June 9, 2023

"As president, I could have declassified, but now I can’t," said Trump, on tape, in 2021.

Quoted in "Donald Trump admits on tape he didn’t declassify 'secret information'" (CNN).
CNN obtained the transcript of a portion of the meeting where Trump is discussing a classified Pentagon document about attacking Iran. In the audio recording, which CNN previously reported was obtained by prosecutors, Trump says that he did not declassify the document he’s referencing, according to the transcript.

Should we be hearing about a classified Pentagon document about attacking Iran?

“Secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this,” Trump says at one point, according to the transcript. “This was done by the military and given to me.”...

Trump was complaining in the meeting about Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley.... [who had] instructed the Joint Chiefs to ensure Trump issued no illegal orders and that he be informed if there was any concern.

“Well, with Milley – uh, let me see that, I’ll show you an example. He said that I wanted to attack Iran. Isn’t that amazing? I have a big pile of papers, this thing just came up. Look. This was him,” Trump says, according to the transcript. “They presented me this – this is off the record, but – they presented me this. This was him. This was the Defense Department and him. We looked at some. This was him. This wasn’t done by me, this was him…. All sorts of stuff – pages long, look. Wait a minute, let’s see here. I just found, isn’t that amazing? This totally wins my case, you know. Except it is like, highly confidential. Secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this.”


Original Mike said...

"Should we be hearing about a classified Pentagon document about attacking Iran?"

War with Russia, war with Iran…. As far as the MSM is concerned, no price is too high to pay in order to get Trump.

TreeJoe said...

So wait, now Trump DID have the plenary power to de-classify those documents? I'm so confused as to evolving narrative.

Oh, and when are we going to have a crackdown with heads-on-pikes around all the secret leaks such as a former President discussing a case with his lawyers? Or grand jury proceedings leaked ahead of time? No?

Michael K said...

Smith and Garfinkle have to find some serious stuff to charge Trump with or look like "A Third World Country" as Matt Taibbi says. So far this does not pass the smell test.

gadfly said...

"Should we be hearing about a classified Pentagon document about attacking Iran?" Ask Trump. He is the guy revealing classified information to the general public.

Then again, Trump lied about having the power to declassify documents by simply saying he did. And, of course, TFG will have the opportunity to testify on his own behalf in court - but don't hold your breath, because that will not happen. He crazily believes that he is above the law.

But MAGAts need not worry. Aileen Cannon has been assigned this case.

Inga said...

“Should we be hearing about a classified Pentagon document about attacking Iran?”

No. A sane President (even a very stupid one)would not be telling anyone to “look” at secret military plans to attack Iran. He himself tells people at the meeting that he didn’t declassify this document, then goes on to talk about its contents in an effort to undermine General Milley, since Milley was the one who was fearful Trump would try to attack Iran after he lost the election and before Biden was inaugurated. Apparently Trump doesn’t want anyone to know how dangerous and reckless he really was. Maybe his defense should be insanity… and stupidity.

Trump Sought Options for Attacking Iran to Stop Its Growing Nuclear Program
The president was dissuaded from moving ahead with a strike by advisers who warned that it could escalate into a broader conflict in his last weeks in office.

“A range of senior advisers dissuaded the president from moving ahead with a military strike. The advisers — including Vice President Mike Pence; Secretary of State Mike Pompeo; Christopher C. Miller, the acting defense secretary; and Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff — warned that a strike against Iran’s facilities could easily escalate into a broader conflict in the last weeks of Mr. Trump’s presidency.”

tim in vermont said...

Democrats didn't "win the election," they seized power, and they are not afraid to use it, and we are going to have a hell of a time getting rid of them, my bet is that we don't, ever, that democracy has run its course in the US and we are now post-democratic, like Europe. The bright side of this is that all of these wars they like to start? It was Trump supporters who signed up, that ain't happening anymore, they can't meet their recruiting goals, so we will see how quickly the republic collapses. Probably won't be in my lifetime, as has oft been noted, "there is a lot of ruin in a country."

dwshelf said...

It's good to see CNN back in their rightful lane.

tim maguire said...

gadfly said...Trump lied about having the power to declassify documents by simply saying he did.

??? Truthful, objectively factually accurate statements are lies now if they come from...all Republicans? Or just Trump?

tim in vermont said...

I hope he goes to prison, because I am with the Cloward Piven people now.

