August 29, 2021

"Fox News found a good thing. They can make fun of liberals and they are doing it to great success...."

"I've been asked over the years many times, 'Why isn't there a conservative comedy?' And I would always give the answer, which I think was the true answer, ‘There’s not good fodder for it. 'You know, the liberals aren't crazy. This was my answer for many years.… Now, I don't think it's the same situation. I keep saying to the liberals, 'If what you’re [doing] sounds like an Onion headline, stop.' And... this is why there's an opening for conservative comedy. Because when you tear down statues of Abraham Lincoln in the Land of Lincoln, 'Land of Lincoln cancels Lincoln,' it's an Onion headline. You know, 'Three-year-olds pick their own gender' is an Onion headline. You know, a lot of this stuff that's going on the left now, it's, you know, 'Seattle votes to decriminalize crime.' Now, the problem is that [conservatives] don't know how to do comedy, but if they found someone who did.... Because comedy goes where the funny is. And there is funny on the left now as well as the right." 

Said Bill Maher, quoted in "Bill Maher amazed by Greg Gutfeld, 'new king of late night': 'Fox News found a good thing'/The liberal comedian says the Fox host has taken advantage of 'an opening for conservative comedy'" (Fox News). 

The segment continued, with Katty Kay saying "Gutfeld!" is like a Trump rally, but Ralph Reed saying: "I know Greg. He's funny. He's smart. He's quick. And particularly when you put him with an ensemble as they've done where he gets to play off other people, it works."

While Kay complained that Gutfeld's show is "pretty predictable," Maher pushed back. "I could say the same thing about the [liberal late-night] shows. Absolutely... It is the one true opinion out there. If you don't have the one true opinion, don't go in front of the audience that comes because they don't like it.... And they're there more to clap for the opinion they already believe in than to laugh. And that's what changed.... Everything became partisan. … It became more important to cheer for your team than to actually have a laugh." 

I don't think that's "Bill Maher amazed by Greg Gutfeld." It's more Bill Maher disgusted that partisanship has taken priority over comedy on what are supposedly comedy shows and acknowledging that the conservatives are now able to do that too, notably on "Gutfeld!"

Here's that segment in its original context, beginning with some anti-conservative memes:


gilbar said...

actually, it comes down to

Liberals will laugh at Conservatives
Conservatives will laugh at Conservatives

Liberals will NOT laugh at Liberals
Conservatives will laugh at Liberals

Also... ALL of the Writers are Liberals

Pj said...

Not that it’s stand up but did anyone mention thr Babylon Bee? I get at least 4 laughs a day from their stuff….and though I have no idea what his political leanings are, Jim Breuer (who I saw in Tampa in March), has been very right (leaning) in his comedy regarding COVID restrictions and the vaccines…..guess Bill Maher just doesn’t 🎼get around much anymore?

doctrev said...

I keep saying the left can't meme, but the quality doesn't have to be high because their memes are targeted at 50-something upper middle class white women. What's interesting is Bill Maher believing that comedians like Mel Brooks, Jimmy Kimmel, and Amy Schumer got there by merit. BARF. (To prove I'm a fair minded man, Rachel Bloom is possibly the most underrated lady comic talent of the past twenty years.) I can stack Owen Benjamin and Norm MacDonald up against them any day of the week and twice on Saturday. Arguably Donald Trump has better comic talent than most of the Maher Merit comedians, which is why Jon Leibowitz would never have the nads to square off against him.

Iman said...

It's more Bill Maher disgusted that partisanship has taken priority

Oh, please. He’s been one of the main purveyors of it for a couple of decades now.

Temujin said...

Funny. I just watched another clip of Maher on another website, but got the same thoughts I have always got when listening to Maher, and that is he has a textbook Liberal's view of Conservatives. Which tells me that outside of his show, or politicians, he doesn't know any.

