March 9, 2021




Talk about anything.


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mandrewa said...

Romanian TVee: The surveillance state. How powerful can it be in the future?

Our depressing future stretches in front of us.

wendybar said...

Beautiful pictures...Thanks for posting them!!

Nonapod said...

An Arizona border chief says that illegal immigration is on track to overtake the past three years combined.

Kay said...

I have kind of an odd question, but someone here might have a good answer. So if you see this and want to answer, please feel free.

The question: if you’re in a shoot-out with someone. Is it better to have the low ground or the higher ground?

D.D. Driver said...

Remember the story about the Smith College student who falsely accused a janitor of harassing her?

This French girl say "hold my Chablis!"


Narr said...

Surveillance and Therapeutic State. The best we can hope for is tsarist-style autocracy tempered by incompetence.

NPR reports that Gen. Honore recommends another 800 Capitol Police, in addition to the 2000 already deployed! A small brigade to defend the complex! As if manpower was the root of the problem, or even a major factor.

Of course, on NPR the events of 6 Jan are described as a "deadly insurrection."

Deadly farce, more like

Gahrie said...

The question: if you’re in a shoot-out with someone. Is it better to have the low ground or the higher ground?

Higher ground.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Covid Funding?
Crime (election theft) is worth billions. We have motivation up the wazoo. Soros AGs prohibit investigation into methods.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Bullet drop in High/Low targeting circumstances requires aiming high in both circumstances.

Narr said...

Can't answer precisely, Kay, without more detail. It is generally held that high ground confers an advantage, but elevation is just one factor in any tactical situation.

Ideally, in the daytime, a high position lets you see and react to whatever your foe is up to, but OTOH at night a high position might make you stand out against the skyline while giving no particular sight advantage into the shadows below. This is also a consideration in daylight, thus the difference between a topographical crest and a military crest.

Clausewitz, IIRC, says that most troops in his day tended to fire over their enemies from elevated positions, rather than at them--but that was a problem of massed musket fire at very short range, when aiming was intuitive rather than precise. Which is not to say shooting upwards is desirable if you can avoid it!

Google 'OCOKA' for more guidance

BUMBLE BEE said...

NPR, (CPB), "only" gets $75 million in the "Covid stimulus" bill. They're all in. Any ideas on how much they got in 2008? Dems VERY generous with your grandchildren's money.

rhhardin said...

Has anybody mentioned what a wasteland the Rush Limbaugh show is now. I still record it because it's automatic but don't listen, beyond checking if Mark Steyn is the host, which apparently he seldom is. Not in consideration for the final job, I think that means. He's Canadian.

Gahrie said...

Lower ground means you are potentially more exposed and looking up into the sun. Every combat leader will seek to control the higher ground.

In a one on one Old West style shootout, fairness would demand an equal footing.

Chris N said...

If you're both on a rooftop, high up, this is what can happen.

rcocean said...

Trump has told the RNC and other Republican Party fund raisers to go fuck themselves. Give money to his PAC and NOT to the RINO's. Good for him!

Kay said...

Chris N said...
If you're both on a rooftop, high up, this is what can happen.
3/9/21, 12:40 PM


rcocean said...

If you want more Lynn Cheney's and mitt romney's then give $$ to the RNC and Republican fund raisers for the Senate and House. because that's what you're going to get.

Kay said...

Thank you to everyone who has answered so far. This is helpful.

rcocean said...

"PR reports that Gen. Honore recommends another 800 Capitol Police, in addition to the 2000 already deployed! A small brigade to defend the complex! As if manpower was the root of the problem, or even a major factor."

Nah, they don't need more troops. Just more Machine guns, mortars, and landmines. Or maybe a few tanks will keep the rabble in line. Personally, I'd suggest a Armored Personnel Carrier for Queen Pelosi.

gilbar said...

you KNOW how you can TELL, that your government is COMPLETELY Legit?
When they need a PERMANENT MILITARY PRESENCE to keep them in power

gilbar said...

"This could be done by mobilizing military police from Guard elements across the U.S. on rotations of three to six months," the task force's report states. "Another option would be to create a QRF that permanentlyresides within the D.C. Guard by reestablishing a military police battalion and staffing it with active Guard reserve troops who live in or near the city year-round, perpetually on active duty."

Establishing a permanent National Guard presence could be a costly measure for the military, especially if states must continue to rotate troops and equipment in and out. Basic Allowance for Housing for an Army specialist, the most common rank in the force, is $2,520 per month in the D.C. area without dependents. That is on top of standard pay.

National Guard troops also must maintain civilian jobs, which could be a challenge. Guard troops would have to stay activated under federal orders for legal protections from employer retaliation.

gilbar said...

i Assume, that Shortly; they'll be bringing back conscription for their
"active Guard reserve troops ... perpetually on active duty."

Perpetually Active Reserve ???

Joe Smith said...

"The question: if you’re in a shoot-out with someone. Is it better to have the low ground or the higher ground?"

High ground.

Bullets go faster downhill.

Joe Smith said...

"PR reports that Gen. Honore recommends another 800 Capitol Police, in addition to the 2000 already deployed! A small brigade to defend the complex! As if manpower was the root of the problem, or even a major factor."

Great, another couple of thousand government, unionized, democrat-voting employees we can never fire.

Anyone want to go in on opening a donut shop in DC?

Lemonade from lemons.

Joe Smith said...

Since voting is so 'sacred,' I'll make a deal with all lefties who want to loosen all of the safeguards on voter fraud.

OK, let's do it all. Mail-in, absentee, drop boxes, etc.

But the penalty for casting an illegal vote or abetting voter fraud in any way is mandatory death penalty.

I'm OK with that.

Nonapod said...

All this "high ground" talk just makes me think of that dumb I have the high ground meme, confirming that I spend wayy too much time on the internet.

mandrewa said...

Tim Pool: Entire Democratic Staff In Nevada Quits After Socialists Win Every Party Leadership Seat

The Democratic Socialists of America now control the Nevada Democratic Party.

And paraphrasing Tim Pool, YouTube took down every single video of Donald Trump's recent speech at CPAC. Some creators on YouTube were suspended for showing parts of that speech.

BUMBLE BEE said...

This'll liven the discussion up around here ...

BUMBLE BEE said...

Of course, you remember! More AGreatness
"Instead, Carlin continued to perpetuate the phony Russian collusion myth by vilifying other Trump aides, including Lt. General Mike Flynn. In 2017, Carlin condemned Flynn’s “secret” conversations with a Russian ambassador as posing a threat to the country that must be investigated." Fair and balanced persecution.

Anonymous said...

Kay - "The question: if you’re in a shoot-out with someone. Is it better to have the low ground or the higher ground?"

Answer this: Are you initiating the shootout? Are you prepping for a potential shootout? or...has the shootout come upon you?

gilbar said...

Active Guard and Reserve (AGR) is a thing.
as opposed to "Inactive Reserve"... But! that does NOT change the fact that it is an oxymoron

gilbar said...

it's the, perpetually on active duty part that *I* have a problem with
The National Guard are STATE militia, they are NOT supposed to be perpetually nationalized

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

While the legacy-D media fawn over Biden and his dogs...

There is a real crisis at our southern border. Turns out, when you invite the world to walk on in - they do.

Anonymous said...

rhhardin- "Has anybody mentioned what a wasteland the Rush Limbaugh show is now."

I stopped listening a few years ago.

We strut and fret our hour upon the stage, and then are no more.

I do remember 1992 though. First time I heard him. Brilliant parodies. Well thought out colloquies. Listened when I could over the decades. Appreciative of his unabashed offense against the Progressive march towards the collective we are now in.

