June 23, 2022

The hypocrisy montage you've been waiting for. Or fearing.

ADDED: Why did the GOP take so long to put this together? Did the Gillum arrest finally light a fire under their sedentary ass? (The reference to Gillum comes at 9:48.) It's just amazing that they let Democrats go on so long about how horrible it is to deny the results of an election. They've been allowed to deny that they too are deniers. They've been denier deniers.


Meade said...

“Andrew Gillum is the governor of Florida” — Vice President Kamala Harris

gilbar said...

So, these FELONS will be Barred from Any further office, correct?

Achilles said...

We know why the democrats are fighting election integrity proposals at every place they are implemented.

We know why the democrats fight audits and block transparency.

We know why democrats collude with giant corporations to censor people who disagree with them.

The democrat party has one principle: Power over other people.

You have to be a shitty fascist to support the democrat party at this point.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I got thru some of that.
What a sickening reminder.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Is it any wonder they feel obligated and encouraged to use ballot harvesting and unprovable cheating?

rehajm said...

Enjoy cause that’s as far as it will go. No show trials for them…

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Isn't Hillary a vile disgusting troll from hell?

Mark said...


JK Brown said...

I just listened to the Federalist Radio Hour 'Watergate At 50: Is Everything We Know Wrong?' podcast from a few days ago. Very interesting story by Geoff Shepard, author of "The Nixon Conspiracy: Watergate and the Plot to Remove the President," who was in the Nixon Whitehouse. He's pulled a lot of documents showing collusion between the judge, prosecutors and the Senate lead counsel as they've been opened up starting about 8 years ago. He details things kept secret by those in the Establishment to ensure they got the outcome they wanted.

Yes, the break in happened, but the Watergate scandal was the first shot by Democrats and what we now call the Deep State to remove a president the bureaucracy didn't like. After all, except for Eisenhower, Democrats had controlled Congress and the Presidency for the preceding 40 years.

For Democrats, any election they lose, was stolen


Leland said...

When you see them as the insiders with Trump and his supporters as outsiders, it becomes clear there is no spoon.

Narayanan said...

GOP seems to have learned late in the game that they may be cheated again and never win again

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

I watched only a minute or so, and I hope that the Rs cut it into sound-bite sized chunks for use in campaign ads.
As to why it took so long, maybe they have kept their powder dry until midterm elections approach. That would require giving the Rs credit for planning ahead and using smart campaign tactics, things not clearly demonstrated in the past.
One can hope. After the debacle of Cornyn and the Dirty Dozen selling us down the river on gun control, it seems more likely that the GOP is run by a cabal of its enemies.

Drago said...

I feel worst for Gadfly the Hopeless. I wonder which Media Matters/MSNBC talking moron he/she/xe will turn to for solace in these difficult times. You know, like all "True Conservatives" would do.

Thoughts and prayers, of course.

Drago said...

Narayanan: "GOP seems to have learned late in the game that they may be cheated again and never win again"

At least 50% of elected republicans in the Senate would be thrilled with that result.

Raffensberger and Kemp will no doubt tee up GA for a rerun on 2020 in 2024.

Josephbleau said...

The GOP is certainly run by a cabal of its philosophical enemies. Remember the tea party? The thing known as MAGA is the counter cultural force that is uniting ordinary people against the democrat Pelosi clones in defiance of RINOS. The conflict is largely in the media, where Repubs gone astray talk it up.

The Kentucky Kernel of the senate needs to be replaced with the other Kentucky one. McConnell has has had some good tactical wins though.

Even though your Torpedo Squadrons are shredded and your Fighting squadrons are on the deck squabbling with zeros, a few flights of SBDs will dive in and plant 2000 lbs each on the Akagi.

Republicans will win and will inherit Beiden's ashes. Will they choose the simple route and win the future? Or will they fragment and become as bad as the President Select? Time will tell.

Google and Facebook and Amazon are Brilliant Jewels. But bring them into the open. twitter-- meh, who cares.

Josephbleau said...

BTW there is evidence that there was a lot more to watergate than a simple burglary. Perhaps the first FBI coup. Since they were successful the first time, they tried again? No? Dean was certainly active in preventing his wife's history as a call girl used by democrat elites to be exposed.

readering said...

No comparison.

effinayright said...

Mark said...

No, hypocrisy.....straight up.

(or are you excusing what they actually said?)

We don't expect you to respond....you almost never do.

J Melcher said...

It usually seems to go unsaid that 2016's purported "Russian Interference in the election" consisted of obtaining and disclosing actual records from the Democratic National Committee's "personal" computers.

Learning and telling the truth about Democrats is "interference". Or, sometimes, disinformation.

And when Hunter Biden's computer was obtained and the contents disclosed, the public was conditioned to agree that such disclosures "had all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation."

