February 24, 2021

Prime civility bullshit headline from WaPo's Karen Tumulty: "The people concerned about Neera Tanden’s incivility sure didn’t seem to mind the Trump era’s."

I've been writing under the tag "civility bullshit" for years. It represents my longstanding opinion that calls for civility are always bullshit. Certainly in the area of politics, calls for civility always come out when the incivility is hurting your people. When somebody is deploying incivility effectively for your side, you hold your tongue and enjoy the damage. 

But let's consider the Neera Tanden problem. Her incivility is in the past. People on her side enjoyed the damage she inflicted at the time and I don't think any of her people tried to pull her back with calls for civility. It's just that now she's Biden's nominee to head the Office of Management and the Budget, and the old incivility makes her seem like too much of a political hack to be trusted in that position.

Nobody bellyaches about incivility when it's working as a weapon for their side, and the charge of incivility is another political weapon, whipped out when the other side is landing incivility punches on you. 

Here's the Karen Tumulty piece: 

With the defection of Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin III of West Virginia, [Tanden's] nomination looks to be sunk in the evenly divided Senate if she cannot win the support of at least one Republican.... [Manchin's] stated reason, the “toxic and detrimental impact” of Tanden’s “overtly partisan statements,” is hard to take at face value.

Manchin, after all, voted in 2018 to confirm Richard Grenell as ambassador to Germany. He was apparently unconcerned — as were 55 of his Senate colleagues — with the diplomatic skills of a social media troll who in the past had tweeted that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “is starting to look like Madeleine Albright” and that MSNBC host Rachel Maddow should “take a breath and put on a necklace.” Grenell’s social media lowlights also included mocking the hairstyle of Callista Gingrich, who was later named Trump’s ambassador to the Vatican. 

A nominee for Ambassador to Germany said a few things about how women look. Is that it?

Nor has sharp-elbowed partisanship previously been a disqualifier for budget directors.

Sharp-elbowed partisanship? Are we changing the topic?

Mick Mulvaney, confirmed 51 to 49 in 2017, helped found the hard-right Freedom Caucus in the House during his time as a South Carolina congressman.

Seems like the topic changed to political extremism. Tumulty cites no incivility, just the problem of being too radically political. And isn't that really the problem with Tanden's old tweets? They demonstrate that she's too much of a politico for the position.

The lone Republican dissenter [on Mulvaney] was Sen. John McCain of Arizona, who cited Mulvaney’s past votes to slash defense spending — a legitimate difference over policy. It seems fair to wonder whether sexism is a factor working against Tanden in the male-dominated Senate....

And now the topic shifts again. Now, the idea is sexism. This column is petering out into incoherence. I'll just quote the last 2 sentences, which are good old-fashioned civility bullshit:

[G]iven the general climate on social media, Republicans would do well to worry what might happen to a GOP president’s nominees in the future. If senators really want to usher in a new standard of civility, the first thing they might want to consider is whether it should begin with forgiveness.


mezzrow said...

There are those who are susceptible to this game of three card monte. Others, not so much.

We shall see the proportions displayed for us in the upcoming months, but don't expect the usual sources to tell you the truth about what's really going on, or to fail to distort this at every opportunity.

IOW, business as usual. They think it's working, and they could be right.

What a time to be alive.

rehajm said...

Republicans would do well to worry what might happen to a GOP president’s nominees in the future

Hahaha! We won't have another one of those...

Heartless Aztec said...

It's a three shell monte game with the pea already palmed.

rehajm said...

Now it's all standing, laches, moot. Standing, laches, moot. The only way out of the loop would be for a Republican to steal the Presidency and there's the problem with how we get another one of those...

tim maguire said...

: "The people concerned about Donald Trump's incivility sure didn’t seem to mind Neera Tanden’s."

Typical lefty: It's ok that we do it because they do it too. But they suck for doing it.

rhhardin said...

I can't judge without seeing some of her incivil tweets from the past. They might prove that she's witty, or they might prove that she's too dumb to walk.

You want a person who can make policy based on structure rather than feelings. Usually that works against women, a priori.

Breezy said...

Tanden’s tweet attacks were often against the very Senators she now needs to confirm her. This is just desserts.

Shouting Thomas said...

Now that we have a completely fake government run by the CCP, what isn’t bullshit?

The leader of the opposition party has been censored into silence and unpersoned... the traditional method of the Red Guard.

