June 15, 2022

"One of the reasons 'Secret Honor' is so affecting is that, with the distance of time, we feel sympathy for the man, especially because we are aware of how Nixon-hating..."

"... had a lot to do with a very personal reaction to the man. There was a sort of loathing that wasn't about politics, but about the way he looked and spoke and certain personality qualities of the sort that would have made him unpopular even as a child. And the truly challenging thing to think about is how he could have been politically effective if he repelled people on a deep psychic level. Bush-haters of today might try imagining themselves thirty years in the future, looking back at him as a mere man."

That's something I wrote on February 14, 2005, in a post called "Small and large falls." 

I'm reading that this morning after seeing this new piece at New York Magazine, "In Secret Honor, Philip Baker Hall Plays Nixon As a Wounded Animal." New York Magazine is writing that now because the actor who played Nixon, Philip Baker Hall, recently died. He was 90.

I was writing about "Secret Honor" in 2005 — 17 years ago — because I was teaching the Watergate Tapes case and I had a nice, new Criterion Collection CD of the Robert Altman film. 

That post also recalled the old episode of "Saturday Night Live" that had Dan Aykroyd playing Nixon (and John Belushi playing Kissinger):

In the skit, Nixon and Kissinger were talking about how all the bad things on the Watergate tapes were just jokes. We see a flashback of them saying the various damning quotes, but making faces and gestures that showed they were just kidding. But people took it the wrong way, because they only had the cold transcript.

That skit was written by Al Franken, who said later: "It's really weird: I remember how I hated Nixon, but I now don't think he was so bad. He was really a moderate in many things and, putting aside his unfortunate paraonoia, was a pretty effective president. When I look at the current political scene with our preacher-in-chief, I feel a definite odd nostalgia for ol' ski-nose."

These days, it's George W. Bush who has entered the nostalgia zone. How many cycles of this loathing and empathizing must we live through before we acquire cool rationality about present-day events? If I, like Philip Baker Hall, live to be 90, I will get to see Americans mulling over the human being who was Donald Trump. But I will never see us break the cycle. It takes too long, and if you've been through multiple cycles, you are old and there are new generations seeing the present as fresh and uniquely urgent. It's like first love. First hate.


gspencer said...

"These days, it's George W. Bush who has entered the nostalgia zone."

You mean, "Islam is peace" George Bush?

Tom T. said...

A good reminder that in any era, the dominant Republican of the day is the devil incarnate -- until the next one comes along and takes his place.

anon2 said...

For left of center pundits, every republican president is *literally* Hitler…until the next republican president comes along. On the other side of the aisle, Carter is still the epitome of incompetence, Clinton is still sleazy, and Obama is still a divider. Maybe Biden has been horrific enough to raise the status of those other three among right of center pundits.

Amadeus 48 said...

"putting aside his unfortunate paranoia"

It wasn't paranoia. They were out to get him, and they did. Of course, if the tapes didn't exist, he would have skated free.

AMDG said...

You already are starting to hear the drumbeat that DeSantis is worse than Trump.

If only Nixon had not had MLK bugged!

Amadeus 48 said...

"putting aside his unfortunate paranoia"

It wasn't paranoia. They were out to get him, and they did.

Compare Nixon to LBJ and JFK. They pulled similar stunts with no blow-back.

The media hated Nixon, and the remnants of the old FDR crew in Washington hated him worse.

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

Trump is already better.

Why Ron DeSantis is more dangerous than Trump

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


The on-air talent trained in North Korea.

Temujin said...

Much to unpack. It is amazing how many different views people have had about Nixon, or about his Presidency over the years. From the worst evil- all you had to do was say the word "Nixon" and people knew you meant evil- to respected statesman, to loon, to "hey, he was actually a pretty good President".

He was the one who removed us from the gold standard, so as you watch the Fed flail around creating, then trying to un-create the inflation they've given us, remember Nixon. A currency based on nothing is, well...not much more than crypto when it comes right down to it. It's the faith of the people using it that keeps it breathing. Or not. Meanwhile, the price of gold has remained remarkably stable over the last 10 years- within a stable range.

