"The members of Congress know, from their colleagues in Congress that, uh, you know, the, looks like a tornado, they don't call them that anymore, that hit the crops and wetlands in the middle of the country, in Iowa and Nevada. It's just across the board."I just learned the word myself a few weeks ago, blogged here.
He was referring to the storms, last year, I presume. Here's the Wikipedia article, "August 2020 Midwest derecho."
On August 10–11, 2020, a powerful derecho swept across the Midwestern United States — predominantly eastern Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana. It caused high winds and spawned an outbreak of weak tornadoes.... The greatest damage occurred in eastern Iowa, and northern Illinois, where multiple tornadoes touched down.... Terry Dusky, chief executive officer of electrical infrastructure company ITC Midwest, described the storm damage as "...equivalent of a 40-mile wide tornado that rolled over 100 miles of the state."
Now, there is something dumb about Biden's statement. He said "Nevada" when he meant Nebraska.
Big difference between Nebraska and Nevada.
And a derecho is a straight line wind. A tornado circulates.
And let's get one thing straight: Extreme weather events have NOT increased in recent decades; just the Fake News coverage of them. Controversy sells.
Iowa and Nevada occasionally matter to Democrats, Nebraska never does and there’s only a limited amount of functioning brain matter left…
So if the headline is fake riddle me this- what do the ‘them’ and ‘that’ in Biden’s ramble refer to?
Derecho and tornado two different things. They still call a derecho a derecho and a tornado a tornado…
Instead of derecho, shouldn't that be derechx?
derecho |dāˈrāˌCHō|
noun (plural derechos)
late 19th century: Spanish, literally ‘straight.’
Derechos and tornados are different weather phenomena- they haven't started calling tornadoes derechos which is exactly what Biden was trying to say. It is possible that in the past some tornadoes were misidentified, but that also has nothing to do with what Biden literally said. In his confused mind, tornadoes are defined out of existence. It is hardly fake news.
Extra credit: Who’s the ‘they’? The people running the country? The people who are told by the people running the country what to tell Biden to say?
'He was referring to the storms, last year, I presume.'
Why give him the benefit of the doubt? You just heard the word. Why would you think that a man many levels dumber than you knows the word?
Yeah, people in Iowa frequently say "I can see Nevada from my house"
Maybe Nevada County -- home to Ames.
There’s lots of assuming going on. Equally plausible is he was trying to think of ‘potato salad’ like that crazy Seinfeld old guy.
The dumb thing about his statement is that a Tornado and a Derecho are in fact two very different things.
"hit the crops and wetlands"
The wetlands in Nevada? Oh, OK. Nebraska? Iowa?
Here's a joke I heard on AM radio. Joe Biden has been wrestling with his conscience on abortion and corruption for the last thirty years which constitutes the longest winning streak in sports history
Sorry, but people still call tornadoes tornadoes.
Even if he meant 'derecho', which I agree he probably did, it is incorrect to say that term is not used anymore. You've shown us a source from a year ago using it, and although the term is rare, it is not outdated. It's not like the word 'autobubbling'.
While I appreciate Ann’s too-charitable attempt at reading Biden’s mind, the very Wikipedia entry she quotes demonstrates that tornadoes are still called tornadoes.
Just looking at him trying to look at his notes and complete a paragraph or maybe just a complete thought is mind-blowing. Distressing. And makes me want to ask all of the deep state folk if they're happy with their dirty work.
Does that make me a crazy man? A QAnon sort of guy? Who's crazier? Me or the people who thought this would be a good move as President and Veep?
We don’t call them tornadoes anymore. We call them “Biden’s”.
Just one year ago, this would have been trumpeted as another lie told by the President, by the "non-partisan" groups that keep track of political lies.
"We've got to make sure that we don't leave any community behind, and it's all across the country," Biden said at a press conference in New Jersey.
Well, we can leave 10% behind. That's OK. Folks will understand or forget.
Ann, how is it you got through 2020 without hearing the word "derecho"? Seeing as that's when the big derecho hit . . . How is it you first encountered it "a few weeks ago"?
"Nevada" might be Nevada, IA, which was badly hit by the derecho last year. It's not Nevada, the state. And the only people who confuse NV and NE are people who think both are "flyover country." In any case, good luck looking for "wetlands" in either state.
And a tornado and a derecho are alike only in having strong winds. Otherwise, to put it on a three-year-old level, which seems appropriate for some reason, derechos go STRAIGHT -- from one side to the other, see? -- and tornados go ROUND and round and round and round. Alles klar?
...looks like a tornado, they don't call them that anymore...
They don't? They never did. A derecho and a tornado aren't the same -- two different weather phenomena that sometimes arise from the same conditions. For example, a derecho can spawn tornado cells along its periphery.
Here's a logical scenario based on the Resident's disability and the existence of handlers or minders which Biden has alluded to on numerous occasions: The handlers coached Biden to use the term derecho in a bid to enhance his competency quotient. The word was unfamiliar so he forgot it when the time came to use it. Sifting through his increasingly deficient memory he retrieved tornado and misapplied it.