Conservatives are not frequently found in comedy, or drama, or theater of any sort because there has been a very conscious weeding out of them for decades now, sped up in the last 10 years with an almost Taliban-like effort to eliminate anything that smacked of anti-progressive commenting. You only have to listen to the trained seals- that Maher himself trained- clapping on cue for him, to know that comedy left comedy a long time ago. He was at the forefront of what he now wistfully claims to be more partisan than funny comedy.

I've never found Gutfield that funny. He's clever, and might make a decent comedy writer as part of a team of writers, but by himself I find him to be...yes- predictable- and just so-so funny. However, the dearth of conservative comedians is not because conservatives are not funny. Everyone can be funny. Even Afghans have comedians (or...they used to). Comedy can be found in individuals of all groups. But if you are not allowed to show it, to participate in it, or if you're forced to 'act' like a Liberal in order to get a job doing comedy, then you will find most Conservatives look elsewhere for vocation. Remember who owns social media, the national networks, the theaters, and the news media. Do you think they're going to allow Conservatives making fun of Liberals on their watch? Hell, you can't even make a remark about Barack Obama to this day without getting banned.

And that's what censorship has done. Don't be surprised when the pushback comes and Liberals become the laughingstocks once again. We know that Fox News, long the only semi-conservative voice on television has for years destroyed their liberal counterparts- which is to say, all the rest of the media. So it's not surprising that Gutfield! has found an audience, as average as he is. Wait. There will be more and better talent showing up. And someone is going to have to make this decision: Do we want to make more money putting on someone that more people want to see, or should we keep sending out John Stewart wannabes? I mean, can someone actually tell me that they watch Colbert and find him original?

It's too bad we somehow can't just have Sid Caesars or Mel Brooks any more. We have to push up mediocre comedy, laced with partisanship, shot in front of trained applause seals. Maher defined this. Now he questions it. And I find him, as always, late to the show.

Bilwick said...

Gutfeld is making hay with something those of us in the pro-freedom camp have known for years: that "liberals" (that is, "tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping government jumpers and State fellators") have become ridiculous, and therefore easy targets for ridicule. It was not ever this. People like Adlai Stevenson, Arthur Schlesinger Jr., et al, believed some stupid ideas, but we're not stupid people. They've been replaced by Michael Moore, that guy with the long white fingernails, and the kind of thoughtless party-line regurgitates who sometimes post here. If you value liberty and reason, how could you NOT make fun of that gang of zanies?

Sebastian said...

"‘There’s not good fodder for it. 'You know, the liberals aren't crazy."

Two problems: 1. this assumes people have to be "crazy" to be laughed at, and 2. it shows the very partisanship Maher claims is so paralyzing.

"Now, the problem is that [conservatives] don't know how to do comedy."

Again showing partisan bias. Rush's shtick was a form of comedy. DJT is a comedian, a clown in the good and bad sense of the word. The best black comedians are all small-c conservative. Most conservatives have an inherently comic view of the world, laughing at the absurdity of progressive pretense. Maher himself is now coming around to that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I think a lot of progressives go to Kimnmel and Colberr for their "news". For their opinions.
Colbert is the cool guy who will tell you what to think.

Problem is, Colbert is asshoe.

Saint Croix said...

Why isn't there a conservative comedy?

In the entertainment capitals, LA and New York, there's literally no market for conservative comedy. Nobody would laugh. You'd be booed off the stage. So people on the right would find comedy on non-political topics.

"Dennis Miller is funny." He says that like it's a brave thing to say. It's an obvious thing to say. Dennis Miller is funny. But he was cancelled in L.A. and New York and pushed off the networks.

Now, the problem is that [conservatives] don't know how to do comedy

Notice when Maher tries to do some right-wing comedy bits -- presumably he thinks he could do comedy -- you could hear a pin drop. He's trying to make jokes to indoctrinated people and he's having a tough time.

