April 1, 2021

"No mention of the perps race in the headline. That is weirdly the most obvious clue to their race nowadays. #JouralismDiesInWokeness."

Says one of the commenters on the Washington Post article "New York authorities file hate-crime charges in attack on Asian American woman." 

There isn't even an attacker in the headline. The only human beings in the headline are the "authorities" and the "Asian American woman." The evildoer disappears. There's no attacker, only an "attack." But if there are hate crime charges, then the human mind is all important. "Attack" stresses the outward action. "Hate" requires a hater. There is a shadow of a person in the word "hate," the gesture at a mind. 

But this person is depersonalized — depersonalized because he is black. If a white man had stomped on an old Asian-American lady, he'd get full recognition in the headline. Is that racist?

In defense of WaPo, the second sentence of the article is: "Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. said Elliot — a homeless Black man on parole after serving 17 years in prison for killing his mother — told 65-year-old Vilma Kari 'you don’t belong here' before launching the unprovoked attack in Midtown on Monday."


walter said...

There's no attacker, only an "attack."
Hate Violence!

Big Mike said...

Whoever made that comment is perfectly correct, but the trend did not start in the 21st century.

Bob Smith said...

You can always tell. No mugshot? no name? Case closed.

Duane said...

It's the new version of "Name the party!" When a news article comes up about some politician committing some evil; if there is no mention of the party then we know it is a (D). If a hate crime or mass shooting occurs and the race of the perp is not mentioned then we know it wasn't a white guy.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Because Black people cannot possibly be racists.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The hack press are racist themselves.

wendybar said...

WHITE SUPREMACY!!! How many times have we heard that whitey is attacking Asians because of Trump saying "Wuhan Flu"?? How many whites are getting attacked for being from LYME Connecticut?? Lyme disease offends me. So sick and tired of the left and their Pravda media and their putting people in DIVERSE boxes they can't climb out of.

Big Mike said...

Duane is also correct. If one just looked at headlines and first paragraphs, not only would one conclude that no black people commit crimes, but no Democrat politicians commit crimes, either.

Ray - SoCal said...

Good read.

Race and False Hate Crime Narratives
written by Heather Mac Donald

Joe Smith said...

'Is that racist?'

Of course it is.

Same with political affiliation.

When R politicians commit crimes, it is the first or second word of the story.

When Ds commit crimes, the party affiliation is usually not mentioned or is way down in the story.

Same with placement...Rs above the fold. Ds on page 19 next to the lemon squares recipe.

Nonapod said...

To state the obvious: It's implicitely understood that a large percentage of people only read the headlines of many articles. The current narrative is that Asian Americans are being attacked by white Trump supporters because Trump constantly referred to Covid 19 as the "China virus". The actual facts are only useful if they support that narrative. But WaPo still needs to maintain a veneer of journalistic integrity, so they have to admit the race of the attacker, just not in the headline. So they split the difference, there's an attack on an Asian American in big letters... by a black man in small.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
walter said...

Gonna go the way of Colorado fake 21 y/o.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Syrian man who murdered ten people in a grocery store in Boulder -- his family moved here during the Obama years.

Media have nothing to say about it. Nothing to say about the FBI's failure, or the background check failure. How did this Islamic male with a history of violent crime - who was on FBI radar in a blue state with blue state gun laws - get a gun?

Media(D) are not curious.

The Syrian gunman also stated on facebook that he hated Trump - like a good little cog. again - this craps all over the corrupt media narrative.

If a black man beats up an Asian woman in the streets, - the media will erase his skin color as a duty to their corrupt and hypocritical narrative.

I'm Full of Soup said...

It should be such a simple decision for the media: If we have a picture of the suspect, run it. If we don't have a picture, we can't but let's find one. Instead the media has gotten all PC and, in fact, the media is now the biggest purveyor of disinformation.

Iman said...

C’mon man! That gentleman was just turning his life around.

Ray - SoCal said...

On Facebook in a local group for my area, heavily Asian Suburb, there is a couple of posts about Asian Hate Crimes.

We are seeing a lot more crime in our area.

One was an Asian lady after going to a bank, was followed into a Chinese bakery, and her purse snatched. Perpetrator was Black, it’s on video.

