March 11, 2021

Trigger warning.

ADDED: So what's the message there? We see Joe Biden sitting in the Oval Office, just sitting there, nothing's happening. We hear crickets. It's boring. Too boring. But remember when it was never boring? Don't you miss all the crazy? Even Joe misses it.


Mark said...

This would be funnier if they had the whole village people lineup with the horns guy from Jan 6, maybe Pence in assless chaps and leather, Rudy in the military getup, and McConnell as the 5th.

Underwhelming as is.

Whiskeybum said...

Wouldn’t it be nice if it were as easy as that?

Big Mike said...

I miss the sanity. Wouldn’t it be great to still have a President who actually cared about Americans?

wendybar said...

Big Mike said...
I miss the sanity. Wouldn’t it be great to still have a President who actually cared about Americans?

3/11/21, 5:00 AM

THIS!!! Democrats are openly campaigning for and legislating for illegals now.

Humperdink said...

If only ...... I am afraid those days are behind us. 75 +/- million dem voters have have endorsed an era book burning, cancelling free speech, illegals flooding in, massive vote fraud, and 4th trimester abortion.

On the bright side, with $1400 checks, Biden will end poverty as we know it, so says the WaPoo.

Breezy said...

I keep hoping some journalist with guts would ask Psaki who is actually running the show, as it is obvious that Joe is not capable.

Kevin said...

Meanwhile, in the actual Oval Office...

Darrell said...

Commie Mark had another wet dream.

rehajm said...

That's the creepiest camera angle I've ever seem from the oval office. Like a Bruce Wayne Batman fight scene...

RMc said...

assless chaps

Redundant; chaps are assless by definition. (I assume people use the phrase because it's fun to say "assless". Also, "chaps" is kinda funny, too.)

Rusty said...

I'm pretty sure that our window licker and chief just misses his pudding.

Ann Althouse said...

"I assume people use the phrase because it's fun to say "assless". Also, "chaps" is kinda funny, too."

It's also funny to say "chaps my ass."

Leland said...

I thought you wanted boring. Isn’t there a tag for it?

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Never pwess the wed one!

michaele said...

It did make me break out in a smile. Sigh, and tonight, I'll probably subject myself to watching zombie Joe squinting at the giant teleprompter as he gives us, the American people, kudos and comfort for surviving the pandemic...esp. since we had to endure for many months the horrible leadership and actions of the previous administration. He'll mention the empty seats at the kitchen table, have reasons to break out in the scary sharklike grin/grimace and, at the end, ask God to protect and bless our troops. He never says anything new.

Mary Beth said...

I was happy to see Catturd dancing with him.

daskol said...

Also a favorite: red ass.

If you're bored, must be that you don't notice the rough best slouching our way.

roesch/voltaire said...

No I do not miss the early morning lying tweets, and I appreciate the way the relief Bill will help the middle class etc with child credits, rather than the one percent which is the Trump legacy.

I Callahan said...

Well done, Churchy. It's NEVER a bad time to post a good Looney Tunes link, as fitting as that is in today's time...

I Callahan said...

R/V - what color is the sky on the planet you live on?

Kate said...

I love "chaps my ass". It's crude, but only mildly. It's Western, very heroic. It combines the visual and the tactile in one impression. I wish I had more opportunities to use it in a sentence.

Sebastian said...

"We hear crickets. It's boring. Too boring."

While the most devastating prog legislation goes into effect.




Mark said...

Assless chaps suggests that the usual pants worn underneath are not there.

If you didn't wear pants while riding a horse all day, chaps my ass would be an understatement.

Joe Smith said...

While you're being bored to death, Joe's handlers are working behind the scenes to steal your grandchildren's future and turn us into Venezuela.

But as long as there's no drama, well, OK.

Narayanan said...

Breezy said...
I keep hoping some journalist with guts would ask Psaki who is actually running the show, as it is obvious that Joe is not capable.
maybe not so directly - more like who is the last person you discuss with before you circle back out to us

Sam L. said...


Tomcc said...

Open borders, unfettered spending. This was not enough to cheer me up.

BrianE said...

Yea. A little levity, but it doesn't counteract the incredible damage done by the progressives in just two short months.

The race is now on for 2022. The leftists need to pad the voter roles sufficiently before average Americans learn (if they ever hear) of the insanity being pushed on the country, because if they do understand the effects, the left is going to lose big time.

Griff90 said...

Too many people voted for Biden because they wanted boring. Not policy but boring. I wonder if the press ignored Trump, would he have been boring. It seems as if they are ignoring Biden now.

gilbar said...

I wonder if the press ignored Trump, would he have been boring. It seems as if they are ignoring Biden now.

just for the sake of argument, Imagine what a republican (ANY republican) would be like,
if the press were a free press, instead of an organ of the democrat party

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I like the curtain reference to the blue-black/white-gold dress kerfuffle.

Darcy said...

Loved it. I miss his silly dancing. Liberals are boring.

rehajm said...

In case you missed it: the intent here is to put you to sleep while power turns up the heat to a full boil totalitarian state somewhere between Sanders socialism and soviet communism.

AJ Ford said...

I prefer boring, though not new entitlements that have no plan for funding.

gadfly said...

If this invention is designed to show Donald Trump's humorous side, he has neither the talent to construct the video nor the mind to invent the supposed comedy.

If instead, we note that The Donald has a bent to often display his sexual and gender identity as other than straight, always works when he dances by himself to a Village People song or when he constantly puts his hands all over French President Emmanuel Macron.

The designer of this video doesn't laugh at what I laugh about. Fools rush in . . .

Griff90 said...

Most people prefer boring in their politics but want government to leave them alone. The democrats don’t like leaving people alone.

Clyde said...

"All the crazy" is going on at the southern border now. You may not be hearing about it if you get your news from the MSM, but it's happening. The old Trump crazy was mostly harmless, except to the mental health of lefties. The new Biden* crazy is going to be far, far more harmful, both in the short term and the long term.

Unknown said...

No, psychopath, we don't miss the crazy.