Oh Yea said...

Sort of like Senators are allowed to declassify documents.

Jim Howard said...

There is a huge donkey with at least $5,000,000 in his mouth, and his drunken drug addicted and corrupt foal.

Can you see it?

n.n said...

He declassified but did not redistribute, and those documents he retained were in certified secure storage.

And, Milley is a warmonger, an Obama/Biden-era [ethnic] Spring aficionado, which explains the dereliction of duty of some Pentagon staff to report their progress to the president.

rhhardin said...

Trump tells various stories at various times for various purposes.

The true story is that he declassified the papers. That's what he says here and now. There's no process for declassifying the papers that he has to adhere to. Taking the papers is enough.

Why would he say otherwise? He's telling somebody a story that includes some reason that he's not inclined to make something public. The reason is a nonce explanation.

Rafe said...

I’ve read the article three times, and it doesn’t support the headline.

- Rafe

Leland said...

Should we have heard the Pentagon papers?

Gusty Winds said...

Thank God we didn't attack Iran. I'm sure there were plenty of NeoCons and pro-war Democrats that wanted to.

Thanks for passing on that option President Trump. There's a price to pay for avoiding war these days.

Critter said...

Would any Mad Mullah not expect that the U.S. has military plans for invading Iran as well as a large number of countries around the world? This revelation is the equivalent of a foot fault on serve in tennis. Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime. Of course, since leading Democrats learned their political values from avowed atheists and Marxists (Obama taught it for a job and Clinton wrote a college thesis about it and worked in a Marxist front) why are we surprised? They have wanted to fundamentally transform America all their adult lives.

PB said...

In spite of what liberals would like at this moment in time, no law can restrict the President's declassification authority that resides in his constitutional role as Commander in Chief. He can declassify in any manner he likes. Merely removing a classified document from a secure setting or causing it to be removed is an act of declassification.

He may not have realized it at the time, but if he removed a classified document, even thinking it wasn't declassified, it became declassified at the point and time of removal.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Inga said...
“Should we be hearing about a classified Pentagon document about attacking Iran?”


You completely missed the point, Inga.

dbp said...

Saying, I could have done something, but now I can't, is not saying that I didn't do that thing.

walter said...

"” Enter your email to sign up for CNN's "What Matters" Newsletter. close dialog[Image]Sign up for CNN's What Matters newsletterEvery day we summarize What Matters and deliver it straight to your inbox.Sign Me UpNo, ThanksBy subscribing you agree to ourprivacy policy."
I understand the rush to post..

Inga said...

“But MAGAts need not worry. Aileen Cannon has been assigned this case.”

Aileen Cannon, whose ruling was overturned by an appeals court who slapped her decision down pretty severely.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump didn't attack Iran.

Hillary did set up a Private Server to serve herself with secret deals.

Flashback /Newsflash: Cash flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

wendybar said...

Hillary, Biden and Pence weren't Presidents so they have NO EXCUSE for their stolen classified files. Where are THEIR indictments??

Friendo said...

Gadfly - you are a bad faith commentor and an asshole to boot. Fuck you.

Narayanan said...

there are real plans and there are head-fakes??? which is this ?

tim in vermont said...

In this story is reproduced the email from Burisma to Hunter Biden requesting that he find a way to, well, let's hear how Burisma's guy put it: "ultimate purpose was to close down for any cases/pursuits against Nikolay in Ukraine.”

And "son of a bitch," Joe Biden got it done. We have the video of Joe bragging about firing the prosecutor who was pursuing Hunter's client, we have the email from the laptop from Burisma requesting that he find a way to end the prosecution, and we have this informant's word for it, with the added detail of two payments of $5 million, one to Joe, and one to Hunter, routed through so many shell companies, which we know from the banking records China provided, is a Biden family speciality, that it may be impossible to trace. Hence Joe Biden's taunt: "Where's the money?"


But if it's up to the Department of Just Us to pursue this, it ain't gonna happen. It's impeachment time. Otherwise the republic is dead.

Bob Boyd said...

Sounds like Trump is saying he believes Milley wanted to lure him into saying he wanted the military to attack Iran so Milley could say Trump was crazy and use the 25th Amendment to remove him from office.
It doesn't sound so far-fetched given what we've learned in recent months, does it?

Michael K said...

The dullard and gadfly are on a roll. Of course Trump should be indicted ! It doesn't matter to idiots. They are sure he did something bad.

