March 22, 2023

Trump has caused the New York Times to write a front page article about his purported positivity about performing a perp walk!

I'm laughing while trying to force myself to read "Trump at Mar-a-Lago: Magical Thinking and a Perp-Walk Fixation/Those who have spent time with Donald Trump in recent days say he has often appeared significantly disconnected from the severity of his potential legal woes."

See? Their idea is that he's crazy and delusional and out of touch with reality. Do they even consider that he's playing them and just doing what he always does and making the best of whatever misfortune comes his way? It's just media judo. Can't they recognize it by now?

Oh, I'll give them credit. They recognize it, they just also keep doing what they do, characterizing Trump's genius/"genius" moves as craziness.

And I say that even as I do what I always do: read the NYT in the morning. But I'm going to give myself credit for not reading this article. Not yet, anyway. Am I missing something?


mezzrow said...

Intellectual fentanyl, Althouse. Walk away. Former addict here. You don't even need a twelve-step.

Just do it.

Quaestor said...

The severity of Trump's legal woes is directly proportional to the banana-ness of our republic.

Up Next: El Supremo Biden tries to read poetry.

Quayle said...

"Am I missing something?"

I would say "no". It is entirely probable that they are suffering from delusions. And let's face it, like every other media outlet the NY Times is a for-profit enterprise and needs to sustain their top line. They know their target market and they must feed their readers to get the eyeball number up and the clicks. That is Job 1. And they'll feed their market whatever their market will consume.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Payback is gonna be fucking epic.

Chuck said...

I simply read Trump's own writing as it gets published on Truth Social. It's sociopathic bordering on psychotic.

Fans of Trump never seem to want to go through those posts in detail.

gilbar said...

Can't they recognize it by now?
NO! No They CAN'T

Achilles said...

The New York Times is a terrible publication staffed by fascists owned by globalists oligarchs and viewed as a source of legitimate information by stupid and/or evil people.

As long as you understand the NYT is just a tool to keep the little fascist shitheads that still support hte regime in line and it is lying with every word reading it can be informative.

gilbar said...

this is the problem, when you don't have human intelligence writing your paper.
The world Needs More HI

Achilles said...

IN some ways I hope they arrest Trump tomorrow.

I also hope they conclude their plans to arrest thousands of peaceful Trump supporters.

This is an illegitimate regime and they are acting like it. They are also acting like everyone else knows it.

They would not be arresting Trump if he had actually lost to Joe Biden legitimately.

They would be mocking him. Instead they are acting like Trump has 15 million more voters than Biden and they had to cheat massively to beat him.

This is happening in France right now as well.

Everyone here needs to prepare for a worldwide economic collapse and mass starvation around the world this summer. There will also be widespread war and probably a bank run leading to economic collapse.

MadisonMan said...

I can't think that Trump any longer sells that many newspapers. So I ask myself: Why is the Times so invested in this?

Chuck said...

Lol; I just noticed that Althouse's last deployment of the "Trump's genius" tag was in May of 2021.

And the time before that was in 2020.

Kate said...

Trump's biggest failure: he saved the media in 2016 and they've run on him ever since. If Jeb! had become POTUS, how much legacy media would even exist today?

BUMBLE BEE said...

Without Trump New York would be down to one paper. They'd still be losing money.

Leland said...

The local Austin media was excited when Rick Perry got booked for an indictment of abuse of official capacity. For those who forget, then Gov. Perry vetoed the budget of the corrupt Travis County DA, who then came up with this preposterous charge. The result was a mug shot worthy of a campaign poster. Perry would go on to serve under President Trump. The left would spin this as two corrupt politicians. Everyone else will remember the gross abuse of power in 2015 by an out of control DA and realize the warnings then were not heeded.

R C Belaire said...

If this indictment happens and Trump is eventually arraigned, it would be so Trump to use his mugshot in 2024 campaign adds. I can just see it "Vote Trump. Victim of the system again."

iowan2 said...

often appeared significantly disconnected form the severity of his potential legal woes

Do tell. How severe are the legal woes? Because real lawyers see an indictment never making it past the first filings to dismiss.

Dave Begley said...

I'd rather eat a thistle than read another story about Trump's future arrest.

Captain BillieBob said...

I can't read the article either. Not gonna pay to read the much vaunted NYT's so I will wait for your astute analysis.

