March 14, 2023

"[S]ome conservatives, unable or unwilling to adopt the type of horny-bro aesthetic that embraces sports, sex and generally letting 'you do you'..."

"... have resorted to a paint-by-numbers anti-feminism. Conservative women are hot, The Federalist says! Single women are pathetic cat ladies, too ugly to love, say two actual members of Congress! It’s a strange interpretation of masculinity, as if learned from old issues of Maxim and a particularly bitter next-door neighbor.... [I]t seems as if attracting the horny bro to the Republican Party is increasingly more important than sating the conservative, particularly when it comes to getting voters. When the Bang Girls (of Bang Energy drinks) threw cash at conservative teenagers at a Turning Point USA youth conference in 2020, some elders argued that it was embarrassing and deplorable, far removed from 'conservatism.' But one Twitter user [said]... perhaps the message was actually incredibly effective: 'hot women and money. Being conservative will help you achieve those things. that’s what it has to do with it, that is the implication. Join us and get those things.' William F. Buckley would be horrified. Hugh Hefner would be proud."


RideSpaceMountain said...

Oh no.
Bill Buckley would be upset if he was alive.
Not that.
Anything but that.

Lurker21 said...

Is this really a conservative thing? Plenty of men who vote Democratic have a horny-bro side that they don't show to their steady girlfriends.

And maybe we need to talk about that "lonely cat lady" meme (and the "wine mom" or "wine aunt" memes). Politics is a festival of clichés. If you characterize rural or blue collar whites as "deplorables," "irredeemables," and "bitter clingers," can you really complain about other stereotypes?

Lurker21 said...
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rhhardin said...

Less chance of STDs with conservative women.

tim maguire said...

If conservatism isn't fun, it gets lambasted for being boring. If conservatism is fun, it gets lambasted for not being boring.

“horny-bro aesthetic…paint-by-numbers anti-feminism…strange…masculinity…horny bro…embarrassing and deplorable…hot women and money

The important thing is, you can describe anything you want any way you want. It's all about your word choice. Applying the right labels. The underlying reality is irrelevant.

William said...

Jane Coaston writes about horny-bros with the same level of acuity and insight that Margaret Mead wrote about the Samoan teen-agers she observed.

n.n said...

Diversity [dogma] and social progress through inferential projection.

That said, all's fair in lust and abortion.

alanc709 said...

When did the left ever embrace, sports, sex or anything that amounts to "letting you be you"? The left demands that you be what they tell you. But of course, any chance to paint conservatives negatively will be embraced by our present-day elites.

Jupiter said...

Guessing Jane Coastan is, like, smokin'!

Iman said...

Endeavor to persevere, Margaret Mead!

CJinPA said...

Seems to be a Twitter-level understanding of how non-progressives view the feminist movement.
Third Wave Feminism (are we still on that?) is pretty repulsive.

Iman said...

“Less chance of STDs with conservative women.”

Much more chance of a biological woman with conservative women! Eyes on the prize!

Iman said...

Amen, William.

Estoy_Listo said...

I expect nothing less from NYT

Kate said...

That was an undecipherable word salad.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Less chance of STDs with conservative women."

You forgot that your chance of dealing with an actual woman shoots through the roof if 'she' is conservative. Seriously, it's like 99.9% vs. 50/50 otherwise.

cf said...

The @NYTimes and their sidekick @NPR Nooz have systematically lied about everything political for the last umpteen years. It went smoothly getting Obama elected, but they had to really ramp it up to attempt to heave Hillary over the line, and gasp! they failed?!!! Never again, they said.

Much of the lying is the simplest one: The lie of ommission, What you don't report, while you fill space with some sideshow tale that erases/displaces the essence.

In today's example, NYTimes has entertained us with such displacement: do they discuss any of the pithy issues covered at the sessions that might cause readers to pause thoughtfully? No. Instead they take a sponsor's fun commercial moment as the pithy essence of the gathering.



n.n said...

American conservativism is a philosophy of pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness under a Constitution that mitigates authoritarian progress.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

I noticed that the writer did not actually dispute that conservative women are hot.

n.n said...

You forgot that your chance of dealing with an actual woman shoots through the roof if 'she' is conservative.

Conservative women respect pronouns... and a fashionable juxtaposition of the sexes. Men, too. That said, equal in rights and complementary in Nature/nature. Reconcile through self-moderation.

PM said...

