February 3, 2021

Any chance this is comedy? "Portlandia"-style comedy? Just an idle hope of mine.


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n.n said...

Diversity dogma, not limited to racism, denies individual dignity, individual conscience, and intrinsic value, forms the foundation of the Pro-Choice selective, opportunistic, relativistic ("ethical"), ostensibly "secular" quasi-religion of the Progressive Church.

farmgirl said...

The pups were taken away from their mothers in Animal Farm(yes- again w/this reference). They appear at the end of the book- all grown up and totally in the control of those who educated them: the elitist pigs.

Welcome to America...

Lyle said...

No, this young man is serious. He learned this at some college too. Lots of PhDs need to have their PhDs taken way, me thinks.

farmgirl said...

Or- what n.n said

Heartless Aztec said...

Thank God I'm elderly and will die in the next couple of decades. It will be a blessing.

Nonapod said...

I guess it's Poe's Law?

Scott M said...

Interesting, and pleasantly surprised, to see Sully post something like that.

wildswan said...

""A racist policy is any measure that produces or sustains racial inequity between racial groups. An antiracist policy is any measure that produces or sustains racial equity between racial groups." Kendi

And so disproportionate numbers of abortions in the black community is racism?
And disproportionate refusal by teachers unions to do in-person teaching in black majority city like Chicago? Racism again?

It's easy to say "I'm a racist" as compared to doing the hard work of saying "I oppose the disproportionate number of abortions in the black community." Or imagine doing the hard work of getting Harrisbiden to oppose the teachers unions. Why, instead, not go on TikTok and buy cheap salvation with a cheap confession of sin without any intention of doing the real work of repentance.

PM said...

I now have a visual reference for a poorf.

YoungHegelian said...

From the TikTok link that I can't cut & paste because it's image and not text, the quotation "he admitted he's a[n] oppressor...".

This is the exact same logic used by the Red Guards in struggle sessions/Self criticism sessions. The unfortunate victim would admit his error to the kangaroo court, hoping to be re-admitted to its good graces, only to discover that the court then used his own words against him to find him guilty.

The victim thought he was giving an apology. The court wanted a confession. It was often a fatal distinction.

Lyle said...

It's Portlandia if he claims to be bisexual as well.

Old and slow said...

It's a lot more fun to watch if you imagine it is clever comedy. It isn't... .

Ralph L said...

Kamala's step-daughter is growing a mustache?

Old and slow said...

Ralph L, that was pretty good.

Rabel said...

He's an actor/singer looking for publicity.

Old and slow said...

I was just asked to identify tractors. That is a first for me. I guess our AI overlords are feeling pretty confident about crosswalks these days.

Lucid-Ideas said...

China is going to skullfuck these infants.

Francisco D said...

Before it was deemed racist, social psychologists looked at "internal vs. external locus of control" as a predictor of positive adaptive behaviors. The more you believe that your life outcomes are externally determined, the less successful people tend to be, and vice versa.

CRT is essentially reinforcing the external locus of control that has plagued much of the Black community for decades. It will only lead to disappointment and morph into another race scam in 10 years.

The mindless little soy boys are just tools. Some will figure it out, many will not.

Yancey Ward said...

The struggle sessions are coming, folks. Better get ready and decide whether or not confessing your guilt will save you.

Lawrence Person said...

Anyone who voted for Biden voted to empower social justice warriors.

That includes Andrew Sullivan.

Mr. D said...

Many colleges will assign a book for incoming first-year students to read, with discussions of said book as part of the orientation period. If I ran a college, I'd send every incoming student a copy of Eric Hoffer's "The True Believer" and a pocket-sized mirror.

wildswan said...

"An antiracist policy is any measure that produces or sustains racial equity between racial groups." Kendi

And so Donald Trump's policies on energy and trade which created the rising levels of black employment were antiracist. And the crowds that cheered wildly when Trump talked about rising levels of black employment - they were antiracist. And the Paris Climate accords and the lockdowns which are disproportionately taking away jobs in the black community - those are racist, aren't they? And we can expect to hear Mr. Cheap Grace O'TikTok that he's doing the hard work of making the Harrisbiden administration keep the antiracist policies of Trump? Oh, yeah. He's a talker, he's a guy who would compete in women's sports.

Temujin said...

It's real. He's too good, too serious at it. Like he wants to jump through his phone and grab someone by the throat to make sure they understand.

Nice degree he earned. It's virtually worthless. In five years or less, he'll be unemployed and protesting in the streets of Seattle. I do believe that Atlas is about to shrug. And there will be a grinding down of society. No one will care about collectivism when they're starving. They'll wonder what happened to their individual dreams.

It takes only one generation to go from freedom to slavery.

Yancey Ward said...


That profile picture is disconcerting and creepy.

I'm Not Sure said...

"It will only lead to disappointment and morph into another race scam in 10 years."

Another one? It's not like reparation demands ever go out of style.

Cacimbo said...

Look at his other tiktoks, he is deadly serious. Worse all the supportive comments on his tiktok.

J. Farmer said...

This is a good example of how ideas degrade as they travel from originator to primary source audience to secondary source audience and so on. Critical theory has important insights into social order, but this rant is what you'd get if you put those insights through a meatgrinder first.

A foundational insight in critical theory is that a society is not reducible to its individual members. Human behavior is not merely the product of individual agency but of cultural and social forces. I think this is undoubtedly true. If culture didn't have an impact on human behavior, why would it matter?

The manner in which individual agency and social forces interact to produce human behavior is extraordinarily complex and not well understood at all. The structure side of the argument wants to discount individual agency, and agency side of the argument wants to discount structure. That split is a big part of the left-right divide. The left says its a problem of society, and the right says its a problem of individuals. Who's right? Both of them!

We should be arguing about how to balance structure and agency instead of trying to argue that one or the other doesn't exist.

mikee said...

I, for one, believe that the government and academia could eliminate about 95% of all actual racism in the US overnight, by cessation of any laws, regulations, or policies that differentiate treatment of citizens on the basis of skin color.

That belief makes me racist these days.

I'm going to maintain my position for another 20 to 40 years, and see if it rolls back into popularity again.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Asswipes like Sullivan nurtured the twisted thinking of these beta boys and girls and now he acts all horrified.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Any chance this is comedy?

No, this is tragedy.

wendybar said...

I pray for our country. These people are nuts, and they are dividing us. This isn't going to end well. Go play hate and violence in Portland and Seattle or any other Liberal Utopia, and leave the rest of us alone.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Yancey, it's meant to be. Welcome to bizarro clown world. Meow Meow my good chum. Thanks for noticing

Rabel said...

"President Biden, are you a racist?"

Would love to see someone put that question to Biden.

mccullough said...


Good post.

I’d add various levels of government as part of social forces.

The prevailing focus nowadays is the interaction between federal government and academia, large corporations (finance, big tech, and oil/gas) as controlling social forces.

n.n said...

Diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment), not limited to racism, is not the wicked solution (or any other in that class), but it is a progressive condition that breeds adversity, and poses a persistent risk to liberalize over time and space.

Todd said...

And THAT is your educational tax dollars at work.

One day this pile of "woke" will be out in the world and in charge of something. Maybe something important! How sad...

J. Farmer said...

Do you think the kid using the obsessive quote fingers also believes Trig Palin is actually the bastard son of Sarah’s daughter Bristol?

Sullivan is an asshole.

It's funny that over 10 years later, that still gets brought up in the comments on every single post that features Sullivan. I never thought there was much to the "Trig Truther" argument, and the amount of attention Sullivan devoted to it on his blog was borderline obsessive. But there's no reason to take it personally, and it's certainly no reason to discount everything he says. It isn't a good idea to only read people you agree with. Don't always look to have your worldview validated; look to have it challenged.

Witness said...

Poe's law still holding on strong.

Lucid-Ideas said...

The Chinese have a word for these people that you may have heard of - BaiZuo (白左)

But it's a double entendre as the 工 reticle in Zuo (Left) also means to attack, as in they both attack others and themselves.

These creatures have no idea of the lack of sentimentality your average Chinese person or Russian has, not mentioning a bunch of other players. These kids think of themselves as pink-haired bi-curious wolverines. They haven't a clue.

narciso said...



pacwest said...

It's a college kid. Pretty common behavior for that age. I'm in with the in crowd. I saw tons of them in the late 60's early 70's. A lot of them grew up. I hope these do.

Joe Smith said...

Wait until he finds out he's a gay racist.

mikee said...

If I want my worldview challenged, I'll seek out somebody who hasn't made a personal vendetta out of the origin of a Down's child.

wendybar said...

If you want Comedy, just watch the clown show that is the Biden Administration and his Congress.....It would be hilarious, if there wasn't going to be consequences for it...

Joe Smith said...

"Kamala's step-daughter is growing a mustache?"

Probably not by choice : )

Mr. D said...

It's funny that over 10 years later, that still gets brought up in the comments on every single post that features Sullivan. I never thought there was much to the "Trig Truther" argument, and the amount of attention Sullivan devoted to it on his blog was borderline obsessive. But there's no reason to take it personally, and it's certainly no reason to discount everything he says.

Discount everything? No, but it does suggest a careful glance at the sell-by date on Sullivan's arguments.

Openidname said...

Best reply to @KEEMSTAR:

"'aaaand scene.'

"*hits 'stop recording'

"*takes sip of White Claw (Raspberry)

"*posts to social media

"*waits for girl he likes to notice"


Francisco D said...

J. Farmer said... The left says its a problem of society, and the right says its a problem of individuals. Who's right? Both of them! We should be arguing about how to balance structure and agency instead of trying to argue that one or the other doesn't exist.

I was not aware of anyone arguing structure versus agency. They are obviously intertwined. The problem is that past attempts to change structure (AA being the most obvious) have made things worse (e.g., Black kids failing at Ivy League schools rather than succeeding at state universities) and have completely ignored human agency.

I suspect that the race issue took a drastic turn for the worse when Vietnam war refugees came to California and became so successful that the idea only WASPs and Jews do well in American was essentially destroyed. Hence, the hustle of which CRT is only the latest derivation.

Jaq said...

If you skip the first couple of paragraphs where Sullivan is assuring the thought police that he really is with them, and get to the part he is really writing about, usually Sullivan is decent

Rabel said...

"The left says its a problem of society, and the right says its a problem of individuals."


That's a gross and misleading over-generalization which minimizes the insanity of the current state of Critical Race Theory and its White Fragility offshoot by conflating them with the older and much more realistic liberal theories of environment effect on outcomes and follows by over-generalizing the conservative view that environment matters but can be overcome by individual effort.

Your head seems to be in the sand on this one. The opinions of this fool have not been through a "meatgrinder" but are a USDA Prime example of exactly what is being pushed on our schools, our businesses and our bureaucrats.

Cacimbo said...

Look at his other tiktoks, he is deadly serious. Worse all the supportive comments on his tiktok.

n.n said...

Trump bypassed the Democrat-affiliated community leaders, sidestepped the social industrial complex (e.g. diversity racket), and pursued policies of revitalization, rehabilitation, and reconciliation. He stepped on a lot of fat toes, opened the windows to reduce the greenhouse effect in academic towers, and separated the Fourth Estate and State. Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

MadisonMan said...

This is what brainwashing gets you.

Joe Smith said...

'"*waits for girl he likes to notice"'


Biff said...

As Scott Adams might say, "#artist."

pacwest said...
It's a college kid.

No, he's a 27 year old adult who apparently "briefly attended the University of Minnesota" before dropping out to pursue acting.

wendybar said...

If you want REAL political comedy...just tune into the little girl with the big mouth from the Bronx. She lied about everything....and accused Ted Cruz of wanting her murdered, and accused the cop who helped her out of "looking at her wrong"....she wasn't even in the Capitol. She lied, and got called out by another Congresswoman. Censor her, or take her committee posts away from her. Pathetic!!! https://thepostmillennial.com/aoc-wasnt-in-the-capitol-building-at-the-time-of-the-jan-6-riot-she-was-in-another-building-entirely

mezzrow said...

Not a chance. His level of perfection has no room for comedy.

Do the work. They don't call it play.

Smiling is oppression. Joy is pain. Allyship to the grave. Forward.

Roughcoat said...

Pajama boy's brother.

le Douanier said...

He’s a POS. He forgot to mention that he’s also a man therefore he’s a double oppressor.

But, he looks gay (or one of the other not-straight things), so he dodges that failure.

Rusty said...

" But there's no reason to take it personally, and it's certainly no reason to discount everything he says."
Oh. I don't take it personally and yes, it relieves me of the obligation to consider anything he says. Life is too short to devote any of my valuable time to lying fabulists.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

n. n. nails it with first post.

Wince said...

Joe Smith said...
"Kamala's step-daughter is growing a mustache?"

No, if I'm not mistaken that was her armpit.

Rusty said...

In this era of slef indulgent leftists? No. he's serious.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Everyone is a racist and all words are harmful.

You know what else is harmful ? - "air quotes" and over-wrought hand gestures.

Leland said...

Oh no, you posted that Althouse, and now the idiots will ignore your headline and assume you agree with it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

PBS preaches that a boy finding mom's make up is the height of courage.

Courage. This generation knows nothing of courage - just ignorance and bullshit.

Rockport Conservative said...

It is a cult. I have granddaughters and nieces who are that age who believe this. I have seen them each write on facebook words they have learned by rote to tell others they are the oppressors. None of them went to the same university. They learned this at prestigious USC (California), Baylor (Texas), UT (Texas) and what ever the name of the Universities in Denton, TX and in San Marcos TX is now called. The very same wordings like someone quoting a Bible verse. It is very cult like and verys eerie and scary to this old lady. Three of them were raised by conservative parents, two by Democrats, and another I'm not sure about what she might have learned at home.

