"... launched after a liberal politician named Salman Taseer was assassinated by his own bodyguard for his denunciation of the harsh legal punishment of a Christian peasant woman accused of blasphemy. The anti-blasphemy group built a cult around the bodyguard, Mumtaz Qadri. After he was hanged for murder in 2016, they declared him a martyr for Islam, built a shrine near the capital, Islamabad, and formed a new political party, Tehrik-e-Labbaik Pakistan... Labbaik’s leaders have repeatedly declared that they do not condone violence, yet they also preach that blasphemers deserve to die, and their crusade has inspired incidents of murder and arson. At a college campus in northwest Pakistan, a secular student was accused of blasphemy and beaten to death by classmates in 2017. A few days before the Sialkot attack, a mob burned down a police station in the northwest after officials refused to hand over a prisoner accused of blasphemy."
From "The mob killing of a factory manager in Pakistan comes amid surge in anti-blasphemy violence/This religious crusade is rapidly gaining popular support and could threaten the country’s stability" (WaPo). The factory manager, "preparing to repaint the walls for a visiting delegation, had taken down some religious posters that praised the prophet Muhammad and tossed them in the trash," and "several hundred workers chased him onto the factory roof and then dragged him into the yard, where they beat, stoned and kicked him to death, then set his crumpled corpse on fire."
Wait…are we surprised?
The religion of peace has offered examples of what it considers the Rules for Peace, continuously for centuries. Peace, in Islam, means submission. Nothing more, and certainly nothing less.
where they beat, stoned and kicked him to death, then set his crumpled corpse on fire."
You cannot coexist with those who refuse to coexist with you.
I’ve committed blasphemy against the Dem narrative, I got banned on Twitter and AMZN book reviews.
And this is the country that tricked our elite Washington leaders (specifically the old Republican establishment Bushies) into giving them hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions, to fight Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda, and support our efforts in Afghanistan.
Merry Christmas Pakistan!
Is this the future of the "woke" in America? We may not execute, but we cancel. For crimes no more obscure.
Why, this can't be.
We were indoctrinated that Islam is the Religion of Peace, and Muslims were in great danger in the USA from backlash and violence.
and how do our LGBTQWERTY antifa progressive antichristians feel about This?
totally in favor of it, right? i mean; right?
I'd had a lovely supper, and all I said to my wife was, 'That piece of halibut was good enough for Jehovah’.
In the US we just make sure that people are fired and get no services.
These are the same people that push cancel culture in the US.
There is a reason why western leftists have allied themselves with Islam.
They are both just tribal supremecists attacking other tribes.
But it’s irrational, a phobia, to have concerns about Islam.
"...a mob burned down a police station in the northwest after officials refused to hand over a prisoner accused of blasphemy."
where,oh where, is Gary Cooper when you need him?
See thereligionofpeace.com documenting Islamist atrocities.
Kudos to GW Bush for perpetuating the myth called “Religion of Peace.”
Are we really that different in the USA now? How far is the cancel culture from stoning for blasphemy? Right now I think it is akin to blasphemy in the USA to take issue with the BLM, Trans, or Global Warming positions.
---- At a college campus in northwest Pakistan, a secular student was accused of blasphemy and beaten to death by classmates in 2017.
Look how barbaric they are. Our college students just deprive classmates and faculty accused of blasphemy of their livelihoods.
>>Labbaik’s leaders have repeatedly declared that they do not condone violence, yet they also preach that blasphemers deserve to die
I think I've found the problem....
Is misgendering somebody blasphemy?
"a mob burned down a police station in the northwest after officials refused to hand over a prisoner accused of blasphemy."
Imagine the take on this if the mob had been after Kyle Rittenhouse.
These demonstrations sound mostly peaceful to me.
As Obama told the UN, "The future does not belong to those who slander the Prophet Mohammad". And by slander he meant draw a picture or tell the truth.
Cancel culture.
Freedom of religion is a white, bourgeois concept. They deserved to die.
"Our college students just deprive classmates and faculty accused of blasphemy of their livelihoods."
Don't count on that lasting. The German professors spent 70 years imbuing their students with the principles and beliefs that found a name only after the example of "the Soviet policies of mass extermination of all dissenters and of ruthless violence"* removed the last inhibitions some Germans had against wholesale murder. Coincidentally, we are just over 70 years from when those same professors now ensconced with their fellow travelers in US universities could set to work imbuing "their disciples with a hysterical hatred of capitalism, and preach[ing] the war of “liberation” against the capitalistic West". Hmmm?
