January 14, 2023

It's the 19th anniversary of the day this blog began.

I'll say it again: I have blogged every single day since Day 1. At this point, how can I not?

Next year is a big milestone: 20. But I have no plan to stop. As long as Blogger keeps letting me balance one more post on top of the giant pile of posts and I can do it and it feels intrinsically valuable to me, I'm doing it.

Thanks to everyone who reads this. It has felt very cool for a long time to write knowing I have readers, and I hope the experience is intrinsically valuable to you. And thanks, as always, to Meade for his ineffable companionship.


Dave Begley said...

too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words.

Kate said...

Thanks for the ineffable companionship. In all honesty, that is one of the loveliest hat tips.


Scott Patton said...

My Firefox bookmark "Added" date for Althouse is Dec 24, 2006.

Scott Patton said...

Happy Blogiversary Ann! Thank you for all the great posts.

Licky Lundy said...

Congratulations and thanks for all you do.

I came to know you late, but now check the blog multiple times every day.

And “ineffable” is such a magnificent word.

Tank said...

Thanks back at ya.

Old and slow said...

I get up every morning at 5:00am pour a cup of coffee and see what you have posted. That works great for me when I am in AZ, not so well when I am in Ireland. I don't know what I'll do with my mornings if you hang it up before I do. Thanks!

rehajm said...

Congratulations. Frankly I’m surprised Google hasn’t shut down the platform. Is there anyone else still using it?

wendybar said...

Congratulations AA!! I enjoy reading your posts every day. Congratulations to you and Meade also. Glad you found each other!!

AL said...

Congratulations, Ann! I've read you practically every day since about 2005. Keep on going, please don't stop.

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

I don't remember if it was Glenn or Katzman who first brought you to my attention, but it was Spring of '04 for sure, and I've been here almost daily ever since,, and you're still my first site of the day. Thank you so much, especially for the legal observations. I grew up in a very close family chock-full of attorneys, so there's emotional comfort adding to my intellectual interest. Many thanks for it all.

And added congrats for your 72nd whilst I'm at it. Be well, and Sleep Warm.

rehajm said...

I showed up here when Ann garnered attention from print journalism for sticking her foot in her mouth over some darn thing and she responded by trying to wedge her other one in. I don’t recall the thing buy I’ve recently been told it is unusual to remember what’s written here.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Thank you!

mezzrow said...

Backatcha, Ann. We'll just keep at it until we get it right, eh?

michaele said...

Sincerest congrats. Reaching the 19th year of consistent blogging is understandably meaningful to you but also to your readership. Your thoughtful and often wry observations about the stories that catch your interest have enriched my life and expanded my thinking. Thanks to Meade and his continued interesting commentary. He is the master of pithy with humor.

Ann Althouse said...

Who is Katzman?

(I like that as a title for a novel: "Who Is Katzman?")

Iman said...

Congratulations and best wishes!

Heartless Aztec said...

19 years! You're worth the daily read Professor. Thanks for the every day slog with the big.

mezzrow said...

"Who is Katzman?"

I imagine the voiceover for his animated character will be done by Arnold Stang, or whoever the current version may be.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Thanks for being here.

Meade said...

Pleasure beyond words.

ngtrains said...

i think I came across the blog only about 9 years ago, but it's my first stop daily.
An eclectic set of subjects makes in interesting.
and the commenters are interesting too.

and late birthday greetings for 72?

My latest one was yesterday. I'm a couple of years ahead.

One reason I stayed was that I graduated from UW and was interested in stories of the old stomping ground,

Thank you

Sean said...

Thank you for the effort you put in. I appreciate the views and thoughts you choose to express here on these pages

P.S. you are 100% correct about men in shorts.

J Severs said...

Congratulations and keep up the good work!

gilbar said...

happy 19th!

Anonymous said...

Good word. Some people’s spouses are unf***able. (Mine is ineffably f***able.)

boatbuilder said...

Thank you, Ann.

Danno said...

Ann is the equivalent to Cal Ripken Jr. in the blogging space.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Iron Woman.

Curious George said...

Congrats! Almost 7,000 days. Wow.

John henry said...

Thank you

John Henry

Anonymous said...