Gusty Winds said...

J. Farmer said... it's certainly no reason to discount everything he says. It isn't a good idea to only read people you agree with.

Before the Trig Palin obsession, I read Sullivan's blog everyday. But no, I disagree with you. The guy is nuts. He wants to be "conservative" to seem edgy, but in all actuality he is a low self-esteem individual who needs the approval of his liberal cocktail party friends. He wants the Bill Mahar nod of approval. Sullivan is Weak sauce, not rocket sauce.

And... I don't only read people I agree with. I read Althouse everyday. But she hasn't gone after the maternity of a Downs Syndrome kid. That's some sick shit right there.

Even here, Sullivan doesn't recognize the soy he helped put in this boy he mocks.

Andrew is an asshole. Pompous too.

Gusty Winds said...

Joe Smith said..."Kamala's step-daughter is growing a mustache?"

She wants to be the next Susan Rice.

narciso said...

well they nearly cancelled him so, he learned his lesson, like pankraj mishna,


Howard said...

He's doing research for his upcoming book "Woke Like Me"

Blair said...

Sullivan's Trig truther posts were over ten years ago, but... he's never apologized for them, and they were so deranged that they really do overshadow anything else he has to say, even this far down the track. He lost credibility, and he doesn't just gradually get it back with the mere passage of time.

JK Brown said...

Sad. I guess poor, pitiful him has never been the victim of racial violence. I was at 10 yrs old in '72.

Nor does he seem steeped in the civil rights ideas of Martin Luther King and did not complain when preference was given to make up to those who had actually been discriminated against by old Democrats, like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi. Probably old Republicans as well. No doubt these old racists continued their being racists in fact after the started mouthing the anti-racist tropes. Maybe even recruited their prep school kids and grandkids like VA governor Northam.

Sebastian said...

"idle hope"

Indeed. Which is one reason why we deplorables kept calling BS on your cruel neutrality shtick and disagreed with your abstention in November.

You do see that progs despise you. You do see the destruction they have in mind. You do see they don't give a damn about your tender feelings or old-fashioned values. So, then what?

effinayright said...

Francisco D said...

I was not aware of anyone arguing structure versus agency. They are obviously intertwined.
Conservatives argue that "liberty" IS the structure that allows agency to flourish.

TreeJoe said...

If the color of the skin dictates who you are and what you represent, then there is no undoing it. It's literally saying someone is innately evil due to the color of their skin. Born into being oppressive to others. Innate sin.

Has anyone in this cult actually thought through how this dogma plays out?

Wince said...

"What is all this "bro" shit, anyway? These guys don't want to be your bro and I don't blame them. Now, get your ofay, Paddy ass on down the road."

Howard said...

Trig-gered by Andrew.

Howard said...

What about Trig's brothers Geom, Calc and DiffEQ.

J. Farmer said...


I’d add various levels of government as part of social forces.

The prevailing focus nowadays is the interaction between federal government and academia, large corporations (finance, big tech, and oil/gas) as controlling social forces.

I completely agree with this, and I'd add media and think tanks to the list. "Controlling" is probably not the best word since it implies a deterministic view. Things can bubble up from the bottom, and popular sentiment on certain issues has an impact. Nonetheless, a small minority of our society has a huge amount of power over the society.

Robert Michels outlined a lot of the components of elite theory in 1915, and I think his "iron law of oligarchy" is a powerful critique of democracy.

Todd said...

Hey Andrew, now do TDS!

I'm Not Sure said...

"Conservatives argue that "liberty" IS the structure that allows agency to flourish."

Progressives prefer government structure. Government that they control.

Francisco D said...

wholelottasplainin' said.. Conservatives argue that "liberty" IS the structure that allows agency to flourish.

I agree completely, but I identify as a classical liberal.

Earnest Prole said...

A man that pious deserves to be called “Church Lady.”

n.n said...

If the color of the skin dictates who you are and what you represent, then there is no undoing it.

From colored (i.e. low-information attribute) people to people of color (i.e. identity, bloc). Only progress: one step forward, two steps backward.

rhhardin said...

It's a lame analysis.

Mikey NTH said...

Leland said...
Oh no, you posted that Althouse, and now the idiots will ignore your headline and assume you agree with it.

2/3/21, 2:46 PM

Sometimes all you have to post is a headline and the link and res ipsa loquitor does the rest.

DanTheMan said...

Employers now routinely scan social media as part of their hiring process.
You would think that admitting he is a racist would disqualify him from employment in these enlightened times.
But you would be wrong.
Now, if he declared that he was NOT a racist, that would likely be disqualifying.

DanTheMan said...

Garrett Morris did it better:

J. Farmer said...

@Francisco D:

I was not aware of anyone arguing structure versus agency. They are obviously intertwined.

So are nature and nurture, but we still refer to it as nature versus nurture or the nature-nurture debate. It's not so much about being on one side or the other but somewhere on a continuum between the two.

I suspect that the race issue took a drastic turn for the worse when Vietnam war refugees came to California and became so successful that the idea only WASPs and Jews do well in American was essentially destroyed. Hence, the hustle of which CRT is only the latest derivation.

I don't think "the idea only WASPs and Jews do well in America" was as prevalent in the 1960s given the amount of Irish and Italian assimilation that had occurred by then. I think it had more to do with civil rights movement not living up to its promises. The argument was that the problems in the black community were a consequence of their subjugated political status and discriminatory social treatment. Thus, remove the subjugation and discrimination and provide remedial services, and they will perform as well as any other group. Fifty years later, and the progress has been minimal and even nonexistent in some cases.

DanTheMan said...

>> What about Trig's brothers Geom, Calc and DiffEQ.

Howard, you are troll, and not worth reading.
But this last post is the exception that proves the rule. Thanks for the chuckle.

Michael K said...

They learned this at prestigious USC (California), Baylor (Texas), UT (Texas) and what ever the name of the Universities in Denton, TX and in San Marcos TX is now called. The very same wordings like someone quoting a Bible verse. It is very cult like and verys eerie and scary to this old lady.

I cannot express how disappointed I am with my alma mater, USC. I was a voluntary (unpaid) faculty member for 50 years. I spent ten years as a student (Engineering and Medicine) and taught surgery residents for 40 years, then medical students until 5 years ago. When nI was an undergraduate it was a modest campus with adequate teaching. Since then it has blossomed out into a party location with elaborate dorms and clubs. I might add that the football team, which was a big alumnus attachment has declined precipitously since Pete Carroll left.

Now there is this scandal about the idiot daughter of some TV actress cheating or bribing to get in. I went to college there with some actor's kids, including Marlo Thomas who was Margie before her nose job. Plus the place has gone wildly left wing the past ten years. Two of my kids are graduates and I would not send a kid there now.

