"Abject" means "of low repute; despicable, wretched; self-abasing, servile, obsequious" — according to the OED, which gives this example of the usage of the word from 1579:Don’t miss the inside scoop on Tim Michels’s abject fealty to Donald Trump election denialism—to the point of declaring his interest in overturning the LAST election—in this brilliant investigation https://t.co/60TMEu1egG
— Ben Wikler (@benwikler) October 14, 2022
1579 G. Harvey Let.-bk. (1884) 87 Lerned philosophers..are the dryest, leanist, ill-favoriddist, abiectist, base-mind[e]dist carrions.And I like this Tobias Smollett's "Humphry Clinker":
I know nothing so abject as the behaviour of a man canvassing for a seat in parliament.
Yes, everyone running for everything is abject.
Here's Samuel Beckett (from "No's Knife," 1967):
The aversion my person inspired even in its most abject and obsequious attitudes.
Now, "fealty" is "The obligation of fidelity on the part of a feudal tenant or vassal to his lord" (OED). It's also used figuratively, which how Wikler — the chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin — is using it.
He's not quite saying that Michels is acting like a vassal to Lord Trump. The accusation of fealty is not to Trump the man, but to Trump's idea that Joe Biden was not legitimately elected.
When is the dedication to an idea low, despicable, and wretched or self-abasing, servile, and obsequious?
Which of your ideas are low/despicable/wretched/self-abasing/servile/obsequious? Wouldn't you throw off any idea that you thought was? I guess when you are active in partisan politics, you voice fealty to whatever ideas seem necessary to victory, and quite often that will be low, despicable, and wretched or self-abasing, servile, and obsequious.
Indeed, I know nothing so abject as the behaviour of a man canvassing for a seat in parliament...
The truth is, I look upon both candidates in the same light; and should think myself a traitor to the constitution of my country, if I voted for either.... [W]e all are a pack of venal and corrupted rascals; so lost to all sense of honesty, and all tenderness of character, that, in a little time, I am fully persuaded, nothing will be infamous but virtue and public-spirit.
You want to see abject fealty and election denial just wait 25 days and you’ll see a boatload of it from the same people who denied the 2016 results and the 2000 and 2004 elections.
Whenever a Wisconsin vote is close, election fraud in Milwaukee might be able to swing the election to a Democrat victory.
Confession by projection, once again. The utterer assumes that his target operates under the same motivations as he does. It’s like the old saw about golf pros, who always seem to notice in your swing the exact problem that they are working on in their own.
Now do "brilliant investigation".
"Abject" means "of low repute; despicable, wretched..
hmm.. Maybe This is the problem, right there? Maybe, it's all been a typo?
Back when today's "journalists" were in school; Their professors told them, that it was the role of the media to Not be subjective.. That media must Always be Objective.
But, like i say, there was a typo; and the 'o' was replaced with an 'a'
Let's talk about Ben Wikler's abject fealty to the fucking failed policies of the Dems.
Riots in Kenosha. Tearing down the Forward statue in Madison. Runaway inflation. Gas prices through the roof. On the brink of nuke war with the Russians. The FBI turning into the Stasi. The Press and the FBI running cover for Joe and Hunter Biden. The Biden Crime Family passing millions to the Big Guy. The Dems handing out billions to the solar and wind industries.
We don't care about the 2020 election. We care about now.
In all seriousness, I don't know how an intellectually honest person with any intelligence could be a Democrat today. Prove me wrong.
I dunno. There is no way 81,000,000 people voted for Joe Biden.
Is that a low/despicable/wretched/self-abasing thought? To me it's an objective truth, the evidence of my senses. Putting 2+2 together.
What surprises, and at this point, amuses me is how afflicted some people become when you say it. I mean, the same people who have lied to us about dozens of major events and occurrences over the past 20 years suddenly are to be believed with all our heart when they insist- upon threat of putting you in jail- that 2020 was the most secure election in history?
Call me 'low', but I'll stand by my view.
And the stock market has crashed since Joe was installed.
"Now, "fealty" is "The obligation of fidelity on the part of a feudal tenant or vassal to his lord" (OED). It's also used figuratively, which how Wikler — the chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin — is using it. "
More confession by projection from the Party of Fealty.
So if you don’t like Michels you can vote for the man who let Kenosha burn. You know, the “education governor” whose state is known for having the worst black-white gap in educational achievement in the nation.
