ADDED: If you go into the comments over there at the NYT and you put them in order of "most liked," you'll see an unbroken chain of comments supporting Joe Biden: "It seems to me that the media is being less than fair to Joe Biden over this," "Has it really gone wrong?," "Did the Trump Surrender Agreement with the Taliban provide for evacuation? If it did, what did it say? If it didn’t, why not?," "Frankly I’m dismayed that the media is now declaring this a disaster," "Thanks President Biden for making this brave decision albeit flawed execution. When we end this if there are no US troop live lost and Americans evacuated with as much of our allies. It will be remembered as a very good decision and no one will care about execution like Vietnam withdrawal."
August 22, 2021
"The nation’s top national security officials assembled at the Pentagon early on April 24 for a secret meeting to plan the final withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan...."
"... Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III and Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, met with top White House and intelligence officials. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken joined by video conference. After four hours, two things were clear.
First, Pentagon officials said they could pull out the remaining 3,500 American troops, almost all deployed at Bagram Air Base, by July 4.... Second, State Department officials said they would keep the American Embassy open, with more than 1,400 remaining Americans protected by 650 Marines and soldiers. An intelligence assessment presented at the meeting estimated that Afghan forces could hold off the Taliban for one to two years. There was brief talk of an emergency evacuation plan — helicopters would ferry Americans to the civilian airport in Kabul, the capital — but no one raised, let alone imagined, what the United States would do if the Taliban gained control of access to that airport, the only safe way in and out of the country once Bagram closed. The plan was a good one, the group concluded.... 'It’s a rational drawdown with our allies,' [Biden] insisted [on July 2d], 'so there’s nothing unusual about it.'
But as the questions persisted, on Afghanistan rather than the economy, he grew visibly annoyed.... 'I want to talk about happy things, man.'"
That pledge, compounded by missed signals and miscalculations, proved impossible.
Proved impossible for Joe Biden and his generals. There, fixed it for the Times editors. It was impossible for this bunch of inept nitwits, but people more willing to soberly assess risks would surely have done better.
And does Joe Biden really think the economic news is “happy things, man”? People in the real world are staring at the return of Carteresque inflation. Last time around that ushered in Reagan by back to back landslides. The re-election of Donald Trump in 2024 might be a best case scenario for the Dems if inflation does return.
So the moronitude was general. At least in BIden's case, he's an actual moron. His incompetence is almost excusable.
But the rest of them? Nobody stood up and offered to resign if this steaming heap of a "plan" were approved?
We're lost.
"First, Pentagon officials said they could pull out the remaining 3,500 American troops, almost all deployed at Bagram Air Base, by July 4..."
see? i'm not a FOUR star general i'm not even an O-1), but EVEN I KNOW ...
You pull out of Bagram, LAST; if, at ALL
"I want to talk about happy things, man."
Yessiree, the adults are back in charge.
No one has pushed the experts why they shut down Bagram Air base.
A city within a fortress with scalable ability to support 10's of thousands of people.
Instead the experts decided a single strip commercial airport in a topographical bowl, inside a city of almost 5 million people.
As noted elsewhere, this is the same 'cops that cant shoot straight' we are going to trust spending $3.4 trillion to change the average temperature of an entire planet.
If almost all of the US troops were already deployed to Bagram, it should have been done last. When you move out of a house, you don't arbitrarily pick which rooms go in which order - you clean/close out the least needed rooms first.
This kind of leadership (or lack there of) is so sad and dismaying. What is going to become of our country after 4 years of a Biden/Harris administration populated with such feckless individuals? The literal millions of illegal aliens who will be in our country at the end of this time can't possibly be good for the well being of the United States and the legal citizenry. We have been betrayed from within.
The country went off the rails when the Dems wouldn’t hold Bill Clinton accountable because their policy wishes might be jeopardized.
Then came Hillary and Benghazi and now Joe and Afghanistan.
The screwups keep getting bigger as the offsetting policy dreams grow exponentially.
What we should have done:
First evacuate all the US citizens.
Next get all our equipment out
Blow up all the bases.
And only then withdraw the troops
Easy peasy
Joe could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and not lose the NYT commenters.
They’d blame Trump for putting the idea into his head.
Are there any men of steel, competent in war game strategy and military history, sitting in the upper tier of our military? Or was this the actual plan, to cause a great burst of the American psyche, in front of the whole world, to bring on a great reset? Both options are horrendous to contemplate.
