February 13, 2021

They're voting on guilty/not guilty. UPDATE: 57 to 43. Trump is acquitted.

That happened fast!


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tcrosse said...

I expect 45 not guilty, 237 guilty, led by the late Ted Kennedy.

Achilles said...

As soon as Nancy and Bowser were listed as potential witnesses it had to end quickly.

Josephbleau said...

From the Weasel Zippers Site, "In her statement, Herrera Beutler related a conversation she had with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., about a call he had with President Donald Trump on Jan. 6."

Why would they read hearsay into the record when McCarthy was probably in the audience, or at least in town?

Mark said...

Those seven anti-constitutional POS Republican senators have only managed to turn more than 70 million people against the Republican Party.

Achilles said...

The polls were also strongly against the farce.

The more people saw the more they hated congress and the current regime.

Drago said...

"They're voting on guilty/not guilty."

Not really.

They are voting on "I hate Trump so much I am in favor of a Soviet Show Trial which creates a Bill of Attainder against Trump" + "I hate Trump so much I will let the New American Soviets do whatever they want to OrangeManBad" / "I hate OrangeManBad but its clear this has gone too far" + "this is an absurdity on its face"

Browndog said...

After today's debacle, I think think they'll need to impeach Trump again. In a couple weeks.

You can't acquit a guilty defendant without hearing all the facts and witnesses.

dreams said...

Seven Republicans voted guilty.

Achilles said...

This was a tough time for the Sicknick lie to flip.

They had to end the trial before that blood libel was drug out into the light.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Chuck Schumer is a lying sack of shit who openly threatened 2 Supreme Court justices.

he should be removed from office.

Jaq said...


Yancey Ward said...

Romney, Collins, Sasse, Murkowski, Cassidy, Burr and Toomey without having to look it up.

David Begley said...

Sasse has six years to look for a new job. Ivy League weasel.

Achilles said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
walter said...

Jack Posobiec
Harmeet K. Dhillon
BREAKING! Personal injury lawyer from the sticks crushes pompous Harvard law tool...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The media are LYING - full on LYING about the fact that there WERE leftwing provocateurs in the crowd.

at least One of them was arrested.

Yancey Ward said...

And I see I was 7 for 7.

Drago said...

BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe: "Chuck Schumer is a lying sack of shit who openly threatened 2 Supreme Court justices.

he should be removed from office."

Thats different because republican nominees to the SC are not fully human...as you will find the New American Soviets explaining in the years to come.

Achilles said...

I thought they would get Shelby to jump on

Narr said...

Didn't I tell you he'd be acquitted?


Our long national nightmare is over

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Is Murkowski up for election in 2022?

unknown said...

Wait, what? I thought they decided this AM they were going to have a trial with witnesses. This is all very sudden. Guess the Dems wanted to stop the bleeding.

Jim at said...

Take names.
Remember who they are.

Drago said...

Achilles: "I thought they would get Shelby to jump on"

I am also surprised.

I thought they would reach 60 votes given the number of democrat-lite "republicans" there.

Ken B said...

Conclusion: it was bad for Democrats. That’s why they wrapped it up.

Yancey Ward said...

I suspect every Republican voter for conviction had already decided to never run again, or plan to jump parties- the other 43 haven't made up their minds yet.

Right Man said...

Is it time for healing now?

David Begley said...

Trump is 2-0. Winning!

gilbar said...

serious question(s)

how much did this cost?
how much did it distract congress from Covid vaccines?
HOW MANY PEOPLE DIED because of this 'impeachment' "trial"?

Ken B said...

Will we see AA's considered opinion and verdict?

Big Mike said...

Is Murkowski up for election in 2022?

Yes. I left a message on Sarah Palin's web site promising the maximum contribution if she primaries Murkowski.

Burr and Toomey have previously announced their retirements. Cassidy and Romney are not up until 2024.

Ken B said...

Am I right that the impartial presiding officer voted?

Drago said...

Right Man: "Is it time for healing now?"

Now comes the backdoor outlawing and full censorship and tea party-like harassment of Trump voters on a national scale while blue state AG's and DA's coordinate their efforts with the FBI/DOJ to bankrupt and likely frame Trump and his children.

Ken B said...

Next up, an attempt to use the 14h amendment. Which really will require a bill of attainder.

RNB said...

Bullwinkle: Hey, Rocky! Watch me pull a successful impeachment conviction out of my hat!
Rocky: Aw, Bullwinkle! That trick never works!
Bullwinkle: This time for sure!

walter said...

I wonder how many casual viewers encountered Harris' lawless remarks for first time.

BUMBLE BEE said...

This is MONUMENTAL for Pelosi! History will remember what a LOSER she was! Clearly Joe ain't the only senile one in the gubmint! Now on to 2022.

gilbar said...

no man (or woman) has EVER been proven not guilty of wrongdoings more than (former) President Trump

He has been Closely examined, time after time; and the investigations have PROVED that he is above board, and performed his duties COMPLETELY WITHOUT issues

NO OTHER President can say that!

walter said...

Ken B said...Am I right that the impartial presiding officer voted?
He gurgled out a "guilty", yes.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

7 R's siding with the D-house managers who submitted altered/fake evidence.

Drago said...

Ken B: "Next up, an attempt to use the 14h amendment. Which really will require a bill of attainder."

Its already in the works as demonstrated by the PR campaign already underway to sell it to the public as a Soviet Failsafe tactic on path ChiCom-don.

Yancey Ward said...

Murkowski is likely to switch parties before the 2022 election just avoid a Republican primary loss. Of course, Burr and Toomey have already announced their retirements and both seats will be taken by the Democrats anyway. Collins and Romney have probably decided they have run their last elections even before this trial opened. Sasse and Cassidy both won reelection this past November and have 6 years to try to memory hole their votes today, but both might be open to changing parties along with Romney.

LA_Bob said...

"I suspect every Republican voter for conviction had already decided to never run again..."

We'll see won't we. I'd bet any 2026 Senators (Sasse?) count on this being forgotten by then.

Drago said...

walter: "I wonder how many casual viewers encountered Harris' lawless remarks for first time."