The governor of California looks like an American Psycho, and in his recall election he's running against a black guy. That's funny. The Democrats have been race-baiting for so long they're oblivious to how insane their white people have become. Now it's insane honky versus normal black guy and we'll see how that works. I mean, these jokes write themselves.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Late night comedy used to be about comedy and escape from the world at the end of a hard day. Johnny Carson, Jay Leno, even some of the lesser late night show hosts like Craig Ferguson and others were fun to watch.
Yes - they mocked who ever sat in the White House, but it wasn't a non-stop partisan mean-girl clap trap for democrats only.
Now all of the major corporate networks are politics first, second and last. Kimmel and colbert might as well be on Nancy's payroll.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I come to Ann's lovely blog for my daily Temujin. Spot on.

tho - I do miss Bagoh.

AMDG said...

Rush Limbaugh found plenty of liberal fodder.

Hell, s show like Seinfeld made plenty of fun of liberals (“not that there’s anything wrong with it”, Kramer not wearing the ribbon, etc.).

Mike Stivic was a mirror image of Archie Bunker.

Maher’s problem is that his smugness prevented him from seeing the humor in liberal idioicy.

AMDG said...

Rush Limbaugh found plenty of liberal fodder.

Hell, s show like Seinfeld made plenty of fun of liberals (“not that there’s anything wrong with it”, Kramer not wearing the ribbon, etc.).

Mike Stivic was a mirror image of Archie Bunker.

Maher’s problem is that his smugness prevented him from seeing the humor in liberal idioicy.

Saint Croix said...

The Fox show Mad About Jews actually stars Ilhan Omar (D-Minn).

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

"Liberals will laugh at Conservatives
Conservatives will laugh at Conservatives

Liberals will NOT laugh at Liberals
Conservatives will laugh at Liberals"


The most fundamental difference between a conservative mindset and a progressive, or what is frequently called liberal, mindset is that many conservatives realize that they are fallible while progressives believe that they will always do the right thing. That's why true conservatives want less people in charge, less government. They know that everyone is corruptible. Progressives think they are really good, reliable people and if they could just get good people like them in charge, government could fix everything. If something goes wrong and they or another one of their progressive brothers or sisters is mocked, it's not funny because it's not their fault. They were doing the best that could be done being as they are hamstrung but the Neanderthal conservatives.

Bruce Hayden said...

It’s like Bill Maher is waking up from an extended nap. This is like something he would have said in his earlier Politically Incorrect days. But then it was almost like he almost joined the crowd thinking that chanting Orange Man Bad was somehow funny. Late night TV faded into irrelevancy with this sort of in-crowd unfunny humor. It is unfunny because it repeatedly repeats the same highly biased stereotypes as truths to the faithful, completely ignoring anything funny that hurts their side. It is now completely boooring to much of America, esp now that the Democrats have the Presidency and Congress, and are the ones screwing up right now.

Gutfeld has been funny for quite some time. I can remember him from his Red Eye and early The Five days. He is funny alone. But he developed this ensemble show on weekends, and then Fox moved it to week nights. He’s got his usual two henchpeople: tiny neurotic comedian and analyst Cat Timpf playing off against massive part black professional wrestler Tyrus, easily twice her size. Then the other two tend to be a very bright Fox News news babe or analyst and either an American hero of some sort, or a professional comic. As with other late night shows, he starts with his monologue, which is probably the funniest opening monologue on TV every night. Then he starts throwing controversial topics to his guests, rotating through them, seemingly (but not really) by random. Intermixed occasionally are taped skits. The guy he has doing Biden is very good.

The show was carefully constructed and honed over the years. The rest of the late night shows are stale, mimicking what Johnny Carson made famous. Except that the hosts they have aren’t Johnnie Carson, or even Leno. Some might have been funny at one time. Now they are predictable and boring. Gutfeld is doing it differently. It is still fresh. Plus, he has all the material now on his side, with the Democrats in charge now, and there is a lot of it.

Jeff Weimer said...

@Sebastian - I would say not that he's "coming around" to it in any real sense - Temujin has his number with "textbook liberal's view" - but he is at least recognizing it intellectually. He doesn't have the guts to try applying his (overrated) comedy acumen to so-called "conservative" comedy.

