April 1, 2023

"The presumption that gender-diverse identities are not real — that young people will eventually come to accept their birth assigned gender as their minds catch up to their maturing bodies..."

"... is not supported by the evidence and is likely harmful...."

Writes Marci L. Bowers, a gynecologic and reconstructive surgeon and president of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, in "What Decades of Providing Trans Health Care Have Taught Me" (NYT).

I was surprised to see the term "birth assigned gender." What's "assigned" at birth isn't "gender" but sex. Earlier in the column, the doctor does refer to "gender identities [that] do not match... sex assigned at birth."

But what is the science of this "matching"? Is it a medical problem not to "match"? 

Most of this column is about the medical practices that have been taking place for decades and statistics showing that adults who have received drug and surgical treatments have felt better off.

It seems that Bowers' answer to my question — Is it a medical problem not to "match"? — is that if the solution works, the thing worked on is to be understood as a problem. This is the more general doubt that we often see with respect to new psychiatric drugs. 

Here's a 2008 NYT article (which I blogged at the time), "Psychiatrists Revise the Book of Human Troubles":
“This is not cardiology or nephrology, where the basic diseases are well known,” said Edward Shorter, a leading historian of psychiatry whose latest book, “Before Prozac,” is critical of the manual. “In psychiatry no one knows the causes of anything, so classification can be driven by all sorts of factors” — political, social and financial.

“What you have in the end,” Mr. Shorter said, “is this process of sorting the deck of symptoms into syndromes, and the outcome all depends on how the cards fall.”...

This article, addressing the fifth edition of the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders," anticipates coming debates about gender identity:

Soon after the psychiatric association named the group of researchers working on sexual and gender identity, advocates circulated online petitions objecting to two members whose work they considered demeaning.

Transgender people are themselves divided about their place in the manual. Some transgender men and women want nothing to do with psychiatry and demand that the diagnosis be dropped. Others prefer that it remain, in some form, because a doctor’s written diagnosis is needed to obtain insurance coverage for treatment or surgery.

15 years ago, there were 2 camps, one of which stressed insurance coverage for drugs and surgery. 

“The language needs to be reformed, at a minimum,” said Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equity. “Right now, the manual implies that you cannot be a happy transgender person, that you have to be a social wreck.”

Have to be... because that ties to reimbursement of medical expenses? There's more pragmatism and economics to this than science, and Bowers is a gynecologic and reconstructive surgeon. This must be a field that is lucrative and highly dependent on insurance. But she is presented as the expert who knows the most, because of decades of practice.

To stay with the 2008 NYT article:

Dr. Jack Drescher, a New York psychoanalyst and member of the sexual disorders work group, said that, in some ways, the gender identity debate echoed efforts to remove homosexuality from the manual in the 1970s.

After protests by gay activists provoked a scientific review, the “homosexuality” diagnosis was dropped in 1973. It was replaced by “sexual orientation disturbance” and then “ego-dystonic homosexuality” before being dropped in 1987.

Ego-dystonic homosexuality? I don't remember that term, but it seems to mean homosexuality that you feel bad about. 

“You had, in my opinion, what was a social issue, not a medical one; and, in some sense, psychiatry evolved through interaction with the wider culture,” Dr. Drescher said.

Compare that to the current controversy over transgenderism. Is it a social issue? How did it come to be regarded as a medical problem as opposed to a social issue? I would like Dr. Bowers to show us the science of how that happened and to be forthcoming about any financial conflict of interest.

Bowers opposes legislation that limits treating children:
Anti-treatment bills will not protect children, and they will not help the medical community provide better care for patients in need. We should instead take anti-transgender legislation for what it is: thinly veiled cruelty to a specific minority population of the country....

To say this is "what is is" is not to speak like a scientist, but another politician. The meanies are always on the other side.

The field of transgender medicine is evolving rapidly, but it is every bit as objective- and outcome-driven as any other specialty in medicine. Allow the remaining scientific questions to be answered by knowledgeable researchers, without the influence of politics and ideology.

Please scientifically demonstrate that you and those in your group — the World Professional Association for Transgender Health — are free of "the influence of politics and ideology" (and financial incentives). It really doesn't work anymore to simply claim to be the science. Where did you establish that your field is "as objective- and outcome-driven as any other specialty in medicine"? And does that phrase elicit the kind of trust it once had? I think, post-pandemic, people are going to expect a lot more showing of one's work and a lot less demanding that we leave it to the experts.

Sure, it's annoying and complicated to have legislators meddling in your business, especially if you believe you're an empathetic helper of humanity and you have highly developed knowledge and skill, but you haven't built the trust, you haven't demonstrated the science, and people are powerfully motivated to rescue children from what may be harm.