I’m not going to speak of anything relating to the Biden/CCP administration as if it were a legitimate U.S. government.

rhhardin said...

In Trump's case they proved wit. I'm not sure women can distinguish. The dems certainly assume that women can't distinguish.

rhhardin said...

Grab the lady by the pussy and put her in office.

Breezy said...

She had to delete over a thousand tweets and apologized for them. A thousand! She’s hardly civil herself. Just desserts.

tim maguire said...

If senators really want to usher in a new standard of civility, the first thing they might want to consider is whether it should begin with forgiveness.

1) might...consider...whether...should...count the weasel words!

No, what they might want to consider is competence, level of demonstrated competence will tell you how much weight to give the other stuff. And Tanden has not demonstrated competence for this position.

Temujin said...

I wonder daily how people seeing the same things can have such different takes on what it is they're seeing. Like when I watch Brian Stelter from CNN talk about Fox News being dangerous because of how they spread misinformation. This coming from the network that dragged out the Russia Collusion play for four years, or had it's reporters standing in front of burning cities while describing the summer riots as 'peaceful protests'.

I always wonder which category these people are in: Are they simply stupid, or are they disingenuous liars?

This same thing applies to Karen Tumulty and the entire media complex. They've spent so much time, so many years distorting the truth that the rest of us see with our own eyes, hear with our own ears, and sense in our gut, that you wonder who they're even talking to anymore with this bullshit? Is Tumulty just stupid, or is she just a disingenuous liar? Or worse, does she just assume we're too stupid to know the difference between reality and their fiction?

Jeff Brokaw said...

Telling people what they want to hear is comforting. It’s only dangerous when the Right does it, of course.

Jeff Brokaw said...

The New York Times proves daily that the ability to coherently string words and phrases together has zero correlation with understanding the world around you, and is in fact quite compatible with living in fantasy land.

richlb said...

Is "tumulty" a real adjective? As in, she is very tumulty. It should be.

RoseAnne said...

When Biden announced his selections, 2 names jumped out: Jen Psalki and Neera Tandem.

Not because they are women but because they weren't good at their jobs in the last Democratic administration. Psalki has lived up to my expectations.

Neera Tandem is a bit different situation. She didn't delete 25 or 50 tweets; she deleted over a thousand and she was an equal opportunity insulter. She tried to steamroll anyone in her (or the person she represented) way without concern for negotiation.

That actually is a valid position to take in my opinion. BE the "junkyard dog" if that is the role you want to play and be the best one possible. Her mistake was not owning the choice she made.

BTW, weren't we told that Biden had an "all female" communication leadership? Did I imagine that? If my deputy pulled the crap that TJ Ducklo pulled on day one of the administration, either he or I would not be working there by the end of the day. Even if Biden had not said what he did about firing people for being disrespectful, Psalki should have lowered the boom on him. The fact she didn't tells me she isn't leading anything either.

Kate said...

I'm sure she's a lovely lady, but Callista Gingrich has some of the most mockable hair in politics. I mean, c'mon.

Gusty Winds said...

Shouting Thomas said...Now that we have a completely fake government run by the CCP, what isn’t bullshit?

That's so true it hurts. But as long as we took the trolley to Mr. Rogers land of make believe, screw Neera Tandin. She's as bad as Ana Navarro.

wendybar said...

It's okay for her to spew here hate on twitter...she is a Democrat, and as we can see plainly, there are different rules for them to follow.

Matt Sablan said...

"[G]iven the general climate on social media, Republicans would do well to worry what might happen to a GOP president’s nominees in the future. If senators really want to usher in a new standard of civility, the first thing they might want to consider is whether it should begin with forgiveness."

-- They might be accused of being gang rapists or they might have their religious beliefs implied to create a dual loyalty, you know, the dogma might speak loudly in them.

David Begley said...

Serious question for the Althouse community. What about telling a young female lawyer on Twitter that facial piercings through the nose and lip are not a professional look?

David Begley said...

After what the Dems did to Trump’s nominees, I don’t think any GOP Senator should vote for any Biden nominees other than Defense, State and Treasury.

Antiantifa said...

Anne, help me out here. I thought “whataboutism” is an invalid form of argument. Isn’t that at least as much the point of this column as civility bullshit?

Gusty Winds said...

There's a difference. When Trump labeled Hillary as "Crooked" he was right. When he tweeted John Kerry was stupid, he was right. When Trump said Europe was cheap, and not holding up their end of NATO costs, he was right. He was right about the election fraud too.