Good for you for an intelligent blog I visit daily!

Joe Bar said...

Thanks for doing this! Happy anniversary.

Quayle said...

A number of years ago I stop trying to read or watch the regular news because it’s now pure Clickbait garbage. I recently stopped reading another law professor’s blog because the Snark and cynicism was depressing my heart - was sucking me in daily to the “Kampf”. ( I actually can tell a difference now that I’ve stopped. I few less contentious inside. )

To me, Ann, your blog is so valuable because so rare, your combination of the range of topics you are interested in, approach, intellectual firepower, but above all your intellectual honesty. The intellectual honesty alone is much more rare now than it was 19 years ago.

Came for the intellect, enjoyed the pictures of dogs and of Mead’s landscaping and occasional references to Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention, but stay for the honesty - what you labeled cruel neutrality.

Thank you, Ann.

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

Congratulations on the 19 year milestone. The blog has been a source of information and pleasure to me for many years, at least fourteen. I haven't felt like writing much lately but I still check in nearly daily.

Rusty said...

No, mam. Thank you and Meade for maintaining this venue. The internet world would be a lot colder and less interesting without you.

retail lawyer said...

You have a great eye for photography.

FortWorthGuy said...

You’re a great start to my day. Keith up. Looking forward to another year, and more after that.

Political Junkie said...

Congrats to the the Cal Ripken of blogging.
You and Meade are a cute couple and I love the fact that the two of you met through the blog.
Someday, I swear, there will be a kick ass movie about Ann Althouse.
She has lived quite the interesting life.

RobertL said...

Mazel Tov!!! If I recall, I got to you through Instapundit when you first started your journey...haven't missed a day since.

R C Belaire said...

One of the best.

Birches said...

How coincidental that I was doing a search yesterday for a specific post of yours from years ago and had a short walk back through memory lane of just how long I've been reading you. Definitely an everyday reader by the protests in 2011. I don't read anything else I did from 2011, but you're still number one on my chrome hits. Thanks.

Beasts of England said...

Cheers and thanks!

William said...

I check the blog with my morning coffee. I don't hold much truck with reality, but your observations and the amplifications of the Greek chorus are a kindly way of keeping in touch with the world's madness....I literally see the world with clearer eyes because of you. Your cataract operation inspired me to have that procedure. I had been putting it off, and you were the nudge.....I'm a fan.

iowan2 said...

Congratulations for finding a rewarding endeavor. AND, Thank You, for including us in your journey.

Mark said...

Happy Anniversary and thank you.

Tina Trent said...

Thank you.

Susan in Seattle said...

And thank you: I so enjoy hanging out here.

J L Oliver said...

For those of us who love English words, your blog has been a delight and a revelation. Thanks for two decades of a love’s labor not lost.

Walter said...

Make Meade effable again!

PJ said...

I’ve been reading since year one, and I’m so grateful to you for sharing your daily thoughts, for doing all that tedious blog-management work, for accepting and respecting your commentariat even when it doesn’t return the favor, and for consistently championing the letter and the spirit of free speech. Nineteen years is a long time in the blogaverse, but nothing about this blog has gotten old. Thank you for keeping up the great work.

Maynard said...

Congratulations, Althouse and Meade!

Ryan said...

I'm not sure how many of us there are, but I have been reading your blog every day since the very beginning. I was at UW Law in 2004 when you started. Thanks for keeping it up!

Steven Wilson said...

I'm not sure exactly when I discovered your blog, but I think it was due to being referred here by Glenn Reynolds from Instapundit. Yours is now the blog I turn to first each day. Even though you and I are often at odds on issues, I nevertheless find your site to be thought provoking and entertaining (you do call attention to many topics I would never stumble across on my own). Moreover, I think the majority of your contributors/commenters are like me, far more conservative than you. Yours is never an echo chamber and I am grateful for its presence. I hope you are still blogging heartily when I shuffle off this mortal coil.

Thanks Ann, and keep it up.

Bob Boyd said...

Althouse, more than a blog. It's a lifestyle.

MartyH said...