Dude1394 said...

I call bull**** on that. If the CDC/WHO/FDA/Medical Authorities/Big Pharma/Democrat Media have taught us anything in the last 2-3 years to flatten the curve, is that they are incompetent political hacks.

madAsHell said...

Why do I see trans-gender as the new tramp stamp??

It's a fad!!

Gahrie said...

Would a medical professional (or "expert") say that we should allow anorexics to starve themselves? if not, why not? Body dysmorphia is body dysmorphia.

Gahrie said...

Doesn't the evidence show that suicide rates among the "transgendered" are not reduced post-surgery?

minnesota farm guy said...

Lobotomies were, at one time, considered legitimate treatments for mental disorders. How different is the current fad of slicing off kids' body parts because someone thinks it's a cool thing to do?

gilbar said...

gynecologic and reconstructive surgeon and president of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health

it's INTERESTING.. That things people do, for a living; they tend to think are JUST FINE THINGS!

Meade said...

first, do no harm to our funding stream

gspencer said...

"Surgeries are necessary," shouts a $elf-intere$ted $urgeon.

Quayle said...

Assigned? Or observed?

Dave Begley said...

In the Nebraska Unicameral, the Jacobins repeatedly cite how all the major medical organizations are in favor of gender altering medical services. Left unsaid is that they were all wrong about masks and the lockdowns. To me, that destroyed their credibility.

When I testified at that hearing, a number of doctors were opposed to this trans business. Lots of courage to stand up to the money grubbers at Nebraska Medicine and AMA.

Also left unsaid is the fact that these transgender people are a lifetime annuity for the doctors.

The doctors used to think lobotomies were good medical care. That didn’t work out too well.

gilbar said...

"What Decades of Providing Trans Health Care Have Taught Me"

If gilbar was to write an article, titled: "What Decades of Providing illicit narcotics Have Taught Me"
He'd point out that:
a) people Really WANTED his product.. He was providing substances that people Really NEEDED
b) some people thought it was Bad.. And WRONG for gilbar to do this; until THEY wanted some
c) any and all possible nefarious actions taken by gilbar are Now, WAY past the statue of limitations

rrsafety said...

News report today: “Director of Belgium’s Center for Evidence-Based Medicine says he would “toss [WPATH’s guidelines] in the bin.”

gilbar said...

you KNOW what makes people less dysphoric? Euphoric drugs like Cocaine.. Just SAYING

gilbar said...

If O'Bamacare would Just provide Cocaine to dysphoric people there'd be a LOT more cocaine use

Temp Blog said...

Not bad. The opening line on this post is a complete and utter lie. I'm impressed that this groomer and child mutilator really thinks people will believe her BS instead of the scientific evidence.

I would be willing to bet if you search her computers and other electronic devices you'll find child pr0n.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

It’s a show about nothing. Truly. Like the chess club took over student government, the locker rooms, the principal’s office, and the staff lounge, yet continued to talk about nothing but chess. I can feel the leviathanic indifference hardening almost daily.

Zavier Onasses said...

"Writes Marci L. Bowers, a gynecologic and reconstructive surgeon and president of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health."

So does such a person have any (pardon the metaphor) "skin in the game?"

GatorNavy said...

15 years ago, there were 2 camps, one of which stressed insurance coverage for drugs and surgery.

Money! Is there nothing it cannot do? Perhaps if the good doctor had led with, ‘first, do no harm’, I may have found her sincere and believable. Also, I find this article is typical of the NYT and WAPO, stenographically written with none of the who,how,why,what and where questions that would be actual journalism.

Dave Begley said...

The thing that is really shocking to me is that the people who are in favor of this trans business cannot see how immoral and evil it is.

Nebraska state Senator Megan Hunt’s daughter told her at age 10 that she was a boy. Ten! And mom believed her! On the floor of the Unicameral she said, “Kids know who they are.” She reached that conclusion after consulting doctors and therapists for a year. Those people just affirmed this lunacy.

Part of me thinks these liberal lunatics deserve all the pain they will suffer going forward. But since I was educated by the Society of Jesus, the better half of me thinks these kids shouldn’t suffer because their parents and greedy doctors won’t protect them.

We have become a sick society and the Democrat party has brought us to this horrible place.

JPS said...

It occurs to me – and I concede that I really know nothing – that for most of Dr. Bowers' "decades of providing trans health care," she would have seen patients who had been through quite a selection process. That until less than a decade ago, the patients who made it to her would have been precisely the ones who were never going to come to accept a gender that matched their sex.