Now he is basically banned from speaking to the American public, or his supporters.

Neera Tanden was frothing at the mouth about the Kavanaugh hearings. The Red headed dingbat was a Russian hoaxer. Both full of shit.

Let's make sure we qualify these things.

Birches said...

Sablan wins the thread

Gusty Winds said...

This is quite rich at a time when the Democrat party is trying to label 75 Million Trump supporters as domestic terrorists.

wendybar said...

Then we have LYING Merrick Garland...calling the what happened at the Capitol a bombing?? and NOBODY questioned him about that?? Is he as delusional as Joe?? We should know the answers to that.

Kevin said...

No NYT staffers were made to feel unsafe in the making of this article.

JMW Turner said...

I'll take Tumulty as a disingenuous liar, Alex. Any candidate for a position in a Republican administration, a fantasy that will never happen again in my lifetime, would have been eviscerated by Ms Tumulty and the other MSM hyenas if that candidate was found to have a similar Twitter history. Four years of the Democrat's nasty brand of incivilty has hardened my resolve to *not* go-along to get-along with these left wing Facists.

michaele said...

It struck me as kind of amusing that of all the snarky tweets Richard Grenell probably had in his pre confirmation twitter feed, Tumulty picks out one that references Hillary Clinton starting to look like Madeline Albright. Hmm, who is revealing that she, herself, thinks that is some terrible insult?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Hacking up another phlegmatic Big Media defense of incivility. It takes twice the hackery chops to write drivel in support of double standards, but Karen has been practicing puffery for so long she prevaricates with ease and specializes in almost sounding rational. Almost. Neera’s nastiness is just a tad too much to paper over.

wildswan said...

"Shouting Thomas said
I’m not going to speak of anything relating to the Biden/CCP administration as if it were a legitimate U.S. government."

The Cam and Sham show. With support from Squish, RINO, GOPe.

doctrev said...

The worst part for the Dems is that Matt Taibbi and Jimmy Dore correctly regard Tanden as an enemy of progressives, and castigate the Justice Democrats for meekly backing her. She has no real constituency beyond Clinton-era neoliberals, and I'm astonished more Senators aren't dunking on her.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

I usually wonder whether trying to make such unalike things sound alike is tactical, or the way they really perceive what is happening. With James Carville, it was mostly tactical. He said what he thought would work in an effort to win. But narcissists actually do perceive the world with this level of sensitivity, that me calling you a rapist is just trying to be protective of women, but your odd glance at me is a physical assault.

The two are not mutually exclusive, but one is nearly always dominant. I increasingly lean to the narcissism explanation.

wendybar said...

Lies and Propaganda lead to incivility. We have been lied to for over 5 years by the idiots in charge behind the fences now. They are afraid of us because they know, we know how corrupted the system is, and they know they are to blame. It is not going to end well...no matter what fluff they throw at their constituents at this point. We are at the point of no return, when the lies become their truth, and the rest of us know they are building their house of cards on their bed of lies and corruption....

tim maguire said...

Temujin said...I always wonder which category these people are in: Are they simply stupid, or are they disingenuous liars?

A question that has fascinated me for years. Is it possible for someone acting with good intent to get into this state. And the answer is yes. It is.

First a bit of background: my wife used to be a reporter at a major New York city daily and I met a lot of reporters socially when we first got together. They sincerely believe they are good people doing good important work. They do not understand why they are hated; in fact, they don't really believe that they are hated.

It works like this: when a normal person witnesses an event, they liken it to other similar things they've seen. If they investigate and ask questions, it's to get a better sense of what it really is, to see what makes it unique, to separate it from those other events. To help them understand how to think about it.

The reporter also asks questions to help them understand how to think about it too, but in a different way. The reporter has a limited number of mental "boxes" and all events fit into one of those boxes. They ask questions to help them understand which box it goes in. So they enter the event with a more or less open mind, but at some point, a light bulb goes off and it's "oh, I get it, it's one of these. From that moment forward, all facts are made to fit their "one of these" determination and any facts that don't fit get ignored.

It's all done in good faith, they really believe they have accurately assessed the situation and are just highlighting the important parts. That's why they are so hopeless--because they are right according to the standards they operate by, true to the principles of their profession.

tim maguire said...

