January 13, 2023

Breaking into an old man’s garage.

That made me think about the episode of "Joe Pera Talks With You," "Joe Pera Shows You His Second Fridge" — which you can buy on YouTube (here) or watch on HBO. Here's a short clip where he talks about kids breaking into garages to get beer from the second fridge. And here's an embeddable clip with Joe talking soothingly about the institution known as the second fridge:


wild chicken said...

an exchange student here was shot and killed for coming into a garage looking for beer.

I mean it was an overreaction of course and the homeowner was sent up but when did burgling-for-beer become a thing?

tim maguire said...

It's almost funny to watch the contortions of people trying to pretend that what Trump did was a whole other category of wrong than what Biden did to the point where Trump should go to jail but Biden shouldn't' even be investigated. People on twitter were fairly doing backflips a couple days ago over a clip from Karl Rove defending Biden.

You turned me on to Joe Pera, but it's frustrating that I can only watch a few free clips on YouTube. I have HBO, but it's not included in HBO Canada. The library doesn't carry it. I spend enough on streaming that I rarely rent videos, and given that Pera's episodes are only about 10-12 minutes long, $2.50 each is just too much.

cfs said...

CNN is telling us today that:

"Those closing days of Biden’s vice presidency were a flurry of packing mementos, photographs and personal papers, people familiar with the matter say. Though most of Biden’s files and documents were turned over to the National Archives in a process that began several weeks before he left office, last minute work continued up until the hours he departed the White House for Donald Trump’s inauguration.

The looming arrival of Trump to the White House left many of Obama and Biden’s aides wary of the future and eager to cement many of their accomplishments. It was an uneasy moment, according to many who lived through it."


So you see, it was just all that last minute work and that "looming" evil Trump that caused a couple of boxes to get mis-directed to Joe's Garage to reside with the Corvette and possibly a beer fridge. It was an "uneasy moment" for some as you can imagine. Not like when Trump left the White House amid such a calm and orderly atmosphere and he personally packed all the boxes of documents and carried them to Mar a Lago.

Totally different standards must be applied.

rehajm said...

Insert because it keeps the beer warm joke here...

Grampa's second fridge had beer in it until I discovered beer. Then it had Pepsi in it...

Sebastian said...

"an old man's garage"

With Hunter staying in the house.

Achilles said...

Trump's documents were legally stored in a SCIF at Maralago.

Biden stole documents and stuffed them in a variety of personal residences.

The documents Biden stole regarded China and Ukraine as well.

There is absolutely a difference between what Joe Biden did and what Donald Trump did.

Only shitty people support the obviously corrupt regime at this point.

tommyesq said...

That made me think about the episode of "Joe Pera Talks With You," "Joe Pera Shows You His Second Fridge" — which you can buy on YouTube (here)

I didn't know you could buy a fridge on YouTube!

robother said...

My mom and dad kept their freezer in the garage. At mom's funeral reception, a guy in his 40s whose last name I vaguely remembered as one of the neighborhood little kids when I was last living there came up and said how many ice cream treats the kids always got in summer out of that freezer. (We had such a big family, I expect my mom hardly noticed.)

Wince said...

"We take you now, to a garage, in Canoga Park."

Down in Joe's Garage
We didn't have no dope or LSD
But a coupla quartsa beer

Joe's Garage

It wasn't very large
There was just enough room to cram the drums
In the corner over by the Dodge
It was a fifty-four
With a mashed up door
And a cheesy little amp
With a sign on the front said "Fender Champ"
And a second hand guitar
It was a Stratocaster with a whammy bar
At this point, LARRY (a guy who will eventually give up music and
Earn a respectable living as a roadie for a group called Toad-O)
Joins in the song...
We could jam in Joe's Garage
His mama was screamin'
His dad was mad
We was playin' the same old song
In the afternoon 'n' sometimes we would
Play it all night long
It was all we knew, 'n' easy too
So we wouldn't get it wrong
All we did was bend the string like...

BIII Zhang said...

That house doesn't even belong to Joe Biden.

That house is owned by Hunter Biden.

rehajm said...

I appreciate the comedic nibbles around the extreme absurdity of this latest Biden situation. I mourn for all the comedy that will go unharvested...

Gusty Winds said...

Is anybody still surprised that Hunter dropped off a laptop at a small repair shop with all that bullshit on it?

Seems the laptop and these documents were handled with the same amount of care and caution.

Pattern recognition.

Yancey Ward said...

We will eventually reach the stage of "Biden took the documents on a Monday, not a Tuesday like Trump."

Yancey Ward said...

And watching the contortions isn't "almost funny", it is fucking hilarious. It is enjoyable to watch cretins make fools of themselves, and all in defense of another demented cretin like Joe "Shit for his Brains" Biden.

BUMBLE BEE said...

wild chicken...
In my early teen years it was known as "garaging". That would put the date at 60 years ago. Undoubtedly, it had been going on long before that.

tim in vermont said...

New York Times says that Hunter’s garage and a “think tank” funded by Chinese nationals , who had keys, along with Hunter, are Joe’s “private offices.”

This is why it’s immoral to pay money to the NYT, propaganda should be free, but I do understand that it works better if the marks are made to pay for it.

Original Mike said...

I wonder at the fact that Biden had any papers at all.

Humperdink said...

Watched a bit of MSLSD this morning. They cited the key difference between the Biden/ Trump documents was the volume of Trump documents was much greater than Biden's. That's interesting as Biden's classified documents continue to roll in.

n.n said...

50 shades of Clinton's Water Closet in Biden's closet by way of Obama.

n.n said...