Now, in society's push to affirm, I suspect that is changing. That, yes, more people are willing to admit they're trans, but also a lot more are being swept along for whatever reason.

Owen said...

Professora: excellent analysis. The “science” is extremely shaky and self-referential, and leaves a HUGE ethical space through which the nutjobs, the financially-motivated and the careerists could drive a Mack truck; and have done so. I am more convinced than ever that these people are quite evil and very, very dangerous.

The damage done to children and adolescents is incalculable.

JAORE said...

As much of the world backs away from this "health care"/mutilation (just for balance) we plunge deeper into the pool.
"Think of the money to be made supplying our boys with the tools of the trade."

Anonymous said...

Begs the question: Assigned by what / whom?

Tom T. said...

Bowers is personally transgender as well, if I'm not mistaken.

effinayright said...

If you want to know how deep the rottenness runs in the medical "gender affirming community", take a look at the membership rolls for the World Professionals...


They're just a new version of witch doctors dispensing ju-ju and trepanning skulls, as far as I'm concerned.

Heartless Aztec said...

Nope, nada, nein, nōh, and nyet.
I don't believe them. Any of them. About anything.

rhhardin said...

There's not much for a gynecological surgeon to do for men identifying as women. It seems to be a slip-up in the naming plan, with gyne- meaning woman.

Some revisions to ancient Greek are still necessary.

Big Mike said...

Writes Marci L. Bowers, a gynecologic and reconstructive surgeon and president of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health

And if we make “gender-affirming surgery” (aka body mutilation) illegal or at any rate very rare, Marci’s income goes to — what? Zero? Near zero? Way less than she’d like it to be? Anyone besides me think there’s a little special pleading going on?

And as a point of information: gender is not “assigned” at birth. Sex is determined at conception. If the lucky sperm cell that fertilizes an egg cell has an X chromosome the fetus will be a female. If the sperm cell has a Y chromosome then the resulting fetus will be a male. That’s how it works for us mammals. What do they teach gynecologists in med school these days anyway?

The Vault Dweller said...

While I too suspect some people in the transgender care industry have fiscal motivations for protecting the industry, there is also the status factor. When the truth eventually wins out the people who are providing gender affirming care will be viewed in a similar fashion as those who treated women for melancholy by performing a hysterectomy.

Lurker21 said...

Years ago, psychiatrists could commit people just for being "odd" or so different that neighbors complained. There's long been an authoritarian streak in the profession. Lately people have been taking pride in being odd or different or difficult, so the old syndromes and diagnoses are breaking down. What once was a mental disorder is now a fashion, a fad, a lifestyle, a consumer choice.

One could see this as greater freedom, but with it come demands that government force one's views about one's new identity on the public. Today, when psychiatrists have much less authority, their power appears to be based more on their influence over insurance payments than on great wisdom or discernment.

"The presumption that gender-diverse identities are not real — that young people will eventually come to accept their birth assigned gender as their minds catch up to their maturing bodies ... is not supported by the evidence and is likely harmful...."

But that was true for most of humanity in the past and is true for most people today. When society wasn't talking about the possibility of changing one's sex or gender, the vast majority of people didn't consider even doing so, and those who did indulge in the fantasy soon outgrew it.

wendybar said...

Progressives are science deniers.

The Vault Dweller said...

Marci L. Bowers, a gynecologic and reconstructive surgeon and president of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health

Can you reconstruct something that didn't exist in the first place?

Rabel said...

Marci should look into ego syntonic behavior and how that concept applies to a person who mutilates children and gets very well paid for it.

wendybar said...

Talk about a cult. They are insisting on erasing women.
That's patriarchy for you!!/s


Maynard said...

Ideology trumps all, just as Karl Marx hoped and expected.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Excellent. I probably don't have any particular answers. I certainly hope no young relative of mine comes out as something I find creepy or weird.

I tend to sympathize with social conservatives even though, yes, much of the tradition they defend is questionable at best. Is there such a thing as human nature? Does it make sense to have laws that discourage some impulses and decisions, even if they seem natural, because there is another kind of nature that supports laws and rules?

Presumably in virtually any society there is a certain amount of anxiety or panic among pre-teens about sex--this big freight train they see coming. What is going to be expected of me? How am I going to do? Am I going to be judged? Am I going to be happy, especially by finding that special someone?