The fact that National Archives refused to store his presidential papers, unlike Clinton Bush and Obama doesn't matter to the idiots at all.

The rule of Lemnity said...

All this happened after the false accusations of Russia collusion, of a quid pro quo phone influence peddling with Ukraine, and then another impeachment accusing him of inciting an insurrection. You would think he would have thread lightly. #LessonsNeverLearned

I should be raving mad at the guy, former president. But, if he were to miraculously survive, again, I would vote for him in a heartbeat.

What is in store for us is that bad.

Eric Rathmann said...

So Trump is the fascist autocrat who listens to his advisors while the good Presidents Clinton, Obama, and Biden got us into wars without Congressional approval. It is so Trumpian to talk a lot to get discussion and real debate and back off. Is that a bad thing?

TickTock said...

I'm going to go out on a limb here and speculate that there was nothing remotely sensitive in the documents Trump was referring to. They were overclassified and Trump knew it. Moreover, it appears (as I read the CNN transcript) that the documents referred to an illegal effort by Milley to circumvent the authority of the President of the United States. Should that sort of effort be remotely confidential? That is, concealed from voters? This is the use of the "top secret" stamp to control voters.

But I bet we never learn of the exact contents of the document because the Judge won't go behind the fact that it was labeled classified or top secret.

gilbar said...

how about:
"As a Senator, I couldn't have declassified, but I took them Anyway," said Biden
"As a Vice President, I couldn't have declassified, but I took them Anyway," said Biden
"As a Sec of State, I couldn't have declassified, but I took them Anyway," said Hilary!

jim5301 said...

The wacky judge is back. And now she doesn't have to worry about losing her reputation. She crossed that bridge already. Given the prohibition against double jeopardy, she can make horribly wrong rulings against the government and there is not much the prosecution can do about it. Whatever will be will be.

gilbar said...

Michael K said...
Smith and Garfinkle have to find some serious stuff to charge Trump with or look like "A Third World Country"

MORE Serious than "Being a Republican"??
okay, how about "Being a Republican, with a GOOD chance of beating the democrats"??
You Can't Get MORE serious than That

Rusty said...

When you read the earnest fervor of the "get Trump" crowd you are forced to come to the realization that these zealots have abandoned reason and reality and replaced it with a religious hysteria. This is a left wing tent revival. A crusade where logic and temperance have no place. Intellectual reflection is frowned upon and to ask why is a blasphemy.

rehajm said...

No reasonable prosecutor.

tim in vermont said...

LOL, found the money Joe!

President Joe Biden's President's Disclosure Financial filings show that there is a gap of $5.2 Million between what he and his wife reported on their tax returns and what they reported on his government transparency reports for the company CelticCapri Corp (a Delaware Corporation owned by Joe Biden) between the year 2016 to 2020.

Not that it matters. The cabal needs Joe, and his craven corruption is one of his best qualities as far as they are concerned. If you were a billionaire swimming in money, which would you prefer? An honest politician, or one you could easily buy?

Mark said...

CNN's characterization of what Trump said does not necessarily follow from what he did say, which could have been simply a legal truism without saying that he failed to declassify any given document while president.

Inga said...

Trump, in attempting to promote a false narrative that is was General Milley, not he that was pushing an attack on Iran. Trump then shot off his big mouth and incriminated himself by showing US defense documents to people who didn’t have any security clearance, even saying on audio that the document was classified. That he had NOT declassified it. How stupid can he be? Far stupider than we even imagined.

”You’re Gonna Have a Fucking War”: Mark Milley’s Fight to Stop Trump from Striking Iran
Inside the extraordinary final-days conflict between the former President and his chairman of the Joint Chiefs.

“The last time that General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, spoke with President Donald Trump was on January 3, 2021. The subject of the Sunday-afternoon meeting, at the White House, was Iran’s nuclear program. For the past several months, Milley had been engaged in an alarmed effort to insure that Trump did not embark on a military conflict with Iran as part of his quixotic campaign to overturn the results of the 2020 election and remain in power. The chairman secretly feared that Trump would insist on launching a strike on Iranian interests that could set off a full-blown war.