But I digress. Philip Baker Hall was a terrific actor. I've never watched "Secret Honor", but after reading this article, I will. The article is about Robert Altman, but covers Hall and his acting in "Secret Honor" pretty well. Trapped in a Corner: Robert Altman, Richard Nixon and Secret Honor

I do remember the SNL skit. It was brilliant. From the days when Al Franken was funny. A very long time ago in another land. And, by the way, after Nixon, the bad word became 'Ford'. Then 'Reagan'. Then 'Bush', 'Bush', and then...'Trump'. All of them except for Trump have received their release from 'evil prison'. They are now regarded in a much better light. GW is loved for his artwork now. But Trump? He will never be released from 'evil prison'. He's in for a fight for the rest of his life. And I'll put my money on him. He lives to fight. He loves it more than his enemies do.

For what it's worth, Hunter Biden saw what art did for GW Bush and wanted to also be loved for his artwork. Plus he knew his dad could arrange for him to get paid $500,000 per painting from people who wanted access to the President. Will 'Biden' become an evil word? It should be. But it won't. He's regarded as a joke. But he is more corrupt than any of the people listed above.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The real evil are all the masses of idiots who believe Biden is a good man.

M Jordan said...

Temujin lists all the “evil” presidents but fails to note what connected them: they were all Republicans. The media and academics are all Democrats and they’re the ones telling us Nixon, Reagan, the Bushes, etc. all were evil. Dems see the world in cartoon. Me, I’ve never thought of a Dem president as evil. JFK was crooked and a sex maniac. Johnson a bully. Carter a meddling do-gooder. Clinton a JFK second coming (but smarter). Obama a pseudo-intellectual. And Biden?

He’s a blowhard. Nothing more, nothing less.

Lurker21 said...

Very insightful about Nixon. Less so about Bush II. The liberal Establishment was "punching down" on Gloomy Gus Nixon, the streetcar conductor's son who couldn't afford to go to Harvard and had to rise in politics on his own, making mistakes along the way, but doing it on his own.

It might have seemed at the time that the liberals were "punching down" on the inarticulate West Texas oilman Bush, but in retrospect it looks more like Bush was a third generation politician and fourth generation millionaire who got where he did because of family connections and whose deficiencies were all his own.

Nixon got flak for being an artificial man with nothing authentic about him. His wife was even called "Plastic Pat." In retrospect he seems more like an authentic American original, much less artificial, prepackaged, and deceptive than the faux aristocrat Kennedy.

Kay said...

I’m glad Bush is painting, and I love his style of painting a lot, but I think he was an awful president and probably a lot worse than I thought at the time. In fact, way way worse than the Donald, who was largely ineffectual.

Howard said...

I was raised by progressive liberal parents who hated Nixon all their friends hated Nixon everyone hated Nixon. As a child this hatred fascinated me so I read every book about Nixon that I could find in the library. Oliver Stone covers the back story of Nixon quite well in his movie. He was a great man who never quit even after he quit. Is farewell speech to the White House staff was the greatest political speech since in the arena by Theodore Roosevelt.

Mark said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

Had to look up the name.

He'll always be the Library Cop, Mr. Bookman, to me.


ConradBibby said...

"I’m glad Bush is painting, and I love his style of painting a lot, but I think he was an awful president and probably a lot worse than I thought at the time. In fact, way way worse than the Donald, who was largely ineffectual."

These days we could use some of that . . . ineffectuality.

Bush's greatest flaw was that he apparently believed presidents should serve as punching bags for the opposition, never fighting back when hit. This approach encouraged his enemies to keep pounding away and left his friends feeling completely dispirited. He seemed to think that being a good man would make him a good president. Trump never made that mistake.

Sebastian said...

"He was really a moderate in many things"

Actually, pretty liberal. But (R), so had to be hated.

"it's George W. Bush who has entered the nostalgia zone"

Also pretty liberal. As useful idiot for the left, out-of-office W encourages "nostalgia." Pseudo cons crave prog approval.

"How many cycles of this loathing and empathizing must we live through before we acquire cool rationality"

What do you mean? Each "cycle" reflects cool prog rationality: vilify and tear down the current (R), praise the old one. Undermine current R, but hold out hope of redemption as a way of taming him. It takes just as many cycles as R victories require. The problem with Trump was that he was immune to both prog vilification and anticipatory nostalgia. Therefore, he had to be destroyed utterly.

"First hate."

Of course, all these "hates" are presented strictly from a prog standpoint. Righty hate for Nixon or Bush or for that matter McCain and Mittens don't come into it. Hate privilege shows prog hegemony.

rcocean said...