All. Of. Them.

But only all of them.

Achilles said...

Drago said...

Achilles: "I thought they would get Shelby to jump on"

I am also surprised.

I thought they would reach 60 votes given the number of democrat-lite "republicans" there.

To be honest I am surprised that Collins voted to end her association with republican voters.

She seems truly attached to that senate seat. Election is a ways off for her but this puts a firm end of career date on her tenure.

Everyone else has dreams of holding their sinecure.

The rest on that list were already well on their way to K Street and knew it and had nothing to lose.

Shelby is truly perplexing.

Francisco D said...

Of the seven Republicans in question, Toomey is retiring, Collins and Sasse have six years before they run, Burr is already a Deep State RINO on the CIA payroll and Murkowski will get enough graft from the DNC to win in Alaska or become a DC lobbyist.

Mittens is Mittens. Thank God he lost to Obama.

Ken B said...

It’s fantasy to believe the Democrats (or CNN) are done. So: votes of censure, bills of attainder, prosecutions. Watch for the new National Day of Vigilance on January 6.

Night Owl said...

No surprise. This farce impeachment was a loser for the Dems from the start. All they accomplished was setting a precedent of impeaching politicians who are no longer in office. That could never come back to bite them, could it?

Of course they may have done it simply to try to appease the blood-thirsty Trump-haters in their base. But there is no appeasing those people; haters gotta hate. So the Dems made themselves look ridiculous to independents and moderates for nothing really. Good going assholes.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Now do Schumer!

clint said...

So what's next? (You know there is a next.)

Governor Cuomo's getting a lot of heat over nursing homes and hidden evidence. Will he distract his constituents with a criminal trial of Donald Trump?

Perhaps a new federal investigation? I heard he once had two scoops -- two! -- of ice cream.

Perhaps the International Criminal Court will want to discuss the extrajudicial execution of Soleimani?

Achilles said...

BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...

7 R's siding with the D-house managers who submitted altered/fake evidence.

It is this desperation that is making me rethink things.

The Democrats presented obviously faked evidence multiple times in the "trial."

They lied in ways that no person with a conscience could support. They introduced fake evidence.

This is embarrassing to anyone on their side. This will cause many people to stop supporting them.

Are they truly done with popular support?

gilbar said...

'President' Jo Biden is PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE for over deaths of Over 70 THOUSAND americans

Right? I mean, (former) President Trump was (according to Jo Biden)
Personally responsible for Every covid death on His watch. Rules Are Rules, Right?

gilbar said...

And, the Son of a Bitch; Just Keeps RIGHT ON KILLING PEOPLE!!!

daskol said...

That international disgrace people thought occurred when Trump was elected. well, this was our drunken street shit on the global stage.

Jaq said...

Are they truly done with popular support?

This is legally a signature match in GA after the ‘Republican’ secretary of state made a legally dubious agreement with the Democrats , what do you think?


Drago said...

Ken B: "It’s fantasy to believe the Democrats (or CNN) are done. So: votes of censure, bills of attainder, prosecutions. Watch for the new National Day of Vigilance on January 6."

This is all correct and the National Day of Vigilence is a spot on prediction.

However, the New American Soviet Party will need to craft a Reichstag Fire evwnt in the Fall near our traditional election day for maximum political effect.

I also fully expect a Summer 2022 announcement from the FBI that the investigations into Hunter Biden and ChiCom gal pal honeytrap spy diddling Swalwell are complete and they are completely exonerated. These announcements will coincide with a "leak" from the CIA/FBI to the NYT and Wash Post that new information has been received that requires investigation into Eric Trump for supposedly having a sexual relationship with a ChiCom spy abd Don Jr for being a crackhead who received cash from communist generals.

Its not clear to me yet which of Hillarys/Chelsea's crimes will be transferred to Ivanka yet but give it some time.

jim said...

I hope Biden would agree with Gilbar.

What amazes me is that they found 7 Republican senators with a sense of decency and/or a flying fuck for the Republic. Only 1 last time.

Drago said...

Ken B: "It’s fantasy to believe the Democrats (or CNN) are done. So: votes of censure, bills of attainder, prosecutions. Watch for the new National Day of Vigilance on January 6."

This is all correct and the National Day of Vigilence is a spot on prediction.

However, the New American Soviet Party will need to craft a Reichstag Fire evwnt in the Fall near our traditional election day for maximum political effect.

I also fully expect a Summer 2022 announcement from the FBI that the investigations into Hunter Biden and ChiCom gal pal honeytrap spy diddling Swalwell are complete and they are completely exonerated. These announcements will coincide with a "leak" from the CIA/FBI to the NYT and Wash Post that new information has been received that requires investigation into Eric Trump for supposedly having a sexual relationship with a ChiCom spy abd Don Jr for being a crackhead who received cash from communist generals.

Its not clear to me yet which of Hillarys/Chelsea's crimes will be transferred to Ivanka yet but give it some time.

daskol said...

Pompous, often stupid, ethically dubious. The roll call was a kick in the nuts about the garbage people pretending to be our elite, including McConnell trying to pretend the Senate did something good.

Drago said...

jim: "What amazes me is that they found 7 Republican senators with a sense of decency and/or a flying fuck for the Republic. Only 1 last time."

Which doctored/faked "evidence" did you find the most "compelling"?

Jaq said...

"Republican senators with a sense of decency...”

We are all ears to hear the evidence presented proving Trump was guilty as charged. Could you summarize it for us here?

daskol said...

And McConnell is a piece of shit, in case anyone still wondered. If that crew of "guilty" GOP Senators and the House clowns isn't primaried and successfully, it's hard to imagine meaningful elections in our future.

David Begley said...

Cocaine Mitch doesn’t read Time. There was a conspiracy! It wasn’t a theory.

Achilles said...

jim said...

I hope Biden would agree with Gilbar.

What amazes me is that they found 7 Republican senators with a sense of decency and/or a flying fuck for the Republic. Only 1 last time.

I am surprised they only got 7 senators to support the democrats who introduced faked evidence multiple times at the trial.