Bob Boyd said...

Ask every teacher and professor if they are a racist. If they say yes, fire them.

Joe Smith said...

"Ask every teacher and professor if they are a racist. If they say yes, fire them."

Good idea.

Then ask all of the white teachers and professors if there should be more minorities teaching at that particular school.

If they say yes, ask for their letter of resignation on the spot.

Breezy said...

The sad part is all the people that agree with this guy, then go out in the world and automatically harshly judge everyday people just trying to live their lives in peace. It’s a terrible way to perceive the world. Downright sinister.

J. Farmer said...

@Gusty Winds:

Andrew is an asshole. Pompous too.

So the hell what? Nobody's saying you have to be his buddy. Sullivan is worth reading because he's an honest and independent thinker. I don't think you can square his writing on racial issues, for example, with a need "for approval of his liberal cocktail party friends." How can you possibly know this if you haven't read him for the last 10 years?

Valentine Smith said...

This cat is stoned out of his mind on his righteousness. Or it's Adderall Extended Release with a 4 PM kicker of regular release.

JZ said...

This guy’s wildest dream is he’s an oppressor.

alfromchgo said...

All is well Barnes & Noble just alerted me to the latest publication from M Obama. Perhaps this will contain the solution.

Joe Smith said...

"This guy’s wildest dream is he’s an oppressor."


He makes Obama's 'Pajama Boy' look like the Marlboro Man : )

chickelit said...

This what half of America voted for. Give to them good and hard!

Lewis Wetzel said...

This whole woke thing is bourgeois obsession. And the thing about the bourgeois (e.g., the "management class") is they never walk away from equity. Capitalist or socialist, they will do nothing that harms the bourgeois as a class. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

J. Farmer said...


I, for one, believe that the government and academia could eliminate about 95% of all actual racism in the US overnight, by cessation of any laws, regulations, or policies that differentiate treatment of citizens on the basis of skin color.

Race has nothing to do with skin color. Race is about ancestry, and it's an important part of identity. While the color blind argument has a lot of appeal, it's extremely idealistic. The law cannot be color blind, because society cannot be color blind. That would require being indifferent to black-white inequality and the existence of a racial caste system.

Michael K said...

I don't think "the idea only WASPs and Jews do well in America" was as prevalent in the 1960s given the amount of Irish and Italian assimilation that had occurred by then.

I dunno about that. Italians were all Mafia and Irish were cops (and even FBI, the ones that weren't Mormons). Sort of kidding. I never saw much about Nobel Prizes for Irishman and Eyties. The Irish assimilated early because they spoke the language. When I was a medical student in Boston in 1965, the North End was 100% Italian and the Mass General had an Italian interpreter like CA hospitals have Spanish interpreters.

I tend to agree about Vietnamese. I watched that closely. We had Vietnamese doctors whose patients were the same population by 1978. At first the NVA would not provide documents for licenses. Then the immigrant faculties of the VN medical schools found each other in Garden Grove and reassembled to give diplomas to graduates. Jerry Brown was opposed to the entire Vietnamese resettlement thing. They did very well. Faster than Irish or Italians.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"This guy’s wildest dream is he’s an oppressor."
Oh, just wait until he's into a job. He'll complain about the custodian oggling his female coworkers, unless the custodian is a woman, in which case he will insist that she start using "green" cleaning products that make her job more difficult.

alfromchgo said...

For a view of the present state of the teaching of CRT in Illinois go to the following;



Lewis Wetzel said...

"The law cannot be color blind, because society cannot be color blind. That would require being indifferent to black-white inequality and the existence of a racial caste system."

But the law is colorblind. From whose POV is there a racial caste system? A white person? A black person? some non-existent person of no ethnicity?

Rick said...

J. Farmer said...
This is a good example of how ideas degrade as they travel from originator to primary source audience to secondary source audience and so on. Critical theory has important insights into social order, but this rant is what you'd get if you put those insights through a meatgrinder first.

This is the motte and bailey defense. CRT isn't the theory that culture influences behavior as he claims here:

If culture didn't have an impact on human behavior, why would it matter?

CRT claims this fact has many impacts it treats as logically proven - many of which are obviously false, unproven, and/or racist.

narciso said...

I think it's more a cultural rather than race question, this is why lawsuits, like the ones against yale university can't be allowed to prevail,


Francisco D said...


From my perspective, Irish and Italian assimilation was ongoing in the 50's and 60's. Many tended to be blue collar and/or cops and/or Mafia and/or small business owners. WASPs were seen as entitled White people and the progress made by Jews was impossible to ignore and common to envy. The Irish and Italians and other White ethnic groups have pretty much assimilated as kids went to college and into professions and white collar jobs.

However, lefty Black and White community leaders in the 60's and 70's stressed that only Whites succeeded in America. The Vietnamese immigrants proved that assertion wrong. The leadership had to find another way to stimulate the White Guilt that was generated in the Civil Rights era when we all saw the dogs and firehoses.

Joe Smith said...

"From my perspective, Irish and Italian assimilation was ongoing in the 50's and 60's. Many tended to be blue collar and/or cops and/or Mafia and/or small business owners."

Might want to go easy on the Mafia thing.

Every ethnic group has their own version of an organized criminal class in their midst.

Sounds kind of racist to me...

And Irish and Italian assimilation was a lot earlier than the '50s...

J. Farmer said...

@Lewis Wetzel:

This whole woke thing is bourgeois obsession.

Absolutely. What's called the "anti-racism" project is really an anti-white project. Women, blacks, and gays have been the traditional cudgels. White married women are still highly suspect, and since Obergefell, gays have been less useful. That's why trannies are now filling the void. At the center of the ideology is mostly lesbian Jewish academics and "BIPOC" social theorists of various shades and ambiguities.

Rick said...

J. Farmer said...
That would require being indifferent to black-white inequality and the existence of a racial caste system.

Untrue. It would merely require problem fixing to not exclude those effected of the wrong race. Education and law enforcement reform will address the problem because both systems disproportionately fail black Americans. But limiting policy changes to blacks is still reprehensible.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sullivan is independent... and he is a wonderful writer. but Sullivan falls in line - with the left. Which is gross.
and removes a lot of his so called independence.

J. Farmer said...


This is the motte and bailey defense. CRT isn't the theory that culture influences behavior as he claims here:

CRT claims this fact has many impacts it treats as logically proven - many of which are obviously false, unproven, and/or racist.

I was describing "critical theory" in that quote not "critical race theory." CRT is derivative, which was why I described it as "a good example of how ideas degrade."

Whiskeybum said...

