February 1, 2023

A boy thinks he might be in trouble, arrives at a plausible defense and delivers it in the most delightful regional accent on the face of the earth.

It's TikTok, so I'm putting it after the jump.


Meade said...

What accent?

Temujin said...

Incredibly quick thinking on his feet, for a young boy. I took notes.

Expat(ish) said...

That sounds like my relatives in south Louisiana. Plus the tow hair....


Tom Grey said...

Hi Ann - I'm doing more Karaoke signing and thus even less commenting than before. But I saw this cool video that reminded me of
a) YOU, as maybe similar to the cute woman caring an empty picture frame that sometimes is filled with her head, as a 3-d portrait.
b) the Minn. boy sleeping outside. And rituals - which are a significant non-rational part of religion that many rationalists ignore. Glad you've been with your blog ritual so long.

Under the Milky Way Tonight

Did you ever dance to this? I did ...

Bill R said...

I have a niece who bit another kid in day care. Her parents were horrified.

"Why did you BITE her Katie?"

"Because there's no hitting."

She's a lawyer now.

gilbar said...

Thanx for putting it only the break Professor! I appreciate it!

Saint Croix said...

future governor

Lilly, a dog said...

Authentic frontier gibberish.

Heartless Aztec said...

I have a class of 12-13 year old children who - as I type - speak in a very slight variation of that same patois.

Blastfax Kudos said...

Shelby Foote has been reincarnated. Someone get that kid some books about the Civil war!

re Pete said...

"Stayed in Mississippi a day too long"

n.n said...

She's a witch! He's a warlock. A baby in the modern family. Apologies with a popular consensus. Tick, Tick, Tick, Tock.

Just an old country lawyer said...

Looks and sounds like me 68 years ago. Delightful child.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Accent is a currency.

stutefish said...

Okay, but why is the camera just sitting there filming two kids eating a meal?

Jamie said...

She's a lawyer now.

When our oldest was in second grade and we were still sort of committed to such things, my husband and I both attended his parent-teacher conference. "I was giving the class a quiz the other day," said his teacher. "I asked addition and subtraction questions aloud, and the students were supposed to write the answers on their papers. Your son," the teacher told us severely, "shouted out his answer to the first question instead of writing it."

"Did he get it right?" my husband asked.

"I don't think you understand," the teacher said. "I couldn't use that question, since all the students had heard the answer."

My husband sat back his chair. "It's second grade arithmetic," he said. "You couldn't just make up another?"

Joe Bar said...

You missed the most viewed by that recorder. "But that woman." Hilarious.

Quaestor said...

"She didn't bite it..."

The rest is unclear.

This TikTok thing is becoming pernicious. Assuming the video wasn't rehearsed, coordinated, and staged like any commercial production, we're left with a parent (or someone else, which is even worse) constantly monitoring children via a smartphone screen in anticipation of a brief TikTock-worthy moment within thousands of wearisome hours of typical childhood chaos. Is that a defensible form of parenting, or child exploitation? Given the history of the quintessential Hollywood child star, one cannot wholly approve.

Hey, Tiktokker! Let them kids alone!