Drago said...

jim, were you incredibly impressed by the way your Soviet dems shrank from calling witnesses at the very moment it became clear to them a few republicans intended to call some of your heroes into under oath testimony?

I suspect you guys are still quite butt burned after the last hoax impeachment when all the under oath testimony was released which proved you guys lied about every single "fact" then as well.

That under oath stuff can really throw a monkey wrench into a Mind-reading Seance Show Trial.

Iman said...

CNN falling back on praising the most bi-partisan impeachment vote EVAH! and holding on to hope that Trump may face civil action.

They has a sad...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Murkowski gets in because of local shenanigans. I've heard.

Time to put a stop to that.

DeepRunner said...

The seven who voted to convict...Collins will probablybe ok, Murkowski has no future, Sasse is doing his best Jeff Flake to consistently run as Homecoming King, Romney is only there because he moved to Utah and be voted in by the tribe, and now probably won't win reelection if he runs, Burr is old and probably done, Cassidy was for Trump before he has against him, and Toomey...meh. Now can we finally move on?

I doubt it. Illiberal libs gonna illiberally lib.

Laslo Spatula said...

I guess I should care about some of this stuff...

(swish-swish, swish-swish)

I mean, it's probably important, and it involves all the important people...

(swish-swish, swish-swish)

But I can't seem to really give a damn...

(swish-swish, swish-swish)

I have enough problems in the office. I don't have time for other people's silliness.

(swish-swish, swish-swish)

My boss quit, and I was so happy...

(swish-swish, swish-swish)

Then the new boss came in, and I find myself missing the old one.

(swish-swish, swish-swish)

There's probably a name for that.

(swish-swish, swish-swish)

Sure, I'd catch my old boss staring at my ass sometimes, but at least he got shit done.

(swish-swish, swish-swish)

I thought maybe he was beginning to appreciate the effort I was putting in, that maybe I might even see a promotion. Maybe even get a chance to get that Audi.

(swish-swish, swish-swish)

Now it's like starting all over.

(swish-swish, swish-swish)

And what's worse, the new boss seems to buy into all the bullcrap of the idiots at work.

(swish-swish, swish-swish)

It's tough to keep up the energy when it feels like the train is going the wrong way, you know?

(swish-swish, swish-swish)

And then there is the COVID.

(swish-swish, swish-swish)

Hard to believe, but the gym was even closed for three months.

(swish-swish, swish-swish)

Now I REALLY need to punish my ass.

(swish-swish, swish-swish)

I guess when the shit is catching up to you you just gotta run faster.

(swish-swish, swish-swish)

But somehow its even creepier, when the guys stare at me with their masks on. Rapists wear masks.

(swish-swish, swish-swish)

I guess all I can do is keep pushing myself, so I don't get pushed back.

(swish-swish, swish-swish)

It feels like everything is trying to push me back.

(swish-swish, swish-swish)

And don't get me going on that guy who uses the women's locker room now...

(swish-swish, swish-swish)

I am Laslo.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Senator McConnell said in his speech after the verdict that Donald Trump could be subject to civil liability for what happened on January 6, which suggests Trump would not have a qualified immunity defense to, say, a destruction of property, intentional infliction of emotional distress, or wrongful death lawsuit. Hmm.

Achilles said...

I am sad they did not throw Trump in jail.

Narayanan said...

can I say :
for Trump as "True Scotchsman" - not proven is as good as acquit!

Achilles said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Achilles said...

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Senator McConnell said in his speech after the verdict that Donald Trump could be subject to civil liability for what happened on January 6, which suggests Trump would not have a qualified immunity defense to, say, a destruction of property, intentional infliction of emotional distress, or wrongful death lawsuit. Hmm.

Now do Kamala Harris.

J. Farmer said...

Okay, great. My request for Trump: please fuck off now and give the country some "me" time. If we need you, we'll let Jared know.

Now the task at hand is defining Trumpism in the post-Trump era. Nikki Haley is angling to be the Jeb! of 2024. Tom Cotton is good on immigration but is an anti-China nut. Josh Hawley and Ron DeSantis are also in the conversation.

Drago said...

57% of the Senate demonstrates they are prepared to move at full speed to implement ChiCom like control over the US.

With another 10 who want to but will play it coy for a bit.

Approximately 67% of the Senate on board Team Globalist Train.

Actually, thats a little better than I syspected so I am pleasantly surprised.

Leland said...

About a month too long, if you ask me. The result was always expected, but I doubt this is over. How long before the SDNY brings spurious criminal charges against Trump? I'm sure Chris Cuomo would love the extra audience looking at him and not at his brother Andrew's mishandling of COVID patients and related data about them. So what Gilbar noted above is likely next.

The Democrat MO is to accuse others of whatever they did wrong. It's a twofer! First, they get to blame their political enemies of whatever they did and say "whataboutism" when people note the accusation made is what Democrats always do. Second, once the political enemy is exonerated, the Democrats have a built in defense for their crime. And oh yeah, you can bet none of the Democrats will be held to account for the incitement of violence this summer.

Renee said...

So can we have our checks now?

And are they going to take down that wall?

Drago said...

J. Farmer: "Okay, great. My request for Trump: please fuck off now and give the country some "me" time. If we need you, we'll let Jared know."

Dude, you were completely pro-"fail faster" and Bernie aint so bad prior to the election.

Achilles said...

J. Farmer said...

Okay, great. My request for Trump: please fuck off now and give the country some "me" time. If we need you, we'll let Jared know.

Now the task at hand is defining Trumpism in the post-Trump era. Nikki Haley is angling to be the Jeb! of 2024. Tom Cotton is good on immigration but is an anti-China nut. Josh Hawley and Ron DeSantis are also in the conversation.

Cotton's anti China stance is disqualifying? I do not think it is possible to be anti-China enough. Cotton has other problems.

None of them are pushing an end to mail in elections.

Nothing matters until they end mass mail ballots.

Jaq said...

"but is an anti-China nut”

LOL, only a nut would look at China as anything other than a benevolent power only seeking mutual best interests.