And yet... we find ourselves in the Covid Collective, and have surrendered our be safe.

daskol said...


stevew said...

Higher ground is preferred. The only downside is that you have no path to retreat. Of course, if you are properly outfitted and equipped and execute competently, you will not need to retreat.

Kay said...

Hercules, not that one though said...
Kay - "The question: if you’re in a shoot-out with someone. Is it better to have the low ground or the higher ground?"

Answer this: Are you initiating the shootout? Are you prepping for a potential shootout? or...has the shootout come upon you?
3/9/21, 2:07 PM

I don’t have the answers to your questions, so I don’t know how that may affect your answer. I just want to know if the low ground or high ground is more advantageous. If the answer is different if you’re initiating versus being attacked I would want to know that and know why.

Joe Smith said...

rhhardin- "Has anybody mentioned what a wasteland the Rush Limbaugh show is now."

I have a few times...but I don't tune in anymore.

End of an era.

I'm listening to Deep Tracks on SiriusXM right now.

A lot of classic songs that are rarely played. Usually good.

Except as I type this they are playing a fucking Doors song.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Kay said... [hush]​[hide comment]

I don’t have the answers to your questions, so I don’t know how that may affect your answer. I just want to know if the low ground or high ground is more advantageous. If the answer is different if you’re initiating versus being attacked I would want to know that and know why.

It's easier to sit atop a hill and defend against an attacker who has to climb the hill to attack. In addition, it will give whoever is holding it a clear advantage in being able to see the attackers movements, as well as a better view of the general area.

Nonapod said...

I just want to know if the low ground or high ground is more advantageous. If the answer is different if you’re initiating versus being attacked I would want to know that and know why.

There are just too many variables to say anything clearly.

For example: Just speaking purely abstractly, if you have 2 individuals separated by... say 40 feet, each armed with identical guns, each with identical shooting ability, visibility is excellent, and there are no obstructions, but one is say on a box or ledge or whatever that is 5 feet higher than the other, I would say that the advantage offered by that high ground is pretty negligible to non existent realistically.

However, if you have 1 person that is in a 20 foot tower looking down on a person that's almost directly below them, I would say there's a bit more of a clear advantage to the person in the tower since the person on the ground has to physically look up, putting their body in a slightly more of a stressed position. Meanwhile the person in the tower can even be prone, which obviously will increase accuracy. It's still (arguably) not a massive advantage, but it's definitely an advantage.

Joe Smith said...

However, if you have 1 person that is in a 20 foot tower looking down on a person that's almost directly below them, I would say there's a bit more of a clear advantage to the person in the tower since the person on the ground has to physically look up, putting their body in a slightly more of a stressed position.

Charles Whitman agrees...

J. Farmer said...


Tim Pool: Entire Democratic Staff In Nevada Quits After Socialists Win Every Party Leadership Seat

The Democratic Socialists of America now control the Nevada Democratic Party.

I know this may seem like an odd take, but that is actually a good development. The "far" left and "far" right are unified by an anti-establishment orientation. The two sides should seek out areas of common ground and concern. Hawley and Sanders teaming up to push for the $1,200 stimulus or the various appearances of Glenn Greenwald on Tucker Carlson's show are good examples of these kinds of fusions.

Leland said...

I just read that HuffPo is having layoffs. This seems like great news for the solar power industry looking for talent.

Narayanan said...

for background on this guy

Who was the commander of the Joint Task Force Katrina?

When Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast in 2005, Honoré was designated commander of Joint Task Force Katrina. Honoré’s arrival in New Orleans came after what was widely believed to be a poor performance by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Narayanan said...

Nonapod said...
I just want to know if the low ground or high ground is more advantageous. If the answer is different if you’re initiating versus being attacked I would want to know that and know why.
i vaguely remember William Shakespeare writing something on this - low ground or high ground

Michael K said...

I'm reading "The Deep Rig" by Patrick Byrne about the election fraud. I was surprised that Amazon has it and that link is to my Kindle order but a search of Amazon main site returns nothing already. I will read it fast before it goes to the Memory Hole on Kindle. B&N has it on Nook but I don't have one of those.

Very technical with links to videos so it has to be electronic.

Amadeus 48 said...

Piers Morgan—gone!

Oh, the humanity!

He got Meghanized! You cannot doubt her claims…you will be destroyed. Oprah rules all. Quick…get me some therapy!

Good-bye, Enlightenment. You were beautiful. You were too good for us.

This is what a civilization looks like at the end of its run.

Joe Smith said...

"The "far" left and "far" right are unified by an anti-establishment orientation."


Antifa and BLM far-left might be anti-establishment, but socialists and Marxists are all about State control.

'The State' is kind of the poster child for 'the establishment.'

Joe Smith said...

The Twitter news bar is promoting a headline from the Minneapolis 'Star Tribune' that reads, "Derek Chauvin's trial in killing of George Floyd begins in Minneapolis."

Not 'death,' but 'killing.'

No agenda there.

mockturtle said...

Amadeus: I do hope that Meghan will not become another American idol, like Diana. Both 'victims' of a sort who never developed the stiff upper lip necessary to negotiate British royalty. Yes, it was tragic that Diana was killed in the accident but she was a lightweight who just couldn't handle the pressure. After Elizabeth dies, it's probably time to put an end to the farce, anyway. But, if the Brits must have their monarch, I hope Charles will concede in favor of William. He and Kate seem to have The Right Stuff.

tim maguire said...

mockturtle said....if the Brits must have their monarch, I hope Charles will concede in favor of William. He and Kate seem to have The Right Stuff.

Have you ever seen The Windsor’s? It’s The Crown for people who don’t care about the royal family. It’s satirical and pretty brilliant. The only characters who come off well are William and Kate.

Anonymous said...

Kay - "I don’t have the answers to your questions"

1. If a shootout occurs, high or low ground doesn't matter. You are where you are.
Shoot and keep shooting.

2. If you are in a defensive position, high ground is better, but...

Know who your enemy is. (Randy Weaver was on high ground. Wanted to be left alone. He didn't think the FBI was his enemy. Still...the FBI assassinated his wife, child, and dog.)

3. I doubt you're thinking about an offensive position. If you are...defense is weaker on any ground. Men will climb the Pointe-du-Lac, after all. The offense calls the time of the attack, and the 'spacing' of attacks gives them a little advantage. That's why the FBI breaks down your door at 4am.

It's like surrounding your Capitol with razor wire, wondering when the attack will occur. You're on edge. Worst part is, if your defenders are sympathetic to the attackers.

Let's say you think you are a queen, but everyone hates you. You're a drunk and flirting with dementia. You manipulated your kingdom to accept an addled King who drools on himself.

You call out your National Guard. They hate you. How much protection can you rely on?
As a Queen, you could mitigate their hatred by serving them rotten food, and telling them to sleep in an unheated parking garage.

That won't help.

So...You call for a purge of your 'defenders'. Damn. You purged the strongest and most fierce fighting men in your realm.

You have your Capitol Guard though! They hate you too. Defenders who hate you, don't fight very hard. Many will join the other side.

4) Try to ascertain who your enemy is.

4a) Kay. Who do you fear? Who is your enemy? Be not afraid.

5) Understand you are here for a short time.

Jim at said...

I've noticed a slight difference with how our local (Puget Sound) TV news now refers to POTUS.

Aside from the obvious bias, when Trump was President, it was always President Trump this and President Trump that. On everything.

Now? It's not 'President Biden' but the Biden Administration this and the Biden Administration that.