January 6th was staged. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/10/staged-pelosi-brought-daughter-camera-crew-us-capitol-riot-son-law-set-outside-film/
The Biden victory over Trump has not been shown to be solid. There’s a lot of reasonable doubts there. That’s my marottes and I’m sticking with it.
When is the dedication to an idea low, despicable, and wretched or self-abasing, servile, and obsequious?
If you are a political partisan (and it is literally Wikler's job to be partisan), it's whatever you need it to be.
"Abject fealty" has a nice feel to it, it's a great and memorable phrase even if you don't really understand what it means. Nevertheless, given the left's weakness for hero worship (Notorious RBG, Fauci religious candles, sex fantasies about Andrew Cuomo), Wikler might literally mean that Michels is acting like a vassal to Lord Trump.
The accusation of [Michels’s] fealty is not to Trump the man, but to Trump's idea that Joe Biden was not legitimately elected.
And he’s right, of course. So now we are stuck with high gas prices, high energy costs, inflation like we haven’t seen since Carter’s administration, and the President of the United States talking about nuclear Armageddon about the way normal folks talk about the threat of a downpour during next weekend’s planned outing. Thanks, Wikler. Thanks, fraudsters.
Tell me what Evers has done to increase election security. I'll wait.
If only the entire nation could be Chicago. The left are working on it.
But shut up - you denialists.
Mike Sylwester: "Whenever a Wisconsin vote is close, election fraud in Milwaukee might be able to swing the election to a Democrat victory."
As is true with Michigan/Detroit, Georgia/Atlanta, Pennsylvania/Philadelphia, Arizona/Phoenix, Illinois/Chicago. But Illinois went off the deep end to a one-party state a couple of decades ago.
Florida is more difficult to do that in because there are too many scattered population centers.
California also has the scattered population centers, but there is only one party there, so it doesn't matter.
Temujin said...I dunno. There is no way 81,000,000 people voted for Joe Biden.
While I think it's inarguable that there was some amount of ballot stuffing, I do find it believable that 81 million people put an X next to Joe Biden's name. Trump was a man who inspired intense feelings, either pro or con. For every person ready to crawl across broken glass to vote for him, there was another ready to do the same to vote against him.
So, sure, Joe Biden probably only got a relative handful of votes, but 10's of millions of "Anybody but Trump" votes found their home in his column.
Ben Wikler is a fascist scumbag who supports censorship.
He knows democrats are sending ballot collectors to all of the nursing homes they can in Wisconsin right now and that the people in those nursing homes are having their ballots filled out by democrat operatives as we speak.
The time is coming for these dirt bags.
In any legitimate election the democrats don't crack 40% country wide.
Abject fealty to the constitution would ensure open and fare elections, the last thing the democrats want.
People always win elections in the middle of the night after polls close.
Happens all of the time.
Avast, ye varlets, Ben Wikler has thrown down the gauntlet and is entering the lists.
I find it interesting that those accusing Trump of demanding fealty are the same people demanding you completely accept the results of the 2020 elections without question or face censorship and a potential charge of insurrection.
Dave Begley, anyone heard from Paul Krugman lately?
Abject meaning extreme.
"Abject fealty." Could any phrasing better capture the over-educated elite running today's Democrat Party? And say what you will about feudal loyalty; at least knights never demonstrated abject fealty to the Court Fool.
"I guess when you are active in partisan politics, you voice fealty to whatever ideas seem necessary to victory"
Are we allowed to read that as a cruelly-neutral dig at old friend Ben W?
But the problem for the GOP is that many candidates do not "voice fealty to whatever ideas seem necessary to victory." In battleground states and districts, it might be "necessary" to get the votes of moderate women. Election skepticism and Trump himself turn them off. So some Trumpist candidates voice fealty to ideas that reduce their chances of victory.
On the other hand, we deplorables also have plenty of experience with GOPe-ers who voice fealty to ideas that seem necessary to victory only to jettison them after being victorious. That increases the demand for perceived fealty on the right.
Shakespeare had it right that "The lady doth protest too much." The Democrats obsession about the 2020 election grows as the result is increasingly indefensible. You would almost think they were hiding something.
Tim Maguire: You're right. It's possible. But I'll still stick with my gut on this one. I've lived and seen a lot in my time. Fraud here on a large scale would not surprise me. Plus- there were too many indicators that pointed to a different result.
Still- you are correct. Trump inspired (inspires) intense feelings. And that intensity could bring out the person who would typically not take part in an election. As well as those hired to fill out multiple ballots.