Joe Biden wanted to leave Afghanistan in the worst possible way, so he did.
Hopefully, Rambo brings female help to rescue the trapped Americans from the besieged Embassy in this installment. The woman lead character should be a lesbian woman of color. I suggest Zoe Saldana in the role although there might be a little pushback being as she is not a lesbian in real life. The holdover Generals who were politically protected/advanced by the previous President will be the bad guys, and the competent and empathetic current President should be played by a gentler version of Morgan Freeman. I think Tom Hanks is a little out of reach but he is the only white man that should even be considered for the role. The actor who plays the President must be universally beloved, that's the most important thing. Denzel. Scratch Morgan Freeman.
"An intelligence assessment presented at the meeting estimated that Afghan forces could hold off the Taliban for one to two years." Consequences? Or does no one care if intelligence assessments turn out to be completely worthless? Next time maybe use a Ouija board.
Wikipedia doesn’t have a list of US cabinet level resignations. It’s that how rare they are?
I’m going to say the obvious. The pentagon top level people need to resign.
So difficult not to have top staff turn into flatterers, lowering their effective IQs by many points. "Afghanistan was heavily Westernized in the 1970s, was it not?" "Up to a point, Lord Copper." I still have this uneasy feeling that the Pentagon wanted to sabotage any withdrawal from Afghanistan, to ensure no president is ever likely to try such a thing again.
For Biden, happy things. Every morning, a lot of attention to clothing, appearance, perhaps the levels of drugs, and then: can we get ice cream and go to the zoo?
"The plan was a good one, the group concluded,"
Just after, the members of the group also concluded that each one of them was "jolly good fellow."
Cakes, crumpets, and tea then followed.
I want to talk about happy things too, man. However, I have empathy for those thousands of US citizens trapped in Afghanistan wanting to talk about happy things. To NYT commenters, preventing civilians lives lost is as important as preventing troops losses. All lives matter.
A number of commenters have suggested that the MSM has turned on Biden. I think that the comments running so favorably in his direction suggests that is not the case with this core constituency (NYT readers). I think that with that support, the Democrats may not see a solution for their doddering, increasingly senile Biden problem for the foreseeable future.
They don’t seem concerned that Biden appears to have screwed this up royally. Several days ago, everyone was pointing fingers, and too many were ending up pointing at Biden, including a number who worked for him. We may be seeing the start of a new narrative - that getting out was a good thing, that breaking a couple eggs is sometimes necessary to do good things, and then the lie, that Trump would have done a worse job.
The scary thing is that Biden, himself, seems to have been the one who really screwed this up, and did so for personal reasons. So much for their reassurances that he had good people around him, helping steer him when necessary. The apparent reality is that Biden is usually in his senile fog, and the people around him run the government, which was the plan from the first. But his signature is required, and if he gets a hair up in his nether regions about something, like he did here, that is the cost of running a figurehead Presidency.
How does a Nation go to shit?, Gradually, then suddenly.
Regarding the comments to the article, Party Uber Alles. Democrat voters have shown themselves to be all about The Party. More than their families, their children, their country. Party and some sort of secular religion is everything. No rational human being could look at what has taken place and remark that it'll be viewed as the right move, and let's blame it on the administration who left 8 months ago.
These people jettisoned their reason years ago. It is a religion now, this secular/marxist thought. And it's not just the commenters. It's at every level of our society, and is especially glaring at the level of government and military. These are not our 'best and brightest'. They are either pawns or advocates of a religion that is anathema to the very existence of a free people. To put the likes of Lloyd Austin, Mark Milley, Anthony Blinken, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Marty Walsh, Alejandro Mayorkas, Deb Haaland, Janet Yellen, Susan Rice, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, in charge of our country and how we interact with the world is to give approval for our own destruction.
And you can see it in every facet of our society now. I don't know that we'll survive four more years of this without turning ourselves inside out- and not in a good way. 2022 has to result in an earthquake of change, or there will be problems we've never seen before.