Subtle difference, yet speaks volumes.

FullMoon said...

"PR reports that Gen. Honore recommends another 800 Capitol Police, in addition to the 2000 already deployed! A small brigade to defend the complex! As if manpower was the root of the problem, or even a major factor."

Prepping for the Chauvin trial riots, and any other BLM Antifa insurrections. While pretending tea party and republicans are the villains.

mockturtle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mockturtle said...

Tim Maguire: Not having sufficient high speed internet to stream movies, etc. at present, I haven't seen either one but it sounds good and I'll watch it if I ever get the chance. Have always found British PMs to be more interesting than the Royals.

n.n said...

"The "far" left and "far" right are unified by an anti-establishment orientation."

The left-right nexus is leftist in motive and outcome, respectively.

FullMoon said...

"French Schoolgirl Admits She Made Up Story Causing Teacher’s Beheading"

Believe all women.

Titus said...

Where is everyone summering? I ask this because everyone at the dog park was talking about their summer plans. All the usual suspects. Maine, Vermont, Berkshires, the cape an Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard, natch. All very dog friendly. Some dog park friends used to summer in Halifax but that doesn’t seem to be an option this summer.

Tell me about your fab summer rental.

Titus said...

None of my friends are eligible for covid checks. We all make too much money and are childless.

Anonymous said...

"Gen. Honore recommends another 800 Capitol Police"

More. Bring more. Collect all the 'Diversity and Inclusion' acolytes to your cesspool of deviance and corruption.

Gather them up from the 4 corners of a country that ignores you and mocks you. Gather them all together in one place.

Americans would like to talk with them.

rcocean said...

"It's easier to sit atop a hill and defend against an attacker who has to climb the hill to attack. In addition, it will give whoever is holding it a clear advantage in being able to see the attackers movements, as well as a better view of the general area."

Go watch a movie called "Winchester 73". Watch the last five minutes. It answers that question.

gilbar said...

Mock turtle said...
After Elizabeth dies, it's probably time to put an end to the farce, anyway.

The farce is(was) thinking that having GERMANS replace GOD's anointed rulers was a good idea

But, if the Brits must have their monarch, I hope ...

*I* hope, that the Brits FINALLY realize that Scottish Kings should be ruling a Scottish Island

Bring Back a Robert the Bruce!!!!

rcocean said...

"Aside from the obvious bias, when Trump was President, it was always President Trump this and President Trump that. On everything."

What i've noticed about the national press, including the on-the-radio reports from CBS/NBC/PBS etc. is that it was "Trump this or Trump that". Now with Biden its "The President" or "President Biden" says. Never is it just "Biden".

And suddenly its the "The Senate does this" or "The Senate does that". Before it was "The Republicans in the Senate" or "The Republican led Senate". When the D's are in charge, there's no need for labels.

rcocean said...

"Has anybody mentioned what a wasteland the Rush Limbaugh show is now. I still record it because it's automatic but don't listen, beyond checking if Mark Steyn is the host, which apparently he seldom is. Not in consideration for the final job, I think that means. He's Canadian."

I've stopped listening till they settle on a full time replacement. Assuming they ever do.

Anonymous said...

BTW. I don't want to let the moment go before I tell Ann Althouse: Good pictures. A moment in time. A new day.

Francisco D said...

gilbar said...

Ach. I agree. My claim to the throne will then be on a par with little Archie. Sorta.

Maybe then it won't be so hard for me to find Lagavulin 16.

gilbar said...

it will give whoever is holding it a clear advantage in being able to see the attackers movements

Make SURE you know the difference, between the crest of the hill; and the military crest!
Also, make SURE you're NOT defending against the 14th corps

See Missionary ridge

narciso said...

in other news

D.D. Driver said...

Please, please, please call it "MyPillowTalk dot com."

Narr said...

IIRC, the current Stuart claimant to the throne of the UK is-- a German! Some Bavarian.

I suggest letting him have Scotland as a base, and see if he can do better than Macaroni Charlie.

Euros love a rematch

Arturo Ui said...

The judge is exactly right.

Ex-State Department employee appointed by Trump ‘switched sides’ in joining Capitol mob, judge says

narciso said...

She seems nice

narciso said...

It'll be fine

Jim at said...

Which side are these people on Arturo?

I Callahan said...

Good question, Jim. People are out on bail after actually shooting someone, and people who charged the capital, broke a few windows or stood around taking pictures, are being thrown in jail without bail.

But Arturo is all hopped up over a nothingburger.

rehajm said...

Tell me about your fab summer rental.

Summer rental? How gauche...

Josephbleau said...

"Also, make SURE you're NOT defending against the 14th corps
See Missionary ridge"

"On, Wisconsin!" 2 Lt. Arthur MacArthur, 24th Wisc. Vol Inf Rgt. In Chattanooga TN a small pink sandstone monument in someones' front yard still holds the place.

narciso said...

Stark raving nut.

Josephbleau said...

On google street view you can actually see the marker for the 24th Wisc. You can't read it in the photo though. The private HS that Ted Turner went to is just down the hill.

Anonymous said...

Mock - "After Elizabeth dies,"

England died the moment that Sadiq Khan became the Mayor of England's Capitol City, London.

Islam captured the UK.

Kathryn51 said...

Michael K - thanks for mention (and the link) to "The Deep Rig". Purchased and downloaded.

Joe Smith said...

"Summer rental? How gauche..."

That was my thought.

But my staff does live at the compound in Cap Ferrat when I'm not there (which is most of the year).

In the servant's quarters, of course : )

Jaq said...

"Tell me about your fab summer rental.”

I don’t rent out my summer place, or my winter place for that matter, but I used to airbnb my pied á terre in Boston until they made the rules so strict it became impossible.

Arturo Ui said...

Chansley has repeatedly argued that he acted peacefully on Jan. 6 when he helped lead a pro-Trump mob into Congress in an insurrection that left one police officer and four others dead.

But the judge pointed to videos, photos, social media posts and police interviews that he said clearly contradict those claims. “Defendant’s perception of his actions on January 6th as peaceful, benign and well-intentioned shows a detachment from reality,” Lamberth wrote.

Video shows Chansley leading the breach of the U.S. Capitol while holding a six-foot pole topped with a spear tip, authorities said. Prosecutors added that Chansley forced his way into the Senate chamber, where he sat in Pence’s chair and left a note declaring “ITS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME JUSTICE IS COMING!”

In social media posts before the riot, Chansley also advocated for “identifying and then hanging those he believes to be traitors within the United States government,” according to court documents. FBI agents say that in interviews with them Chansley said he had plans to go to the Arizona Capitol and that he might engage in similar acts in the future.

Jaq said...

You know what’s nice about being straight? You watch your weight, you go to the gym three times a week for maybe 30-45 minutes at a go, run through the machines a couple reasonable sets each on reasonable weights, you know, keep your muscles from totally goign slack, and you don’t have too much trouble finding a girlfriend.

mockturtle said...

Summer rental? How gauche...

LOL, rehajm! ;-D

Arturo Ui said...

The judge also said that Chansley “blatantly lied” when he claimed that a police officer waved him into the building, a claim that was contradicted by security footage and other videos filed by prosecutors. He said Chansley’s suggestion that he entered the building in a calm “third wave” of rioters, only after the Capitol had been violently breached by others, was false.

Jaq said...

That last post was for Titus.

Kai Akker said...

--- “Defendant’s perception of his actions on January 6th as peaceful, benign and well-intentioned shows a detachment from reality,” Lamberth wrote.
Video shows Chansley leading the breach of the U.S. Capitol while holding a six-foot pole topped with a spear tip, authorities said.