J. Farmer said...
Race has nothing to do with skin color.

You are taking a very technical view of what is being discussed under the rubric of "race" here in this video and in general of what's going on today on social media. "Race" has everything to do with skin color + some physical characteristics pertaining to human groups when it comes to the issues being discussed. These physical characteristics stand in as easily identifiable signals - stereotyped, and often, but not always, wrong - about and individual or a group's cultural values. Culture is what is really being addressed for the most part, but think about how strongly that is associated with these physical characteristics. A white (skin color) guy is all down with black culture, and adopts all of those actionable black characteristics - is he immediately accepted at the neighborhood black church or BLM meeting? And vice-versa? I'd say 'no' to a very large extent. Is a person belonging in the biological sense to the black (African) race whose appearance is very light skinned and who's facial features happen to be more Euro-oriented than African treated any differently, by either blacks or whites, than a typical African ancestry person? I'd say 'yes' to a very large extent, whether you consider it right (i.e., a mark of culture which you disagree with to some level) or wrong (that 'color-blindness' is the way to go). But in either case, these physical attributes are all-important in today's racism discussion as illustrated in the above examples. Ancestry is not the focus. It's too bad, but that's the way it is.

jaydub said...

Cult of the Nerds. Reminds me of my great nephew and his friends - all college graduates of the past few years, all nauseatingly woke and all 100% nerds. Wokeness seems to give their lives meaning. I tried to engage him to figure out what happened to him, but quickly came to the conclusion that there was no basis for communication - he's convinced we're all privileged racists. He also lamented his own White privilege, which is remarkable because he's severely disabled. I wanted to point out that being a quadriplegic might offset some of his privilege, but just left it at that. I suspect he'll wind up in Jonestown some day drinking the Koolaid, provided someone holds the cup for him.

Michael K said...

Blogger Joe Smith said...
"From my perspective, Irish and Italian assimilation was ongoing in the 50's and 60's. Many tended to be blue collar and/or cops and/or Mafia and/or small business owners."

Might want to go easy on the Mafia thing.

Every ethnic group has their own version of an organized criminal class in their midst.

Sounds kind of racist to me...

And Irish and Italian assimilation was a lot earlier than the '50s...

Depends on where. In Chicago, the Polish neighborhoods had stores with Polish signs. The Mafia thing was a joke but a lot of Italians had pride in the Mafia. When they got to college, it became an embarrassment. Irish cops were a standard stereotype until blacks got affirmative action going, at least in Chicago. In the 50s, Chicago was still pretty ethnic. Los Angeles had none except in east LA, which was Jewish, then Mexican.

Bob Boyd said...

This kid is a victim. I feel sorry for him. His life is probably ruined.

chuck said...

We are all Florentines in the time of Savonarola.

Bob Boyd said...

It's heartbreaking, really.

Joe Smith said...

"The Mafia thing was a joke but a lot of Italians had pride in the Mafia."

It's because that Coppola guy made great movies...

It wasn't so much Mafia as pride...sticking together in a new country and society.

The Italian neighborhoods and suburbs of big cities were very poor, and tough places in the '20s and '30s (my dad was there), but for the most part they were safe.

'Outsiders' were fine if they behaved themselves...

J. Farmer said...

@Lewis Wetzel:

But the law is colorblind.

No it isn't. We have affirmative action.

From whose POV is there a racial caste system? A white person? A black person? some non-existent person of no ethnicity?

Anyone with a pair of eyes. Across a wide variety of social metrics, a basic racial pattern emerges from Ashkenazi Jewish to Indian/East Asian to European to Latino/Native American to sub-Saharan African. When those same metrics are considered globally, the same pattern emerges. Within Latin America, the same pattern emerges. Europeans at the top, Natives and sub-Saharans at the bottom, and various mestizos and mulattos in between.

Francisco D said...

Joe Smith said.. And Irish and Italian assimilation was a lot earlier than the '50s...

Assimilation is a generational process. It was incomplete for some White ethnic groups in Chicago when I grew up.

Michael K. was a Southsider (15 years older than me) and I was a Northsider. Even though each side considered the other to be barbarians, our experiences of White ethnic groups were very similar.

Friendo said...

@Lucid Ideas 1:50 - indeed. They have no sense of reality.

J. Farmer said...


But in either case, these physical attributes are all-important in today's racism discussion as illustrated in the above examples. Ancestry is not the focus. It's too bad, but that's the way it is.

I agree. That's why race is so much more potent than ethnicity. It's physically communicated, and racial differences are heritable.

BUMBLE BEE said...

THIS is funny! https://legalinsurrection.com/2021/02/report-aoc-was-not-in-the-capitol-building-during-the-riots/#more-342195

Quaestor said...

No, this is tragedy.

All tragedy is comedy to the Devil.

Quaestor said...

Unlearning will be very easy for Ryan McCartan -- just like flushing the toilet.

RBE said...

Geez...I clicked on it before I realized it was both Tik Toc and Twitter. Got to be more discerning. Don't want them to have my attention.

Skeptical Voter said...

It's true that ignorance can be cured but stupid is forever.

This kid is the product of an educational system that takes ignorant young students--and works very, very hard to install "stupid" in them. And in this kid's case, they succeeded. And the system's successed in that regard are legion.

Michael K said...

Michael K. was a Southsider (15 years older than me) and I was a Northsider. Even though each side considered the other to be barbarians, our experiences of White ethnic groups were very similar.

South siders move southwest as the city deteriorates. Never north. My niece lived near north for 13 years but just bought a home southwest, back where she should be. It is of course outside the city. South siders spent summers in Grand Beach MI. I assume north siders went north.

My high school girlfriend was Polish. Her Polish speaking grand mother did not approve of me because I was not Polish. She went to Purdue when I went to California. She got a BS in Chemical engineering and married a guy I knew in high school. They then moved to CA. We socialized until I moved to Orange County. Chicago was very ethnic until the blacks drove them out. Now, the south side blacks are leaving the city.

Rick said...

[But the law is colorblind.]

No it isn't. We have affirmative action.

We have race preferences. Affirmative action - which includes steps like ensuring jobs are advertised in alternative media and universities coordinating their requirements with majority black schools - is relatively unobjectionable. This is what high performance universities like MIT and CalTech have.

Race Preferences - granting preferences to people of certain races - violates the constitution and, offends the conscience, and generally fails the recipient since they start off less qualified than those who do not receive preferences.

Fritz said...

J. Farmer said...
Do you think the kid using the obsessive quote fingers also believes Trig Palin is actually the bastard son of Sarah’s daughter Bristol?

Sullivan is an asshole.

It's funny that over 10 years later, that still gets brought up in the comments on every single post that features Sullivan. I never thought there was much to the "Trig Truther" argument, and the amount of attention Sullivan devoted to it on his blog was borderline obsessive. But there's no reason to take it personally, and it's certainly no reason to discount everything he says. It isn't a good idea to only read people you agree with. Don't always look to have your worldview validated; look to have it challenged.

