitler enjoyed, the FBI has become the Gestapo, and just like the Nazis, he used an obvious false flag, Reichstag Fire, meet J6, to consolidate his party’s grip on power.

What a great country we live in.

tim maguire said...

Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...This is really freaky

As presented, it looks freaky, but as someone points out in the comments, the video is compressed so that fires that started many hours apart look like they started at the same time. All it really means is a lightening storm that moved across the province started multiple fires. Which is fairly normal in the summer.

Wildfire season came early this year because the spring was relatively dry, but that's about it.

rhhardin said...

Gregg Jarret: "Corruption in the swamp runs deep."

Humperdink said...

The FDA has pulled the Johnson and Johnson "vaccine" from the market due to blood clots. I am so old (72) I remembered when the experts told us the science was settled.

wendybar said...

"I have the Esquire question about President Biden’s characteristic laughter over his own senescent ramblings. He is laughing at us."
Much like the WORLD is laughing at how we became a Banana Republic so fast...


Rusty said...

Dinky is so proud of the Dept. of Justice that he bought and paid for. The DOJ that will do anything the party wants. He has convinced himself that this is justice.
When the pendulum swings the other way it will be a horror show. Just remember, Dinky, when it all goes south, you did this.

tim in vermont said...

“The destruction of the KHPP dam is affecting Russian military positions on the eastern bank of the Dnipro River. The flooding has destroyed many Russian first line field fortifications that the Russian military intended to use to defend against Ukrainian attacks. Rapid flooding has likely forced Russian personnel and military equipment in Russian main concentration points in Oleshky and Hola Prystan to withdraw. Russian forces had previously used these positions to shell Kherson City and other settlements on the west (right bank) of Kherson. Ukrainian Southern Operational Command Spokesperson Nataliya Humenyuk stated that Russian forces relocated their personnel and military equipment from five to 15 kilometers from the flood zone, which places Russian forces out of artillery range of some settlements on the west (right bank) of the Dnipro River they had been attacking. The flood also destroyed Russian minefields along the coast, with footage showing mines exploding in the flood water. Kherson Oblast Occupation Head Vladimir Saldo, however, claimed that the destruction of the KHPP is beneficial to the Russian defenses because it will complicate Ukrainian advances across the river.”

Black is white, war is peace, hate is love...

In a few short weeks the riverbed will dry up, and Russian defenses will still be gone, as they will not be able to dig trenches in soggy ground, and Russia no longer holds the card of being able to flood the battlefield should Ukraine gain ground, but Russia did it, because they hate the people of Crimea and Donbas who rely on that water for agriculture, so much. I know, it's war, and Kiev has to do what it has to do, but just stop lying about it.

A good way to figure out what is happening in the war is to simply adopt the heuristic that whether Kiev says is the opposite of the truth. If they say that Russia is throwing undertrained troops into a hopeless meat grinder, well, it's because that's what Kiev is doing, If they say that Russia blew up it's own natural gas pipeline, or shelled its own nuclear power plant, or now, blew up an ammonia pipeline, because, apparently Russia didn't want the money from selling it, and as a side effect, the price of fertilizer is going to rise, well you know that the opposite is true.

You could tell that their top general had been killed, or at least taken out of action, because they immediately attempted to assassinate the Russian Defense Minister, killing two of his guards. So their knee jerk playbook telegraphs the truth of what is really going on.

rhhardin said...

According to closed captions, Tucker Carlson is against kitty porn.

tommyesq said...

Not sure if anyone else has seen this, but something happened with the format of this blog over the last 36 hours that makes it very difficult to read on a smart phone. Still looks normal on the computer, but on a pone the text is now minimized and the photo and links on the right appear, and the text is too small to read and overflows the screen when blown up.

tim in vermont said...

A good question for Joe Biden would be if he remembers any of the students in the class that his now Secretary of State, Blinken, payed him $1,000,000.00 to teach at Penn, out of money from the Penn-Biden Foundation. You know, the same one where Joe Biden kept classified documents, to which not only Hunter had access, but we know that keys were made for the Chinese nationals who funded the "Foundation" to the tune of many millions of dollars.

That's $1,000,000.00 of ChiCom money into Joe's pocket right under everybody's nose. The Democrats have used the same propaganda techniques that the Ukrainians use, that they learned from their hero, whose iconography they use to adorn their uniforms, and their tanks. Joe Biden has been monetizing classified documents, so it's critical, per their system, that Trump be accused of doing that. Evidence doesn't matter, what's important is to muddy the water.

It's exactly the same as Hillary colluding with Kiev to interfere in 2016, thoroughly documented with actual evidence, so the playbook says! Accuse Trump of colluding with Russia. It's a simply plan, and it works.

Aggie said...

@HBTPFH, I saw a short vid from a meteorologist with access to the weather imagery files. He first went through the lightning-strike video loops - they can identify these now - and mapped out where the strike clusters were over the region, as the storms moved through. And then he went through the visual image loops, as the smoke plumes started up. Overlaying the two, there is an almost exact coincidence of strikes preceding plumes. Not every strike resulted in a plume, but pretty much every plume was preceded by a strike cluster. Of course some of these fires are not wildfires, but arson - they've arrest a few perps and of course there's always the odd nitwit throwing out a cigarette butt, admittedly less than there used to be. But as the serious scientists are pointing out, regulations on logging/timber are hurting forest management over the long term, and forest fires (wild or human-caused) are on the long-term downtrend, which is positive news. They should loosen up the over-regulated federal lands and let proven methodologies take precedence to lighten up the fuel loads.

