"... before it progressed to an engagement. At the time, I didn’t fully understand what was missing from that relationship, but I did know that my partner loved me despite my weird wildness, while I yearned to be with someone who loved me because of it. To further confuse matters, I didn’t even know exactly what my 'weird wildness' entailed, partly because I had spent so much time in relationships that were not conducive to personal and sexual growth."
From "A Unicorn’s Tale: Three-Way Sex With Couples Has Made Me a Better Person/Intimacy between two people is like ping-pong, but with three people, it’s like volleying a ball with no net, and no blueprint. That openness has changed my life" by Caroline Rose Giuliani (Vanity Fair).
I wonder if she's getting published despite her being Rudolph Giuliani's daughter or because she is Rudolph Giuliani's daughter.
AND: Lateral thought that hit me just after I published this post: The people who love Trump love him because of his weird wildness, not despite it.
ALSO: She might not use the term "weird wildness" if she remembered this:
I don't love Trump.
I prefer him to the left's corrupt totalitarian dictatorship and the left's corrupt insider billionaire class international money grubbing, and the corrupt democrat party press.
Too gross for words.
"Sorry, Honey. I didn't want to cheat on you, but my body begged me to, so I'm not really to blame. What am I going to do? Say 'NO' to my body."
What does the Bible say? Something about leaving one's parents and clinging to ONE spouse. Not a throuple.
ethical non-monogamy, another contradiction in terms brought to you by the radical left.
It's not weird wildness. It's studied.
Who says our societal fabric is ripping at the seams? That this would be published in a mainstream magazine should be a tell.
BTW, I didn't love Trump because of his weirdness, but his policies. Same way I disliked the Big O, his policies .... and I was labelled a racist for it.
When the civil war comes I really hope all these Vanity Fair, New Yorker, NYT, etc people are all on the other side.
PS I’d bet what Oliver was thinking is twice the p***y with half the work with risk free strange in the bargain.
Trump isn’t weird, prof. You are.
That gay worshipping fag hag thing that you’ve been sunk in for 50 years seems normal and sane to you.
It looks laughably pretentious and ridiculous to me. I got a big shot of it working in SF and NYC. What looks glamorous to you looks like an awful, grade school fight in a sand box to me.
Trump is a rich guy who loves pussy and beautiful women.
That’s not weird. It’s what people who aren’t caught up in the silly shit of UW Law School do.
I’ve been a reader of yours from the start, Althouse. You’re weird. It’s not Trump.
People not being monogamous is as old as time, but I'm trying to figure out the angle of the people trying to make a movement out of it.
@Gospace: that's what first came into my mind.
I mean, where to start? Selfishness, I guess. And that these relationships never work. People will tell you they do, but they do not, and the damage is irreparable. But her body was begging! Imagine how that made her initial lover feel? Imagine if it didn't bother him?
God gave us a really good guide for such things (oh, what is the name of that guide!), and I find in hindsight that the reason I shouldn't do all the things that might make me feel really, really good are that they are ultimately destructive things. Things that hurt me and others.
But go on with your bad self, Caroline.
ethical non-monogamy, another contradiction in terms brought to you by the radical left.
Ethics is religion's relativistic cousin. Law is ethic's politically congruent mistress.
"That this would be published in a main stream magazine..."
No, it's in Vanity Fair.
BTW, I didn't love Trump because of his weirdness, but his policies. Same way I disliked the Big O, his policies .... and I was labelled a racist for it.
AND...somebody didn't get enough attention from her Daddy....She has major issues...That ISN'T Normal. Sorry, NOT sorry.
I was every bit as stupid as this Giuliani girl when I was her age, so I mostly find this post humorous.
Dumb kids usually think they’ve resolved sexual issues that humans have struggled with for thousands of years.
They call it “fucking up” for a reason. She’ll find out
People not being monogamous is as old as time, but I'm trying to figure out the angle of the people trying to make a movement out of it.
It progresses coherent resolve. Monogamy increases it between mother, father, and their children. The future is a pride parade: lion, his harem of lionesses, their cubs, and ringmaster the state, corporation, etc. Keep women appointed, available, and taxable is a masculinist and feminist dream.
We are living in an era where disgusting sexual practices are not only tolerated but celebrated.