The Fierce, and Never-Ending, Insurrection.

Shouting Thomas said...

I say some pretty mean things about Althouse sometimes.

She’s a great advocate of free speech, and she even puts up with me.

I know she doesn’t need it, but it’s time to send her a few bucks to express my gratitude.

StephenFearby said...

Latest emotional support animal fix!

Bovine besties! Cow cuddling becomes popular pastime for those craving a companion after a year of pandemic isolation sees people longing for a warm hug

After a year of isolation due to the pandemic, cow cuddling has taken off

People head to farms and at the cost of $75 hour and spend several hours with cows

Participants hug and leaning on them with the act of cuddling known to reduce stress by releasing oxytocin

Cow cuddling is said to be 'incredibly soothing' because the cows are big and have a slower heartbeat

There are cuddle farms in New York, Arizona and Hawaii with many booked months in advance

A caution:

10 Animals More Likely to Kill You Than Sharks

#7 Cows

Every year, approximately 20 people in the U.S. are killed by these seemingly docile creatures.,2008%20and%202015%20was%2072.

Howard said...

The liberals couldn't ever compete with Rush, now the conservatives can't replace him. Will the same be true for Trump?

Anonymous said...

Titus - "Where is everyone summering?"

I'm summering at the lake. What's it to you?

Shouting Thomas said...

Trump, like Reagan, was a one off.

His weaknesses were (1) complete lack of a functioning political organization and (2) a consequent lack of a roster of loyalists he could place in control of the Federal bureaucracy.

Those were also his strengths.

This hero riding in on a horse every 50 years or so is not an effective political strategy.

Yancey Ward said...

"Not 'death,' but 'killing.'

No agenda there."

To be fair to the editors at the paper, it is probable that they don't even understand why the headline is wrong in this particular country, or the country it used to be.

Shouting Thomas said...

I wonder how Althouse views a Duchess complaining about being an oppressed woman?

Yancey Ward said...

Cow cuddling. Sheesh, you can make progressives pay for the stupidest stuff.

Yancey Ward said...

Bear skin viking guy had all the progressives soiling their pants on the 6th if they really believe the things they write. Were you able to launder your underwear from the 6th, Arturo, or did you have buy a new pair?

Kathryn51 said...

Shouting Thomas said...
She’s a great advocate of free speech, and she even puts up with me.
I know she doesn’t need it, but it’s time to send her a few bucks to express my gratitude.

It costs quite a bit to maintain this blog, Thomas. Some of my 2020 stimulus $$ went to Althouse (and Insty) - I'm just waiting to see how much we get in 2021 (including the debit card that came in and which we immediately deposited into our account). Every penny goes to support the Althouse's and Salvation Army's of this world.

Not one f**ckin penny of stimulus goes to anything commercial. Free speech lifeguards and non-gov't charities get our dough. (Hubby contributes to the pro-gun stuff)

Gahrie said...

England died the moment that Sadiq Khan became the Mayor of England's Capitol City, London.

My England died the day the Chunnel opened.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I'm not summering anywhere. I have to hoard my vacation to cover medical issues.
I do hope to regain enough endurance to through-hike the Enchantments. That would likely involve an air bnb the nights before and after

Gahrie said...

Cow cuddling. Sheesh, you can make progressives pay for the stupidest stuff.

I plan on opening a whitewashing business.

Joe Smith said...

“Defendant’s perception of his actions on January 6th as peaceful, benign and well-intentioned shows a detachment from reality,”

Jesus Christ, the man wears animal skins and a Viking helmet as daily attire.

He's about as competent to stand trial as Biden is (hint: not very).

If you think he's some sort of 'leader' or secret evil villain, then you are delusional.

Kathryn51 said...

Yancey Ward said...
"Not 'death,' but 'killing.'

No agenda there."

To be fair to the editors at the paper, it is probable that they don't even understand why the headline is wrong in this particular country, or the country it used to be.

I no longer contribute to my alma mater (University of WA - two undergrad majors and Law School) - always contributed every year to three scholarship funds in the name of my favorite professors. But last summer their shiny new magazine included an "article" that claimed that Treyvon Martin was murdered (because black lives don't matter or something). Not "died" or anything truthful - but MURDERED. F**k 'em.

Joe Smith said...

"Bovine besties! Cow cuddling becomes popular pastime for those craving a companion after a year of pandemic isolation sees people longing for a warm hug...

Is that (former) Prince Harry's excuse?

Scott Patton said...

Joe Biden is curvy and juicy.

Yancey Ward said...

"Joe Biden is curvy and juicy."

Let's ask Titus if he would do Joe Biden. And, FBI guys, when I write "do Joe Biden", I don't mean assassination, just fucking him up the ass.

stevew said...

Summer rental? A couple of weeks on a lake in Maine, just like the last few years.

MadisonMan said...

Believe all women.
Well, she was 13 when she made the claim. Believe teenagers? No.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Say what?

"As reported by the CDC ... Here are the US deaths by year and the change from the previous year
Year 2017 2,818,503 Americans died
Year 2018: 2,839,205 deaths (20,702 more than the previous year 2017)
Year 2019: 2,855,000 deaths (16,300 more than the previous year 2018)
The year of the pandemic ...
Year 2020: 2,913,144 deaths (57,641 more than the previous year 2019)

BUT WAIT: There were zero deaths from Covid-19 during 2018, and 2019 and the jump from 2019 was only 57,641 ???

I've been told that COVID is responsible for now 400,000 + deaths. Shouldn't the 2020 number be a hell of a lot higher?

So the question becomes: How many people died OF COVID and How many died (of other causes) WITH COVID? "

Shouting Thomas said...

Donald Trump is the legitimate, elected President of the United States.

Joe Biden was installed by the CCP.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I live in the best place in the world during summer.

Sadly - a bunch of a-holes from the east coast arrived last summer, and F-ed it up. I don't want to pick on the easterners completely - a-holes came from all over.
Thanks to covid - some first time campers who DO NOT know how to extinguish a camp fire properly - set fire and millions of forested mountain acres. Formerly lush.
Sacred places like Ice lake basin - RUINED ruined ruined by out-of-state covid refugees. pooping all over the place... right next to the lakes.

I'm ready to move out of the US at this point.

Known Unknown said...

The question: if you’re in a shoot-out with someone. Is it better to have the low ground or the higher ground?

Higher ground.

Exactly. The questioner learned nothing from Star Wars.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I heard a snippet of Megan Markel today. (by accident - I stay away from royalist-hollywood garbage -so. not. interested.)

wow - what a horror show. She sounds like every raving woke asshole cookie cutter going - except she's vastly wealthy.

Poor Harry.

mockturtle said...

Poor Harry.

Nope. He picked her.

mockturtle said...

10 Animals More Likely to Kill You Than Sharks

#7 Cows

Every year, approximately 20 people in the U.S. are killed by these seemingly docile creatures.

Misleading Title, though. Given equal opportunities to kill you, the shark would win.

Joe Smith said...

"wow - what a horror show. She sounds like every raving woke asshole cookie cutter going - except she's vastly wealthy."

You think that's bad, watch the portion of the show that got Piers Morgan ousted.

There is a mixed-race guy on the panel who is infuriatingly stupid.

He has no concept of the rules of the royal family for bestowing titles.

It's like the rules don't matter, and that they are racist because they don't adhere to Megan's 'perception' or 'how she feels.'

Britain is an absolute shit-show in general and showing no signs of improving.

narciso said...

Maybe the dogs signed it:

Michael K said...

