February 1, 2021

"Do not nod along when you hear the following: That Abraham Lincoln’s name on a public school or his likeness on a statue is white supremacy."

"(It is not; he is a hero.) That separating people into racial affinity groups is progressive. (It is a form of segregation.) That looting has no victims (untrue) and that small-business owners can cope anyway because they have insurance (nonsense). That any disparity of outcome is evidence of systemic oppression (false). That America is evil. (It is the last hope on Earth.)" 

From "10 ways to fight back against woke culture" by Bari Weiss (NY Post). 

You can read the list for yourself. It's not as exciting as Jordan Peterson's "12 Rules," but you might like it. Much of it reads as advice to a particular sort of person, approximately the sort of person I picture reading the New York Times, a middle-aged, affluent women in New York City:  "Become more self-reliant. If you can learn to use a power drill, do it.... Learn to... shoot a gun.... Worship God more than Yale.... Getting your child into an elite preschool is not essential....."

If you can learn to use a power drill...? Who can't learn to use a power drill?

Looking for a link for Jordan Peterson's "12 Rules," I ran across this snappy digest of the book that's not at all friendly to Peterson but really brings out how much more exciting Peterson's list is than Weiss's. Here's how the digester — John Crace in The Guardian — summarized Peterson's Rule 10, "Be precise in your speech": "Confront the chaos of Being. Don’t try to beat about the bush. Things are going to be terrible. Oedipus killed his Dad. You may well kill yours. Get over it. Face up to the real horrors of the world."


The Crack Emcee said...

White people worry about woke culture.

I worry about white people.

RNB said...

Althouse: "Who can't learn to use a power drill?" Cut to story about gun control activist who managed to shoot himself in the face.

hiawatha biscayne said...

I think I'm going to do a little power drilling this afternoon. As you do.

Todd said...

It is not; he is a hero.

LOL, that is SO 20 minutes ago! Welcome to the new normal! Isn't all this boring to just DIE for?!?

Jaq said...

"If you can learn to use a power drill...? Who can't learn to use a power drill?”

How about if he had written "If you can learn to use a power drill, and who can't learn to use a power drill?

Todd said...

The Crack Emcee said...

I worry about white people.

2/1/21, 7:44 AM

Your "worry" is miss-placed. You have a MUCH higher chance of getting accosted, attached, robbed, and even murdered by a person of color, not a white person. Just look at the stats.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

The snark in the comments evidences the truth of this wonderful article. We are increasingly surrounded by infantile pagans. Or are they druids?
God help us.

Jaq said...

Solzhenitsyn talked about how the Russians missed the opportunity to push back while they still had the power...

Jaq said...

"Your "worry" is miss-placed.”

I don’t think you understand Crack very well. I think you might even be projecting a bit in that comment.

Fernandinande said...

We have two basic rules. Memorize them so you can say them in your sleep!

Rule Number One: obey all rules!

Secondly, do not write on the walls as it takes a lot of work to erase writing off of walls.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Some power drills, especially some brands of impact drivers, can be somewhat complex.

They look like drills
They work like drills
They can drill things
But they are not

This would confuse the pearls off your average 40-50 white NYC urbanite female. The great leveler is that youtube now exists - in some cases the OEM having their own channel - that can show you how to use your drill and all of its features, and this includes how to do certain projects like framing or drilling lag bolts, etc.

"If you can learn to use a drill" is perfectly apt. It is the great metaphysical issue of our age that - surrounded by information more easily accessible than at any time in human history - some people perfectly able to learn to use a drill, choose not to.

They can learn to use a drill. What they can not learn is how to learn. And many many simply don't want to.

Todd said...

tim in vermont said...

I don’t think you understand Crack very well. I think you might even be projecting a bit in that comment.

2/1/21, 8:01 AM

Really? I initially blocked him a while back as his out and proud racism became too much for me. He then seems to be gone for a while and I recently saw his name pop back up. Others welcomed him back and started complementing his comments so I took a shot this morning and un-blocked that first comment of his. Same old Crack. So back to blocked.

And no. No projection on my part. It is just a fact. A person of color has a MUCH higher risk of being the target of crime to include murder from another person of color as opposed to another race. Murder for "whites" goes the same way in that a white person is more likely to be murdered by another white person.

tim maguire said...

The Crack Emcee said...
White people worry about woke culture.

I worry about white people.

Any striver, anyone who wants to make their life better should worry about woke culture.

Ann Althouse said...

"How about if he had written ..."


Michael K said...

Blogger Mr Wibble said...
The self-reliance thing is interesting because it's similar to the message of many on the alt-right to young men: learn to take charge of your life. Learn a trade that is in demand, work out and get in shape, practice moral, physical, and financial discipline so that your days aren't spent with mindless consumerism, porn and video games, and financial instability.

The same could apply to Crack and those of his ethnic group.

And no. No projection on my part. It is just a fact. A person of color has a MUCH higher risk of being the target of crime to include murder from another person of color as opposed to another race. Murder for "whites" goes the same way in that a white person is more likely to be murdered by another white person.

Another obvious truth that is being hidden by the Woke Left.

“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved. . . . After all we have been through. Just to think we can’t walk down our own streets, how humiliating.”

–-Jesse Jackson

wendybar said...

White Liberals really do hate America and Americans, don't they??

Bob Boyd said...

If you're stumped by the power drill, don't skip ahead to chainsaws.

Todd said...

Bob Boyd said...

If you're stumped by the power drill, don't skip ahead to chainsaws.

2/1/21, 8:33 AM

Soon chainsaw juggling will ONLY be something you see in old youtube videos.

Jaq said...

"No projection on my part. It is just a fact”

It’s considered very hard to prove a negative for a reason. Then you double down on your projection of what you thought that Crack meant because that is what is foremost in your mind when you interact with a black person, is my guess. Then you make a great show of blocking him as if to prove my point. I think Crack is more worried about the well being of white people as this craziness and cult like thinking grows in ascendency, though he can speak for himself. I rather doubt Crack is worried about his physical safety around white people, but if he is, he can speak for himself on that score. I just think you have that rant about race set on a hair trigger.