Congratulations as well! Thank you -after 18 years and 364 days- for finally revealing one of your major motivations yesterday: "I said I found it interesting when someone who wants to be left wing struggles with issues conservatives care about, but that's an understatement. It is the strongest interest that has powered my blogging over the years."

Thank you for sharing that struggle with us. I hope it has been as edifying for you as your audience.

Friendo said...

A sincere thanks to you, Althouse.

Enlighten-NewJersey said...

Congratulations! I’ve enjoyed your blogging from almost the very beginning.

Rocky Comfort said...

I've been with you for most of those 19 years.On many issues we are sympatico - others not. But reading the divergent viewpoints in the comments has been super educational. Keep up the good work.

Dude1394 said...

As always, your place is my first stop of the day. Always something different yet relevant. Thanks!

farmgirl said...

You give more perspective to my life: I’m grateful.

Sebastian said...

"At this point, how can I not?"

Easy. Really, it would be.

"I hope the experience is intrinsically valuable to you."

It is, usually. Also comparatively: better than most stuff that happens online. Of course, the "experience" includes the opportunity to comment, occasionally to vent.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

In WW2 the average age of the combat soldier was 26… In Vietnam it was 19

The blog is old enough to fight?

No. This isn’t that kind of blog.

Rinse, repeat.

Thanks for doing this professor.

Ann Althouse said...

"Make Meade effable again!"

Meade is f-able.

Dan Zenner said...

What day could be better than today to make my annual donation to the Althouse blog?
I come here everyday for fair and balanced commentary on the topics of the day.
I need to come here to counter-balance the nonsense of the MSM. Along the way, I have
been introduced to a wide range of stuff including Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, Tiktok ,
your spectacular sunrise project and many other people, ideas and things.
Thank you and Happy 19th!

cf said...

Oh Happy Day!

Thank you for being You.

Barry Dauphin said...

Congratulations and thanks for your blog!

Temujin said...

As I've repeated numerous times: I don't know how you do this, but I'm thankful you do. I've been reading you since deep in my working days, and now into retirement. Only Rush Limbaugh had more of my time. That's saying a lot.

I've got to feel a sort of kinship with the commenters, all of them, even those I disagree with. Except Howard, of course. (just kidding). Sometimes I just like to read your post and their comments. I've leaned a lot from all of you.

Anyway...the sheer self-dedication, focus, and determination to do this, each and every morning is...well...both obsessive and wonderful. This is how the greats are great, this is how they differentiate what they do from the rest of us. We're glad to keep reading as long as you're happy to keep producing.

Thanks for what you do, and Happy Anniversary!

Tom T. said...


pious agnostic said...

There was such a fruitful growth in the blogverse 19-years ago. It's hard to believe I've been reading that long, a result of the the gentle and persistent urgings of Instapundit.

Dustbunny said...

Thanks Althouse! I read and appreciate you everyday.

Breezy said...

I, too, open your blog with my morning coffee. My ritual requires your ritual. I also very much appreciate all your efforts, and your and your commenters’ perspectives. It’s like being in a small liberal college decades ago, without all the testing.

Happy Anniversary!

Moondawggie said...

You have a great blog, Prof.

Glad you're continuing on.

We truly appreciate your effort and insights!

TickTock said...

Thank you for your effort, I turn to your blog to start every morning to start my day off right.

Bob Wilson said...

Please continue your foraging across the internet ether to reward
your readers, including this 80-year-old retired trial lawyer, with
info/nuggets that keep readers' minds alert, to pay attention to the flux in the world. Ms. Althouse, your blog recalls for me a teacher in law school named Scalia whose didactic pin-pricks kept his students alert. On the other hand, may I opine that someone should have the chutzpah to remind law school teachers that the Socratic method , as a pedagogy, resulted in an unhappy conclusion for Socrates in 399 B.C. Having said that, please allow me to urge you to forge ahead with your good work, for, as Izaak Walton remarked: angling, like virtue, is a reward unto itself. Just so, your blog is a bright, shiny object that refelcts your shared, valuable intellectual curiosity.

Meade said...

I too would like to say a big THANKS to Glenn and Dr. Helen —->


Commie Videos And You A Law Professor said...