1. Nothing makes 'em jiggy like a photo of Trump - unless it's two photos.
2. Great ending: a quote from some dude on Twitter, the go-to home of NYT research.

William said...

There are pros and cons with pornography and abortion. Pro: It facilitates masturbation and is thus a real time saver. Think of all the time and effort that used to go into rubbing one out with a Sears Roebuck corset ad. Cons: It's not an accurate reflection of how sex works. If the wife catches you with the babysitter, she's not going to suggest a threesome..,..Abortion: By the third trimester the fetus is viable, or, in other words, a baby. Some legal protection should be given to babies even if they are ensconced in the mother's womb No problems here with day after pills.

n.n said...

Less chance of STDs with conservative women.

Social illiberalism has benefits for the present and future quality and viability of life of women, men, and "our Posterity".

Readering said...

No bang boys?

Joe Smith said...

"Less chance of STDs with conservative women."

Less chance of a cock with conservative women.


donald said...

Looked her up Jupiter. She’s not. At all.

Kay said...

It’s funny that the differences between the republics and the democraticals is always dumb shit that has nothing to with people’s actual material conditions. It’s warby-parker vs oakleys. It’s meaningless. Why should i care about any of it?

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Used to be the cool liberals made fun of the conservative for being too stuck up and religious--seems silly to shame them now for not being stuck up enough.

Sean Gleeson said...

"Conservative women are hot, The Federalist says!"

But the word "Conservative" links to On Milwaukee magazine? And the word "women" links to Newsweek? These are not conservative sources, so they don't prove anything about the presumed attitudes of conservatives. If anything, they confirm the objective truth that some conservative women look nice. The word "hot" does in fact link to The Federalist... but to an article that does not contain the word "hot." (The preceding two sources also hotless.) The Federalist opined that conservative women are "pretty."

Maybe I am just too cranky to read today.

Jupiter said...

Wait a minute. Are those links in the original? Or are you adding them? Cat ladies?

It is not altogether surprising that people who feel like they are doing pretty well are more conservative than people who feel like someone else is having all the fun.

Lilly, a dog said...

"...a conservatism that doesn’t really care about tax credits or ethanol policy but has a distinct sense that there used to be something better than there is now and that what is to come is likely to be worse."

I think the writer gets this partially right, at least for this Horny Bro. It's not just a "sense" though. The Left are willfully destroying the USA.

takirks said...

Every time I read something from the left, when they write about the right? It's like they were looking in a mirror, doing a self-portrait.

The left has this essential inability to understand anything other than themselves, and they project themselves onto everything they see.

Witness the whole narrative they have about firearms: In their minds, the NRA has to be something created as a front, a creature of some vast right-wing conspiracy. They cannot encompass that the NRA is actually the expression of what millions of Americans actually believe in and support, or that were they to somehow put the NRA out of business tomorrow, that those opinions and beliefs about guns would still be there. And, likely reinforced; what comes after the NRA gets crushed by the left will be something they can't even conceive of or understand, because what comes after will be even stronger and more intractable. They simply don't get it; they think that all of the 'gun issue' is somehow something that some inimical conspiracy set up on the right. They cannot conceive of anything else, because that is precisely how their minds work.

Look at anything they do, across the board: It's all the same modeling behavior, because the majority of leftists are basically mentally ill, and entirely unable to understand how normal people think. They project, project, project... And, because they themselves are operating under a fundamentally flawed conception of the universe, all we ever see from them is this flawed nature being expressed in ways the rest of us look at and go "WTF?"

Narr said...

"sating the conservative" is good, too, as long as we're admiring the rhetoric.

I'm old enough to remember when the line on rich conservative men was that they used their wealth to bed hot women. (That makes me old enough to recall when WFBj and HH were thought relevant, too.)

Michael K said...

You forgot that your chance of dealing with an actual woman shoots through the roof if 'she' is conservative. Seriously, it's like 99.9% vs. 50/50 otherwise.

Exactly ! The STD comment is also true. Hugh Hefner is a member of the STD Hall of Fame.

Tina Trent said...

Ms. Coaston is so unbelievably stupid that she cannot distinguish between conservatism and the current big-L Libertarian movement that denounces every tenet of conservative values, which remain consistent, perhaps even more so than in Buckley's days (and heydays).

Some older conservatives are also ideological libertarians, but no conservatives are big-L Libertarians. Big-L Libertarians favor total drug legalization, open borders, and eliminating policing and prisons. They are often duped by the far-Left and are deeply reviled in conservative circles.

