June 28, 2023

Sarcasm on top of sarcasm.



Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Roseanne is a loser. If she a Democrat plant? Her words just made it easier for the corrupt left to continue with neo-Marxist march.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Was she being sarcastic? Didn't sound like it to me.

Holocaust denial turns my stomach. Screw her.

Mark said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aggie said...

It's funny how people can condemn someone else as a 'Holocaust Denier' by taking a selective route through an outrageous-sounding quote, while denying its proper context. Successfully navigating that minefield of understanding.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She is helping the corrupt left with her stupidity.

Joking about the holocaust? Using it to stretch your "but free speech" muscle? Lame.
There are plenty of topics to fight the left over - including their demands to use silly pronouns, force men to compete with women, erase women, & groom our children with their age-inappropriate sexual obsessions. The left's lies about banning books - when in reality moms and dads want leftwing porn removed from the school library. etc..

The left demand loyalty to big pharma, loyalty to the mob-like take-over of vote-counting...

There is no good purpose of bringing up a historical nightmare, and using it like a punch line.
Screw her. She is yes another rich bubble-dwelling Hillarywoodland idiot.

Kai Akker said...

I only find the one sarcasm, hers. And those two probably think she's a dope.

hombre said...

So Larry Tribe thinks there are only six million Jews in the world and that the comments of a has-been comedian may be a "true threat" to them?

He needs to fade away while some people remember him as something other than a partisan crackpot. And no, Larry, that's not a true threat either.

RideSpaceMountain said...

As Jerry Seinfeld and Jon Stewart (real name Leibowitz) have so often mentioned, the transgressive brand of Jewish comedy is about properly timing when you put the clown nose on and when you take it off.

In the last ten years non-Jewish comedians with a transgressive brand of comedy have been doing the same thing, with hilarious results, except the Seinfelds and 'Stewarts' of the world haven't been laughing. Curious huh?

Robert Cook said...

"Her words just made it easier for the corrupt left to continue with neo-Marxist march."

Really? Do you live in the real world? (A rhetorical question, as you obviously do not.)

Temujin said...

I have Laurence Tribe in my twitter feed. I could knock it out, but I'm mesmerized by how vacant he really is. He has such a rep as a legal scholar, and that may be. But in real life, he's an awful thinker. And even in the law, if it means the law gets between he and his Party Loyalty, the law can be manipulated, molded, or ignored.

He's so much less impressive when you see a slew of his tweets. That could probably apply to many of us, but I expected more from him. He's completely TDS'd. All that said, I don't care a whit about Roseanne, and even less about Laurence commenting on Roseanne. What's next? Sunny Hostin?

RideSpaceMountain said...

Laurence Tribe being named Laurence Tribe is a joke in itself, a hilarious one, at least for some of us.

Original Mike said...

I'm sure it's not perfect (nothing is), but the Readers Context feature appears to be a useful enhancement to Twitter.

Political Junkie said...

She is Jewish, correct. By modern protocols she can say what she wants on that subject.

rcocean said...

If a Gentile Comedian had said this, he'd be treated the same way Ye was. But Rosanne gets away with her "Joke". And I think she should get away with it. I just think everyone should get away with it.

Because I believe Free Speech is an American value. And the answer to bad speech is more speech. OTOH, if you want censorship and gatekeeping, lets have it for everyone. And if you attack Catholics/Christians or Whites that should be "hate speech" too.

The attitude of Americans on this subject is litteraly crazy and absurd. Why give anyone some special privilage? That's not just UnAmerican, its pathetic.

BarrySanders20 said...

Roaenne: "It's a good thing the Jews are in control of Hollywood because otherwise all you'd have is fucking fishing shows." Hilarious. I'm going fishing next week up nort and I'm going to quote her.

cassandra lite said...

Not being named to SCOTUS apparently broke Larry the way it broke Merrick Garland.

Narayanan said...

can jews be told when is rich enough and asked to cough up shekels? >> what are Tribe thought on that?

[your wallet or your life ?=? true threat]

Ann Althouse said...

"So Larry Tribe thinks there are only six million Jews in the world and that the comments of a has-been comedian may be a "true threat" to them?"

No. He's doing sarcasm, just as she is.

It's such a low form of humor... or I should say, what a truly creative and lofty form of humor.

Original Mike said...

Why is sarcasm a low form of humor? Is it because it's easily misunderstood? Or, because it's easy for others to pretend to misunderstand it? Both? Something else?

Eva Marie said...

Robert Cook says: “Really? Do you live in the real world?”
Since we live in a simulation, none of us live in the real world.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ann said - "a low form of humor."

OK - so low that it's not humor and just a gift to the left. Got it.

