ADDED: Toward the end of this clip, Joe talks about the way people were openly talking about their hope that — because he questioned some of the expert advice — he would get really sick. He laughs. He's able to laugh, because "I was only sick for a day." "It's the worst-case scenario for them: I bounced back.... They're haters. But that's their life. They gotta live like that.... I heard that was going on, but I didn't pay attention. They're weak bitches."
The lefties/LLR-lefties are so angry over Joe Rogan not dying they are out in full force conjuring up new lies by the second to try and discredit him.
I was in my doctor’s office last week. The LPNs were telling me they fight with the drug provider when they order ivermectin. Earlier in the day they were threatened over the phone, like the way the left threatens people who don’t comply with what they demand…
Trust in Joe Rogan > Trust in FDA, CDC, Biden & Fauci combined
Isn’t that sad?
So did you fall for the Ivermectin is a crazy red state horse dewormer hoax?
I’m a bit less confident knowing the people who tried it in humans won a Nobel Prize for it…
Joe says all the covid patients in *Japan* are prescribed Ivermectin.
Ivermectin? Small potatoes.
What about the 20 million Americans taking rat poison every day?
When does the Party of Science demand the withdrawal of warfarin?
Gee. remember HCQ? It was completely useless and Trump was a criminal for "recommending it". Now, everyone agrees its helpful in treating CV-19. Ivermectin has been recommended by the Japanese Medical Association, the largest group of Doctors in Japan. People have been treated with it, and it helps them.
The AP "fact-checked" it by saysing the JMA is NOT associated with Japanese Government. Well, Okey dokey. Guess their opinion is worthless then. Note the Japanese Goven't isn't on record of disagreeing with the JMA.
LIke all this Cv-19 crap, I don't really give a damn. I'm perfectly willing to let the experts decide what's right. but the fucking news media and Big Tech and the Leftists are constantly inserting themselves in the Medical debate over the right treatment and TELLING US there's only ONE SIDE. And censoring and attacking anyone who disagrees.
I don't know why people put up with it. But it seems the leftwing elite has gotten to the point where they simply don't care. If the media lies or spreads disinformation well, thats A-OK if they're pushing the current party line.
Where is Chuck to demand that Rogan prove he had COVID?
It is very confusing that after almost two years of the epidemic, that there doesn't exist a treatment for covid or at least several options. The test, with the swab in the nose, is terrible, and after all this time it is still the main test.
Certain methods of treatment seem to work, but they are ridiculed by the media and many of our so called experts. why is that? If a treatment shows promise, why isn't the CDC or public health experts running studies to find out what works, and why. It is almost as if they don't want this virus to ever go away, or the fear that they push.
I'm glad Rogan got better so quickly. and that millions of people listen to his show. Obviously, any news about covid treatment isn't going to come from the usual media outlets. rather than try to help find a treatment, they delight in destroying those who actually are trying.
A pulmonologist I work with tells me that ivermectin is efficacious therapy for covid, and, it is really hard to get.
Who can argue with shade tree doctoring?
What is the purpose of this blog post? I learn absolutely nothing about COVID or treating COVID listening to Joe Rogan. Two lunkheads, tossing f-bombs and s-bombs and having no idea what they are talking about medically. I always feel much less informed, the more I listen to Joe Rogan. This is like going to a bar to learn about healthcare.
Nice to know Joe had a good workout. After the night of getting hammered.
Ann Althouse said...
Joe says all the covid patients in *Japan* are prescribed Ivermectin.
If that were true, "all the covid patients in *Japan*" would be receiving an unauthorized treatment:
Japan has not endorsed ivermectin as Covid-19 treatment
I'll put this in terminology that a Joe Rogan audience might understand:
I just find it fuckin' amazing that these guys are willing to try Ivermectin, and hydroxychlorquine, steroid nebulizers, Z-packs, zinc and God only knows what else. Bleach? "As a kind of a cleaning, on the inside"?
None of those things are approved for COVID treatment by any of America's best medical centers. And yet every credible physician recommends the mRNA vaccines. Elaborately tested, proven-in-a-billion-patients. Proving to be fantastically efficacious in averting serious COVID illness.
And yet fuckin' meatballs like Joe Rogan, Kirk Cousins, Bryson DeChambeau and Carson Wentz won't get vaccinated.