There were two “nightmare scenarios,” Milley told associates, for the period after the November 3rd election, which resulted in Trump’s defeat but not his concession: one was that Trump would try “to use the military on the streets of America to prevent the legitimate, peaceful transfer of power.” The other was an external crisis involving Iran. It was not public at the time, but Milley believed that the nation had come close—“very close”—to conflict with the Islamic Republic. This dangerous post-election period, Milley said, was all because of Trump’s “Hitler”-like embrace of the “Big Lie” that the election had been stolen from him; Milley feared it was Trump’s “Reichstag moment,” in which, like Adolf Hitler in 1933, he would manufacture a crisis in order to swoop in and rescue the nation from it.”

David53 said...

Trump lied about having the power to declassify documents by simply saying he did.

Thought experiment.

Moments before a press briefing President Biden is handed a classified document concerning the war in Ukraine. He walks out to the podium and begins to read parts of the document to the press. Biden says he decided to declassify the document as he walked up to the microphone. As the ultimate classification authority did act Biden illegally?

pacwest said...

I want to hear more from Inga and gadfly and the other morons on this site. Love it. Mueller, impeachment 1,2,3 Jan6. Very entertaining to watch them make fools of themselves again. Keep it coming. ROTFWL.

It's pretty obvious they don't place country above petty politics. Anyone who is calling for Trump's head and ignoring Clinton and Biden (and Obama setting up a shadow government) are not people who should be allowed to have any say in what is good for the country. How do you people manage to find your way in the world? Government jobs and handouts?

BTW, the recent spat of Obama minions (Rice in particular) leaving posts in government indicates to me that Obama is worried Joe fucked it up and he's pulling his people out to distance himself from the fallout.

alanc709 said...

How many classified documents did they find in Trump's garage, or his Philadelphia office? When is the DOJ announcing indictments against Biden for mishandling classified documents over the last 49 years? Our government and all its organs routinely lie to us. Trump doesn't matter- we have no country to save. Fuck all you liberal fascists.

Drago said...

The "indictment" never mentions the Presidential Records Act.

Not once.

Because it would blow up the entire hoaxed up lawfare exercise.

Anna Keppa said...

Andy McCarthy says a POTUS doesn't have authority to declassify a "National Security document", but he doesn't explain the constitutional basis for that claim.

If the POTUS is CINC how can Congress create a document classification to thwart his plenary power to declassify?

anyone know?

Mikey NTH said...

We have plans to attack everybody. Most are Staff studies of status of enemy forces and potential requirements rather than "Thursday the Marines land here."

readering said...

No mention of Iran in indictment. "Country A." But we know from leak that Trump talked about Iran to a Meadows ghostwriter while pointing to the classified material. As the NY Times reported regarding the published Meadows book:

Mr. Meadows, in his book, appeared to echo Mr. Trump’s claim about General Milley.

“The president recalls a four-page report typed up by Mark Milley himself,” the book said. “It contained the general’s own plan to attack Iran, deploying massive numbers of troops, something he urged President Trump to do more than once during his presidency. President Trump denied those requests every time.”

Yet according to a person familiar with the document in question, the report was not written by General Milley and appears to date to an earlier period in the Trump administration, when Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr. was the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Jim Mattis was the defense secretary.

Mikey NTH said...

As an example: in the 1920s and 1930s we had plans to invade Canada as part of a war with the British Empire and Commonwealth. Not that they amounted to much.

readering said...

The indictment does not mention Iran ("Country A"). But the conversation in the indictment involves a Meadows ghostwriter. As, the NY Times reported when the book was published:

Mr. Meadows, in his book, appeared to echo Mr. Trump’s claim about General Milley.

“The president recalls a four-page report typed up by Mark Milley himself,” the book said. “It contained the general’s own plan to attack Iran, deploying massive numbers of troops, something he urged President Trump to do more than once during his presidency. President Trump denied those requests every time.”

Yet according to a person familiar with the document in question, the report was not written by General Milley and appears to date to an earlier period in the Trump administration, when Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr. was the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Jim Mattis was the defense secretary.

readering said...

The indictment does not mention Iran ("Country A"). But the conversation in the indictment involves a Meadows ghostwriter. As, the NY Times reported when the book was published:

Mr. Meadows, in his book, appeared to echo Mr. Trump’s claim about General Milley.

“The president recalls a four-page report typed up by Mark Milley himself,” the book said. “It contained the general’s own plan to attack Iran, deploying massive numbers of troops, something he urged President Trump to do more than once during his presidency. President Trump denied those requests every time.”