The elephant in the room that is being ignored, is most of the crime against Asians is being done by Blacks.

One of the flyers for a rally against Asian hate crimes, had a picture of a black lady on it.

The point being is the hate crimes are all the fault of white supremacy, and the increase in hate crime is due to Trump.

Our local county supervisor had an online meeting on Asian Hate crime.

I feel I’m being gas lighted.

Oh, and we have a true believer in the FB group, I think a teacher in social studies snd black female, that loves to tag everything as racist, white supremacy, etc.

Earnest Prole said...

I made a similar comment here yesterday:

Surely a sophisticated consumer of journalism like yourself knows the delicate work of conveying the perp's race is communicated by forgetting to mention it at all.

Skeptical Voter said...

I saw the video--and knew that, just like George Zimmerman who was a "white Hispanic" this poor Asian woman had been attacked by a "white Black man". And so it goes. Only white people commit hate crimes; only white people do mass shootings--why it was a "white Arab" who killed those ten folks in Boulder last week.

Mike Sylwester said...

When the Black crime rate goes up, attacks on Oriental-Americans go up.

When the Black crime rate goes down, attacks on Oriental-Americans go down.

Recently, the Black crime rate has been going up, so attacks on Oriental-Americans have been going up.

That is 90% of the actual explanation.

LYNNDH said...

Will we now see more "Asians" in TV shows and commercials?

Mike Sylwester said...

The Black crime rate has been going up because police officers are not risking their careers by dealing with Black crime.

One indirect consequence is that attacks on Oriental-Americans have been going up.

Static Ping said...

You keep reading a propagandist rag sheet and then act all surprised when you get propaganda. The only surprise here is they actually covered the story at all. Fortunately/unfortunately, the fact that the victim was Asian fits in one of the (contradictory) narratives that they are trying to push, so they feel required to cover it while trying to hide the fact that the story also undermines another of their narratives. It all makes sense when you understand their motivations. There is meaning to the madness. The fact that they are tying themselves in knots is completely intentional.

WP acts in bad faith. Pretending it does not is not going to change that fact.

gspencer said...

British papers/media along with their counterparts in Europe constantly reference "Asian men" when stories are crimes are reported.

What they mean of course is MUSLIMS.

Mike Sylwester said...

Correction to my comments at 9:45 and 9:47 AM

I inadvertently wrote the expression Oriental-Americans.

I meant to write Asian-Americans.

Please make the mental correction.

Lance said...

on parole after serving 17 years in prison for killing his mother

Only seventeen years for murder?! Something is wrong with that parole board.

Forbes said...

A homeless man on parole for murder seems a rather combustible situation. Is this the best the justice system can do? Doesn't parole contain conditions, like a place to live, and a form of employment? Where is the famous rehabilitation lefties are always championing?

Wince said...

Unless all doubt is removed, the term "perp" presumes responsibility if not guilt.

Amadeus 48 said...

The guy is off his rocker (and on parole for killing his mother!), as was the Atlanta massage parlor guy and the Boulder local rep of of the Mutant Muslim Killers.

Why can't we agree that the motives of crazy people are irrelevant?

Bonus inquiry: did this guy, like George Floyd, call for his mother when he was being arrested? Asking for a friend.

tcrosse said...

Only seventeen years for murder?! Something is wrong with that parole board.

They took pity on the orphan.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Because Black people cannot possibly be racists.

That's how they say it, but the real sentiment behind it is; "You know how they are, they can't control themselves like we can". Just Jim Crow in a neater package.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


The reason that the UK media refer to people from the Indian subcontinent (who are not all Muslims, btw) as "Asian" is that the Indian subcontinent is where Britain got most of its Asian immigrants, after the dissolution of the Raj in the late 40s. Here, by contrast, the overwhelming majority of Asian immigrants came to the West Coast across the Pacific, so they are Chinese/Japanese/Korean/Vietnamese.