*von Mises, Ludwig (1947). Planned Chaos
Are we really that different in the USA now? How far is the cancel culture from stoning for blasphemy? Right now I think it is akin to blasphemy in the USA to take issue with the BLM, Trans, or Global Warming positions.
Conservation of reliogeosity; people don't stop being religious when they abandon one set of beliefs, they simultaneously transfer those impulses elsewhere. Especially since the underlying motive in both cases is for leaders of the mob to cement their status and power.
JAORE @ 8:19:
"...a mob burned down a police station in the northwest after officials refused to hand over a prisoner accused of blasphemy."
Oh, yeah. Portland, right?
---The factory manager
This incident sounds suspiciously like a labor relations issue masquerading as a blasphemy persecution.
The difference that individuals can make. From 50,000 feet it might seem India is always the same old India. The Moghuls made some difference in the north, leaving a substantial number of Muslims behind, but a lot of the old ways have tremendous force, especially in rural areas. Caste, which is not supposed to exist, especially harsh treatment of women in the name of tradition, etc. I see a government committed to secularism and progress, and as far as I know they are making real progress.
The Brits assumed they were "giving" independence to a united India: today's India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Gandhi angered many Muslims by proposing some new national language that came across as Hindu language. At least once he said it would be good to have an all-Hindu India. For the consumption of Western intellectuals, he gave off the vibe that he didn't support the caste system, but this was probably misleading. So Muslim leader Jinnah, who spent three years in London and became in some ways very British and liberal, at some point gave up on a united India and went for a Muslim Pakistan (originally including Bangladesh as East Pakistan--also predominantly Muslim). Gandhi and Jinnah both had a lot to answer for in that Muslims in Pakistan and Hindus in India both carried out "ethnic cleansing" to secure their majorities: race riots and murder. A Muslim Pakistan was always somewhat likely to be taken over by fundamentalists; this has happened to Iran and Egypt, both of which had become very Western. India is not entirely vaccinated against "Hindu fundamentalism," but they are trying.
In what ways did the Brits make things worse? I believe they changed an agricultural country, self-sufficient in food, into a country that exported cotton and tea with profits to the Brits. They displaced farmers, in some cases turning owners into renters and then, in case of drought and non-payment, landless casual laborers. I guess because of some degree of modern medicine, infant mortality was reduced (despite periodic drought and starvation), so there was a "population boom" that did not match the new, somewhat reduced food supply.
Socially/politically: the Brits did bureaucratic, Western things. Let's do a census, partly for tax purposes. Let's categorize the people. The minorities were fairly easy: Muslims, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs, Christians (going back to the Portuguese about the time of Columbus), a few Persian Zoroastrians or "Parsees," a few Jews. Somehow the remainder were classified as "Hindus." Yes, there was a common set of ancient texts, but not exactly a "Bible," and there was tremendous disparity in local practices. The Brits probably "hardened" the caste system in order to clarify who can be included in what event, who can marry whom, etc. This probably made high-caste people including the Brahmins a bit more arrogant than they might otherwise have been, etc. Muslims may have enjoyed somewhat elevated status with the Brits--they were not that hard for Christians to understand. The weird story about Queen Victoria's Muslim boyfriend from India. Sikhs were also high status, and they now seem quite good at making money wherever they go. A new independent India was not necessarily going to favour the same people who had been favoured before.
let's allow as many of these people to immigrate here as wish to come
Didn't Christians used to do much the same thing back in the day? Spanish inquisition perhaps the best known though far from the worst example.
With Christians it was often more about how the Christian beliefs were held than about whether they were held at all.
Catholics vs protestants and vice versa.
Or see the case of the Scottish apprentice boys late 1700s a half dozen teenagers executed for being insufficiently devout.
Salem witch trials
The list is pretty long
Didn't jews do this too? In Exodus (I think) they go in and kill all non-believers as well as children and even livestock.
Sikhs vs hindu vs...
Animists who worship snakes vs Animists who worship dogs
And so on.
Not to excuse it at all but history shows that it is common across most societies and that most outgrow it eventually.
gilbar said...
and how do our LGBTQWERTY
Better check your email for the latest memo.