I think you are misreading a lot of Trump's support. Trump is a New York Yankee, with all the baggage that implies. I support Trump despite his rants and his many faults. He fights. For what both he and I believe is right. He is not in it for himself, which almost all the Democrats are. I have come to believe Democrats are both stupid and evil, and greedy for both money and power, and Trump is standing up for the working class and middle class in this country.
"Non-Monogomy"? Just say "Polyamory". Why this charade that you're inventing some new modern relationship when in fact it's as old as society and has a perfectly descriptive name?
The question about would this be printed if--- is a good one.
Would this be printed if it were written by a man?
Rhetorical enough for you?
Well, the sexual practice in question has been going on for ages.
It can be fun.
The goofy thing is trying to form your fucking into an ideology.
I just did it for lust, which seems (oddly) the most difficult thing for people to comprehend.
57 genders, non-binary, transgenderism, throuples, we've come a long way baby. And no end in sight!
She will a great mother. Stable, with no emotional baggage. Assuming her children escape the birth canal in one piece.
I remember, back in the early 70s when I lived in San Francisco, my then girlfriend, an exotic Slavic Jewess, and I had a thing going on with a very pretty Swedish woman.
Swedish girl said: “I guess you guys are progressive, right?”
My girlfriend replied: “No, I just like to fuck a lot.”
"Why this charade that you're inventing some new modern relationship when in fact it's as old as society and has a perfectly descriptive name?"
How to instantly spot a progressive: Someone who's not calling things what everybody knows they really are.
The people who love Trump love him because of his weird wildness, not despite it.
You still don’t get us, do you Professor? We enjoyed that Trump fought back had against rabid, unfair, attacks on him from all sides and from nearly the entire news media. Stories favorable to Trump were suppressed, stories unfavorable to Trump blown way out of proportion into huge scandals, and neutral stories spun to be unfavorable.
And gullible Althouse pretty much fell for it.
But what we loved about the man was his application of common sense to the problems he inherited from Obama, and the positive impact on the American economy in general, and the working people and small business owners who’ve been getting the shaft from both parties for decades.
AA, 'We've Come a Long Way, Baby'! In the 'old days' she would be called a 'Slut'. End of story. Here's a woman who wants her life to be defined by her 'sexual habits' not other more productive contributions. Maybe she should drop her day job a become a 'Porn Star' or 'Hooker'. Truly amazing? We've become a 'National Enquirer' culture.
Of course there is nothing new about any form of sexual depravity. Bestiality, incest, pedophilia, homosexuality and orgies are as old as mankind and yet people today think they are 'progressive' and 'enlightened' for applauding these practices.
Like the '60s.
Sounds like she did her old near fiancĂ© a major mitzvah by leaving the relationship. So there’s that.
I smell daddy issues.
Is this the place where old boomers go to talk about sex?
Yep. Looks like it.
BTW, people use the word "weird" in weird ways.
The high-mileage road to losing that new-car smell.
I am Laslo.
I guess non-monogamy - ethical or otherwise - runs in the family.
I wonder if she's getting published despite her being Rudolph Giuliani's daughter or because she is Rudolph Giuliani's daughter.
They may be giving a Pulitzer to Kellyanne and George Conway's daughter
Natural selection works against the man who suffers his mate to go out and seek genes elsewhere and then comes home expecting protection, food and shelter. I suppose it works for Chimps, who are basically polyamorous but can also basically survive without the help of a mate in the wilderness.
We have reached a time, thanks to the tireless industry of men, where a woman no longer needs a mate to survive and defend her children, but it is pretty deeply embedded in our genetics nevertheless. A liberal’s idea of making the world a better place is telling other people how to live, a conservative’s idea of making the world a better place is inventing a washing machine.
Big Mike says it for me.
"helped me better cope with depression, anxiety, and the lingering cognitive effects of adolescent anorexia . . . We were both directors in preproduction on dark films about mental health"
Uh, oh. People! Remember the hot-crazy matrix! Even without the hot!
And by the way: do not have sex with anyone named Giuliani!
And by the by the way: do not have sex with people who are at all likely to write about it!
Ask yourself: what does the Lifestyle tell us about life under the prog regime?
ethical non-monogamy:
A definition used in an attempt to disguise the inability to keep one's pants on.
Fewer young people are having sex but some trace minority are still swinging like it's 1975 Marin County.
Based on this one data point, folks think the hole world is doing it and we'll be going down the tubes soon because God Hates Fags.