Blogger Shouting Thomas said...
Donald Trump is the legitimate, elected President of the United States.

Joe Biden was installed by the CCP.

And Iran and the Russians. Still reading "The Deep Rig.

I wonder how long Dominian will continue their ridiculous lawsuits against Sidney Powell and the other guy? The book suggests that Rudy was a clown.

iowan2 said...

Find three independent sources for this wapo propaganda, and I might read the first sentences.

wapo has pushed lies for four years hoping to bring down President Trump. This is more lies. (because there are no other independent sources)

Shouting Thomas said...

An illegitimate president installed by a bitter enemy is a very serious problem that is likely to erupt in violence that will make 2020 look peaceable.

The CCP is undermining our military and appears to be preparing us for the coup d’etat.

Any suggestions on how to fight back?

narciso said...

This twit

narciso said...

I havent liked musket morgan in the past, but these wankers i like less.

walter said...

"Defendant’s perception of his actions on January 6th as peaceful, benign and well-intentioned shows a detachment from reality,”
The self-described Q Anon Shaman tracking bad energies in the quantum realm or some shite is detached from reality to some degree?
Do tell.
Now about those 2 shots Ga Ga's dog walker took vs the single shot "insurrection"....

Michael K said...

Blogger Kathryn51 said...
Michael K - thanks for mention (and the link) to "The Deep Rig". Purchased and downloaded.

I suggest reading fast. It has already vanished from the Amazon main web site.

mockturtle said...

Just bought it for my kindle.

narciso said...

Most of it was on his deep capture site, but that may go down the memory hole as well.

J. Farmer said...

@Joe Smith:

"The "far" left and "far" right are unified by an anti-establishment orientation."


It's a concept occasionally referred to as horseshoe theory and states that the "far" left and "far" right have more in common with each other than either side has with their own moderates. In the 90s, criticism and opposition to globalization came primarily from paleocons or the social democratic left. On the pro-globalization side was Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich and on the anti-globalization side was Pat Buchanan and Bernie Sanders.

Antifa and BLM far-left might be anti-establishment, but socialists and Marxists are all about State control.

'The State' is kind of the poster child for 'the establishment.'

I have no idea what "all about State control" means. The majority of humans have lived in state societies for about a millennia. State power has driven American history from the start. The reason we have a west coast is because the state attacked a neighboring state and forcibly took their territory. The Union held together because the national state attacked and subjugated the confederate states. War profiteers got rich at the same time. We forcibly opened Japan to foreign trade with gunboat diplomacy. We regularly intervened in Latin American states on behalf of American commercial interests. In the post-war era, we've established an international monetary and financial order, a global military empire, a standing army with professional forces, a military-industrial complex, and a thermonuclear capacity that puts every American on the frontline. Our endless wars did not begin in 2001 but in 1990 with the Iraq War and subsequent no-fly zone enforcements. We also deployed military force to Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, Serbia, Iraq again, Sudan, Afghanistan, Afghanistan again, Iraq again, Somalia again, Libya, Syria, Uganda, Iraq again, and Yemen. The biggest expansion of state power since the 1960s occurred under George W. Bush and included Medicare Part D, No Child Left Behind, Department of Homeland Security, Patriot Act and expanding the scope and power of the deep state, tons of new subsidies, over 10,000 more pages to the Federal Registry, and rounding out with TARP and its bailout of the banking and auto industries. , and

mockturtle said...

ST offers: The CCP is undermining our military and appears to be preparing us for the coup d’etat.

And what's with all those Chinese soldiers training in Canada?

Lurker21 said...

Every day it seems a little more likely that more people actually could have voted for Trump.

Sooner or later The Atlantic -- who gave us "counterintuitive" articles about how Biden really wasn't stupid -- will come out with a "counterintuitive" "You Know, That Trump Really Wasn't So Bad After All" issue.

FullMoon said...

Hey, remember that Sturgis motorcycle rally. Ten days, 350,000 participants? Super spreader.

Any survivors?

narciso said...

How about the superbowl in tampa,

narciso said...

When youve lost

Shouting Thomas said...

I have three beautiful grandkids under the age of 8 and I want to see them grow into adults.

We’re an occupied country. Undoing this occupation by the CCP is likely to result in cataclysmic violence. I am at a loss, except to pray.

Humperdink said...

It has been leaked to the press that Joe Biden's dog Major has been charged with insurrection. Apparently the rescue shelter where the Biden's obtained Major was operated by a Trump supporter. Major has been charged with: Civil Disorder; Failure to Defecate in an Assigned Area, Obstruction of an Official Proceeding; Chasing the Presidential Limo; Assaulting Resisting or Impeding Certain Officers; Pawing and Nipping at Federal Officers, Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds; Unauthorized Chewing on Historic Furniture; Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Federal Building or Grounds; Impeding Passage Through the Federal Grounds or Buildings; Parading, Demonstrating, Urinating or Picketing in a Federal Building. Major is being held without bail at an undisclosed black op site.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Anonymous said...

Shouting Thomas: "She’s a great advocate of free speech, and she even puts up with me."

Amen, brother.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I mean really

Humperdink said...

Eliminate the animal related charges above and there is one guy from Texas actually charged with the rest.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joe Smith said...

"I have no idea what "all about State control" means."

Yes you're just playing hard to get : )

Of course I understand that we live in a system where our government wields power.

But socialism to a lesser extent, and Marxism and communism to a greater extent, are about the State controlling pretty much everything.

In Marxist and communist regimes the State controls every aspect of your life. Where you go to school, where you work, how many kids you have, where you live, etc. You know the drill.

Adherents of a hard-left ideology are supporters of communism and Marxism.

The 'far right' in this country wants nothing to do with the State. I should clarify that in this case the far right are citizens and not politicians, because politicians have no ideology other than money, power, and the next election.

I should also add that I put Antifa and BLM much closer to the anarchy side of things, although anarchy and leftism often overlap.

narciso said...

Give that dog a medal and extra kibble.

J. Farmer said...

@Shouting Thomas:

Donald Trump is the legitimate, elected President of the United States.

Joe Biden was installed by the CCP.

An illegitimate president installed by a bitter enemy is a very serious problem that is likely to erupt in violence that will make 2020 look peaceable.

The CCP is undermining our military and appears to be preparing us for the coup d’etat.

Any suggestions on how to fight back?

Yes. Start by not confusing windmills with dragons. We've had Clinton Derangement Syndrome, Bush Derangement, Obama Derangement Syndrome, Trump Derangement Syndrome, and now Biden Derangement Syndrome. They're a consequence of the cognitive dissonance between partisan narratives and the real world. Bush wasn't a theocratic fascist, and Obama wasn't a Leninist Kenyan anti-colonialist Islamist. They were both neoliberals. As were Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry, John McCain, Mitt Romney, and Donald Trump. We've pursued a consistent course of economic liberalization for 30 years, regardless of which party controlled the White House or Congress.

If you insist on looking at the problem through partisan goggles, you will always miss half of it. The derangement syndromes serve to obscure the fact that the DNC and GOP are the left and right wings of an establishment party of bourgeois bohemians. The most consequential thing Trump did to the elite was lower their taxes. Notice how the "anti-war movement" had little to say about Obama's warmongering or how Republican deficit hawkish become much less hawkish when Republicans are spending the deficits.

It's almost as if partisan politics is a giant game of PR, opportunism, and legerdemain. It does citizens no good to become spin doctors.

Narr said...

10.5 hours since the open thread . . . I'm beginning to think the Prof has put a lid on it.

Where shall I summer this year? Probably right here, where it all doesn't happen.

Right now, it's time for HHI in Cahors, France.