Thanks from a permalurker, dating back to the Wisconsin Capitol protests.

baghdadbob said...

By far my favorite blog. Read it almost every day, only comment now and then.

Your deconstruction of media manipulation, bias and dishonesty are a master-class. I only wish more Americans see what you see.

Thanks Ann!

hombre said...

Congratulations and thank you. It's a fun place to hang out.

tastid212 said...

Congratulations on your stamina and vision. Like thousands of others, I am almost a daily visitor to this community (tho an infrequent commenter). I enjoy all of it - the topics I wouldn't otherwise consider, the different perspectives, even your occasional schoolmarmish frustration with the unruly among us.

TaeJohnDo said...

Congrats! My day, and I suspect many people's day is better for this blog! Thanks!

Ann Althouse said...

This was the 68,782nd post on the blog.

Bob Boyd said...

One Hundred K! One Hundred K!

who-knew said...

Congratulations and thanks for the blog. I'm not exactly sure when I first found the blog but I distinctly remember your posts about the act 10 protests and have been an everyday reader ever since. There's some nostalgia involved because I'm a UW grad and I suspect you live on the same street I did (for one year) as an undergrad. You're definitely in the same neighborhood. I'll keep reading as long as you keep posting.

pacwest said...

A bit of ambiguity in the word ineffable. Such is life. But congrats on the milestone.

Ann Althouse said...

"... Came for the... occasional references to Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention..."

Well, 2 days ago, I was out running at sunrise, using my AirPods, and listening to "America Drinks and Goes Home" (from "Absolutely Free") and the way the voice traveled from one ear to the other made me physically sick. I might as well have been drinking, the way I felt. I had to tell Siri to go to the next song. Some things were recorded to be listened to on the equipment of their time and they just do not work. I do remember when we first got headphones, circa 1970, and we thought it was cool the way it felt like something was zinging from one side of your head to the other and back. But it's just not interesting or good at all when that happens 50 years later. And I really wanted to listen to "America Drinks and Goes Home." It's on my Spotify playlist of my "Top Songs 2022." I had to proceed to "Annie's Song"! That was a crazy transition.

I tried to find
How my heart
Could be so blind
How could I be fooled
Just like the rest
You came on strong
With your fast car...."

Makes me think of Biden and his Corvette.

Like a storm in the desert, like a sleepy blue ocean
You fill up my senses, come fill me again...

That's more like Trump, don't you think?

Fred Drinkwater said...

I started reading here about when you started writing here. Now, this blog, meaning both Althouse and the commentariat, is my morning coffee companion.

19 years! And they say no one does long-form writing anymore...

There's no way I can thank you enough for this. Onward!

tim maguire said...

Congratulations! I started reading your blog many years ago. At the time it was one of 15 or 20 that I regularly visited. Today it's one of 2--my blogroll contains Althouse and Instapundit and that's it.

Both of you have been at it for a long time and I dread the day you retire because at that point I'll probably stop reading blogs altogether.

Narr said...

What everybody said.

Maynard said...

I too would like to say a big THANKS to Glenn and Dr. Helen

I found your blog through Glenn's Instapundit site.

Gulistan said...

Thanks, Ann!

Narr said...

I've only been a regular since about '17 or so--I'm still a youngster in short pants compared to a lot of the commenters.

This place is the only one I will check early in the day, and many times afterwards. IMHO it would take four of five of the other best blogs to provide what the Prof and you people do.

rcocean said...

Congrads. Keep on trucking to 20.

Meade: affable, effable, inexpressible

Daniel12 said...

Ann, the Cal Ripken of blogging! Dedicated reader since 2004, when I got to your blog through an Instapundit link on MSNBC.com (how the world has changed). Soon enough he was writing like one of your more predictable commenters, whereas you bucked the trend in the rest of the politically adjacent blogging world and only got more interesting and diverse and unique. Thank you for your dedication and gift to us.

Mea Sententia said...

Congratulations on 6941 days, from an on and off reader through most of them. I like the original Marginalia too.

Ampersand said...

Your blog has helped me to think through hundreds of topics. Your pride in what you've accomplished is well placed. I hope you continue to enjoy what you're doing. Many thanks.

RigelDog said...

