June 5, 2022

Just 5 TikToks for you today, but I've been highly selective, and I think it will be a challenge to identify your favorite.

1. The lizard's charming feast.

2. Staying in the hotel that is Frank Lloyd Wright's only skyscraper.

3. At the 7-Ele-en, a flattened "slice of heaven."

4. Just seeking a definition of "woman."

5. What is a vacation? What is a weekend?


Old and slow said...


chuck said...

I've visited the Price Tower, my mom spent her last years in Bartlesville. Everything is miniaturized, and at the time of my visit what impressed me most was the lack of maintenance: open spaces between glass panes where they met, that sort of thing. The sort of things Frank Lloyd Wright was famous for :) It has probably been fixed up if rooms are being rented. I do wonder how many rooms there are, I only recall the single living space shown in the TikTok.

Bob Boyd said...

#5 A glimpse of the sceaft.

Heartless Aztec said...

FLW. My daughter and I started making visits to all of his buildings in Wisconsin and then across the United States. The current sig-other and I continue the tradition of a FLW building or home visit of one is anywhere near our wanderings.

Jupiter said...

"... in my field of work ..."

This parasite has never worked a day, and never will. What a smarmy little poser.

n.n said...

Do chromosomes or boobs, the front hole, make the woman? Is a woman an emergent phenomenon, fungible with the changing, diverging beliefs of special and peculiar interests? Does human consciousness originate or express through the nervous system? Sex and gender, a conflation, a toss up, forced to conform with the modern model.

John Enright said...

I kind of like the Frank Lloyd Wright hotel, because I stayed there once, with a woman, and it brought back fond memories.

Mary Martha said...

#4 is my favorite. It's always fun to see the look on people's faces when you call out their BS.

JAORE said...

3 and 5 have a lock on the worst two.... Sweet Baby Geebuzz, who are these people?

Stephen St. Onge said...

        I gotta go with the lizard present.

Ann Althouse said...

"3 and 5 have a lock on the worst two.... Sweet Baby Geebuzz, who are these people?"

Here's where you can see that your taste is different from mine.

Temujin said...

Always a day late on these. The 7 Ele en video was awful. Feels like you posted another video from this same guy a day or two ago and he just talks in his monotonic voice about nothing.

I love all the others. Even the crazy FLW Tower, located in Somewheresville, OK. But my order would be:

1) Lizard.
2) Vacation
3) FLW Tower
4) What is a woman?

5) 7 Ele en

Freeman Hunt said...

I've been to one resort that required armbands. I'd never heard of that and was appalled.

Rollo said...

I liked all of them except boring Zen pizza box guy.

Matt Walsh looks like the bearded guy in those Ameritrade commercials. The other guy looks like the young Kiefer Sutherland.

It's nice that you don't realize at first that the baby or doll is actually a lizard.

Vacation guy -- now that everyone can be an artist or philosopher or filmmaker or poet, what's the point of trying to be creative?

MOfarmer said...

Theme from a summer place! Wow does that bring back memories. Lizard an added touch.

loudogblog said...

The "What is a vacation. What is a weekend" video was really good. I felt like I was watching a short film.

The "what is a woman?" one was funny because the author used the circular nature of Tik tok videos to drive home the point of a circular argument.