The gormless Ms. Coaston is reporting on Libertarian events, not conservative ones. Too bad they fired the fact-checkers at the New York Times. Yet I have found in my encounters with thousands of actually conservative women that they are indeed generally more attractive than liberal ones, especially as they age: they don't tattoo and pierce themselves into nightmare states; they don't swill drugs and alcohol; they care for their clothes and appearances; they are emotionally far better-adjusted; they seem to balance work, childrearing, and marriage more successfully. Statistically, they are far happier and less neurotic than liberal women.

Who could be gleeful over a perverse Hugh Hefner "winning" anything? Stupid, bitter, liberal women.

Mason G said...

"Single women are pathetic cat ladies..."

Things that you don't tend to ever see generally don't become well-known stereotypes.

Just sayin'.

M said...

Hefner was the Left’s guy.

Achilles said...

Another article that demonstrates how stupid and tribal readers of the New York Times are.

lamech said...

Mz. Coaston just doesn't get Big-Tent Conservatism

Lawcruiter said...

Don't even bother reading. Another made-up story by the NYT casting "conservative" males in a bad light. It's all about the narrative, baby!

Joe Smith said...

'Hefner was the Left’s guy.'

He was a big proponent of abortion.

For reasons...

Leland said...

The article seems written in the same style as "Ready Player One". Shove in as many antiquated and now obscure references and make it a game for elder readers to count the number of them they understand. I guess it is a fun game, like the NYT crossword puzzle as well, but it isn't really good writing.

n.n said...

"Conservative women are hot, The Federalist says!"

Character matters. Diversity of individuals, minority of one.

Surely, the same can be said for Progressive, Liberal, Feminist, et al women (the w-word), right? Diversity of color and bigotry.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

did buckley said anything about the pulcritude of conservative women, i doubt it, now you compare dixon lake and luna, just to quote three, with say whitmer hoff and fried (although the last is trying too hard)

n.n said...

Sex, yes. Reconciliation, certainly. Sports, maybe, baby.

Wince said...

Who knew the Republican Big Tent was a “trouser tent”?

deepelemblues said...

Hugh Hefner won.

William Buckley lost.

So did women.

The surveyed happiness and self-image of women from 1970 to today has declined. Men are less happy and have a worse self-image too. Which was the point. Happy, confident women and men are harder to manipulate. Enjoy the victory!

deepelemblues said...

Hugh Hefner won.

William Buckley lost.

So did women.

The surveyed happiness and self-image of women from 1970 to today has declined. Men are less happy and have a worse self-image too. Which was the point. Happy, confident women and men are harder to manipulate. Enjoy the victory!

n.n said...

'Hefner was the Left’s guy.'

He was a big proponent of abortion.

Keep women affordable, available, and taxable, and the "burden" of evidence aborted in sanctuary states.

narciso said...

i don't know the argument they are making, neither do they, coasten legendarily commits category error, on a host of topics,

the daily kos conference is no longer a thing, or netroots in general

n.n said...

Hugh Hefner won.

William Buckley lost.

So did women.

Take a knee, beg, VP. Bray to whatever mortal god or goddess will redistribute secular indulgences.

chuck said...

Unearned conceit is an ugly thing.

boatbuilder said...

I think this one calls for David Burge.

Ampersand said...

Putting to one side my doubt that Coaston has accurately recapped the "debate" between Buckley and Hefner, it's remarkable that such a superficial, stereotype-laden, utterly pointless piece could get through the layers and layers of fact-checkers and editors who are supposed to make the NYT a prestige newspaper.

Incidentally, does Coaston think that heterosexual men of any political persuasion were given a choice? Did they have some pre-birth menu handed them where they checked the "hetero" box? Young hetero men are only dimly aware of what they really want, why they want it, and the intricate labyrinth that stands between them and finding "happiness". Unlike those who seek same sex relationships, heteros have to navigate the physical, social and emotional otherness of the opposite sex. There is a reason we don't call the other sex the complementary sex, or the compatible sex, or the practically the same as you sex. The adjective in use is "opposite", and there are good reasons for that.

n.n said...

'Hefner was the Left’s guy.'

He was a big proponent of abortion.


walter said...

"When the Bang Girls (of Bang Energy drinks) threw cash at conservative teenagers at a Turning Point USA youth conference in 2020, some elders argued that it was embarrassing and deplorable"
More like inverted reality for the guys.

Gusty Winds said...

Conservative women are hotter. At least the one's in the media. Excluding actresses of course.