Our vicarious second lives

Shouting Thomas said...

No, J. Farmer, Donald Trump is the legitimately elected president of the U.S.

You lose yourself in intellectual prattling. You’re overly fond of your own verbal dexterity to the point of saying nothing when you think you’re saying something.

I’m not even talking about the voting.

Antifa and BLM are the paramilitary forces of the DNC. They looted and torched all our major cities in 2020 to undermine Trump. The Democratic governors deliberately sabotaged the economies of their states to defeat Trump.

Quit admiring your verbal dexterity and complexity. Donald Trump is the legitimately elected president of the U.S.

Biden was installed by the CCP. Now, forget your great essays on how terrible the U.S. imperium has been and try to figure out how in the hell we get out of this mess.

Humperdink said...

Neoliberal, noun: an advocate or supporter of free-market capitalism, deregulation, and reduction in government spending. (Oxford Languages)

" Bush wasn't a theocratic fascist, and Obama wasn't a Leninist Kenyan anti-colonialist Islamist. They were both neoliberals."

narciso said...

The clinton foundation enabled criminal activity from haiti to china and everywhere in between, the clintons started the ball rolling on the subprime avalanche through cisneros mostly cuomo.
They pushed nafta and the wto, created the bttf with peso bailout and later ltcm
The obamas have been looting and grifting on a parallel track starting out in chicago with the annenburg but expanding outward with the joyce foundation which has pushed disarmament of the citizenry

Their which intersects with outfits like dominion through steeplechase capital,
And a whole host of other now outfits like hsbc and deutsch bank didnt start laundering but their wash was bigger

Marcus Bressler said...

narciso said...
How about the superbowl in tampa(?)

I just go to this site to see that answer. Spoiler: The Super Bowl and the related gatherings and parties were not super spreader events. We have an intelligent governor here in Florida who, along with most of the population, know that the "science" puked out by the Dems and the MSM is just garbage.
https://fdoh dot

(Hopefully this will work -- if not, sorry -- THEOLDMAN)

Shouting Thomas said...

Now, J. Farmer, I agree with you to a certain extent about the dangers and excesses of the U.S. era of empire.

Oddly, Trump was an outspoken opponent of that.

Forget all your wordy bullshit. What happened in the past is not relevant.

The question now is how to defeat the CCP and get them the hell out of our affairs.

I’m not interested in your historical analysis of who are the good and bad guys. That no longer means shit. What matters is regaining control of our own government and country. Be on the side of your on country. Quit flashing your intellect. That’s now meaningless.

narciso said...

He buys all this carp about drama, he gives short shrift to those who have provwn themselves enemies of this country foreign and domestic.

Humperdink said...

I heard Biden today speaking of the military creating "maternity flight suits". I thought it was the Onion at first, but no, it was Biden. I guess we haven't seen anything yet.

320Busdriver said...

I found the total all cause 2020 death total on the cdc site to be 3.361M. Not sure where the 2.913M number comes from.

J. Farmer said...

@Joe Smith:

But socialism to a lesser extent, and Marxism and communism to a greater extent, are about the State controlling pretty much everything.

Were does Marx advocate "the State controlling pretty much everything"? At best, you're describing the totalitarian qualities of Leninism and Maoism, ideologies that were abandoned decades ago.

The 'far right' in this country wants nothing to do with the State.

How do you have American First nationalism without the State? How do you defend a border against the unrestricted movement of people, goods, and capital without a state? How do you pursue a cold war against China and maximum pressure against Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela without a state? What good is issuing over 200 executive orders without the power of a state to enforce them? How do you negotiate, implement, and enforce the USMCA without a state?

narciso said...

Forget it hes rolling wait till he starts talking about the germans and pearl harbor.

walter said...

Humperdink said...I heard Biden today speaking of the military creating "maternity flight suits". I thought it was the Onion at first, but no, it was Biden.
aka tandem jumps.

320Busdriver said...

Dr Osterholm says we’re about to see the darkest days ahead for Covid. The variants are going to take out the children as they spread like wildfire through the dead wood forest. He’s pretty sure about this, again.

narciso said...

On a similar note

Gospace said...

I'm sure if I searched around I could find the actual study, but the tweet says it all. CDC study finds 78% of people hospitalized for covid were overweight or obese. And the rest were likely older than 75.

Again, this is something we knew from the beginning of the covidiocy. To a normal person it's not a deadly threat, and to 25 and younger, nit much in the way of symptoms- IF you're otherwise healthy. The dreaded covid appears to be tailor made to target the elderly and the sick- in Communist parlance- useless eaters. BTW- obesity goes hand in hand with a LOT of illnesses.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

In a mere 50 days as Sleepy Joe and the NWO deliver, the Delusionalists, those who who use ancient (and present) belief systems to explain the world around them without evidence)dig deeper feeling panic as they struggle to fight off defeat. Also called the BUBBLE SYNDROME when you cant accept the facts. Send the $$$ JOE, the serfs are waiting, you did good so far, almost 30 G's FOR Me, my wife, our 4 children and their spouses our 9 grandkids and 3 great grandkids, and not an Exxon or CITGO in the picture, how refreshing! Tune in for the VOTE! 51-50 Thanks to trump for GEORGIA Just like the Jeffersons."moving on up to the East side .Take the $$$ and run,looks like a first 100 day blowout, 100 million shots by 100 days, COVID RELIEF BILL for big bucks,(hey they just print it up) and things cooking in the oven. Lets go, Morning in America in 2021, not a tweet ,a golf score, a blatant slew of lies in sight, in fact just another common day with all the action behind the scenes, not worrying too much about MR POTATO HEAD, Goya beans, Dr Seuss and the likes, TWO 1.9 TRILLION payouts 1 right 1 left, which one you like better? All Blue and Red on 1st one,only Blue on 2nd one,oh well just send it out, our turn. Lets see who's giving them Socialist payouts back, two of our kids lean right(not trumpeters) they said they don't lean that much right ,keeping the stipend,(they live in Texas and need it after the ABBOTT fiasco. Pay up JOE! The Bourgeois at work :)

William said...

Recently, after reading a bio of Samuel Johnson, I started reading some of Johnson's commentaries on Shakespeare's play. Johnson defended Shakespeare against Voltaire's charge that Shakespeare didn't keep to the unities of time and place. Voltaire apparently felt that this diminished Shakespeare's credibility. When you've got some guy dressed up as a woman carrying on about fairy magic spells, you want to keep to the unities of time and space to maintain credible reality. Voltaire didn't offer the best of all possible Shakespeare criticism and Johnson earnestly argued that it wasn't strictly necessary to keep to the unities....Johnson does allow that it detracts from a tragedy's high intent to have the protagonists engage in crude jests. No country matters for Hamlet....Johnson also preferred the revised ending of King Lear that was popular in his time where Lear and Cordelia are given a happy ending. Okay. I've always thought that the Bible would have been a so much better story if Pilate had pardoned Christ and Christ had gone off and married Mary Magdalene and raised a nice family but such is the text we were stuck with. It was good to see that back in Johnson's time they weren't afraid to revamp hallowed texts when needed.....Perhaps they can come out with a version of Dr. Seuss where the Chinese have round eyes and eat with plastic utensils. Anyway, if Samuel Johnson and Voltaire can get Shakespeare wrong, who are we to suppose that we have just the right opinion on Dr. Seuss.

Mr. Forward said...

“The city of Green Bay literally gave the keys to the election to a Democratic Party operative from New York.”
Wisconsin Spotlight

walter said...