Maybe I am the one projecting, because I worry about our culture too, and not just the white people in it.

Bob Boyd said...

Self-reliance is great as far it goes, but my advice is, if you need your chainsaws juggled, sub it out.

MikeR said...

"Who can't learn to use a power drill?" I fault your reading comprehension, Ann! It means, learn to prefer using it, instead of calling a handyman to do trivial jobs.

iowan2 said...

that can show you how to use your drill and all of its features, and this includes how to do certain projects like framing or drilling lag bolts, etc.

They can learn to use a drill. What they can not learn is how to learn. And many many simply don't want to.

Yes, learning something new with the internet is very doable. If you have that inclination.

That brings me off topic to covid vaccinations.

Why is it necessary for licensed medicos administer the vaccine? It is a simple inter muscular injection. Not Intravenous, not Sub cutanous. IM. Very simple, easily learned by video, and practiced on grapefruits. (technique utilize training WWII era nurses)
This seems too simple to me. If President Trump were still in charge, I would have hoped he would have gotten a few of these choke points ironed out.

Jaq said...


Ho hum.

Big Mike said...

Much of it reads as advice to a particular sort of person, approximately the sort of person I picture reading the New York Times, a middle-aged, affluent women in New York City

Or in Madison, Wisconsin.

jaydub said...

"Then you double down on your projection of what you thought that Crack meant because that is what is foremost in your mind when you interact with a black person, is my guess."

Yes, but you're so much fucking smarter than the rest of us. I blocked him a while back, too. He was full of hate and trolling at the time. He seems to have mellowed.

Kate said...

Bari is an Old Guy (the term is inclusive). It's not that what she advocates is old, it's her way of thinking about it. GenZ don't silo. They guard rail.

Joe Smith said...

"Who can't learn to use a power drill?"

Middle-age, affluent white women in Manhattan don't own power drills, nor do they know anyone who does.

They have a guy for that. A Hispanic or lower-class white man who does their maintenance for them. Sometimes those men (they're always men) don't shave every day and they never wear ties). Those men don't read the NYT.

Same with learning to shoot a gun...no gun to shoot.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

"Who can't learn to use a power drill?"

Lucid-Ideas said...


"Why is it necessary for licensed medicos administer the vaccine? It is a simple inter muscular injection. Not Intravenous, not Sub cutanous. IM. Very simple, easily learned by video, and practiced on grapefruits. (technique utilize training WWII era nurses)
This seems too simple to me. If President Trump were still in charge, I would have hoped he would have gotten a few of these choke points ironed out."

Because everything is broken.

Fundamentally, there is no reason lower skilled people and people organizing those people could not let those people get the job done. None. What we have in America is not reason though. We have a leviathan. The leviathan needs to ensure that more people are protected for their own good than the people receiving the vaccine. The lawyer needs protection. The MD needs protection. The nurse needs protection. Their unions need protection. The state itself needs protection. The drug company needs protection.

Nothing must be allowed to go amiss in the name of putting the needle in the arm of the person being protected except after everyone stops paying attention to the jab and the person gets Covid again because the injection was only 55% effective or they die. Then, and only then, has the leviathan moved on.

Todd said...

tim in vermont said...

"No projection on my part. It is just a fact”

It’s considered very hard to prove a negative for a reason. Then you double down on your projection of what you thought that Crack meant because that is what is foremost in your mind when you interact with a black person, is my guess. Then you make a great show of blocking him as if to prove my point. I think Crack is more worried about the well being of white people as this craziness and cult like thinking grows in ascendency, though he can speak for himself. I rather doubt Crack is worried about his physical safety around white people, but if he is, he can speak for himself on that score. I just think you have that rant about race set on a hair trigger.

Maybe I am the one projecting, because I worry about our culture too, and not just the white people in it.

2/1/21, 8:43 AM

Wow, the projection is strong in this one...

I took and take Crack as his word. He has repeatedly demonstrated by his words that he is racist against white people. I believe him. If he had meant his wording differently as in "I worry FOR white people" he could have said that. He did not. This wording is in keeping with his prior words. I believe him.

You on the other hand feel YOU have to run cover for him as if he can not speak for himself and he does not own his comments. Now look who is projecting...

stlcdr said...

"There are those who think they know how to [use a power drill], and those who can."

Some drills will rip your hand off if you are not careful. And then there are drill presses...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I used a power screwdriver before the coffee was done brewing this morning. Start there and work your way up to a drill.

J. Farmer said...

@The Crack Emcee:

White people worry about woke culture.

I worry about white people.

I do, too. The primary race problem in America is not between whites and non-whites but among whites about non-whites. It used to be just straight white Christian males who were the problem, but increasingly we've seen this animus expanded to white women and white gays who are largely being replaced by trannies. Of course, instead of alleviating social tensions, the decline of straight white Christian male cultural power have led to an increase in social tensions.

At this point, the culture war is a war of attrition. The cultural left is pretty much just waiting for straight white Christian males to DIE (diversity, inclusion, equality).

Howard said...

I thought Crack identified as white since he buys into the stop the steal hoax with you people?

Anonymous said...

Who can't learn to use a power drill? People who think Abe Lincoln's name on a public school is white supremacy; people who think separating people into racial affinity groups is progressive; people who think looting has no victims and that small-business owners can cope anyway because they have insurance; people who think any disparity of outcome is evidence of systemic oppression, that's who.

Howard said...

People give a lot of power to Woke Couture in the same way the MSM gives power to the recently retired POTUS.

William said...

I read the article. I don't disagree with anything she said, but it was vaguely muddled. She didn't use a power drill to hammer her points home. As polemics go, it wasn't much.....Also, I feel vaguely distrustful of any argument that urges me to be more courageous. I'm not in any big hurry to confront the people I disagree with. The world is filled with people who have reached different conclusions than me about politics, sex, investing, and God, and some of them are absolute jerks about it. Still, I'm in no hurry to be courageous and shout them down.

mccullough said...

Bari Weiss now worries because the Left is turning on itself.

Too late for her.

William said...