An hour ago on NPR a guest described Rep. Kevin McCarthy as kissing Trump's ring a month after The Insurrection. (I HEARD THE CAPS).
It seems that Michels said that he wouldn't rule out decertifying the 2020 election results. He's said that there certainly was voter fraud, but he would have to see the details. The election isn't going to be overturned now. Trump isn't going to be declared president, but Michel's view doesn't look much like "abject fealty."
Robotically repeating that claims about election fraud are "without evidence," "baseless" or "lies" comes closer to "abject fealty," but politics isn't about accuracy or balance. Politics is about fealty. Your party is your lord and you owe it your service.
No one will ever prove that Biden was elected legitimately. It is a matter of faith or fabulism amongst the lefty cult. No one will ever prove that he was not elected legitimately either. However, the weight of the evidence favors the latter to the extent that anyone who denies the possibility is either a liar or a lunatic.
Who are the fortunate beneficiaries of Ben Wikler's abject fealty?
Speaking of "fealty to an idea" ... The US parties have, for most of my adult life, divided on the issue of capital punishment. Democrats pledge fealty to prohibition against "cruel and unusual" penalties and include state-imposed death among unusual consequences of crime. Republicans pledge fealty to law and order and see nothing cruel or unusual about hanging or shooting or putting down a convict like an old sick dog.
ANY, has anyone in the media noticed or commented on the DeSantis/Nikolas Cruz controversy? The jury had the option to impose a death sentence, chose to impose, instead, life custody with no chance of parole, and Governor DeSantis offered the opinion that Cruz deserved harsher, deadly, justice. DeSantis is well within the orthodoxy of his party. But, where are the Democrats who would stand -- against the outraged parents of Parkland -- in support of the jury's rights, and their verdict, and take the opportunity to condemn capital punishment in general?
If no Democrat will support the jury and oppose the parents, does this mean the Republicans have won the issue?
Joe Biden was not legitimately elected President. He was fraudulently installed, and now the country and the world are paying the price. Ten of millions, if not a hundred million Americans know this.
So does Tim Michaels, the NYTs, the J6 committee, Tony Evers...
It's amazing how stupid liberal propaganda writers believe their liberal readers are. And I'll bet most have worthless college degrees but cannon escape their past indoctrination.
I fully expect that same fraud, long counting, magic absentee ballots, and other bullshit from the same states in November 2022. WI, AZ, GA, MI, PA. We'll see. Hope I'm wrong.
Temujin said... there were too many indicators that pointed to a different result.
I can't argue with that. There were plenty of legitimate complaints and "curious" happenings. The simplest and most straightforward way for the Democrats to put this controversy to bed is to support a thorough analysis of the vote in the contested precincts/states.
Instead they fought it tooth and nail. Maybe they're just jerks, but it's not crazy to think that they didn't want anyone to look too closely because they themselves weren't confident of what an audit would find.
What an audit wouldn't find, which to me is the real scandal, is what happened outside the voting booth--the Zuck Bucks that flooded into Democratic precincts, the illegal rule changes that undermined ballot security and that the courts refused to block, and the manipulations and interference of the media and the FBI.
When they take back congress next month, the Republicans need to be vindictive. They need to be media savvy about it, but heads need to roll if we are ever to fix what went wrong since 2018.
Confession by projection, once again. The utterer assumes that his target operates under the same motivations as he does.
The (so-called) Good Guys always accuse the Bad Guys of doing the same underhanded things that they are doing. But they justify it to themselves by believing that the only reason they're doing underhanded things is because the Bad Guys are doing them, too, and they have to also be underhanded to come out on top. Because they have to come out on top, or else the Bad Guys win and it's the End of Democracy (tm).
Also, you're a racist.
Melcher, the confusion you detect is because democrats don’t like the death penalty for convicted murderers but do feel it’s appropriate for dissenters from progressive policies and global warming deniers
In 2018 two-thirds of Democrats believed Russia hacked into our voting machines to swing the 2016 election to Trump. In 2022 two-thirds of Republicans believe Joe Biden employed 2,000 mules to steal the 2020 election. Both beliefs fall under the category of “stupid shit you say to salve the sting of defeat” — it’s easier than promising you’re moving to Canada. The good news is that 41 percent of Americans are neither Democrat nor Republican and therefore don’t feel the need to go down this dopey road.
Ann didn't care for Game of Thrones so she doesn't recognize the trend of pledging fealty is attributable to King Joffrey...