Gusty Winds said...

Maybe the Grand Jury can save everyone from this happening. But, considering NYC is filled with liberal lunatics, I doubt it. Seems the wheels are in motion.

Are they really going to cuff Donald J. Trump?

They want to cuff him because he won the 2020 election.

They are delusional if they think these would be humiliating images for his supporters. I'll be voting for Trump in the GOP WI Primary. DeSantis can wait. I am done with the Paul Ryan/Jeb Bush GOP. At the moment, Trump is the only alternative to the Uniparty.

I love being just a small part of the working class MAGA base. I'd rather hang out with the fishermen and lepers than the Pharisees and Sadducees.

Brian said...

Trump has no shame. And the more he has no shame the more they want him to experience shame.

It's why every news article written on Trump could have the headline proceed with the words "How Dare He!". Once you see it, you can't unsee it. Put that phrase in front of any headline on Trump and it always fits.

Gusty Winds said...

R C Belaire would be so Trump to use his mugshot in 2024 campaign adds.

Right on the money. Just like how he embraced "deplorables" after Hillary vocalized her disdain and hatred of the American working class. The Les Deplorables meme is hilarious.

deepelemblues said...

The man has not broken into a blubbering puddle of goo begging his NKVD interrogators to just promise him his wife and family will be left alone if he agrees to confess, so he must be disconnected from reality

Those who are disconnected from reality are those who cannot deal with the fact that they have failed again and again at completely degrading and breaking our modern Emmanuel Goldstein, and are failing yet again.

Achilles said...

R C Belaire said...
If this indictment happens and Trump is eventually arraigned, it would be so Trump to use his mugshot in 2024 campaign adds. I can just see it "Vote Trump. Victim of the system again."

No, that wont be his message.

His message will be that the real targets of the Regime are his supporters and they have to take him out in order to destroy us.

He has made this clear many times.

wendybar said...

I love being just a small part of the working class MAGA base. I'd rather hang out with the fishermen and lepers than the Pharisees and Sadducees.

3/22/23, 8:29 AM


alanc709 said...

New York Times is Rolling Stone magazine for effete snobs and left-wing lunatics. Fascism runs deep in New York these days.

lonejustice said...

Achilles said...

"Everyone here needs to prepare for a worldwide economic collapse and mass starvation around the world this summer. There will also be widespread war and probably a bank run leading to economic collapse."


I don't usually recommend drinking in the morning, but in Achilles case, it might help.

Mr Wibble said...

MadisonMan said...
I can't think that Trump any longer sells that many newspapers. So I ask myself: Why is the Times so invested in this?

The laptop class took Trump as a personal rejection of their supposed right to rule. Hillary was the epitome of the laptop class; she was over-credentialed, upper middle class, with few actual accomplishments. Her election to the presidency was supposed to be automatic- a triumph of the bureaucracy and the technocrats. Furthermore, it was the long-awaited payoff for the decision by Democrats to stand by Bill Clinton all those years ago. Instead, she was rejected by the voters.

Going after Trump is all about proving the voters were wrong and that the laptop class was somehow right the whole time.

rcocean said...

Every MSM article on Trump is the same. He's either crazy, or wrong, or stupid, or Out-of-Control, or about to destroyed (the walls are closing in).

Nixon and Reagan got SOME positive coverage. With Trump, its been nonstop negative coverage and lies 24/7/365 for over 7 1/2 years. Sadly, many Republicans are blaming the victim and not the oppressor.

The only way to read the NYT/Wapo is by assuming its DNC propaganda and full of lies and going from there. If they say something bad about the Democrats, its probably true. If they say something good about the Republicans its probably true. OTherwise....

Wince said...

Some prosecutor, somewhere, was going to grab at the brass ring and charge Trump with something.

Trump must feel fortunate in some ways, like the impeachments, that this is the tenuous charge they will be going with.

Rollo said...

If you haven't read it you can't comment on it.

The snark police have been notified and are on their way.

Sebastian said...

"Do they even consider that he's playing them"

They're happy to be played. It works for them. Trump-MSM codependence runs deep.

If the MSM had to create a "GOP" adversary for maximum profit and political effect, how could they do better than Trump?

mezzrow said...

Picture the iconic photo of a cuffed Trump being perp walked. It's easy if you try.