Yet according to a person familiar with the document in question, the report was not written by General Milley and appears to date to an earlier period in the Trump administration, when Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr. was the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Jim Mattis was the defense secretary.

readering said...

The indictment does not mention Iran ("Country A"). But the conversation in the indictment involves a Meadows ghostwriter. As, the NY Times reported when the book was published:

Mr. Meadows, in his book, appeared to echo Mr. Trump’s claim about General Milley.

“The president recalls a four-page report typed up by Mark Milley himself,” the book said. “It contained the general’s own plan to attack Iran, deploying massive numbers of troops, something he urged President Trump to do more than once during his presidency. President Trump denied those requests every time.”

Yet according to a person familiar with the document in question, the report was not written by General Milley and appears to date to an earlier period in the Trump administration, when Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr. was the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Jim Mattis was the defense secretary.

hpudding said...

So far this does not pass the smell test.

Lol! Luckily jurors are not dogs or perfume testers. They are instead intelligent human beings who will be shown the overwhelming visual and auditory evidence of Trump’s lawlessness.

Anyway, how surprising that a Trump supporter prefers to have a canine perspective on things.

madAsHell said...

Ya' know........all they are doing is validating Trump.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Trumpers are absolutely hysterical AILEEN CANNON there ya go! JACK don't care, a trump judge ,in a trump county in a trump state, I'll be curious to see what the whining will be about now!
If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere(right Frank)

hpudding said...

When you read the earnest fervor of the "get Trump" crowd you are forced to come to the realization that these zealots have abandoned reason and reality and replaced it with a religious hysteria. This is a left wing tent revival. A crusade where logic and temperance have no place. Intellectual reflection is frowned upon and to ask why is a blasphemy.

Right. Thirty-seven counts, including compromising secrets on nuclear weapons capabilities and defense weaknesses shown to random guests at his clubhouse for bragging purposes. Admit that you see him as a deity to whom no laws or rules should apply. It’s not like he didn’t already say it himself, anyway. (Firth Avenue shooting in broad daylight comment).

One thing’s for certain, Trump is definitely smarter about how to use his supporters than his supporters are about what he can do for them. Just not smart enough to outsmart the law.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Perhaps Microsoft NBC can execute Trump live on the radial leftwing mob-media super-star - Rachel Maddow Show.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Heard a clip of Maddow suggesting Trump take a plea deal agreement that he will never seek elected office ever again.

Is this Maddow dropping the insider deal? or just Maddow-hope? Or Maddow-lollipop for Maddow audience?

Note all the loyal leftists run to Maddow for "news" on their favorite hate-obsession.

boatbuilder said...

"Should we be hearing about a classified Pentagon document about attacking Iran?"

Should we be concerned that there is a classified Pentagon document about attacking Iran?

All of a sudden the entire political class has decided that references to "classified" documents is the unpardonable sin.

I am old enough to remember when leaked information about the Pentagon making plans for invasion of another country would have been cause for concern about what the Pentagon was up to.

Butkus51 said...

First time I remember hearing of a germophobe was about 1987 as I was stuck in Atlantic City and reading his book to kill time.

Jan 21, 2016......Trump likes Golden Showers.


Leland said...

I'm glad to see Jim Jordan recognizing their is no statute of limitation on mishandling classified data and that Hillary Clinton can still be prosecuted. The DOJ failure to prosecute her adds to Trump's defense, especially Comey's statement in the public. If now, mishandling classified data by a senior government official is criminal, then why the political application of the law? I know why, but the courts are supposed to not join along. Biden could pardon her and himself, but I think that will be the step that prompts an impeachment.

boatbuilder said...

Inga--I have no idea what source you are quoting, but if that account is true, why isn't Milley being indicted? Clearly what Milley is talking about is "classified."

pacwest said...

I would like to add that I don't place readering amongst the group of fruitcakes here. Although she is obviously anti-Trump she has been able to learn from past "we got Trump now" mistakes and seems to be careful stick to mostly factual stuff recently. I have no real indication, but I'm assuming she is put off by the turn the country has taken in the last couple years. What thinking person wouldn't be.

hpudding said...

I’m so grateful to the Republicans for advising on how to handle matters just like this one. I think they had a great slogan for just such an occasion:


Mason G said...

"Inga--I have no idea what source you are quoting, but if that account is true, why isn't Milley being indicted?"

How would that help advance the goal of getting rid of Trump?

hpudding said...