It is possible that it is precisely the progressives who have supported initiatives that could plausibly drive pre-teens crazy. Endless doom and gloom about the climate, maybe nuclear war? Ideological teachings that every bad date is a key piece of evidence that the heteronormal white cismales have screwed everything up, and rigged the rules, for their own short-term benefit? It seems a few decades ago educated people thought a little more enlightenment about sex would mean pretty good sex for almost everyone. Now it might seem impossible to have really good,conflict-free sex. In this context, and I'm only asking, is "identifying as non-binary" or whatever a way of tapping out?

wendybar said...

Meme of the day..

Doctors report..
startling arise in testicular injuries among women atheletes. Doctors are baffled.

Ex-PFC Wintergreen said...

There’s a recognized disorder called Body Integrity Identity Disorder, where the sufferer is convinced that, say, their arm is not theirs; they might say that their arm is dead or belongs to someone else. Some of these people want to have the offending body part amputated (few if any surgeons will take them on though).

How is “transgenderism” any different?

Also, it’s worth pointing out that for so-called male-to-female transsexuals, there are actually two kinds: one type may genuinely feel he is a woman trapped in a man’s body, and these tend to be more stereotypically gay in that they are attracted to men; the other type is called autogynephilia and consists of men who find themselves sexually stimulated by thinking of themselves as female, and autogynephiliacs typically are sexually attracted to women, even if the autogynephiliac has the full surgery (which doesn’t happen all that often according to what I’ve read). It’s very politically incorrect to talk about the second type of M-to-F transsexuals, and the transmaniacs will deny the existence of autogynephilia, but I think it’s pretty obvious that most of the men-in-drag seen in, say, the Libs of TikTok videos are of this type. It’s this kind of “female” transsexual that caused many lesbian groups to exclude “trans” “women”, as it was mostly guys with functional penises hitting on the lesbians.

And I saw an article somewhere - don’t remember where right now - suggesting that drag shows should be as reviled as blackface minstrel shows are, because that’s what drag shows are - men dressing up as wildly exaggerated one-note women; how is this different than blackface minstrel shows?

And I say again - when are women going to rise up and demand an end of the current mania that proclaims “the best woman is a man”?? But of course, this is the natural end result of the corrupt feminists, who appear to dominate “women’s” movements, and their willingness to get out their knee pads and compromise fundamental principles for political advantage. When will actual principled women cast these moneychangers out of the temple?? (I’m atheist but sometimes Bible metaphors just work…)

Vonnegan said...

Bowers has made a lot of money on this garbage. He's a butcher who wants to continue the cash flow, so he wants as many people as possible to buy into these ideas. He's a straight man with a fetish and a lust for cash, nothing more.

loudogblog said...

I think that they're trying to find medical solutions for psychological problems.

Everyone wants an easy answer. "Oh, you aren't happy being a male; then we'll just surgically and chemically alter you to be a female." Problem solved.

But it's more complex than that. There's an old saying that you need to be comfortable in your own skin and if you hate your body that much, you probably have psychological issues that need to be addressed before surgery is performed.

Would I like to be better looking and more muscular? Yes. Do I torture myself every day because I'm not? No.

n.n said...

Sex is Her choice determined from conception. Gender is sex-correlated attributes, which may be influenced during human evolution through environmental, surgical, medical, and psychiatric forcings.

The scientific evidence is that gender-affirming care in unstable classes of the transgender spectrum will unpredictably, progressively fail in the majority of subjects. This clinical model of Russian roulette is presumably why John Hopkins ended their trials over four decades ago. The elective injury and collateral damage was great and forward-looking.

bobby said...

You must Follow The Science!, which I will now define for you . . .

dbp said...

We don't do anorexia-confirming medical treatment. Why or how, did we come to the conclusion that when a person has gender dysphoria, the problem is the wrong body and not that the person has a mental illness?

Yes, I bloody-well want to see their work, before making permanent changes to the bodies of these afflicted persons.

n.n said...

first, do no harm to our funding stream

The hypocritic oath of the ethical establishment.

FullMoon said...

World Professional Association for Transgender Health

"Formerly called
Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association"

Earnest Prole said...

Writes Marci L. Bowers, a gynecologic and reconstructive surgeon

When your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

reader said...

If 12,13,14 year olds (and younger?) are mentally developed enough to make life altering medical decisions then they are old enough to:

Get a drivers license
Get a job (no more 16 years old and needing a work permit)
Get married
Buy alcohol, pot, and cigarettes
Buy a gun
Join the military
No more statutory rape
No more statute of limitations running from age of majority

Let’s roll that all up together, pick an age, and vote on it.

Sebastian said...

"It really doesn't work anymore to simply claim to be the science. Where did you establish that your field is "as objective- and outcome-driven as any other specialty in medicine"?"

