March 9, 2021




Talk about anything.


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Rusty said...

"Boots on the ground should be the last-ditch option."
I agree. When that option is taken make absolutely sure that the response is quick, brutal and decisive.

rhhardin said...

Tried it on my Mac10/Opera and got the 'stay tuned' message, also.

I guess the new comment threads are just from Windows XP with outdated Firefox users, the true conservatives. Not early adopters.

rhhardin said...

My USENET browser is Netscape Navigator 2.02 (c. 1994-1995) from Windows 95.

The Crack Emcee said...

If you guys are as torn-up over Harry and Meghan as I am, I strongly suggest you put you feet up, do a little lite beach reading at home - over some pleasant and soothing music - and all will soon be better with the world.

It'll keep going to Hell if you don't.

Lurker21 said...

Obama was supposed to be FDR. He turned out to be more or less Bill Clinton.

Biden isn't FDR. He's LBJ: unemployment, inflation, riots, national decline.

Lurker21 said...

I don't care about Harvey and Mellen. I can see that, yeah, she's a spoiled, self-indulgent American princess but don't have any love for Britain's royal family either.

gadfly said...

rhhardin said...
Huh. The new and improved website overnight works on Windows XP but gets a "stay tuned" message on Windows 10. Firefox.

I just tried to respond to the above comment but got a "Forbidden" blowup.

I said that lots of problems are cropping up with Win 10's new version 20H2. My 2020 H&R Block Business software no longer opens under the new version. I determined that Block doesn't care after spending two hours being passed from one incompetent phone answerer to another. Finally I went back into Win 10's last recovery point and restored the old version of Windows 10 in order to get important tax filing data from the Block Tax software.

Then I said that Microsoft and Google are often at odds over access.

J. Farmer said...


Farmer: ST's 'insults' were, in fact, objective observations. Take heed.

Oh sweetie, an objective observation can still be an insult. You being an old snide cunt, for example.

mockturtle said...

LOL! Farmer, alas, your personal insults lack the eloquence of your specious arguments.

Humperdink said...

@Farmer. Scrap the mumbo jumbo and just call them all globalists.

J. Farmer said...


LOL! Farmer, alas, your personal insults lack the eloquence of your specious arguments.

So attack the specious arguments and not the arguer. That would at least be constructive. The strength or validity of any argument you make is independent of the fact that you're a fuckwit.

J. Farmer said...


@Farmer. Scrap the mumbo jumbo and just call them all globalists.

Eh. "Globalist" is a decent term for it but suffers from some of the same problems of vagueness and generality that "neoliberal" does. Same goes for "the elite" or "the establishment" or "the 1%."

They're all ways of conveying: (1) power in society is concentrated among a small minority of wealthy individuals, (2) these individuals have little to no contact with working-class lifestyles, agrarian values, or "ordinary Americans." (3) they have very divergent economic interests from the vast majority of Americans, (4) they've hit the jackpot for the past 40 years and are highly motivated to keep it up, (5) they dominate the political system, both major parties, the media, academia, the banking and financial industry, and multinational corporations. (6) voting Democrat or Republican has become "heads they win, tails you lose."

Michael K said...

Which Trump bears great responsibility for allowing that to happen.

I agree but Trump, again, was alone in a shark pool. The FBI, for example, has a whole division on cyber crime but they were part of the enemy. Trump failed to recognize what was going on between June and the election. He was complaining about absentee ballot rules but then the Supreme Court would not enforce the law. This is another example of the problems an outsider would have. The same would have been true of Perot, who I would have voted for but for his blowup about his daughter's wedding. I now wonder if he had reason to be concerned at that time. The Deep State was probably not as powerful then but who knows ?

Bruce Hayden said...

“Excerpt from fellatory MSM article about Biden*'s stimulus package by Ben White of Politico:”

"It could be a Morning in America moment that further turbocharges an economy already primed to pop, reduces economic inequality and lofts Biden to the kind of economic hero status enjoyed by the likes of Franklin Delano Roosevelt after the Depression and Ronald Reagan in the boom-time 1980s."

