February 1, 2021

Pro-se Trump?

I'm reading "Trump Names Two Members of Impeachment Defense Team/The announcement came a day after he parted ways with five lawyers, and with his trial looming next week" (NYT):
Mr. Trump has told advisers he wants the defense to focus on his baseless claims about election fraud, a person familiar with the discussions said. A person close to the former president disputed that that was the case, but conceded that Mr. Trump had dismissively said the case was so simple that he could try it himself and save money.

Just to save money? Or does he think he's the one best able to put the case in the form that seems right to him: simple!

I wouldn't put it past him. After all, he decided that he could do the whole President-of-the-United-States job. The weirdest thing that's happened in my lifetime is Trump becoming President. I can totally see the Senate doors opening and Trump strutting in, with just a page of notes tucked into his jacket pocket. 

I floated the pro-se Trump theory yesterday, here.


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Fernandinande said...

baseless claims

All propaganda, all the time.

D.D. Driver said...

This is an epically dumb idea and I hope he does it.

BarrySanders20 said...

It’s the only thing that would cause me to tune in and watch.

Michael K said...

I would prefer he ignore it as the farce it is.

No one will change his/her mind.

Jaq said...

It’s a case so simple it could be presented by one of the five lawyers who graduated behind Biden at Syracuse.

If the claims really are baseless, why are people so afraid to have the facts laid out?

And BTW, if this is not a “trial,” then the whole thing is just a hearing for a bill of attainder, and if it is a trial, then demonstrating the truth is a defense against the charge of lying and incitement, because if the truth is ever defined as “incitement” we are well into our dystopian phase of the American Experiment.

wendybar said...

The weirdest thing that happened in my life is that people think China Joe is competent enough to be president when he is delusional.

Jaq said...

I see Ted Cruz just repeated the lie that his assertions have been rejected by courts of law. The courts of law never heard them, they rejected the cases on technical grounds, with one exception in GA, where the facts were never heard either, for whatever reason.

rehajm said...

It isn't a trial and they won't allow a defense. They'll laches or Strzock away anything inconvenient for their veneer of 'reality'.

Michael P said...

Well, you know, Trump thinks he's a better speechwriter than his speechwriters. He knows more about policies on any particular issue than his policy directors. And he thinks he's a better political director than his political director.

Wait, no, that's the wrong former president.

rhhardin said...

A single 3x5 index card is the maximum recommended, if you're at all good at talking.

Jaq said...

They never allowed a defense in the impeachment hearings in the House the first time, and in the Senate, instead of giving Trump a day in court, they swept the whole embarrassing mess under the rug.

The Second time there was no evidence presented in the House at all, they just took the word of a highly partisan press and rushed the whole thing without any attempts at gathering facts.

Trump and his supporters deserve their day in court.

Jaq said...

I am really disappointed in Ted Cruz. When he made that statement, you know the fix is in that Trump will not be allowed to present any evidence.

The lawyers are trying to win a narrow case, and Trump is trying to make a much larger political case.

Breezy said...

Trump is fighting for his supporters, not himself.

jaydub said...

" After all, he decided that he could do the whole President-of-the-United-States job."

Then he did it, and better than anyone could have imagined.

Clayton Hennesey said...

Trump appearing pro se would be the opening campaign rally in Trump for President 2024.

Trump knows this isn't an impeachment; his supporters know this isn't an impeachment.

Everyone on all sides knows this is the first wholesale abandonment of the Constitution in American history, a move that defines a constitutional crisis.

At this point the crisis won't be fully joined until 2024, and only if Trump runs again. But, if he does, it will be a Guaidó v. Maduro moment on American soil, with unforeseeable outcomes.

Why not set that stage right now as unforgettably as possible with one final Mr. Smith Goes to Washington moment?

Mr. O. Possum said...

When will Trump announce his run for House or Senate?

wild chicken said...

where the facts were never heard either, for whatever reason.

2/1/21, 8:27 AM

Never heard in Ga and Wi and PA because Trump's team folded like a cheap suit. They have nada. "But my crowds were do big" does not fly as evidence.

Might work in the Senate tho.

Big Mike said...

The weirdest thing that's happened in my lifetime is Trump becoming President.

Nope. Weirder than that was how well he did at the job despite every effort on the part of the Democrats, the press, and the CIA and FBI to run him out of town.

rhhardin said...

Cruz is trying to figure out the winning horse.

gilbar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gilbar said...

my 2¢...
Donald Trump should walk in, by himself, and say;
"I'm a citizen of The United States, by WHAT RIGHT do You have, to try me?"
and then walk out.

Dave Begley said...


I like it. Simple. Short. Dramatic. Right out of a movie.

Mikey NTH said...

Trump: The Trial

(I'm not sure why any of his foes would want to give him an audience.)

Iman said...

wendybar @8:27am... agreed. Delusional as his debilitation accelerates. And SimpleJoe can barely tie his own shoelaces.

gilbar said...

Come 2024, when Trump runs again,

when they say; "Trump has NO RIGHT to run for President"
and the people say; "I guess that means we're DONE having Presidents"

do you think the Nancy Pelosi's and the Ted Cruz's will be Happy with what they've wrought?

...It will be broken to pieces. For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

It’s a show trial. There is no reason to pretend it has any legitimacy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump is weird, yes.

The idea that we are not allowed an outsider as president is doubly weird.

The idea that our only choices must be a Clinton or a Biden or a Bush or a Cheney or a Romney or a______________________ fill in the blank insider, is a shame.

Jaq said...

"Cruz is trying to figure out the winning horse.”

Obviously, and it’s just as obviously disqualifying for the position of POTUS. Rand Paul’s stock just went up.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Do we believe anything the media tells us about trump and what is going thru his head?

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

It's the NYT, Ann. "A person familiar with the discussions" is NYT-speak for we're making this up and need a "credible" source for what we want to say. Anything the NYT says about DJT is always skewed to indict him as a master criminal who must be sentenced to the deepest circle of hell.

wendybar said...

jaydub said...
" After all, he decided that he could do the whole President-of-the-United-States job."

Then he did it, and better than anyone could have imagined.

2/1/21, 8:41 AM

Hear, Hear!! And now China Joe was installed to fuck it all up again.

Francisco D said...

tim in vermont said...Trump and his supporters deserve their day in court.

Except that the Senate is not a court in any sense of the non-Soviet word. It has no standing to try an ex-President who is not a member of the Senate.

This will be a show and Trump will play his role unless "Judge" Patrick Leahy goes all Julius Hoffman on him. They cannot penalize Trump in any way because they have no legal authority to do so.

chuck said...

Barnes commented yesterday, his take was that Trump and the team disagreed on the approach, with Trump wanting to raise the election issues rather than go quietly into that dark night. Trump wants to have lawyers who agree with his approach, not dispense with lawyers. The impeachment is all politics, not about the law. Law will be invented as needed.

One thing Barnes guessed was that the previous team was a Lindsay Graham pick. Anyone know something about that?

Jaq said...

"Never heard in Ga and Wi and PA because Trump’s lawyers folded like a cheap suit.”