Now do Marjorie Taylor Greene

Lewis Wetzel said...

J. Farmer wrote:
But the law is colorblind.

No it isn't. We have affirmative action.

Federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Laws
I. What Are the Federal Laws Prohibiting Job Discrimination?

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), which prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin;
the Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA), which protects men and women who perform substantially equal work in the same establishment from sex-based wage discrimination;
the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA), which protects individuals who are 40 years of age or older;
Title I and Title V of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended (ADA), which prohibit employment discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities in the private sector, and in state and local governments;
Sections 501 and 505 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibit discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities who work in the federal government;
Title II of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA), which prohibits employment discrimination based on genetic information about an applicant, employee, or former employee; and
the Civil Rights Act of 1991, which, among other things, provides monetary damages in cases of intentional employment discrimination.

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces all of these laws. EEOC also provides oversight and coordination of all federal equal employment opportunity regulations, practices, and policies.

Lewis Wetzel said...

The law permits AA in some college admissions, but not to address some mythical "racial caste system." AA is allowed in some college admissions because it enhances the education of all students, most of whom are not Black (or so said the supreme court decades ago).

Lewis Wetzel said...

The problem with instituting a legal regime of racial discrimination is that that something like 65% of Americans oppose a regime of legal discrimination.
This is why many Black intellectuals (Tah Nahesi Coates, for example oppose democracy. It is why blacks and other protected minorities fear populism.
It will be very difficult to impose a legal regime of racial discrimination given past interpretations of the 14th amendment.

Francisco D said...

Michael K said...South siders spent summers in Grand Beach MI. I assume north siders went north.

Wisconsin, of course.

When Rogers Park starting going to hell in the mid 60's, people tended to move north or northwest, depending on income. My parents bought the cheapest house they could find in Evanston on contract. It was smaller than our apartment, but a carpenter and I renovated the basement for bedrooms. It was still smaller than our apartment.

That crappy little house sold in 2001 for 15X the price they paid.

Banjo said...

When last seen Pajama Boy was sipping cocoa.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Anyone with a pair of eyes. Across a wide variety of social metrics, a basic racial pattern emerges from Ashkenazi Jewish to Indian/East Asian to European to Latino/Native American to sub-Saharan African. When those same metrics are considered globally, the same pattern emerges. Within Latin America, the same pattern emerges. Europeans at the top, Natives and sub-Saharans at the bottom, and various mestizos and mulattos in between.

This is unreason. If there were a racial caste system, all Eurpeans would be on the top, all sub-Saharan Africans would be on the bottom, all mestizos and and mulattos would be in between.
This is not even close to being true in the US.
In old South Africa, which had a racial caste system, it was true.

chickelit said...

J. Farmer said...It's funny that over 10 years later, that still gets brought up in the comments on every single post that features Sullivan. I never thought there was much to the "Trig Truther" argument, and the amount of attention Sullivan devoted to it on his blog was borderline obsessive.

It's not funny at all. Besides Sullivan's loathing of Palin, there was his concomitant and very obvious desire to fellate Back Obama and everything Obama while self describing himself as conservative. What a phony.

Ken B said...

Sullivan suffers from some prejudices which overwhelm him at times. He has TDS obviously, but he hates, truly hates, evangelicals. He hates Protestants generally, but not as intensely as he hates evangelicals. When he can get past those obsessions, and often he cannot, he is actually quite perceptive. And he writes wonderfully well when he isn’t ranting.

Browndog said...

"If you're late for a doctor's appointment. Jail.

We have the best patients in the world because of jail"

I cracked up thinking about it, typing it, and will forever crack up at that line in that skit.


chickelit said...

Ken B. And he writes wonderfully well when he isn’t ranting.

Goebbels was the same way, but in German. Talent means little in context. For that matter, Ritmo was a talented writer. But it's the core beliefs that you have to watch and not fall for mere talent.

Ken B said...

Wetzel “ The law permits AA in some college admissions, but not to address some mythical "racial caste system." ”

That is why Biden will ignore adverse court rulings. Finding a pretext for ignoring courts is the real purpose of his commission on court reform, not court packing which has a loaded history. Simpler and better to just ignore the courts.
It will start with ignoring individual judges if there is an appeal. It will escalate to ignoring split opinions in appeals courts, if there is a further appeal. Eventually of course it will entail the president “choosing” which side of a split decision in the USSC to follow. I think, as a fig leaf, unanimous USSC decisions are safe.

This will happen first with racial quotas and “hate speech”, but once the precedent is there it be everything.

The administration's goal is to have this before 2022, and certainly before 2024. For obvious reasons.

Biden's first quotas will come soon.

J. Farmer said...

@Lewis Wetzel:

The law permits AA in some college admissions, but not to address some mythical "racial caste system."

My apologies for being unclear, but that isn't what I was referring to. My point is that so long as there is a black-white gap, there will be political pressure to "do something" about it.

narciso said...

the most sober person at new york magazine, isn't an achievement,

Earnest Prole said...

But the law is colorblind. No it isn't. We have affirmative action.

No affirmative action in California — I don’t know why the rest of you choose to live in racially discriminatory states.

Michael K said...

That crappy little house sold in 2001 for 15X the price they paid.

I'm amazed that houses in Chicago appreciated much. Maybe it is in Evanston. My sister's house is paid for but I wonder what she could sell it for. It is in Beverly, which was once an upscale, very upscale, area.

I bought a house in South Pasadena when my father died and left me enough money for a down payment. It was $35,000. The last I looked it was $1.4 million but that is California.

Ken B said...

Of course there is AA in California. It takes the form of “wholistic” assessments, and abandoning the SAT.

Jersey Fled said...


Dropped in a two sentence memo simply stating that they are dropping suit. No explanation. No legal justification.

None required in HarrisBiden land.

Michael K said...

No affirmative action in California — I don’t know why the rest of you choose to live in racially discriminatory states.

Other than Stanford's Physics for POCs. Prop 209 got upheld but that is UC.

Browndog said...

Chicago was very ethnic until the blacks drove them out. Now, the south side blacks are leaving the city.

Happens in ever suburb of every major city in America. Libs do the same thing. They keep chasing us around, never allowing us to live in peace.

Before you get all "racist" on me, what I mean by "us" is those that just want to be left alone to live in peace.

Some just want to build a better world. Some, just want to see the world burn

narciso said...

that's hunter's attorneys law partner who made this decision,

FullMoon said...

A young peripheral proudly took a knee and raised a fist for George Floyd. She did not really know why, but all the employees were doing it for the poor innocent victim.

She has gay relatives, and numerous black and mexican friends, people she grew up and went to school with, as well at work. She is not the sharpest spoon in the drawer, is un-informed and naive and absolutely unconcerned with "social justice".

Heard her screaming obscenities into the phone at some new acquaintance who is SJW and accused the innocent peripheral of being racist simply because she is white.