I get tired of seeing this "trope" repeated. The idea is that those wily Brits are disguising their MUSLIM population under the innocuous "Asian." That's not so; it's just how the immigration numbers sort out. And there are a lot of Hindus and Parsis and Buddhists and Sikhs in there, too. Meanwhile, on the continent, there are indeed a lot of Muslim immigrants, but they are not mostly "Asian"; they are mostly from North Africa and the Middle East.

n.n said...

Only a bigot would infer color attribution. Americans are not bigots. I would guess that most humans are not bigots. Diversity [dogma] breeds adversity.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Browndog said...

Take a look at this clever deceit from the New York Times.

Any wonder why most people think minorities are by far the most victimized group in America?

rhhardin said...

Race not mentioned is an old meme for black, nothing new.

Gahrie said...

The reason that the UK media refer to people from the Indian subcontinent (who are not all Muslims, btw) as "Asian" is that the Indian subcontinent is where Britain got most of its Asian immigrants, after the dissolution of the Raj in the late 40s.

This is true.

I get tired of seeing this "trope" repeated. The idea is that those wily Brits are disguising their MUSLIM population under the innocuous "Asian." That's not so; it's just how the immigration numbers sort out.

This is not. The British government is infected with political correctness. They were so worried about offending Muslims, they allowed rape gangs that targeted young girls to persist for decades rather than investigate them.

n.n said...

There's no attacker, only an "attack."

Sometimes only a gun, or a scalpel wielded in absentia of human consciousness. What they have accomplished is to reduce a baby... woman to the status of a fetus. A wicked solution and a progressive path and grade.

Michael K said...

spencer said...
British papers/media along with their counterparts in Europe constantly reference "Asian men" when stories are crimes are reported.

"South Asian men." Muslims are all "South Asian" in Britain, even though south Asia is India. It's like the "Youths" committing all the crime in Chicago.

Temujin said...

Mike Sylwester noted: "The Black crime rate has been going up because police officers are not risking their careers by dealing with Black crime."

And the losers are Black Americans forced to live in war zone communities. The culprits are typically either White Liberal women and men (but mostly women) with college degrees, or the media, or Black office holders- at the city, state, and federal level- all working hard to give lip service to the Black Community as they enable it's destruction, while getting richer on the sidelines ignoring the chaos they created.

The entire 'White Supremacy is all around us' meme has been perpetrated by those same people: White Liberals, the media, and Black office holders. They are the only ones who benefit from that meme becoming mainstream.

n.n said...

Where is the famous rehabilitation lefties are always championing

Renewable, sustainable symptom relief for profit, leverage, and redistributive change,.

n.n said...

Because Black people cannot possibly be racists.

Sometimes it's people of black (i.e. identity defined by skin color, racism), other times it's people of orange... round and around.

n.n said...

The hack press are racist themselves.

They are diversitists (i.e. color judges), not limited to racists, and invite people... persons daily, hourly to join them on the progressive path and grade. Some while, most won't, hopefully.

Sebastian said...

"depersonalized because he is black."

Wouldn't want to hurt the feelings of other blacks.

But the case has gotten a fair amount of attention, with photos.

Also, a variation of the Streisand effect is in effect.

n.n said...

But the case has gotten a fair amount of attention, with photos.

It's almost as if their intent is to stoke diversity, adversity, and exclusion.

Sebastian said...

Can't read the WaPo.

Any chance they mentioned that the ratio of black-on-Asian vs. Asian-on-black violence is something like 80 to 1?

DavidUW said...

This has been a running joke when they allowed comments on SFGate for about 20 years.

No race mentioned in the crime report: you know what race the alleged perp is. Although more recently there were 2 choices.

Dave Begley said...

Why would anyone live in NYC today unless you were ultra-rich? Rich like the Bloomberg and Jeffery Epstein.

narciso said...

Its cold blooded murder full stop.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


The British government is infected with political correctness. They were so worried about offending Muslims, they allowed rape gangs that targeted young girls to persist for decades rather than investigate them.

Yes, of course. And these were and are, overwhelmingly, Pakistani. Still doesn't mean that "Asian" is some sort of Brit-code for "Muslim." Like I said, there are many, many Indian immigrants as well as Pakistani immigrants in the UK, and both groups are "Asian."

SGT Ted said...