I think in America every woman should feel free to not want to use a power drill.

Howard said...

Who uses hand drills anymore? A bit brace maybe sometimes. It's just a drill. Cordless tools make the world a wonderous place. Can't we all rejoice in our endless bounty instead of shitting the bed over nonsense?

Sebastian said...

"Much of it reads as advice to a particular sort of person, approximately the sort of person I picture reading the New York Times, a middle-aged, affluent women in New York City."

Except that taking the advice means admitting that her high self-regard had been a sham and that the deplorables are right.

Plus she is scared--about losing friends, like Althouse, about exposing herself to violence, about her kids being hurt by the left.

Only when progs really devastate her life and attack her kids and make cities unlivable will she take action. The nice women of America haven't reached that point yet, so the prog purge continues.

Even the bravest of them, Althouse herself, could only go so far as abstaining, and considering the results "creepy," and muttering about "I'd like Biden to do x."

Michael K said...

Can't we all rejoice in our endless bounty instead of shitting the bed over nonsense?

I think it is charming that progs like Howard can rely on electricity that just comes out of the wall like magic.

Bob Boyd said...

Be more self-reliant. Learn to use a power drill.
If you've always wanted an insurrection, foment one.
Learn to shoot smack or poach a deer.

Yancey Ward said...

"Who can't learn to use a power drill?"

More people than you can possibly fathom.

Jamie said...

Who can't use a power drill?

Well... double amputees? Quadriplegics? Who shouldn't use a power drill is a broader swath.

My dad still has a push drill, the first drill I ever used. I love that thing and should probably get one, for those times when I only need to drill one or two holes and into nothing harder than wood - keep it in the kitchen and save the trouble of getting out my deWalt from the garage. My father-in-law gave me my first power drill, a Makita, back when it became clear that I had more interest in having one than my husband did (he likes the outside jobs, I like the inside jobs). We don't do a ton of building and fixing around here, but we're not scared of it either.

And I think Crack is "worried about" white people on the primrose path to Woke Hell, but what do I know?

Lucien said...

J Farmer: I think the E in DIE is for equity, not equality. Equality you can get just by treating people equally under the law, but to determine equity you need someone elite standing by to put their thumb on the scale juuust right.

Yancey Ward said...

Bob Boyd said...

"If you're stumped by the power drill, don't skip ahead to chainsaws."

No, I think overall it is best if they do skip ahead.

Whiskeybum said...

White people worry about woke culture.

I worry about white people.

Careful there... remember: “Great minds think [worry] about ideas. Small minds think [worry] about people.”

Bob Boyd said...

My dad still has a push drill, the first drill I ever used.

Same here. It was all metal and the bits stored in the handle. He called it a yankee drill.

mezzrow said...

I thought the the Tool Girl of Home Improvement fame settled all power drill gender questions long ago. What do they mean - "...she wasn't there to empower women!"

So many worried people today.

As a child I was taught in Sunday School that it was a sin to worry, and that we should just trust in Jesus. Easier said than done.

I'm not worried about me or you, but "they" worry me a lot. Those folks over there.

You know. Them.

John henry said...

What about Puerto Ricans, crack?

Do you worry about us too?

Some of us are "white". Some of us are darker than than you. Most are somewhere in between.

John (person of color and gender) Henry

Skeptical Voter said...

Why face up to the real horrors of the world when it is so much more fun to be afraid of Pelosi's bogeymen?

As for "push" or Yankee drills--I have one inherited from my father. It gets used maybe once every five years--I'm a power tool guy all the way.

But I do think that some New York Times readers---that upper middle class woman that our host mentioned, might be baffled by a power drill. How do you put the drill in the chuck? What's this funny black switch under the drill? She might get it all together, start to drill and discover the drill isn't "biting" because she failed to reverse the direction of rotations. Life is hard, and it's even harder when you are dumb.

robother said...

Bari Weiss: This generation's answer to Polonius and Dear Abby: a spokesman for the trite and true.

Biff said...

Mr Wibble said...learn to take charge of your life. Learn a trade that is in demand, work out and get in shape, practice moral, physical, and financial discipline so that your days aren't spent with mindless consumerism, porn and video games, and financial instability. Learn to take risks but to do so intelligently, and you'll find success. Study your culture and history, because your ancestors figured out a lot of this stuff a long time ago.

That sounds like extremism in 2021!

Bob Boyd said...

I got a poster signed by Miss Makita once. She was at the local hardware store for a promotion. In addition to her signature, she wrote, "You're all the power I need."

rcocean said...

Honest Abe was a great man and literally died for his country. Washington was the richest man in the America, but put that at risk to start the USA. Jefferson wrote our declaration of independence. I don't see the wokes going after Ben Franklin or John Adams, probably because they seem to be much less visible or remembered.

Ken B said...

WTF. Weiss isn’t channeling Dale Carnegie. She is making a point about the current political climate. We might be mostly powerless but we can still be truthful. We can refuse to go along. You have seen the famous picture of one man in the crowd not raising his arm. We can be that guy in the crowd not saluting.

Ken B said...

“ I don't see the wokes going after Ben Franklin or John Adams, probably because they seem to be much less visible or remembered.”

Visible. As we have seen, they tear down statues without knowing whom they depict. They tear down statues of elks.

gilbar said...

This would NOT be happening, if people would JUST listen to Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago
“This building is dedicated to public service honoring the memory of Abraham Lincoln,” the inscription reads. “Democrat.”

Of course, According to building archives, the word democrat was used because Lincoln was an advocate for democracy -- the political or social equality of all people. The word was not chosen to reflect a political affiliation", Just the fact the Chicago is Democrat stronghold that does NOT recognize opposing parties

John henry said...

Actually the drill is a great metaphor.

On the one hand it is simple to use. But there are still a lot of people who will not figure out how. Not can't, won't for a Garrity of reasons seldom having anything to do with being capable of figuring out out.

On the other hand, a power drill can be pretty complex and most casual users don't know how to use one properly

My current all round drill has 2 speeds, 3 modes (drill, screw, hammer) plus forward and reverse.