Cook - read my 9:10 for the reality you refuse to grasp. I mean -= you still insist our open border isn't a problem.

wendybar said...

And HERE is Joe Biden..

RNC Research
Biden: "[Putin] is clearly losing the war in Iraq"


Which one is more delusional, supposedly and running the country??

narciso said...

well he is one of obamas mentors, along with derrick bell, the epitome of derp,

Aggie said...

One thing you can say about sarcasm, it's the easiest form of humor to misrepresent. You don't even have to be particularly careful when choosing the clip to quote from.

Yinzer said...

THIS is what she said that they used to end her career? Obvious sarcasm being used by those who are evil. Anyone who believes that she is seriously saying that Jews should be killed is an idiot, evil or both. And no, Tribe is not being sarcastic, he is being an evil shit.

Big Mike said...

Anyway, every man worthy of his testicles understands that it’s not Jews who cause so mch of the world’s problems. It’s those damned feminists.

Ikh vel zeyn do donershtik. Ti di kalbfleysh.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Please explain how she was using sarcasm?

dbp said...

Tribe is doing tribalism, not sarcasm.

Jupiter said...

"The left demand loyalty to big pharma, loyalty to the mob-like take-over of vote-counting..."

Also loyalty to the ADL and the SPLC.

Mountain Maven said...

Why do people like her get any press? Give her the David Duke treatment and she will fade away.

tommyesq said...

Joking about the holocaust? Using it to stretch your "but free speech" muscle? Lame.

GO to the original and listen to the five minutes leading up to the part Tribe chopped out. Roseanne was discussing repression of anything that might suggest that Biden didn't really get 81 million legitimate votes last election, noting specifically that social media has been presenting the 81 million votes as "truth" and "facts" that cannot be contested or doubted. She used the corresponding statement - that no one died in the Holocaust (a view espoused by a surprising number of people) as truth that cannot be questioned - to point out the absurdity of getting to truth without permitting debate.

Kai Akker said...

---No. He's doing sarcasm, just as she is.

Can't find any sarcasm there. It reads to me like a direct comment on the Supreme Court ruling. As far as Roseanne's comment goes, he might be passing on judging its seriousness, but I don't see any sign of arch or comic consciousness going on in his tweet. The two exclamation points show he is taking it all seriously. Outrageous! Etc! Straightforward comment, IMO.

Big Mike said...

Tribe lacks the intelligence to use sarcasm.

Michael K said...

cassandra lite said...

Not being named to SCOTUS apparently broke Larry the way it broke Merrick Garland.

Boy, is that true ! And thank God for it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


OK - not how I would do it. There are other examples that can be made about the left using Nazi-like force to pound narratives... and force speech crimes and thought crimes.

Holocaust denial is a terrible example or metaphor. Unless she is seeking attention - negative attention - which she seems to be addicted to.

MikeD said...

Tommyesq with the first, and only, rational comment in the thread, so far!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I detest tortured metaphors.

rcocean said...

"Tommyesq with the first, and only, rational comment in the thread, so far!"

Noted. anonymous nobody internet guy. We'll do better next time, since we're all trying to live up to your standards.

See, now that's obvious low-brow sarcasm.

Note sure about Tribe's. Or Rosanne's. For scarcasm to work, you need to have common ground and for it to be obvious. I don't have common ground with Tribe. He's said so many stupid and weird things, its not obvious he's not serious.

Lilly, a dog said...

Has it jumped to #1 on the permanent list of things we can't joke about? I missed that update. Presenting Gilbert Gottfried, who was also (apparently) a Holocaust denier:


gilbar said...

sarcasm? i'll give you "sarcasm"!
We are fighting in the Ukraine, to protect democracy!
Volodymyr Zelensky's cancellation of Ukraine's 2024 election on the grounds of martial law

That's Right!
we are fighting in the Ukraine, "for Democracy!"; so SINCE WE ARE Fighting, there will be No democracy

"we had to destroy democracy to save it"?
No, actually; we had to eradicate democracy to ensure that our war with eurasia would continue.
Who wants this war? Not the Ukrainians, that's for sure

rhhardin said...

Sarcasm is just saying the opposite of what you mean. Teenagers learn to do it and it seems to point to a profound and deep self that must exist because otherwise what else would be meaning the opposite.

Also adult women do it, meaning "Something's wrong and you have to figure out what it is."

rhhardin said...

Surely holocaust deniers are just complaining about the holocaust industry.

In the 80s I used to get academic book catalogs and often a Jewish Studies section, in which there'd be a Holocaust for Children section.

I put it down to Jews having a very high verbal IQ and a love of whining. It comes from being tied to prophets more than philosophers.

tommyesq said...

HBTPFH - OK - not how I would do it. There are other examples that can be made about the left using Nazi-like force to pound narratives... and force speech crimes and thought crimes.