If he has nada, let’s hear it. I am open to the possibility that Trump was simply out organized in some key states, but I would like to have these issues heard in the open. There was simply not enough time to put together a case, and so we had two options, certify a questionable election without hearing the facts, or throw it to the House to sort out. The choice made by the courts was that there is no remedy for a rigged election and therefore no reason to even hear the case. SCOTUS should have heard the Texas suit.

The idea that we already know for certain that Trump has nothing based on press reports is kind of un American. He should have his day in court, and if this is not a court, it’s a bill of attainder.

Mark said...

In addition to disbarring Campos, the lawyers (and their staff) who left are in need of bar investigation for possible disbarment in light of these stories purporting to report internal, privileged and confidential, attorney-client communications over trial strategy.

Freder Frederson said...

Even if all of trump's claims are true, it doesn't excuse fomenting a insurrection. So arguing the election was stolen from him is irrelevant.

Joe Smith said...

I want Trump to strut into the senate chamber with fire cannons and smoke shooting into the air, through a phalanx of cheerleaders chanting, 'Trump, Trump he's our man, if he can't do it, no one can!' while the theme from 'Rocky' or 'We are the Champions' blares over loudspeakers.

Fuck yeah!

Oh, and he's wearing a star-spangled cape over his suit : )

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Trump should speak for just a couple of minutes:

"The FBI knew antifa, BLM and Qanon were planning to invade the Capitol. They told the Capitol Police. The Capitol Police did nothing. They report to Nancy Pelosi. So the question we should be asking is 'What did she know and when did she know it?' Did she impede the Capitol Police to generate a crisis that she could exploit to boost the newly elected FISUS Biden?

"Thank you."

Then he walks out.

Big Mike said...

Do we believe anything the media tells us about trump [sic]

I don’t. And that goes double for the Times, the Post, NPR, and anyone on TV.

Browndog said...

Trump's lawyers should spend all their time putting the democrats on trial.

Hammer them with their own words and actions, right in front of their face, on record.

Anything other than this is a waste of time and opportunity. An opportunity virtually no one in this country will have again in short order.

Gabriel said...

Impeachment is not a trial and there's only as much counsel as Congress allows. The Senate decides its own rules of evidence and procedure. They can vote to convict tomorrow without hearing anything from anyone if they so choose.

Bob Boyd said...

Trump's not stuck in there with them. They're stuck in there with him.

chuck said...

it doesn't excuse fomenting a insurrection

Asserts facts that don't exist.

stevew said...

I'm with BarrySanders20 on this: Trump striding into the Senate to represent and defend himself would be wildly entertaining and would entice me to watch.

As others have said, this is a political show trial, not a trial trial. The outcome is already determined (acquittal). All that is left is to list the grievances against Trump. Political propaganda. Trump's best move is the counter that with his own.

Clyde said...

I dunno, I think the installation of that “post turtle” Biden* in the Oval Office is weirder than Trump getting elected President.

Iman said...

Go foment an insurrection in your pants, Frederson.

zipity said...

Gee, we have never seen such hubris in a President before.

Oh. Wait.

From Jodi Kantor’s The Obamas, page 66:

Obama had always had a high estimation of his ability to cast and run his operation. When David Plouffe, his campaign manager, first interviewed for a job with him in 2006, the senator gave him a warning: “I think I could probably do every job on the campaign better than the people I’ll hire to do it,” he said. “It’s hard to give up control when that’s all I’ve known.” Obama said nearly the same thing to Patrick Gaspard, whom he hired to be the campaign’s political director. “I think I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,” Obama told him. “I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”


Iman said...

Government imposed south end swabs are in YOUR future...

Temujin said...

Yesterday when you floated the idea of Trump defending himself I thought, that's so outlandish, crazy, and fantastic, it just might happen. It would be the very best of Trump being Trump and it would be a rocket to news ratings. Also- it would be perplexing for Facebook, Twitter, Google, NYT, WaPo, CNN and the lot to figure out how to allow a discussion of election fraud going out nationally when they censored it the previous 8 weeks.

Sure would be fun, no matter the outcome. He could lay waste to the entire room, and after he'd been impeached, he could smile and tell them, "Now, it's time to get to work on all of you."

No one does ratings like Trump.

Paul said...

No reason Trump could not claim:

a)What he said in his speech did not incite a riot (and show proof it started before he even finished it, Antifa's attendance, etc.)

b)What he said in the speech was TRUTH. THE VOTE WAS A FRAUD (and show it was.)

c)The court trial is a sham, farce, and illegal (which it is.)

I'd push all three if I was him.

Clyde said...

“While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old Texas rancher, whose hand was caught in a gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man.

Eventually the topic got around to politics and then they discussed some new guy who was far too big for his shoes as a politician.

The old rancher said, ‘Well, ya know, he is a post turtle’. Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a ‘post turtle’ was.

The old rancher said, ‘When you’re driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that’s a ‘post turtle’.

The old rancher saw a puzzled look on the doctor’s face, so he continued to explain. ‘You know he didn’t get up there by himself, he doesn’t belong up there, he doesn’t know what to do while he is up there, and you just wonder what kind of a dumb ass put him up there in the first place.’ “

Bob Boyd said...

Government imposed south end swabs are in YOUR future...

Be more self-reliant. Learn to use a Chinese anal Covid swab. You'll be surprised at how much self-confidence you build.
Pretty soon you'll find yourself with a power drill in one hand and an anal swab in the other thinking, "Hmmmm..."

hombre said...

And as I said yesterday, the lawyers saw a simple defense based on the law and the facts. Trump wants revenge. I don’t blame him, but it is not a good idea.

As for the Ministry of Propaganda, aka NYT, bullshit about “baseless claims” of election fraud, Mark Levin offered a virtually indisputable argument that it existed: https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/levin-on-january-6-we-learn-whether-our-constitution-will-hold. Election fraud differs from generic fraud in that it is best defined as a violation of the law and/or the Constitution in order to alter the outcome of an election.

Whether or not the outcome in 2020 was altered the evidence of election fraud is overwhelming. The inability of the leftmediaswine and their Democrat consorts to think critically about it does not alter that fact - except perhaps in the QuidProJoe “our truth vs. the facts” sense.

Mike Sylwester said...

The big-tech cartel has been trying to prevent the public from discussing the election fraud.

However, if Trump turns the Senate trial into a public discussion of the election fraud, then the public discussion will have to be permitted by Google, YouTube, Facebook and the rest of the cartel.

dwshelf said...

It's all upside for Trump. What can they do to him?

It will come natural to him. He plays to the audience, not to the senate.

And the audience goes wild. He derides the democrats as being pure haters, and the Democrats confirm by demonstrating pure hatred.

At some time Trump is triumphant, the Democrats understand they are defeated, and give up.

Trump goes on to become a hero the likes of which have never been experienced in our lifetime.

mccullough said...

I still think it was weirder that W became president.

The US looked like medieval Europe with that primogeniture.

It led to Obama and Trump.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

it doesn't excuse fomenting a insurrection

What are you calling an “insurrection” and what kind of pussy word is “fomenting” impersonating here, “incitement” (snicker giggle) or one of those other media terms meant to elide the real damage and death caused by Democrat rioters all last year?

Iman said...

Bob Boyd @9:36am... thanks for the chuckle!

Mike Sylwester said...

Twitter and Facebook automatically delete any post with the words "Stop the Steal".

