August 27, 2021

Vertical panorama — a very hazy sunrise.



The rule of Lemnity said...

In order to get the answers Biden is willing to give us we gotta go back and take a closer look at Biden’s soul.

Remember when Althouse tried to dissect Obama by posting about his writings. Biden has plagiarized. More than once. What does that tell you? Is that the kind of man who wants to deliver good news? Telling Americans he graduated at the top of his class, magna kumbaya, when in reality, Biden was near the bottom. Why does his son call him “the big guy”. Hunter couldn’t be talking about Biden’s wealth. Biden’s not wealthy. He couldn’t be talking about Biden’s physical stature. Biden’s barely 6ft. Hunter is talking about Biden’s outside ego. The kind of ego Obama himself had to contend within days of his inauguration at a meeting with time for the press when Biden was heard saying “we won” and young Obama had to embarrass the old politician, reminding him they were going to need the defeated side to get their agenda thru.

We were just talking about how best to pull the impersonation of Kamala Harris. And that reminded me of Dana Carvey’s Bush’s impersonation. “It wouldn’t be prudent”. And what is the essence of a good presidency if not the prudent stewardship of the levers of power? There was a good reason why the growing up years of our most beloved superheroes is spent learning about prudence. “With great powers come great responsibility.”

Althouse is right. If Biden had been vetted the way they always vetted the people they don’t want, Biden would not have survived the primaries.

Temujin said...

Nice shot!

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

I saw the comment about vertical in the comments yesterday(?) and I wondered why I had never thought to try that technique. I'm always trying to frame things when I am out and about and I sometime use the panorama function for landscapes. Strange that our minds are so locked in to horizontal. Mine, anyway.

Kai Akker said...

What a nice Fed-weddy we got!

Except, I dunno, maybe I heard it wrong, but in between the lollipops, dint Uncle Jay tell us it was time to taper? What's taper?

Ann Althouse said...

“ I saw the comment about vertical in the comments yesterday…”

Yes, that’s why I did it.

I knew it was something I could do, but there’s generally no reason to do it.

typingtalker said...


StephenFearby said...


"...At the same briefing on Friday, [Pentagon spokesman] Kirby revealed that ***THOUSANDS*** of terrorists from ISIS-K, the group responsible for the attack at the airport, escaped from Bagram prison earlier this summer after Biden's troops cleared out from the base in July, leaving it to outnumbered Afghan forces to supervise them.

The prisoners were filmed being freed by the Taliban on August 15."
"The correct answer would have been to relocate embassy operations to Bagram and keep a force there large enough to defend it. But the State Dept [Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State] didn’t want that. They wanted their $800 million embassy."


StephenFearby said...


'Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller announced Friday that he had been “relieved for cause” after he posted a video demanding accountability on Afghanistan.

Scheller shared a Facebook post saying that, as of 14:30 on Friday, he had been relieved of duty — and he noted that he would have taken the same action if he were in the position of his superior officers. (RELATED: ‘I Am Willing To Throw It All Away To … Demand Accountability’: 17-Year Marine Veteran Risks Career In Viral Video)...'

'...Scheller’s video calling for accountability went viral as he said, “People are upset because their senior leaders let them down and none of them are raising their hands and accepting accountability or saying ‘we messed this up.'”

“I’m not saying we’ve got to be in Afghanistan forever, but I am saying: Did any of you throw your rank on the table and say ‘hey, it’s a bad idea to evacuate Bagram Airfield, a strategic airbase, before we evacuate everyone,” he said, throwing his own rank on the table — proverbially speaking — when he added, “I think what you believe in, can only be defined by what you’re willing to risk. So if I’m willing to risk my current battalion commander seat, my retirement, my family’s stability to say some of the things I want to say. I think it gives me some moral high ground to demand the same honesty, integrity, accountability from my senior leaders.”'

Oh Yea said...

Sirhan Sirhan granted parole by California board after 2 of RFK’s sons say they support his release.

Pretty personal to me as I was just finishing 5th grade during the '68 primary and it was the first election that I closely followed as I had been making a scrape book of news clippings of the primary for a school assignment. Like any good catholic school student, seeing the racial and antiwar turmoil, I was full of hope that RFK could heal the country. I still remember getting up in the morning, turning on the Today Show to get the California primary results and being shocked at the news of the shooting. I was ready to pull the switch for the electric chair (didn't know California was a gas chamber state) right then for destroying my hope. This was the start of my election cynicism, having to settle on supporting an uninspiring Humphrey and victory by Nixon. All down hill from there. Later came learned more about the Kennedy's and to the realization RFK would have never been what I had hoped. But still wonder what might have been.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Terry McAuliffe, candidate for Virginia governor (D), failed to sign is declaration of candidacy. The Republican Party of Virginia is suing to have him removed from the ballot. Must keep everything legal now. Look for fireworks from Virginia.

Big Mike said...

@Mike of Snoqualmie, I live in the Shenandoah Valley. It's getting interesting.

I see that Biden has had his first drone strike. Does that mean the Norwegians will vote him a Nobel Peace Prize like they did for his drone strike targeting boss back in the day?

Big Mike said...

I see that Zarifa Ghafari, (former) female mayor of a city in Afghanistan and and prime target of the Taliban, succeeded in slipping out of the country is now in Germany. I'm glad.

Big Mike said...

I see that Capitol Police Lieutenant Michael Byrd is proud of having killed Ashli Babbitt. His reason for doing so sounds to my ears as though "she needed killing" has become acceptable again, for the first time since the 19th century.

Yancey Ward said...

That would make a fine jigsaw puzzle.