Writes John Cassidy, in "The Hunter Biden Plea Deal Leaves House Republicans in a Pickle/The White House can now point out that it let the legal process take its course, which is what has happened" (The New Yorker).
Weiss = David Weiss, a U.S. Attorney appointed by Donald Trump, who conducted a 5-year investigation.
"Finally, the very idea of elected Republicans kicking up a stink about Presidential families and their associates receiving money from foreign interests is laughable. While Trump was in the White House, the Trump Organization continued to pursue business deals in many foreign countries, and as Trump runs for reëlection these efforts are continuing.... After Trump reluctantly left office at the start of 2021, Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund invested two billion dollars in a private-equity fund created by Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, who had fostered close ties with bin Salman, the oil kingdom’s dictatorial ruler, when he was serving in the White House...."
The fact that Trump people did some corrupt things suggests that they know it when they see it. You can't get courtroom-quality evidence against them either.
BULL SHIT! I am sick and tired of the lies, the cover ups and the peeing on our heads and telling us it is raining. They aren't going to be happy until the kick the angry hornets' nest and angry hornets sting them to death.
Well..... interesting, if true. I was of the understanding that two $5 million payments had been made, one to Hunter and the second to The Big Guy by Burisma. I had read that the bank transfer documentation had been located, and the Maltese bank, notorious for money laundering, had also been pegged for the transaction. Not so? Hmm. Interesting. Maybe you only find things when you look for them.
To be fair, Hunter Biden’s laptop wasn’t uncovered by Republicans.
There is a difference between doing ACTUAL business, which is what BUSINESSMEN like the Trumps do for a living, and grifting off of foreign companies with promises to meet the VP of the United States. What actual business did the Bidens actually do to EARN those millions?? Did they sell widgets, or what makes the most sense....influence?? Hunter even admitted that he wouldn't have gotten jobs if not for his last name.
Trump appoints the guy the Dem senators suggest, and Biden re-confirmed him.
Secondly, there is more solid evidence coming out of Ukraine scandal.
Finally, Jared Kushner gets a peace deal done, and meets some people who invest in his real estate business. That is very different from Biden family selling influence - the Burisma team literally asks for DELIVERABLES that include mentioning the prosecutor general of Ukraine twice. Then that guy gets fired.
I am sorry, but that is not an apartment or condo deal. Its selling your Dad's influence.
The Leader of the Free World appears he can be bought. Isn't that enough of a scandal? We're all yearning for authenticity. Either actually sell-out your country or walk a clean path. Cowboy up.
Well, I wonder how much that statement cost the donors ?
"Any evidence" apparently doesn't include evidence of a bribery arrangement, for which there is assertedly a collection of 17 audio tapes of the arrangements being made. Is it good evidence, is it convincing evidence? Time will tell, but we know today, if the FBI's well-trusted confidential human source wrote the truth (about what he was told) on his report, that it is some evidence, at least.
As to the Biden/Trump comparison:
The Biden family was selling access to a politician, who could have the Government do the purchasers favors. Thus, betraying a trust bestowed by the voters. They had NOTHING else to sell, besides a crack-addled drug addict who impregnated strippers, patronized whores, and attended commercially organized orgies.
The Trump organization was selling real estate deals, organized by private individuals relying on their acumen, experience, business connections, and capital. They had been doing this for years, sometimes with great success.
Anyone who pretends they can't see the distinction is lying about it.
Shocker here.
On one hand every Democrat in power received funding and permission to go on anti-Trump fishing expeditions and to fabricate nonsense as necessary. This began in 2016.
On the other hand, every Democrat in power received funding and direction to hide, delay, deny, and inhibit investigations of the Biden clan. This apparently began during the Obama administration.
The Republicans can largely blame themselves, as many rejected DC politics and tried to enact term limits back in the 1990s. In not gaming the system a generation ago they made themselves patsies for those who love DC and who wallow in DC mud. It didn't help that half of the Republicans wanted Trump gone and assisted the Democrats.
Does anyone doubt the Big Guy got his cut? Check his bitcoin account.
Clay and Buck just read a leaked What's App message from Hunter to some Chinese guy about how Hunter was sitting with his father and wanted action NOW.
The President was bribed.
What is America going to do about it?
Tucker Carlson will blast this new info out of the park.
Reminds me of this scene in The Godfather: Part II.