Our government and all its organs routinely lie to us.

That’s the great thing about a court trial. It penalizes lying under oath as the crime of perjury. If you’re really a fan of the truth then certainly you’d have no trouble watching a guy as honest as you think Trump is deftly fighting this off and winning.

Trump doesn't matter- we have no country to save.

It’s good to see you abandoning your messianic complex. Next maybe you’ll focus on the real problems facing the country, instead of the made-up garbage Republicans distract America with.

Fuck all you liberal fascists.

Oh, I see. The “deal” was “we don’t prosecute your guys (whether overwhelming evidence exists to indict them or not) and you won’t prosecute ours.” (Regardless of how overwhelming the evidence is). I guess truth and a country built on integrity never were your goals to begin with, after all. Just corrupt bargains.

Now might be a good time to invest in Kleenex.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

"The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America." First sentence in Section 1 of Article II of the Constitution.

Trump had ultimate authority on classification. He is the head of the executive branch. He can delegate that authority to lesser officers, such as SECDEV or SECSTATE. These classification authorities can change what is classified at any time and can declassify a document as required.

Some programs allow documents to be declassified if the people doing the declassification declare that the document does not contain classified terms or values. Other programs forbid declassification of anything they are so sensitive. I've worked on both.

All a President has to say is "This is declassified." Then it's declassified. He should filled out or have someone fill out the proper paperwork to record this change in status. All of the classification markings should be struck out. But that's just the red tape to allow everyone else to know about the change in status.

Jupiter said...

"which CNN previously reported was obtained by prosecutors."

How fortunate for CNN that they have federal prosecutors working for them. And vice versa, of course.

Drago said...

Anna Keppa: "Andy McCarthy says a POTUS doesn't have authority to declassify a "National Security document", but he doesn't explain the constitutional basis for that claim."

There is no constitutional basis for his claim.

The Presidential Records Act, never mentioned in the indictment, as well as Berman-Jacksons ruling in the Clinton sock drawer case, will end up to be controlling. And even when Roberts sucks up to the lefties on appeal because "Trump" (which Roberts has already done multiple times) I dont think he will be able to drag even the clearly cowed and intimidated Kavanaugh with him.

Of course by then, this ploy will have already done what it was intended to do: remove Trump via corrupted lawfare...which the GOPe will cheer as well.

The Andy McCarthy grift is to pretend to be a "muh principles" "conservative" while always, ALWAYS, siding with the corrupted democratical deep state actors at the start of each hoaxed up fake "scandal". Particularly in regards to Trump.

Then, years later, when it no longer matters in the slightest, Andy will go into his "I'm shocked, shocked(!) to find corrupt Deep State-ery occurring here!! Harrumph Harrumph!!" act. He'll even write a book about how shocked he is that all those "straight shootin'" "noble and professional" civil servants crossed ethical and legal boundaries...though its still Trump's fault somehow.

Not surprising really given that's what the lefty billionaires that are now funding the formerly conservative National Review demand of their trained "conservative" lap poodles.

TeaBagHag said...

Blogger Michael K should have said...
The dullard and gadfly are on a roll. Of course Trump shouldn’t be indicted ! It doesn't matter to idiots. They are sure he didnt do something bad…..despite piles of mounting evidence + a taped confession, showing that he did!

Rusty said...

See what I mean?

Narayanan said...

so what would have been Presidential Library material can also basis for indictment.

Trump could crowd fund library in prison

Rocco said...

boatbuilder said...
"I am old enough to remember when leaked information about the Pentagon making plans for invasion of another country [Iran] would have been cause for concern about what the Pentagon was up to."

Meh. For a country that we've been exchanging saber-rattling with for years, I'd be worried about our military's competency if they didn't have a plan.

Narayanan said...

Biden could pardon her and himself
FJB could gold-plate self by offering to pardon Trump in 2024+ after own re-election.

walter said...

I'm amazed Inga has the time to post here what with all the cooking, cleaning and orifice suturing of child "migrants" in her bunk bed complex.
She's a workhorse!

Michael K said...

Blogger TeaBagHag said...

Blogger Michael K should have said...
The dullard and gadfly are on a roll. Of course Trump shouldn’t be indicted ! It doesn't matter to idiots. They are sure he didnt do something bad…..despite piles of mounting evidence + a taped confession, showing that he did!