Jeff Weimer said...

@AMDG - your Seinfeld mention brings up a good point. That was back when liberals and progressives were much more comfortable with themselves and their ideologies. they could afford to laugh at themselves then. These days they are so unsure and thus brittle that even friendly mockery cannot be tolerated.

wendybar said...

You already know what jokes the typical left wing late night comic is going to do. The same with SNL. They are old, not funny, and mostly hateful against half the country. ALL THE TIME. It gets boring.

Iman said...

“Problem is, Colbert is asshoe”

Yep… the tape of that mincing, swish of a dance he was enchanting Chuck Schumer with is his legacy.

Mike Petrik said...

Throughout the Trump presidency I argued that Trump should have hired Gutfeld to be his Twitter editor. Gutfeld would have been able to get Trump's points across with far less acrimony, much greater humor, and superior effectiveness. Of course, Trump would never have allowed it, since he owned all the "best words" and all.

robother said...

Bill Maher is the King of Clapter. He has ridden that Lefty-Prog comedy as political weapon as much as any other night-time comedian over the last 20 years. But he is wising up to the fact that it is just a matter of time before #MeToo comes for him.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I hear progressive ALL THE TIME yammering and birthing about the evils of FOX news.
Oh those evil Murdoch's! The Stalinistas on the radical left (which include many regular so-called democrats) want to crush Fox News and kill everyone who works there.

tim maguire said...

“Conservatives aren’t funny” is a talking point. The best comedians are liberal when there’s a Republican president and the best comedians are conservative when there’s a Democratic president. It’s been that way for a long time. What Maher really means is that there are no conservative comedians on TV. That’s true (and why he just might be amazed by Gutfeld), but that has nothing to do with who’s funniest.

William said...

Gutfeld is more a conservative commentator with a good sense of humor than an outright comedian. Well, I'll take what I can get....Very few people were ever inspired to write novels about how great their parents were or how pleasant it was to come of age in an affluent society like America. That's not how the dynamic works. People write novels to get even with those bastards and that society which never appreciated the writer's true worth. Maybe something similar happens with comedians or, anyway, with the sharp recent college graduates that they hire to write their material.

Gunner said...

Dopes like Maher have spent 15 years ignoring Gutfeld or calling him unfunny. Now they are forced to acknowledge him because of ratings.
Also, Maher must be attracted to old white ladies because elderly limousine libs like Nancy are mocked by everyone now.

James K said...

Late night comedy used to be about comedy and escape from the world at the end of a hard day. Johnny Carson, Jay Leno, even some of the lesser late night show hosts like Craig Ferguson and others were fun to watch

Yes, they were all apolitical and smart enough not to alienate half their audiences with partisan material. Many comedians from the previous generation could skewer both sides. Ferguson should have been the successor to Leno, and was quite funny, but he was bounced for being toeing the leftist line.

Political humor from either side gets tedious. Gutfeld is very good, as is the Babylon Bee, but that's in part because their brand of humor is still new and fresh.

Butkus51 said...

I used to work nites. Then I didnt. For a week I happened to see Kimmel, Myers, Colbert. blah blah blah. Every day was a 15 minutes monologue of TDS. Then a commercial. Then 5 more minutes of TDS at the desk

Im pretty sure its only supposed to be 2 minutes.

But also, pretty damn predictable.

Lurker21 said...

Those would be Onion headlines if the Onion weren't half-woke itself. They are Babylon Bee headlines and they're quite funny.

Gutfeld's show is a little like a Trump rally, in that some of Greg's funniest bits were clips of things Trump said at his rallies, but there's much more to the show than that.

Not everything on the show fits that "Trump rally" pattern, but don't expect anyone who actually calls herself "Katty Kay" to be very perceptive.

Michael K said...

Rush Limbaugh had a 40 year career doing conservative comedy. The left just didn't think it was funny. In his last few years, his humor atrophied but most of his career was comedy.

Mark said...