Then what kind of bit? What are you going to drill? Wood, metal, plastic? If metal, what kind? Soft aluminum? Stainless steel? Lube, coolant or bareback?

How do you hold the drill? Most people just get a death grip on the handle and trigger with the index finger. Wrong! If it jams while holding tight it can break your wrist. If you lay your index finger along the drill and trigger with your middle finger 1)your index ginger pointing will drill truer holes 2)the weaker grip will break away in a jam.

I could write a paragraph or two on chuck's and chucking too. But won't.


unless you have been properly trained.

But yeah, Ann. Anyone can use a power drill.

John Henry

wildswan said...

Who can't learn to use a power drill?

But how much power do you need for that job? Will your little lady power drill work on cinder block, masonry or hard woods. Which drill bit? What size screw? Which way is left when the drill is upside down? what other parts are needed - like a little inside plastic thingy. How much is a sixpack compared to a new powerful drill that works, masonry bits, safety glasses, mask? What if I go to the hardware store and get some beaten copper paint for the new flower pot, then Corona at the grocery store, then whimper to male relatives about putting in the hook for a hanging pot. isn't that the drill?

John henry said...

The above is for my $75 Ryobi 1/2 drill. A fairly typical household drill.

If you like, I can also talk about my son's 3/4" Milwaukee heavy duty jackhammer/drill that has a whole 'nother set of considerations.

I wonder if the author of that article knows how to use a drill?

Properly, that is.

John Henry

gilbar said...

8. Make like-minded friends.

wouldn't this rule be More impressive, if it said something like:
You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’
But I tell you, love your enemies…

Of course, Bari probably didn't subscribe to That part of the book; let's try an earlier chapter
If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat,
and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink,

J. Farmer said...


J Farmer: I think the E in DIE is for equity, not equality. Equality you can get just by treating people equally under the law, but to determine equity you need someone elite standing by to put their thumb on the scale juuust right.

I actually think there is something to the equity-equality distinction but not in the manner its often discussed in racial justice circles. Rather than arising from historical discrimination or institutionalized racism, I think it has more to do with genetic endowment. One of the most influential books on my politics was Michael Young's The Rise of the Meritocracy. It predicted in 1958 what Charles Murray would later describe in The Bell Curve in 1994.

Paul Snively said...

Mr Wibble: The self-reliance thing is interesting because it's similar to the message of many on the alt-right to young men: learn to take charge of your life. Learn a trade that is in demand, work out and get in shape, practice moral, physical, and financial discipline so that your days aren't spent with mindless consumerism, porn and video games, and financial instability. Learn to take risks but to do so intelligently, and you'll find success. Study your culture and history, because your ancestors figured out a lot of this stuff a long time ago.

That this list can, today, be characterized as "alt-right," and therefore dangerous, as opposed to "the most blindingly obvious common sense on planet earth" tells you everything you need to know about our multidecade-long degradation of our culture.

We don't just have a serious range of differences of opinion on how to achieve common ends based on shared values. We have vital institutions like the education system who are constructing mentally ill people, who then go on to roles in media, entertainment, and government, which amplify both the mental illness and its consequences, the reaction to which is to double down on the mental illness.

It's not a coincidence that Jordan Peterson, a de facto leader of the "alt-right" "intellectual dark web," is a clinical psychologist.

Jaq said...

"“ I don't see the wokes going after Ben Franklin or John Adams, probably because they seem to be much less visible or remembered.”

They are not going to get to that statue of Franklin in Philly until they get helicopters or artillery.

Jaq said...

"I took and take Crack as his word. “

You assumed you knew his intent because you are on a hair trigger with that Derbyshire rant and wanted to spill it out one more time. Crack is a little more sophisticated than what you seem to think. You remind me of Howard, tilting at the windmills that are within your understanding, and imagining that none other can exist outside your understanding.

Jaq said...

If they cancel the guy who said “Beer is proof that God loves us,” they will go too far, even though I think even the Ancient Greeks had a similar aphorism.

Narayanan said...

How about starting with kids project workshop at Home Depot!?

Yancey Ward said...

We can be that guy in the crowd not wearing a mask.

Narayanan said...

Q: Don't worry about me mean same as don't worry for me!!??

!!!Asking for Crack!!!

gilbar said...

Todd said...
The Crack Emcee said...
I worry about white people.
Your "worry" is miss-placed. You have a MUCH higher chance....

I suspect that the Crack Emcee has(had) MUCH more higher chance of having his family members weirded out by white folk (CULTISTS!!!) than by black folk (Gang bangers)

Come to think of it; *I* have a much higher chance of having MY sister's life ruined by white folk (CULTISTS!!!) than by black folk (since she lives in The MOST segregated city in america (chicago, illinois)

MOST of us, are NOT going to be murdered.... LOTS of us are going to have new-age idiots (CULTISTS!!!) try to destroy our lives and families

rehajm said...

Learn to... shoot a gun

Yah! Do that one! Lefties hate guns but they love love love shooting them.

Tina Trent said...

Bari Weiss' column is reprehensible. It presumes claiming imaginary victimhood, and imaginary pernicious and universal anti-semitism against non-Jewish whites.

Jews are white, Missy.

I'm sick of selective persecution cunts. And I can say cunt here because Ann selectively bans "the N word" but not "the C word." So that's sleazy selectively too, Ann: either stand for free speech or oppose it, cut the selectivity excuse.

Also, Weiss' arguments aren't intelligent: they're emotional and tribal. And like many privileged people who avoid the real consequences of speech repression by profiting from another flavor of speech repression, she's just a relatively sophisticated pimp of speech suppression posing as something else.

Screw her and her peers. Immoral, dishonest scum, all.

stlcdr said...

rehajm said...
Learn to... shoot a gun

Yah! Do that one! Lefties hate guns but they love love love shooting them.

2/1/21, 12:06 PM

They have ambidextrous controls now....oh, wait, you mean the other lefties....

Todd said...

tim in vermont said...

"I took and take Crack as his word. “

You assumed you knew his intent because you are on a hair trigger with that Derbyshire rant and wanted to spill it out one more time. Crack is a little more sophisticated than what you seem to think. You remind me of Howard, tilting at the windmills that are within your understanding, and imagining that none other can exist outside your understanding.