5 years and…nada, zip, nothing. Sort of like the Durham investigation. So how many more bogus investigations can Republicans cook up? Between Boebert, MTG, and other loons, who knows? It’s good to see these investigations finding no wrong doing, one after another. One would think they would eventually realize how they look to non Trumpists, Democrats, independents and moderates. They look like fools.
The 2 billion dollar deal between Saudi Arabia and Jared Kushner is far more interesting than anything the loser Hunter Biden didn’t do.
“Finally, the very idea of elected Republicans kicking up a stink about Presidential families and their associates receiving money from foreign interests is laughable. While Trump was in the White House, the Trump Organization continued to pursue business deals in many foreign countries…”
And yet, there is a difference between a legitimate business doing business, and a politician’s son being given a position on a foreign business’s board. Especially when it’s business for which he has no expertise or experience other than being a politician’s son. Can they really not see the difference there?
What's THIS??? They think if they cover it up, it will go away....
"Chair Jason Smith, R-Mo., revealed in a press conference that two IRS employees had claimed that the agency sought felony charges against Hunter Biden for attempting to evade taxes and making false statements.
According to Smith the whistleblowers said Hunter failed to pay $2.2 million in taxes on $8.3 million in income from foreign entities in Ukraine, China, and Romania."
This is pure falsehood from Cassidy. Biden said he knew nothing about and had no involvement in any way with Hunter getting paid millions by foreigners for no identifiable reason. Messages on the laptop show that is not true.
Cassidy seems to be expressly celebrating a successful cover-up.
On Tuesday, federal prosecutors blew the whistle on that political game by announcing a deal in which Hunter will plead guilty to two misdemeanor charges of failing to pay income taxes in 2017 and 2018 and be sentenced to two years of probation. The deal will potentially allow him to avoid prosecution on a felony charge of possessing a firearm while being addicted to drugs.
Obviously, the White House would prefer not to see Hunter in the headlines. But the plea deal, which came days after the President made his first 2024 campaign stop, in Philadelphia, delivered him several tangible benefits.
Meanwhile, in dismissing all charges Cassidy never mentions:
Biden explicitly threatening to withdraw US aid to Ukraine on the firing of a prosecutor in the article.
Lack of FARA registration by Hunter.
A multitude of LLCs, and payments to multiple Biden family members.
Devon Archer or Tony Bobulinsky.
I love how in the days following something bad for the Dems, the media go to work with links for their surrogates to send around the internet with some version of, "See! Nothing to see here!"
Everyone, go back to sleep!
Fine, then please have the Biden family explain clearly & calmly to us where they got all their money. Because, it ain't exactly clear what marketable skills they have.
Could there be hanky-panky with the Trump's family finances? Oh, sure. But, at least, we know what they do for a living -- they build shit & do reality TV.
Oops. IRS Whistleblower transcripts
""it let the legal process take its course, which is what has happened" (The New Yorker)"
I didn't click--was that in an article or a cartoon?
Question for progs: when do foreign payments for no ostensible business expertise or services except for a connection to a powerful politcian "cross the line"?
Yes, it’s good to be a Dimocrat.
Above the law. These SOBs think this won’t ultimately backfire on them. That’s how bulletproof they believe their cheating, lying corksoaking control of the federal apparatus to be.
Trump sure picked some winners. Maybe Weiss can explain exactly how losers like Hunter and Joe's brother became millionaires without FJB's influence. Indeed FJB ought to explain how a guy who was not born to money, did not inherit money and never worked in the private sector became a multimillionaire. Notice how Hunter got a sweetheart deal and Hillary an even sweeter one and Bill wasn't even questioned about his infamous meeting on the tarmac with AG Lynch. Obama escapes any accountability and Holder who was found guilty of contempt of Congress suffered no consequences. This fool can't even admit that that jackass FJB brayed on camera on how he exhorted the Ukrainian prosecutor to drop the investigation into Burisma that just happened to be employing his worthless crackhead son while he was Vice President. To be a Democrat requires massive daily use of bullshitium and reality denalism chemistry.
You can't find evidence of criminality if you don't look.
Thought experiment: if and when the evidence Mr. Cassidy snarks that "Republicans haven't uncovered" were to be made public, would he admit the truth of it, or would he pretend that it didn't exist? Just askin'.