Phillip Baker Hall was one my favorite actors and i liked "Secret Honor" a lot. Nixon benefited, as did Bush II, from the fact that the Left hatred of them was so over-the-top the Center-right rushed to their defense, and supported them even when they didn't deserve it.

Watergate aside, Nixon was the best POTUS between Ike and Reagan. Which is a fucking low bar. He wasn't a conservative, and was a complete elitist. He only hated the Liberal Establishment because it hated him. It was a case of unrequited love.

The real difference between him and other moderate R's is Nixon understood you had to have the Rightwing in order to win. So he had pat Buchanan as a speech writer. But he also had a Liberal (Ray Price?) and a Moderate (Safire) on staff.

Unlike Bush II, Nixon never pretended to be a Right winger. He also surrounded himself with talented men and listened to them. OTOH, Bush II was just a moron, who got elected because his name was Bush. Nixon probably had 20 IQ points on Bush.

rcocean said...

Its amazing that Nixon went out one night and talked to the War protestors at the Lincoln Memorial. Can you imagine Bush II doing that? On Jan 6th all the congressmen hid in their offices, or screamed at the Cops to "Use your guns".

William said...

Trump is excessively loathed, but his fans stand by him. Nixon and, let it be remembered, LBJ were also loathed and their supporters deserted them.....All the American Presidents of my lifetime have gotten some things right and some things wrong, but none of them have ever fucked up in the catastrophic way that non democratic leaders are wont to do.... I think Biden is on well on his way to being the biggest failure since Buchanan or Hoover, but he's nowhere near as loathsome as LBJ or Nixon.... Many claim that he's not incontinent. It's hard to retain followers after incontinent episodes. Look what happened to Amber Heard. I just hope he exits the world stage before any embarrassing incidents occur.

Roger Sweeny said...

"And the truly challenging thing to think about is how he could have been politically effective if he repelled people on a deep psychic level."

There is a certain lack of curiosity there. If he really repelled people in general, how DID he win all those elections? Certainly at the beginning, he seems to have come across as a "bright young man", one of those veterans who post-WW II citizens were so proud of. Irwin Gellman's The Contender: Richard Nixon: The Congress Years, 1946 to 1952, is a nice revisionist history. Actually, the whole trilogy, of which it is the first, is worth reading if you're interested in the man.

Wilbur said...

Imagine the furor if Biden tried to impose wage and price controls on our society.

The ultimate RINO Nixon did exactly that. Predictably, it failed miserably. Maybe that's why Howard thinks he's so great.

Anthony said...

Ol' Howard has actually had me agreeing with him on some things lately!

Yes, the cycle of Current-Republican=Hitler/The Last One Was Okay has been noticed for a long time. For me, it's only in recent years that I've realized how statist Nixon was. Conversely, Carter at least started the deregulation ball rolling, and you can thank him for all of your craft beer.

Howard said...

Nixon was blessed with an abundance of negative charisma. Problem solved, he gets America's best PR team to package him like Uncle Ben's converted rice. Plus he wanted the job when most folks didn't want and some died trying to get it.

Nixon used trilateral diplomacy that set up the fall of the Soviet Union and opened China to the Western Economy. He ended the completely unnecessary Vietnam police action. He held the country together during it's most violent period of civil unrest. A highly intelligent and thoughtful man, he wrote wonky books and advised Clinton until he passed away.

Peter Spieker said...

“How many cycles of this loathing and empathizing must we live through before we acquire cool rationality about present-day events?” A lot, I suppose. The usual cycle is: 1) honeymoon – he’s great. 2) Growing doubts. 3) Loss of faith – he stinks. 4) Amnesia – I don’t even want to think about the bum, let’s talk about the new savior. 5) Rehabilitation: He was great, or pretty good, or better than we remember, or at least he had his good points.

I disagree with those saying only Republicans go through this. Some Democrats do as well. Truman is an example. He was very unpopular when he left office, but twenty years later his reputation had a bull market. Carter is another. He was generally reviled in 1981, but fifteen or twenty years later the papers and magazines were full of positive articles about him – he was the best ex-president ever! Habitat for Humanity! Working for peace and Democracy! Etc.