Blogger Big Mike said...
The people who love Trump love him because of his weird wildness, not despite it.
You still don’t get us, do you Professor?
But, but Althouse reads literary fiction! She's better at reading other people's minds! Who are you to say she got you wrong? Are you being honest with yourself?
Shorter version: Daddy will surely notice me filling all three holes in my soul.
Nothing that is salacious is foreign to me. I congratulate her on having a far more interesting and prurient perversion than that of Jeffrey Toobin......Like Governor Cuomo, I'm tolerant of young, attractive women who want to have sex with older men. If they wish to add another girl into the mix, I'm also tolerant of that. But, please, Victoria Secret models only.
"I'm a bowling ball, Daddy! I'm a bowling ball!"
I am Laslo.
In New Dr. Seuss Book, Cat In The Hat Gives Kids Puberty Blockers While Their Mother Isn’t Home (Babylon Bee)
Agree with those who agree with Big Mike. It's mind boggling that someone of Althouse's intellect cannot get it despite reading the comments here for literally years. But as others have pointed out before she does have some massive (psychological?) blind spots
I'm sure Meade gets it. Maybe he can mansplain it to her.
"I'm a bowling ball, Daddy! I'm a bowling ball!"
I just spit out my water!!! Hahah!! Thanks for the belly laugh Laslo!!!
I, too agree with Big Mike. It's funny to me, that people on the left don't understand that.
If they were secure with themselves they wouldn't be trying to publicly justify their behavior.
"Is this the place where old boomers go to talk about sex?"
Eventually it will be the place where old boomers try to remember sex.
“I’ve been a reader of yours from the start, Althouse. You’re weird. It’s not Trump.”
Hey Althouse, consider the source.
She got started playing hide the microphone with Daddy.
"I, too agree with Big Mike. It's funny to me, that people on the left don't understand that."
People on the left see the state, and by extension, the politicians that comprise it differently than those on the right. They also think that the way they relate to the state is the way the right does, too.
Althouse demonstrating that Marks are not self aware under Svengali's spell.
Wethinks thou doth proteth too muth
It's amazing in a time where people chop off or sew on penises to change their gender this piece gets any play at all.
Hey Althouse, consider the source.
Althouse and I are good friends and have been for a long time.
You, Inga, are a Nazi. You keep trying to purge yourself of the damage and violence you committed throughout 2020 through your paramilitary forces, Antifa and BLM.
These fantasies of yours about right wing violence are paranoia based on the guilt you bear for torching our major cities and attacking cops.
It’s a very odd thing, Nazis like Inga accusing others, isn’t it?
The real Nazis are the Democrats. Censorship, race is everything, storm troopers terrorizing our cities.
Thanks to Nazis like Inga.
When I read one comment after another that starts with “people on the left” and then goes on to describe a mythical human being, I have to ask myself, do any of these people actually know real live people on the left? I keep hearing descriptions of these people and don’t know a single lefty that it describes. So many “experts” on how lefties supposedly live their lives and how lefties think, so many Trumpists living in a fantasy of their own making. Everything seems to become bigger and badder than real life to you people.
Why do I know so many lefties that are married, monogamous, parents, grandparents, working, thriving people and Trumpists only see people on the left through their own weird spectacles?
For Christ’s sake, Inga I lived in Woodstock and NYC for 45 years.
Before that I lived in San Francisco.
Yes, I know exactly what the left is like.
You’re absolutely awful. In your political views, you are a thoroughly irredeemable Nazi, and I mean that literally.
Over the past few years, I’ve had an Episcopal church as a client.
They were incredibly nice people, but I had to get rid of them.
They were sending money to BLM to help them torch NYC, which was sacked twice in the summer of 2020.
Then they brought in the Hate Whitey race hustlers to lecture the congregation.
It is very difficult to reconcile this sick, evil shit they were doing with their personal presentation. I’m sure you seem like a decent, nice person in your social life.
But, you’re a fucking Nazi in your political ideology.
Like Governor Cuomo, I'm tolerant of young, attractive women who want to have sex with older men. If they wish to add another girl into the mix, I'm also tolerant of that.
Momma don't have a baby... Pussyhats are a masculinist fantasy.
But, please, Victoria Secret models only.
"I'm a bowling ball, Daddy! I'm a bowling ball!"
Rotund and beautiful... with diverse comorbidity factors.