Antiantifa said...Anne, help me out here. I thought “whataboutism” is an invalid form of argument.

Not sure what the problem is. The columnist is engaging in whataboutism and the professor is calling bullshit on her.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Tim confirms journalists are dumb but that doesn’t explain why they tend to be so reflexively supportive of people who hate honest reporting. That’s kinda weird huh? Until critical studies the only good collegiate paths for stupid students were teaching or if they were unmotivated journalism.

MayBee said...

Was the way Betsy DeVos was talked about or treated called sexism?

Bob Boyd said...

And isn't that really the problem...she's too much of a politico for the position.


And there's no double standard between the Mulvaney and Tanden when it comes to that. Trump had the votes for his guy. Biden doesn't. At least not until Manchin gets something he wants and flips.

Lurker21 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lurker21 said...

Joe Manchin III

My semiotic sense is tingling. Why call him that? Do we say "Joe Biden, Jr."? It's a one-two punch. "Joe" is a prole. "Joseph Manchin III" is a toff. Call him "Joe Manchin III" and either you are an idiot or you want to paint him as both a slob and a slob, or a yokel with patrician pretensions.

Notice too the comparison of Tanden's attacks with Mulvaney's forming a conservative group in Congress. It's not a valid analogy. If AOC were nominated, there'd be much opposition and for many reasons, but her just being on the left and having a squad wouldn't in itself be equated with viciousness.

I don't know just how vicious Tanden was or is, but the reproach against her isn't "extremism." Tanden's attacks on Bernie Sanders mean she may be left, but not that far left. What Tumulty forgets is that those more in the center can be quite savage, while those further out in either direction aren't necessarily more vicious. Partisanship can motivate ferocity as much as extremism can.

Mulvaney's forming a group further to the right than others doesn't make him an extremist, either. What we saw with Maureen Dowd yesterday, we see in Tumulty today. Negative talking points against somebody are strung together without much regard for accuracy or logical connection, because the columnists can get away with it.

Lurker21 said...

A nominee for Ambassador to Germany said a few things about how women look. Is that it?

There is an awful lot to unpack in Grennell and in Tumulty in that sentence, a whole history between two groups, but I'm not going to touch it.

narciso said...

Garland 'removing all doubt' two days ago. Levine certifiable. Becerra an embarassment

M Jordan said...

I became familiar with Neera Tandem when she started showing up on Fox panels. Her sneering, obnoxious attitude grated greatly on me. But when I read Susan Collins’ comment — “Boo hoo hoo, how could we possibly confirm someone who trolled —TROLLED!!! — a US Senator — ME!!! — I suddenly found myself cheering Tanden on. January 6 put on display Swamp Fragility like nothing else. These people are cowards, liars, narcissists, fools, babies, idiots, and douchebags supreme.

Confirm Tandem! More trolls are needed!

donald said...

There is nothing lovely about Calista Gingrich.

Tina Trent said...

@David Begley: nose rings and tongue and eyebrow piercings are so grotesque, I find it hard to even speak with people who have them. I don’t know why the earlobe seems so far less awful than the eyebrow, which is at least relatively as hygienic, but when people stick metal through their noses and lips and tongues, I can’t look at them without thinking about head-colds and sneezing and spit and getting food stuck in tongue spikes.

Maybe the masking fervor has one upside.

chickelit said...

Hillary will reward Tanden for her unswerving loyalty--perhaps writing her into that forthcoming novel in a good way. She'll be OK.

Lurker21 said...

The reporter also asks questions to help them understand how to think about it too, but in a different way. The reporter has a limited number of mental "boxes" and all events fit into one of those boxes. They ask questions to help them understand which box it goes in. So they enter the event with a more or less open mind, but at some point, a light bulb goes off and it's "oh, I get it, it's one of these. From that moment forward, all facts are made to fit their "one of these" determination and any facts that don't fit get ignored.

Excellent point. That does fit the reporters one sees in movies, going all the way back to The Front Page. They attack a story convinced that they know the pattern it fits. It explains a lot about those free city papers of the seventies that were always convinced that they knew the score, who's the good guy and who's the bad guy. In those days, the established press was more neutral. Today the whole industry (or what remains of it) has the ethos of those papers that were labeled "alternative" forty years ago.

DanTheMan said...

"Stop insulting people, you racist Nazi white supremacist!!!"

jim said...

I'm glad there can be civil discourse for and against nominees, and don't like Manchin being called a racist-sexist for opposing.

wendybar said...