And to be sure here, Althouse; you have chosen to follow Joe Rogan's lead in singling out "Ivermectin." When he also received monoclonal antibodies, which are now a well recognized therapeutic regimen with COVID.
Of course you don't know what effect the Ivermectin, or the monoclonal antibodies had. And you are too smart to suggest an answer when you so clearly don't know.
I expect that Joe Rogan and his listeners are not that smart. They couldn't figure it out with both hands and a flashlight.
Why journalists (and sometimes bloggers!) write fuckin' shit about the shit that Joe Rogan fuckin' does and says. (L.A. Times.)
After a great workout and a night of gettin' fuckin' hammered.
The media lie.
Big pharma lie.
Rachel Maddow lies
Rolling Stole -LOLOLOL - what a joke - who gets their news from Rolling Stone? Idjots who watch Colbert Claptrap, msdnc, and subscribe to the Lincoln project - that's who.
...More importantly, “Dr. Hope” notes the degree that Ivermectin’s use has made parts of India, including Uttar Pradesh (population approximately two-thirds ours), nearly COVID-free. This victory, he adds, has been subject to a near blackout by our mainstream media—again, no surprise, since they act consistently as an adjunct of government when Democrat.
Only this time it’s about something that affects everyone’s life and death, including their own and their children’s. Go figure. (By the way, the doctor cites statistics showing how Ivermectin is vastly, I mean vastly, safer than Tylenol.)
“Dr. Hope’s” article is a must-read and must-disperse to any and all, if there ever was one, but what’s going on here but inches below the surface?
It’s the familiar duo—greed and control.
Regarding greed, you may have heard that Pfizer et. Al. are working on a pill to take as a preventative for COVID-19, known increasingly accurately here as the CCP-virus.
And what drug is already known to share active ingredients with the pill Big Pharma is working on?
I’ll give you twenty questions. No, I’ll give you one, because it’s too obvious—Ivermectin."
"It is very confusing that after almost two years of the epidemic, that there doesn't exist a treatment for covid or at least several options.....
Certain methods of treatment seem to work, but they are ridiculed by the media and many of our so called experts. why is that? If a treatment shows promise, why isn't the CDC or public health experts running studies to find out what works, and why."
The vaccines received Emergency Authorization for Use from the FDA, not full approval. I think Joe brings up in this clip: in order to receive an EAU, there can be no effective treatment alternatives.
Pro-marxist LLR Chuck: "What is the purpose of this blog post?"
Banned commenter LLR Chuck, who was banned from Althouse blog and bookend buddy to Howard, has thoughts about the purpose of an Althouse blog post.
If one were wondering why pro-marxist LLR Chuck is popping in here to do one of those few things that Althouse despises the most (commenting on her choice of topic rather than the topic itself), it's because LLR Chuck is reeling from the collapse of his hagiographic praise of the biden surrender/retreat/capitulate plan that our pro-marxist LLR Chuck was extolling to the heavens as perfection on earth.
If you simply track daily democratical talking points and the status of public perception regarding the performance of democraticals vs those that oppose the democraticals, every single LLR Chuck post becomes transparently obvious as to its intent.
Joe says all the covid patients in *Japan* are prescribed Ivermectin.
Not true. The chaitman of the Tokyo Medical Association gave a press conference where he endorsed the use of ivermectin for COVID-19, but the Tokyo Medical Association is not affiliated with the Japanese Ministry of Health. The situation is roughly equivalent to the President of the AMA endorsing a specific treatment while the bureaucrats at the NIH/CDC/FDA say “not so fast.” The country that is relying heavily on ivermectin is India, and as anyone who has taken an advanced STEM class from a professor born in India can attest, Indians are not stupid. The results from India’s widescale use of ivermectin are not just “promising,” they are amazing.
Conclusion #1: Rogan misspoke. He should have said India.
Conclusion #2: Either COVID-19 Delta variant is not particularly deadly (i.e., the Indian patients would have survived even if they received a placebo), or, alternatively, the conclusion would be that ivermectin really is effective when used in early stages of the disease but scientists don’t know why. Either hypothesis matches the observed data coming out of India.
Conclusion #3: The US medical bureaucracies err in focusing exclusively on vaccinations and ignoring treatment. If I was a cynical person I might speculate that key politicians and key bureaucrats in the agencies i listed above are getting bribes and kickbacks from Pfizer, Moderna, etc. But these are all very honorable individuals who never, ever, lie to us and take bribes of kickbacks, so I just cannot be that cynical.