The most liked comments in the NYT are scary. What level of willful blindness are those people capable of? A child could have thought up a better plan to exit Afghanistan than the Biden brain trust and yet the NYT commenters are praising this disaster. The NYT has morphed into Pravda and the requisite readers,
Progressives are regressive. They don't care about the Americans Joe left behind. They have parties to go to, and Trump supporters to bash. They are more worried about their imaginary white supremacists that they call the American Taliban. I haven't seen any Trump supporters cutting off a Progressives head yet....sooooooo, Me thinks they are spreading conspiracy theories. Kick them off of Twitter!!
Did the Trump Surrender Agreement with the Taliban provide for evacuation? If it did, what did it say? If it didn’t, why not?
That's a good question.
Here's another: Why were they meeting April 24th, 2021 to plan the final withdrawal?
Trump's agreement with the Taliban was announced February 29th, 2020, more than a year prior. What were doing all that time?
Here's an ABC News article about it at the time.
"An intelligence assessment presented at the meeting estimated that Afghan forces could hold off the Taliban for one to two years." Don't know if this is mentioned enough. The disaster that has unfolded was not an "inevitable result of withdrawing from a war". It was based on a complete enormous miscalculation, and when they discovered their mistake, an attempt to bluff it out rather than try and fix it.
“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”
—- Mike Tyson
So difficult not to have top staff turn into flatterers, lowering their effective IQs by many points. "Afghanistan was heavily Westernized in the 1970s, was it not?" "Up to a point, Lord Copper." I still have this uneasy feeling that the Pentagon wanted to sabotage any withdrawal from Afghanistan, to ensure no president is ever likely to try such a thing again.
For Biden, happy things. Every morning, a lot of attention to clothing, appearance, perhaps the levels of drugs, and then: can we get ice cream and go to the zoo?
Boy Scout Troop 26, Loundoun County Va could have done better.
Viet Nam looms large in the American memory and our exit there symbolizes so much more than “oh gee another awkward exit.” It shows how clueless the “best and brightest” often are. Every Vietnam movie and book is a cautionary tale for a reason. We generally look at that war and it’s end as how NOT to do it.
Not Joe Biden! The most devastating quote (so far) to come out of this ongoing fiasco is Joe’s callousness about the process when his pea-brain distilled that ignominious exit to: “Nixon got away with it.” That’s the bottom line for Joe: how much he can GET AWAY WITH as president to push his agenda forward and damn the cost in human suffering or loss to America and Americans much less the poor Afghans caught assisting us. He. Does. Not. Care.
He is truly careless.
NYT's commenter: "Frankly I’m dismayed that the media is now declaring this a disaster"
Appointed President Jo Biden: Hold My Beer!
Blogger Kevin said...
Joe could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and not lose the NYT commenters.
They’d blame Trump for putting the idea into his head.
I can’t decide whether this is a great putdown of Biden or one of the worst own-goals in the history of Trumpism. It is certainly funny, I’ll give you that.
If you go into the comments over there at the NYT and you put them in order of "most liked," you'll see an unbroken chain of comments supporting Joe Biden
And this, exactly...?
Commenters at NYT and WashPost are basically the American Taliban, so it's not surprising they would be critical of any criticism of Biden and would commence and anti-Trump counterattack (the Afghan Taliban are pro-Biden and anti-Trump too).
Bob Boyd: "Trump's agreement with the Taliban was announced February 29th, 2020, more than a year prior. What were doing all that time?"
Plotting ways to work with the democraticals to impeach Trump again.
There were only 2 priorities throughout the last 4 years at the Pentagon, CIA, NSA, DOJ/FBI:
1) Assist in setting Trump up for removal from office
2) Keep the forever wars going to keep the Trillion dollar grifts afloat
I should add a 3) here: come up with new ideas for medals and awards so that our "elites" could continue to emblazon their outfits with an ever greater number of accolades.
"Are there any men of steel, competent in war game strategy and military history, sitting in the upper tier of our military?"
All the competent generals were fired by Barrack Obama for not being woke enough. When Gen. Carter Ham decided to send a rescue mission to Benghazi without Hillary Clinton's authorization, he was relieved of duty before one airplane could get off the ground. Four good Americans died because Hillary and Obama didn't give a f*k about saving them.
"It's bananas yet somehow not surprising that after 20 years of things not going as we expected in Iraq and Afghanistan, we had no plan in case things didn't go as we expected." - Darryl Cooper
Ann's assessment is probably correct, as long as the Taliban continue to restrain themselves from turning the airport into a Custer Massacre reenactment. Their record is not encouraging, and ISIS/alQueada elements may take matters into their own hands. But if this squirrelly truce holds for another month, then yeah, most Americans will move on. We don't like to dwell on our failures (which may explain why we repeat them every generation).