MayBee said...
Was the way Betsy DeVos was talked about or treated called sexism?

2/24/21, 8:02 AM

MayBee, MayBee, MayBee...the difference is Betsy is on the right, AND Trump nominated her...so she DESERVES that treatment, didn't you know that????

jim said...

shutting down opposition is Trumpism, whether from left or right

MadTownGuy said...

"[G]iven the general climate on social media, Republicans would do well to worry what might happen to a GOP president’s nominees in the future. If senators really want to usher in a new standard of civility, the first thing they might want to consider is whether it should begin with forgiveness."

Tumulty's a fine one to talk about forgiveness. The Left holds grudges and doesn't let go of them. And regardless of what Republicans do regarding current nominees, any person nominated by a Republican president in the future (d.v.) will get Borked.

jim said...

Betsy Devos deserved her treatment because she was/is ignorant, incompetent, and a Trump toady.

Lurker21 said...

Yes, at a time when ex-Presidents get impeached and prosecutors are looking for something, anything, to indict Trump for, talk of forgiveness is indeed hypocritical.

wendybar said...

jim said...
Betsy Devos deserved her treatment because she was/is ignorant, incompetent, and a Trump toady.

2/24/21, 8:21 AM

And WE think the same way about Neera Tandem.

Gusty Winds said...

Blogger jim said...
Betsy Devos deserved her treatment because she was/is ignorant, incompetent, and a Trump toady.

Betsy Davos, thank God, wasn't beholden to the Teachers Union crap that is hurting inner city kids more than anyone. Other than Journalists, the Teachers Unions have shown themselves to be he most selfish, ignorant organization in the country.

Bob Boyd said...

nose rings and tongue and eyebrow piercings are so grotesque, I find it hard to even speak with people who have them.

A blunt friend of mine once told a young man, who was quite proud of his myriad facial piercings, "Looks like a tackle box blew up in your face."

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Criticize a Black woman politician and you're a racist and sexist. Criticize a white woman and you're only a sexist. Doesn't matter that criticism comes with the job of politician.

"If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen." - Harry S. Truman.

narciso said...

Nothing to see here:


Rory said...

"I usually wonder whether trying to make such unalike things sound alike is tactical, or the way they really perceive what is happening"

I think that progressivism requires the rejection of argument by analogy. The target shifts every day, so it's not even a goal to produce consistent results.

Jeff Weimer said...

For the Democrats, of course, her policy chops (such as they are) are 3rd in importance. 1st is her gender - the better to dismiss any and all opposition to her, and 2nd *is* her uncivil partisanship.

Francisco D said...

Mike of Snoqualmie said...
Criticize a Black woman politician and you're a racist and sexist. Criticize a white woman and you're only a sexist.

Criticize a conservative Black woman politician and you are fighting for civil rights. Criticize a conservative White woman and you are speaking out against all the ills embodied in the Deplorables.


I Callahan said...

[G]iven the general climate on social media, Republicans would do well to worry what might happen to a GOP president’s nominees in the future.

Hah! What a dishonest hack. If she were even slightly honest, she'd admit that this horse left the barn a long time ago.

Matt Sablan said...

"If she were even slightly honest, she'd admit that this horse left the barn a long time ago."

-- I want someone to tweet to ask her if she knows what the term "Borking" means.

I Callahan said...

I want someone to tweet to ask her if she knows what the term "Borking" means.

That's EXACTLY who I had in mind when I typed my comment.

Fernandinande said...

From that moment forward, all facts are made to fit their "one of these" determination and any facts that don't fit get ignored.

Well, yeah, but why are most reporters so dishonest?

Temujin said...

Tim Maguire said: "They sincerely believe they are good people doing good important work. They do not understand why they are hated; in fact, they don't really believe that they are hated."

I think there's more to it than this. They are not just hated, or disliked. It's worse. They are disregarded. They are mocked, and among the masses- ridiculed. And there is nothing worse than supposedly being the eyes for the public and considering yourselves expert on topics that you cover, while your audience views you as a clownish, dull-headed figure. They've utterly destroyed their own industry and credibility and their answer to this is to continue questioning everyone but themselves.