Covid relief plan less than 10% to the downtrodden who will suffer the debt this incurs.
Just Joementia searching his pockets for clues while about to be trampled by "migrants" wearing his t-shirt.

narciso said...

There are the light comedies and the serious dramas coriolianus in the second category the version with ralph fiennes in the modern setting kind of worked.

narciso said...

We will have plenty of funenployment though, by that i mean a little

walter said...

Surplus of poetry..when not eating pets.

walter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J. Farmer said...

@Shouting Thomas:

I’m not interested in your historical analysis of who are the good and bad guys. That no longer means shit. What matters is regaining control of our own government and country.

Start by identifying the real culprit. Our government and country are not controlled by the CCP. They are controlled by American corporate and financial interests and a cosmopolitan urban elite who don't want to stop the gravy train they've been on for 40 years. Globalization wasn't somethin that was done to us. It was something we pursued vigorously and pushed on other countries The demographic, cultural, economic, and social problems the US faces are a result of American, not Chinese, policies.

The question now is how to defeat the CCP and get them the hell out of our affairs.

What would "defeat the CCP" look like? What would replace it? What would be the fallout in the meantime?

How can we expect foreign countries to stay out of our affairs if we define "our affairs" as the entire globe. If we're going to maintain a huge military presence in the Indo-Pacific and insist on inserting ourselves between the Chinese and Hong Kong and Taiwan, then of course the Chinese are going to be involved in our affairs.

walter said...

I do enjoy the imagery of Dink running a spreadsheet tracking the guv grift his tribe has amassed.
All in this together.

Joe Smith said...

"10.5 hours since the open thread . . . I'm beginning to think the Prof has put a lid on it."

Well, she lasted 8.5 hours longer than the most powerful man in the world, so kudos to AA : )

Joe Smith said...

"You lose yourself in intellectual prattling. You’re overly fond of your own verbal dexterity to the point of saying nothing when you think you’re saying something."

Yeah...Farmer is a really bright guy, and I mean that sincerely. One of the brightest guys on this forum.

But sometimes less is more.

Joe Smith said...

"How do you have American First nationalism without the State?"

I am referring to the State's control over its citizens, not the purpose of the State in world politics.

The State should do what it can to insure American independence and power, even though I'd prefer that power not be exercised (big stick), but it should, domestically, leave the citizens alone.

"Were does Marx advocate "the State controlling pretty much everything"?"

You got me on that one. Let's just use communism, these days personified by the Chicoms.

narciso said...

Lenin figured out the people are too stupid to rebel on their own, so they need a ruling elite which makes all these decisions for you.

Yancey Ward said...

Dinky Dick couldn't enter data into a spreadsheet.

Gahrie said...

@J Farmer:

Have you ever had a friend in your life? You don't seem to understand how friendship works. your answer to every foreign policy question is "fuck our friends, appease our enemies and retreat back home".

Gahrie said...

Were does Marx advocate "the State controlling pretty much everything"? At best, you're describing the totalitarian qualities of Leninism and Maoism, ideologies that were abandoned decades ago.

Is it your position that the CCP doesn't run everything in China? Where is the economic freedom in China? The political freedom? The social freedom?

They just totally assimilated Hong Kong in violation of international agreements, are literally operating concentration camps in an effort to cleanse their country of an ethnicity, and are spreading their influence all over the world.

Russia isn't much better. They just stopped pretending to believe in communism, but the totalitarian state is still there.

J. Farmer said...

@Joe Smith:

The State should do what it can to insure American independence and power, even though I'd prefer that power not be exercised (big stick), but it should, domestically, leave the citizens alone.

The state is how the citizens implement their democratic will. The layer of government that most imposes itself on the citizens is municipal. They regulate land-use, building codes and permitting, zoning, utilities infrastructure and regulation, police/fire/EMS services, deeds recording, public schools, property tax assessment and collecting, local ordinances, etc.

If the concern is with cancel culture and social media censorship, that is a much different issue than state control of citizens. If state regulation is off the table, we're left with boycotts and protets.

Joe Smith said...

"The layer of government that most imposes itself on the citizens is municipal."

Perhaps...but if that's the case then we, as citizens, need to do everything in our power to get the fucking feds out of our lives.

You know that the federal government was never intended to be master of all they survey.

But over the decades, they have exerted more and more power over the local governments by doling out federal dollars with strings attached.

Want to change you highway speed limit from 65 to 75? Fuck tax dollars.

Want to teach a certain curriculum in school? Fuck tax dollars.

Of course, if cities like San Francisco decide that they won't enforce federal immigration law, that's OK.

The federal government has become insidious.

Maybe we can agree upon that.

Josephbleau said...

"Lenin figured out the people are too stupid to rebel on their own, so they need a ruling elite which makes all these decisions for you."

Hear Hear: The explanation of the democrat party.

Joe Smith said...

This Tucker monologue is pretty good...

FullMoon said...

China Car Sales Jump 30% in January
Car sales in China surged 30 percent year-on-year to 2.5 million in January of 2021, the tenth straight month of increase, as the automobile industry's recovery further from the coronavirus pandemic. Sales of new energy vehicles (NEVs), which include battery-powered electric, plug-in hybrid and hydr... more

China Car Sales Rise 6.4% in December
Car sales in China grew 6.4 percent year-on-year to 2.83 million in December 2020, the ninth straight month of increase, as the vehicle market comes off lows hit during the coronavirus lockdown. For the full year of 2020, car sales fell 1.9 percent to 25.3 million from 2019, the third consecutive of... more

China Car Sales Rise 12.6% YoY in November
Car sales in China increased 12.6 percent year-on-year to 2.77 million in November 2020, the eight straight month of increase, as the vehicle market comes off lows hit during the coronavirus lockdown. Meantime, sales of new energy vehicles (NEVs), which include battery-powered electric, plug-in hybr... more

China Car Sales Rise 12.5% YoY in October
Car sales in China increased 12.4 percent year-on-year to 2.57 million in October 2020, the seventh straight month of increase, as the vehicle market comes off lows hit during the coronavirus lockdown. Sales of trucks, vans and other commercial vehicles, which account for around a quarter of overall... more

narciso said...

And gramsci and alinski realized people arent even going to consider these options on their own. Cancel culture is how those forces eliminate alternatives

Josephbleau said...

When you are old and in the last bin of the fixed benefit pension holders who also had large 401Ks F You kids. I am going to see the Acropolis and fix all the kiddies misconceptions at an hourly rate in my spare time.

FullMoon said...

For a bunch of low paid and poor workers in China, they sure seem to be able to buy a lot of stuff. And apparently watch a lot of Disney and NBA from what the media says.

Consumer Electronics Consumption Is on the Rise in China
Blog / By Claire Yang

Chinese consumers are becoming more aware of international brands, which is reflected in the increased demand for overseas products. High-quality food, cosmetics, healthcare, baby products, and consumer electronics are on top of the list for Chinese online consumers. According to a recent report by eMarketer, “China’s retail e-commerce sales will grow more than 30% to nearly $2 trillion in 2019—over half of the worldwide total. Behind China, the retail e-commerce market in the U.S. will reach $600.63 billion in sales, growing nearly 15% year over year.”

J. Farmer said...


Is it your position that the CCP doesn't run everything in China? Where is the economic freedom in China? The political freedom? The social freedom?

Make money, get an education, marry someone of your choosing, buy a house, start a business, travel, possess foreign currency, and access admittedly censored mass media. People are often left to their own devices so long as they stay out of politics or criticism of the regime. Of course, China is undoubtedly an oppressive and authoritarian regime.