The hot take from the Wokerati will be that the attack was a result of unconscious white supremacy and that Elliot is white adjacent.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Michael K,

Muslims are all "South Asian" in Britain, even though south Asia is India. It's like the "Youths" committing all the crime in Chicago.

Um, prior to partition, India and Pakistan and Bangladesh were all one big state, administered and ruled by Britain.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Did I hear that the black man who beat up the Asian women in a callous and unprovoked surprise attack - he was out on bail for killing his mother.


Narr said...

What's "Jouralism"?

Guy had a white-bread name!

narciso said...

Can we handle the truth


Yancey Ward said...

The race of the attacker had to be mentioned in the article for only one reason- there was a widely disseminated video recording of the attack itself. Without that video recording, Wapoo and the NYSlimes would have ignored the attacker's race altogether.

Is this a hate crime? I doubt it. I suspect the guy is a complete loon who should probably have never been paroled.

PM said...

"Black man on parole after serving 17 years in prison for killing his mother.."

I know, I know "parole" sounds light, but hang on. He was on "lifetime parole".
So everybody relax.

Yancey Ward said...


You can't absolve the British papers so easily. It is surely possible for the journalists, if they are going to mention the ethnicity even obliquely, to identify the actual country from which the perp came. The same applies to the US journalists. This is actually important information. I can't escape the fact that the broad application of "Asian" is done for very specific reasons of misinforming the public.

Yancey Ward said...

As I wrote yesterday- if the victim had also been a black man (or probably black woman, too), this story wouldn't have been reported anywhere outside of New York, and wouldn't have even made it into the NYTimes. Black on black crime is nearly invisible in the mainstream media, and when it is covered, it is always in passive voice- "shooting broke out", "people were shot" etc.

MadTownGuy said...

Ray - SoCal said...

"On Facebook in a local group for my area, heavily Asian Suburb, there is a couple of posts about Asian Hate Crimes."

The local FB community buzz group where one of my sisters lives is all over this, but I fear the subgroup of organizers under the #StopAsianHate hashtag are being co-opted by the Woke Brigade.

There was a (truly) peaceful protest along the main drag and much was made about a white guy who slowed down as he was driving by to yell racial slurs at the participants. I wonder about the odds that it was a staged, false flag operation to deflect from the very real problem of purse snatchings, strong arm robberies, and pickpocketing that happen to people of all ethnicities in the area.

Side note: the guy who yelled was driving a Honda.

wendybar said...

"It’s time to stop acting like these political activists are professionals who do honest journalism. Continuing that pretense is not doing a favor to the public. It’s not true. With very few exceptions, these people are not there to do journalism, and we need to be honest about that with the public. Not everyone is as bad as everyone else, but nearly the entire press corps is somewhere on the Democrat activist scale, from lefty to fringe, from shrewd to clumsy and clownish." -Mollie Hemingway, The Federalist

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Yancey Ward,

You can't absolve the British papers so easily. It is surely possible for the journalists, if they are going to mention the ethnicity even obliquely, to identify the actual country from which the perp came. The same applies to the US journalists. This is actually important information. I can't escape the fact that the broad application of "Asian" is done for very specific reasons of misinforming the public.

But the problem in the case of British "Asians" is that a lot of them, IIRC, used their UK passports to flee the Raj before India, Pakistan, and (later) Bangladesh were separate states. Therefore, there's no easy way to separate everyone out into "country of origin."

As I said, for practical purposes the euphemistically-named "grooming gangs" were and are almost entirely made up of the children and grandchildren of immigrants from what is now Pakistan. And, yes, the UK press (with some exceptions -- they have a much, much more diverse press than we do) has long endeavored to cover that up. But the situation wrt ex-Raj subjects remains pretty complicated, b/c many of them are neither Muslim nor from Pakistan or Bangladesh.

BUMBLE BEE said...

What astounded me was the size of the perp. Looked like an NFL lineman, and she a 5'2" girl. How many unreported assaults not captured on video. Building management made the right move in disciplining the onlookers inside. A police chief of note said that there is, at any one time, 5000 people "out there" who would kill without compunction in any metro area. You will not find liberals driving round in patrol cars.

Bob Smith said...