Referring to Weiss as a Trump appointee is a tell, particularly if not clarified by pointing out the equally factual statement that he was specifically requested to stay on as US Attorney by Biden.
Actually, it's worse than a tell, because it implies that the US Attorney can be expected to make criminal prosecution decisions based upon the raw politics of who gave him his job. But if we're to assume he's that venal, wouldn't he equally placate his actual boss, on whom his current and future paychecks rely? If he's corrupt, we can safely conclude he's in the bag for Biden. And if he's not, then don't wave around who appointed him as if it's important.
This is gaslighting on steroids. There is abundant, clear, and persuasive evidence that Hunter sold access to his father and that V.P. Biden used his office to further the interests of Hunter's clients. There is also strong evidence that Biden personally benefited from the payments made to Hunter. (Bank records show Biden's joint account with his son received money from foreign entities and that the joint account was used to pay for some of Biden's living expenses.)
Whenever one of their own is under scrutiny, Democrats claim there is no evidence of the person's guilt. As evidence, they will accept nothing that God himself vouch for. Whenever any of their political opponents are subject to scrutiny, Democrats accept as proof any unsubstantiated rumor -- even rumors bought and paid for by their own national party.
"... After Trump reluctantly left office at the start of 2021, Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund invested two billion dollars in a private-equity fund ....
Notice the word after.
Luckily for the president, Pro Publica is not writing articles calling Hunter a “donor”.
For those who haven’t heard; Pro Publica is going after Alito now.
The White House can now point out that it let the legal process take its course...
That wasn't the intended effect?
Biden could shoot someone dead on 5th Ave. "Move along, nothing to see here."
"The Republicans haven’t put a dent in that claim."
Other than the fact that it's absolutely true. Even the author of the article knows it's true.
Democrats just don't care. Tranny shows for children are all the rage...
Fantasy Land. Those 30 million dollars bribes laundered through 17 shell companies end up some where. This argument is the same as J. Edgar’s claim there is no Mafia. And he had the entire FBI at work covering the Mafia up. And then Robert Kennedy Sr. got so vicious with the Godfathers that killing his brother was the best way to have revenge.
Fantasy Land. Those 30 million dollars bribes laundered through 17 shell companies end up some where. This argument is the same as J. Edgar’s claim there is no Mafia. And he had the entire FBI at work covering the Mafia up. And then Robert Kennedy Sr. got so vicious with the Godfathers that killing his brother was their smartest way to have revenge.
From the NY Post - there will be much more to this story!
Two IRS whistleblowers told Congress in closed-door testimony released Thursday that there was a Justice Department coverup in the tax fraud investigation of first son Hunter Biden.
The two tax agents told the House Ways and Means Committee that they pressed for felony charges against Hunter Biden for ducking $2.2 million in tax payments and charged that evidence implicating the first son was buried by the Justice Department, the panel’s chairman said Thursday.
Well ok then
Why hasn’t Garland appointed a special counsel to investigate Jared?
This is how you can tell that they are lying scum-buckets, not "journalists". Did he mention that Hunter had no experience whatsoever in any way relevant to being on the board at Burisma, and yet was paid $80K/month? Nah. That would not be "evidence".
Did he mention that Joe Biden bragged on video about threatening to withhold a billion dollar loan from the US government if the prosecutor investigating Burisma was not fired? And said that the prosecutor was, in fact, fired? Nah. That would not be "evidence".
So, whatever may be evident, there's just no "evidence". What would a journalist do? Look for evidence? Nah. Report that there's no "evidence".
It's really almost amusing. They know that the Bidens are endlessly corrupt, and that Hunter is an absolute piece of shit, and that Joe and Dr. Jill are such white trash that they refuse to acknowledge their granddaughter and instead encourage the lapdog media to disparage her mother as a "former stripper" (she's also a former college basketball player, but no one needs to know that). The media know that these people aren't fit to be made into dogmeat, the dogs would puke them up and die. But they don't care. It's just not relevant. And anyway, there's "no evidence" for what everyone knows is true.
One can only surmise that you read these New Yorker and NYT sources for their comic relief and troll-worthiness.
It's because Progressives eyes were squeezed shut. They are blind, deaf and DUMB, and they think WE are stupid.
I'm sure they have a perfectly good explanation for a Ukranian company paying Hunter $80K a month. There's also that $6 million that China paid him.