Another idiot appears. Do you know that there is NO accusation regarding classified documents in the indictment? Maybe you should read more, if you can. Weissmann and Smith are using Woodrow Wilson's "Espionage Act" as the basis. Then I see hints that, if he will just quit running for president, they'll forget it.

This is so obvious that even you and the dullard should figure it out. gadfly , I dunno.

Michael K said...

More puddinghead.

Blogger hpudding said...

Our government and all its organs routinely lie to us.

That’s the great thing about a court trial. It penalizes lying under oath as the crime of perjury. If you’re really a fan of the truth then certainly you’d have no trouble watching a guy as honest as you think Trump is deftly fighting this off and winning.

I missed seeing E Jean Caroll being hauled off for an obvious perjury.

Iman said...

“You completely missed the point, Inga.”

So… just another day is it?

Iman said...

That’s not pudding, that’s excrement @5:21pm.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I've seen photos of.... boxes.

That's how bad this is.... boxes.

Daniel12 said...

rhhardin: The true story is that he declassified the papers. That's what he says here and now. There's no process for declassifying the papers that he has to adhere to. Taking the papers is enough.

Nixon: Well, when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal.

Michael said...

Most excellent move. Rid the only person Biden can beat. Clever.

Aggie said...

""Donald Trump admits on tape he didn’t declassify 'secret information'"

Ha ha, this old chestnut again, from no less a platinum-level repeat offender than CNN.

Quick, somebody tell me: Is there a notable distinction between (a)'Hearing somebody saying that Donald Trump admitted something on tape' and (b)'Hearing Donald Trump actually admitting something on tape'? Because this is about the 10-kazzilionth time this trick has been played, and not just for the studio audience, either.

Sprezzatura said...

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?"

It is interesting to take a step back and look at how well he understands R voters. Not to mention the poorly educated.

Rt41Rebel said...

"Now might be a good time to invest in Kleenex."

Now might be a good time to invest in lead.

Mutaman said...

PB said...

"In spite of what liberals would like at this moment in time, no law can restrict the President's declassification authority that resides in his constitutional role as Commander in Chief. He can declassify in any manner he likes. Merely removing a classified document from a secure setting or causing it to be removed is an act of declassification.

He may not have realized it at the time, but if he removed a classified document, even thinking it wasn't declassified, it became declassified at the point and time of removal."

No citation or link supporting this, of course.

Gospace said...

If POTUS- even brain addled Biden- has a government paper in his possession, he can do whatever he wants with it. Including take it with him when he leaves office. If he takes it with him- it is presumptively declassified.

Period. End of discussion.

Any argument otherwise is pure sophistry.

And- POTUS is the ONLY person in government with that power. But Trump has been treated differently then all other former POTUS's. For example- he doesn't receive intelligence briefings because Biden says he has "erratic behavior". Biden, brain addled Biden, who doesn't know where he is at any particular time, says this.

wendybar said...

"Here is a short list of people who have essentially been above the law no matter how many lies they tell under oath or how many crimes they commit.

Hillary Clinton
Lois Lerner
Eric Holder
James Clapper
Adam Schiff
Fifty-one former intelligence officials who vouched for a fictitious document to elect a corrupt Democrat.
Andrew McCabe
James Comey
Joe Biden"


Tom said...

I don’t trust Trump to not say stupid things and I don’t trust the federal government not to completely fabricate and manufacture evidence. This will be a very strange trial.

Stranger still will be when Chief Justice Roberts has to visit Trump in a Federal Penitentiary and administer the oath of office.

Ampersand said...

In order to prop up their demented figurehead, or the successor figurehead, Dems are successfully sowing chaos in the Republican ranks. I suspect that these charges will result in a jury verdict for the government, and will be pending on appeal when the election rolls around.

This "no holds barred" approach to keeping power for the sake of keeping power is going to change the way people feel about just how free and democratic we are, and just how worthy of respect is a power elite that needs to do things like this to keep power.

I think the Dems instinctively grasp this, in the same way that they instinctively realize that the excessive spending is a problem, but they understand that someone else will be in power when the piper must be paid.

Rusty said...

mutaman said,
"No citation or link supporting this, of course."
Go to the ABA website and look it up. Do your own thinking. Lazy bastard.

jim5301 said...

If Biden knew he had confidential records and did not return them, he should be prosecuted. That is under investigation. If Trump was not aware that he had confidential records, he should not be prosecuted. I'm not sure why most of you seem to not understand this obvious distinction.