Drago said...

readering: "No comparison."


The democraticals were lying about non-cheating while Trump was calling out clear corruption.

Original Mike said...

"Why did the GOP take so long to put this together?"

It's called "giving them rope."

traditionalguy said...

As I recall Hillary was angry about the sure thing election count had been prearranged and paid good money for was stolen back. To her that was betrayal that required Russian computer assistance. She overlooked Admiral Rodgers.

le Douanier said...

Althouse is funny.

She has had posts where she lets us know that she could only handle some number of seconds of a video’s blather.

But on this video she was thankful for the whole, long thing.

Some of her con commenters couldn’t hang in for much of this video. But it’s longness was long overdue from Althouse’s POV.


Gunner said...

Most of us know all this. We lived through it for 21 years. Democrats endlessly called George Bush illegitimate and 9/11 only stopped it for a few months.

Jupiter said...

Hmmm... The real issue here, is that the District of Columbia is under Democrat occupation. Is it possible we can get the Russians to nuke it? I have to say, it seems like that's what the Regime has in mind, with the Lithuanian provocation.

Jupiter said...

It is interesting to reflect, that the Framers realized that powerful and wealthy men would control their States. Their intention was that the policy of the federal government would be decided by the contention between those men, as represented by way their States. They did not design a democracy, but a Republic. However, the men of every State were unwilling that the Capital should reside in a State other than their own. They therefore created the District of Columbia. It did not occur to them, how pernicious it was to create a State whose only source of income was the Federal Government, and to allow the federal government to conduct its affairs within that State.

Wa St Blogger said...

No machines. Purple fingers, in person, with ID. You must apply for an absentee exception, and all mailed in ballots must be one-to-one associated with a person who applied for the ballot. Hire accounting firms to do random audits of 5% of all precincts after every election.

I think this would satisfy all the complaints lodged by the concerned politicians contributing to this video.

Is this not the only way to do it?

Jupiter said...

District of Columbia = Mordor

wendybar said...

And you wonder why America is so divided?? Imagine if Americans actually saw this instead of the spoon fed propaganda they get daily from the Propaganda media.

Mary Beth said...

However, the men of every State were unwilling that the Capital should reside in a State other than their own. They therefore created the District of Columbia. It did not occur to them, how pernicious it was to create a State whose only source of income was the Federal Government, and to allow the federal government to conduct its affairs within that State.

I would like to see all of the federal agencies have their headquarters moved out of DC. It's not necessary to have them there in the age of internet and Zoom calls. Spread them out. Move them closer to the people they are supposed to be serving (Dept. of Agriculture out near farmland) or move them to areas that have had high unemployment because of the loss of other industries.

The president, Congress, and the Supreme Court can stay where they are. For now. The rest don't need to be concentrated in DC anymore. Move them out of their bubble.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Speaking of Admiral Rodgers... anything new from him? Did he get Arkanacided?

farmgirl said...


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

this is what we get from the Stasi democrat party

boatbuilder said...

Why now? Because it has dawned on them that, after two years of pretending that Trump's complaints were unfounded, they might lose their wave because the Dems will pull out all the stops in November.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

When Jimmy carter dies - I'm throwing a celebration party

JPS said...

Mark, 7:57 PM:


I love this. And I'm not using "I love" in the Althouse sense. It's like a new Godwin's Law corollary.

The charge of "whataboutism" makes some sense when the retort is obviously irrelevant to the question at hand, when it's a grasping distraction. Like the story of the American bigwig visiting Moscow in the 50s or 60s. He praised the Moscow subway system, the engineering, the architecture, the decor. After a long wait he asked mildly, "Where are the trains?" His Soviet government host demanded, "What about your Negroes in the South?"

That's some grade-A whataboutism right there. Here's the modern kind:

A: The other side is doing something dangerous, reprehensible, and unprecedented.

B: This is a montage of you and your allies doing exactly that.

A': That's whataboutism!

A": That is completely different.

John henry said...

Wa St Blogger said...

No machines. Purple fingers, in person, with ID.


You mean like Puerto Rico doe it?

But we add some things to make it stricter than you are suggesting.

Still, a good start

Michael K said...

I loved seeing Alcee Hastings complaining about corruption.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Mark said...

Whataboutism: What a flaming hypocrite says when his flaming hypocrisy and total dishonesty is being pointed out

So, thank you Mark for agreeing that every single Democrat complaint about Trump's refusal to accept the election you all stole is in fact total bullshit

"No comparison."

If by that you mean "we Democrats were making shit up, and just really upset that SCOTUS wouldn't let us steal the election. That's totally different from Trump being outraged by obviously illegitimate behavior like Democrat vote counters kicking out poll watchers and then immediately starting to count votes"?

In that, but in no other way, you are entirely correct