Drago said...

tim in vermont: "LOL, only a nut would look at China as anything other than a benevolent power only seeking mutual best interests."

Well played.

walter said...

"They're good folks"

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cappy said...

Sucks to be a liberal, donut?

YoungHegelian said...

Does anyone think that it's a coincidence that this was all wrapped up on a miserable weather Saturday, when the Senators think most of the electorate isn't paying attention?

My guess is that the polling on this was going right into the toilet. I'll tell you one thing -- there's a whole lot of suburban Democrats who are madder than a flock of wet hens that their kids aren't back in school, and they see that their politicians are in thrall to the teachers union.

That is the issue that'll be driving the electorate for the next couple of months, because that hits them where they live, literally & figuratively.

Gusty Winds said...

Ok that was fun. Now let’s fire up The Truth and Reconciliation Commissions.

Hopefully we get a transgendered Reality Czar.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The media lie to us about the deaths at the capitol

what happened to officer Brian Sicknick?

who shot and killed un-armed Ashlee babbitt?

Clyde said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rcocean said...

McConnell is a complete piece of shit. If he stated Trump may be "Civilly Liable" then the plaintiffs will have to prove what the House managers never did. Namely that (1) Trump wanted and caused the rioters to break into the capital building and (2) were under Trump's control. Neither of these is true. In fact all the evidence is the opposite.

Further, The President of the United States is NOT primarily responsible for the security of the Capital Building. The secret service, the Capital Hill police, and DC police are. And maybe the FBI. All these organizations knew that given the antifa/BLM violence and previous attacks on Trump supporters that violence could be expected on Jan 6th. So why was the Capital Building left with a skeleton crew and almost unprotected?

This in fact, is why no witnesses were called. If Trump's defense team had called the FBI/Capital Hill Police and Nancy Pelosi than their failure to protect the Capital building would've been made clear. And they couldn't have blamed Trump.

BTW, you should read Sasse's piece of shit excuse for voting guilty. Its basically "I don't like Trump - he's a bad man". Its childishness is remarkable. And he never shows how Trump was guilty under the article of impeachment. He's a total shit.

Clyde said...

And so a week of political onanism comes to an end, so to speak. No "happy ending" for the Dems. They are left with blue balls.

jeremyabrams said...

Seven perfidious republican senators, and not one upright democrat one. The left can spend a year destroying city centers, while the right, though sorely provoked, must remain impressively patient. Like Hamlet. Here's a mashup of Hamlet and our current conservative restraint: https://abardseyeview.com/o-cursed-spite-that-ever-i-was-born-to-set-it-right-hamlet-and-conservative-hesitation/

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Farmer- Trump is gone and we have not heard a word from him. Twitter banned him.

so what's your gripe?
All we DO hear - the corrupt leftwing echo chamber day in and day out - from media to hollywood - and more.

rcocean said...

BTW, there's nothing to stop Pelosi and Schumer/McConnell from impeaching Trump again, next month, next year, or in 2024. Assuming they have the votes. All they'll have to do, is proclaim that they've found "new evidence" of some crime by Trump, and the whole circus/farce will start again.

The RINO's, McConnell, and the Democrats have made clear they don't give a damn about the Constitution, historical precedent, or the voters. Its all about having the votes and their personal FEELINGS. Naked Political power rules and they will do what they wish, until stopped by a greater power.

rcocean said...

Cassidy surprised everyone. Maybe he's been found with a live boy or a dead girl. Maybe he's a John Weaver fan. Or he's just corrupt and been bribed by Goldman Sachs or K street.

rcocean said...

Now we can get on to bankrupting the country with massive spending bills, open borders and amnesty for 15 million illegals, helping the Chicoms, and maybe starting a war in the middle east.

Woo hoo! Thanks Democrat voters.

Clyde said...

The Democrat House managers are lamenting their loss on camera now. So sad for them. Blue balls, and the circle jerk is over.

boatbuilder said...

Fuck you Farmer. Trump hasn't said a fucking thing since January 6th and the Dems and the quislings decided to inflict this monstrosity on us.

May Trump haunt whatever it is that you and your bitter and ungrateful ilk regard as "this country" loudly and publicly for a long time.

MadisonMan said...

And no one is surprised.

RMc said...

Farmer- Trump is gone and we have not heard a word from him. Twitter banned him.

Trump knows that people can't miss him if he doesn't go away, at least for a little while. He'll be back.

rhhardin said...

Trump didn't admit the legitimacy of the election. He admitted the legitimacy of the process, a process he was trying to influence precisely because it had legitimacy. His last chance at getting the still-flawed election audited.

J. Farmer said...


Dude, you were completely pro-"fail faster" and Bernie aint so bad prior to the election.

Bernie still isn't bad. I much prefer him to Biden. Stop thinking in partisan terms. The deplorables and the Bernie Bros have a common enemy in the neoliberal establishment. Conservatives needed to be Occupy Wall Street, not the Tea Party.

Don't get me wrong, I still think the country is doomed, but we still have to make decisions between now and whenever that happens.

Cotton's anti China stance is disqualifying? I do not think it is possible to be anti-China enough. Cotton has other problems.

It's not disqualifying, but it's a liability. Cotton is a dumb hawk intent on involving the US in more endless, destructive conflicts around the world.

Clyde said...

And poor Pelosi appears to be suffering from vaginal dryness.

Francisco D said...

What will the next phase of the Trump persecution be?


1. A series of criminal and civil charges designed to drain his bank account;

2. A movement to take away his post-presidency benefits, such as SS protection;

3. A vote to censure and then burn run effigy;

4. A law forbidding any county, municipal, state or federal commemoration of his Presidency;

5. A national holiday celebrating the victory by Dems over The Evil One.

Of course, we all know that the next Republican POTUS candidate will be even worse tha Trump and on a par with Hitler.

Tommy Duncan said...

There were 45 senators who voted this impeachment was unconstitutional. Now only 43 voted not guilty. So 2 senators voted both guilty and unconstitutional? How does that work?

Drago said...

Farmer- Trump is gone and we have not heard a word from him. Twitter banned him.

Trump was advised to say nothing during the latest American Soviet Show Trial.

