March 29, 2021



Humperdink said...

No net? No court lines? No fun.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Global Warming! That's Al Gore in the red coat. My Hero!

stlcdr said...

“What’s the weather like, today?”

“Oh, mild, clear skies, high in the low 40s, with the occasional volcano.”

“Perfect. Go get the ball!”

Humperdink said...

Iceland: Volcanic volleyball.

US: Beach volleyball.

I'll take the latter.

Original Mike said...

"I'll take the latter."

I'll take the former. Never have liked the beach and molten rock spewing out of the ground is awesome.

I would love a sample of fresh rock for my collection.

gilbar said...

AND, how many Down Syndrome kids did THEY have?

Misinforminimalism said...

It's like a giant outdoor firepit, why wouldn't it be a social gathering place?

tim in vermont said...

The movie Eurovision takes place in Iceland, and it almost makes you want to move there.

"No net? No court lines? No fun.”

Maybe, but there’s an orgy afterwards.

Lurker21 said...

I'm a skeptic about man-made global warming, but didn't the last big volcano in Iceland spew enough ash in the air to bring reported global temperatures down for a while?

Maybe we need to subsidize volcanoes?

Yellowstone is waiting for its check.

farmgirl said...

It’s a cool optic, no doubt.
My question is: a volcano has deep roots- Iceland is losing glacial coverage... due to global warming?
Uh- wouldn’t molten lava under the earth’s mantel kinda warm things up enough to melt glaciers w/out human causation or should I go back to remedial math? Cause global warming isn’t the sum result IMhumbleO.

michaele said...

I was surprised to see that some of the kids were actually wearing Icelandic sweaters. I thought those were just for tourists to buy.

Original Mike said...

"I was surprised to see that some of the kids were actually wearing Icelandic sweaters. I thought those were just for tourists to buy."

There were no tourists last year. The locals had to buy them.

michaele said...

Original Mike, I have one that my mother gave me 30 some years ago that she got when she visited Iceland. I only wore it one time because it itched like crazy. It's beautiful and I don't have the heart to throw it away even though my mom has been deceased for 13 years. I have toyed with the idea of washing it in hot water as an experiment and seeing if it shrinks to miniature size. Maybe I could turn it into an amusing decorative pillow for my brown leather couch.

MayBee said...

Not to be a stick-in-the-mud, but how is this much different than the idiot videos we get of people surfing as the hurricane comes in? I mean, its cute and carefree and everything until you're covered in lava.

pacwest said...

Crispy Critters?

Wince said...

Given those short skirts, I can't blame him.

"Peter Brady "Erupts" on Marcia and her Friends"

Howard said...

It's not a big deal, Maybee. Basalt eruptions have very little water so are not explosive. It's like hot molasses.

Who doesn't love a true Nordic sweater?

Howard said...

Because of the wim hof article and my interest in open water swimming, I keep getting youtube recommended videos of hot Nordic women ice water swimming.

Thanks Google!

Sebastian said...

Just to be clear: when the whole thing blows up, the U.S. doesn't have to come riding to the rescue, right?

Lurker21 said...

If they were really brave the game they'd be playing is "The Floor Is Lava" with real lava.

I thought that was something my clever brother invented, but apparently it was more widespread than that.

Now it's even a TV show.

Rusty said...

Forced perspective? I think they have more to worry about falling on sharp rocks.

Humperdink said...

@Original Mike. Beach volleyball is much easier on the eyes.

Yancey Ward said...

Careless idiots. None of them seem to be wearing their masks.

Original Mike said...

"Beach volleyball is much easier on the eyes."

I understand, though it depends who's playing.

Indigo Red said...

Not a virgin among them.

Yancey Ward said...
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Yancey Ward said...
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Yancey Ward said...

"Not a virgin among them."

Not any longer.

Valentine Smith said...

It's Icelandickness. They have the world's longest penis on display in a tiny museum in Reykjavik. It once had girth but over time all things become desiccated. Icelanders are notorious for their very generous endowments. Thank God my mother passed on my grandfather's genes to me. Although that is balanced somewhat from my father's Irish genes.
Many a cock remote to the North owe their generous dimensions to the raping and pillaging of my beloved ancestors. Ahhh, the good old days!

The tiny island (5.2 sq mi) of Heimaey off the southern coast has 2 large cones that dominate the landscape above the town. I have pictures of the 2 framed through the gates of a small cemetery.
Icelanders embody the true messages of the sagas and Norse mythology, love and death but death mostly.

iqvoice said...

You can tell it's legit Iceland because of the constant wind in the microphone.

Anonymous said...

We live in a physical world we don't control. That includes the Global Climate. We don't actually control the Global Climate. Sad that this needs to be said.