Hot women want to bang and marry alpha males. MAGA isn't a beta male movement.

Is this lost on Feminists? I thought it's why they hated men.

As Homer Simpson would say, "It's offensive because it's true".

Gusty Winds said...

DeSantis could be the next Warren Harding. That's what might bring Trump down. Trump is too old to fuck for many.

DeSatis' young square jaw might get cross over votes. What if the hot 18 to 40-year-olds wanna fuck him? That's a game changer.

It wasn't Richard Daley that took Kennedy over the top. It was hot women voters that wanted to be Jackie, Marilyn, Angie Dickenson... that wanted to sleep with the aforementioned three.

Trump brought the most smokin' hot First Lady to the White House. And Melania has played it like a rockstar.

Kennedy, Reagan, and Trump made the hot women vote a constituency. Trump's not passing that to DeSantis easily.

No man would.

Drago said...

"Much more chance of a biological woman with conservative women!"

Which is why you'll find LLR-democratical Chuck hanging with the dems...and sometimes sharing his violent homosexual rape fantasies on Althouse.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Again, the NYT stumbles upon an acorn and wonders whether it is edible. You are a pig: yes, it is edible. I am from this era of feminism that remains the literary and nominal standard (it is also Ann's) but is long gone. Having been to 45th and 50th reunions, the ex-GF's who stayed away are universally single, cat-ladies, academics, liberal, terminal degrees, and resentful.* Six for six, most of them, a few only four or five for six. I was a heavy dater and that is a sample size of a dozen, from St. Paul's and William and Mary. So scoff at the overgeneralisation all you want, I have been in (usually temporary) conversation with this crew of computer science, anthropology, geography, theater professors, and DC attorneys. Those bros have it right, Jane Coaston congratulates herself that they are bigots. Lets see who her female friends are that she shares complaints with.

Jane, Jane Data, please. Becausae it's otherwise just what you and your girlfriends think.

*Admittedly, the numbers are so amazing that I must have a pathology of my own to have found this crew so consistently 1970-73.

walter said...

I remember when Da Fauch was women's taste in sexy.
He defies simplistic labels.

Drago said...

Gusty Winds: "It wasn't Richard Daley that took Kennedy over the top."

Uh, it was Daley in Chicago and the Texas democratical machine that put Kennedy over the top.

Readering said...

Mrs DeSantis would make an attractive First Lady. More to my taste than the third Mrs Trump. Otherwise, that comment is nuts.

donald said...

I’m a massive L Libertarian. I don’t believe in open boarders. Neal Boortz doesn’t believe in open boarders. Neither do any of the Paul boys. If by chance that’s the stance of Reason Magazine nowadays, well they’re not actual Libertarians. The libertarian Party isn’t even Libertarian anymore. We’re a failed Party.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democrats are for pedophiles.
This is all a distraction.

Jody said...

checking the ridiculed assertion…

bagoh20 said...

When do you see an outright unapologetic attack on any aspect of women's propensities, like this latest in an endless series on men? Maybe women just don't do much you can bitch about? "Yea, that's the ticket."

Tina Trent said...

Donald:Ron Paul does. Any Republican who takes a nine behind the closed doors of Club for Growth do. And disturbingly, Trump did once yielded to CfG, and sedan the has already sworn his fealty to them.

Sorry they lie to you. I'll still vote for them. But this time we had better make clear to them that we won't be fooled again.

Tina Trent said...

Sorry, I meant Rand Paul. And yes, you're is a failed Party because you let this happen and too all that money from the insane open borders Koch cabal.

bagoh20 said...

Conservative women like men.
Lefty women find us offensive.

It has to wear on girl to have sex with people she despises. Options?

RigelDog said...

I would court the vote of flatulent camels at this point if that was a necessary step towards thwarting the Left's agenda at the polls.

hpudding said...

Conservative women look overdone, overly made up and phony. And M Trailer Greene looks like a baboon. Her speaking skills aren’t much better.

Kimberley Guilfoyle, anyone? Blech.

Getting close to a conservative woman is for people who don’t mind being poked by pocket-sized American flags and having to wipe a whole bunch of caked-on makeup off of their clothes or remove gaudy crucifixes from their cleavage as the night progresses.

Just weird, weird, weird all the way around.

I prefer humans, not robot clones from the army of MAGAtrons.

Tina Trent said...

Good grief, I need a better typing pad. This Amazon junk one changes every third word after I'm done typing.