2/1/21, 11:46 AM

Could you be any more obtuse or thick? For years, Crack has been a raving racist against white people. Either you have not been here that long or you ignored it. I didn't and don't. Sometimes you make some sense, others you get on your soapbox and ignore reality for you "cause" (whatever it might be at that time). Or you are also racist in that you deny Crack his identity and make excuses for him because he is a person of color. I say screw that. It is his shit and he owns it.

Narayanan said...

Q: Don't worry about me mean same as don't worry for me!!??

!!!Asking for Crack!!!

Jaq said...

"Could you be any more obtuse or thick?”

Right back at you.

Jaq said...

"We can be that guy in the crowd not wearing a mask.”

It’s amazing that you have such strong opinions about a subject on which you have zero interest in the other side of the argument. Start here. The footnotes all link to scientific studies on the subject, many using mathematical techniques that you may find beyond your ken, however, so there’s that. But others are quite accessible.

In early February 2020, the CDC recommended mask use for anyone exhibiting COVID-19–like symptoms to reduce the spread of respiratory droplets.2 On April 3, 2020, following recognition that viral load is high just before and early in the course of COVID-19 disease, the agency expanded its recommendation, urging mask use by the general public. Face masks significantly reduce detection of influenza virus RNA in respiratory droplets and coronavirus RNA in aerosols.3 In a large health care system, a policy of universal masking was associated with steady declines in COVID-19–positive tests.4 An evaluation of state policies showed greater declines in daily COVID-19 cases after issuing mask mandates compared with states that did not have mandates.5 Face coverings offer source control to prevent exposing others and may offer protection to users. The ethical justification for face coverings is their utility in preventing transmission of serious disease to community members.


Don’t call bullshit without reading the footnoted studies. Or just freely admit that you aren’t interested in any evidence that may contradict your “findings."

J. Farmer said...

@Tina Trent:

It presumes claiming imaginary victimhood, and imaginary pernicious and universal anti-semitism against non-Jewish whites.

Bingo. That's the elephant in the room you don't bring up in polite society lest you be accused of being anti-Semitic.

Jews are white, Missy.

Well, yes and no. "White" is a very muddled term, but even within the wider European population, the Ashkenazi have a peculiar genetic history. They're a hybrid of European and Levantine populations who have managed to maintain a separate identity due to the practice of endogamy. That's why there is a Jewish phenotype.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

He caught the pass and got drilled by the safety.

They drilled it into his head that he was to love the Government.

NBC response was drilled until it became second nature.

You shoulda seen the chick I drilled last night.

To my mind, drills and drilling are very functional.

The Crack Emcee said...

Todd said...

"Your "worry" is miss-placed. You have a MUCH higher chance of getting accosted, attached, robbed, and even murdered by a person of color, not a white person. Just look at the stats."

We've been over this:

White people have hypnotized themselves with the lie of their own honesty and goodness - using "stats" (and limiting the parameters of debate, just like libs are doing now) - they miss reality as easily as any NewAger:

One (1) white man is responsible for wrongly locking up millions of niggas for 26 years - Joe Biden- and he just got rewarded for it. I'm almost 60 years old, and a fan of American history, and I've seen NO evidence the rest of you are any more capable of admitting your guilt, for sins against us, than he is. Not only that, but I see NO evidence you're doing anything substantive, now, to protect me from him or you - even after this latest atrocity. (As I said, you guys say Obama and Oprah and saw black skin and socialism - not the danger I faced from NewAge Nazis - which you allow. Many times, with you guys telling bad jokes about it, as it happens). Americans are just not who they think they are anymore.

And the "American character" just is what it is.

Joe Smith said...

'Power drill.'

This is really about sex, right?

The Crack Emcee said...

Todd said...

"I initially blocked him a while back as his out and proud racism became too much for me."

Look, it's very simple: you abandon your family and friends, first, so I can see how your version of compassion is done,, OK?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Joe Smith said...

This is really about sex, right?

Maybe, but one would think a reciprocating saw would be a better metaphor for that.

Michael K said...

White people have hypnotized themselves with the lie of their own honesty and goodness - using "stats" (and limiting the parameters of debate, just like libs are doing now) - they miss reality as easily as any NewAger:

Are you signing up for the new Stanford Physics class for POCs ?

The Crack Emcee said...

tim maguire said...

"Any striver, anyone who wants to make their life better should worry about woke culture."

After watching white people push them into that corner, I'm not so sure. White people are no more capable of copping to their crimes than NewAgers are to theirs. After - literally - centuries of denying simple things (like the Civil War was over slavery - how many niggas were forced to swallow THAT shit over the last century? Just because whites demanded it - claiming "facts"?) whites should know we're aware of their capacity for deceit - including self-deceit.

Trying to get one group of Americans to think ethically - when you don't do it yourselves - will never work.

The Crack Emcee said...

Michael K said...

"Are you signing up for the new Stanford Physics class for POCs ?"

Nope - don't have to: listening to lectures on the history of religion and slavery have been much more helpful.

Michael K said...

Blogger Tina Trent said...
Bari Weiss' column is reprehensible. It presumes claiming imaginary victimhood, and imaginary pernicious and universal anti-semitism against non-Jewish whites.

Jews are white, Missy.

My Ethiopian jewish dental hygienist would be interested to hear that. She was rescued by Israelis as a child and grew up in Israel. Now she lives in Irvine CA with her white Jewish husband and gets hate states from black women in Irvine, a city whose median house price is just below a Million $.

The Crack Emcee said...

Fernandinande said...

"We have two basic rules. Memorize them so you can say them in your sleep!"

Basically, turn yourselves into cultists, to fight cultists.

No thanks.

The Crack Emcee said...

“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved. . . . After all we have been through. Just to think we can’t walk down our own streets, how humiliating.”

–-Jesse Jackson

I dissed JJ in my first record - that's how on top of blackness y'all are. Even better, you have a black person in front of you - who you can talk straight talk with - but you STILL would rather console yourselves with quotes from outdated leaders who probably held women down as (your hero) MLK raped them.