Suppose, however, that Trump says those words many times during the Senate trial.

Then will Twitter, Facebook and the rest of the big-tech cartel be compelled to allow such posts?

That will be a tough dilemma for the cartel.

rhhardin said...

Ad hominem zingers.

Todd said...

Mr. Trump has told advisers he wants the defense to focus on his baseless claims about election fraud, a person familiar with the discussions said.

Somehow I doubt that was Trump's phrasing.

The bias drips off of their reporting like drops after a tsunami...

Jaq said...

When the House claimed in their articles that Trump was lying, they opened up the defense that he was telling the truth. If this is a real trial, and not just the preliminaries for a bill of attainder.

hombre said...

“However, if Trump turns the Senate trial into a public discussion of the election fraud, then the public discussion will have to be permitted by Google, YouTube, Facebook and the rest of the cartel.”

It is a mistake to try to predict their behavior based on truth, logic or decency just as it is a mistake to try to predict the behavior of Democrats on those bases.

Jaq said...

"Even if all of trump's claims are true, it doesn't excuse fomenting a insurrection.”

If stating the truth is incitement, then we are due for a revolution. I don’t think we have gotten that far, despite the presence among us of people like Freder.

alfromchgo said...

Trump’s gonna end up with one of the five lawyers who somehow finished behind Joe Biden at Syracuse law school.

Looking at the US Senate I think the bottom five graduates from John Marshal Chicago could do a good job.

Howard said...

The impeachment trial and all the pregame hype is boring sound and fury.... The algorithms want you to be incited and vexed by it all. Resist the rudimentary AI overlords.

Darrell said...

Stealing an election is an insurrection.
You know the price that must be paid.

tim maguire said...

Todd said...
"Mr. Trump has told advisers he wants the defense to focus on his baseless claims about election fraud, a person familiar with the discussions said."

Somehow I doubt that was Trump's phrasing.

It's gross the way "baseless" or "without evidence" is universally applied to everything Trump says that is inconvenient to the media narrative. And they've been clear that the state of the evidence is irrelevant to the attachment of this qualifier. It's a meaningless mantra.

Trump wanted to argue his case before the Supreme Court, but was denied the opportunity. This may be his next best chance to force the government, in front of the cameras, to get his story out there.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How can Trump's words incite violence while---
democrat elite words - that consist of full-on ASK for unrest and rioting - be ignored?

Because we have corrupt one party press and a corrupt tech oligarchs who control the flow of "truth". We have a ministry of truth.

dwshelf said...

if Trump turns the Senate trial into a public discussion of the election fraud, then the public discussion will have to be permitted by Google, YouTube, Facebook and the rest of the cartel.

I think you are giving them more respect than they deserve. These people see absolutely no requirement to let the truth be seen. Even when the truth is "some people believe the election was stolen and said so in the Senate of the United States".

Google would not have any problem hiding that.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Trump wanted to argue his case before the Supreme Court, but was denied the opportunity. This may be his next best chance to force the government, in front of the cameras, to get his story out there.

That assumes the trial gives him a forum. It won't. Remember that debate he skipped where the moderator would have been able to turn off his mike? This will be eleventy that.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, your mistake is in assuming that what is about to happen on February 8th has any more than a passing resemblance to a real trial. It’s all theater of the absurd.

Kevin said...

If the Democrats want to force us to endure a trial, it's only fair that they be forced to endure a Senate-held Trump rally.

Gunner said...

If he does, I hope it is better than his first debate where all he did was be grumpy to Biden and not rebut all of Joe's smears.

dwshelf said...

That assumes the trial gives him a forum. It won't.

You think they will bind and gag him, Bobby Seale style?


Instant victory Trump.

M Jordan said...

I read somewhere that if Trump tries to go pro se or makes a mockery of the trail, Rs will turn on him and he’ll get convicted. Oh, how I laughed. Tears in my eyes laughing, tilted crying smile emoji laughing.

Here’s a little political lesson for all the “pundits” of the world who say stuff like that:

NOPE. Any Republican Senator who votes to convict is a goner. The Fab Five that they’re banking on — Romney, Murkowski, Toomey, Sasse, and Collins — are all gonna either discover the Constitution suddenly or discover the Exit Door. I predict Murkowski, Collins, and Sasse (yes, even that asshole) will suddenly find a virtuous Nay vote.

M Jordan said...

Here’s my dream scenario: Trump argues his own case and spends every minute of it to call out the grafting, lying, cheating, backstabbing politicians and Supreme Court justices for all their crimes, a two-hour rant. Then he says, “I rest my case.”

dwshelf said...

The jury for this trial is not the Senate. They can't do anything.

The jury is the live television audience.

They can do a lot.

Chick said...

Popular Game Shows for 200, Alex

tim maguire said...

Churchy LaFemme: said...That assumes the trial gives him a forum. It won't. Remember that debate he skipped where the moderator would have been able to turn off his mike? This will be eleventy that.

I assume nothing of the sort. Even most Democrats are skeptical of impeaching a former president. If they cut off his mic, 100 million people will see them cut off his mic and conclude they are afraid of letting him speak and uninterested in giving him a fair trial. Trump still wins.

tim maguire said...

dwshelf said...The jury for this trial is not the Senate. They can't do anything.

The jury is the live television audience.


Todd said...

M Jordan said...

I read somewhere that if Trump tries to go pro se or makes a mockery of the trail, Rs will turn on him and he’ll get convicted. Oh, how I laughed. Tears in my eyes laughing, tilted crying smile emoji laughing.

2/1/21, 10:04 AM

It is ALREADY a mockery! He is NOT President any longer. This is just kicking him AFTER he is out the door to either try and scare him into not running in 2024 or to pretend that this sham-peachment disqualifies him from running.

Qwinn said...

"Even if all of trump's claims are true, it doesn't excuse fomenting a insurrection. So arguing the election was stolen from him is irrelevant."

Leave aside that Trump did nothing even remotely like "fomenting an insurrection". If the election was stolen (and it was), THAT is "fomenting an insurrection", and it doesn't just "excuse fomenting a insurrection" against those who stole it - in fact, you can't foment an insurrection against an illegitimate government, by definition - it justifies nationally televised firing squads and executions. I hope you'll be among them, Freder.

Lucien said...

The dissolution of the Soviet empire without a spasm of horrific violence was about the weirdest thing I’ve seen, given its history of almost unthinkable evil.
And then, just a coupla’ years later, Apartheid went gently into that good night, which was pretty weird too.

rcocean said...

Why did you think it was "weird". And i don't know what means. You voted for Hillary and sat out the Biden-Trump election despite Biden being a lying, senile, old fool, whos' dividing the country. So spare me your idea of Normal. I'm interested in what Trump DOES. I'm not interested in what he tweets. Or his being too "vulgar".

This whole trial is a FARCE. its a partisan, stalinist, show trial. That Mitch and his gang of Senate Clowns are going along with it, and treating it as super-serious, just shows they are part of the same crowd as the Democrats. They hate the 74 million Trump voters and stand with Chuck schumer against us.

Trump, the man, is irrelevant. Its what he represents. And he represents US, and our views. That's why all the media hate him. Its why Mitch, mittens, and the Pelosi hate him.

rcocean said...