Holocaust denial is a terrible example or metaphor.

I don't disagree, I would not have gone there. It does, however, adequately demonstrate the absurdity of current social media.

Also, didn't mean to capitalize "GO" like I was putting some weird emphasis - just a clumsy typist.

Ann Althouse said...

Sarcasm is very low humor because it's the easiest thing to do, just say the opposite of what you think in that sarcasm voice.

Now, Roseanne got into trouble because she didn't do the sarcasm voice intensely enough -- and didn't switch to it when challenged but just kept going on as if she really meant it, like that was going to eventually turn into comedy gold. Yeesh.

There are people who just say "Oh, really?" or "That's just brilliant" very intensely. It's so easy. Also, you can claim to doing sarcasm after the fact when something you said turns out to be stupid. It's a big I'm not stupid, you're stupid loophole.

tommyesq said...

Rcocean said "Tommyesq with the first, and only, rational comment in the thread, so far!"

Noted. anonymous nobody internet guy. We'll do better next time, since we're all trying to live up to your standards."

Hey, don't knock MikeD - he made a good point!!

Dude1394 said...

The people ( many posting in the comments here ) who will jump on someone from a twitter headline by Lawrence tribe as factual are true losers. Take just a LITTLE bit of your precious time to get the whole story. Great big L’s

rhhardin said...

Elegant sarcasm. Hot blonde walks into a bar and man ask her what she does for a living. "I'm a brain surgeon," she says.

alanc709 said...

Well, Ann sees anything of which she doesn't approve as low. She's fine with the transgender movement's desire to mutilate the children that survive her desire to abort them, but sarcasm is beyond the pale.

Clark said...

r/aspiememes: i_dont_get_sarcasm_do_you

holdfast said...

It’s crude, unnecessary and kind of stupid, but because she says “of us” it’s obviously not an actual threat.

rcocean said...

Rosanne's comment needed more eye-roll.

JaimeRoberto said...

She should be cancelled for saying that if Jews weren't running the entertainment business all we'd have are fishing shows. I mean, we'd almost certainly have hunting shows too.

Wilber said...

I'm not a big fan of Barr's, but it is really unfair to call this anti-semitic. It is clear from the full interview that she is not seriously saying that more Jews should have been killed in the Holocaust that didn't happen - she is making fun of that point of view. It's just that when they come back to the subject, she repeats the sarcastic claim, and there's no trace of sarcasm if that's all you see. If you don't believe me, believe the Wiesenthal Center: The Simon Wiesenthal Center, specializing in Holocaust and hate in a historic and contemporary context, said it “reviewed the interview - Ms. Barr's comments were taken out of context. Criticism not valid.”

Godot said...

Ann Althouse said...

Sarcasm is very low humor because it's the easiest thing to do, just say the opposite of what you think in that sarcasm voice.

Sarcasm is a very common tone in traditional Jewish humor.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

I learned on The True History Channel* (lecturing professors, not swamp people) that the reason Jews went into banking centuries ago is because in Europe, they were not permitted to join any of the professional guilds. Banking was about the only business option open to them. So naturally, out of necessity, they went into banking.

So, it's funny to me to hear people bitch about all those damn greedy Jewish moneymen.


mikee said...

Who even does such Holocaust Denial(TM) these days, really? Other than people who also advocate for killing all the Jews still around today, I mean, of course.

Here's a tip: Perhaps one should step back and look for the "Kill the Jews" message whenever one sees Holocaust Denial(TM), to determine if the denial presented is meant to be humorous & sarcastic, or real.

Paul A. Mapes said...

Roseanne Barr shouldn't have made that comment about the Holocaust. She should have known that some simple-minded, uneducated people don't know that she's a famous comedian and might have taken her remark seriously. You know, simple-minded, uneducated people like Lawrence Tribe. It's just a shame that he never got that Supreme Court seat he worked so hard to get. After all, even simple-minded, uneducated people should be represented on the Court.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Lawrence Tribe shows us what a fascist he is.

I'm going to take a wild guess that Tribe does NOT claim in public that all those nasty comments in public against Trump, "Trumpers", "Christianists", "TERFs", or even Republicans are "true threats".

What a nasty, garbage piece of work he is

dbp said...

Barr did her sarcasm voice a little too close to the side of subtlety, so people who are looking for offense can find it, with a clear-enough conscience.

Tribe, on the other-hand, didn't use a voice at all. He has, over the last few years, written truly outrageous things. Was this all satire? To believe that, he'd have to be a conservative, since the satire version of his writings, always skewered the left, but only if taken as satire.

Big Mike said...

Has it jumped to #1 on the permanent list of things we can't joke about? I missed that update.