The handling of Bagram really seems like it is being under analyzed.
We seem to have planned and executed the exit from Bagram well enough that we were able to do it overnight and undetected. Obviously, there is a huge difference between Bagram and Kabul, both in geography and population density, but is that enough to explain the different outcomes?
I keep reading about how US air support was the critical factor in allowing the Afghan military to patrol on the ground and to keep the Taliban at bay. Put yourself in the shoes of an Afghan soldier upon hearing that the US abandoned Bagram without notification or even a ceremony to hand over the keys. Can you trust that you will continue to receive air support? What if it stops when you are in the middle of battle? Maybe it is better to abandon your post now, rather than risk being caught in a battle you can't win.
Aside from a sentence here or there, I haven't seen any serious attempts at understanding what impact, if any, abandoning Bagram had on military and civilian morale. Did leaving Bagram in the way we left actually trigger the collapse of Afghan authority?
I also wonder about the impact of the Bagram exit on American military morale. What can be said about sneaking out of a major base in an ostensibly friendly government's territory without telling anyone, including our NATO allies? Operational security is one thing, but this is an entirely different level. This was a retreat in the dead of night; it almost feels dishonorable or cowardly, which certainly has not been how our soldiers see themselves. (I *really* hated to write that last sentence.)
If the US authorities believed that giving even 24 hours notification and holding a quick change-of-command ceremony at Bagram was too dangerous, what does that say about the US government's real understanding of the situation before the Kabul evacuation versus its communications to the public?
The more I think about it, the more I think that the decisions leading up to the abandonment of Bagram are the keys to understanding what has happened in the last few weeks.
Those NYT comments Ann quotes cause me to consider the possibility that some group, possibly the DNC, is mobilizing web commenters to coordinate a message.
MikeR said...
"An intelligence assessment presented at the meeting estimated that Afghan forces could hold off the Taliban for one to two years." Consequences? Or does no one care if intelligence assessments turn out to be completely worthless? Next time maybe use a Ouija board.
I'm not big on binary choices...but
Either dozens of top level people lose their jobs and State, DoD, and the IC, Or Biden overruled all of their work.
If Biden overruled all the facts, and not a single person resigned before this mess hit the fan. They are in complete agreement with Biden.
Nobody of any political stripe should accept this without massive amounts of house cleaning.
Lets not forget the past.
IC: Taken by complete surprise at the fall of the USSR.
State Dept: I need help finding anything that looks like a diplomatic success. Also, the State Dept has Ignored President Trumps success at diplomacy through Trade.
Military: Their current success is CRT, and rainbow flags. But Navy ships keep bumping into other ships in open waters, in short the Navy can't sail, Sexual assault is running rampant and Brass is clueless to address the violence.
I take Ann's closing comment on positive reader comments as a reference to the disconnect our leaders and their followers have over Afghanistan and the human cost. It's callous indifference. And it explains why our democratic Republic is falling apart.
The most charitable assessments of the comments at the NYT are that they're Chinese or Russian propaganda.
On second thought the Democrats are Chinese and Russian propaganda. I don't think it's possible to tell them apart.
“Everyone has a plan, except for Joe Biden and his Masters of War.”
—- Iman
I’ll tell ya who has plans: China, Russia, Taliban, AQ, ISIS, Iran…
"I can’t decide whether this is a great putdown of Biden or one of the worst own-goals in the history of Trumpism. It is certainly funny, I’ll give you that."
Try Door #3. Since you missed it, it's actually a put down of the NYT.
When we end this if there are no US troop live lost and Americans evacuated with as much of our allies. It will be remembered as a very good decision and no one will care about execution like Vietnam withdrawal."
Anybody that doesn't understand that the chaos of today at the airport is as good as it gets is delusional. The last day will be burned into the American psyche: Americans shooting mixed Taliban and refugees: people running for the last plane out; the angry Americans left behind; executions on the tarmac; the Iran hostages were 52. any under over on 1,000 this time?
any of those Principals who didn't offer their resignations in April, should be fired now.
Biff @ 8/22/21, 9:37 AM is worth another read.