“ Only seventeen years for murder?! Something is wrong with that parole board.”

Maybe Mom wouldn’t buy Mookie an ice cream cone.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Yeah, Yancy is right. That video is viral. It just probably didn't fit the time slots for the MSM. I'm guessing there, cause all I've ever seen MSM in the last five tears is the Floor scrapings of a cattle barn.

Unknown said...

Hate crime? show me a love crime. I killed but not with hate. I attacked without any malice. I stole, but because I care.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Back in the 70s there was an effort to not publish the pictures of the perps because so many were black. It instilled "racism", by exposure of the vast number of black perps, was the claim.

alanc709 said...

Did New York let him out on personal recognizance? I mean, bail and jail are both examples of white supremacist thinking.

Jupiter said...

Well, in the guy's defense, he killed his mother. Was that a hate crime? Or just a crime-crime?

Real American said...

I'm shocked...that they actually mentioned that the perp is black anywhere in the article.

Pat said...

I don't know if the race of the perp should be such a big deal, especially in cases like the one in Atlanta or this one in New York. What's the most obvious, common factor tying those two perps together? That they are both complete lunatics.

Of course the media are trying to tell us that the race matters in the first case and will harrumph about the need to understand the complex dynamics in the second. That's their job (as they see it). But by highlighting the race of the ourselves (as in the excellent piece by Heather MacDonald), are we buying into the media conceit that it matters?

Michael K said...

Um, prior to partition, India and Pakistan and Bangladesh were all one big state, administered and ruled by Britain.

Believe it or not I know that. Most British Muslims are Pakistanis and whole villages have arrived in Britain through family "unification."

Ray - SoCal said...


In think the guy was Latino, not White.

I saw the video.

LA_Bob said...

"But this person is depersonalized — depersonalized because he is black."

Funny how both mentioning race and excluding it has the same result. Can CRT account for this?

Gahrie said...

But by highlighting the race of the ourselves (as in the excellent piece by Heather MacDonald), are we buying into the media conceit that it matters?

The simple, disturbing fact is that in this case race does matter. I believe for cultural rather than genetic reasons, but the correlation is undeniable.

Over 50% of all violent crime in the United States is committed by an easily identifiable 5% of the population.

The police are prevented from profiling this 5%, and the MSM refuses to identify this 5% so the American people have an incorrect perception of this 5%. Why? Because the 5% is young, Black men.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

And, yes, the UK press (with some exceptions -- they have a much, much more diverse press than we do) has long endeavored to cover that up. But the situation wrt ex-Raj subjects remains pretty complicated, b/c many of them are neither Muslim nor from Pakistan or Bangladesh.

It backfired on them because some of the non-Pakistani groups who are termed "South Asian" had problems with the Pakistani gangs targeting their young girls. I believe the Sikh got very vocal about the press using the term since Sikh girls had been particularly singled out for harassment.

Ray - SoCal said...

Image from the guy in a Honda in the hate incident in Diamond Bar:

Sure looks Latino for me.

Of course what’s the difference ethnically between White and Latino?

Besides Ford foundation helped create one.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


Well, in the guy's defense, he killed his mother. Was that a hate crime? Or just a crime-crime?

Good question. I think not, under the standard definition of "hate crime," b/c the idea is that it's meant to terrorize, not the individual attacked, but all members of the group to which the individual belongs.

But: Suppose the guy's father were Black, and his mother white. Could his killing her then be thought of as an attack, not just on his mother, but on the white race? I'm inclined to think that it might. Mixed-race kids are generally thought of as Black (and think of themselves so) if Black is one of the races. Cf. Tiger Woods (though he disclaimed it!). Or the mixed-race kid who sent his white schoolmate's 3-second SnapChat vid to the University of Tennessee.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Michael K,

Believe it or not I know that. Most British Muslims are Pakistanis and whole villages have arrived in Britain through family "unification."

Yes, but you wrote,

Muslims are all "South Asian" in Britain, even though south Asia is India.

(a) Yes, most British Muslims are, in fact, Pakistani, or rather the chain migrations of which you speak began with immigrants from that part of the Raj area that is now Pakistan; BUT
(b) "South Asia is India." No, it isn't; South Asia is India, and Pakistan, and Bangladesh. And there remain 100 million-plus Muslims in present-day India, FWIW.