@Lilly, 11 million human beings were killed because they were Jewish, or gypsies, or homosexual, or a female Russian POW (the prettier ones were raped first, of course), or otherwise in some category of subhumans (Untermenschen). This does not include combat casualties or even civilians who dies as “collateral damage” in bomb raids or artillery barrages. It does not even include partisans killed during or subsequent to guerrilla fighting. These were ordinary people just trying to keep their heads down and praying that they and their families could get through the war in one piece. But for one reason or another their very existence was inconvenient to the Narrative of the Third Reich. *

If you can find something in all that to laugh about, get some professional psychiatric help. Quickly.
* And, yes, I hate the 21st century Progressive Narrative, too, and for pretty much the same reason.

Gahrie said...

I learned on The True History Channel* (lecturing professors, not swamp people) that the reason Jews went into banking centuries ago is because in Europe, they were not permitted to join any of the professional guilds. Banking was about the only business option open to them. So naturally, out of necessity, they went into banking.

It also had to do with the fact that Christians at the time were religiously proscribed from charging interest, and Jews weren't. Many of the outrages committed against the Jews were done to avoid repaying loans.

Big Mike said...

Hot blonde walks into a bar and man ask her [sic] what she does for a living. "I'm a brain surgeon," she says.

@rhhardin, for the past thirty or forty years there have been women who were both as good looking as any swimsuit model and performing difficult surgeries. “The heart of a lion and the hand of a woman” is the standard description of a top surgeon. For that matter, forty-eight years ago I married a very good looking woman (but a brunette, not a blonde) whose doctoral dissertation was on chemical reactions involving radioactive elements. The notion that attractive women must also be stupid is merely feminist propaganda pushed by biological females as stupid on the inside as they are ugly on the outside.

rcocean said...

Elegant sarcasm. Hot blonde walks into a bar and man ask her what she does for a living. "I'm a brain surgeon," she says.

Sounds like the screenwriters for "Robin and the Seven Hoods" stole that. Because when Frank Sinatra meets Dino in the pool room, he asks Dean Martin what he does for a living. Dino, drink and pool cue in hand, says "I'm a brain surgeon".

And then they play pool, and Dino is a hustler, so he takes all of Frank's money. While singing a song. Because Dean Martin is cool.

And sometimes sarcastic.

Narr said...

Tribe is a public intellectual who is more public than intellectual, the type who mistakes sarcasm for wit.

Sarcasm, well done, is a wonderful condiment in conversation, but should never be the main course.

chuck said...

Tribe should stop doing Tribe imitations, they aren't funny.

Narayanan said...

Many of the outrages committed against the Jews were done to avoid repaying loans.
much advance has been made on that attitude >>

Many of the outrages committed against the people are now done by goernment to avoid repaying loans.

Dr Weevil said...

gilbar (1:08pm) quotes some guy's tweet about Zelenskyy saying that the next election will have to be postponed if the war is still going on and suggests that that means he's cancelling it forever, like a common dictator.

Several of the replies to the tweet allege that the Ukrainian constitution forbids elections in wartime (has gilbar checked?), and one adds: "Organizing free & fair elections during wartime would not only be impossible, it would be an absurd. millions of citizens are abroad, in the trenches, in the occupied territories or have been deported far into rusland. Their voices matter too! Zelensky made the right decision." Roughly one-sixth of Ukraine is still occupied: does gilbar think ethnic Russian Ukrainian citizens in the Donbas and Crimea should be deprived of the right to vote against Zelenskyy in the next election for being behind enemy lines?

Of course, his final line ("Who wants this war? Not the Ukrainians, that's for sure") is a bald-faced lie. Every poll I've seen says that Zelenskyy's approval rating is at least 85% or 90%, as is the percentage of Ukrainians who want to fight to regain every inch of Ukraine's internationally-recognized 1991 borders. He's not postponing the election because he thinks he'll lose, but because it would be undemocratic to have one in these conditions.

Of course, winning the war this year would allow it to be done according to schedule: supplying the long-overdue F16s and long-range missiles would make that a lot more likely.

Steven Wilson said...

I remember an exchange between two friends when I was young.

First friend makes sarcastic remark..

Friend 2 in a dismissive tone “Sarcasm is the weapon of the weak!”

Friend 1 “What’s the weapon next week?”

I remain uncertain it was a witticism or a genuine question.

pdug said...

So Barr wants you to believe Biden was NOT elected legitimately, and sarcasticaly expresses thanks that youtube lets you say the "truth" that 30+ counties generated 81 million votes.

So when she sarcasmss about the holocaust its hard to tell if i should take her seriously since Biden WAS elected legitimately and framing 36 counties = 81 million votes is a strawman

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