I've only read a couple of books related to Afghanistan: The Great Game and Winston Churchill's "The Story of the Malakand Field Force: An Episode of Frontier War". Both those books mention how quickly the Afghan tribes will change sides. For that matter, when we first invaded we were able to flip a lot of tribes quickly. If some schmuck like me knows how quickly things there can change, how can our intelligence agencies not see it? The incompetence blows me away.
This is the "shit happens and there is nothing anyone could have done to change it one iota" defense.
Here is a clue- all through the last two weeks July I read story after story in the "mainstream media" that the Taliban was on the march, taking province after province. And these people in the US government with the responsibility of getting it right couldn't see the possibility that the April 24 meetings conclusions were likely to be catastrophically wrong?
The commenters above who point out the silliness of closing Bagram first nail it- who made that decision? Who agreed with it? What was their rationale for doing so?
So they waited a full three months after Biden took office to start figuring it out?
JFC, these people should all be fired.
And closing the most secure airbase early should be a capital offense.
“Commenters at NYT and WashPost are basically the American Taliban,”
I think our society is fracturing because observations which may seem overstated and inflammatory are, in fact, spot on. And since we are, more or less, talking about radically new realities with the old mannered rules of discourse (civility bullshit), all the old safety valves are plugged with super glue. While I seriously doubt anything like civil war is possible (because everyone wants the lights on and the wi-fi streaming) there’s definitely some interesting deviations ahead.
"Did the Trump Surrender Agreement with the Taliban provide for evacuation? If it did, what did it say? If it didn’t, why not?,"
It did:
With the commitment and action on the obligations of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban in Part Two of this agreement, the United States, its allies, and the Coalition will execute the following: 1) The United States, its allies, and the Coalition will complete withdrawal of all remaining forces from Afghanistan within the remaining nine and a half (9.5) months. 2) The United States, its allies, and the Coalition will withdraw all their forces from remaining bases.
The Part 2 commitments, though, are actually somewhat weak. Most of them are prospective, i.e. commitments to do something, rather than concrete verifiable steps. Substantively, Part 2 is aimed at preventing threats to "the security of the United States and its allies." It's not clear to me that, e.g., beating American citizens in the street falls within the scope of a threat to the security of the United States. It's also not clear from the text whether the US-sponsored Afghan government was counted as one of our allies. It looks like the answer is implicitly "no," since it talks about allies withdrawing "all remaining forces." So there would have been no security guarantee for the Afghan government in the period leading up to negotiation of a comprehensive ceasefire and a unified government.
All kind of academic, though, since Biden publicly rejected a conditions-based withdrawal in favour of an unconditional withdrawal back in April of this year. So even these weak conditions were no longer in effect as of mid-April.
I’m pretty sure the NSC is back to micromanaging the military as they did under Obama.
Afghanistan was seen as a distraction by the Biden Administration, with the real threat being domestic terrorism, Covid, and Chinas rise.
And the new neo has da post that postulated that the Afghan withdrawal was driven partially by Joe’s dementia and him trying to make his mark on history. I found it persuasive.
All kind of academic, though, since Biden publicly rejected a conditions-based withdrawal in favour of an unconditional withdrawal back in April of this year.
In Joe's mind the conditions would never be met for a withdrawal.
He went to withdraw with the Taliban he had, not the Taliban he might want or wish to have at a later time.
Unfortunately for Biden, the Taliban he had was not the Taliban he thought he had...
The media is not being hard on Biden - reality and the Taliban are being hard on silly Dem fake thinking.
That's what Dems do, fake thinking.
Everybody disgusted with Biden's running away, should constantly talk about the Dem choice.
However, the idea that civilians can be evacuated first is not fully cogent. Any evacuation is surrender, so the army surrendering by evacuation means more army losses as the Taliban advances - and the Afghan elites, corrupted by Uncle Sugar easy mil. money were rather easy to convince to not fight.
Few, tho not none, of the Afghan fighters are willing to fight until they die against the Taliban.
This is how clueless Chuck really is:
"I can’t decide whether this is a great putdown of Biden or one of the worst own-goals in the history of Trumpism. It is certainly funny, I’ll give you that."
It is funny, Chuck, because it is a putdown of people like you. That you didn't understand that is fucking hilarious.
When we end this if there are no US troop live lost and Americans evacuated with as much of our allies. It will be remembered as a very good decision and no one will care about execution like Vietnam withdrawal."