Blogger Howard said...
Who can argue with shade tree doctoring?
Howard, the problem is that no one trusts the traditional authorities except you and some other Democrats. The AMA, now a totally political body, says birth sex registration should stop. This is insanity. Every previously trusted authority is politicized. Does hydroxychloroquine work on Covid ? Nobody knows because Trump advocated it. Ivermectin may work but it is now a political football. Is the vaccine effective ? Nobody knows. What you believe depends on who you voted for.
Oregon does not now require minimal competence in math and reading to graduate high school. National insane asylum.
Japan, India, and several other countries are mass prescribing Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.
You have to go to foreign press to get any sort of real reporting.
Ann Althouse said...
Joe says all the covid patients in *Japan* are prescribed Ivermectin.
India and several other countries with governments not controlled by evil junta's are.
There is going to be a reckoning soon.
The media in the US is cutting it's own throat with these lies.
Chuck said...
What is the purpose of this blog post? I learn absolutely nothing about COVID or treating COVID listening to Joe Rogan. Two lunkheads, tossing f-bombs and s-bombs and having no idea what they are talking about medically. I always feel much less informed, the more I listen to Joe Rogan. This is like going to a bar to learn about healthcare.
Nice to know Joe had a good workout. After the night of getting hammered.
Joe Rogan gets millions of views and downloads.
Every week more people watch Joe Rogan than the MSM garbage outlets.
Anthony Fauchi has been caught funding the development of COVID.
The media is going to get turned out pedaling this obvious lie about Ivermectin. People just got the Nobel prize for it's discovery and subsequent use in humans 5 years ago.
All of Chuck's heroes have already fallen.
It is all over but for the crying.
rcocean said...
The AP "fact-checked" it by saysing the JMA is NOT associated with Japanese Government. Well, Okey dokey. Guess their opinion is worthless then. Note the Japanese Goven't isn't on record of disagreeing with the JMA.
And, on cue, Chuck said...
If that were true, "all the covid patients in *Japan*" would be receiving an unauthorized treatment: Japan has not endorsed ivermectin as Covid-19 treatment
Chuck - our favorite statist. Doctors not allowed to proscribe what is bet for their patients unless authorized by The State.
I'm a veterinarian so I use ivermectin all the time. It's a life saver in Africa where it has been used for decades to treat river blindness (onchocerciasis) in people. Like any other drug, it has potential adverse effects, especially when not dosed properly. If I had COVID I would definitely want my doctor to include Ivermectin in the treatment plan- it has been used for so many years in so many species we really know a LOT about it and how to use it safely. It's not a magic pill, but unless you are a turtle it is unlikely to do you any harm. If you are a turtle it will kill you.
Joe Rogan mentions that the FDA could not give a vaccine waiver if there was an accepted treatment such as Regeneron or ivermectin for Covid-19. Just shows - this FDA rule might be preventing effective treatments from being accepted but it's just a rule, a protocol. It could be changed. The head of the FDA or the President could give a waiver in this novel situation. But they can't imagine doing that. Oh, it's a rule, oh, no, change it? ohhh no, no, we can't do THAT! We can let a million illegals across the border and we can desert our friends in Afghanistan and we can release accused murderers into the community. But we can't change a FDA protocol. Says Joe Biden.
Joe Rogan didn’t support Trump. If ever there was a man who should have supported Trump it was Joe Rogan. But I guess he was afraid to.
Sorry Joe, you’re just another one of these tough guys who’s a pussy at the core.
Oceania never denounced ivermectin treatments for COVID-19.
Jim writes, "It is almost as if they don't want this virus to ever go away..."
Give that man a cigar!
If you listen to his discussion, he feels he opened the door to Rona by drinking.
So drop that G&T...and get behind the notion that pharmacists shouldn't get between Doctors and patients.
There are multiple countries exploring Ivermectin.
Robert W Malone, MD
Sep 5
For those that don't know, Peru did a massive campaign with ivermectin in last half of 2020. The mortality dropped 14 fold over 3 months. A new president came in - and stopped the campaign. And deaths rose 13 fold over the next month. This figure is from:
PRESS RELEASE: Paid content from Globe Newswire
The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) Challenges the American Medical ...