Every time I hear some creep like Cruz lie about how the Jan 6th protesters/trespassers were "Domestic terrorists" or that Trump's "Overheated rhetoric" caused it, I have to take blood pressure medicine.

What the fuck is it with with these Goddamn DC republicans? Do they understand what stupid clowns they sound like, repeating Biden/Pelosi talking points? There was NO TERRORISM. There was no "Overheated rhetoric". There WAS a stolen election. THERE IS a stalinist show trial about to start.

Frankly, I'm getting to the point where I'd support every one of these DC Republicans getting voted out of office. What's the point of having them there? They don't fight, except against their own President and their own voters. Fuck them.

Bob Boyd said...

Congress members keep forgetting how ugly and loathsome they are.
People resent having them on their screens, a place normally reserved for the beautiful or interesting or admirable.

rcocean said...

And why do these DC politicians, these cowardly girls and men without balls, still need 25,000 national guard to protect them? Protect them from what? Some guy in buffalo robe? Some guys walking into the capital and stealing Pelosi's lectern?

How much $$ is being wasted? Lots.

Bilwick said...

The weirdest thing? That was the Land of the Free becoming the Home of Der Staat.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

He should name the QAnon Shaman guy to be his lawyer, just to emphasize the seriousness of the proceedings

Leland said...

This is an internet story by the NYT trying to analyze Trump with unnamed sources. That makes it more useless than fishwrap. It is more like a lottery ticket that lost; it provides the owner of it the hope and imagination of what could be from instant gratification, but ultimately no gratification will come and you are out the investment with less hope than before.

rcocean said...

My big hope is that the defense calls Trump as a witness. Maybe that's the Trumpian plan. I Hope so.

Michael K said...

Blogger Todd said...
M Jordan said...

I read somewhere that if Trump tries to go pro se or makes a mockery of the trail, Rs will turn on him and he’ll get convicted. Oh, how I laughed. Tears in my eyes laughing, tilted crying smile emoji laughing.

2/1/21, 10:04 AM

It is ALREADY a mockery! He is NOT President any longer. This is just kicking him AFTER he is out the door to either try and scare him into not running in 2024 or to pretend that this sham-peachment disqualifies him from running.

It would be fun if the GOPe did "convict" him and then he ran in 2024. He'd be too old but so is Biden and, besides, Biden is senile. What would they do ?

Matt Sablan said...

"My big hope is that the defense calls Trump as a witness. Maybe that's the Trumpian plan. I Hope so."

-- That would be ridiculously bad. Trump would be a terrible witness, and all it would take is one exaggeration, one statement that they could get a dozen "reliable" sources like the media or federal agencies to say was "without evidence," and they'd nail him on it.

The only right move is to not participate in the show trial at all.

Qwinn said...

"Frankly, I'm getting to the point where I'd support every one of these DC Republicans getting voted out of office. What's the point of having them there? They don't fight, except against their own President and their own voters. Fuck them. "

I have long felt this way. You have to understand that the leftist tactic of infiltration is something our system has absolutely no defense against. There is not one mechanism in place capable of resisting it, never mind the will to do so (which doesn't exist either). If the Left wants to infiltrate a respected institution - and by that I mean kill it, gut it and wear it's carcass as a skin suit, demanding respect - it can do so down to the last lowliest night janitor at that institution. And they can do so to *every* institution. And they have. For the last 70 years. Even the Republican Party. Super easy, barely an inconvenience.

I'm glad Cruz has shown himself to be among them. There literally is nothing of the current order worth preserving. We may as well proceed with the demand that not a single sitting member of the current government, from either party, may be a member of whatever we decide to replace it with. Nothing but a total purge will have any chance of success.

Browndog said...

Just heard on the radio Republicans aren't going to touch anything election related, focusing instead on the process of this impeachment.

They don't want a precedent to be set.

This is their plan. At a trial. Of a former President.

The precedent is set. How daft can they be?

Ray - SoCal said...

It’s weirder how the eGOP backstabbed him:

>Weirder than that was how well he did at the job despite every effort on the part of the Democrats, the press, and the CIA and FBI to run him out of town.

Or I was probably naive and I did not understand how corrupt the uniparty is, and hated him. I can’t believe who tried to take Trump down. FBI, senate intel committee, doj, foreign Intel agencies. Cia, etc.

Or even weirder is how big tech censored him.

Or how Trumps super power is to unmask his opposition. And how much corruption and incompetence he has unmasked.

The opposition to hcq is up there on weirdness.

MEDIA DISHONESTY KILLED THOUSANDS, MAYBE MORE: Roger Simon: How the Hydroxychloroquine Scandal Wrecked America and the World Along With It.

Or how successful stealing the election was, and who went along with it. So strange.

Browndog said...

It would be fun if the GOPe did "convict" him and then he ran in 2024. He'd be too old but so is Biden and, besides, Biden is senile. What would they do ?

Democrats have all the pieces in place to make sure he's not allowed on the ballot in most States.

This was the last Presidential election. Too many think what they did to get a senile old white guy more votes in history was a one off.

I Callahan said...

it doesn't excuse fomenting a insurrection

He didn't foment an insurrection. And anyone who says he did is a fucking liar.

Clear enough?

Kevin said...

I read somewhere that if Trump tries to go pro se or makes a mockery of the trail, Rs will turn on him and he’ll get convicted.

Well there you have it. The Dems think the issue is their trial.

The Reps think the issue is the Constitution.

And they've already weighed in on whether this trial should be mocked.

farmgirl said...

It’s unfathomable-is that a word?- that this “trial” is even allowed to take place! W/out even a real judge? Rather, a life-long career partisan hack will oversee this pompous BS pantomime? And who’s paying all of these self- important assholes, again? We are?? I feel like this isn’t even real.

2nd thing- I’ve missed a fair bit of time(a week) so am catching up- and saw Crack’s comment about white ppl being worried about woke- &he’s worried about white ppl- hah! I appreciate that, actually. I’m fortunate that I don’t worry about mobs shouting in my face whilst I dine al fresco- el fresco? Or accost me on the street... but I am so saddened by the backslide. Maybe it isn’t backsliding? Maybe that’s what he means? Anyway, I wondered if anyone saw this:


Bob Boyd said...

How did the last couple of show trials work out for these revolting smug junkies?

D.D. Driver said...

My big hope is that the defense calls Trump as a witness. Maybe that's the Trumpian plan. I Hope so.

That's my hope, too. If Trump has to take an oath, what are the odds that he has enough self-discipline to not say something that will result in a perjury charge?

Ray - SoCal said...

If the eGOP votes to convict him he will destroy them, and possibly the GOP.

The only question is how. Either primary them, or start a third party.

McConnell understands this, which is why he voted through gritted teeth that the impeachment is unconstitutional.

And the visit by McCarthy to Trump is a signal of the eGOP surrender to Trump on impeachment.

>I read somewhere that if Trump tries to go pro se or makes a mockery of the trail, Rs will turn on him and he’ll get convicted.

Ray - SoCal said...

It’s weird Trumps radio silence right now..,

For someone with supposedly no self control, he’s showing a lot.


wendybar said...