“Like Governor Cuomo, I'm tolerant of young, attractive women who want to have sex with older men. If they wish to add another girl into the mix, I'm also tolerant of that.”
FYI, the commenter who wrote that is a conservative, not a liberal.
“Agree with those who agree with Big Mike. It's mind boggling that someone of Althouse's intellect cannot get it despite reading the comments here for literally years. But as others have pointed out before she does have some massive (psychological?) blind spots
I'm sure Meade gets it. Maybe he can mansplain it to her.”
I don’t know what the dynamics between Althouse and Meade are, but I suspect that Meade knows better than to “mansplain” anything to Althouse. I can see them having discussions, but mansplaining, haha, nope.
Is she over 15?
Trump is a rich guy who loves pussy and beautiful women.
Boys chase girls chase boys is the normal distribution, then we discover religion, self-moderate, kneel, commit, once, and raise "our Posterity".
With posts like this, I like to guess the gender of the author of the article as fast as I can. "...my body begged me to end" - female.
The paranoia from the guilt you’re suffering over justifying the year long war of rioting, looting, arson and cop killing by your paramilitary forces is what is driving you to imagine that the other side is doing the same, Inga.
So far, it’s just you waging war and killing people, but you can probably count on that changing.
I have to ask myself, do any of these people actually know real live people on the left?
I keep hearing descriptions of these people and don’t know a single lefty that it describes.
I do. I have been avoiding an exchange with the angry lefties here but this is just nonsense. I have a lefty trial lawyer son who married a woman who resembles, and probably is friends with, Blasey Ford. His life is a mess and his two children are being raised, if that is the word, as feral children. I feel so sorry for him but he is now mostly ignoring the situation. Don't try to tell us we don't know the left.
Russia Collusion Dead Ender Truther Inga: "When I read one comment after another that starts with “people on the left” and then goes on to describe a mythical human being, I have to ask myself, do any of these people actually know real live people on the left?"
Inga is famously known for, amongst many many other things, denying democraticals were pushing post birth abortion legislation in VA and RI, denying Christopher Steele had admitted under oath that his entire hoax dossier was unverified, that antifa types were rioting across the US, that Hillary had paid for the hoax dossier, etc.
This list could have hundreds of items were they all to be listed out.
So when Inga claims that lefties arent doing what they are doing everywhere, there are only 2 options: she's an even bigger lunatic than originally thought or she is lying.
A reasonable person could easily come to the conclusion an "and" is called for here.
Same reaction. I thought, "This has to be a woman", before I checked the article-writer's name.
Hard to imagine a "typical" man expressing himself this way.
That openness has changed my life" by Caroline Rose Giuliani
I would say, "Kids nowadays really don't read books anymore," but she's already thirty.
I guess she's trying to get a regular gig at Vanity Fair.
First article: "Rudy Giuliani Is My Father. Please, Everyone, Vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris."
Second article: "Attention, Trumpworld: Self-Care Tips for Accepting the Reality That Trump Lost."
Okay, what's next? How does she keep getting published?
"A Unicorn’s Tale: Three-Way Sex With Couples Has Made Me A Better Person."
Explain to me why I should care about this self-absorbed creature and her private business which, for fame or money, she chose to publicize? In a magazine called —how curious— VANITY Fair?
Prof A: I am guessing here that your early days deconstructing women’s magazines has led you to think these bizarre excursions are somehow representative of the larger culture. But do they? How would we know? And even if they were somehow representative: what does that mean? If most of the productive members of our society are NOT like this bizarre creature and do NOT want to bang everything in sight, how does this sad freak show give us insight into anything, or reassurance and direction for us “normals”?
Lots of weirdly wild comments on this thread coming from the right. Maybe Trump gave you folks courage to embrace your wild weirdness.
“I do. I have been avoiding an exchange with the angry lefties here but this is just nonsense. I have a lefty trial lawyer son who married a woman who resembles, and probably is friends with, Blasey Ford. His life is a mess and his two children are being raised, if that is the word, as feral children. I feel so sorry for him but he is now mostly ignoring the situation. Don't try to tell us we don't know the left.”
Did your son become messed up only after he met and married his wife and became a liberal? I’m proud and happy to say that my three liberal daughters, who are married with children are living good lives and raising happy children. Sheesh, how is that possible, being liberals and all, go figure. I’m happy to know many liberal families, fellow grandparents, solid citizens, military members, working, and thriving as I said. I also know people on the right who cheated on their spouses, who raised hellish children, and who are freaks when it comes to sex.