"Liberals will laugh at Conservatives
Conservatives will laugh at Conservatives"

Gilbar seems to have missed every post about SNL and other 'liberal comedy' for the last many years. I don't recall much laughing, just angry posts from men whose panties were in a bunch.

Ann Althouse said...

"Two problems: 1. this assumes people have to be "crazy" to be laughed at, and 2. it shows the very partisanship Maher claims is so paralyzing."


3. If people are crazy, we should laugh at them.

Joe Smith said...

Conservative can do comedy, they've just never had a platform.

Try pushing a conservative comedy show in Hollywood and see where that gets you.

With podcasting a lot of that has changed, but I don't think comedy clubs (bastions of liberalism) will ever be that same anyway so...

Making fun of wokeness is so easy, the jokes kind of write themselves. But woke people have less sense of humor than an Auschwitz good luck.

Howard said...

Comedy has to be true to produce spontaneous laughter. Mixed politics and art equals propaganda which is only funny when mocked.

Ridiculous wokeness can only be defeated by libruls. The same is true for deplorable COVID-19 deniers who will only be persuaded to vaccinate or mask by other actual card-carrying deplorables. The delta deathbed pleas are working to garner another 10%.

IOW, Slut Shaming never works to change behavior.

Saint Croix said...

He (and his audience) are oblivious to the sexism in his attack on Sarah Palin. All the identity politics suddenly goes out the window.

If Larry Elder is governor of California, I expect all manner of racist attacks on him. "He's the black face of white superiority." And when that doesn't work, they'll call him lazy and stupid.

The left doesn't see human beings as human beings. We are mere symbols in the fucked up narrative that runs in their brains.

Kathy from Boston said...

If Democrats have not been parodied it is not because there is no fodder, it is because of politics and the media writ large and double standards. There have been Democrat politicians that I am aware of over the past 30 years that are cliches and living caricatures that would have filled many a skit on SNL and other shows. Corn Pop could have been a recurring character on SNL and why has no one parodied Joe Biden discussing the kids rubbing his hairy legs in the pool?
Colbert is not funny and projects such a hateful snarkiness I feel sorry for anyone who watches his show.
Greg Gutfeld is okay in small doses, but to me Cat Timpf is as funny as Kate McKinnon and Cat's portrayal of Jen Psaki is hysterical. Has SNL parodied Psaki yet? There is a mountain of material there.
Unfortunately, given the unmitigated disasters that the Biden administration has unleashed, it will be exceedingly difficult for anyone to use Biden, Harris, Psaki, etc for comic relief because it will look too much like kicking someone when they are down. So I doubt we will see much in the way of skits and jokes directed at the current administration.
It is very hard to laugh these days when you look at the scenes coming out of Afghanistan and the pictures of those vibrant young soldiers who gave their lives in service to our country.

Sebastian said...

"3. If people are crazy, we should laugh at them."

Good point.

But I doubt the Mahers are going to examine that premise. What it really means for lefties is: if people are crazy conservatives, we should laugh at them. And since all conservatives are crazy--etc.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ami Horowitz: How white liberals really view black voters

A fine example how the white left are taught by other white leftists to look down on blacks.

Ice Nine said...

>with Katty Kay saying "Gutfeld!" is like a Trump rally,<

You know, sort of like she said ten years ago, "The Colbert Report is like an Obama rally."

Yancey Ward said...

The most ridiculous thing about Bill Maher is this- he used to host a show titled "Politically Incorrect". Think about that. I can barely remember that show, now, but was it ever really polically incorrect? I remember Dennis Miller's show very well, and he was politically incorrect, but was Maher? I don't think so- I think the man has been a fraud the entire time, and I think he knows it, too. When I see him in clips in the last couple of years, he seems embarrassed by his studio audience who really are trained seals.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Don't give Maher too much credit. He's still a rock hard closed minded progressive ninny.

Narr said...

I started watching Gutfeld! semi-regularly, and agree that he's smart and has some wit, but he's not a natural and mugs too much. I tire of his schtick generally about halfway through the show, but sometimes the guests are real comedians.