Learn to keep up, People.

The Crack Emcee said...

wendybar said...

"White Liberals really do hate America and Americans, don't they??"

Almost everybody hates blacks - it's been a historical fact since the 1600s - so I don't know why y'all lie. Except for that self-hypnosis I spoke of.

BTW: I ALWAYS take those online racial tests, and - unlike Jesse Jackson - seeing blacks always makes me relax more than seeing whites.

William said...

Crack has a viewpoint and expresses it pungently. He doesn't try to hammer his points home with a power drill the way Bari Weiss does....I just got my results back from 23 & Me. I'm part Neanderthal. I can sympathize with Crack. My none too distant ancestors were hunted to near extinction by those Cro-Magnon fuckers. Where's the remorse? There isn't any. Those Cro-Magnon fuckers just go about their business like nothing happened.

n.n said...

Somme people are afraid of being screwed, and won't even try.

The Crack Emcee said...

tim in vermont said...

"It’s considered very hard to prove a negative for a reason. Then you double down on your projection of what you thought that Crack meant because that is what is foremost in your mind when you interact with a black person, is my guess."

I've said it before, and I'll say it, again:

Americans, but especially blacks, need degrees in psychology to keep up with everything whites do to us for unacknowledged reasons like this.

Unfortunately, they also give us shitty educations to go with it, so "good luck" with that - we might as well accept the blame, like we accepted we should be their slaves, to begin with.

They said so - and had the proof to back it up!

The Crack Emcee said...

jaydub said...

"I blocked him a while back, too. He was full of hate and trolling at the time."

The same people who CRUELLY broke up black families for slavery are STILL trying to CRUELLY break us apart - from the only people we have - and they call it "racism".

Whites can be totally INSANE.

The Crack Emcee said...

Todd said...

"I took and take Crack as his word. He has repeatedly demonstrated by his words that he is racist against white people."

Married a white woman. Several of my BFFs are white men. Three of my childhood friends are white men who became cops. Worked for countless white men. Hired many for my bands.

I just don't buy white's proven lies over American history and race - starting with the obvious lie of the Civil War (Conservatives don't buy Democrats are honest, now, because they lied over "Russian Collusion" - same thing). The 2012 Republican Autopsy said WHITES had a problem - not blacks - they IGNORED IT - and then kept talking this self-serving bullshit. That's not even respectable.

Trying to force these lies just condemns whites more.

The Crack Emcee said...

Trying to force these lies is also another example of how whites push blacks into BLM.

There's no reasoning with you - even if you're someone who meets you half-way, like me.

You're just impossible.

The Crack Emcee said...

jaydub said...

"You're so much fucking smarter than the rest of us."

Why don't you start there, and then start working outwards?

The Crack Emcee said...

Howard said...

"I thought Crack identified as white since he buys into the stop the steal hoax with you people?"

I like the idea I'm free, when people change me from white to black and back again, by the day.

I've had NO say in it, whatsoever.

The Crack Emcee said...

mccullough said...

"Bari Weiss now worries because the Left is turning on itself. "

You guys seem to forget, your new hero - Bari Weiss - was a laughingstock not long ago, for trying to diss conservatives on Joe Rogan.

Some consistency of outlook would *definitely* help your position, Guys. Grabbing anyone or anything - to attack blacks - is an also well-known white strategy.

The Crack Emcee said...

Jamie said...

"I think Crack is "worried about" white people on the primrose path to Woke Hell, but what do I know?"

I think you guys are as totalitarian as the left - about race - if you can't let a black person disagree with whites at all.

The Crack Emcee said...

Whiskeybum said...

"Careful there... remember: “Great minds think [worry] about ideas. Small minds think [worry] about people.”"

I've been in lockdown for two years now - starting before the pandemic - and it wasn't because of "ideas".

The Crack Emcee said...

John henry said...

"What about Puerto Ricans, crack?

Do you worry about us too?"

I'm a foster child - I've been attacked by everybody - so I worry about all of you. Blacks included. You're all in denial of the human condition. That's especially easy mot do in an unacknowledged narcissism epidemic.

From where I sit, as long as ANY of you get your way, you think THAT'S the correct way things should be. Humans have been this way my whole life.

I was raised by their rigid instructors - not by their forgiving parents - and it shows.

The Crack Emcee said...

This is still how you guys look to me.

The Crack Emcee said...

Todd said...

"Could you be any more obtuse or thick? For years, Crack has been a raving racist against white people."

Riiiight. Speaking of obtuse or thick, did you notice I hangi on a blog hosted by two white people - because they allow conservatives to speak? Where does that fit into your racist picture of me?

Too many whites are still demanding a crazy subservience from us - and don't even know it.

The Crack Emcee said...

It's very simple:

I want all of you to BREAK UP WITH YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY - for the sake of blacks - which is what you're asking of us, in reverse. And - since we have no one else, thanks to slavery - do it to the extent you don't either. No other support system at all - isolate yourself to the point where, if you get in further trouble, no one will or can help you. Then you will appreciate what you're asking of us. I know: Your Thomas Sowell lectures on Peter Robinson's "Uncommon Knowledge" didn't spell it out that way, did they?

Maybe you guys should try talking to someone who's formative years weren't the '30s.

Roughcoat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Roughcoat said...

What's going on here???

Anonymous said...

J Farmer - "It used to be just straight white Christian males who were the problem"

Crack Emcee - "...like we accepted we should be their slaves,.."

Ann Althouse - "She"

Pain poured out.

All of us here in this world will be beaten up. Some say, we chose our roles in this world, before we got here. We needed to learn something.

What's it like to have a black skin? What's it like to have same-sex attraction in a opposite-sex attracted World?

What's it like to be female? A pretty female. A plain female. An ugly female? A skinny male. An attractive male. An obese male?

What's it like to be blind?

What's it like to be born with no arms? What's it like to have a brain tumor at 27yrs old. What's it like to dive into a pool when you're 16 and mash your head, leaving you paralyzed for the rest of your life?