Sorry if that doesn't comport with your fictional “liberal”. There are no typical liberals, no typical rightists. Humans act in ways outside of their political identities and philosophies.
You’re absolutely typical, Inga.
The nursing profession is almost entirely under the control of the Democratic Party.
The educational system that makes you a nurse constantly feeds you leftist propaganda.
I know this because I went through it. I’ve been thru an LPN course. I worked at home for Pfizer for 6 years and I took the course to learn basic A&P and Pharma.
The course was loaded with leftist propaganda. We were forced to sit through “The Boys in the Band,” a propaganda film that blames the AIDS epidemic on President Reagan. When I told them that the movie was offensive propaganda, not to mention that it was an outright lie, they threatened to throw me out of the program.
You’re absolutely stereotypical for your profession. The leftist propaganda in the medical education system is dangerous and crazy, and I know this because I worked in developing multimedia education for the medical profession.
You, Inga, are a product of that system of propaganda.
Ya' know......all them Penthouse Letters......were fake.
Name and address withheld by request.
Russia Collusion Dead Ender Truther Inga: "Lots of weirdly wild comments on this thread coming from the right. Maybe Trump gave you folks courage to embrace your wild weirdness."
Recall Inga still believes Carter Page is a russian spy and that DJT had a sexual relationship with Ivanka.
Now watch as our resident dullard begins to realize that her years of posts at Althouse provide a humorous backdrop to her now claims of being a go-to rational commenter at Althouse.
Hilarity is sure to ensue.
Did your son become messed up only after he met and married his wife and became a liberal?
Oh yes. He had father issues back to teens. He chose this woman and it is a disaster.
Now, he spends his weekends sailing and she, in the Bay Area, is busy ignoring her children to stay online. If you are telling the truth, maybe your children benefitted from a more rural life. Hard to tell with you.
What I’ve observed in my 69 years is that there are people who are so cemented in their ideas and yes, fantasies, that they can only be looked at with pity.
I always “consider the source” (to quote myself) when I come here to these comments sections and read wildly weird comments. There are some very thoughtful, rational comments interspersed among the nonsense, so that makes it worthwhile.
I just demonstrated that I know the world you live in very well, Inga, and you responded with silly dreck.
It’s hard to tell, sometimes whether you are just incredibly stupid or deliberately evil.
Could be both.
Your attempts to present yourself as a thoughtful, rational person are laughable. That’s bullshit, Inga.
You’re a Nazi.
When people like this claim that outlandish behavior has "made them a better person" I do not believe it. They genuinely do not know what "being a better person" is.
The notion that libertine behavior is a reliable indicator of a person’s political beliefs is complete bullshit.
And, people fuck up their lives without regard to political inclination, too.
Big Mike nailed it at 11:58.
Shouting Thomas is doing great as well.
"Non-Monogomy"? Just say "mattress back".
"Daddy, I told you never to call me on Spit-Roast Thursday!"
I am Laslo.
That may be the best comment in the history of the internet to date.
I wonder if she's getting published despite her being Rudolph Giuliani's daughter or because she is Rudolph Giuliani's daughter.
Um, really? You really think this would even get published if she wasn't a famous person's daughter? (A famous Republican's daughter...hypocrisy bonus!)
Russia Collusion Dead Ender Truther Inga: "What I’ve observed in my 69 years is that there are people who are so cemented in their ideas and yes, fantasies, that they can only be looked at with pity."
To this very day, Inga believes Putin changed vote totals to install Trump as POTUS in 2016, that Trump communicated wuth Putin via secret server "pinging" between Trump Tower and Alfa Bank, that Trump owes russians billions and launders billions of russian assets thru Trump properties, that Melania was here illegally, kavanaugh was a gang rapist, and on and on it goes.
When you actually work methodically and chronologically from 2015 forward, the sheer number of Inga's lunatic conspiracy theories is breathtaking.
Everything old is new again.
Awaiting Hunter Biden's treatise on the Joys of Coprophagia in Redbook are we now?
RMc nailed it.
Trump fights BACK. The hostess here clearly hasn't read the shit that has been said about Trump.
LOL. Read the linked article. It's pretty funny. Basically talking about how wonderful she is.