It is quite possible that modern U.S. society will not care at all about the torture, rape, dismemberment, decapitation, burning and shooting of the Afghan people. After all, FDR didn't give a shit about the genocide of Jews and even turned them away when they sought refuge here. Stalin and Mao and Pol Pot murdered hundreds of millions with impunity. The U.S. encouraged people throughout Eastern Europe to rise up and then turned their backs on them when they were killed, the U.S. largely yawned. We told the people of Cuba and Vietnam and Cambodia to eat shit and when the Rwandan genocide happened, American culture responded with "so?" On a DAILY basis people are shot and stabbed in American cities and people refuse to even acknowledge the slaughter unless it is a white cop who kills a black guy.
The American people are notoriously lacking in any conscience -- and if we look at the historical record, we could even say there our society is basically psychopathic in its complete lack of concern for the death and suffering of others.
The U.S. people could very well not care what happens to the Afghan people. But let's not pretend that this is anything admirable or preferable. It will be just another example of why other nations should not give a shit if America goes down the toilet.
The upside of defeat in Afghanistan
Right now the nation is facing its second defeat in the last 50 years. First, we were defeated in Viet Nam. Now we are defeated in Afghanistan. Tens of thousands of our citizens are trapped behind enemy lines. The country is reeling from this disaster.
But there's the upside. This is a defeat, a disaster so blatant, so avoidable, so close to everyone in the country that it can't be covered up. We're watching it live on TV. Keep in mind that this disaster was brought to you by the same people who thought that this was a smart idea. White House intern skipping around the office.
And that means it's an opportunity to change the direction of the country.
Conservatives - and I am persuaded that includes most of the people in this country - know in their bones that the country was headed in the wrong direction. This country was rapidly being consumed by the Left. The Left was triumphant everywhere you looked: culture, academia, government, law, medicine, churches, and especially the media were steering the country in the direction they wanted it to go. And those who objected were canceled, destroyed, even imprisoned.
Now suddenly, in the space of a few days, the Left crashed. The political leaders of the Left: Biden, Loyd Austin, General Milley, Kamela Harris, Anthony Blinken the rest of the Biden administration, have crashed.
The Afghanistan debacle was not the fault of the men who fought there, but the leaders who failed, and lied. They failed and lied so spectacularly that even its handmaidens in the press are unable to spin their way out of this.
Roger Kimball writes:
The Rotten Edifice Revealed
In Afghanistan, the technocratic legitimacy of our administrative masters is being exploded.
The problem is, of course, the wondrous world of instant communications. We have all seen these videos of the Taliban manhandling the crowds outside the gates of the airport, not to mention the scads of anxious reports from people trapped in their homes, awaiting a knock on the door from the Taliban, and news reports of the condemnation of the Biden Administration by the British Parliament. And there is the now-iconic image of that gigantic military transport plane lumbering down the runway in Kabul, surrounded by hundreds, maybe thousands, of Afghans, some of whom clung to the landing gear only to fall from the plane after it took off.
Afghanistan is becoming the largest hostage crisis in our history, making Jimmy Carter's hostage crisis in Iran disappear into irrelevance. Where are we headed? We are in for a reckoning.
For that we have the bumbling, mentally incontinent Joe Biden to thank, he and his clown car of self-absorbed spiritually adipose bureaucrats who prance about in a cloud of self-importance, shedding disaster like dandruff.
But they're simply the end result of a nation that has killed tens of millions of its children in the womb, where actual educational institutions charge obscene sums to teach children to hate their parents, their religion, their country, and people with different skin colors. Where inept government officials perform medical experiments on an entire world while lying that it's about science.
There is a God and he punishes sin. And there has been a lot of sinning. The Israel of the Bible learned this lesson numerous times. But he forgives those who repent.
If you go into the comments over there at the NYT and you put them in order of "most liked," you'll see an unbroken chain of comments supporting Joe Biden
Is this a unbreakable bubble they live in, or are these people paid by the Democratic Party? I'm inclined to think the latter.
What The Drill SGT said. As awful as it is now, it can get much worse, and probably will.
Meanwhile, we seem to be bringing completely unvetted people out--brilliant. The Trojan Airlift--any bets as to how many bad actors we're rescuing?