I'm sure they felt he was well qualified to do something...
serious question: what, exactly, made it legal?
If I'd done it.. Would it have been okay?
What about Trump's kids? What if THEY'D done it?
oh oh! follow up questions!!
Did anybody LOOK for any evidence of ANY THING besides the tax fraud and the gun fraud?
"The Republicans haven’t put a dent in that claim."
It's kind of early to pronounce the Congressional investigation over, isn't it? He might be right, the Biden's grip on power may be so strong as to make any prosecution of anybody associated with him impossible. But we can always imagine if the DoJ had used the same standards that they are using on Trump, whether all of this evidence would be deep sixed, and whether whistleblowers out of Ukraine would be shut down by FBI officials who later were rewarded with senior positions in the White House, or whether those whistleblowers would have had their accusations aired.
We know. for sure that the DoJ spent years investigating charges against Trump which they knew within a day or two were fabricated by the Clinton campaign, a fact that they withheld from FISA courts, for example. This is how you seize power, you use it, you destroy your enemies, and you reward your friends, just like Obama said.
IRS whistleblower says search warrants, charges for Hunter Biden blocked, Joe met Chinese client
Joe Biden also attended meeting with Hunter and Chinese energy officials, new evidence shows
A supervisory IRS agent divulged to Congress widespread interference in the probe of Hunter Biden, including the blockage of two search warrants and more extensive criminal charges, while also confirming the government had evidence that Joe Biden met with his son's Chinese business partners, according to testimony released Thursday
Yes, there is no substantive evidence so far...but when the FBI and Justice are running interference......
This is about trying to stomp on the revelations that are coming out right now.
In testimony presented by IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley to members of Congress and released publicly by the Ways and Means Committee on Thursday, a WhatsApp message purportedly sent by Hunter Biden to Chinese businessman Henry Zhao reveals the younger Biden using threats of his father’s political power to extort unfulfilled “promises and assurances” from Zhao - The Federalist
Weiss = David Weiss, a U.S. Attorney appointed by Donald Trump, who conducted a 5-year investigation.
Seriously Althouse? Is your claim that you're too ignorant of how the US Attorney ointment process works to be able to call BS on that?
David Weiss is a hard core Democrat who was recommended for the U.S. Attorney position by the two Democrat Senators from Delaware.
He was kept on by the Biden Admin because they knew he was a partisan hack who would participate in the coverup of criminal actions by his boss's son.
AS it was, he was repeatedly blocked by the DoJ from expanding his investigation. let me guess, that part, well documented, didn't happen to make it into the article you're quoting
"whistleblowers further testified that U.S. attorney David Weiss attempted to bring charges against Hunter Biden on at least two occasions but was blocked from doing so. Smith said Weiss sought to file charges in Washington, D.C., in March 2022 and in California in fall 2022. He also sought special counsel status in Spring 2022 but was also rejected."
No sale.
The Biden's are corrupt top to bottom.
“Just days after Hunter Biden reached a sweetheart plea deal with his father’s Justice Department to avoid jail time for tax and gun crimes, the House Ways and Means Committee unveiled new testimony from IRS whistleblowers alleging roadblocks were set before them to ensure preferential treatment to President Joe Biden’s son. What’s more, whistleblower testimony claims that the U.S. attorney overseeing the probe of Hunter’s alleged tax crimes had his attempts to charge hunter in 2022 denied.”
Only one comment posted today, and that at 8:40 this morning. It is now past 2:00 PDT. Something seems amiss at the Althouse blogspot.
My goodness! Nary a smidgeon of corruption! And yet...
“I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled,” the message reads. “I am very concerned that the Chairman has either changed his mind and broken our deal without telling me or that he is unaware of the promises and assurances that have been made that have not been kept.”. - Hunter Biden
But I guess as long as the networks don't carry it, and the New York Times and the Washington Post won't print it, then that means that there is no "dent."
Hunter Biden was sought out by Burisma because of his expertise in…..????????????????????
Does your average representative have authority to just look at the [private and hidden] records of any random person they believe is involved in wrongdoing?
I suppose it depends on what party that representative is from and who the individual is.
This last statements implies that republicans are actually correct that there was influence-peddling going on. But then, these 'reporters' start from the standpoint that Democrats are honest and moral, benign governors and Republicans are - by definition - corrupt and evil.