I appreciate the sentiment, but the claim still works quite nicely--and is being used to vilify trans-resistant professional. The "establishing" has already gone far enough to put the burden of proof on trans-resisters. Anything less than full support makes you genocidal.

For the moment, there is pushback, as illustrated even in this post. Even the left is not entirely on board yet. But The Science is being mobilized once again for prog purposes, in a way that makes it very difficult for scientists to join the pushback.

Ampersand said...

Most physicians and psychiatrists are intelligent, moral, hard working people. That said, the professions of medicine and psychiatry have utterly disgraced themselves.

Duke Dan said...

For this to be true, the whole tens of thousands of years of human evolution had to be in the direction of something where only the last 20-40 years of surgical development could address a natural distinction. That is bonkers on a stick.

ccscientist said...

If a child had a fantasy of being a dwarf, would we fulfill that wish with hormones and surgery? If not, what is different?

Ambrose said...

A bit of rhetorical gymnastics here. We begin with the presumption that "gender-diverse identities are not real" and then we see the hyphen indicating a defining explanation to come, followed by the "that young people will eventually come to accept..." But that is not the same thing. It is in fact a new and very different presumption. It is actually quite likely in today's environment that young people will not come to accept their birth assigned genders whether or not gender-diverse identities are real. And that failure of people to accept does not then make the opening presumption false.

Freder Frederson said...

Doesn't the evidence show that suicide rates among the "transgendered" are not reduced post-surgery?

I don't know. If you are so curious, why don't you look for the evidence? Or are you just asking a question to imply a claim you don't have a clue to?

Sydney said...

And “experts” wonder why they aren’t trusted

Gospace said...

Meanwhile the official government misinformation bureau continues to allow this idicy, while doctors who were right about the dreaded covid are being stripped of their medical licesnses for spreading misinformation and contributing to "vaccine hesitancy".

And silly me listened to the latter groups and stillhasn't had the clot shot, or whatever deragatory name you wish to identify the shot that that isn't a vaccine with. Because the latter group was correct.

Mark L Bowers should be stripped of his medical license.

n.n said...

Ah, a model of diversity: color judgment, class-based bigotry, a twilight faith, an ethical behavior, a handmade tale brayed by an idiot, full of empathy and deceit, signifying social progress.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

If alleged scientists are talking like social justice warriors then I assume it’s the SJW speaking not the MD side of her binary brain.

Ironclad said...

If there was ever a reason to begin wholesale stripping of medical licenses for malpractice - here’s where you start. It’s not that there are a tiny number of people with body dismorphia that need treatment - it’s the new “if you have a hammer, everything is a gender nail” that these quacks are pushing.

Sue them into oblivion and make them pay with loss of license.

Amadeus 48 said...

Money talks and is very persuasive.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Doctors and trans-activists make big bucks on providing services to the mentally confused. Sometimes with only one appointment, then it's off the to operating theater! Can't let those fees dawdle, the surgeons have med-school loans to pay off.

The standard decades ago was for a trans-confused person to spend 7 years living as the opposite sex before any medical treatment. I had a friend, Warren, who started living as a woman. He was a pretty woman. He worked at Boeing, and used the women's restrooms as part of his new life. The women didn't like a man in their bathrooms and complained to HR. Warren was warned, but persisted. Then he was fired.

He ignored the women's concerns of privacy. That's the same attitude we see from trans-neobarbarian-activists. Me, Me, Me! Screw everyone else. Don't make the trans-confused uncomfortable! That's mean! So what if that upsets everyone else!

Jupiter said...

"Marci L. Bowers, a gynecologic and reconstructive surgeon and president of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health ..."

A butcher. Except that butchers have the decency not to pretend that the creatures they slaughter benefit from their attentions.

Jupiter said...

So what does that word "gynecologic" mean, anyway? Or is that assigned during residency?

DanTheMan said...

People are afraid. They see a one political party future, and they don't want to risk their livelihoods and reputations by angering the political force of the future.

In most Fortune 500 companies today, if you say in a company email "Men and women are different. Men can't get pregnant, for example." you are very likely to get fired.

Ten years ago, this would have been the 2nd most obvious, non-controversial thing you could say, other than "The sun rises in the east."

Now, you MUST espouse things you don't believe, or be unemployed.

You are the modern witch, who must be burned.

s'opihjerdt said...

Does the name Sylvester McMonkey McBean mean anything to you?

holdfast said...

“The field of transgender medicine is evolving rapidly, but it is every bit as objective- and outcome-driven as any other specialty in medicine.”

Of course that is untrue, and literally impossible. If someone has a tumor, you can open them up and find that tumor. You can cut it out, you can slice it up and you can put it under a microscope. Under the microscope, it will look like a cancer tumor.

