December 17, 2022

At the Winter Café...



... you can talk about whatever you want.


Clyde said...

On my Facebook page, I'm doing a Top 10 list of my favorite "new" songs that I discovered in 2022, as in "new to me." The only other rule is that only one song is allowed to be in the Top 10 from any particular artist. I'm starting off with five honorable mentions. I'm going to just copy and paste the text here, along with the YouTube link for the song.

Post 2 of 15 - Top 10 Favorite "New" Songs of 2022
Honorable Mention #4 - Janis Martin - Hard Times Ahead (Single - 1960)

I've been listening to Andrew Hickey's podcast 'A History of Rock Music in 500 Songs' this year, and in one of the early episodes from the 1950s, there was a song by Janis Martin, a rockabilly singer who was billed as "The Female Elvis," because of her dance moves and because both were on the same label at the time. Since I liked the song, I listened to her other songs on various collections, and this was the one that I liked best. Shortly after this song came out, she got married and her husband didn't want her to work, so she was out of the music business until the 1970s.

Janis Martin - Hard Times Ahead

Clyde said...
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Lurker21 said...

Watching a creepy, incomprehensible Belgian crime film that tries to be visually interesting with lots of paint and bodily fluids thrown around and pays homage to Sergio Leone's Spaghetti Westerns.

Say what you will about Meghan Markle, but next to her Wallace Simpson is just another dowdy Camilla Parker-Bowles.

Reading about a bizarre coup plan in Germany by Prince Heinrich XIII of Reuss makes me wonder if Roman numerals or our not knowing them was somehow to blame.

Once you realize that everyone is running a grift and that nothing is on the level does that mean everyone is on the same low level and there's nothing left to criticize?

Now that Fetterman is on the Best Dressed list, can a Kmart "Fetterwear" brand be far behind?

And after Jesse Jackson and the Logan Act came up and I saw a Spectator article wondering if Silvio Berlusconi could somehow bring peace between Russia and Ukraine, I thought that this could be Trump's moment. Of course, if he were able to end the war, Democrats would say it was because he was so close to Putin, but if he did bring peace how could he not get a Nobel Prize? It certainly would be a better use of everyone's time than "truthing" and selling collector cards.

Mutaman said...

Thanks Clyde- I had never heard of her before.

Narr said...


Duke Dan said...

The government is coming for gas stoves now

Gahrie said...

SpaceX is on track to have 62 launches in 2022, and everyone is acting like it's no big deal. Not only is it the complete domination and revolution of the launch market, but it's also double the record number of launches they had last year.

Why is it that no one else has developed a reusable orbital booster yet? Without national prestige launches, no one else is competitive.

Laslo Spatula said...

Famous Hungover Party Girl says:

I recognized the room I woke up in because I have stayed in this hotel before. I remember those curtains.

My actual room might be upstairs; I usually have people to remember those kind of things for me.

Those are the people who buy back my underwear when I wake up in a hotel room that is not my own.

I do not like the idea of my panties being souvenirs.

Me and Taylor Swift talked about this once. She had to pay thirteen thousand to get a pair of panties back. Sure, she could have denied they were hers, but it was the principle of the thing.

I am Laslo.

Jersey Fled said...

NFL game in Buffalo just halted because of unruly fans throwing snowballs.

Humperdink said...

Troy Vincent, VP of operations for the National Football League, has compared the NFL draft combine to the slave trade.

White Supremacist owners have been reported to be college campuses rounding up prospects in chains. (Rookies from the incoming 2022 NFL Draft class will make a minimum $705,000 this year.)

The rule of Lemnity said...

Scott’s and Purple Burglar Alarms

Chuck said...

I always contended that Althouse was right when she declared (during the 2016 Presidential campaign) that she thought that “Trump is pro-gay but he’s being cagey about it.”

Well; Trump is no longer the slightest bit cagey about it. He’s fully pro gay marriage:

Saint Croix said...

Some of my favorite shows are from the BBC.

That includes

Death in Paradise

which I love, own all 11 seasons, very fun, and the murder mysteries are quite good

Peaky Blinders.

my favorite gangster show, way better than the Sopranos. I think maybe I'm a bigot against New Jersey accents? Or I just like the high class fashion of gangsters in the early 20th century. Wearing three piece suits to assassinations! Cool. Very arty and fun gangster show. (You have to be careful if you're ordering DVDs because many of them won't play in American players).

SAS: Rogue Heroes

just started watching this one, by the same guy who did Peaky Blinders. Kind of awesome historical fiction, most of allegedly true. (The crazier it is, the more likely it happened). That's another fun show from the Brits. Season 1 is streaming on Epix (on Amazon). You can watch it for a week for free.

Ripper Street

Another great cops-and-robbers drama from the turn of the century (the other one, 1900). Great acting in that show.

Saint Croix said...

This relationship is doomed.

Andrew said...

@Saint Croix,
Have you watched any of the BBC's Poirot series? That's a favorite of mine. They did a terrific job of bringing that period of time back to life. And David Suchet is amazing, fully inhabiting the role. The entire series was entertaining, but some of the episodes had a powerful emotional impact. Five Little Pigs, for example.

Saint Croix said...

That fusion breakthrough is really interesting.

wendybar said...

"They hate you because you stand in the way of the thing they love most. A mother bear defends her cubs. Viciously."

wendybar said...