Obama started and funded the last world war (World War Springs) by way of his Iranian proxy. Biden is in progress to sustain Obama's legacy and birth the next world war.

MB said...

I didn't know you could buy a fridge on YouTube!

Only second fridges. I don't know how they check, though.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Big Guy Biden didn't reveal his secret income from his son's BS pay-=to-play connections.
Biden is a tax cheat.

Big Mike said...

CNN is telling us today that:

"Those closing days of Biden’s vice presidency were a flurry of packing mementos, photographs and personal papers, people familiar with the matter say. Though most of Biden’s files and documents were turned over to the National Archives in a process that began several weeks before he left office, last minute work continued up until the hours he departed the White House for Donald Trump’s inauguration.

@cfs, thank you, however this won’t wash. Joe Biden knew by sometime in 2014, possibly as early as 2013, that he would not enter the 2016 primaries against Hillary if he knew what was good for him. He said as much in October 2015. He had years to prepare for his departure from office, and what “last minute” work would he have left to do?

mezzrow said...

Of the dozens of people who have listened through Joe's Garage with me in my lifetime, at least half have contacted me in the past week to muse over what would construct the best meme from the album and who the drummer was. Bozzio was not drumming on this one - it was Vinny C. We live in strange times.

Things like this confirm my damaged yet sincere belief in God. If they continue in this direction, I'll be a Calvinist by Christmas.

Don't get fooled by the shiny chrome - unclean is unclean.

Captain BillieBob said...

I had an 86 Corvette that I kept in the garage which was locked. That is the garage was locked. The Corvette was also locked inside the locked garage. And covered. We also had a refrigerator but not in the garage so it wasn't near the Corvette which was in the garage. The refrigerator was in the basement not on the front porch. There were no secret documents in either the refrigerator or the Corvette or the garage. There were documents in the basement but not secret documents.
Why were "Aviators" lawyers allowed to search for classified documents? Isn't the the FBI's job or the DOJ's?

Lurker21 said...

“How could that possibly happen?” Biden responded in the interview about Trump’s documents at Mar-a-Lago. “How anyone could be that irresponsible?”

Where's Emma Thompson/Margaret Schlegel when you need her?

Why can you not be honest for once and say to yourself what Trump has done, I have done?

tommyesq said...

Of all the people in the United States who we would want to keep away from sensitive information on the Ukraine and China, wouldn't Hunter be at or near the top?

tim in vermont said...

Hur is a Democrat ‘fixer.’

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The media is right — the BidenDocs scandal is nothing like Mar a Lago. What’s harder to break into? An exclusive private club with private security, cameras, a strict access list, and secret service protection… or an old man’s garage.

This is a pretty perfect formulation already. Nothing much more to say until they fuck it up in the investigatory/prosecution phases. The statement also represents the facts that the Journ-0-lists will studiously ignore in every single report -- unless the long knives are really out for Biden now, as it appears they might be trying to Coumo him away what with the piling on of "Hunter might be charged" along with "Found another box!".

Drip drip drip.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

BIII Zhang said...
That house doesn't even belong to Joe Biden.

That house is owned by Hunter Biden.

Ah another tale like "Joe's" Corvette provenance. Is there no part of his life that hasn't been grandly mythologized?

Birches said...

Smug was better before he was an RNC shill, but he probably has a lot more money now.

ccscientist said...

Obama kept tons of classified docs and no one was allowed to check on it because racism or something. The dems really would put trump in jail for a speeding ticket if they could.

Michael K said...

unless the long knives are really out for Biden now, as it appears they might be trying to Coumo him away what with the piling on of "Hunter might be charged" along with "Found another box!".

Tucker Carlson believes this means Biden is going to be "Cuomoed." We'll see. Maybe Newsom is going to run against Harris. Two California airheads would make an amusing contest. Then, of course, there is Pete Buttplug.

Mark said...

Speaking of refrigerators in the garage, there was a thing going around on the twitter the other day about how it is illegal in the Midwest for people to use the front door of a house - that people are required to enter the house through the garage (or side door or back door).

I have to admit it is true.

pious agnostic said...

My teen-aged brother, and his hoodlum friends, routinely burgled garages for beer in our midwestern suburb during the 60s and 70s.

BIII Zhang said...

YouTube has a video that shows how you can break into a garage in 6 seconds with nothing more than a coat hangar.


RideSpaceMountain said...

This is but the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

There are 1000x more compartmentalized documents behind Joe “I keep the rest of the classified docs next to Jill’s black kong” Biden's filing cabinet next to the Doctor's Hi-boy.

BIII Zhang said...

Sure are a lot of Chinese people involved with the Bidens. Here's Fox News' background on the Chinese girl he recommended to be an aide to Joe Biden.


So, the classified files were found in two places so far: Hunter Biden's garage in Delaware and in the Chinese-funded think tank Joe Biden set up.

Gee, sure seems like Chinese Collusion to me.

cfs said...

"@cfs, thank you, however this won’t wash."


Ya think? I said yesterday that if the excuses they were using then weren't working, the jouro[list]s would be coordinating overnight to see if they could come up with something that would work today. Apparently not. So, it's back to the drawing board for them. The "it was chaotic because Trump was looming" was rather creative so I do give them one point for that.

The statements by the Biden media mouthpieces are rather amusing though. And the press conference with KJP today was hilarious as she tried to get them to just stop asking questions.

Rusty said...

Original Mike said...
"I wonder at the fact that Biden had any papers at all."
They weren't there for Biden.

Original Mike said...

"They weren't there for Biden."

They are going to check for fingerprints, right?


Mason G said...

"Only shitty people support the obviously corrupt regime at this point."

You misspelled "Democrats".

Just sayin'.