You can’t do any of that stuff when it comes to how a person “feels”. And in a world where there is a “gender” called “cake” . . .

Never mind of course WPATH is the international lobby group for doctors who make money by providing a lifetime of cross-sex hormones and very expensive surgical procedures.

For the record, I believe that there are some individuals out there who do benefit from a sexual-characteristic change operation. They are the ones who previously went through the much lengthier process that included a significant amount of psychological evaluation. And the requirements to live as the other sex for an extended period of time before surgery.

Unfortunately they are probably about 5% of the teenagers who are currently being put on the gender bender pathway.

retail lawyer said...

Sex is observed at birth, not assigned.

Oso Negro said...

If boys must needs have the right to castration, why should we deny them the pleasure of serving as catamites?

Enigma said...

Conflicts of interest are routine across professions. investing firms market a business and then recommend selling = more commissions and profit. Colleges promote degrees as "essential" even as many $100K technical trade jobs go unfilled. Auto mechanics have been known to sneak under vehicles and spray oil on various parts to claim there's a leak requiring costly repairs. Real estate agents buy "creampuff" houses to flip before showing them to general buyers, and pump buy-sell transactions to generate more fees.

So, doctors are often corrupt too. If you've ever been around many doctors, some (1) follow a parent in the family business, some (2) are altruistic and want to help others, and some (3) are greedy, money-hungry predators out for a high income, yacht, and house on a lake. Doctors are just a dirty and corruptible as any other person. We have eyes on the fronts of our faces and hunted high protein meat to support of large brains. We are natural born killers. Some of us kill or maim other humans for profit, and doctors are typically clever humans.

This transgender youth surgery era will routinely be compared to the "war crimes" of Josef Mengele and Nazi quack medicine -- likely within a generation.

walter said...

I suspect a lot of predictable self-sorting into these "working groups" and advocacy orgs, similar to the imbalanced becoming psychologists.

walter said...

Farm guy,
At least the "treatment" then was aimed at the correct source of the problem.

Lilly, a dog said...

Also not supported by evidence is whether multi-millionaire Dr. Kutcher Dyckoff is a woman.

Breezy said...

A persons sex or gender is the effect of either an x or a y sperm winning the race to the ovum. Neither is “assigned at birth”, period. We could say we learn, discover, or ascertain the baby’s sex at birth, if not sooner via testing. I think these cute reality-averse phrases do a lot of harm, especially while people are hotly debating the topic. It’s critical we remind ourselves out loud what is real and known. A person can live a life as the opposite gender they were born with, for whatever reason.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

"The presumption that gender-diverse identities are not real — that young people will eventually come to accept their birth assigned gender as their minds catch up to their maturing bodies..."
"... is not supported by the evidence and is likely harmful...."

Writes Marci L. Bowers, a gynecologic and reconstructive surgeon and president of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health

"a gynecologic and reconstructive surgeon", which is to say"someone whose income is dependent upon have lots of metal ill people to do expensive operations on.

IOW, you can believe Marci, just like you could believe RJ Reynolds when it told you that smoking wasn't bad for your health.

A University of Washington study, in partnership with Seattle Children’s Hospital, claimed gender-affirming care via puberty blockers leads to positive mental health outcomes for transgender teen patients. That characterization, however, was false, forcing substantial edits to the materials used to promote the study and prompting UW to cease promoting the research.

Here's the study, for those who have forgotten about it:
Design, Setting, and Participants This prospective observational cohort study was conducted at an urban multidisciplinary gender clinic among TNB adolescents and young adults seeking gender-affirming care from August 2017 to June 2018. Data were analyzed from August 2020 through November 2021.

So, the people at the UW Gender Clinic spent 16 months digging through all their data. And the absolute best that they could come up with was that during an 11 month period 3 years before, their "treatment" did not improve mental health outcomes AT ALL.

They came up with a "control" group that "got worse over that time", but only by having their early "control" scores contain the results for all the people with mild problems who left because they got better on their own, while the later scores only had the people who still felt they needed treatment.

Whenever anyone tells you that the science shows the current "trans treatments" make things better, it's because their either an ignoramus, or a liar.

Marci is clearly a liar, pushing the agenda that pays her bills

Gahrie said...

Doesn't the evidence show that suicide rates among the "transgendered" are not reduced post-surgery?

I don't know. If you are so curious, why don't you look for the evidence? Or are you just asking a question to imply a claim you don't have a clue to?

I'm asking if the answer has changed since the last time I did do the research and found that to be the result.