Who wears the shirt? The left or the right? Why? Underneath, one word.


GPT-4 could probably whip one of those up. I shouldn't hate marketing the way I do.

Big Mike said...

Trump is at least playing a giant game of chicken, with the excellent likelihood that he is playing an even deeper “heads I win - tails you lose” sort of game with Democrats. If he was playing hardball he could just publish the names and addresses of Bragg and his assistants, also pictures of their kids and where they go to school.

Jersey Fled said...

I just noticed you have a Trump Genius tag.

mezzrow said...

A follow up on the above thoughts.

Maybe both sides would wear the shirt. I don't know, honestly. There's money to be made either way.

Just a thought. Still, it's an ugly future to consider. Better if we could avoid it, like nuclear war, which was inconceivable until a few months ago.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Skeptical and with abundant humor is the ONLY way to approach news from ANY source in this age of dis- mis- and malinformation forming a confusing flood of fact-free assertions.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Those who have spent time with Donald Trump in recent days say he has often appeared significantly disconnected from the severity of his potential legal woes.

Well, since his "legal woes" are illegitimate trash, and their main "severity" is their ability to destroy all respect for the rule of law in America, it's not Trump who is "significantly disconnected" from reality

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Oh, I'll give them credit. They recognize it, they just also keep doing what they do, characterizing Trump's genius/"genius" moves as craziness.

Professor, I think you need to consider that they're just doing what is expected of them by the powers that be.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Brian said...
Trump has no shame. And the more he has no shame the more they want him to experience shame.

The people most lacking in shame are the ones supporting / justifying / excusing the weaponization of the "justice" system to go after Trump.

Trump's not even on the same continent of "no shame" as those people are

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

That attitude is difficult to maintain except for doing exactly as Althouse models here: laugh at the absurd headline and move on. There is no reason to answer the question “gee what if this is true?” Take the chuckle and move on. It preserves one’s sanity and trust me they can tell by the online metrics when readers don’t engage with the story. That sends a clear signal that is much more effective than lingering long enough to post a counterpoint or comment.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

"Am I missing something?"

Important reality check: If the NYT / WaPo has any anonymous "sources" that are actually close enough to Trump to honestly report anything that's happening with Trump, then they are people working with Trump to disinform the NTY / WaPo

In ANY story in the left wing "media" where "sources around Trump say", everything that follows is a lie. It's either a lie because the "sources" aren't actually "around Trump" (see the Anonymous "senior official" who wasn't), or because the source is lying to help Trump.

So what you're missing is that a good novel will be a better read, and more connected to reality, than anything in NYT "Trump reporting"

Big Mike said...

[Trump’s] message will be that the real targets of the Regime are his supporters and they have to take him out in order to destroy us.

He has made this clear many times.

If the people who run the Democrat Party, and the elitists who support them, could lift their snouts from the trough long enough to look around, they might notice that th middle class, and especially those further down on the economic ladder, have legitimate grievances against the policies pushed by the Biden Administration with the support of House and Senate Democrat legislators, not to mention Democrat policies at the state and local level. I imagine Althouse would scoff at the image of Trump as a martyr for the poor and downtrodden. But I doubt she actually knows any of the poor and downtrodden.

Old and slow said...

Rollo, it's always a pleasure to see your contributions!

Joe Smith said...

If I am Trump and my lawyers have worked out all the details, I would DEMAND to be perp-walked while handcuffed with thousands of cameras rolling.

I would smile and joke and have a grand old time.

Good optics...

Da Bear said...

Any pretense that we are not living in the Banana Republic of America, will evaporate after Trump's arrest. I thought after the stolen election of 2020, this nation could not sink further into the quicksand of Marx- Leninist rule. It can and it will.

I hear Chile can be wonderful place for American ex-pats.

MikeR said...

On it:

Michael K said...

I think Mr Wibble is right about the hatred for Trump. Hillary was the anointed one. She stumbled badly against Obama but Obama is a saint. All the feminists who wanted to give Bill Clinton blowjobs were anticipating the big payoff with Hillary. Then that damned Trump ruined the party. Probably left that turd in the aisle by Hillary, too.

The rule of Lemnity said...

The mood appears to be ‘let’s move on from Trump’

I picked up two white couples, two men and two women, the day Trump broke the story of his imminent arrest. One of the women said “good” and appeared to just leave it at that. When one of the men asked “For what?”. Like, here they go again.