And just to be fair, I will take a look at the competition now and then. They suck the green wienie, and I'd refer to their audiences as trained seals like so many others, but trained seals are more entertaining.

Bruce Hayden said...

“ Think about that. I can barely remember that show, now, but was it ever really polically incorrect? ”

I think that he was politically correct for a short time. He seemed to enjoy poking the liberal orthodoxy for a short period of time, then got bored, or maybe woke a bit. I enjoyed the show when it was brand new, but then it got old quickly, and it was no longer funny.

Francisco D said...

My impression of the Gutfield show is that:

Greg is more witty and sarcastic than laugh-out-loud funny;

His skits are funny partly because they are so lame;

His guests seem intimidated by Greg's intelligence and sarcasm.

Tyrus, Kat and Greg seem to have a fairly high level of tension between them.

rehajm said...

(...suck the green wienie?!?)

OldManRick said...

The opportunity for conservate comedy is there because libels are engaged in a furious race to out liberal each other. Whenever one adopt a cause the rest have to go them one better to show they are more "liberal" than the next.

Think about the current liberal causes:

Transgenders competing in women's sports - common sense says someone who grew up for years with male hormones will have built up a physical superiority that cannot be erased with a few years of estrogen therapy and someone who grew up with female hormones cannot catch up to male athletes with a few years of testosterone therapy. I think that even if there was a transgender classification for sports the female to males would be at a disadvantage to the males to females.

The LGBTQQ alphabet soup. A one time these were marginalized people but not now. Now they are celebrated in the media so much that parents are trying to out-liberal their peers by having their pre-pubesent children adopt one of the letters. We passed laws against child labor to allow children to grow up. We put age limits on drinking, smoking, and other vices to protect children from outside pressures and allow them to have a childhood. You need to just look at how proud the parents are when one of thiers comes out or transitions, to understand that this is a liberal badge of honor.

The noble savage - whether it the Islamist, the homeless, the career criminal, or the drug addict, they must be supported as a "noble savage" in the past times was glorified. They are "oppressed by a system beyond their control". You have to hate Israel, encourage camping in the streets (but not in our neighborhood), defund the police, let stores be robbed for up to $900, provide needles for safe drug use. Don't worry about Islam's treatment of women or the LGBT that you support, don't worry bout the filth, rising crime, and the lives ruined by drugs.

Green values - you can show how much you care for the planet by buying an electric car, deciding how forests are managed from your home in downtown, support wind power (again not in your neighborhood), re-introducing wolves west of the rockies when you live east of them, stop others from buying pick up trucks or SUVs and many other "green" initiatives. Never mind that your electric car uses more resources when you consider life to death (construction, operation, and disposal) than a normal gas powered car. Never mind that your approach to forest management has reduced funding for brush and diseased tree removal so much that the west is like kindling and has lead to the burning of most of the Sierra Nevadas. Never mind that your wind and solar power power plants kill birds at over 10 times the rate of those icky oil spills. Never mind that you are increasing the costs of basics like gas and power to the detriment of the lower income population. Never mind that all you are gaining from this is less then .1 degree decrease in warming and that China is overwhelming that with their coal fired plant construction.

I could go on but you get the jist of how liberals make themselves into jokes. Gutfeld just reaps what they have sown.

JAORE said...

We live in a world where just spouting the word Cheeto! for the thousandth time is considered high comedy. Gutfeld is an improvement.

Gunner said...

Over 20 years ago, when Sarah Silverman was getting heat for jokes about Asians and Bill Maher had her on her show and clearly supported her, THAT is the only time I remember that it was worthy of being called "Politically Incorrect".