"Joe Biden has praised segregationists & James Eastlands for 40 yrs. But it’s MUCH worse. Joe & Strom Thurmond are co-authors of mass incarceration & Crime/Drug Bills in 82/84/86/88.

Joe’s friendships w/Old Jim Crow IS what created New Jim Crow."

wendybar said...

THIS is what the left has become. Extortionists, violent haters. This kid is a prime example of what the left is churning out with their indoctrination. Corruption is GREAT. You become rich when you are corrupt, and if you are with them, you get away with it?? Congratulations America.

"While on CNN, Sweeney told the host (admittedly, I have no idea who he is and don’t care) that he would stop what he’s doing in exchange for $50,000 or a new Tesla."

MadTownGuy said...

Has American Democracy Been a Hallucination for Nearly 60 Years?

Roger L. Simon (The Epoch Times)

"our own personal stories, that’s the relatively minor part. Historically, for our country at large, the Kennedy assassination was a disaster. It led to the ascendance of Lyndon Johnson and his “Great Society” social programs.

What actually occurred because of these programs was the not-so-gradual destruction of the black family, the women having been financially induced via handouts to marry the state instead of the men who normally would have been their husbands. The statistics on the decline of the black family and the rise of single-parent households are well known, as are the results that the black community and the rest of us live through on a daily basis. What becomes of a man, black or white, who no longer has the responsibility of being a father? LBJ was in many ways the godfather of Black Lives Matter, not to mention the hugely sad violence in the streets of our biggest cities, most notably Chicago.

If all this is true, the question becomes how do we get out of this hallucination that is more powerful than, though not unrelated to, the mass formation psychosis described by the Belgian academic Mathias Desmet.

To begin with, we need the full information, every document, and we need it now. Without the public being able to review that last three percent we can go no further. We should be calling for that—loudly.

The Everly Brothers perhaps put it best, although in another context.

“Wake up, little Susie, wake up
We’ve both been sound asleep
Wake up little Susie and weep
The movie’s over, it’s four o’clock
And we’re in trouble deep.”

wendybar said...

THIS is how delusional ABC news is (The View is part of their News division which is ALL you need to know about their delusion)

Lying Raddatz is blaming Trump, DeSantis and Abbott for Joe Bidens OPEN BORDER PROBLEMS. Why isn't she fired immediately for lying outright to the American people?? This is despicable. I can't hate them enough. Yes, Howard. THEY are forcing us to hate them. You can love their lies and corruption, but they are kicking the angry hornets nest, and won't like what is going to happen if they keep it up.

gspencer said...

Winter by the calendar occurs in the coming week. For those of us in the Northern USA Winter by real life began last month. Yep, plenty of disagreeable weather is in our immediate future, but the good news is that with the passing of the shortest day we will inch back to more and more sunlight hours.

tim in vermont said...

I am watching a recording of the Bills game, and there is fan bare chested, and his body looks pretty pasty and scrawny, until you notice he has what look like the scars from maybe three bullet wounds.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Maraschino cherry plant.

wendybar said...

Justice Thomas is a gem. He is what America is all about.

wendybar said...

Meanwhile, the little girl with the big red lips in Congress posts a tweet all about her dramatics at a fenced in parking lot, where the little drama queen pretended she was SO upset about children in cages, that she hasn't said SHIT about the children getting raped and killed during Joe Bidens Open Border fentanyl women and children Trafficking party.

Saint Croix said...

Have you watched any of the BBC's Poirot series? That's a favorite of mine. They did a terrific job of bringing that period of time back to life. And David Suchet is amazing, fully inhabiting the role. The entire series was entertaining, but some of the episodes had a powerful emotional impact. Five Little Pigs, for example.

I've seen most of them, I think. Good stuff. Suchet plays it very straight. I think I prefer the cinema versions of the character. Ustinov looks nothing like Poirot but I love his humorous take on him. But my favorite is the Kenneth Branagh version. He's got a tragic view of the character that's super-interesting.

What's coolest about the BBC series is how they hit almost all of Christie's works, while the big budget versions usually limit themselves to the most famous ones.

My two favorite versions of Christie are from the French, actually. And Then There Were None (1945) by Rene Clair is amazing. Black and white. That's Christie's darkest novel but Clair keeps it light and adds a happy ending. Really well done. (I think Clair was in Hollywood at that point, so the film is in English, but he's originally from France).

And the French did four seasons of an amazing show based on Christie's works called Criminal Games.

They take the basic murder plot of Christie's books and transport it to the 1960's in France. So it's not Poirot or Marple. I find it awesome because I've read almost all of Christie's stuff so this is a really new version of her work that keeps it surprising for me who the killer is. Also they add a lot of humor and sex to Christie. That's my #1 suggestion for Christie fans, check out Criminal Games.

Saint Croix said...

hey Andrew,

I think Blogger ate my previous response! Anyway, that's a good show. A lot of people love Suchet the most. I think I prefer Branagh. Ustinov is also a lot of fun. (Doesn't look like Poirot but he's funny).

My favorite version of Christie is the French show Criminal Games. So much fun. Neither Poirot nor Marple, but they use her murder plots and update it for a peek at the 1960's in France. Really well done, they add humor and sex to Christie. What's nice about that show is they update it so much it's a new killer for me. (I've read all of Christie's work so much of the murder mystery is lost to me in the film versions).

What I like about Criminal Games (and the BBC series as well) is that they cover the little known mysteries that never make it to the big screen.