He complied.

This Show trial has concluded as expected.

The next wont be far off.

Until then Trump will certainly start commenting publicly again.

Its just a darn shame those Man-Boy-"mentoring"(wink wink)-Cultists at the Lincoln Project Grifter Club wont be around to offer critiques of Trump....

Howard said...

No surprise here. Your guy won and you people are still miserable.

Drago said...

Tommy Duncan: "There were 45 senators who voted this impeachment was unconstitutional. Now only 43 voted not guilty. So 2 senators voted both guilty and unconstitutional? How does that work?"

OrangeManBad changes everything.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bernie shot himself in the foot and revealed his true swamp self by immediately endorsing Biden when it became apparent that Biden would be the nominee.
What a phony jackass.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

(tho I submit Joe never actually won it - because covid shut the remaining states down)

Howard said...

The Lincoln Log Project was a big nothing-burger. They didn't move the needle and have disgraced themselves as republicans do. You can have them back now, Drago.

Drago said...

Howard: "No surprise here. Your guy won and you people are still miserable."


A reading that is completely opposite of reality.


Tell us again how your earlier claims that antifa types are just like our Normandy invaders AND deserve hazardous duty pay can be recinciled with your later claims that antifa doesnt even exist?

Its like you are the Raskin of Althouse blog.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The only idiot willing to welcome The disgraced Lincoln project Man-boy Trump hate cult back into good graces might be Mr. Sasse.

Matt Sablan said...

I assume there will now be some mostly peaceful riots over the decision.

Lurker21 said...

Blessed be! Can I now stop cowering under the desk in fear for my life?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I have it on good authority that Sasse thinks the pudge pudding is hot.

Howard said...

Replay the tape Drago. Never said it. I love your boys excuse: Antifa made me storm the capitol. Is there nothing those libtard soy boys can't do?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

*balding pudge pudding*

Drago said...

Howard: "You can have them back now, Drago."

You embraced them. You lauded them. You praised them. You adored them.

They ARE you.

You can no more disentangle yourself from them than you can lop off a limb.

Not to worry. You have a well established track record of rewriting history so all you have to do is pretend your love affair with TLP never happened and that they never even existed.

You can do that.

You HAVE done that.

Francisco D said...

Howard said...No surprise here. Your guy won and you people are still miserable.

The Soviet reality show "trial" was not so much about Trump. It was about people who voted for him - the Deplorables.

Pelosi and Schemer will propose "hate speech" laws. These fascists are taking their cues from the woke universities.

People who believe in Free Speech need to fight, but will they be charged with "incitement" for saying so?

They will eventually come for you Howard unless you voluntarily get down on your knees.

Howard said...

*orange pudge pudding*

Lurker21 said...

Burr said that while he believed the trial was unconstitutional, he decided to put that aside after the Senate voted Tuesday that the trial was constitutional and should proceed.

In other words, he was against impeachment before he was for it.

Give that man a plane and make him a climate envoy.

Owen said...

I agree that the public is completely fed up with this s*** show. The big issue now is getting the country out of the hole it’s in. Get kids back to school NOW. Straighten out the vaccination website/distribution NOW. Clarify how we get out of lockdown NOW. Get relief $ to the most hurting people NOW.

Message to Congress: stop indulging in your vindictive blame games and do the damn work you were sent to do.

Oh, and one more thing? Shut down Antifa and BLM rioters and thugs NOW. If you don’t, others will. And it won’t be pretty.

Mark said...

Three or even four Republicans can be dismissed as the usual suspects doing their usual thing.

Seven is attempting to shoot Trump through the back of the party's mouth. Today they have worked not to harm Trump, but toward the entire party's own demise.

Drago said...

Howard: "Replay the tape Drago. Never said it. I love your boys excuse: "

Its wise of you to Go Full Inga and change the subject.

That topic is a real loser for you and clearly demonstrates how you project YOU onto others.

You should stick with your squirm and worm away strategy.

Its your best option.

Howard said...

Sing it Brother Francisco
Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
Step out of line, the man come and take you away

J. Farmer said...

@tim in vermont:

LOL, only a nut would look at China as anything other than a benevolent power only seeking mutual best interests.

Sure, because obviously that's the only other possible perspective to have on the issue. Either Sinophobia or Sinophilia.

Howard said...

What subject? You talking out your ass?

Hanoi Paris Hilton said...

Looking at the first "news" coverage of the impeachment trial acquittal today, it appears we've reached Peak Slime in our Soviet Media...


It's ABC-TVs San Francisco outlet, so what can you do; but note the source was the Associated Press.

Howard said...


Drago said...

Francisco D: "They will eventually come for you Howard unless you voluntarily get down on your knees."

Too late.

Months ago Howard went Full Woke White Dude where he channeled the lefty identity all-star/BLM and explained how only whites could be racists and how it is important for whites to ve seen and not heard and blah blah blah.

You've never seen such hilarious white knighting suck-up-ery.

Drago said...

Howard: "What subject? You talking out your ass?"

And Howard inevitably returns to his natural level.

Come on Howard. Your woke Boston lefty neighbors are going to be sorely disappointed in your performance today and ypu know darn well they tolerate and suffer you only because you perform like a trained seal for them.

Shouting Thomas said...


Your act is old, worn out and stupid.

J. Farmer said...


Fuck you Farmer. Trump hasn't said a fucking thing since January 6th and the Dems and the quislings decided to inflict this monstrosity on us.

Don't fanboy over politicians. It's pathetic.

May Trump haunt whatever it is that you and your bitter and ungrateful ilk regard as "this country" loudly and publicly for a long time.

Hint: if you don't understand the destructive role Reaganism has played in US politics for the last 30 years, you're as lost as a fart in the wind. Psst...it didn't have anything to do with conservatism.

Jaq said...

Either Sinophobia or Sinophilia.

What was good for America about having all of the PPE we needed for the Pandemic manufactured in China, looking beyond the fact that the labor of slaves and political prisoners is cheaper than labor in the US with protections?

Howard said...

I shouted out
Who killed Ashli Babbitt
When after all
It was you and Trump

Josephbleau said...