What I think is true is that this cycle is generally shaped by the left and the Democrats to suit their needs, which they can do because they control so much of the media and academia. Truman was praised for honesty and plain speaking (the title of Merle Millers book), as a way of dissing LBJ and especially Nixon. The praise for W Bush (like Carter, personal, not political) is of course a way of attacking Trump. Carter was puffed up in the era of Clinton to show that not all Democrats were corrupt, sexually abusive louts.

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...

Nixon was blessed with an abundance of negative charisma. Problem solved, he gets America's best PR team to package him like Uncle Ben's converted rice. Plus he wanted the job when most folks didn't want and some died trying to get it.

Nixon's "negative charisma" is better know as Alger Hiss. The left demonized Nixon because of his pursuit of Hiss. Hugh Hewitt used to have a question before interviewing a new pundit. "Was Alger Hiss a communist?" I remember one female op-ed writer who hung up on him when he asked her.

MountainJohn said...

It's important to remember that the DC establishment and the left generally (academia, media, Hollywood) despised Nixon from his effective "prosecution" of Alger Hiss in the House years before (1948?). That colored their treatment of him in the '60s and '70s.

Bilwick said...

Sad news about Philip Baker Hall. Wipe that smile off your face, Joy Boy.

Mark said...

He was right about a kid's right to read a book without getting his mind warped.

Robert Cook said...

"The real evil are all the masses of idiots who believe Biden is a good man."

And the masses of idiots who believe Trump is a good man.

Howard said...

The real evil are the sanctimonious few people who think half the world/country with whom they disagree with over a few political opinions is evil.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Philip Baker Hall was a great actor; Hard Eight is a great movie (even Gwyneth Paltrow is pretty good in it!).

Achilles said...

Howard said...

The real evil are the sanctimonious few people who think half the world/country with whom they disagree with over a few political opinions is evil.


You are against free speech. You support government/corporate alliances to silence your political opponents. Right there you are evil full stop.

But you are also for open borders, partial birth abortion, war with Russia, Funding biolabs in China and Ukraine and numerous other countries, shutting down domestic energy production, and you have voted for 2 known rapists to be president.

You support 8.XX% inflation.

You support purposely driving the cost of fuel higher.

You pushed the known Russian Collusion lie for years.

You pushed the Kavanaugh rape hoax garbage.

No at some point we can no longer attribute your actions to stupidity.

Your actions can only be explained by your malice and hatred. You never defend what you and your regime are doing. You are constantly posting in bad faith.

Deal with it.

Rollo said...

Philip Baker Hall and Philip Seymour Hoffman came along at about the same time. Now they're both gone, the one who started late but had a full life, and the one who died too soon.

Lurker21 said...

Trump never pretended to be a "good man." That was refreshing. He wasn't trumpeting how decent and compassionate he was like Biden was. Trump also wasn't the most effective president by any means. But he was pretty good for the country, better than most recent presidents have been, and certainly better than Biden has been.

In my lifetime two presidents got elected by telling everyone how decent and honest they were -- Carter and Biden. Neither was especially honest. Biden certainly isn't. Neither was competent, either. Things seem to go better when we don't elect people who spend a lot of time telling us how good or compassionate or "relatable" they are.

People said Nixon was unnatural and phony because he'd be walking on the beach in a suit and tie and dress shoes, but in his awkwardness, he was about as natural as most politicians can be. Better to be as awkward as you really are than to pretend to be something you aren't.

tim maguire said...

How many cycles of this loathing and empathizing must we live through before we acquire cool rationality about present-day events?…I will never see us break the cycle

Asked and answered. Correctly. Apart from the time it takes an individual to develop the proper experience and perspective, partisans don’t want us to break the cycle. They like it this way.

Bilwick said...

Robert Cook: "And the masses of idiots who believe Trump is a good man."

Not to mention the even larger mass of idiots who think The State is our best buddy.

Josephbleau said...

“And the masses of idiots who believe Trump is a good man.”

There is no good man, only good policy, and Trump’s policy was good for the people. Nixon was the only modern president that graduated from a small humble college (Whittier), so the elites hated him all the more.

The left is supposed to like realpolitik but in the end likes celebrity. Spy/ mob fu*king JFK is respected, Racist LBJ, Rapy Clinton, (we will put some ice on it. ) Obama the God King, lowerer of sea levels. Beiden runs the table being rapy but lusting more for the publics’ money than for sex, All good, no problemo.

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