Trump’s numbers, with women, is probably under water.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rape Fantasist Chuck: "Lol; I just noticed that Althouse's last deployment of the "Trump's genius" tag was in May of 2021.

And the time before that was in 2020."

Wouldn't it be easier for you to reference events by whatever violent homosexual rape fantasy you were experiencing at the time? And remember, they needn't just be the ones you shared on this blog.

Drago said...

rcocean: "Nixon and Reagan got SOME positive coverage. With Trump, its been nonstop negative coverage and lies 24/7/365 for over 7 1/2 years. Sadly, many Republicans are blaming the victim and not the oppressor."

The left has learned they can always count on 50% of the elected republicans to actually be dems and of the remaining 50% at least 30% of them can be ground down by the steady negativity.

That trend is quite noticeable here at Althouse blog.

Achilles said...

lonejustice said...
Achilles said...

"Everyone here needs to prepare for a worldwide economic collapse and mass starvation around the world this summer. There will also be widespread war and probably a bank run leading to economic collapse."


I don't usually recommend drinking in the morning, but in Achilles case, it might help.

This is the type of deep analysis we all expect from someone with a room temperature IQ.

Keep up the brilliant commentary.

Your contributions here will be legendary.

Drago said...

At this point, as evidenced by LLR-democratical Chuck's posts on this blog and the larger lefty media in general, their desperate need for Trump to be "punished" in a Maoist/Stalinist sense has become quite sexual in nature.

Almost as sexual as their demands to sexualize our young children via typical child grooming activities, with one data point being David French's total capitulation and defense of sexual drag queen shows for very young children and another data point being LLR-democratical Chuck's extraordinarily unhealthy years-long obsession with Barron Trump.

Narr said...

The NYT/SNL kiddies have never got it--Trump doesn't CARE that the self-appointed cool kids mock him. That would crush them, and they assume it crushes him.

Projection in its purest and most juvenile form.

Yancey Ward said...

Poor Chuck- a guy who has never once in his life been annointed with the word genius for any reason.

Rabel said...

"Sadly, many Republicans are blaming the victim and not the oppressor."

Also, sadly, one of those is Ron DeSantis who, with his new comments out today, appears to be doing everything he can to make sure he can never win a general election for President.

The Times will never love you Ron.

Thomas said...

Perhaps the Dem/MSM *want* to run the D-candidate against Trump. This appears to be a part of the campaign to have a designated Republican candidate who is too reprehensible to win the general election.

I think this was the case in 2016. They didn't believe he could win then. They amplified every foible and fault and made a few up for good measure. That strategy failed then.

It did not fail in 2020 due to the extra effort to "fortify" the election results. Perhaps it will work again in 2024.

John henry said...

Will pedjt be arrested or even indicted? Maybe but I'll not bet on it. Especially now that it is coming out that Bragg withheld 600 page of exculpatory evidence from the grand jury.

But let's say he is arrested. He should show up in a sweatshirt emblazoned "with liberty and justice for all" or some such front and back.

He and his lawyer should insist on handcuffs. After, this is the man who almost overthrew the govt on Jan 6. Verrrrry dangerous. Doesn't merit special treatment.

If handcuffed, he should make them as visible as possible. Hold them in front of his face at all times so they can't be cropped out.

If not handcuffed, keep his wrists together holdi a jack or such so it looks like he's handcuffed.

He should insist that he be treated like any other accused felon. Both for campaign ads but also for when it's payback time.

John Henry

bobby said...

I fear this is all a finely calibrated effort to foster the Trump/DeSantis schism in the R party right up to the general election.

Trump's detractors will point to DeSantis as a stable person as opposed to Trump's contentious existence. Trump's supporters will become even more fanatic about him.

I suspect this is much less a mistake (as per Chris Rock and others) as a well-thought-out move.

n.n said...

NYT's dreams of Planned Perphood, Planned Parenthood... but they stand in principled opposition to capital punishment. #CancelCulture

John henry said...

If they put him in a cell at all, he should walk into a door or something to cause a visible bruise for when he goes before the judge.

"bumped my head, your honor. The guards had nothing to do with it. That's my story and I'm sticking to it."