"Now, there is something dumb about Biden's statement. He said "Nevada" when he meant Nebraska. "
I assumed he meant the Story County Seat
>MadisonMan said...
Yeah, people in Iowa frequently say "I can see Nevada from my house"
Maybe Nevada County -- home to Ames.<
There is no Nevada County, Iowa. Ames is in Story County -- as is the town of Nevada, Iowa.
We Iowans, fwiw, pronounce it "Nevayduh" (but only for the Iowa town). Which makes me pretty sure that his perhaps having heard the name of the town wasn't the source of Biden's confusion.
Biden's pudding-for-brains doesn't understand weather and climate. NJ and NY saw a 100-year storm. That's called weather. There's been no change in climate. The North East still gets hurricanes and tropical storms today like it did a 100-years ago.
Global warming is just a massive fraud to get the climate scientists more money to solve the "climate crisis" and the politicians more power. Their solutions would involve putting all of us in the dark, banning automobiles and raping the planet to site all these "green" power sources and raping the planet to mine all the metals required to build them.
The Sun has a much bigger influence on climate which the IPCC won't acknowledge. Their climate models are unvalidated; they can't reproduce the past so they're worthless to predict the future.
We can predict solar activity rather well and it doesn't look so good. The Sun is going into a quite period, like the Maunder Minimum and the Little Ice Age. It's going to be colder over the next 30 years, not warmer. Ol' Joe "pudding for brains" Biden is going to be wishing for the warm days while he sits in his rocking chair with his lap blanket, remarking on how cold it is lately.
It seems dumb to describe a rotating storm as a "derecho" when by definition that is a straight line storm. By the way, I've been in both, and I prefer the "derecho."
"When Biden said "looks like a tornado, they don't call them that anymore," he was trying to think of the word "derecho."
It's fake news to write "Biden twisted inside out as he claims people don't say 'tornado' anymore""
For reasons others have pointed out, the Washington Examiner was correct. Althouse was wrong. He may have been trying to think of the word, but his claim was wrong. Why at this late date does Sleepy Joe get the benefit of Althouse's doubt?
"Now, there is something dumb about Biden's statement. He said "Nevada" when he meant Nebraska."
Even if he meant Nevada, the town, his phrasing was still dumb.
Has he said anything in the last few months that is not dumb, insane, or plain false? Seriously: what? Maybe the rant against the Texas abortion law: an honest expression of progressive faith. What else?
Wikipedia has a good list of derecho events. (I don't know if "derecho" has a plural.)
I've been through a derecho here in Ohio, in July 2011. It was a very peculiar storm, with ferocious winds that seemed to turn on and off. Lots of downed trees and property damage. But it was no tornado. As others have pointed out, it's a completely different phenomenon.
Biden gets more embarrassing every appearance he makes. I've never seen anything like it. All of these people around him pretending his mind is in working order. The media treating him as if he speaks with authority. It's so utterly depressing, especially coming after the most energetic and exuberant President in my lifetime.
Just more weather BS terms to make them sound extreme:
Derecho = normal thunderstorms that include microbursts, but happen across long frontal boundaries. They don't call them a "line of thunderstorms" anymore because "Derecho" sounds so much more destructive and apparently in Dementia Joe's mind they are like "tornadoes". This guy was the dumbest f*ck on the planet even before dementia set in. Now he is even dumber. Who would have thought that possible?
Polar Vortex = normal arctic fronts that push down from Canada during winters in North America. Has been going on as long as I have been alive and long before that too as demonstrated by the longstanding records across the northern plains of greatest 24 hr/48 hr temp drops.
Winter Bomb Cyclone = normal winter storm with large barometric pressure drop. See also blizzards that have been happening across North America since time immemorial. But damn doesnt "bomb cyclone" sound good and something that 'must' be from climate change.
Same old shit.
As far as what goes on in Dementia Joe's mind....who knows....but I give him zero benefit of the doubt same as the media provided to his predecessor. It's funny how the media trots out the excuses now. No they arent biased at all....
Guarantee that he was briefed on the proper terms, so this was NOT fake news
The guy can't even order his own ice cream cones correctly or walk up a flight of steps without tripping, and more goofs, yet we are to believe that he was reaching for the word "derecho?"
Right, I believe that. I really do.
The handlers coached Biden to use the term derecho in a bid to enhance his competency quotient. The word was unfamiliar so he forgot it when the time came to use it. Sifting through his increasingly deficient memory he retrieved tornado and misapplied it.
I can't wait for Joe to bust-out with more 7th grade Spanish!!
Biden's cognitive impairment continues apace.
"Here's a logical scenario based on the Resident's disability and the existence of handlers or minders which Biden has alluded to on numerous occasions: The handlers coached Biden to use the term derecho in a bid to enhance his competency quotient. The word was unfamiliar so he forgot it when the time came to use it. Sifting through his increasingly deficient memory he retrieved tornado and misapplied it."
Quaestor, I think that is exactly what happened- they gave him that word to use to try to make him look smart, and he fucked it up.