And thank you, Ann. I visit every day and there is always something to inform, delight, irritate, or perplex me. No snark---my life has been greatly enriched and my understanding enlarged by the experience.

Ann Althouse said...

"What day could be better than today to make my annual donation to the Althouse blog?"

Thank you!

Contributions are accepted and experienced as encouragement.

Daniel12 said...

"Contributions are accepted and experienced as encouragement."

That's all I needed to know!

Ann Althouse said...

"I like the original Marginalia too."

You mean you like the first day of this blog?


Ann Althouse said...

Yeah, I kinda love the first day of the blog myself!

"This blog is called Marginalia, because I'm writing from Madison, Wisconsin, and Marginalia is a fictionalized name for Madison that I thought up a long time ago when I seriously believed I would write a fictionalized account of my life in Madison, Wisconsin. There is nothing terribly marginal about Madison, really, but I do like writing in the margins of books, something I once caused a librarian to gasp by saying. Writing in a blog is both less and more permanent than writing in the margin of a book."

Tomcc said...

What a fantastic effort! Cruel neutrality soldiers on! Thank you, and Meade, for your dedication.

n.n said...

Our blogger has almost reached the legal age to imbibe. Next year in Wisconsin.

Political Junkie said...

I discovered AAlthouse through Instapundit also. Was sometime before the 2004 election.

One post back from 2004 I recall fondly - Where Ann described her presidential voting history and a blurb about why she pulled the lever for one or the other.

Michael Gazonymous said...

I'm compelled to say thank you for your effort. I've been mostly lurking since year 2 or 3 and commented a handful of times when i could muster a thought that could compete in the marketplace of ideas that is your comment section. So thanks to you for many thoughts provoked and your readers too for their comments.

Amexpat said...

Congratulations! I've been a regular reader and a sporadic commenter since 2004. Five presidential elections have occurred during this period (not my favorite topic to follow on this blog, but a convenient milestone for marking time.)

I live overseas and your blog helps me keep in touch with what's happening in the US.

Being 66, I also like that you and many of your commenters are roughly in my age range. That is becoming more and more important for me.

Inga said...

Congratulations, that is quite an accomplishment. Here’s to another year of “Althouse”, health, happiness and beautiful sunrises.

mikee said...

I look forward to the election delectation you will provide from now until DeSantis wins in 2024.

John Enright said...

Thank you for giving me things to ponder.

Quayle said...

Well, Ann, do you love it? Do you hate it? Here it is the way you made it. Waaaaaa!

PigHelmet said...

I spend more time reading this blog than any other, and it’s the only one with comments that I find rewarding to spend time on. I have particularly enjoyed being part of the conversation when it turns, as it sometimes has lately, to AI, in which I am particularly interested. I’m looking forward to seeing how the blog does or does not make use of the AI writing tools that will soon be ubiquitous. Thank you for making this space so worthwhile.

Smilin' Jack said...

"It's the 19th anniversary of the day this blog began."

Pretty sure my habit of visiting here is old enough to vote, and I’ve garnered much enjoyment from it. Thank you.

DLH said...

Thank you Ann! And as long Meade of course. Best commenters as well, my first visit of the day and best site in my opinion!

Kathryn51 said...

I remember the day well, but had to google "Althouse Boobs" to quickly find the DATE - September 15, 2006. Althouse v. Jessica ("Feministing") - Linked by Instapundit.

For a handful of years, my morning coffee was spent in this order: Drudge, Instapundit, Althouse, other assorted sites, time permitting.

Gradually it evolved Althouse first and Instapundit second. All others dropped.

I DO miss reports on Meadehouse (new purchases, landscaping, etc) and the ability to converse in real time (but don't miss Mary whatshername), but it's still first on my list every morning.

Thanks Althouse and Meade.

curt said...

Thanks for the blog. And time to donate!

Clyde said...

Congratulations on another year in the books, Althouse. And thanks for the many interesting posts over the years.

John Mac said...

Greetings from the Philippines! Althouse is the first thing I read every morning while enjoying a cup of coffee. Congrats on achieving this milestone. It's incredible that you've never missed a day. I've had a blog since 2004, and I manage to post some drivel most days, but I've had a few gaps along the way--life intrudes and all that.