"What an audit wouldn't find, which to me is the real scandal, is what happened outside the voting booth--the Zuck Bucks that flooded into Democratic precincts, the illegal rule changes that undermined ballot security and that the courts refused to block, and the manipulations and interference of the media and the FBI.
When they take back congress next month, the Republicans need to be vindictive. They need to be media savvy about it, but heads need to roll if we are ever to fix what went wrong since 2018."
Hard not to agree with Mr. McGuire on this.
As a 50-year Chicagoan (1959-2009) I know very well that the Democrat Machine produces a certain amount of fake votes every election. Ask any honest Chicago Democrat and they will tell you. I have little doubt that the same is true for other large urban areas.
It seems like the urban Democrat Machine went into overdrive to produce fake votes in 2020. They are likely embarrassed by the 81 million vote total for Biden because no honest, sane person believes that 81 million people voted for him.
That does not mean that Biden stole the election, although it is more than reasonable to think so. He might have won a squeaker without the fake votes.
To say something is extreme today is to say that’s about what is expected.
I mean, how else would you describe the nuclear “Armageddon” conversation.
If something is not extreme, there is probably a catch hiding somewhere.
Assume most of the candidates in contested races this year are "empty suits". Whichever party they associate with; the elected candidates will sell out their constituents and forget their campaign promises and join party leadership to advance the party priorities. There are few Joe Manchins or Liz Cheneys out there who will actively oppose their own party. As a working hypothesis, just assume the party pulls the strings and the puppet dances.
I suggest the GOP has very few priorities left to accomplish. Abortion? At the national/federal/Congressional level, they've won. The Congressional GOP can shut and sit down and let the states fight things out. Guns? Again, the GOP has won. Let the states fight... Schools? This is an new and on-going fight -- but the Congressional GOP should again assert it as a state issue. Stay out. Death Penalty? Already noted, the GOP has won wherever it could. Death-and-Taxes? The Democrats and the proposal to hire 80K new agents have handed the Steve Forbes wing of the GOP a great gift. Whether or not the federal IRS system's rates are too high or too low or fair or too soft on the ultra-rich, EVERYBODY now agrees the rules are too complicated. If it takes a small city of employees to figure out whether or not the rules have been followed, the GOP will rightly claim the RULES are the problem, not the "violators". So, tax simplification. Defense? Again, the GOP already won. The public already supports replenishing the petroleum reserve, restocking the weapons bunkers (pulled down from Afghanistan and Ukraine) and recruiting/retention bonuses. No contest. Net Neutrality? Do we even remember that, much less know who won? Energy? "Screw the Saudis! Drill, baby, DRILL!" That's gonna be a hard plan to refute. Open Borders? "When is 'enough'? Do we want the wall concrete, steel, or virtual? Do Sex Trafficking Coyotes get the death penalty or life in prison?
Honestly I can see NO long-standing big-picture policy disputes that the GOP has not won. What we have are tiny teapot tempests about books in the library, drag queens at story hour, and the global average temperature forecast for election year 2104.
I guess we can mock up some staged moot furor over "reparations" ...
"Fealty" became a big issue in NYC in 1965, when the City University of New York (CUNY) was the arena for a battle over the continuation of its century-old tradition of free tuition at the senior colleges. The Chancellor, who oversaw the entire CUNY system, and the presidents of the individual colleges that comprised CUNY, disagreed on this issue.
The City's Board of Higher Education then issued a statement declaring that, in expressing their views, the college presidents "had not shown proper fealty to the Board." The president of Brooklyn College responded that "Fealty is a medieval concept, and it describes the position of a medieval lord in his relation to his feudal serfs. Members of the Board of Higher Education are not medieval lords - and I am not inclined to become a serf.''
“…What’re you chewin’ over?”
“Dream I had once. I was walkin’ in the woods, I don’t know why. Wind came up and blew me hat off.”
“…And you chased it, right? You ran and ran, finally caught up to it and you picked it up. But it wasn’t a hat anymore and it changed into something else; something wonderful?”
“Nah, it stayed a hat and no, I didn’t chase it. Nothing more foolish than a man chasin’ his hat.“
Does Ben consider Stacy Abrams an "election denier"?
Does he consider Dems who questioned electronic voting machines abject idiots?
Big Business orchestrating "Democracy in the Park" with bag o' ballots chain of custody?
Does Ben consider Stacy Abrams an "election denier"?
Does he consider Dems who questioned electronic voting machines abject idiots?
Big Business orchestrating "Democracy in the Park" with bag o' ballots chain of custody A-ok? Big bucks to Brown County?