I think that more UK "Asians" are, in fact, Muslim than otherwise, and that "family unification" is a large part of that. Other religious groups on the subcontinent are not as in to the very-extended-family dynamic as Muslims are. Still, an awful lot of British "Asians" remain Hindu and Parsi and Sikh.

William said...

Is it that hard to parse the difference between a hate crime and a hateful crime?That guy who shot up the Atlanta massage parlor was aiming at sex workers and not Asians. His motivation was the same as that of Jack the Ripper. Why are his crimes more odious than those of Jack the Ripper?.....In like manner, this granny stomper was acting out of some kind of rage towards older women or unresolved Mommy issues. I'm sure he would have stomped with equal relish an older woman of any race. This, in my opinion, makes him more not less odious....I don't mean to blame the victim, but parricide is generally a manifestation of bad parenting.

Michael K said...

No, it isn't; South Asia is India, and Pakistan, and Bangladesh. And there remain 100 million-plus Muslims in present-day India, FWIW.

Gee, I always thought north was where Pakistan is.

Who knew that Pakistan was down there near Sri Lanka?

Gahrie said...

Gee, I always thought north was where Pakistan is.

Who knew that Pakistan was down there near Sri Lanka?

Well, Bangladesh, which is south east of India, used to be part of Pakistan.

pacwest said...

When Harris is done curing the "root" problems of the countries in Central America she could fix the root problems of black crime right here in country.

Or not.

narciso said...

irony is lost on them, so the fact floyds drug dealer was with him, while he was passing around counterfeit cash, makes more sense now,

n.n said...

Well, in the guy's defense, he killed his mother. Was that a hate crime? Or just a crime-crime?

Patriarchal narcissism. Masculine toxicity. Obviously.

That said, when, and by whose Choice (pun intended), can a life be deemed unworthy of life and summarily aborted? It may have been a preemptive act. A progressive path and grade.

Michael K said...

Well, Bangladesh, which is south east of India, used to be part of Pakistan.

Looks pretty east on that map. This is all irrelevant. "South Asian" is UK code for Muslim.

Doug said...

Black males between ages of 16 and 50 = 5% of the population, commit 50% of violent crimes.
Do you need to have the garbage media do the math for you?

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Michael K,

Looks pretty east on that map. This is all irrelevant. "South Asian" is UK code for Muslim.

If you look at a map of Asia, Michael, you will see that all of the formerly British-administered portion is south of the vast swaths of Asia to the north (=Russia and the various "-stans.") That is why it is called "South Asia." Bangladesh borders Burma/Myanmar, so it pretty much marks the border of "Southeast Asia," a region the US used to have, er, some involvement with a half-century or so ago. Bangladesh was once "East Pakistan" before it split off, but all three were UK-administered pre-1948 or so.

I've repeatedly explained that "South Asian" is "UK code" only for "person from South Asia," though it is true that the UK press does tend to obfuscate by putting all its South Asians in one basket, as it were. We do the same here -- South Asians in the US barely registered at all until Bobby Jindal and Nikki Haley made their appearance.

Interested Bystander said...

Blogger LYNNDH said...
Will we now see more "Asians" in TV shows and commercials?

4/1/21, 9:46 AM

Only if they are gay/trans and share a mixed race child while living in an upscale suburban home.

Ray - SoCal said...

For the city of orange shooting, suspect is Hispanic.

Aminadab Gaxiola Gonzalez.


My guess is it will be memory holed, since the aggressor was not White.

It’s sad that my cynical view is probably right.

Static Ping said...

To comment on the "Asian" issue, the problem with identifying someone as "Asian" is Asia is a huge place. It has 4.5 billion people and it contains very different cultures from very different areas ranging from China to India to Indonesia to Iran to Saudi Arabia to Israel to Turkey to the bulk of of the landmass, though not population, of Russia. These regions are often divided by very prominent mountain ranges and deserts. A common YouTube video of the geography inclined is to redo the continents with Asia getting broken up into multiple parts, often a Near East (Turkey, the Levant, Iraq), a Persian/Iranian continent, the Indian subcontinent, a Far East continent, and perhaps a Central Asia continent and a steppe Siberian continent. If you want to confuse matters further, there are those Indonesian and Filipino islands to consider and, furthermore, if New Guinea counts as part of Asia at all.