Ended with,

Kids these days, am I right?

Earnest Prole said...

Other than Stanford's Physics for POCs. Prop 209 got upheld but that is UC.

Your comment implies affirmative action is primarily a university policy, when in fact it more profoundly affects state hiring and contracting.

Browndog said...

My apologies for being unclear, but that isn't what I was referring to. My point is that so long as there is a black-white gap, there will be political pressure to "do something" about it.

Blacks are 13% of the population. Yet they demand to be represented as a majority.

Same shit islamists pull in Christian nations.

J. Farmer said...

This is unreason. If there were a racial caste system...

Fair enough. I will withdraw "racial caste system" and replace it with "racially-stratified society." A big component of that stratification is biological variation between racial groups, which we have very little understanding of and no current interventions to address it.

chickelit said...

Ken B said...That is why Biden will ignore adverse court rulings. Finding a pretext for ignoring courts is the real purpose of his commission on court reform, not court packing which has a loaded history. Simpler and better to just ignore the courts.
It will start with ignoring individual judges if there is an appeal. It will escalate to ignoring split opinions in appeals courts, if there is a further appeal. Eventually of course it will entail the president “choosing” which side of a split decision in the USSC to follow. I think, as a fig leaf, unanimous USSC decisions are safe.

A counter strategy is for individual states to ignore Federal diktats. I'm thinking in particular of Wisconsin's reaction were HR 127 to pass. California us gave ample example of ignoring Trump's federal overreach.

n.n said...

some new acquaintance who is SJW and accused the innocent peripheral of being racist simply because she is white.

Social justice anywhere is injustice everywhere.

FullMoon said...

No affirmative action in California — I don’t know why the rest of you choose to live in racially discriminatory states.

My (step) Italian Grandfather, first gen American,used his pocket knife to cut his steak,journeyman union carpenter, got laid of the job an apprentice "colored man" could take his place.
My step father was so pissed of, he broke into the jobsite shed where the power tools were kept,loaded the pickup with tools, and blueprints, and threw it all of the San Mateo Bridge..funny now, scary then.

Expressed regret many times for his impulsive behavior, said he should have kept a couple of power saws.

Earnest Prole said...

Of course there is AA in California. It takes the form of “wholistic” assessments, and abandoning the SAT.

You’re blowing smoke out your ass. Black enrollment at Berkeley was 8 percent immediately preceding passage of Proposition 209. The following year it was halved, to about 4 percent. It’s now 2.8 percent.

J. Farmer said...


Blacks are 13% of the population. Yet they demand to be represented as a majority.

I don't know what "represented as a majority" means, but pressure to address the black-white gap doesn't just come from blacks. It comes most vehemently from from white urban liberals.

chickelit said...

Other than Stanford's Physics for POCs. Prop 209 got upheld but that is UC.

UW-Madison had "Physics fo Poets" course when I was there. That doesn't mean they give away physics degrees based on "Physics for POC." I took two semesters of physics with calculus for a chemistry degree there in the '80s.

Browndog said...

I don't know what "represented as a majority" means, but pressure to address the black-white gap doesn't just come from blacks. It comes most vehemently from from white urban liberals.

Yes, you do.

It comes most vehemently from from white urban liberals

White urban liberal women?

DavidUW said...

Every ethnic group has their own version of an organized criminal class in their midst.

Sounds kind of racist to me...

And Irish and Italian assimilation was a lot earlier than the '50s...
This again.
No. The Irish were the worst to ever wash upon our shores. They're worse than the dagos because they really embedded themselves into the urban political machines and churned out worse and worse grifters and grafters over a solid 150 years, destroying American cities.
Fuck the Irish.

J. Farmer said...


But it's the core beliefs that you have to watch and not fall for mere talent.

"Core beliefs," to the degree they're even discernible, don't matter. The strength or validity of any argument Sullivan makes is not determined by his "core beliefs" but by the argument itself. If Sullivan published an argument anonymously, you'd still be able to critique it without knowing anything about the author, let alone his "core beliefs."

Biff said...

DanTheMan said..."You would think that admitting he is a racist would disqualify him from employment in these enlightened times."

It's all about being racist in the right way, you see.

J. Farmer said...


Yes, you do.

Oh god. The only reason I would say that I don't understand what you're referring to is because I don't understand what you're referring to. If I understood it, I would respond to it. Just go ahead and assume that I believe the things I say.

White urban liberal women?

Possibly, but I'm not sure in what ways or in what degree urban liberal attitudes differ by sex.

Browndog said...

This again.
No. The Irish were the worst to ever wash upon our shores. They're worse than the dagos because they really embedded themselves into the urban political machines and churned out worse and worse grifters and grafters over a solid 150 years, destroying American cities.
Fuck the Irish.

They fuck harder.

What did the dago's bring? The chinks? The krauts? the Green horns? the Poles?

Irish potato famine--look it up. No one would hire them, so they had to take "government" jobs. At least they fight.

They fight harder.

DavidUW said...

What did the dago's bring? The chinks? The krauts? the Green horns? the Poles?
Dagos brought nothing but a few relatives from Sicily for a single generation of "organized" crime in a few cities.
The chinks never did much outside of SF.
The krauts generally behaved themselves and made the upper midwest Germany, the sequel.
The polacks sat around and were dumb factory robots.

I know all about the fucking Micks and their potatoes.
They took the government jobs, jibber jabbered in their stupid Mick talk and imported a bunch more to give them heft in the cities. And then proceeded to run the cities into the ground. They produce nothing but whiskey. Do nothing but talk.

Pasty potato eating papists.

Fuck the Irish.

Browndog said...

DavidUW said...

Isn't it refreshing to be able to talk freely, here in America?

Althouse blog, the last bastion of free speech. Here, In America.

effinayright said...

Earnest Prole said...
But the law is colorblind. No it isn't. We have affirmative action.

No affirmative action in California — I don’t know why the rest of you choose to live in racially discriminatory states.

Explain sanctuary cities.

Jersey Fled said...

Althouse blog, the last bastion of free speech. Here, In America.

For how long?

DavidUW said...

Isn't it refreshing to be able to talk freely, here in America?

Althouse blog, the last bastion of free speech. Here, In America.
It's ok to talk that way about certain people.

And it's always been ok to insult the filthy Irish. They deserve every last bit of it. and more.

American would be a far better place if we let them all drown in the Atlantic or starve on their soggy ass isle.

Iman said...

I’d like to beat some sense into - and beat the racism out of - this young clown. Where do I sign up?

Michael K said...

You’re blowing smoke out your ass. Black enrollment at Berkeley was 8 percent immediately preceding passage of Proposition 209. The following year it was halved, to about 4 percent. It’s now 2.8 percent.

Tell us about graduation rates.

Iman said...

Portlandia?!?! Cacao!

DavidUW said...