Ray - SoCal said...
It’s weirder how the eGOP backstabbed him:

>Weirder than that was how well he did at the job despite every effort on the part of the Democrats, the press, and the CIA and FBI to run him out of town.

Or I was probably naive and I did not understand how corrupt the uniparty is, and hated him. I can’t believe who tried to take Trump down. FBI, senate intel committee, doj, foreign Intel agencies. Cia, etc.

Or even weirder is how big tech censored him.

Or how Trumps super power is to unmask his opposition. And how much corruption and incompetence he has unmasked.

The opposition to hcq is up there on weirdness.

MEDIA DISHONESTY KILLED THOUSANDS, MAYBE MORE: Roger Simon: How the Hydroxychloroquine Scandal Wrecked America and the World Along With It.

Or how successful stealing the election was, and who went along with it. So strange.

2/1/21, 10:57 AM


wendybar said...

Quinn said "I'm glad Cruz has shown himself to be among them. There literally is nothing of the current order worth preserving. We may as well proceed with the demand that not a single sitting member of the current government, from either party, may be a member of whatever we decide to replace it with. Nothing but a total purge will have any chance of success.

2/1/21, 10:52 AM"

I agree. ALL of them have to go. Time for a new Government, actually run by the people for the people, not the politicos, for the politicos.

Bob Boyd said...

They will accuse Trump of perjury no matter what he says. And then what? Impeach him? Take away his birthday?

Paul said...

Trump: "You ask me what I want. I too want to stand before the Democrats as you did."

Proximo: "Then listen to me. Learn from me. Win the crowd. And you will win your freedom."

Trump: "I will win the crowd. I will give them something they have never seen before."

And that he will!!!

Douglas B. Levene said...

I think there are unanswered questions of fact about whether Trump incited the Capitol riot. The biggest unanswered question, as Prof. Althouse pointed out several days ago, is whether he knew in advance of plans by some of his supporters to storm the Capitol. If he did, then it’s a lot easier to see his speech as intentionally encouraging those supporters while carefully avoiding using words that by themselves don’t qualify as incitement. Trump is usually quite good at trading that fine line between Legal and illegal. Theoretically a full trial on the merits would be a decent way to get an answer to this question. But I don’t think we’re going to get that.

rhhardin said...

If the Senate is on the second floor, there's some danger that Trump will fall out of the window, as in Thurber's "The Greatest Man in the World."

Press: My God! He's fallen out.

Jaq said...

" what are the odds that he has enough self-discipline to not say something that will result in a perjury charge? “

Zero, becuase the Democrats accuse Trump of lying no matter what he says.

Leaving the election mess aside, since that is yet to be adjudicated, what was Trump’s biggest lie, what was his most consequential lie? What was the lie that justified calling him a non stop liar.

Pick one, please.

Jaq said...

I read somewhere that if Trump tries to go pro se or makes a mockery of the trail, Rs will turn on him and he’ll get convicted.

I read somewhere that quantum mechanics proves witchcraft is real.

But yes, the uniparty does not want to have the electoral process examined and if Trump turns over too many rocks, they will strike back. Just like the hedge fund billionaires are striking back at uppity small investors.

walter said...

I'm not sure Freder can escape the circular thought he entered into.
It's ok..he's happy in it.

Jaq said...

"Cruz is trying to figure out the winning horse.”

That’s why people gave him the nickname “Cardinal Cruz."

Bob Boyd said...

I don't know if the election was stolen or not, but I do know that nobody can prove who won.

Apparently the NYT was right when they announced it's the media's role to declare a winner.
The question is, is that a bug or feature?

Ann Althouse said...

It is a trial, but the Senate, given the "sole power to try" an impeachment, has the sole power to decide what "try" means. Determining what is a trial is considered (according to SCt precedent) to be a function the Constitution commits to the Senate. It's up to the Senate to figure out how to use that power, including any conceptions of due process. We, looking on, should judge the quality of the Senate's work and not hesitate to criticize whatever we think is wrong — put *political* pressure on the Senate. But in the end, the Senators were elected, and somebody gets the final say. In this case, unless a Supreme Court case is overruled, the Senate will have the last word.

Ann Althouse said...

Overrule or limit.

Qwinn said...

"put *political* pressure on the Senate."

With what? Threats to not vote for them in the next election?

Heh. Like that matters. We know elections no longer matter, and they know elections no longer matter.

You cannot fix rigged voting systems with votes (a.k.a. "*political* pressure").

dwshelf said...

the Senate will have the last word.

Imagine just for a moment...that Trump is re-elected in 2024, primarily based on what went down in this trial.

Would you still claim that the Senate had had the last word?

Qwinn said...

Far-Leftists have spent the last 70 years infiltrating and corrupting both parties, while attempting to maintain an illusion of representation for conservative voters.

That illusion is permanently shattered.

We know we are not represented. We haven't been represented in decades.

gspencer said...

He'd be following the example of John Quincy Adams.

"Lastly, here's one more idea: Trump, run for Congress in 2022. Pick any GOP-friendly district in Florida, where you're loved, primarily one run by a RINO who stabbed you in the back. You'll win the primary by a landslide. Since it's a GOP district, you're guaranteed victory in the general election. Once in Congress, after the GOP has regained control in the midterms and most of the candidates are loyal to you, you'll be elected speaker of the House. From that platform, you can lead the impeachment of President Biden."


stevew said...

@M Jordan: Collins has already moved away from impeachment to calling for censure. Even then it seems half-hearted while she requests a meet up with Biden to discuss the Covid bailout.

This latter bit is exactly where and what the GOP in the Senate want to be: critics of the leftist policies of the Administration, with no real power, asking and begging to be heard. Biden says: lolgf and they can slink back and hide behind the fact that they made an effort to get something done.

Browndog said...

Blogger Ann Althouse said...

It is a trial..

Without a judge presiding?

tim maguire said...

Ann Althouse said...It is a trial, but the Senate, given the "sole power to try" an impeachment, has the sole power to decide what "try" means

It may be true that the Senate gets to decide what a trial is and how it is run, but for one thing--Art. 1 Sec. 3 says the Chief Justice presides over the trial of an impeached president. So without Roberts, whatever this is, it isn't an impeachment trial. In that case, a simple majority is enough to convict. But convict of what? And with what consequence?

It seems to me the Democrats are, yet again, needlessly forcing a constitutional crisis.

hombre said...

The big question is how long the mediaswine can keep Trump in the spotlight to obscure QuidProJoe’s radicalism and concomitant screwups, not to mention his dementia which seems to be temporarily under control. I assume pharmaceutically.

Ann Althouse said...

"Without a judge presiding?"


Michael K said...

Blogger Qwinn said...
Far-Leftists have spent the last 70 years infiltrating and corrupting both parties, while attempting to maintain an illusion of representation for conservative voters.

I don't know that I would credit them with any particular political philosophy. They are mainly about enriching themselves. You could call them a rentier class, sort of like the Tax Farmers of 18th century France. The politicians have been joined by the FBI and CIA, which want in on the action. Not yet bent on enriching themselves so much as protecting pensions and promotions by doing the wishes of the ruling class.

Angelo Codevilla has a nice summary of what is going on.