Leland said...

This is really freaky

Yes, yes it is. Well, not freaky, but something that should be investigated.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Rh ☺️

Dr Weevil said...

A good way to figure out what is happening in the war is to simply adopt the heuristic that whatever 'tim in vermont' says is the opposite of the truth. I already proved in the previous sunrise thread that Russia blew up the dam. Has he read it? If not, he needs to go back there and do so, and then respond to my arguments. Here are a few more points to show the truth to anyone who has eyes to see:

1. Norwegian seismologists detected the blast: it was that huge. That means that the dam didn't just crumble because it was shoddily constructed and the water was too high, as some claim. It was blown up with explosives so powerful that they made an artificial earthquake.

2. Nine days ago, the Russian parliament passed, and Putin signed, Decree No. 873 (link): "In case of hydro-technical objects being attacked by terrorists or military - do no investigation about causes of an accident." This proves that they were already planning to blow up the dam, so it wasn't just a drunken subordinate in the demolition control room who sat on the red button by mistake. Putin ordered it.

3. Ukraine could not have blown up the dam even if they had wanted to. None of their bombs or missiles are anywhere near large enough. Note that they bombed and shelled and missiled the Antonivskyi Bridge near Kherson - the only other road crossing downstream of the reservoir - for months and never managed to knock it down. They knocked a lot of holes in the road surface, and the Russians closed it to traffic some of the time, limited it to cars only some of the time, and patched the holes and used it for heavy traffic some of the time. It was only destroyed when the Russians retreated across it and then blew up several spans with planted explosives, just as they have done now with the dam. And a dam is a lot more solidly constructed than a bridge.

One more little 'tim' lie in this thread is significant: he says that the Ukrainians "hate the people of Crimea and Donbas who rely on that water for agriculture", presumably because they (well, some of them) are ethnically Russian. In fact the four many-branched irrigation canals from the reservoir do not supply the Donbas, and only part of the water from one of them goes to Crimea: most of the water goes to Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, and Dnipropetrovsk, all of them ethnically Ukrainian. The dam was (as he suggests) blown up to deprive ethnically-different farmers of their livelihood, but it was blown up by Russians to dry up the lands owned and plowed by Ukrainians.

Rusty said...

tim in vermont said...
RE; the dam collapse.
One of the internet wags seems to think the dam collapsed rather than being blown up. Because the Ukrainian snipers were shooting the gantry crane operators(the gantry cranes were used to open the dams flood gates). As a consequence the Russians,( The power generating area is part of the dam and is on the Russian side), kept the far eastern flood gate open for months at full throttle. Because of the turbulent water the foundation of the dam in that are was undermined. The guy has pictures of the dam with that one floodgate opened since March. Russian incompetence strikes again.

Leland said...

This is really freaky

Yes, yes it is. Well, not freaky, but something that should be investigated.

I checked out NOAA satellite data going back to 4 June, and I think what is being seen is an artifact of the sunrise and how it reflects of the clouds to give the impression they are starting at the same time, when reality they are getting hit by sunlight at the same time.

Candide said...

"In February 2017, heavy rainfall damaged Oroville Dam's main and emergency spillways, prompting the evacuation of more than 180,000 people living downstream along the Feather River and the relocation of a fish hatchery."

Dams collapse. Google can provide ample data about dam disasters in California, Ukraine and the world over.

Although, if Kiev now can move 50,000 new troops to that counteroffensive they prepare elsewhere, that would seem like a very convenient occasion. Actually, that would be very smart move. All is fair in war... Like 'tim' said, nothing wrong with that, except for the stupid lies. Of course, dimwits like 'weevil' can't help but gorge on the lies.

wendybar said...

J.D. Vance
Respect for the neocons who think Article 2 gives George W. Bush the right to spy on your mom but not Trump the right to declassify his own administration’s documents.
12:03 PM · Jun 9, 2023

wendybar said...

J.D. Vance
Respect for the neocons who think Article 2 gives George W. Bush the right to spy on your mom but not Trump the right to declassify his own administration’s documents.
12:03 PM · Jun 9, 2023

Dr Weevil said...

Can Candide point to a single lie that I've written here or on the previous dawn thread? I've offered a great deal of evidence that Russia destroyed the dam, and that Ukraine could not have done so if they tried. And Candide thinks he can just call it lies and leave it at that? That makes him the dimwit and the liar in this particular argument.

Candide said...

I didn’t say that Weevil is fabricating lies, I said Weevil is gorging on Kievan regime propaganda then regurgitating Kievan regime lies uncritically. That makes Weevil a dimwit.

Dr Weevil said...

Somehow Candied Yam can't point to a single thing I've written that is false, much less show that I knew it was false, or that it came from "Kievan" (only assholes call it that) "regime propaganda", which I do not even read.

Yes, I've reluctantly conclued that if Oedipodean coprophagic ninnies like 'dim in vermont' and Candied Yam are going to refuse to answer my arguments or to admit their proven bald-faced lies and only insult me, I may as well insult them back.

Candide said...

You sure Candied Yam qualifies as an insult?

Dr Weevil said...

Lying turd would apparently rather be called Candie Ass. Still waiting for any evidence whatsoever from Candie Ass or dim in vermont countering any single bit of the evidence I have given proving that the Russians blew up the Nova Kakhovka dam. Too bad they're too gutless to admit they got this one wrong.