Imagine there's no Kennedys, Daleys or Tammany's.
It's easy if you try.
No Hugh O'Briens or Bill Grace's above us, only sky.

Imagine there's no Irish
Redlining cities too hoo
Imagine all the people living without the Micks

No O'Connors, PegNoons, MoDo's or Brennan Courts
No Micks in Montana, turning blue ooooh hoooo..
No McCarthy's to die for
And no WJ Bryans too

You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.
I hope some day you'll join us
And drive the Irish to the sea
And the potato blight will kill them all one by one

Imagine there's no Irish
I wonder if you can
No need for Jefferson Davis
A brotherhood of non-Irish man

Ken B said...

Google will zap this blog eventually.

Kirk Parker said...

J. Farmer,

"A foundational insight in critical theory is that a society is not reducible to its individual members."

I am completely unwilling to dignify this position as "insight", since it's what practically everyone thought for all time up until a few fairly recent Nietzscheans and very-recent Randians.

J. Farmer said...

@Earnest Prole:

No affirmative action in California — I don’t know why the rest of you choose to live in racially discriminatory states.

Well, there is AA in California at the federal level. As far as the state, California has some unique demographic features. In terms of share of population, California is less black then Oklahoma, Minnesota, Wisconsin, or Kansas, and has an Asian-American population more than twice that size. They are highly motivated to not give blacks a leg up over their own children and generally don't give a fuck about the conditions in the post-Reconstruction Deep South.

Browndog said...

Blogger Iman said...

I’d like to beat some sense into - and beat the racism out of - this young clown. Where do I sign up?

Looking for direction to an avenue to ease your own hatred?

Iman said...

For that matter, Ritmo was a talented writer. But it's the core beliefs that you have to watch and not fall for mere talent.

The fellow wrote like a rabid dog “communicates”.

Iman said...

Looking for direction to an avenue to ease your own hatred?

No. I’m just getting with it, and volunteering to provide the service the young wanker is asking for.

Iman said...

Fuck the Irish.

They fuck harder.

They probably have to, they have “the curse”... https://www.irishcentral.com/news/new-research-claims-irish-curse-is-real-american-men-are-better-endowed-172259061-237771961.amp

Lewis Wetzel said...

and has an Asian-American population more than twice that size. They are highly motivated to not give blacks a leg up over their own children and generally don't give a fuck about the conditions in the post-Reconstruction Deep South.

Jesus, Farmer, are you really this racist? All the Asians in Cali feel this way?
I am not trying to pick on you, but you have been spouting a lot of racist crap in this thread -- racist meaning you describe people as having their existence defined by their race.
Race is a social construct. It is not a biological thing, even anthropologists in the 19th century admitted that "race" was not a useful way to categorize people.

DavidUW said...

Race is a social construct. It is not a biological thing, even anthropologists in the 19th century admitted that "race" was not a useful way to categorize people.
Who gets sickle cell anemia?

Tay-Sachs Disease?


Particular forms of naso-pharyngeal cancer?

totally useless.

Iman said...

Be grateful... thankful for all your blessings. Treat others as you like to be treated. Help your neighbors when they need it. It’s within reach of each of us to be better people.

Browndog said...

So, we all agree.

Everyone is racist.

Not you , of course. Everyone else. Like you, I hope they burn in hell, because "racism" is the utter depths of the lowest of the lowest a human can sink.

Someday, with enough fervor and guns we can eradicate racism from the human condition. Kill them all I say!

Some may say "hey! what exactly is this 'racism' people speak of--what is it, and why am I supposed to live my life avoiding it at all costs?"

Well, the only answer I have, and the only answer needed--YOU'RE A RACIST!

Narr said...

Late to this one.

The cherry on top was the little clappy move at the end.

Excitable little twink, ain't he?

J. Farmer said...

@Kirk Parker:

I am completely unwilling to dignify this position as "insight", since it's what practically everyone thought for all time up until a few fairly recent Nietzscheans and very-recent Randians.

You're absolutely right. I have a bad habit of typing quickly and not rereading my words before posting them. That was an extremely poor articulation of what I was trying to say, and you're correct in pointing out "insight" as a good example of that.

J. Farmer said...

@Lewis Wetzel:

Jesus, Farmer, are you really this racist? All the Asians in Cali feel this way?
I am not trying to pick on you, but you have been spouting a lot of racist crap in this thread -- racist meaning you describe people as having their existence defined by their race.

If that's what you mean by racist, then I am most certainly not. Every individual's existence is defined by his own character and not by his group affiliation.

Race is a social construct. It is not a biological thing, even anthropologists in the 19th century admitted that "race" was not a useful way to categorize people.

I don't care what "anthropologists in the 19th century admitted." In modern biology taxonomy, the two criteria for subspecies is geographic isolation and morphological distinguishability. Consider the physical differences between Northern European, a Northeastern Asian, and a sub-Saharan Africa. Does it seem feasible that the source of those differences would only impact skin pigmentation, hair texture, and facial features and leave every other organ system alone?

FullMoon said...

DavidUW said...

Isn't it refreshing to be able to talk freely, here in America?

Althouse blog, the last bastion of free speech. Here, In America.
It's ok to talk that way about certain people.

And it's always been ok to insult the filthy Irish. They deserve every last bit of it. and more.

American would be a far better place if we let them all drown in the Atlantic or starve on their soggy ass isle.

Lemme guess, first wife Irish, she got the house, the kids, big child support payment?

Or, even worse, she,god forbid, ran of with a Mick, and then got the house, kids and payday.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger DavidUW said...
Race is a social construct. It is not a biological thing, even anthropologists in the 19th century admitted that "race" was not a useful way to categorize people.
Who gets sickle cell anemia?
Tay-Sachs Disease?
Particular forms of naso-pharyngeal cancer?
totally useless.

Really DavidUW?
You can tell by looking at people whether or not they can get sickle cell anemia?
A lot of Polynesians look just like sub-Saharan black people. They don't get sickle cell anemia.
Tay-Sachs disease is very rare. As is beta-thalassemia, and naso-pharyngial cancer.
It is not a marker for race.
I have very light blue eyes. This is a marker for some cancers. Does this mean that I am another type of human than people with brown eyes?
Is this really a hill you want to die on?

Interested Bystander said...

Should I feel sorry for this dumb bastard? Ugh, I want to stick my fingers down my throat after 10 seconds.

Interested Bystander said...

Where do I go to be absolved of my original sin of having white skin and straight brown hair?

chickelit said...

California us gave ample example of ignoring Trump's federal overreach.

I spend the better parts of my days swimming in foreign languages, but I should be charged a sin tax for that one.

I'm Not Sure said...

"Should I feel sorry for this dumb bastard? Ugh, I want to stick my fingers down my throat after 10 seconds."

10 seconds? You lasted longer than I did. I'm sure his teachers are proud, though.

Rockeye said...

Ipso facto, bitches

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