It gets worse and worse, but the coverup will continue as they imprison their political opponents. We are North Korea now.
Biden sits on a Ukrainian energy company board having no qualifications. Then Daddy blows up a Russian gas pipeline. Seems like a good time to never ask any questions ever.
So will the saying, "BELIEVE THE CRACKHEAD!" become a rallying cry for the left in the 2024 elections?
John Cassidy is engaging in wishful thinking.
The guy who was in charge of our Ukraine policy has a social-deviant son sitting on the board of the Ukrainian gas company getting paid $600,000 per year, and there is evidence of bribes for the benefit of Joe Biden. Whistleblowers from the IRS have come forward to say this matter was handled like no other.
This doesn't pass any tests, including the laugh test, the smell test, and the Wassermann test.
"Both whistleblowers noted one instance in which IRS agents sought to search a storage unit in northern Virginia belonging to Hunter Biden. When the agents reached out to Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf with their request for a warrant, she informed Biden’s defense team about their interest in the property."
Huh. "No evidence".
It’s good to see these investigations finding no wrong doing, one after another. One would think they would eventually realize how they look to non Trumpists, Democrats, independents and moderates. They look like fools.
The dullard is reassured that nothing serious was revealed. The idiot Democrats cheering Schiff on the House floor are typical. The sheep don't want to know the truth. She still believes, as does the LA Times, that Putin was involved in Trump's 2016 campaign. This to the sheep is too good to check. While San Francisco collapses, the dullard denies there is anything called Woke. Defund the police is killing cities as surely as Detroit was killed by Coleman Young who told whites to get out of Detroit. Democrats like the dullard may be stupid but moderates are waking up to reality.
This doesn't pass any tests, including the laugh test, the smell test, and the Wassermann test.
Oh, but it passes the Inga Test.
Which tells you all you need to know.
Obviously the people paying Hunter thought they were actually bribing Joe. Dems trying to obfuscate that are ridiculous. Trump isn’t guilty of at least half the stuff he’s accused of, but he’s done plenty wrong and I’m beyond defending him anymore. The country can do a helluvalot better than these two guys. How about RFK against any of the Republicans running and we can at least have an honest and interesting debate on the issues. Don’t we deserve that?
My favorite tidbit is that Hunter and his wife will be at the huge state dinner for Modi. Slo Joe has no shame.
Can anyone explain what they were paying Hunter for if not his influence? This is the proverbial turtle on a fence post situation....I don't know if Trump had all that much influence over the federal government even when he was President. He probably had more influence on the government back in the days when Hillary went to his wedding. I do, however, think that some of the other Republican candidates are better situated to press this issue.
The President was bribed.
if this is true >>> should be possible to pay FJB to go away
then pornhub can show \our president for the night/ >>> we pay him to go away.
And the 20 or so shell companies the payments were routed through?
Sure. Every company does that.
Amusing to read the phrase "Hunter's clients."
Hunter's targets would be more accurate.
What do the republicans plan to do about this blatant corruption of the Biden family? Cry on Fox news? Put up or shut up. Impeach now!m Stop pussy footing around. The only reason why they won't is because its just a uniparty and that's how they do business in Washington.
I see my comment, factually eviscerating the New Yorker's unpaid campaign ad, didn't pass moderation muster. One can only wonder why?
Speaking of Weiss, Chris Clark, Hunter Biden's counsel from Latham and Watson told Weiss that if he charged Hunter, it would be "career suicide."
Not a dent.
Can't wait to hear Joe Biden explain where the $30 million in payments to shell corporations that Joe and Jill control came from. Oddly, these monies were not included in his "personal income" disclosure. Probably he hasn't paid himself out of the company yet. Use of these shell companies is how the guy who owned Burisma stole billions from the Ukrainian people.
Five days later, on August 5, 2017, Biden and Chinese formed Hudson West III, funded entirely by Chinese. Ultimately Hunter and Uncle Jim embezzled all the cash.. - Steve McIntyre
The Senate’s report on Hunter Biden’s activities released several months ago, which was spun by the New York Times as having shown “no evidence of wrongdoing,” nevertheless had several important gaps in the business activities of the troubled son of the former vice president.
James Biden is a big part of the corruption, so is Jill. This is why they can't let the old man retire and eat ice cream, like any decent family would.