And, perhaps it's because your wife used to be a reporter and you've had personal contact with a number of them, you may lean toward giving them the benefit of the doubt. But when you say they come to reporting with a number of boxes and they ask questions and try to fit the into one of their boxes, I think you're mistaken. I think we're past those days. That's how it used to be. I think we're now at a point where they know the story before they leave their home. They know how they'll approach it, how to describe it, and how it'll be presented. I know this because they all read from the same script. If they were truly asking questions to fit into one of their boxes, there would still be differing views on which box it fits in. But today's "journalists" all use the same words, same phrases- as if they all got the same report.

A few years ago, during the Clinton years, I used to remark that it's as if reporters no longer go out. They just stand by the fax machine to learn what they are supposed to write. Today it's even easier. They get their cues online. And they know what the story is before the get to the location or person they are covering.

Big Mike said...

I can't judge without seeing some of her incivil tweets from the past. They might prove that she's witty, or they might prove that she's too dumb to walk.

@rhhardin, one of the targets for Neera Tanden’s insults was Susan Collins, whose vote she now desperately needs. So I’ll go with “too dumb to walk.”

Ray - SoCal said...

I’m astonished at how the eGOP is playing Marquess of Queensberry Rules for Biden Confirmations.

Where the Democrats went full resistance for Trumps Senate Confirmations.

And the eGOP allowed that.

I’m surprised at how kids gloves the treatment of Biden nominees has been.

And it looks like the “moderate” Garland will be confirmed with McConnell’s vote.
The new neo had a good article on Garland how he was presented as a “moderate”.

Remember back when Merrick Garland was described as being a moderate?

Skeptical Voter said...

You can describe the work of almost any reporter or columnist in the Washington Post simply by leaving the "civility" adjective off it. From bull dust they came and bull dust they'll deliver---by the wheelbarrow load.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The modern democrat party is Stalinist, Nazi, brownshirt, free speech stomping, lying, money grubbing, greedy, lying, lying, lying assholes.

There - some civility for the corrupt left.

Dude1394 said...

I don’t really care about her at all. But what I do care about is how the democrats filibustered and fought tooth and nail against nearly every trump nominee for everything. But the Republican Party icould force a Kamala Harris tiebreaker on everything, but nah. The Republican Party needs to be replaced because they just do not have the stones to compete with the democrats.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Manchin will come around. He usually always caves to the mob persuasion of his corrupt party.

Joe Smith said...

What you get for using social media.

Make her grovel as if she mentioned the n-word in passing at a conference 14 years ago that nobody attended.

Then make her grovel some more.

Joe Smith said...

"The Republican Party needs to be replaced because they just do not have the stones to compete with the democrats."

Correct...zero balls are known to be present.

Nancy Pelosi has bigger balls than anyone in the republican party.

Big Mike said...

Betsy Davos, thank God, wasn't beholden to the Teachers Union crap that is hurting inner city kids more than anyone. Other than Journalists, the Teachers Unions have shown themselves to be he most selfish, ignorant organization in the country.

@Gusty Winds, if black people really believed that black lives mattered there’d be mobs of them busting open cans of whomp-ass on a lot of people in the US education establishment.

Achilles said...

“The Republican Party needs to be replaced because they just do not have the stones to compete with the democrats.“

It isn’t a lack of stones.

There are two parties: swamp and citizens.

Not democrat and republicans.

It is that a bunch of GOPe are on team swamp.

Lurker21 said...

Interesting comment on Kausfiles. Republican leaders talk about "radicalism" and "socialism" rather than say that Biden's policies are '"anti-borders" "pro-amnesty," "pro-welfare" "anti-jobs" & "pro-Woke,"' because the vague "overarching sentiment" lets them "sell out on the specifics." I'm sure there are other angles to it -- emotional reactions to the big labels is stronger and they're easier to throw around -- but it's a valid point.

narciso said...

Who is, not turtle or mccarthy they are basenghi.

Geoff Matthews said...

Who knew that a gay man (Richard Grennell) could be so catty towards women's looks?

Earnest Prole said...

Neera Tanden is toast. Her miscalculation was attacking not only Republicans but also progressive Democrats in nasty, personal terms, then expecting them to let bygones be bygones the second it benefitted her.

Sebastian said...

"it should begin with forgiveness"

That's actually funny.

Which makes you wonder: do progs know they are spouting BS? Or are they so secure in their bubble that they can afford these mindless emanations?

Anyway, forgiveness is an old white concept, going back, like, a couple of millennia. So, actually taboo in the prog era. No forgiveness for the insurrectionists etc. etc.