Whether Cato's "Human Freedom Index" or Freedom House's "Freedom in the World" rankings, both rank Saudi Arabia behind China.

Russia isn't much better. They just stopped pretending to believe in communism, but the totalitarian state is still there.

That's an issue for Russians to deal with. We can't fix their society for them. American social problems are my primary concern, and they are not caused by a lack of personal freedom in Russia or China.

Have you ever had a friend in your life? You don't seem to understand how friendship works. your answer to every foreign policy question is "fuck our friends, appease our enemies and retreat back home".

I have enough of an understanding of friendship to know that international relations aren't friendships. They're power relations driven by self-interests. Friendships are based on mutual affection and respect. You don't have to like or respect someone to do business with them.

If the only way you can understand my opposition to regime change in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, and Syri is "fuck our friends, appease our enemies and retreat back home" then I don't know what to tell you. The "friends" I am concerned with are Americans, especially the thousands of dead young men and women, tens of thousands of permanently disabled, and trillions of dollars wasted on those foolish endeavors. But yeah, the real problem is I don't understand how friendship works. Fuck off.

wildswan said...

I kind of think that globalization has turned into the Greater Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere and many don't see the difference. But in the old days our elite advocated our values; now they either advocate for China or for policies that are destructive of our unity and vigor as a nation. In either case they are well-paid right now for being wreckers and money is what they value and all they really value. That is why contradictions like a demand that Americans mask and not travel is allied with a demand to allow unmasked illegals with covid to seed throughout the country. That is why at the very moment when the elite is talking in the schools their children ARE attending about ending white supremacy, the same elite are not talking about the closing of the inner city schools by the teachers' unions so that minority children in their own cities ARE NOT attending school. And this is never said in all the talks and seminars about white supremacy. Those seminars and declarations are talk that the elite is using against America, not on behalf of minority children. If the elite were sincere, they would be talking about getting the schools for minority children open. And they being the elite, it would happen, the schools would open. But they are not sincere. The minorities are not being educated to take advantage of the opportunities the elite are dangling before them. And so before my eyes I watch the foul stinking carcass of racism rise and reform - successfully hiding as, of all things, anti-racism.

Joe Smith said...

"The "friends" I am concerned with are Americans, especially the thousands of dead young men and women, tens of thousands of permanently disabled, and trillions of dollars wasted on those foolish endeavors. But yeah, the real problem is I don't understand how friendship works. Fuck off."

We agree!!!

If someone fucks with us (9/11) then we respond in an appropriate manner with air power, boycotts, cyber warfare, etc.

Boots on the ground should be the last-ditch option.

Josephbleau said...

"Make money, get an education, marry someone of your choosing, buy a house, start a business, travel, possess foreign currency, and access admittedly censored mass media. People are often left to their own devices so long as they stay out of politics or criticism of the regime. Of course, China is undoubtedly an oppressive and authoritarian regime."

I cry about the great smart American kids who worked hard to educate themselves and are not getting the benefits the 60s and 70s promised them. The hondurans are eating the jobs of the undeperfomers and the H1Bs are eating the jobs of the mid smart kids who could be average performers. The rich only want the medium smart arabs and indians. Imported techys, bottom level south americans, and starbucks whitie college grads, the American dream.

J. Farmer said...

@Shouting Thomas:

You lose yourself in intellectual prattling. You’re overly fond of your own verbal dexterity to the point of saying nothing when you think you’re saying something.

Quit admiring your verbal dexterity and complexity. Donald Trump is the legitimately elected president of the U.S.

Now, forget your great essays on how terrible the U.S. imperium has been and try to figure out how in the hell we get out of this mess.

Wow. Being insulted by an anonymous stranger on the Internet. I've ever seen that before. Taking shit personally and slinging insults at each other is so much more interesting and productive than simply discussing an issue we disagree about.

StephenFearby said...

Michael K said...
"I'm reading "The Deep Rig" by Patrick Byrne about the election fraud..."

I read the preview on Amazon, where he said it is a cleaned-up version of what he wrote on his website I was interested in his account of what happened between November 23 and December 23, the critical time period for experts to accumulate information on the purported fraud.

From Byrne's account, it was far worse than anything I could have imagined. For Trump to have placed his confidence in Rudy Guiliani to get to the bottom of what really happened was an incredibly stupid decision.

How DJT Lost the White House, Chapter 1: All the President’s Teams (11/3 – 12/17)

Byrne has even more problems with the anonymous person he refers to as "Mediocracy".

By a process of elimination, a writer on the Wentworth Report identifies him as Joe DiGenova:

"...He and Giuliani were just not up to the task of running a fast-paced legal case based about a technology-based crime, involving (gasp!) computers and numbers. They were old style political operatives, running on gut feelings and alcohol. They had learned decades ago that election fraud meant dead people shouldn’t vote, and were unwilling to learn new tricks.

Trump should have fired them, but they were the ones telling Trump how great it was going. Trump probably never realized.

DiGenova and Giuliani were the knife that Trump brought to the gunfight."

Which Trump bears great responsibility for allowing that to happen.

J. Farmer said...


Neoliberal, noun: an advocate or supporter of free-market capitalism, deregulation, and reduction in government spending. (Oxford Languages)

That is a pervasive but not very accurate definition of neoliberalism. It's a word, like liberalism, socialism, or conservatism, that does not lend itself to a concise definition. Part of the problem is that even at the time the term was coined, there was disagreement among its proponents.

The definition you've quoted is mostly associated with the views of Austrian thinkers like Mises an Hayek. Others present, like Alexander Rüstow and Louis Rougier were much more skeptical of laissez-faire attitudes. While broadly inspired by the classical liberalism of the 19th century, they were divided on what should be "neo" about it.

The other major current was opposition to the post-war Keynesian economic order. Today, what is called "neoliberalism" is the period of economic liberalization that began in the late 1970s but is most closely associated with Reagonomics and Thatcherism and included support for deregulation, lower taxation, free trade, and privatization. Reagan and Thatcher's success resulted in their oppositions adopting a more center-right economic position in terms of trade and market reforms. That gave us the Clintonite New Democrats and the Blairite New Labour.

Clyde said...

Excerpt from fellatory MSM article about Biden*'s stimulus package by Ben White of Politico:

"It could be a Morning in America moment that further turbocharges an economy already primed to pop, reduces economic inequality and lofts Biden to the kind of economic hero status enjoyed by the likes of Franklin Delano Roosevelt after the Depression and Ronald Reagan in the boom-time 1980s."

Wheelchair vs. Memory Care. And I'm not talking about Reagan. And just like Roosevelt, they are hiding Biden*'s infirmities from the public, albeit not very well.

marwan said...
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Iman said...

I live in the best place in the world during summer.

What? I’ve never seen you in my pool.

Humperdink said...
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rhhardin said...

Huh. The new and improved website overnight works on Windows XP but gets a "stay tuned" message on Windows 10. Firefox.

Mr. Forward said...

Imam with a great one liner at 5:25 am.

And rhhardin already knows this but for you other early risers, the best advice I have taken from Scott Adams is give up trying to go back to sleep. Of course this works better if you don’t have a schedule. Nobody said retirement wasn’t going to be easy.

mockturtle said...

Huh. The new and improved website overnight works on Windows XP but gets a "stay tuned" message on Windows 10. Firefox.

Tried it on my Mac10/Opera and got the 'stay tuned' message, also.

mockturtle said...

Farmer: ST's 'insults' were, in fact, objective observations. Take heed.

Rusty said...

"Boots on the ground should be the last-ditch option."
I agree. When that option is taken make absolutely sure that the response is quick, brutal and decisive.

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