Why didn't you attempt to answer the question instead of attacking me for asking it?

Jupiter said...

"I don't know. If you are so curious, why don't you look for the evidence? Or are you just asking a question to imply a claim you don't have a clue to?"

Freder, I am uncomfortable with the gender you were assigned at birth. Now if you'll just climb up here on this table ....

Michael K said...

I think it is nice that these people making big money from creating Eunuchs and sterile females are so easy to identify. If I were a trial lawyer, I would be busy saving their addresses and phone numbers.

Jaq said...

You know what medication was introduced some time in the late '90s? Children's ibuprofen.

Concern has been raised over increased male reproductive disorders in the Western world, and the disruption of male endocrinology has been suggested to play a central role. Several studies have shown that mild analgesics exposure during fetal life is associated with antiandrogenic effects and congenital malformations, but the effects on the adult man remain largely unknown.


Alison said...

They are most definitely doing it for money. TN has now outlawed surgery and hormones to "treat" minors, thanks partly to the info in the below article.

Vanderbilt: Huge Money Maker

Big Mike said...

I wonder what happens if malpractice insurance stops covering malpractice claims relating to “gender affirming surgery”? And if insurance does not cover being sued by someone detransitioning?

gadfly said...

Then there is a far better choice - Mastodon - Social networking that's not for sale.

Dave Begley said...

Big Mike:

The proposed NE case extends the statute of limitations for medmal cases. Back in November 2022, I wrote the CEO of Nebraska Medicine and flat out told him that his company will be hit with lots of medmal cases.

One of their defenses will be that Nebraska Medicine followed the standard of care as set out by WPATH and all the other medical organizations. But the Catholic hospital in Omaha didn't do this and I don't think the Methodist hospital did either. Big problem.

But ultimately, the insurance companies won't cover this trans business. Mr. Market works, but works slowly.

n.n said...

someone detransitioning

Trans- refers to a state or [progressive] process (PP). You can check in, but you you can never... rarely check out.

Andrew said...

F--k all this bulls--t.

n.n said...

that mild analgesics exposure during fetal life is associated with antiandrogenic effects and congenital malformations, but the effects on the adult man remain largely unknown

Trans/homosexual or cisgender progress, perhaps.

Nancy Reyes said...

It's the anthopology that is the problem.
Cultures that are healthy encourage ideas that strengthen the family.
Gender theory goes against that idea: even Pope Francis criticizes it for this reason.

Here in the Philippines, the family is important: so although baclas and tomboys and transgender folk are accepted as part of the family, but we don't go around teaching children that this is normal, or encouraging children to decide they are trans so as to please the teacher.

Michael said...

Would the parents of children wishing to change genders allow them to get tattoos if they wished? If not why not.

ccscientist said...

They want us to accept the opinion of children about their sex, who have never had sex, have never longed to have kids, have never been in love. We do not let children (<18) serve in the military, vote, buy a gun, buy alcohol, sign contracts, buy property. Yet they can choose life-altering surgery and drugs? Insane. If they cannot choose it, they must be protected from those who would push them to it.

ccscientist said...

The claim of the doctor that these kids always stick to their decision is beside the point (and false anyway). The point is that these children are not mature enough to make an informed and mature decision. We protect children.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Smoke and mirrors start to finish. The belief that young people will come to accept their birth sex is not part of the package, because that is highly dependent on what people like Dr. Bowers keep teaching them. I have never heard a trans-skeptic person argue that "those kids will all come around soon enough." It's irrelevant.

And because of that, to insist it is important is either deceitful or uniformed. And if a person in her position is uninformed, this must at some level be willful.

I have said for years that liberals do not so much oppose conservative ideas as completely misassign them. They cannot repeat back what their opponents even think. Believe me, I have tried to get them to engage in the exercise, and seldom have seen success. That this is now of conservatives about liberal ideas does not cheer me up in the slightest.

walter said...

Not long ago, A UW-Health doc got lots of attention for her bizarrely matter of fact shilling for meatball surgery.

Tracy Coyle said...

WPATH is infused with political ideology. The most current 'standards of care' they issued completely erased transsex[ual]s from the verbiage and spent more time on non-binary. Bowers, once considered among the top of available surgeons, seems more interested in the coin of the realm than in care for patients. WPATH was originally for TRANSSEX people, now we are ignored.

MOST of the transgender community wants nothing to do with transsex people. Their POV is that gender is fluid and dsyphoria not necessary to be considered trans and that it is enough to just claim status and demand acceptance. Transsex know that gender dsyphoria is a medical condition requiring medical treatment.

