October 13, 2022

I've selected 7 TikToks for you tonight. Some people love them.

1. What do the French mean when they talk about King Charles's "marottes"?

2. When you tell Grandma you would love a skein of yarn.

3. Photographing the sun.

4. Three levels of grilled cheese.

5. Mr. Doodle finished drawing his house. (Boy, does he have a marotte!)

6. Susan Sarandon talks about filming "Rocky Horror Picture Show."

7. A Halloween breakfast.


Lash LaRue said...

#7. Music is perfect. Not #1. Je ne parle pas francis.

Dave Begley said...

Susan Sarandon looks great!

I liked the French speaker too.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

4. Level 3 has too much bread. I hate that.

Aught Severn said...

#3 was very frustrating. Of course it is Ha filtered, probably double-stacked even. And of course bigger is better! What was the aperture? What was the focal ratio at the camera? Heck, what type of scope, even...

I also doubt the claim that the flag could be seen because atmospheric effects would prevent that kind of resolution to be captured. Even under the best circumstances, even with the theoretical 200 m long scope. It would just be a blurry mess.

EAB said...

#4. Poor Charlie.

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

Yarn girl for the win. Charming.

gilbar said...

GOD made american cheese, FOR grilled cheese sandwiches..
You shouldn't try to out think GOD

Bob Boyd said...

A yarn about garnering yarn.

Bob Boyd said...

On Sourdough layer Gouda, Cheddar, Jalapenos (don't overdo it), Mango Chutney. Grill with a little olive oil in pan loosely covered with foil.

Saint Croix said...

When I went to see Rocky Horror the first time, I was carrying a bag of rice. Because it was explained to me that you throw rice at the screen. And the movie theater confiscated my damn rice. Apparently movie theaters do not like people throwing rice in the theater. So that didn't work.

Then the guy in front of me started talking to the screen. And my first reaction was, what the hell? He's talking to the movie. And then he said something funny. And then somebody else said something funny. And it was hilarious. I was lucky because the guy in front of me was a Rocky Horror pro.

Anyway, that Susan Sarandon clip brought back memories. It's an awful movie but it's a real fun experience. So strange that audience participation saved that movie.

(Pneumonia and two fires? Wow!)

Saint Croix said...

dog: "What the (bleep) did I do?"


American cheese sucks, I knew level 3 would be a cheese upgrade

Swiss cheese is actually American cheese with bad p.r.

Quaestor said...

"It met my low expectations"

Can't say that about the Biden Administration.

My expectations can't plumb those depths.

Quaestor said...

The problem with grilled cheese is it's the bread that gets grilled, not the cheese.

Baceseras said...

I loved every one of these. Never happened before. You might want to retire the tiktok feature now, hang its jersey from the blografters, play the Star Wars anthem and shoot off the confetti cannon. It can't get better than this.

Readering said...

I picture the grilled cheese lady picking out the skeins of yarn for her grandkid, but she's probably actually younger.

Could not get past the front hallway of doodle house. Rest pleasant.

BudBrown said...

I made it a few seconds into the house. Is there anything interesting upstairs?

Baceseras said...

Bach's Toccata and fugue in D minor (here accompanying the gila monster's breakfast) has been used in horror movies since the silent era (theatrical organists); it's a cliche because it works so well.

Years ago at a Halloween party I ran a print of the old art-house warhorse Last Year at Marienbad, not a horror movie, in which high society types in evening dress wander around a posh hotel having aimless conversations punctuated by pregnant silences and shifty glances. The Bach piece is on the soundtrack. Very few people at the party sat down to watch the picture, but those who looked in from time to time came away convinced there was something to do with vampires or spooks. It was hard to follow. Drinking was involved -- at our party, not in the movie.

Ann Althouse said...

"Is there anything interesting upstairs?"

You know, you can drag a scroll bar forward and look at different spots in a video. You're not stuck watching in real time.

Will Cate said...

#4 is a masterpiece of the genre.

Lucien said...

So “marotte” means “idee fixe”? Or is there a difference?
(Maybe it’s the same way that a fiasco seems more light-hearted than a debacle.)

And I would also like to know why Susan Sarandon is wearing a necklace that says “honey”. Is she dating a beekeeper, or is it the name of her Malti-poo, or what?

Curious George said...

Grilled cheese was awesome.

"Quaestor said...
The problem with grilled cheese is it's the bread that gets grilled, not the cheese."

There is no problem with grilled cheese.

reader said...

I enjoy exploring your selection of TikTok videos but I won’t download the app. If I touch a video to produce a scroll bar it automatically throws me out to an app installer. So on my phone I either have to watch the entire video to see the end or decide it’s just not worth watching the entire thing.

That’s actually part of the fun of your video posts…how many, if any, are worth watching through to the end.

Yarn was #1. I even checked out the website for the yarn store :)

RoseAnne said...

Yarn girl absolutely.

I almost called it #1 without watching any of the rest, but relented and watched them. Gave Susan Sarandon an honorable mention but didn't finish any of them but hers and yarn girl.