Now LGBTQBNY is the appropriate acronym
All the more reason to 'blaspheme' against Islam when and where we can, and the reason a lot of places of historical interest to me are no-goes.
I wonder what the Uighurs make of it all . . .
Our allies at work.
It's a Pro-Choice, Pro-Choice, Pro-Choice, Pro-Choice world.
That said, demos-cracy is aborted at the Twilight Fringe.
Conservation of reliogeosity; people don't stop being religious when they abandon one set of beliefs, they simultaneously transfer those impulses elsewhere.
Another religion (i.e. morality in a universal frame, its relativistic sibling "ethics", its politically congruent cousin "law"), typically "secular" with "benefits" and millions in collateral damage.
JAORE @ 8:19:
"...a mob burned down a police station in the northwest after officials refused to hand over a prisoner accused of blasphemy."
Oh, yeah. Portland, right?
Among others. Some, Select [Black] Lives Matter (SS BLM) invaded neighborhoods in order to intimidate families and residents to take a knee a la KKK.
Baby Lives Matter (BLM)
Qui bono? As astute folk used to say, who benefits from this? I doubt the mobs are spontaneous. I doubt the movement isn't astroturfed rather than grass roots. I doubt the political and elite leadership who must be supporting and leading this movement don't have a use in mind for their well-prepared religious fervor. Hey India, sure would be a pity to have both Pakistan and China coming across mountain passes at you simultaneously, wouldn't it?
I smell a Pooh Bear somewhere in this.
Just remember this is a country that has nuclear weapons and missiles to deliver them. Now that we are out of Afghanistan we should impose sanctions on them as they are a essentially a terrorist nation aiding and abetting terrorists and drug traffickers. In the meantime The Brandon Administration ignores Pakistan and is now allowing another terrorist state, Iran, to acquire nuclear weapons and the missiles to deliver them. Of course pointing this out is considered blasphemy amongst our elites.
50 shades of Mandela, Xhosa vs Zulu, and People of White natives.
The religion of mostly peace.
I wonder what the Uighurs make of it all . . .
The majority minority ethnic groups, past, present, and progressive through Great, Green, One, and Selective Leaps.
'"several hundred workers chased him onto the factory roof and then dragged him into the yard, where they beat, stoned and kicked him to death, then set his crumpled corpse on fire."'
They're a bunch of 7th century goat-herders, what the hell do you expect?
But if those are the rules, then yes, your ass should die for blaspheming The Prophet (PBUH).
mikee said...
... Hey India, sure would be a pity to have both Pakistan and China coming across mountain passes at you simultaneously, wouldn't it?
Pakistan and India share the Indus 5-river plain = PUNJAB >>> no need to come over mountain passes.
Hindus 'extremists' in India dare only to attack Christian conversion evangelical efforts.
: of course this could be practice sessions for later.
hombre said...
See thereligionofpeace.com documenting Islamist atrocities.
Kudos to GW Bush for perpetuating the myth called “Religion of Peace.”
G W Bush said that after meeting Bernard Lewis and crediting him with it : in effect daring Lewis to call President a liar!
What a day! What a day, for an auto da fe! - Candide libretto
You have to understand Pakistan culture to appreciate how blasphemy laws are tooled to destroy anyone opposing someone with an agenda. Easy to throw the accusation and almost impossible to prove innocence ( without a substantial payoff to the “right” people). Especially useful against members of religious minorities when they are more competent than a local wanting their job.
This is the nation that denied recognition to their Nobel Laurent because his sect are considered heretics of Islam ( Mo isn’t the last prophet) I don’t count Malaria Yousef since all she did was get shot in the head. And she’s right there now to tell you that you are an Islamaphobe to keep the money rolling in.
No wonder minority religions fell in Pakistan and rose in India based on their culture. And it goes without saying that Pakistan is generally #1 in porn consumption. Crazies gotta crazy.
"Not to excuse it at all but history shows that it is common across most societies and that most outgrow it eventually."
This is the 21st century, not the 17th or the 7th. We can no longer afford such things in an era of nuclear armed fanatics. People who stone to death their own for "blasphemy" aren't above supporting folks who blow up others for the same "crime". It's long past time that we drop the cultural relativism crap and call things what they are. Cultures that throw gay people off buildings, treat women as literal chattel, and kill people for "blasphemy" are wrong.