But watch for it to be deployed a different way--as in, whites should beg for forgiveness, then earn it by paying reparations.

Sebastian said...

"I always wonder which category these people are in: Are they simply stupid, or are they disingenuous liars?"

I see Temujin got there first. But now I wonder: are these the only options? Do we need something more than a stupid/lying matrix to classify our progs?

Achilles said...

Lurker21 said...
Interesting comment on Kausfiles. Republican leaders talk about "radicalism" and "socialism" rather than say that Biden's policies are '"anti-borders" "pro-amnesty," "pro-welfare" "anti-jobs" & "pro-Woke,"' because the vague "overarching sentiment" lets them "sell out on the specifics." I'm sure there are other angles to it -- emotional reactions to the big labels is stronger and they're easier to throw around -- but it's a valid point.

This is a good point.

I am going to apply this to the extent I can be aware of self communication patterns.

I am guessing you could suss out some bad faith with this one as well properly applied.

Clyde said...

Just as Trump wasn't able to find Republican nominees who weren't swampers, so Biden* hasn't been able to find Democrat nominees who aren't vile, hateful people. That's all they have on the bench.

Danno said...

jim said...shutting down opposition is Trumpism, whether from left or right

Please show your work. Otherwise we will assume you blew this answer outta your ass.

LA_Bob said...

tim maguire said, "First a bit of background..."

That's a great comment about the mindset of the reporter. What really bothers me is the amount of editorializing that ends up in their reports.

I got so irritated reading over and over about Trump's "unfounded" claims of election fraud. The claims may have been unfounded in whole or in part. But it wasn't the reporters job to say so. That's drawing a conclusion about the facts. They could have left it with, "Trump filed n claims of election fraud, and the courts tossed y of them out." That's reporting, and that's what they should do.

Do their "more or less open" minds ever include this mental box?

LA_Bob said...

narciso said, "Garland 'removing all doubt' two days ago."

I've never been so grateful to Mitch McConnell after reading about Garland's testimony.

n.n said...
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n.n said...

Trump did not kneel, but stood his ground and met the Fourth Estate on their terms. Abort the bastard, cannibalize his profitable parts, and sequester his carbon pollutants. #Witches #Warlocks #BabyLivesMatter

n.n said...

Garland 'removing all doubt' two days ago. Levine certifiable. Becerra an embarassment

So bad that even Democrats oppose him, and on no less than Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness grounds. Harris, part deux.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

A nominee for Ambassador to Germany said a few things about how women look. Is that it?

The ability to refrain from commenting on an ugly woman's looks might be a key qualification for ambassador to a country headed by Angela Merkel.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

I love it when lefties beat up straw men rather than going after the actual argument

It lets me know that the argument is in fact correct.

That is what Karen Tumulty is doing here. Neera Tanden's problem is that she repeatedly attacked Republicans who she now has to work with.

"Mick Mulvaney, confirmed 51 to 49 in 2017, helped found the hard-right Freedom Caucus." So what?

Tumulty's problem isn't that she's left win, Tumulty's problem is that she's a vicious partisan who repeatedly made sleazy personal attacks against Republican House and Senate members.

So, I guess the question is, is Karen Tumulty a liar who knows what the actual problem is, and doesn't care?

Or is she such a vicious partisan herself, and just so mentally limited, that she can't tell the difference between disagreeing with her on policy, and personally attacking her?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

"Given the general climate on social media, Republicans would do well to worry what might happen to a GOP president’s nominees in the future. "

Oh, that was made obvious in 2017:

No Republican nominee will be confirmed unless the GOP controls the Senate.

It's an argument for "Democrats are idiots." There's no "we can't do this to Dems, because otherwise they'll do it to us", because the Dems have already firmly established that their are no principled limits on any of their behavior.

Scotty, beam me up... said...

Every US Senator has his / her price. I think we will find out what Sen. Manchin’s price is for his votes on nominees after Schumer begs at Manchin’s feet for a yes vote. And with it being a 50/50 split, Sen. Manchin, can in the short term until the tie is broken, match Robert Byrd’s penchant for diverting federal funds to West Va.

Gunner said...

So is Tumulty going to lecture the Democrat whiners who voted down Trumps picks based on "incivility" but are ok with this woman? Somehow I doubt it.

Sam L. said...

WE'RE on the RIGHT side, and THEY'RE on the WRONG SIDE!!!!1111!!!!!

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