"Biden's pudding-for-brains doesn't understand weather and climate."
You misspelled "shit".
He said “da wrecko “, and he was referring to his administration.
they call that type of storm and "izquierda" in the southern hemisphere
I watched the video. Who cares that he mixed up something that is common knowledge in the Midwest. what matters to me, is how weak, and sickly he looked.
No one can say he is in good health. His speeches and appearances are a continuing disaster.
Yet the media spends its time either ignoring it, or covering up for him.
The rest of the world views biden as weak, incompetent, and incapable of doing the job.
but thank goodness he isn't mean to people on twitter.
Did you fall for Ann’s fake news headline hoax?
It's fake news to write "Biden twisted inside out as he claims people don't say 'tornado' anymore"
Oh quit covering up for Biden. He said what he said. He did what he did.
Don't act like his mental competency is not compromised.
Since we've got Joe
No more mean tweets
Since we've got Joe
No more border
Since we've got Joe
No more low gas prices
Since we've jog Joe
No more stable money
Since we've got Joe
No more crime-free cities
“Now, there is something dumb about Biden's statement.”
I suspect that is pretty much baked in nearly every Biden statement.
I'm sure others have said this, but it seems as though he thinks ALL tornados are now called "derechos" which is obviously not correct -- as you know they are two separate weather events.
And, as far as I have read, nothing related to this latest hurricane has been reported as a "derecho" but they have all been categorized as tornados.
I think your attempt to defend Biden here is misplaced. If we are being charitable and believing he was thinking of derechos, it's clear he also things all tornados are now called derechos, which is not at all true and it's fair to make fun of him for such a mistake.
"Just what's on the teleprompter, Joe."
I believe there *are* wetlands in Nebraska -- certainly out in the sandhills region. Not that it helps Biden look any better here.
"it seems as though he thinks ALL tornados are now called "derechos" which is obviously not correct -- as you know they are two separate weather events..."
Yeah, but I could tell he wasn't saying that. This is like the way Trump would get mocked for every somewhat off collection of words. Yes, it would be better for both of them to speak more accurately. But I could tell that he meant that we're using the word "derecho" now to refer to a particular type of weather system that also involves tornadoes. He wasn't saying we don't call tornadoes tornadoes anymore. To claim that he did is like saying Trump said to drink bleach. I understand the desire to retaliate, but that's not how I'm going to behave in this world.
“Big difference between Nebraska and Nevada”
Better skiing and gambling in Nevada. A lot of hills that they call mountains, and even some real ones. Nebraska’s mountains are really in CO (and mostly used to belong to KS instead). Legalized prostitution too in maybe half the counties of NV. Nebraska has better college football, but supposedly NV now has an NFL team.
"hit the crops and wetlands"
“The wetlands in Nevada?”
Probably not - because most of the waters of NV are not “navigable”, because much of the state is part of the Great Basin, where the waters in those don’t flow to any ocean, but instead, ultimately evaporate instead. The waters in NE all drain into the Gulf of Mexico.
Nevada-Nebraska. What's the difference? Just a couple of those squareish states one flies over when going from coast to coast.
Old guy mind. Or if you like, senility.
I doubt that the guy who couldn't remember "derecho" and thought that the word had replaced "tornado" really had a good enough memory to remember that Nevada is a city in Iowa that was hit by a storm last year. My conviction is that he meant to say "Nebraska." I suppose it's possible that he had some vague memory of last year's storm in the back of his mind that led him to make the mistake that he did, but it's hard to believe that his memory worked well enough to remember a town where last year's storms happened and consciously single it out for mention.
P.S. I like the Welcome to Nevada "26th best small town in America" sign.
"But there is something dumb about Biden's statement. . . ."
I think at this point it's safe to say there's something dumb about every Biden statement. Sundown Joe is making Howard look like John Stuart Mill.
Derecho is also the workingman's way to order a drink straight up in Mexico.
From Althouse's bio:
'Please note that Althouse has an aversion to politics and belongs to no political party (or other organization) and never gives money to any candidates or causes. She regrets ever signing a petition, though she may have signed 2 or 3 over the course of a lifetime. And she has only once taken part in a protest (when she was a college student, circa 1970). This blog is a monument to standoffishness.'
Until the dementia ridden man who thinks he's the president needs the wagons circled around him for protection. Then she's say ridiculous things to try to protect him.
Thanks for posting this, Ann. I have (and always have had) a low opinion of Biden, but I think people rush to misinterpret his words. Another situation recently happened when Biden said that Afghans were falling from planes "four days ago, five days ago." This was interpreted by many as callousness. Looking at the transcript, however, Biden was telling Stephanopoulos that no one was being killed at that time, i.e., the evacuation was going reasonably well. Stephanopoulos challenged Biden with the account of the people falling off the plane. Biden's response was not that those people didn't matter because their deaths were 4 or 5 days ago, but that Stephanopoulos was wrong to use that example as evidence that the evacuation wasn't going well.
Of course, Biden was wrong, and his mistake doesn't help my low opinion of him. But to interpret his statement as callousness is off the mark, I believe.
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