“The mob killing of a factory manager in Pakistan comes amid surge in anti-blasphemy violence/This religious crusade is rapidly gaining popular support and could threaten the country’s stability" (WaPo). “
“Religious crusade”? It’s not “crusade”. It’s called “jihad”.
Washington post should hire people who is nit afraid to use correct terminology.
“Religious crusade”? It’s not “crusade”. It’s called “jihad”.
The crusades were defensive wars, designed to stop Islamic advances and reclaim formerly Christian lands conquered and converted by force. Jihads are offensive wars designed to claim lands for Islam.
"Not to excuse it at all but history shows that it is common across most societies and that most outgrow it eventually."
This is the 21st century, not the 17th or the 7th. We can no longer afford such things in an era of nuclear armed fanatics.
Islam can't outgrow it, or reform. Any Islamic Martin Luther would have his head cut off before he finished nailing his theses to the door. By Islamic law and faith, Islam is permanently stranded in the sixth century when it was perfected by Mohammad.
Sounds exactly like what the Left wants to implement here in teh US, and in the West in general.
What those "anti-blasphemy" protestors are doing is just cancel culture taken to its logical conclusion.
Heck, Scotland's gearing up to throw "anti-trans heretics" into jail.
If you don't like what those people are doing, oppose the Left everywhere in the West
In the past decade, millions of Pakistanis have been caught up in the religious fervor of an anti-blasphemy campaign, launched after a liberal politician named Salman Taseer was assassinated by his own bodyguard for his denunciation of the harsh legal punishment of a Christian peasant woman accused of blasphemy.
I am sure the bodyguard yelled, "Taseer, Taseer, Taseer," and thought he was only giving Salman a mild shock.
Umm - "...and their crusade has inspired ..."
I remember learning in freshman English the dangers of metaphors used in the wrong context.
>>As Obama told the UN, "The future does not belong to those who slander the Prophet Mohammad".
This is a pet peeve of mine... why do non-Muslims say "the Prophet Mohammed"?
Doesn't that mean you are saying he was a (the?) prophet of God?
Would the non-Muslims who say "the Prophet Mohammed" ever say "the Savior Jesus" or "the Son of God Jesus"?
The Crusades can't be summed up in a few phrases about offensive vs defensive war, but the historical fact is that they were a response to new Muslim bosses in the Holy Land who didn't want to keep to a reasonable pilgrimage policy for Christians. I'da been pissed too.
We in the West--most definitely including most of the pious and religiose I know--take secularism and tolerance of other beliefs so much for granted that it's easy to lose sight of the cruel and bloody wars of religion that roiled Christendom before the fanaticism burned itself out, and something new was erected in Westphalia.
There won't be an Islamic Martin Luther because there's no Islamic Papacy, for better or worse.
"Blasphemy" is jargon and should be quarantined with quotemarks most of the time.
Let's go Muhammad.
I was thinking about what I'd do if I were in Pakistan. The answer was "start killing everyone in Tehrik-e-Labbaik Pakistan.
So the question then becomes: why isn't that happening?
The answer I can see is that the people supporting Tehrik-e-Labbaik Pakistan are the people most likely to be armed.
Throughout history, that has pretty much always been the case: the "blasphemy hunters" have been armed, their victims have not.
That is not, however, the case in the US. And eventually the "cancelers" are going to go after someone who no longer has anything left to lose, and is armed.
What will be interesting is what comes after that. Is the shooting a one-off? Or do "woke" executives discover that their families really need the executives' life insurance?
You cannot coexist with those who refuse to coexist with you.
If you get that on a bumper sticker sign me up for two.
John henry said...
“Didn’t Christians used to do much the same thing back in the day? Spanish inquisition perhaps the best known though far from the worst example.”
No, they didn’t. You conflate the Inquisition, a judicial process with a very low number of executions, with lynch mobs.
Bonus points for the condescending racism and contempt for Muslims. The poor little children will grow out of it one century, meanwhile can’t expect them to measure up to your standards. Feh!
Greg The Class Traitor said...
That is not, however, the case in the US. And eventually the "cancelers" are going to go after someone who no longer has anything left to lose, and is armed.
I doubt it. If it was going to happen, it would have happened by now. Despite all the talk about ‘Don’t mess with us, we’re armed’, the average American gun owner lacks the necessary balls to actually go hunting his enemies.
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