"It's not disqualifying, but it's a liability. Cotton is a dumb hawk intent on involving the US in more endless, destructive conflicts around the world."

The conflict with China is an economic one, albeit including the ego and feelings of superiority inherent to Chinese culture. How could China try to fight a small proxy war with the US and still buy overseas grain (US Navy) and sell plastic crap to Walmart? China has a lot of people to feed. They always will bluster, but why make it impossible for Biden to consolidate their influence? The worst case would be China establishing controlling interests and bases in South America.

One thing Trump has accomplished is that it will be very hard for the uni-party to get away with more war. Trump was a war monger you see, and it is unseemly to do what he did (not) do.

Shouting Thomas said...

Really, Howard.


You’re not funny, interesting or anything that you imagine you are.

You’re just a dumb fucking asshole.

Go away and jerk off somewhere else.

effinayright said...

Mitch condemns Trump to lifelong personal and legal harassment:


I hope that corrupt sonovabitch roasts in Hell with a thousand trucks running over his face every second for all eternity.

chickelit said...

I'm happy that the farce is finally over. Now maybe our lawmakers can get onto something a little bit more important.
I do relish the idea of TV news coverage ratings going down in flames. I'd relish seeing a few on-air meltdowns, maybe a few career suicides and eventually, massive layoffs. No sector deserves it more.

Howard said...

Thomas skipped his Premarin today

Jaq said...

No idea why I keep capitalizing ‘pandemic’ Maybe my fingers think I am going to type 'Pandora.'

Howard said...

relish should be served cold on a hot weiner

Shouting Thomas said...

After 4 years, I still don’t entirely understand what existential threat Trump poses.

Must be a mess of shit.

No GOP candidate will ever dare again to oppose open borders and illegal immigration again.

The Hate Whitey mania will escalate into state sanctioned murder and expropriation over time.

We’re basically now under CCP rule.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

shorter Howard -
un-armed Ashlee deserved to die.
So what if we are not allowed to know who killed her.
It's her fault.

& leftists now blame all women for their rapes.

Shouting Thomas said...

Howard, you dumb fucking piece of shit.

Go whack off in the corner.

Quit pulling out your dick and jerking off in public, moron.

chickelit said...

No Howard, a faceless and protected Lon-Horiuchi-wannbe shot Ashlii Babbit. I hope the sonofabitch gets his day in court eventually.

Drago said...

Howard: "I shouted out
Who killed Ashli Babbitt
When after all
It was you and Trump"

Really? Thats it?

I guess so.

Howard said...

It's all over now boys. Might as well welcome our new Chinese overlords to invade the Capitol to stop the squeal.

Blair said...

Genuine question: If Trump's impeachment and trial was extraconstitutional, since he holds no current federal office, why does conviction require a 2/3 majority? Surely that only applies to office holders? Why isn't Trump convicted on a bare majority?

Jaq said...

I don’t know why Howard wouldn’t be celebrating the day the Republican Party committed seppuku.

Honestly, I think it’s time to flounce off for a while.

Howard said...

Ashli is on you people who encouraged susceptible nutbars to do civil war on the Congress. Enablers all

Shouting Thomas said...

Took over 30 years to finally field a GOP candidate who would seal the borders and enforce immigration law.

Nobody will ever dare to do that again.

Shouting Thomas said...

Howard, please kill yourself.

I’ll give you the gun.

Jaq said...

"Why isn't Trump convicted on a bare majority?”

Because a bill of attainder is unconstitutional. Not that that matters anymore

Howard said...

I'm just curious why you people are so mo fo miserable gloom and doom 24/7 even when you win won. Your empathy for Trump is pathological. Like a baby to it's mother, you believe you are one in the same being with the Donald.

Shouting Thomas said...

For those of you who don’t see where this is going, read Steve Sailer today.

The media and the Democrats in CA are pretending that it is white supremacists who are attacking and killing elderly Asians.

In fact, it’s black kids.

Homicide by blacks is now being blamed on whites.

Chennaul said...

Given how crappy the evidence was , it seems apparent that the Democrats were more interested in getting the split vote amongst the Republicans.

The evidence was so bad but it worked for a Senate that were also the subjects of the assault. Probably hard for most to not fill in the blanks of the House Managers’ presentation.

If this was a true court of law then “not guilty” was your only option and this impeachment trial shows a true weakness in the very system, Senators cannot be the jury and judges when they also are the victims.

The media is touting this as the most bipartisan impeachment vote ever, but it was also the weakest presentation given what was supposedly reported in media immediately after. The discrepancy is gross and glaring, and it looks like the Democrats via leaks to the press tried to manipulate the vote for impeachment in the House.

And to reiterate, it looks like they really didn’t want a conviction of Trump their ultimate objective is to weaken their opposition and fractionalize them—in that they were ultimately successful.

Shouting Thomas said...

You’re stupid as a fucking brick, Howard.

You’re a white guy, right?

They’re coming for you, too, shithead.

tommyesq said...

We could do worse than turning laslo's girl on the treadmill into honest to God commercials.

I have an almost disturbingly-vivid image of the ponytailed girl on the treadmill, all from reading the comments these last several years...

Howard said...

And they're coming to take me away ha-haaa
They're coming to take me away ho-ho hee-hee ha-haaa
To the funny farm
Where life is beautiful all the time

Doug said...

Burr is old and probably done
Burr is crooked as a dog's home leg, and getting out before the insider trading indictments come. A waste of human skin.

Mark said...

After 4 years, I still don’t entirely understand what existential threat Trump poses.

ST -- During the Reagan/Bush I years, the Democrat Party was on its deathbed. It was very nearing extinction. Bill Clinton gave them new life, rising from the grave (thanks Ross Perot).

Once having seized power, the left became emboldened. Their internal rallying cry was "NEVER AGAIN!" Never again would they let go of the reins of almighty POWER. Once they had power, it was, in their mind, forever. Thus, Algore's attempted anti-democratic election theft and coup, and the perpetual attacks against Bush II. Thus the sliming of every other Republican since (including fellow travelers McCain and Romney) as Worse-Than-Hitler.