Mentions she like obese sex partners, the bigger, the better. It ain't easy to bust a stainless steel bed frame.
"Once I was single, I immediately began to make up for lost time. I took soul-nourishing psychedelic trips into the desert with friends. I broke my stainless steel bed frame with tons of great (and safe) sex."
When I read one comment after another that starts with “people on the left” and then goes on to describe a mythical human being, I have to ask myself, do any of these people actually know real live people on the left? I keep hearing descriptions of these people and don’t know a single lefty that it describes. So many “experts” on how lefties supposedly live their lives and how lefties think, so many Trumpists living in a fantasy of their own making. Everything seems to become bigger and badder than real life to you people.
You have the least self-awareness of anybody on this planet. Arrogant and stupid. What a combo.
Switch 'left' with 'right' and you just described yourself to a fucking T.
"Awaiting Hunter Biden's treatise on the Joys of Coprophagia in Redbook are we now?”
Childe Hunter’s Pilgramage
Whilome in Delaware’s fetid clime there dwelt a youth,
Who ne in virtue's ways did take delight;
But spent his days in riot most uncouth,
And vexed with mirth the drowsy ear of Night.
Ah, me! in sooth he was a shameless wight,
Sore given to revel and ungodly glee;
Few earthly things found favour in his sight
Save concubines and carnal companie,
And flaunting wassailers of high and low degree.
"Trump is a rich guy who loves pussy and beautiful women."
This isn't indicated by two of his three wives. Marla Maples was attractive.
"I support Trump despite his rants and his many faults. He fights. For what both he and I believe is right. He is not in it for himself, which almost all the Democrats are."
This is where Trump's supporters show how little they know his character. There is nothing selfless about him. He is only in it for himself, (as are almost all the Democrats...and almost all the Republicans).
"But what we loved about the man was his application of common sense to the problems he inherited from Obama, and the positive impact on the American economy in general, and the working people and small business owners who’ve been getting the shaft from both parties for decades."
What problems did Trump inherit from Obama that he fixed? He inherited a growing economy from Obama, who walked into a cratering economy at the end of Bush's second term, and the ascending trends continued under Trump. Obama deported more illegal immigrants than Trump did, (for good or bad, depending on one's point of view).
Robwrt Cook: "He is only in it for himself,"
I have always made it a policy to discount anything marxist/stalinist self-proclaimed mind-readers claim to know.
Thus far that policy has served me well.
Just once you should ask yourself, Cookie, if it’s possible that you might be wrong.
Look at wage growth at the bottom for one thing. And Trump made a deal with Mexico, that Biden promptly kiboshed, that was keeping illegal immigrants from making the dangerous trip in the first place.
I actually saw a tweet where the person said that they were against human trafficking, but didn’t want to make too big a deal about it, because it supported Trump’s view of the border. Well the traffickers are back, I am sure you are quite proud.
Supply and demand applies to labor too. Scabs coming across the border drive down wages. Oh, I forgot, lefties. don’t believe in supply and demand, which is why the Soviet Union collapsed.
"This is where Trump's supporters show how little they know his character.”
So your assessments are correct and ours are wrong about something that you can’t possibly know. Never once did you wonder if you might be wrong, or wonder why the combined powers of billionaires, media magnates, and the intelligence agencies joined forces to “fortify” the election against him, instead of taking the easy way and buying him off if he was so corrupt. They wanted Biden, because Biden is for sale.
Hell, Zeus used to turn himself into a bull and do water nymphs, so who am I to argue.
"Trump is a rich guy who loves pussy and beautiful women."
This isn't indicated by two of his three wives. Marla Maples was attractive."
If I understand this you think Melania is not attractive? Melania was a serious student of architecture but was so cute she had to do a Bill Gates and quit school to be a model. Gates just had to cobb a dos from someone else. Does Maple's round eyes attract you and Melania's Slovenian eyes repel you?
Good grief, this woman has described my precise vision of purgatory : lots of volleyball with irritating, naked people tripping on acid and nogging each other.
I also saw this very scene recreated in one of the NXVIM documentaries and thought, how did they know?
I’m beginning to believe in end times.
Um, really? You really think this would even get published if she wasn't a famous person's daughter? (A famous Republican's daughter...hypocrisy bonus!)
I don't think Rudy Giuliani (any more than Donald Trump) is anybody's idea of a pro-chastity guru.
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