The pain pours out.

We're here for a short time.

Gahrie said...

Unfortunately, they also give us shitty educations to go with it,

Unfortunately for your premise, the "they" in the above phrase are not White, they are Black. The vast majority of Black kids go to schools with Black teachers, administered by Black principals and ruled by Black school boards.

The Crack Emcee said...

No matter how many times I write that Joe Biden has wrongly thrown millions of blacks in prison for the last 26 years, not one white person here yet - on the left or the right - has said anything like, "Wow, that IS a lot of damage for one white guy" or anything like it. You just carry on to your next well-worn talking point.

My "super predator" nephew did 12 years under Biden's crime bill. He died in his sleep at the age of 40.

You guys simply have NO IDEA what you're doing to us.

And, you want to be *right* so badly - after centuries of being nothing more than human - you really don't care.

The Crack Emcee said...

Gahrie said...

"Unfortunately for your premise, the "they" in the above phrase are not White, they are Black. The vast majority of Black kids go to schools with Black teachers, administered by Black principals and ruled by Black school boards."

I'm 60 - my teachers were all white. My education sucked.

Quit trying to fit your lies into the truth. It's not helpful. School boards got to be the way they are for a reason, and whites figured into that - big time. You will not be ignored.

As you always prove here.

Jaq said...

My own take on the Civil War is that it was largely about slavery, but it was fought by a lot of racists on both sides. My great grandfather fought in that war and I was reading his regimental history and there was an episode in there with the boys in the regiment were quite put out because the mayor of the town (Nashville?) they were in as they were preparing to head out on the march to Atlanta wanted them punished because one of their number had hit an “uppity” black waiter (the history did not use the word “black”) pretty hard on the head with a pitcher and a brawl broke out. The writer of the history seemed in no way able to imagine how that might be wrong. Still and all they marched to Atlanta and took the stuffing out of the Confederacy. He was part of the Pennsylvania 7th Cavalry which combined with Michigan’s 4th Cavalry (Custer’s outfit), I believe made up Stoneman’s cavalry from the song, but I could be wrong on that.

The Crack Emcee said...

Hercules, not that one though said...

"The pain pours out.

We're here for a short time."

And I'm an atheist, listening to lectures on slavery from a Christian position - how the crazies talked themselves into, and then out of, an institution that produced ME....so I can watch their contemporary misinterpretations.

Somehow, I don't think these white people - always ready to declare themselves racism-free but dedicated to challenging blacks - I don't think they spend as much time challenging themselves, as I do, in the same way.

They look for arguments to keep their bullshit going.

Jaq said...

"wrongly thrown millions of blacks in prison for the last 26 years,”

Combine that with the fact that he ramrodded the bill that made student loans non dischargeable in bankruptcy while collecting graft from the big banks and there is something for everybody to hate for our illegitimate kleptocrat president.

The Crack Emcee said...

tim in vermont said...

"Combine that with the fact that he ramrodded the bill that made student loans non dischargeable in bankruptcy while collecting graft from the big banks and there is something for everybody to hate for our illegitimate kleptocrat president."

Again: I'm a foster child. Smart enough to finish college, but - 100% honestly alone - I couldn't afford it. I had to pay back all of my student loans. Now these kids want theirs payed off.

How whites can listen to me, and this doesn't add-up to a shitty situation for ANY American (through no fault of his own) to have claimed as a "life", I don't know.

Earnest Prole said...

If you can learn to use a power drill...? Who can't learn to use a power drill?

It’s a rhetorical setup for her real point: Learn how to shoot a gun. See, it’s a tool just like a power drill, not some evil magikal thing that’s scary even to think about . . .

Jaq said...

"Now these kids want theirs payed off.”

What gives me sympathy for them is the way they destroyed higher ed and fed these kids a bill of goods giving the a worthless education while paying careful attention to their political indoctrination. I payed off all of my loans, but my education was not worthless in getting me a good job.

Spiros said...

The Arabs enslaved Africans. And the Arabs were just as murderous and genocidal as the Whites. So why is the Arab-African slave trade never condemned? Why aren't Arab countries targets for reparations? Did the Arabs have their own Abraham Lincoln? Or William Tecumseh Sherman (the grandfather of the reparations movement)? What did the abolitionist movement look like in Muslim countries? Seems like a rich area for research.

Gahrie said...

Quit trying to fit your lies into the truth. It's not helpful.

Which one of my stated facts was a lie?

Yancey Ward said...

Again, Tim, if masks work, why haven't masks worked? Until you answer that, you can stick your mask for my face up your ass.

Gospace said...

Ah, Anne, you ask “Who can’t learn how to use a power drill?” Well, a lot of professionals using them are using them incorrectly. Back when I worked in the tool section of a big box had a contractor come in to buy some drills. Plural. Complained they were were burning out all the time on him. I mentioned how odd that was as a drill, even one used daily, should last years. And went on to say the most common cause of drill failure was using them for grinding or wire brushing, the bearings are designed to handle linear thrust not not lateral stress. After he stared at me for a minute the question came: ”What are you supposed to use?” Instead of selling him 4 new drills I sold him 2 new drills and 2 new grinders.

When do you use a hammer drill? What type of bit do you use for iron? Steel? Aluminum? Wood? What materials do you run the drill at high speed? Low speed? What difference does the drill tip angle make in material drilling? When should you have constant lubrication of the drill bit? All these are valid questions when it comes to drill use. Can you answer them?

Jobs and tools that seem simple to people engaged solely in intellectual work, like, for example, lawyers, seem to think that physical work of any kind really doesn’t require knowledge. And it just isn’t so. Even digging ditches properly requires knowledge of soil types and knowing the purpose of the ditch.

Gospace said...

I went right down to comment without reading all of the previous comments and missed John Henry had written pretty much the same thing about drill use. Basic lesson for any power tool is- using it properly is more complicated than it looks. They can all hurt you pretty easily. Someone somewhere putting a nail in themselves from the several varieties of power nailers sold in every hardware store in the nation without a background check to see if the buyer is properly trained to use them is likely a dairy occurrence.

Lurker21 said...