Obama The One gave them POWER again, their rightful and just position in the universe. The loss of that power in 2016 was another affront to their very being. Let's not fool ourselves -- even if it wasn't a blowhard like Trump, even if it was Mitt giving them all oral sex all the time, they would have gone ape shit in order to regain and hold power. Now they have it again. And this time they will make damn sure that they NEVER lose power again. EVER.

Chennaul said...

Blogger Shouting Thomas said...
For those of you who don’t see where this is going, read Steve Sailer today.

The media and the Democrats in CA are pretending that it is white supremacists who are attacking and killing elderly Asians.

In fact, it’s black kids.

Homicide by blacks is now being blamed on whites.


Two Asian actors offered a reward and this was twisted by Oakland politicians and other Twitter activists as “racist” and if people didn’t see what was wrong with putting a “bounty” out for a black person then they are racist too.

So as usual they argue from all sides. The perp is white or black whenever that fits their argument/agenda better.

Shouting Thomas said...

I’ve got grandkids who are going to have to live with this, Howard.

My grandson, in particular, is going to be enrolled in a hostile school system.

He’ll be criminalized if he dares to defend himself.

You’re not funny, you dumb fucking asshole.

You’re just a fucking obnoxious piece of shit. Go fuck yourself asshole.

Drago said...

Howard: "Ashli is on you people who encouraged susceptible nutbars to do civil war on the Congress."

Howard is the moron who claimed Trump initiated a Weapons Of Mass Destruction chemical warfare attack on "peaceful" antifa protestors who were conducting a Howard approved burning of a Christian Church.

Oddly enough, Howard never "squared the circle" logically when antifa was declared non-existent.

So, you know, Howard is a linguistically excitable fellow.

Similar to Li'l stevie uhr claiming just today, and I kid you not, that Pence was literally a "hairsbreath away" from death!

Today has been hilarious on a number of levels despite democratical Soviet behavior.

Mark said...

the Democrats were more interested in getting the split vote amongst the Republicans

This guy gets it.

And, mission accomplished. BIG WIN for Dems today. Big loss for the nation.

chickelit said...

@ Francisco D: How much of your litany of litigious lawfare can be funded privately vs. publicly? I think that any individual with standing should be allowed to sue Trump based on real charges. But this never ending, Treasury-draining lawfare to enrich DC lawyers at taxpayer's expense has just got to stop. How, is the question.

chickelit said...

Pop the DC lawfare bubble like the ugly zit that it is.

Michael said...

Now with BIDEN’s handy bank proclamation, the one relieving banks of the obligation to be open for all, the stage is now set to bankrupt the bad orange man fast. Credit markets will be closed tight to the bad orange man lest the CEO of any lending institution wishes to have his balls chopped off by howling screeching mob. So he will be toast with looming maturities.

le Douanier said...

“I am sad they did not throw Trump in jail.”


It is interesting that the D leaders don’t go w/ “lock him up” chants. Not to mention that they’re not asking Russia for help re spying on their opponent, resulting in the dripping out email hacks that started exactly when the Access Hollywood tape came out.

In history Trump Derangement Syndrome is guaranteed to be assed re the loons who followed/follow DJT, not those who, at the time, said WTF re him.


Very cool stuff.

Achilles said...

Howard said...

The Lincoln Log Project was a big nothing-burger. They didn't move the needle and have disgraced themselves as republicans do. You can have them back now, Drago.

There is no shortage of rapists for Howard to embrace and support.

And he supports every one of them while it benefits him, and stops when it no longer does.

That is what amoral shitheads do.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Civil war 2.0 just got a bit closer. Names and faces.

boatbuilder said...

"if you don't understand the destructive role Reaganism has played in US politics for the last 30 years, you're as lost as a fart in the wind. Psst...it didn't have anything to do with conservatism."

Thank you for that, Farmer. Reassures me.

I gave up on what today passes for "conservatism" long ago. If Reagan wasn't a "conservative"neither am I.

n.n said...

it looks like they really didn’t want a conviction of Trump their ultimate objective is to weaken their opposition and fractionalize them—in that they were ultimately successful

They can, do, and will share/shift responsibility. The JournoLists will persevere with a trial by press, and, of course, cancel culture that operates at lower, distributed levels. I guess you can both abort the baby, cannibalize her profitable parts, and sequester her carbon pollutants, and have, her, too.

Shouting Thomas said...

So, really, the GOP is once again totally useless and we’re on our own.

Elections are frauds. Racial and sexual quotas in every facet of life.

The Dems have their paramilitary units, Antifa and BLM, on call to handle business when necessary.

Drago said...

Michael: "Now with BIDEN’s handy bank proclamation, the one relieving banks of the obligation to be open for all, the stage is now set to bankrupt the bad orange man fast."

This is part of the explicit penalty mechanism side of the looming Social Credit scoring system that is being implemented by the corporate/dem/GOPe alliance.

They really do believe that they can use all these mechanisms, along with the DOJ/FBI/CIA/NSA, to execute this plan.

So far, they are not wrong.

David Begley said...

A real cheap shot speech by Cocaine Mitch. Ingrate.

Drago said...

Shouting Thomas: "So, really, the GOP is once again totally useless and we’re on our own."

Actually, the GOP is quite useful...for their team.

Which is not your team.

Breezy said...

The Dems are cancelling everyone they can make any scintilla of a case to do so. This not American nor rational. Why would anyone go along with this? This is the big picture that needs to be internalized.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I haven't checked the names to see if this is the case, but, the GOP senators who voted to convict Trump did so primarily to keep their lines of #fakenews facetime facilitation open.

Chris Lopes said...

"Okay, great. My request for Trump: please fuck off now and give the country some "me" time. If we need you, we'll let Jared know."

I guess you missed the point of this shit show. The impeachment and trial were to keep Orange the Clown in the public eye so as to distract from Joe Biden and whatever executive orders they have him sign with his tapioca pudding. With the trial over, the Democrats will find another reason why we must hear about/care about this ass clown, because Joe isn't really up to the job and everyone knows it.