Bowers speaks for the transgender community, but earns her living off the transsex community. POX on her and WPATH...

gilbar said...

reader said...
If 12,13,14 year olds (and younger?) are mentally developed enough to make life altering medical decisions then they are old enough to:
... No more statutory rape

once you consider THAT it ALL starts making sense. WHY are the left SO concerned, about so a small cohort?
Answer:If 12,13,14 year olds (and younger?) are mentally developed enough to make life altering medical decisions then they are old enough to:
... No more statutory rape

See? see the End game? If 12,13,14 year olds (and younger?) are mentally developed enough to make life altering medical decisions then they are old enough
This is ALL About Grooming, and Pedo... Which is The Reason, that the left are behind it

~ Gordon Pasha said...

Surgery is predicated on the motto, "A chance to cut is a chance to cure."

And hormone therapy is a chance to monetize endocrinology, which traditionally has been one of the lowest paying specialties (no procedures and adjusting insulin and thyroid hormones are not very lucrative)

Aggie said...

How could I ever believe the words of a science-trained medical doctor, when he can't even bring himself to use the correct words because of social beliefs? How about genetically-determined gender being a more accurate term for the sex we are born with? How about that?

Progressives should really be re-named Regressives. They always want to makes things that our Creator controls into things that are somehow determined by man's intellect alone, and therefore subject to elective control.

Maynard said...

Sex is observed at birth, not assigned.

OMG! A super transphobe!

Find out where this person lives.

Paul said...

What a sad game playing... they are f*cking up the minds of kids with this 'gender assignment'.

It's all a sham. There is male and female. You have a dick or a pussy. Simple as that.

Yea there are men who dress as women... called transvestites. Usually it's men who do this but there are a few women who dress up as men.

And as we see from some of the recent mass shootings... four of them were transvestites!

They have a high proportion of mental illnesses. And these 'experts' are making it worse, much worse, pushing kids to 'identify'.

All cause of 'woke' ideals.

Bunkypotatohead said...

Joe Biden claims trannies "shape our nation's soul".
So everyone here will just have to get used to the insanity. It won't be much longer before these procedures are federally funded.

Douglas B. Levene said...

This “assigned at birth” nonsense is just more Orwellian doublespeak to avoid speaking the plain truth: “she was born female but had mental problems adjusting to being female.”

NYC JournoList said...

Sex is not assigned at birth. It is assigned at conception by the rules of the universe. Sometimes sex is discovered at birth. Sometimes sex is discovered by ultrasound.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

I just came across Dalrymple in Claremont Review of Books, reviewing a history of American psychiatry by Scull:
"People were deemed to have improved as a result of their treatment if the treating doctor said that they had, now recognized as a very inadequate criterion of success, for no one wants to see his efforts unrewarded by success."

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

I just came across Dalrymple in Claremont Review of Books, reviewing a history of American psychiatry by Scull:
"People were deemed to have improved as a result of their treatment if the treating doctor said that they had, now recognized as a very inadequate criterion of success, for no one wants to see his efforts unrewarded by success."

Tina Trent said...

Credible longitudinal studies done by doctors at Hopkins, a doctor who followed hundreds of patients for decades in Canada, and sexual clinicians throughout Europe before the activist-social contagion show that 90% of children with body dysmorphia resolve it, mostly by recognizing that they are lesbian or gay -- mostly gay, as until the contagion among white female girls, 80% of such patients were males. Now 80% are female. The Canadian doctor was fired for telling the truth.

Back in the early 90s, the big debate among feminist scholars was whether it was ok to accept political lesbians (who slept with men but declared themselves lesbian anyway) as a part of the lesbian community. Then Judith Butler pushed the envelope, declaring that all gender identity is invented, not biologically founded.

This became such a cause in academia that entire anthropology departments began sucking their thumbs to keep quiet. Their cowardice, and the Butler-bots intellectual rampage, is now manifested in the contagion of mutilating, hormonally altering, and pressuring children to declare themselves dysmorphic. Thanks, brave tenured academics!

But even with a front seat view of this, I wouldn't have predicted such a rapid devolution from reality within the medical industry. I'm not surprised the teacher's colleges latched on early, and the psychologists (psychiatrists are just drawn to anything warped), but I thought medical clinicians would show more backbone.

Tracy Coyle said...

Echoing Tina Trent: the abdication of the medical community's responsibilities to their patients in response to political demands will go down as one of the contributing factors to teen girls becoming damaged (and surgery isn't necessary for this to happen).

Finding a therapist willing to actually treat patients, rather than rubber stamp self-diagnosis' is almost impossible to day because their BOARDS of certification demand conformity to their narratives.

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