Trump talked freely about highly confidential documents re plans to invade Iran with people without any clearance. If you don't see a problem with this then you don't have the best interests of the U.S. in mind. Rather, you are under the sway of a narcissistic dictator-want-to-be who has clearly demonstrated that he doesn't care about our national security. Must be something from your childhood.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Don't forget Christy Blasey-Ford for prosecution. She lied under oath during the Kavanaugh hearings.

guitar joe said...

"Do you know that there is NO accusation regarding classified documents in the indictment?"

We can't possibly be reading the same indictment. The first 31 counts name the date of the offense, the classification marking of each document, and a description of the document in question.

hpudding said...

I missed seeing E Jean Caroll being hauled off for an obvious perjury.

Poor you. That’s because no one could find any evidence that she did so and raised it to a grand jury under the assumption they could find twelve reasonable people who would agree. Maybe increasing your Aricept dose would help you understand that.

mikee said...

So was it the prosecutors who leaked this tape, this trial evidence, to CNN? Hmmm....

BUMBLE BEE said...

Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, the CNN believers flock to scraps.

Drago said...

Mutaman: "No citation or link supporting this, of course."

Tell me you havent read hack leftist "judge" Berman-Jackson's ruling in the Clinton-Sock Drawer case nor the Presidential Records Act without telling us you havent read Berman-Jackson's ruling in the Clinton-Sock Drawer case nor the Presidential Records Act.

Drago said...

Pudding: "It penalizes lying under oath as the crime of perjury."

Brennan and Clapper are laughing their arses off at that one...and those lies under oath occurred while congresspersons and Senators were being spied on...by Brennan and Clapper!

Good times, good times.

Brian said...

Stranger still will be when Chief Justice Roberts has to visit Trump in a Federal Penitentiary and administer the oath of office.

Nope, the ultimate in strangeness will be when people start arguing the House of Representatives and the sitting Vice President have a role in the counting of the Electoral College votes. That it was just a formality on Jan 6th 2021, but of extreme importance a mere 4 years later.

Brian said...

Trump talked freely about highly confidential documents re plans to invade Iran with people without any clearance.

Is "highly confidential" the same as "classified"? What if said documents weren't authentic? What if it was just bullshit? Is a former President allowed to lie to journalists? Are they allowed to exaggerate for political purposes?

Does the DOJ actually have said document in their possession? If so, they'll have to disclose it for a fair trial. If not, it becomes a little hard to prove such documents were classified.

I could tell Dan Rather that I have highly confidential documents that talk about how former President George Bush's performance records in the Air National Guard were sugar coated by his former commander, but that would be bullshit too.

Like all things built on a narrative, it falls apart when evidence has to be presented.

Brian said...

Trump says that he did not declassify the document he’s referencing, according to the transcript.

Or maybe he did and he's lying to the reporter? It certainly slows the reporter down from reporting it if he thinks he's reporting classified information.

Saying "now I can't" doesn't mean that he actually didn't before.

The President of the United States has declassification authority for all executive branch documents up and until Jan 20. Otherwise Article II is meaningless. Congress cannot legislate this power away short of an amendment to the Constitution, otherwise it's a violation of separation of powers.

Jim at said...

I’m so grateful to the Republicans for advising on how to handle matters just like this one. I think they had a great slogan for just such an occasion:


And once again, was she actually locked up? No. She wasn't even charged.

That's our fucking point, dumbass.

Hassayamper said...

@tim: I hope he goes to prison, because I am with the Cloward Piven people now.

There is something to be said for the "acceleration" hypothesis. It might be better for the country in the long run if we ripped this Band-aid off soon, rather than letting it fester another ten or twenty years.

Our first civil war might have been ended with fewer casualties and a better long term outcome if more decisive action had been taken in the interval between the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and the Fugitive Slave Act and Compromise of 1850.

walter said...

hpudding said...
I missed seeing E Jean Caroll being hauled off for an obvious perjury.
Poor you. That’s because no one could find any evidence that she did so
Not surprisingly in a case without evidence period.
There was evidence she's kind of a nut job. See the interview that made Anderson Cooper clench his sphincter. That's a high bar. And oh...perhaps her querying her column readers about sex with Trump. And oh...that bizarro video profile of her seemingly drunk at her Mouse House.