Iman said...

Its like you [Howard] are the Raskin of Althouse blog.

Here come those tears again
Just when he was shitting in his shoe
Just when he was going to make it through
Another night of sucking off teh blue

n.n said...

You’re a white guy, right?

They’re coming for you, too, shithead.

Diversity breeds adversity where everyone is a viable choice to be exploited for leverage and social progress, too. Think of lynching events in post-apartheid Progressive South Africa, Hutu/Tutsi cycles of redistributive and retributive change, intra-tribal Anasazi genocide, etc. Oh, well, perhaps living for the "boring" moments is the best possible choice of all the bad choices available.

Hanoi Paris Hilton said...

The meme out there that "the Rethugs lost both GA US senate races in the special election because their electorate was convinced that the demonstrable level of electoral fraud there was insurmounatble in the November General, so why even bother" is likely to go really ballistic in that if us on the right haven't —one way or the other— brought mail-in voting; vote harvesting; and Zuckerbergian 501(c)3 foundations spending nearly four bucks per Biden vote to a crash-and-burn end by November, 2022 I'd easily see twenty- or thirty-million Trump voters sitting this one out! Myself probably included. The End of The Republican Party, bye bye Republican incumbents (my own Congressman is Adam Kinzinger, no less!).

Iman said...

h/t Jackson “Johnny One Note” Browne

Jaq said...

"their ultimate objective is to weaken their opposition and fractionalize them—in that they were ultimately successful.”

Manchin’s state went 70% for Trump and he remains totally loyal to his party. This is why the Republicans are the stupid party and they deserve to go the way of the Whigs.

Drago said...

David Begley: "A real cheap shot speech by Cocaine Mitch. Ingrate."

Completely expected.

Mitch figured out on Friday that there would be no cascade of pro-Soviet votes for impeachment on the republican sude given the dismantling of the Soviets lie-filled House manager "case".

Mitch is simply providing early rhetorical support to the dems for their coming corrupt perpetual "investigations"/harassment of Trump and his supporters.

We are now on the path to an inevitable future conflagration since there has never been a leftist totalitarian takeover attempt that didnt end that way.

Expect dozens of Huttaree-type set ups in the coming months.

I put the odds of The New American Soviet Party declaring marshall law in the run up to Nov 2022, post multiple COINTELPRO ops, at around 20% at this point.

On top of a declared Covid Mutation III "emergency" necessitating another nationwide vote by mail arrangement, naturally.

n.n said...

Actually, the GOP is quite useful...for their team.

Of course, correlation is not causation, and overlapping and divergent interests are well established. Then there is the occult factor: what we know, do not know, and cannot... should not know. A little privacy, please.

Gospace said...

What the sudden hurry shows, what no real witnesses in either impeachment sham show, what all the court decisions refusing to hear any evidence of election fraud by ruling that no one has standing or other procedural BS, is that a whole lot of very important people don’t want to hear one side of a story, the same side in every example.

Makes you wonder why, doesn’t it?

Couldn’t possibly have any relationship to the New Hampshire recount where it appears Dominion machines seemed to undercount Republican votes. Or could it? A mystery that will never be solved.

And so as not to neglect another question:

Who murdered Ashli Babbitt?

gilbar said...

Laslo said...
(swish-swish, swish-swish

Thank You Laslo. This day just keeps getting better and better!

walter said...

Jack Posobiec
Sasse censure is imminent, per Nebraska GOP source

alan markus said...

@ gilbar: Thank You Laslo. This day just keeps getting better and better!

@ Igna: Howard, and here I was just trying to get these folks to lighten up a bit. I know this was a difficult week for them.

2/12/21, 10:23 PM

Hey Inga, hope you choke on a dick. I thought this week turned out pretty good.

Openidname said...

"Owen said...

"NOW . . . NOW . . . NOW."

Yawn. You're not the only Althouse commentator making demands and threats.

But what exactly are you going to do, when the Dems have the Presidency and the House? Riot? We all saw how well that worked out on January 6.

Call me when you have a plan.

Owen said...

Chennault @ 4:43: “...
And to reiterate, it looks like they really didn’t want a conviction of Trump their ultimate objective is to weaken their opposition and fractionalize them—in that they were ultimately successful.”

Bingo. This farce was superficially a process governed by (and part of the damage control subroutine of) the Constitution. It also had the look and feel of a legal case. Both these aspects were distractions from what was really going on: a purely political process, to identify and bind supporters and opponents, and to divide the latter along a deep fault line. It worked to perfection. The Dems pushed as hard as they could, asserted one bullshit and emotion-soaked claim after another; right up to the point of —gasp [clutches pearls]— calling witnesses. And then, as the defense (completely predictably) rallies with a (perfectly legitimate) threat of calling hundreds of witnesses in a years-long morass of fact-finding, the Dems nimbly retreat and break off the fight, leaving the foe confused, ignorant, angry and divided. That 7-GOP vote of guilty will not be forgotten; and will make it easier for the Dems to roll over the GOP. But only on EVERY SINGLE ISSUE.

Shouting Thomas said...

But what exactly are you going to do, when the Dems have the Presidency and the House? Riot? We all saw how well that worked out on January 6.

The rules are now clearly established.

The Democratic Party is entitled to field paramilitary forces, BLM and Antifa.

The GOP voluntarily agrees to remain disarmed and defenseless.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Layout and ads at Gateway Pundit make for a irritating scroll.


IGNORED BY THE MEDIA ELITES AND FBI: List of 20 Individuals at the Capitol on January 6th – All Appear to be Connected to Antifa or Far Left Groups

Narr said...

Even my quasi-TDS wife thinks the whole show has been a farce and waste of time, as embarrassing to the country as Trump himself. I have to count that as progress.

Baby steps

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Jennifer Rubin @JRubinBlogger tweeted...

"House managers utterly vindicated. They got every vote possible."

Is it possible Jennifer Rubin doesn't know democrats needed a 2/3 majority to convict?

Achilles said...

Everything on December 6th was staged to facilitate impeaching Trump.

This is out of the horses mouth.

These people are desperate.

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