For that matter, game this one out. The New Bosses say, "You want to be responsible for all these people? Well, bless your hearts! We'll keep them coming for as long as satisfies your every last humanitarian impulse, and then some. Meanwhile, we'll keep looking for those missing Westerners, Inshallah."
That could go weeks, or months if we're sucker enough. Alternatively, desperate mobs can
go violent against Uncle Scapegoat's nieces and nephews.
Joe-o (the fuckitup song)
Joe-o, Joe-o
Daylight come and he wanna go home
Joe, me say Joe, me say Joe, me say Joe
Me say Joe, me say Joe-o
Daylight come and he wanna go home
Sleep all night in his soiled Depends®
Daylight come and he wanna go home
Tell more lies and it never ends
Daylight come and he wanna go home
Come, mister Taliban, eating Joe’s ice cream cone
Daylight come and he wanna go home
Come, mister Taliban, take his call when he phones
Daylight come and he wanna go home
Bullshit’s six foot, seven foot, eight foot high
Daylight come and he wanna go home
Six foot, seven foot, eight foot high
Daylight come and he wanna go home
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity. - Yeats
It is more like what Biden has unleashed... but it's not the 2nd Coming...
Just a cluster F*up by and incompetent President and his staff.
Yancey Ward: "It is funny, Chuck, because it is a putdown of people like you. That you didn't understand that is fucking hilarious."
Hilariously spot on!
LLR Chuck's comment on self-owns becomes one of his all-time greatest self-owns!
And that he keeps doubling/tripling down on it makes it even better!
And no, I am not going to accept LLR Chuck's frequent gin and tonic induced mental incapacitations as a valid excuse.
"Has it really gone wrong?,"
Well, that depends. Do you think it's a bad thing when women are enslaved, and murdered for not being good enough slaves?
Then yes, it has really gone wrong.
"Did the Trump Surrender Agreement with the Taliban provide for evacuation? If it did, what did it say? If it didn’t, why not?,"
The Trump agreement called for the US being out of there by May 1.
The Biden* Administration chose not to follow the Trump agreement.
As such, everything they did is on them. Summoning Trump is an implicit admission that your team is a total failure.
"Frankly I’m dismayed that the media is now declaring this a disaster,"
Because 10k+ Americans being left at the mercy of the Taliban is just fine?
"Thanks President Biden for making this brave decision albeit flawed execution. When we end this if there are no US troop live lost and Americans evacuated with as much of our allies. It will be remembered as a very good decision and no one will care about execution like Vietnam withdrawal."
1: Not all Americans will be evacuated
2: Most of our Afghan allies will have been ruthlessly abandoned
3: Trump decided to get America out of Afghanistan, after Obama & Biden "surged" the US into Afghanistan.
4: What people will remember is that the Biden* Admin fucked everything up, and demonstrated a shameful amount of incompetence while pissing off all of our allies
How completely divorced from reality is Joe Biden?
This is Biden on Friday:
What’s your message to America’s partners around the world who have criticized not the withdrawal, but the conduct of that withdrawal, and made — made them question America’s credibility on the world stage?
THE PRESIDENT: I have seen no question of our credibility from our allies around the world. I have spoken with our NATO Allies. We’ve spoken with NATO Allies — the Secretary of State. Our National Security Advisor has been in contact with his counterparts throughout the world with our Allies, as has the General — or, excuse me, I keep calling him a General, but my Secretary of Defense.
The fact of the matter is I have not seen that. Matter of fact, the exact opposite I’ve got — the exact opposite thing is we’re acting with dispatch, we’re acting — committing to what we said we would do.
This is the UK on Thursday:
Parliament Holds The President In Contempt
MPs and peers unite to condemn ‘dishonour’ of US president’s withdrawal and his criticism of Afghan troops left behind to face Taliban
So, the question you want to ask yourself is: What's the cause of this disconnect?
1: Biden was lying about facts so well known that you can't even really call it "gaslighting, because even he doesn't expect you to believe his lies.
2: Biden was telling the truth, his handlers had not let him find out about any of the criticism of the Biden* Admin's failures. And he's so far gone intellectually that he doesn't read news, or even listen to it, other than what his handlers choose to feed him
3: Biden is so far gone intellectually that he couldn't remember learning about those condemnations, even though they'd been happening in the last 48 hours
So, lefties, which one is it? And what does your answer make you think about Biden?
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