In any case, calling someone an "Asian" is so vague as to be nearly useless.

Jim at said...

#stopasianhate = #blamewhitey + #andtrump

Old and slow said...

British use of "Asian" is not intended to deceive. It is merely descriptive while also confusing Americans.

On the other hand "youths" typically refers to Jamaicans, and "yobs" are white assholes.

Michael K said...

Tired of the "South Asian" obsession here. Whatever you say.

effinayright said...

In any case, calling someone an "Asian" is so vague as to be nearly useless.
Ditto calling someone "black". In American parlance that means of "African" origin, but there are black people in South Asia, Australia, Micronesia.....

BUT--the Brits know who **they** are talking about when they say "Asian" because the greatest numbers of Asians in the UK come from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. 43% of all "Asian" immigrants are Muslim.

Mary Beth said...

Only seventeen years for murder?! Something is wrong with that parole board.

It's not like the parolees are living in the the same neighborhoods as the parole board. If they make a mistake and release the wrong person, it's a mistake they can live with instead of one they might die from.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


43% of all [UK] "Asian" immigrants are Muslim.

I didn't actually know that; I thought it had to be over 50%. But that makes my point more strongly, yes? "Asian" can't be "code" for Muslim if the majority of "Asians" are not Muslims, the more so as the remainder also belong overwhelmingly to religions other than Christianity.

Old and slow: Yes, "yobs" (or "yobbos") are white assholes. ("Yob" = "boy" backwards, of course.)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Parole - thanks.

RigelDog said...

Serious question: Did this no-doubt very mentally disturbed person say "You don't belong here" because the victim was ASIAN? How do we know that?? Maybe he has a severe explosive rage disorder and he gets set off by almost anything---I've seen that kind of behavior personally. Maybe she was in some part of the sidewalk he thinks of as "his." Maybe he thought she was walking too close to him. Maybe he is triggered by women, or older women, or older people, or people who remind him of his mother. Maybe the voice in his head said that the next person he saw would be from outer space.

Amadeus 48 said...

You guys are missing the story.

When Blair and Brown took turns as Prime Minister of Great Britain, the Labour Party had a strategy to bolster their vote totals by accelerating emigration from Pakistan to the UK. When a memo on the strategy was leaked and published, there was a huge brouhaha, which the BBC did its best to stifle. The memo outlined the benefits to Labour's electoral prospects of 3 million more Labour voters in a country with 62 million people.

Amadeus 48 said...

Re: Elliott

I'll say it again: it is pointless to parse the motives of a crazy person. He's crazy. His motives are irrelevant.

Goldenpause said...

Does anybody other than a hard left zealot still read The Post?

Insufficiently Sensitive said...

"Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. said Elliot — a homeless Black man on parole after serving 17 years in prison for killing his mother

So WaPo demurely banishes the truth to the second sentence. Whereas the NYT, as served up by our hometown Seattle Times, conceals it utterly with the misleading declaration that the location of the brutal beating is a 'majority white neighborhood'. Never once describing the brute who dished out the beating.

No means are too crude for the MSM's crusade against the honkies.

Greg Hlatky said...

Does anybody other than a hard left zealot still read The Post?

DC people who read it to see if their name is mentioned.

Balfegor said...

Re: photos of perpetrators, I recall that a few years ago transit authorities in San Francisco decided that they would withhold surveillance videos of crime because they knew that letting people see the perpetrators would confirm racial stereotypes.

I confess I'm uncertain as to whether there's really been an increase in anti-Asian crimes. On the one hand, there's a small numbers effect here, where a small numerical increase is getting talked up as a 15x or 20x increase. And there's a categorization issue, where the police are reluctant to categorise some of these incidents as "hate crimes," but perhaps they're more willing to do so in 2021 than they were in 2019 or 2020.