Why did the FBI pay attention to Martha Stewart and not to Jeffery Epstein? Why does it worry about “white supremacists” who have never been videoed burning down a city and not about BLM, whose members did? Perhaps because BLM’s leadership also received more than $1 billion in corporate donations? Why did the FBI crucify Richard Jewell for allegedly having planted a bomb at the 1996 Olympics, an error for which the U.S. government ended up having to pay him millions in damages? Why, contemporaneously with 9/11, when letters containing anthrax were mailed to various American public figures from a place frequented by the 9/11 hijackers, did the FBI refuse to consider that the main known source of weapons-grade anthrax—Iraq—was involved, and instead spent years incompetently trying to railroad American researchers, ending up having to pay damages and leaving the case unsolved ? Because the FBI’s long-standing profile indicts white, conservative Americans.

I agree with this.

Browndog said...

Quinn said "I'm glad Cruz has shown himself to be among them. There literally is nothing of the current order worth preserving. We may as well proceed with the demand that not a single sitting member of the current government, from either party, may be a member of whatever we decide to replace it with. Nothing but a total purge will have any chance of success.

I had the same emotional reaction when I first read what Cruz said. Then I thought about it. Then I read the full quote.

I wouldn't have characterized it the way he did, but his larger point is correct. Trump was responsible for his legal team, and his legal team failed him.

Sometimes lawyers file cases in court they do not want to win, for a variety of reasons.

Michael K said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Douglas B. Levene said...

@Browndog: I believe that Sen. Leahy, as the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, will preside. The role of the presiding officer in an impeachment trial is not that of a judge. The Senators are both judges and jurors. The presiding officer, whether it's the Chief Justice or the President Pro-Tempore of the Senate or someone else designated by the Senate, is not the judge. He has no power to make final rulings on questions of law, evidence or procedure. That is up to the Senators voting as a body.

Jaq said...

It will be a show trial. The accused will only have such rights as don’t interfere with a timely conviction and don’t expose the people voting to convict to too much blowback from their voters.

Jaq said...

I suppose a “show trial” is technically a “trial”

Jaq said...

You can get a “trial” in a kangaroo court too.

Jaq said...

Lewis Carroll could have been a law professor:

When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’

’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’

’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”

Joe Smith said...

"Without a judge presiding?"

Doesn't really matter these days...

Haven't you heard that boys can now be girls?

And that being completely silent is an act of violence?

Make up your own rules and change them whenever you want.

pious agnostic said...

Freder Frederson said...
Even if all of trump's claims are true, it doesn't excuse fomenting a insurrection. So arguing the election was stolen from him is irrelevant.

2/1/21, 9:09 AM

One doesn't often find such textbook examples of "Begging the Question."

Jaq said...

"So arguing the election was stolen from him is irrelevant.”

Except that the article against him specifically says he was lying. So arguing that he was telling the truth is absolutely relevant.

pious agnostic said...

Mike Sylwester said...
Twitter and Facebook automatically delete any post with the words "Stop the Steal".

Suppose, however, that Trump says those words many times during the Senate trial.

Then will Twitter, Facebook and the rest of the big-tech cartel be compelled to allow such posts?

That will be a tough dilemma for the cartel.

2/1/21, 9:44 AM

"Mister Trump fomented further insurrection and peppered his fact-free debunked conspiracy theories with racial slurs which we will not publish."

tim maguire said...

Ann Althouse said...
"Without a judge presiding?"


But then what is it? What are the implications? Without Roberts, it's not an impeachment trial, so why should anyone care?

Browndog said...

I suppose a “show trial” is technically a “trial”

In the same manner a stolen election is still an election....technically.

Chick said...

It's a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of two mockeries of a sham. It's beyond an embarrassment. Wont be surprised when they sign up corporate sponsors and break for Pepsi and Chevy commercials. Don't touch that dial.

Arturo Ui said...

Michael K said...

"Why did the FBI pay attention to Martha Stewart and not to Jeffery Epstein? ...Because the FBI’s long-standing profile indicts white, conservative Americans."


Back when Martha was targeted for prosecution, she was a major Democratic Party donor.

farmgirl said...

How would citizens of a free republic turns the wheels around on this bus TO get term limits so these elitist aholes can live life like the rest of us? I’m a dairy farmer- not a lawyer

Arturo Ui said...

gspencer said...

"Lastly, here's one more idea: Trump, run for Congress in 2022. Pick any GOP-friendly district in Florida, where you're loved, primarily one run by a RINO who stabbed you in the back. You'll win the primary by a landslide. Since it's a GOP district, you're guaranteed victory in the general election. Once in Congress, after the GOP has regained control in the midterms and most of the candidates are loyal to you, you'll be elected speaker of the House. From that platform, you can lead the impeachment of President Biden."



A politician as pathologically narcissistic as Trump would never accept the ego climb-down from President to mere Congressperson that the above would entail. Nor would someone as lazy as Trump ever have the energy or interest or persuasion motivation to tackle a role as consuming as Speaker of the House. His entire negotiating style stops and starts at making crazy demands and then walking out when they aren't met. That's not how a Speaker maintains their coalition. The fantasy Town Hall scenario above will never happen.

Ray - SoCal said...

Patrick Byrne on the Trump voter fraud is eye opening.

Rudy does not come off well at all.

From Kurt Schlichter the time to address voter fraud via before an election. After it’s basically impossible, and a fait acompli.

What seems to have happened, as usual, was Trump got betrayed by the GOP establishment before and after the election, as well as the fbi / doj. Plus the Lefts voter fraud efforts went beyond what anyone thought possible.

Good news, in spite of the censorship, voter fraud is now seen as a huge issue in the us by Trump voters.

Jaq said...

" His entire negotiating style stops and starts at making crazy demands and then walking out when they aren't met.”

Try it next time you buy a car, you might be surprised.

Jaq said...

The Republicans could have won the Senate runnoffs in GA by standing with Trump, but it wasn’t worth it to them to go that far.

Ray - SoCal said...

Martha Stewart was the perfect scapegoat.

White, Rich, and seen as haughty / arrogant.

And without the right political connections.

Joe Smith said...

"A politician as pathologically narcissistic as Trump..."

Someone once said something like: 'Every senator looks in the mirror each morning and sees the next president of the United States.'

So definitely no egos or narcissism in politics.

Trump is just better at it than they are.

Arturo Ui said...

tim in vermont said...
" His entire negotiating style stops and starts at making crazy demands and then walking out when they aren't met.”

Try it next time you buy a car, you might be surprised.

Slightly different scenario than running the most powerful country in the world or managing the competing political needs of 200+ U.S. House members while shepherding through major legislation.

Inga said...

“The fantasy Town Hall scenario above will never happen.”

The pattern to grasp at fantastical scenarios is seen time and again among Trump voters. I don’t think they understand their own chosen leader. Over the last 5 years Trump has been assigned by his voters, talents and qualities he doesn’t possess. No matter how badly or desperately his followers want him to be, he is not the man they were looking for, they just haven’t realized it yet. Some never may realize it.

Arturo Ui said...

tim in vermont said...
The Republicans could have won the Senate runnoffs in GA by standing with Trump, but it wasn’t worth it to them to go that far.


Which Republicans weren't standing with Trump prior to the GA runoffs (besides your Romneys and Kinzingers)?

tim maguire said...

