March 29, 2021

"Though they circumcised their daughter, her parents were relatively liberal by the standards of the time and believed that all their children should be educated regardless of gender."

"When El Saadawi was ten they tried to marry her off in accordance with local custom, but her mother supported her when she resisted. El Saadawi allegedly deterred other suitors by smearing aubergine on her teeth to make them black.... After graduating in 1955 El Saadawi returned to her home village to work as a doctor, turning her experiences into a novel, Memoirs of a Woman Doctor. She also married her second husband, Rashad Bey, a lawyer, but swiftly divorced him when he proved too 'patriarchal.' He threw the manuscript of one of her novels out of the window, tore up her Medical Association card and once tried to throttle her.... El Saadawi’s anger was not just directed at Egypt, Islam and the Arab world. She was also a harsh critic of western hypocrisy, colonialism, militarism, capitalism and US support for Israel. She considered the Islamic veil to be a 'tool of oppression' but also condemned the make-up and clothes worn by women in the West. 'Women are pushed to be just bodies — either to be veiled under religion or to be veiled by make-up,' she said. 'They are told they shouldn’t face the world with their real face.'" 

From "Nawal El Saadawi obituary/Prolific Egyptian author and fearless campaigner for women’s rights who became the ‘Simone de Beauvoir of the Arab world’" (London Times).


Fernandinande said...

'Women are pushed to be just bodies — either to be veiled under religion or to be veiled by make-up,' she said. 'They are told they shouldn’t face the world with their real face.'

Women tell each other those things. The passive phrasing doesn't change that.

tim maguire said...

I suppose I should applaud her bravery and dedication, but the 2nd divorce set off red flags. Was she involved in defence of the downtrodden generally? Or just the stuff that affected her personally, as this excerpt suggests?

gilbar said...

AND, how many grandkids did SHE have?

Quaestor said...

Becoming the Simone de Beauvoir of France is nothing to be proud of, let alone Egypt.

Quaestor said...

Rashad Bey... once tried to throttle her...

We shouldn't judge Rashad Bey too harshly without much more sworn testimony in the case. Some people just need throttling.

[Rashad Bey] threw the manuscript of one of her novels out of the window.

He may have acted in defense of Arabic literature, who knows?

Quaestor said...

[Rashad Bey] threw the manuscript of one of her novels out of the window.

There ought to be more manuscripts thrown from windows. Just this morning I added an audiobook to my Audible library. It wasn't a book I'd choose for myself, but it was free, so I took it on the theory that was worth every penny.

Jeez, did it suck! I'd wager the nest egg that I didn't listen to even one hundred words of the first chapter before silencing the Audible app.

Iman said...

When El Saadawi was ten they tried to marry her off in accordance with local custom, but her mother supported her when she resisted. El Saadawi allegedly deterred other suitors by smearing aubergine on her teeth to make them black....

The trick with the teeth was inspired. I remember back when I was a young man... I had so many chicks after me that I was forced to smear dog shit on the door handles of my GTO to dissuade the young ladies from running alongside and gaining entry as I cruised through the neighborhood. A helluva thing.

Mikey NTH said...

Sounds like she didn't like anything. Which is fine, for her, I guess.

Michael K said...

One very confused woman. Glad I never met her.

alfromchgo said...

It was not named the Third World for nothin...

PhilD said...

She may have a small point about make-up but she looses it totally to the big point. That is; I never heard that people who refuses to wear make-up get stoned for it.

"Becoming the Simone de Beauvoir of France is nothing to be proud of, let alone Egypt."
I second that.

Jupiter said...

So, did she have any children?

Amadeus 48 said...

She sounds grumpy and dissatisfied with her lot in life. She seems to have wanted to appropriate the values and behaviors of the colonialists while denouncing them for their colonialism. And she was from Egypt. Did she have a position on the Ptolomies?

Hannio said...

"She may have a small point about make-up but she looses it totally to the big point. That is; I never heard that people who refuses to wear make-up get stoned for it."

Back in college I knew quite a few women who refused to wear makeup and got stoned. Some didn't even shave their legs.

narciso said...

So she hated everybody, including those who could come to her aid

narciso said...

Ahdaf souief is another with crazy opinions yet she writes well.

n.n said...

Gender: masculine and feminine? Or sex: male and female? The latter is immutable. The former can be simulated.

Does this mean that liberals will end gender conversion therapy through surgical corruption (e.g. castration), medical manipulation, and psychiatric psychoses (e.g. indoctrination)?

Feminists, masculinists: keep women appointed, available, and taxable.

Can leftists, including: progressives and liberals, abort the baby, cannibalize her profitable parts, sequester her carbon pollutants, and have her, too?

n.n said...

The problem for the "Palestinian" people is their leaders. Starting from the war against Jews, progressing with the coup in Jordan that ended the "two state" solution, and their militarism since that has sustained social justice and forced progress: one step forward, two steps backward.

narciso said...

they tried to marry her off at ten, then they circumcized her, this is a progressive sounding family?

mandrewa said...

The big lie is calling it "circumsion". It's the same damn fascist trick over and over again. If you accept the leftist vocabulary you are halfway to believing them.

n.n said...
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n.n said...

they tried to marry her off at ten, then they circumcized her, this is a progressive sounding family

Children with "benefits". Gender conversion therapy. One step forward, two steps backward.

n.n said...

The big lie is calling it "circumsion". It's the same damn fascist trick over and over again. If you accept the leftist vocabulary you are halfway to believing them.

A religion. Different, ancient faith. Different, ancient principles. Ostensibly "secular" with mortal gods and goddesses dictating the philosophy, spread through advocates and activists in agencies, corporations, schools, popular culture, etc.

n.n said...

Castrating her clitoris is not equivalent to circumcising his foreskin.