And everyone who has ever watched 5 minutes of TV in their life will be going "yeah, right. If they can do it to him, think what they could do to me" or "well, at least they didn't Epstein him"

There are some opportunities for some terrific theater next week

John henry said...

Poor Inga. Poor Dick.

They thought the walls were closing in and all they got was Lucy and the football, again

Breaking news: the grand jury has been canceled for today and until further notice.


John Henry

boatbuilder said...

He’s not losing his mind over the walls closing in like he didn’t lose his mind the last 40 or so times the walls were closing in.
Plus just yesterday you (NYT) published the magnum opus on just how “serious” his “legal woes” really are. So he’s not really worried.

boatbuilder said...

“I simply read Trump's own writing as it gets published on Truth Social. It's sociopathic bordering on psychotic.”

Weapons Grade irony.

Joe Smith said...

'Poor Chuck- a guy who has never once in his life been annointed with the word genius for any reason.'

What do you mean?

People have been calling him 'Einstein' his entire life.

He just never figured out the sarcasm part...

Narayanan said...

as foretold by Great Prophetess = The Trial of Hank Rearden

n.n said...

Bragg withheld 600 page of exculpatory evidence

Bragg plays the part of Pelosi.

Narayanan said...

how to eat a thistle before read another story about Trump's future arrest.

Gk1 said...

I wonder if the progressives and liberals ever stop to wonder why Trump is gleefully hoping to be thrown into the briar patch? When Chris Rock tells you it's stupid to try to jail Trump, that should be a hint to the zeitgeist of what the fall out will be.

Narayanan said...

Gusty Winds said...
Maybe the Grand Jury can save everyone from this happening.
are the Grand Jury 'insulated' from outside events by instructions/protocol

Narayanan said...

I'd rather hang out with the fishermen and lepers than the Pharisees and Sadducees.
is it easy to pheromonize the Pharisees and seduce the Sadducees.

Narayanan said...

Hillary was the epitome of the laptop class;
I had thought Hillary was the epitome of the private server class;

Narayanan said...

Joe Smith said...
If I am Trump and my lawyers have worked out all the details, I would DEMAND to be perp-walked while handcuffed with thousands of cameras rolling.

I would smile and joke and have a grand old time.

Good optics...
will exPresidential-Secret-Service detail walk with Trump also?
will they frisk anybody approaching Trump too closely?
who will be Miranda-ise Trump? I want Traitors Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi to do it!

~ Gordon Pasha said...

Trump is old enough to have seen Song of the South as a kid. He's cast himself in the role of Brer Rabbit and sees his foes as Brer Fox and Bair. His enemies have not seen the movie because they feel that it's racist and as a result have missed the message of the story.

Mikey NTH said...

Poor Chuck.

He just can't quit Trump. Its like Trump is his crush and nothing he does will get him noticed.

Mikey NTH said...

Poor Chuck.

He just can't quit Trump. Its like Trump is his crush and nothing he does will get him noticed.

Mikey NTH said...

Poor Chuck.

He just can't quit Trump. Its like Trump is his crush and nothing he does will get him noticed.

n.n said...

Blogger Narayanan said...

Hillary was the epitome of the laptop class;
I had thought Hillary was the epitome of the private server class;

Water Closet: excrement, urine, a selfiesh server, coincidentally, perhaps, documented inn today's NY Magazine.

stonesoup said...

They have to bring this out on every Trump story ...

" boasting about grabbing women’s genitals without their consent"

whereas he actually said it was WITH CONSENT.

"And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. ... Grab 'em by the pussy."

Which sounds right to me. Ever seen young women around sports stars or celebrities at a club? Some are absolutely shameless.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Blogger Rabel said...
"Sadly, many Republicans are blaming the victim and not the oppressor."

Also, sadly, one of those is Ron DeSantis who, with his new comments out today, appears to be doing everything he can to make sure he can never win a general election for President.

Want to know iron clad proof that
1: Rabel is lying
2: Rabel KNOWS Rabel is lying?

The fact that Rabel doesn't include a link to these supposed statements.

From several days ago:
“If you have a prosecutor who is ignoring crimes happening every single day in his jurisdiction, and he chooses to go back many, many years ago to try to use something about porn star hush money payments, you know, that’s an example of pursuing a political agenda and weaponizing the office. And I think that that’s fundamentally wrong.”