Arturo Ui said...His entire negotiating style stops and starts at making crazy demands and then walking out when they aren't met.

Thanks other Tim for flagging this remark. Arturo, you must not pay much attention to Trump (not many Trump haters do, despite their obsession with the idea of Trump). Trump's negotiating style is to make crazy demands and then negotiate them down to something everyone can live with. It's a perfectly normal approach--ask for more than you are willing to accept so you can settle for more than the other side wanted to give.

Trump's words are over the top, his actions are not. If you paid more attention to Trump the president and less to Trump the left-wing bogey man, you'd have a more nuanced appreciation for what he did for this country.

Browndog said...

tim in vermont said...

The Republicans could have won the Senate runnoffs in GA by standing with Trump, but it wasn’t worth it to them to go that far.

I'd go further. They lost it on purpose in order to blame Trump.

Leland said...

We, looking on, should judge the quality of the Senate's work and not hesitate to criticize whatever we think is wrong — put *political* pressure on the Senate.

Should... but that behavior is called insurrection these days.

Michael K said...

Boy, troll central here now.

Arturo Ui said...

Joe Smith said...
"A politician as pathologically narcissistic as Trump..."

Someone once said something like: 'Every senator looks in the mirror each morning and sees the next president of the United States.'

So definitely no egos or narcissism in politics.

Trump is just better at it than they are.


Trump is the first incumbent president to lose re-election since GHWB, joining the ranks of Carter and Hoover. Not so sure about those vaunted political skills.

Jaq said...

"The pattern to grasp at fantastical scenarios is seen time and again among Trump voters.”

This from a member in good standing of Rachael Maddow’s assassination cult who swallowed everything the Hillary campaign put out and who is blind to the actual evidence that all of the Russia stuff was made up by the Clinton campaign to take the focus off of her emails, just like Brennen wrote in his own hand as CIA director.

Arturo Ui said...

Inga said...
“The fantasy Town Hall scenario above will never happen.”

The pattern to grasp at fantastical scenarios is seen time and again among Trump voters. I don’t think they understand their own chosen leader. Over the last 5 years Trump has been assigned by his voters, talents and qualities he doesn’t possess. No matter how badly or desperately his followers want him to be, he is not the man they were looking for, they just haven’t realized it yet. Some never may realize it.



Arturo Ui said...

tim maguire said...

If you paid more attention to Trump the president and less to Trump the left-wing bogey man, you'd have a more nuanced appreciation for what he did for this country.


Oh YEAH, he left the country in STERLIING CONDITION! Lol

Jaq said...

Comey bragged about convicting Stewart for protesting her innocence while never proving the underlying crime.

I'm Not Sure said...

"If you paid more attention to Trump the president and less to Trump the left-wing bogey man, you'd have a more nuanced appreciation for what he did for this country."

TDS makes stupid people even stupider.

Francisco D said...

Ann Althouse said...But in the end, the Senators were elected, and somebody gets the final say. In this case, unless a Supreme Court case is overruled, the Senate will have the last word.

Are you saying that the Senate can punish private citizen Trump without adhering to the procedures that protect private citizens in a court of law?

If that is the case, this could be a template for the progressive evolution of our criminal justice system.

Jaq said...

"Oh YEAH, he left the country in STERLIING CONDITION! “

He did. You know there were 400,000 COVID deaths in the EU too, right?

Wait until the Biden EOs really start to bite on the economy. Wait until the layoffs way exceed the simple tens of thousands already directly laid off due to these EOs. The ones John Kerry said should have made better choices about which jobs to take and who Buttigig all but said “Learn to code."

Joe Smith said...

"Trump is the first incumbent president to lose re-election since GHWB, joining the ranks of Carter and Hoover. Not so sure about those vaunted political skills."

How dumb are you? He ran for president as a non-politician and won on the first try.

He beat the DC cocksuckers at their own game and that's why they hate him.

n.n said...

Peace in the People's House? They say it cannot happen. Then Trump, our first Orange-American President, strode in.

Arturo Ui said...

Joe Smith said...

How dumb are you? He ran for president as a non-politician and won on the first try.

He beat the DC cocksuckers at their own game and that's why they hate him.


LOL. He had all the powers of incumbency, and he still lost overwhelmingly. He lost by 74 electoral votes, and lost the popular vote by over 7 million votes. He was never above water in a single poll throughout his presidency. The majority of our country passionately loathes him, and rightly so. He earned this failure all by his special self.

n.n said...

No one will change his/her mind.

That's what they said about the Arabs, the Muslims, and the Jews, and then the long progression was mitigated, and a new course was charted and followed. Don't count your oranges before they ripen. Don't throw out the baby with social progress. Pin the tail on the Ass. Save a bird, a bat, go green, whack a wind turbine. Clear the Green Blight. And so on and so forth.

Michael K said...

Try it next time you buy a car, you might be surprised.

Bots don't need cars.

MadisonMan said...

While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old Texas rancher
Honestly read that as 'cat' not 'cut' -- and pictured something very odd.

MadisonMan said...

He lost by 74 electoral votes, and lost the popular vote by over 7 million votes.
And yet he gained votes, in the 2nd election, from all minorities -- blacks, hispanics. He lost because white men abandoned him.

Brody Oaks said...

Trump needs to review Dee Snider's testimony before the Senate back in 1985 and reprise that.

Doug said...

The saying goes: "Folded like a cheap tent, or like a cheap card table". The 'cheap suit' reference is "That guy was all over me like a cheap suit". Not a folded suit, either.

Anonymous said...

pro-se is a powerful thing. There are a some important considerations. A pro-se cannot be emotional. A pro-se must know courtroom procedure. It's not hard, every law library has a book on it. A pro-se must know the rules of evidence. The rules are not hard...common sense mostly.
A pro-se must have a jury, and as a defendant, must be able to talk calmly to them, at the close.

The trial is not the problem, though. The trial has rules. There's a referee.

A pro-se must be able to stand strong against the prosecutor that will threaten you from day 1. Exaggerated prison time, stories of jail rape. Prosecutors will deceive you, they will delay providing you with discovery, they will lie in Court, and lie during the trial. You cannot get emotional. You cannot say it's unfair. Of course it's not fair. Put that aside. Be prepared. Two competing forces at work. Justice v. Human Nature.

In Donald J's case, the jury has already decided. He's too emotional to do himself any good by appearing. He should ignore it. A conviction does no harm to him. The harm is borne by the desiccated political Parties, that Americans must shuck...to Make America Great Again.

This guy, Donald J has shown the system is rigged. All systems are rigged in the fullness of time. It's a good reminder to all that we are In this World, but not of It.

mikee said...

If you had a hard time accepting Trump, wait until you see the next outsider candidate who wins. Just hope that Chile's Allende won't be the model followed.

Tom said...

Why hasn’t Trump challenged the constitutionality of these proceedings in federal court?

I Callahan said...

He had all the powers of incumbency, and he still lost overwhelmingly. He lost by 74 electoral votes, and lost the popular vote by over 7 million votes.

It wasn't overwhelmingly. It was 51-49. And that's if you accept the vote totals as-is. I don't, and most sentient beings don't either.

He was never above water in a single poll throughout his presidency. The majority of our country passionately loathes him, and rightly so. He earned this failure all by his special self.