Nope. Not going to turbocharge the economy. They are doing what they did in 2008 - trying to use Keynesian stimulus to goose the economy, ignoring that Keynesian economics has been debunked for almost a half century now. When they did it in 2008, we were going into a recession, and their fiscal mismanagement just spread out the normal recovery part of the economic cycle, giving us the slowest economic recovery since FDR and his horrid responses to the economic crash of 1929. This time though, the economy hasn’t crashed. Yet. It will. If Obama and the Dems hadn’t screwed up the response to the dip in the economy starting in 2008 so badly, our recovery would have been faster, and we would probably already be through the dip, and we’ll into the recovery. But instead, they are goosing the economy just as it was getting ready for a dip. And that means that it will likely be thrown into recession in fairly short order.

Making things worse, Trump got economic advantage through deregulation and becoming energy independent. So, of course, the Biden people are, knee jerk, reversing these policies. You just have to look at gas prices to see where this is headed. It looks like the $15 minimum wage is, at least temporarily, DOA. Another brain dead, economically disastrous, knee jerk Dem policy. If you are going to raise it, do so when we are at full employment, with significant upwards wage pressure, and not when millions of workers have lost their job through the effects of the Wuhan Flu. And not when the borders have been thrown wide open to entice illiterate peasants from around the world to stream in, taking low income jobs away from Americans, putting further pressure on wages (and social services that they don’t pay their way on, since much of their income is under the counter).

It very much looks to me that the Democrats are trying their hardest to crash the economy. Maybe they are hoping that we will be out of the trough by the next Presidential election. Nevertheless, they still will have the problem that the economy was on fire under Trump, but was mired in recession after they stole the Presidency from him. That is going to be hard to hide in 2022 and 2024. But I don’t think that is what is going on in their minds. Rather, complete power over the government means that they are now back in power to loot it, for their own benefit. If you have enough money in the bank (etc), recessions don’t matter. Unemployment doesn’t matter. They don’t affect you, and indeed, may provide opportunities to make even more money. With the passage of the latest COVID-19 stimulus package, the hogs are lined up at the feeding trough, ready to gorge themselves off of the labors of our grandchildren.

Narr said...

I'm glad Bruce is back.

It seems to me that most of the invective here is a combination of two things: Titanic Deck Chair Syndrome and the Narcissism of Small Differences.

Whatever label you want to pin on them, our Elites are displaying the grandiose incompetence of Theorists in Power. Incoherent policy lurches by lifelong hacks, massive disinformatsiya presented as Science, dominance by corporate interests, and the Invade the World/Invite the World ideology have made collapse not only likely but inevitable.

In truth, there is little point in my mind to arguing these issues--we will soon see what a paper tiger the US military is, as they are committed to fool's errands in shitholes, killing and dying on behalf of people who despise them, for rights that will soon be meaningless for American citizens in CONUS itself.

Convergence Theory Confirmed!

Narr said...

Test. I just lost a long post to Blogger.

Althouse Blog is being toyed with

chickelit said...

J. Farmer wrote: The strength or validity of any argument you make is independent of the fact that you're a fuckwit.

Yes, but she's our fuckwit. And you should mind your manners.

J. Farmer said...

@Bruce Hayden:

If Obama and the Dems hadn’t screwed up the response to the dip in the economy starting in 2008 so badly, our recovery would have been faster, and we would probably already be through the dip, and we’ll into the recovery. But instead, they are goosing the economy just as it was getting ready for a dip. And that means that it will likely be thrown into recession in fairly short order.

Obama's biggest error was relying on people like Geithner and Summers and going along with their bank bailout. The banks should have been nationalized, the executives removed, the shareholders and bondholders wiped out, reorganized, and sold back to the private sector as quickly as possible.

The Republicans' biggest error was their foolish opposition to stimulus. The stimulus package was too small, too devoted to tax cuts, and at least two years away from any shovel-ready projects.

They are doing what they did in 2008 - trying to use Keynesian stimulus to goose the economy, ignoring that Keynesian economics has been debunked for almost a half century now.

There is no theory of economy. There's at least a dozen schools of thought within mainstream economics alone, never mind heterodox schools. Macroeconomics is not understood, and economic forecasting is voodoo. It's occasionally analogized to weather prediction but presents way more of a challenge than that.

J. Farmer said...


Yes, but she's our fuckwit. And you should mind your manners.

If she wants to be pleasant, I'll be a teddy bear. If she wants to be a snide bitch, I'll let her know when she's succeeding.

That said, we're just taking the piss out of each other. It isn't that deep.

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