Association of American Physicians and SurgeonsSeptember 4, 2021 GMT
TUCSON, Ariz., Sept. 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In a letter to American Medical Association president Gerald Harmon, M.D., the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) raises questions concerning the AMA’s “startling and unprecedented position that American physicians should immediately stop prescribing, and pharmacists should stop honoring their prescriptions for ivermectin for COVID-19 patients.”
AAPS points out that many physicians disagree with the AMA, writing around 88,000 ivermectin prescriptions per week. Also the Chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association, Haruo Ozaki, recommended that all doctors in Japan immediately begin using ivermectin to treat COVID.
Howard said... Who can argue with shade tree doctoring?
That's really disrespectful to GOF/Mask off/mask on Fauci.
Alphaville - Big In Japan
link to video
Just to let you guys know, Heather Heying and Bret Weinstein at their Darkhorse podcast had to retract? having named a paper/study praising the efficacy of ivermectin. The writer of the paper refused to share the data of the study with scientists and people who would know how interpret the data. There's no link to YouTube available because the podcast is on a 3 strikes you are out countdown, on "misinformation" grounds. So they are being extra cautions when they talk about covid. They are, however streaming over a platform called Odysee and that's were I was able to hear about this.
link to YouTube video
This doesn't mean ivermectin is not effective. It just means if you are going to make a scientific claim you better have done the work using the scientific method.
The idea that a drug that works on animals is somehow not supposed to work on humans reminds me of the primate story. Who’s the prejudiced now?
I forgot to include this link to my last comment. Sorry
link text
You might have to be a subscriber to read Matt Taibbi.
Joe talks about how covid caused him to lose weight and he'd like to lose more weight and get down to 190.
He is 5'7", so to get down to 190 means to get just below the *obesity* level of BMI.
So, he stresses getting healthy as a defense against covid, but he's obese by BMI standards (though apparently very muscular), he's smoking while he's doing this stressing, and he talks about drinking too much.
But he takes a lot of vitamins. He recommends a vitamin *drip.*
He's a weird kind of health fanatic. It's not my idea of what's healthy. Who knows if this "health" is what caused him to have an easy time with covid?
Emmit Smith (5’9”) weighed 220 when he played for the Cowboys. Single digit body fat.
But, yeah, if you’re a slave (not “enslaved person”) to the BM I, then he was obese.
You can’t ask for a blunter instrument.
“It is very confusing that after almost two years of the epidemic, that there doesn't exist a treatment for covid or at least several options. The test, with the swab in the nose, is terrible, and after all this time it is still the main test.Certain methods of treatment seem to work, but they are ridiculed by the media and many of our so called experts. why is that?”
This is answered by:
“Joe Rogan mentions that the FDA could not give a vaccine waiver if there was an accepted treatment such as Regeneron or ivermectin for Covid-19. Just shows - this FDA rule might be preventing effective treatments from being accepted but it's just a rule, a protocol. It could be changed. The head of the FDA or the President could give a waiver in this novel situation. But they can't imagine doing that. Oh, it's a rule, oh, no, change it? ohhh no, no, we can't do THAT!…”
The three vaccines are available under Experimental Use Authorizations (EUAs), because they (mostly) haven’t been approved by the FDA, because they haven’t (mostly) completed Phase III trials and/or too many side effects were discovered. Keep in mind that FDA approvals of vaccines typically take several years. And these novel mRNA (in particular) should take longer due to their very novelty. Thanks to the EUAs, these novel vaccines were being used on patients w/I maybe 9 months of being authorized - which for the government is very novel (thank you Donald Trump). The problem is that EUAs are only valid if there are no relatively effective therapeutics. Unfortunately for their EUA status, there appear to be decently effective therapeutics, such as Ivermectin. What to do? Lie, of course.
Now comes the part that is even better. One of the three vaccines (Pfizer) has essentially finished its Phase III trials and been approved by the FDA. The “essentially” part is that there are actually two very slightly different versions of the Pfizer vaccine. The first version is available under EUA. Because of that, you cannot sue Pfizer for problems with it. And the federal govt has paid for huge stockpiles of this version. But, by international treaty, because it is experimental, the govt cannot mandate its application. That’s where the second, almost identical, version comes in. It is FDA approved, so you can sue for side effects - maybe. There are minimal quantities available, and the govt can probably mandate its use, since it isn’t “experimental”. I think that the plan is to require its administration to a population that cannot sue Pfizer or the government for side effects - such as possibly the military.