Once again, your numbers are BS. But I'll concede that a big chunk of the country loathes him. That's because they're mind-numbingly stupid, thanks to the education, media and entertainment systems in this country. Of which you are an obvious victim.

iowan2 said...

Slightly different scenario than running the most powerful country in the world or managing the competing political needs of 200+ U.S. House members while shepherding through major legislation.

Who is stupid enough to believe you need to "manage the needs" of 200+ House members? There are a handful of influencers that need to be brought into the conversation. That was the genius of President Trumps skill set. President Trump could identify those persons. Not necessarily the most powerful, or senior.

robother said...

Leahy will muzzle Trump at every turn as being out of order. Given the extra-judicial nature of the proceeding, that will be (perversely) in accord with precedent. Whoever heard of a victim of a lynch mob being allowed to present a defense?

Arturo Ui said...

mikee said...

If you had a hard time accepting Trump, wait until you see the next outsider candidate who wins. Just hope that Chile's Allende won't be the model followed.


Well, we know which fascist fantasies keep you awake at night, now don't we?

Todd said...

MadisonMan said...

He lost by 74 electoral votes, and lost the popular vote by over 7 million votes.
And yet he gained votes, in the 2nd election, from all minorities -- blacks, hispanics. He lost because white men abandoned him.

2/1/21, 1:36 PM

Sorry but how can you be sure all those dead folks were white?

All those fraudulent mail in ballots were more race agnostic than anything. What race is a golem?

Arashi said...

At this point, why on earth would anyone believe anything in the NYT or any other mainstream news paper regarding any aspect of current politics in this country? The entire msm has been making up krap to push 'the narrative' for years and has ramped it up to eleven since DJT became President.

We are seeing a state that is activley suppresing any idea or expression of an idea that doens not support 'the narrative'. They are actively canceling people all over the spectrum - not just political folks - who hold any position that does not fit 'the narrative'.

The left is activley behaving like the communists they admire in their feverish drive to secure all power to them for all time. They don't just want people to support 'the narrative', they want to punish, physically and mentally, anyone who disagrees.

This will not end well for anyone. Period. Not normal pweople, not democrats, not republicans, not libertarians, not anybody still breathing. We already did one civli war and if this one goes hot, none of us are going to get out without damage. Not even Pelosi, Schumer and the rest of the swamp.

And at this juncture, there does not appear to be anyone of stature who is a calming influence to de-escalate the rhetoric. We may be truly screwed.

dwshelf said...

Leahy will muzzle Trump at every turn as being out of order.

You mean like, with a MUZZLE?

WOW! What a spectacle. TV doesn't get any better than that. The Superbowl would bow.

Arturo Ui said...

iowan2 said...

Who is stupid enough to believe you need to "manage the needs" of 200+ House members? There are a handful of influencers that need to be brought into the conversation. That was the genius of President Trumps skill set. President Trump could identify those persons. Not necessarily the most powerful, or senior.


It sounds like you don't recall how it went down the one of the last times a major piece of actual, difficult legislation was pushed through the House. House members represent individual districts. Their district is all that matters to them: they don't follow a "handful of influencers"--those influencers aren't voting in their district. For the Speaker, at the extreme ends of their governing coalition, it becomes exceedingly difficult to appease one end without alienating the other. Pelosi had to manage the competing needs of a conservative pro-life Dem like Bart Stupak against those of a far-left progressive like Dennis Kucinich in order to get the ACA passed. It went on for weeks like that, see-sawing between the two factions. That she was able to pull it off is one of the most significant legislative victories in American history, regardless of where you stand on the merits of the actual law.

Trump passed one single major piece of legislation his entire presidency: a tax cut for rich people, rammed through by Republicans who love nothing more than tax cuts for rich people. That didn't take anywhere near the same level of complexity or coalition-herding.

farmgirl said...


Arturo Ui said...

I Callahan said...
He had all the powers of incumbency, and he still lost overwhelmingly. He lost by 74 electoral votes, and lost the popular vote by over 7 million votes.

It wasn't overwhelmingly. It was 51-49. And that's if you accept the vote totals as-is. I don't, and most sentient beings don't either.


It was 51.3% to 46.9%. Not sure you feel the need to inflate your guy's numbers (well ok actually I do).

Most Americans agree that Joe Biden won overwhelmingly and that the vote totals as reported are accurate. So it shows how well you regard your fellow Americans that you don't think they are "sentient beings". Maybe you should find another country.

Spiros Pappas said...

If Trump makes this about voter fraud, nobody will cover it.

Jim at said...

Even if all of trump's claims are true, it doesn't excuse fomenting a insurrection.

Correct. So it's a good thing that didn't happen then, isn't it?

dwshelf said...

If Trump makes this about voter fraud, nobody will cover it.

If they bind and gag him, it will be the spectacle of a lifetime.

Narayanan said...

Does Trump have option ?

If Trump does not show up : can Senate hold him in contempt, send out enforcer to haul him in - possibly in restraints / shackles.

walter said...

tim in vermont said...You can get a “trial” in a kangaroo court too.
Let a few loose in there and play the Benny Hill music.

Nonapod said...

All the major systems of our country have become badly derranged. America in 2021 seems to have fully become a low trust society Basically it's a place where a majority of people no longer fully trust the media or the government or big business. People no longer trust what they're being told by various authorities for a variety of justifiable reasons. We have powerful companies working with government to actively suppress certain speech. We have division and mistrust and hatred among our own people, essentially a sort of cold civil war.

And our leaders are derranged as evidenced by farces like this silly "trial" that have nothing to do with the Constitution or anything else actually useful. It's only motivated by pointless revenge and fear. We have a feeble minded President and a majority of both houses of congress that are fully corrupt.

Known Unknown said...

"he is not the man they were looking for"

He is the only one to actually treat them like human beings, for one. Also, he is the only one who didn't profess fealty to the insiders. He talked about the forgotten men and women (like pipefitters) who both parties basically ignore.

Known Unknown said...

"If Trump does not show up : can Senate hold him in contempt, send out enforcer to haul him in - possibly in restraints / shackles."

He should enter the chamber strapped to a hand truck with a facemask like Hannibal Lecter.

Mary Beth said...

It always seems sketchy when so many non-regulars are here, insisting on the same talking points.

Ray - SoCal said...

Why are liberals such fascists?

And into censoring and lieing through their teeth.

And into threats of re-education?

And endorse voter fraud?

And use trolls as a way to steer conversations in approved ways on blogs and social media?

Back to our new troll, or perhaps an old one with a new name.

I hate being gas lighted...

It’s making reading the thread an unpleasant experience.

Interesting the use of the big lie technique like a good little fascist.

Goebbels smiles up in favor from where he is now...

>Arturo Ui said...
>Most Americans agree that Joe Biden won overwhelmingly

n.n said...

send out enforcer to haul him in - possibly in restraints / shackles.

Send the warlock judge, or Pelosi, wielding a novelty-size mallet. Kneel, first Orange-American President.

n.n said...

Impeachable or impeachable-impeachable? Burn the witch, dunk the warlock, and don't spare the baby... Fetal-American.

Inga said...

“It’s making reading the thread an unpleasant experience.”

What a pretty little snowflake.

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