But at the same time, so many of the assaults that I'm hearing about now seem to lack any motive whatsoever other than pure malice. Like this case, or like the cases in the Bay area where the perpetrators just run up and attack the victim and then run away without robbing them or anything. That seems like the kind of thing I would have heard about before if it were happening a lot, and I hadn't.

Anonymous said...

You'd think somebody at the newspaper would be embarrassed when the newspaper becomes the story.

Wouldn't it be funny if the rest of the media turned on the Washington Post?

Washington Post Accused of Racism.

And Mike Wallace ambushes them as they try to leave the building. That would be hilarious.

stephen cooper said...

why is Black capitalized?

WaPo is racist unless they capitalize Red and Yellow and White and Brown.

But we all know they are racist/it is sad, when you think about it, when they were young kids with big dreams of being journalists one day, I doubt they woke up in the morning and said, wow what a good life I'm gonna be a racist someday!!!!

oh and they are racist if they call white people white when of course their skin color is not white, they are racist if they call Asians yellow for obvious reasons, and so on.

And the evil man was not homeless. He was a murderer who lived in a hotel, his room paid for by the people who Mayor De Blasio thinks he is better than.

betweenthelines said...

"New York authorities file hate-crime charges in attack on Asian American woman."
(passive voice commits crime)

n.n said...

When Blair and Brown took turns as Prime Minister of Great Britain, the Labour Party had a strategy to bolster their vote totals by accelerating emigration from Pakistan to the UK.

democratic gerrymandering.

Martin said...

"On parole after serving 17 yrs fro killing his mother" raises some other questions.

Tina Trent said...

In the 1990’s there was a lot of concern that black males would be “overrepresented” as hate crime offenders because they are wildly overrepresented as criminals in general. One FBI stooge reassured activists in Atlanta that this problem could be avoided by just not charging every hate crime as a hate crime. It wasn’t necessary to do so, he said.

And so it wasn’t. The FBI did record several instances of graffiti reading “TrumpHitler” as hate crimes — by Trump supporters. There’s nothing these laws can’t do! Except discern hate in cases of serial killers who stalk females or boys, apparently.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

stephen cooper,

WaPo is racist unless they capitalize Red and Yellow and White and Brown.

They do capitalize "White," as of about 6 months ago. Brown, no, and no one uses either Red or Yellow any more (those have been tabu for as long as I've been alive, if not longer). I think the trouble with "Brown" is that it's too difficult to decide who fits and who doesn't. Cf. George Zimmerman . . .

Jessica L. Smith said...

After being in relationship with Wilson for seven years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that don’t believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I meant a spell caster called Dr Zuma zuk and I email him, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email: spiritualherbalisthealing@gmail.com or WhatsApp him +15068001647
you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything. CONTACT HIM NOW FOR SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR PROBLEMS

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Bleh, "Jessica L. Smith," we're trying to have a conversation here! Go away.

stephen cooper, what I ought to have added about George Zimmerman is that his skin tone had zilch to do with it. The trouble was that he had this white name (Zimmerman), and so the papers called him "white" before they discovered that his mother was Peruvian. If it had been his father who was Peruvian and his mother who was white, so that his surname was "Mena," they would've checked, and the whole narrative would've changed; but they saw a white-dude name attached to a plausibly white dude, and ran with it. But, then, they very seldom check anything when the initial facts fit the narrative. The succeeding ones might need to be jammed in anyhow, but who cares by then?

MadTownGuy said...

Late responding...busy day here.

Ray - SoCal said...
"Image from the guy in a Honda in the hate incident in Diamond Bar:

Sure looks Latino for me.

Of course what’s the difference ethnically between White and Latino?

Besides Ford foundation helped create one.

I was going on the info provided by the Sheriff's report:

"The LA County Sheriff’s Walnut/Diamond Bar Station released a report on Monday that describes the driver as a white male in his 50s. The case was listed as a hate “incident” rather than a hate “crime” because there was no injury or property damage."

I still think there's a good chance this was a false flag. County Supv. Janice Hahn was incensed about this incident. I wonder what she and LA County DA Gascon are doing about the real problem.

stephen cooper said...

Thanks Michelle, as I can't bring myself to read anything from the Washington Post, you told me something I did not know