Sloppy, insecure election and counting procedures create opportunities for fraud. Yet the nature of this is that any fraud then remains undetectable (and therefore unprovable: it might have happened, it's hardly unreasonable to assume some degree of fraud probably occurred yet if so there is no longer any way to find it).
And so the cry, "If you think there was election fraud, prove it or shutup!.
Followed by the inflation of "these sloppy procedures should be cleaned up" with, "election denier!!"
Followed by the ritual cries of, "Voter suppression!!"
In a sense this is all just another of those stupid verbal games ("if you say you're racist then you obviously are, but if you deny it then you all too obviously are!") but in an arena that has real-world consequences.
1: On Election Night 2020 in Fulton County, GA, the Democrat "vote counters announced they were not going to count any more ballots that night, kicked everyone out, and then immediately started "counting votes" again
Anyone who trusts the "Joe Biden won" result after such obviously fraudulent behavior by Democrats is a fool or a Democrat Partisan
2: On Election Day 2020, we saw video of a black male Democrat refusing to allow a republican poll watcher to go into a Philly polling station.
Anyone who trusts any votes coming from that polling station is a fool, or a Democrat partisan.
How many other Philly polling stations were engaging in the same kind of fraud, just weren't caught?
We have video showing Republican "poll watchers" using binoculars to try to see what the Democrat poll workers in Philly were doing. because they weren't allowed to actually monitor the work of those Democrats.
Anyone who trusts the "Joe Biden won" result after such obviously fraudulent behavior by Democrats is a fool or a Democrat Partisan
3: Detroit reported more votes for President than they had voters. Democrats made it so there was no investigation as to what happened.
Anyone who trusts the "Joe Biden won" result after such obviously fraudulent behavior by Democrats is a fool or a Democrat Partisan
I could go on, but that's enough to flip the election result right there.
It is literally not possible to honestly say "Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election."
As the fraudulent activities were all carried out by Democrats, and as the proper response to people violating the ordinary election rules is to rule against he ones doing the violating, the only reasonable position is "Democrat violations of election rules mean that Trump should have been declared the winner of the 2020 Presidential election"
Because anything else rewards fraud, and is an outright assault on democracy
If I were a candidate for office, I would be happy to point out the Democrat misbehavior, focus on it, and focus on making sure the Democrats are not allowed to encage in such criminal behavior ever again.
I would point out that any time election officials "find uncounted ballots", it's at a minimum proof of incompetence, and as such every single person working there should be kicked out, all results thrown out, and all counting should be done by election workers from the other Party, brought in with carte blanch to examine everything, looking for more incompetence / fraud.
And if that means no results are reported from Milwaukee for a week+, and thus strongly Republican leaning numbers are the only numbers out there, that is a proper punishment for the Democrats who put incompetents in charge of their vote counting.
Replying to gilbar about what is taught/learned in journalism school.
“Journalists need to be overt and candid advocates for social justice, and it’s hard to do that under the constraints of objectivity,” said Ted Glasser, communications professor at Stanford, in an interview with The Daily. … For [Glasser], objectivity and social justice are in conflict, and he urged that journalism “free itself from this notion of objectivity to develop a sense of social justice.”
Ben Wikler seems to be a person who uses language to dramatically misinform. He should be banned by twitter, but can be wrong in public, as a 1 amd right.
When someone said to Groucho Marx, "Groucho, I'm curious," he said "let's face it, you're grotesque."
Ringing the changes: "Groucho, I'm sorry." "Let's face it, you're abject." Pathetic. Contemptible. A disgrace.
Now thats's an alt rock band - "Abject Fealty" coming to your town soon,
That 81 million ballots were marked for Joe Biden does not prove his election was legitimate. Do not forget the role of the Electoral College. The Democrats may be able to make the voting rubble bounce in California and New York with some degree of legality but that does not mean other states with closer outcomes were not influenced by irregularities.
Hey Ben Winkler!
How is your abject loyalty and support for Brett Blomme going??
If Biden had actually won the 2020 election why would his Regime have to silence, intimidate, punish any vocal opposition to the election, and label anyone who even thinks Trump won a domestic terrorist?
The faster and fairest way to prove the election was done on the up and up would be to have 50 transparent forensic audits completed, with the results published for the entire country to read. Which is exactly why Biden's DOJ is suing to stop forensic election audits. That tells us everything.
They would not be so terrified of Trump if Biden had actually received 81 million real votes.
for denialism to be abject <<<>>> we hold victoryism has to be dogmatist
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