March 14, 2023

"[Jimmy Carter] asked me to do his eulogy – excuse me, I shouldn’t say that."

Blurted our President, Joe Biden, quoted at CNN.

He went on a bit longer: "I spent time with Jimmy Carter, and it’s finally caught up with him. But they found a way to keep him going for a lot longer than they anticipated, because they found a breakthrough."


Dave Begley said...

The fuck! He's not even dead yet and Biden trying to secure sympathy points.

Why doesn't Biden do his fucking job? Thousands of invaders on the border right now.

Readering said...

Wonder if Biden has asked anyone to deliver his eulogy. Obama?

wendybar said...

The worst president ever, eulogizing the former worst president ever. Priceless. (At least Jimmy Carter seems like a nice guy, and not a pathological liar like Biden)

Narayanan said...

FJB said ...
But they found a way to keep him going for a lot longer than they anticipated, because they found a breakthrough."
and FJB thought to himself [and I am beneficiary of that breakthrough too}

Iman said...

What could go wrong?

Owen said...

“… But they found a way to keep [me] going for a lot longer than they anticipated, because they found a breakthrough."

Sorry, couldn’t resist.

Interested Bystander said...

OMG that bumbling old fool can't even let Jimmy Carter die in peace. He's got to fuck up everything he touches.

Wince said...

I wouldn’t put it past this jerk to have arrogated this eulogy to himself. Sounds like he’s pushing the poor guy into the grave to make himself sound more magnanimous.

”it’s finally caught up with him. But they found a way to keep him going for a lot longer than they anticipated, because they found a breakthrough."

So they have something in common they can talk about?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Biden still can’t help but deliver the news of other people’s admiration for himself.

John Holland said...

At this point, Fuckin' Joe and Jimmah! could do a mutual eulogy.

USA = Kingdom of the Crypt Keepers

~ Gordon Pasha said...

For Carter,Mortuis nihil nisi bonum.

For Biden, Praeses periculosum est stultus

Butkus51 said...

it would be funny if Carter gave ice cream joes eulogy

make it happen God

JAORE said...

Carter asking Biden to do his eulogy makes sense. After all Joe did a bang up job with Lincoln's, FDR's and JFK's.

rhhardin said...

Jimmy Carter anecdotes replacing corn pop.

BUMBLE BEE said...

And I was round when Jesus Christ
Had His moment
of doubt and pain.

madAsHell said...

This is what voter fraud looks like!!

Lurker21 said...

Have we considered the possibility that "Joe Biden" may actually be an AI Deep Fake bot?

Or that an AI Deep Fake bot would do a better job as president?

The algorithm scans all the information on all topics and comes up with a way of making everything about Joe Biden.

BUMBLE BEE said...

"Me Me Me Me Me"
Quoth Alfalfa

Maynard said...

Biden's prefrontal lobes are shot.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I spent time with Jimmy Carter, and it’s finally caught up with him.

He's spent a lot of time with America, and it's catching up with us too.

Crazy World said...

As noted above, I also would prefer carter does Biden’s eulogy.

Curious George said...

Did Neil Kinnock ever do an eulogy?

veni vidi vici said...

The sitting president always eulogizes a president who died on his watch. That's more Biden dumbness on parade.

The statement does support my theory that Carter's been dead on ice for at least a week, awaiting the next big misstep by team Biden so they can drop his passing into the news to divert from the next big negative news cycle.

Joe Smith said...

One moron speaking on behalf of another.

Biden has an excuse; he's just a garden-variety mid-IQ dolt.

But Jimmy was an educated man whose brain still didn't work very well...

Big Mike said...

But is any of it true? Or is bloviating Joe Biden fantasizing again?

Zavier Onasses said...

Hey, yeah. He can work on it those long weekends at home in Delaware. Or those layovers on the road piloting the tractor-trailer, or between semesters at his University gig. If he is not distracted by those kids rubbing his leg to see the hairs stand up.

"But they found a way to keep him going for a lot longer than they anticipated, because they found a breakthrough."

Izzat Jimmy? Or Joe? Or both?

Big Mike said...

Any list of the worst American presidents has to include both Johnsons, Carter, Buchanan, Hoover, Pierce, Nixon, Wilson, Obama, and Biden. Only two of these are Republicans.

Static Ping said...

Biden will literally say anything if he thinks it will make him look better. With his senility, the only question is whether he is lying or he has no idea what the truth is. It might be a combination at this point.

It is hard to imagine a worse choice for president, yet here we are. Okay, Kamala Harris is actually a worse choice. That does not make me feel better.

rsbsail said...

Biden is such an ass. I could see hanging out with Clinton, Bush, even Obama. But Biden is just a turd.

Yancey Ward said...

I intend to go piss on Joe Biden's grave some day.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yancey - I suspect there will be a long line of people.

Readering said...

Will Biden Derangement Syndrome be an acceptable defense?