I’m told Joe Biden’s inexplicable wealth comes from a “book deal“. I’d like to see a forensic investigation of who bought those books, and where they physically ended up. I suspect that most of them are in a landfill, and the entity that purchased them marches at the end of a parade of shell companies leading back to Burisima.
Left-wing politicians around the world have been wetting their beaks in Ukraine for the past 20 years. This has to explain some of their slavish devotion to protecting the place, lest the receipts get published.
I think there's a difference between a family like Trump's with an established global businesses prior to entry into politics continuing to do business and a family whose only business is peddling political influence. I would not consider the first to be corrupt.
Drew : It is a matter of the law!
Lewis : The law! Ha! The law! What law? WHERE'S THE LAW, DREW? HUH?
Finally, Republicans understand timing:
“Just days after Hunter Biden reached a sweetheart plea deal with his father’s Justice Department to avoid jail time for tax and gun crimes, the House Ways and Means Committee unveiled new testimony from IRS whistleblowers alleging roadblocks were set before them to ensure preferential treatment to President Joe Biden’s son. What’s more, whistleblower testimony claims that the U.S. attorney overseeing the probe of Hunter’s alleged tax crimes had his attempts to charge Hunter in 2022 denied.”
Inga is crying Lesley Wolf.
"I’m told Joe Biden’s inexplicable wealth comes from a “'book deal'".
Frank Costello used to say that $50,000 in unexplained income on his tax return was from his winnings at the track. It is called "money laundering".
I'm old enough to remember that when Manafort was convicted for stuff that happened long before he ever worked for Trump, it was (to our shamelessly biased media) evidence of Trump's corruption. And it was front-page news for a long time. And open season on anybody else who ever worked for Trump.
Hunter pleads guilty--"OK folks, it's all over. Nothing to see here."
Or "Republicans might be unable to pounce. Yay!"
What hackery.
Stopped reading when I saw it was the New Yorker.
Don't they have some Rolling Stone false rape story they need to be help peddling?
Whenever I do research on companies tto invest in, I'm always on the lookout for crack whores because they are the geniuses that go unnoticed.
The opposite is true.
That headline at the New Yorker is a lie.
The sheep don't want to know the truth.
This is really the crux of the matter. The truth has been evident for quite awhile for anyone willing to look at it objectively. No amount of evidence will ever change their position. Sad, but not unique. Cultish in a sense, but how widespread it is signals something ominous to me. Suprisingly their views run counter to their own self interest.
What in the hell are they putting in the water to cause this abberation??
The Whistle Blows on Hunter Biden’s Plea Deal
IRS agents say the Justice Department hindered their probe of the president’s son.
a story of blocked search warrants, tip-offs to Mr. Biden’s team, squelched avenues of investigation, downgraded charges, and interference by Joe Biden’s appointees. Mr. Shapley, a 14-year IRS veteran, said the Justice Department, its Tax Division and the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s Office “provided preferential treatment and unchecked conflicts of interest.”
He says his team was told in September 2020 by Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf that they couldn’t pursue a search warrant of Joe Biden’s guest house (Hunter’s onetime residence) because of the “optics” and because “there is no way we will get that approved.”
Ms. Wolf told investigators not to ask any questions about “dad” or “the big guy.” They were blocked from pursuing leads about the financial transactions of Hunter’s children, since she said they’d get “into hot water if we interview the president’s grandchildren.” They were ordered not to look into evidence of campaign-finance violations.
and lots more
"First son Hunter Biden warned a Chinese business associate in a 2017 text message that dad Joe and his political allies would “make certain … that you will regret not following my direction” while negotiating a six-figure business deal.
The July 30, 2017 WhatsApp missive from Hunter to Henry Zhao was revealed to the House Ways and Means Committee last month by IRS supervisory agent Gary Shapley and made public Thursday."
In the NY Post today. I'm sure it's nothing to be bothered about.
And just like that the Biden White House throws all their Inga idiots over the side...knowing that their army of mindless Inga drones will stay loyal to their Dear Leaders.
And here it is:
Out: “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings."
In: "The president was not in business with his son"
Thats right. The official statement walkback has already begun and its a 100% guarantee that the Inga NPC Army will immediately, without hesitation, flex to the new, contradictory, cognitive dissonance-laden talking point.
The New Yorker(D) LIES.
There is credible evidence against Hunter.
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