Thanks for all you do, and keep it up!

john wawrose said...

Thank You
I read this every day

rsbsail said...

Thank you! I very much enjoy reading your blog. It is a definite plus versus the usual dreck on the internet.

Baceseras said...

Thank you for blogging. And thanks for the ineluctable modality of your sunrise photos.

Crazy World said...

Very cool couple, keep on rocking

Krumhorn said...

Amazing achievement! I've read the blog pretty consistently from when I first heard about it from El Rushbo.

You got his attention, and that was good enough for me.

- Krumhorn

Original Mike said...

"It's the 19th anniversary of the day this blog began."
"I'll say it again: I have blogged every single day since Day 1."

Remarkable. And thank you.

Humperdink said...

Thanks Ann and Meade. My go-to blog in the morning.

Josephbleau said...

Thanks much,

Ambrose said...

Thank you for your blog and insightful musings.

Dave Begley said...

The late Paul Johnson on writing.

“Being a professional writer is a hard life. Producing a book, especially a long one, is a severe test of courage and endurance. For even after a successful day of writing, one must begin again the next morning, the blank sheet of paper in front of you: a daunting image to start the day, the mind empty, the brain groaning. I know. I have been at it for the best part of six long decades, and the number of books I have written is creeping up to fifty. Several are over 1,000 printed pages. Think of the agony!”

But for Ann, my strong sense is that she derives great joy from blogging. It is no agony for her.

rastajenk said...

I don't know if I've been here from the beginning, but it had to have been from very early on.
Happy Anniversary

If I had one wish, it would be that this entity called a blog could provide its readers with a path past the paywalls to many of the links. I would contribute to such a privilege were it available, but I'm pretty sure that's not even a thing.

Anyway, it's a fun party that I expect to keep on going.

FWBuff said...

Thank you and congratulations, Professor! Your blog has been an indispensable part of my day since your “egg salad sandwich” era.

MountainMan said...

Thanks for all the great posts. Been reading every single day since 2014. And thanks to all the commenters as well. I appreciate all of you, too.

Batman AZ said...

Thank you, Ann. You are a daily stop for me as I gather a sense of the day. I admire your dedication. I also appreciate your choices of what to post and comment. Bless you and your Meade.

Lexington Green said...

Been a fan since very near the beginning. Not thrilled with the recent focus on New York Times and Washington Post, both of which are garbage. Other than that you’ve been reliably good all along. Congratulations on the anniversary.

Earnest Prole said...

Still the only thing I read every day without fail.

wildswan said...

The HiMars of bloggers. Thanks for all your work.

Ann Althouse said...

Thanks for all these comments!

It's been incredibly cool all these years to be able to write knowing there are so many readers — so easily and instantly. I don't know why I haven't undermined myself with all this ease and the fun. How can I do it the same way over and over for 19 years and still have the same feeling and energy about it? I've left behind my law professor job, I've picked up a husband, but the blog goes on, and it seems to be written in the same manner across that entire span of time.

LibertarianLeisure said...

Been reading Althouse since 2012. Always a daily stop. Always interesting and so many obscure topics included.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Best blog ever. Been here since 2005.

Largo said...

Happy 19th Ms. Althouse!

gpm said...

Belated congratulations and thanks. Have been visiting more or less daily since I started, though I don't know precisely when that was. I was going to say it was well before the 2008 election. Then I saw that Kathryn52 pinned down the date of Boobgate as 9/16/20006. It was well before that as well, so maybe early 2006 or late 2005. I don't remember if it was before the 2004 election and maybe mid-2004.

Like others, I first got here from Instapundit, which I stopped reading long, long ago. Unlike others, I usually come late in the day rather than first thing in the morning, the way my old man used to read the Sun-Times, a morning paper in Chicago, after he got home from work in the late afternoon. That is why, in part, my commenting is limited. Another reason is that I'm not motivated to comment on politics. When I do comment, it's usually so late that I don't know how many people ever see the comments.

The comments here are the only ones I read regularly. I used to read the comments on Volokh, but lost interest in them after Volokh moved to the Post.


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