If you can learn to use a power drill...? Who can't learn to use a power drill?

Amended version:

If you can learn how to use a power drill, safely, and accurately and without fear of doing yourself or anyone else harm, and you know what a power drill is and where you can get one, and if you really feel like learning how to use a power drill, then learn to use a power drill.

Rabel said...

"I'm 60 - my teachers were all white. My education sucked."

Your work here refutes that.

Unknown said...

LOL. I know a lot of people who cannot use a power drill. Because a power drill don't give a damn what you meant to do. Only what you did. Good intentions do not mean jack shit to a power drill. And even less to a chainsaw. My advice, keep them away from liberal arts majors.

Achilles said...

If you can learn to use a power drill...? Who can't learn to use a power drill?

Countersink a screw head?

When do you pre-drill?

Impact or standard?

Can you pull the bow out of a stud and plane a wall?

Why do you put a depth mark on the drill bit?

How do you keep the screw head from pulling through drywall?

Pointy headed professors could do well to realize that the people that built their house know a few things about "How to use a drill."

Achilles said...

Rabel said...

"I'm 60 - my teachers were all white. My education sucked."

Your work here refutes that.

Most people don't start their education until they get out of school.

Achilles said...

And the people that never leave school never really get an education.

sterlingblue said...

Fight back against woke culture... and get cancelled like Bari Weiss?

Most Americans would rather not. Hence, the death of free speech in this country.

John henry said...

Speaking of proper tool usage, I have a workshop that I do for operators in manufacturing plants. These aren't technical people but may use some common hand tools in their work. Which of about 10 kinds of hammer to use. The right wrench for tightening a tank lid, how to use a screwdriver. 15 different kinds of pliers. That kind of thing.

Rather basic for the pro but perhaps useful for casual tool users around the house.

Drop me a note at johnfajardohenry@gmail.com and I'll be happy to send the PowerPoint deck.

John Henry

John henry said...


Amen to that. Education starts after school.

Crack seems very well educated. Regardless of how good or how much schooling he had.

He has some nutty ideas but so do I so who am I to complain? As I said the other day, it's the weird ideas that have kept me coming back here daily after all these years.

Your comment put me in mind of Luis Prima, he said, regarding sheet music "I can read a little but not enough to hurt me none"

I've got a lot of academic education. I like to think it didn't cause me serious harm. Very little of what I know that's useful I got from scholling.

John Henry

The Godfather said...

"never join a mob. Ever. Even if you agree with the mob."

That's what Bari Weiss says in the linked article. How does that advice square with then-Pres. Trump's encouragement to his supporters to march peacefully to the Capitol to encourage Congress to address (alleged) vote misconduct? I assume that the answer to my question is that participating in peaceful action isn't the same as joining a mob. But when do you know that you're in a mob, not a crowd, or a crowd that will turn into a mob? And if you refuse to participate in a crowd action that might ("might") turn into a mob, are you withdrawing from the political battlefield? And who benefits from that?

Darkisland said...


I would feel safe at Trump event. He's held hundreds, perhaps as many as a thousand over the past 5 years. How many engaged any violence?

There were a lot of people at the rally that day. I've heard numbers as high as 200,000. None of them were violent. Other than the 200 (two hundred) or so who entered the capital. Even they were very peaceful with 1-2 (yup, just 1 or 2) exceptions. No destruction, no vandalism, stayed in the rope lines, left when asked and so on.

The courts agreed, dropping charges against almost all of them. How many have been charged with anything? 5? and of those, how many for anything violent.

Correct my numbers if I am wrong.

John Henry

Anonymous said...

Crack - "Somehow, I don't think these white people - always ready to declare themselves racism-free but dedicated to challenging blacks -"

Let me try to break this down. I'm a racist. I ain't racism-free, whatever that means. You've been in Prog World too long. I'm a white supremacist. Don't even know what that word means.

You, Crack, said you would teach me fly-fishing in God Blessed Idaho. I know the rivers and the creeks.

Brother, I'm gonna put you up in the Coeur d'Alene Resort this summer. 2 nights. (that's all I can afford.)

You gonna keep your word and sit on the bank fly-fishing? Get your blackass out here to God's Country. White Supremacists' don't hate black people, BUT...you black people are kinda...loud. Scares the fish. Nome sayin'

Anonymous said...

Wait...wait. Crack...how cool would this be? Check this out...a camp fire, I mean a blazing campfire. with...John Henry. Can you dig it? Crack...think about it...we're fly fishing, we probably catch no fish, because you scared the fish away, but we have a glorious campfire. I already know the place. But...check this out. John Henry! He's not racist, because he's Puerto Rican! It's perfect.

Man, would I like to sit around a campfire with Crack and John Henry. (and Dr K)

Darkisland said...

Blogger Hercules, not that one though said...

Man, would I like to sit around a campfire with Crack and John Henry. (and Dr K)

You're on, Herc. Idaho panhandle is one of my favorite places on earth. More Sand Point than Couer D'Alene but that whole area is great.

Not much of a fisherman but a principal, located in Spokane, did take a bunch of us fishing on Lake CDA once and I'd love to do it again.

You me and Crack? Yeah, let's do it.

But not a campfire, more like a firepit at a decent hotel. I'm to old to sleep on the ground anymore.

John Henry

Largo said...

re: injections.

The extreme fragility of the vaccine itself might have something to do with it.

BTW, intravenous takes practice, but is intramuscular injection harder that subcutaneous? I mastered the latter when I was eight on my first try (juvenile diabetes).

Anonymous said...

John Henry-

Please forgive the tardiness of my response. I needed to get off the web for a few days. I confess that when I camp I take a 4" foam sheet to sleep on. Gettin' old.

I checked with the Coeur d'Alene Resort. They have fire rings. Sandpoint is wonderful in the summer, 45 mins away, but get 3x the snow. Coeur d'Alene is a beautiful protected valley in which to live.

It's up to Cracka Emcee now. Although, I'll 'circle back' with you, if Crack fails to respond.

Who else wants a piece of this? Summer. People don't wear masks here. Are you tired of that yet?

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