June 23, 2022

For tonight, I've curated 10 TikTok videos. Let me know what you like best.

1. Joke meets cancel culture.

2. Top skill — embroidery with coriander

3. The shortest, looniest video.

4. Miming looking for your wife in a room full of women.

5. Hearing negativity.

6. What his hair this morning is giving.

7. When Harry and Ringo wrote their disco joke into a song.

8. Must Dad say that every time the server brings the bill? 

9. If European-Americans were the traditionally subordinated group: First day at work sketch.


BonafideView said...

The complicated joke of our times eventually reached a funny punchline. The baby loon on the peaceful lake was precious. The negativity tiktok was quite positive. Geez Louise was very midwest funny. But my favorite by far was Number 7, the great pun by the great talents Nilsson and Starr.

Lurker21 said...

The traditionally subjugated lady is still annoying. The 911 animations more than made up for all the rest. Here is a blonde lady who does a pretty good Kamala imitation, and a guy who's act needs some work.

farmgirl said...

I’m still not finished last night’s TikTok list!!! I did love the conversation/small talk one. Showed it to my oldest, who was visiting- she watched the whole thing only to say: what did I just see?

He was very good.

Will Cate said...

By a country mile, the 911 Animation was my favorite of this bunch.

Ann Althouse said...

"The traditionally subjugated lady is still annoying."

She's being annoying for comedic purposes. So many comedians are about being annoying!

Sydney said...

Laughed out loud at the 911 animations.

Whiskeybum said...

For me, #3 hands down. The beautiful sound of the loon’s call beats all those other human attempts for attention.

readering said...

Watched first one about 6 times in a row. Liked the last one; had heard #1 before without the visuals.

David Begley said...

#3. Loon.

The rule of Lemnity said...

My heart was already melted by the time the kid said she wanted to tell the operator about her trip to Disney on ice.

Susan in Seattle said...

The 911 calls. Dispatchers have a really tough job.

n.n said...

It could have been worse. It could have been Hutu and Tutsi, or Xhosa and Zulu, or Kenyan elite and deplorables. Perhaps Han Chinese and every other POC ethnicity... in a montage of slavery and diversity [dogma], enslaved, scalped, and subordinated in systemic progression to take a knee, beg, good boy.

n.n said...

So many comedians are about being annoying!


Stephen St. Onge said...

        1, 7, 10, 4.

Nancy said...

The loons were beautiful. But was the guy in the canoe planning to shoot them?
911 calls were pretty funny. Loved Disney on Ice. When my grandmother was in the hospital and the nurses didn't respond to her call button, she called 911. The police showed up because they had to. Next time she got a really prompt response from the nurses.
The others I could live without.
The subjugated lady is not funny. She is resentful and boring.
My husband says something that makes me laugh when we get the bill at a restaurant -- every time! Quoting Groucho Marx in "Night at the Opera" he exclaims "[whatever the amount is]! That's an outrage! [Turning to me] I wouldn't pay it if I were you."

Ann Althouse said...

Re annoyingness in comedy

There's a Marx Brothers movie where a minor character — after putting up with endless Chico-and-Harpo annoyingness — bursts out with "would you quit annoying me!" That always makes me laugh, because you've suddenly got a character saying outright and correctly what is the basis of all the humor. They're being annoying. If it were real life, these people are way out of line, but because we're in the *audience* watching a show, they're hilarious. Unless you don't like that kind of humor. Maybe you feel sorry for the person they are annoying.

The movie is "Duck Soup."

Here's the scene.

Ann Althouse said...

Interesting coincidence: I wrote my Marx Brothers comment (at 5:25), then went to approve comments, and then I read Nancy's comment (4:50) for the first time, and she mentions the Marx Brothers.

Pure coincidence? We were talking about about annoyingness... but Nancy's comment is about the Dad video, mine is about the black/white switcheroo.

The Tangerine Tornado said...

This is pretty amazing.

I read Althouse's comment at 5:32AM. Having skipped Nancy's comment at 4:50AM, I went back and read it for context (sorry Nancy!). I read the Groucho quote from "Night at the Opera" and it hit me.

My best friend growing up (and Best Man at my wedding) emphatically said that very quote a number of times over the years. I thought he made it up himself, and I'd always chuckle when he did it. I never got the reference until today! It's pretty early here but I LOL'd anyway!

michaele said...

The dad saying the same thing struck a chord. I had a brother-in-law from MN who always said in response to How are you? "I'm super duper fantastic." Early on, I'd try to come up with a teasing response of commiseration but he eventually wore me down.

PigHelmet said...

My grandfather (a West Virginian, as we all were) used to push himself away from the table after finishing his supper and announce, “I have et a sufficiency. More would be a superfluity.”

LH in Montana said...

When I watched the embroidery with coriander, I said, "That's cilantro!" But I learned something: They are the same. We call it cilantro in the West. The East calls it coriander.