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

I admit to not watching all that much stand-up, or indeed that much spoken comedy of any kind. But anyone who thinks "conservatives" as such can't be funny isn't paying attention, at all. The Babylon Bee is counterargument enough all by itself. But James Lileks? Mark Steyn? Florence King? Even P. J. O'Rourke? These are all people I've been reading for a couple of decades or more, and they remain fresh, funny, occasionally loopy. None of them are comical 24/7, because there is enough seriousness in the world that you can't honestly do that any more. But any one of them on an off night is funnier than SNL has been in literal decades. Hell, even George Will was about the only consciously funny thing to emerge from the 70s. Read (if you can find it) The Pursuit of Happiness, And Other Sobering Thoughts. There's a column in there on The Joy of Sex that's a little miracle.

Even, say, Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me (NPR show, Saturday morning) has gone stale. Not because the comics themselves are bad (they are not), but because the first ten minutes is always the obligatory Republican roast. It's like they need to prime the pump to get the juices flowing, and Thou Shalt Not Mock Joe Or Kamala Or Nancy Or Gavin, so what else can they do?

Narr said...

"Green wienie" is just a phrase my friends and I started using decades ago, to stress the ultimate suckitude of a person or situation. I've grown accustomed to using it, and would swear that I heard it on some sitcom recently while channel-skimming.

Nothing to do with Green Nude Eels etc.

Liberal-leftism is definitely a quasi-religious cult, but of course to them anyone who isn't a member of the cult is a cultist.

Gospace said...

Politics has always been attached to humor. And, humor is possible without politics. Burns and Allen, Abbot and Costello, The Three Stooges, Jack Benny, and you can’t tell their politics by listening to or watching their performances.

One thing most leftist humor has- a meanness level when making fun of conservatives. Meanness turns many off. And if you’re mean to half the country consistently your audience is limited. Even nonpolitical meanness turns many off. Rodney Dangerfield is an acquired taste. My wife despises him, I think he’s usually right on target.

doctrev mentions the left can’t meme. Not effectively, that’s for sure. This type of meme has been appearing on my feed, promoted by Facebook. I can understand the point they’re trying to make, but it’s even worse than an apples and oranges comparison, rendering it totally ridiculous and not funny. No basis in truth to it. Then there’s the “Dueling Headlines” or Dueling Tweets” meme form. Used very effectively against the left. The last one I posted I’m certain there may be some that could attack a conservative figure but I’ve seen none.

On one Facebook group I belong to we frequently share and belittle leftist meme attempts.

Gospace said...

I am going to add that Bill Maher graduated from my HS the year after I did. I am the only person among anyone I’m Facebook friends with who went to my HS who has absolutely no recollection of ever meeting him. Most don’t have especially fond memories of him. He’s likely the most famous person to graduate from Pascack Hills, and his class also produced the most infamous person to graduate, Harry de la Roche, who I did know and met several times. I often wonder if they were friends…

Chris Lopes said...

"When I see him in clips in the last couple of years, he seems embarrassed by his studio audience who really are trained seals."

I don't think he's so much embarrassed as he is contemptuous. He knows they are an unthinking mob who can be easily manipulated and he hates them for it. That they are unable to see it just makes it worse.

Maher was (as others have pointed out) politically incorrect for a time. Then he became much enamored with the Playboy Mansion crowd, and started bending left to fit in with them. With Hef gone and the Mansion sold, his trolling for bunnies days are nearing an end. Maybe he thinks he can afford to be honest again.

effinayright said...

Anyone who has seen the old "Road" movies starring Bob Hope knows plenty of conservatives were also very funny.

Hope frequently mocked Democrats in his movies and on TV, back when Democrats were the Jim Crow Party, something Dems all want us to forget.

Don Rickles, George Burns, Dean Martin, Jack Benny, Johnny Carson....all conservatives.

What's changed is the zeitgeist: now leftnoids and proglodytes control the studios and TV networks. "Woke" culture seeks to cancel and stamp out anyone who dares poke fun at them.

They might as well put up notices saying "Conservatives Need Not Apply". Because THAT'S NOT FUNNY.

Phil 314 said...

1. Nancy Pelosi IS and has always mockable and easy fodder for comedy
2. I don’ t Maher realizes that its not the Dems are suddenly material for comedy its that he’s now aware of it.

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