@Althouse, if I got my poundage down to what was my best fighting weight when I did Tang Su Do karate and lifted weights, my BMI would still be 27.5. But I assure you there was damned little fat on me then. To get my BMI down to 23.0 I would need to weigh what I weighed as a high school athlete. And I do not see a path to get there.
Between the righties using Ivermectin and the lefties using Ketamine, there are going to be a lot of unhappy horses in the stables.
Why do you let Chucky take over the comments???. He really is aggravating, and nobody listens or reads his little tantrums anyways. He makes no sense, unless you are fluent in the Propaganda that the left spews.
"It is very confusing that after almost two years of the epidemic, that there doesn't exist a treatment for covid or at least several options..."
This fascinates me. What is going on here?
I assume the failure to develop an effective treatment protocol using antivirals and things like ivermectin is tied into a "public health" imperative to get as many people vaccinated as quickly as possible. OK. But is this really serving the public well? Shouldn't we be doing everything possible to reduce misery and death from this bug? We are going to have to live with it. Shouldn't we have all sorts of weapons in the arsenal? Do I really believe that antivirals administered early in the course of the disease have no positive effect?
"Why do you let Chucky take over the comments?"
I assume that Althouse wants a variety of voices heard. The commenters are willing to rip Chuck, Howard, etc. They don't get a free ride. The last time I read John Stuart Mill's "On Liberty" it made a lot of sense to me, particularly, the thought "He who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that."
I was pretty shocked when I asked my doctor for a preventative course of ivermectin “just in case”. He didn’t blink an eye, prescribed it immediately. I had already initiated a prescription with one of the FLCC listed doctors.
I would suggest procuring it now before they are flat out outlawed.
I note that my dogs take Ivermectin monthly, and have for their entire lives, as prophylaxis against heartworms. Rogan is in good company in his medication choices. Only the best for our doggos. Good boy, Joe, good boy.
My favorite part of Althouse's old "no comment" experiment is that I forgot that Chuck existed. The worst part of its return is Chuck's return.
BMI is a useful population indicator--if the average BMI in a population is growing, that population is getting fatter and more unhealthy. BMI tells you nothing about any individual's health level. It's being misused.
Stop naming other commenters just to attack them. I often delete comments that do that, even if they contain other material. Know that I regard YOU as the problem, not the person you're bitching about. Get back to substance. This will just be a warning. But I will delete and have done it many times. You are wasting my time and you are making the comments worse, cluttering the thread with repetitious complaints. Do you seriously think anyone wants to read what you're writing?
Read what I wrote here, explaining my objected to "right-wing squatters."
Stop trying to bully people who don't agree with you out of this space as if you own it.
objected --> objection
That's a bit misleading. Hql, in most of the world is not a prescription drug.ditto ivermectin.
In countries where malaria is still common,billions take hql daily or weekly.
Ivermectin is used daily or weekly by a billion of so people to prevent parasites.
Ss for chlorine bleach, I've been drinking a quart or so daily all my life. It keeps me astonishingly regular!
I recommend everyone do the same. Especially considering the alternative. Be sure it is diluted, of course.
John Henry
There is an "approved" treatment for WuFlu - monoclonal antibodies.
Ivermectin and HQC with Zinc are widely prescribed off-label for covid. This isn't unusual, something like 20% of prescriptions in the US annually are written off-label because they are known to work but haven't made it through the FDA approval process.
And this includes all puberty blockers used for kids diagnosed with gender dysphoria. Not a single "approved" drug exists for delaying puberty onset in children.
wendybar said...
Why do you let Chucky take over the comments???. He really is aggravating, and nobody listens or reads his little tantrums anyways. He makes no sense, unless you are fluent in the Propaganda that the left spews.
Why are you giving a doofus like Chuck so much control over how you feel and what you read?
"Why are you giving a doofus like Chuck so much control over how you feel and what you read?"
I just wish I could finally figure out how to block commenters on this blog. I started trying to figure it out during the Inga Dynasty, but was not successful.
Jean said, re Ivermectin: It's not a magic pill, but unless you are a turtle it is unlikely to do you any harm. If you are a turtle it will kill you.
Uh-oh (scuttles away)
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