January 14, 2021

"Some say the riots were caused by Antifa. There was absolutely no evidence of that. And conservatives should be the first to say so...."

"The President bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters. He should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding. These facts require immediate action by President Trump, accept his share of responsibility, quell the brewing unrest and ensure President elect Biden is able to successfully begin his term. The President’s immediate action also deserves congressional action, which is why I think a fact finding commission and a censure resolution would be prudent."

Said House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, speaking on the House floor in yesterday's debate on the impeachment.


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stevew said...

Lack of evidence, merely 7 days after the fact, is proof of nothing. In any case, McCarthy lost the argument he was making, they impeached Trump anyway. I suppose he's protected himself from being one of the first that the Dems seek to purge. They'll get him eventually.

The Crack Emcee said...

Everything's been caused by the Democrat Party. I will not entertain the idea conservatives are responsible for ANYTHING that happened after Rachel Maddow was allowed to say we're in "Hell" without censure.

If we're in "Hell" then the Democrats SHOULD be allowed to do anything to get out of it - but we never were.

Gahrie said...

The GOP Establishment once again rears its ugly head, prepared once again to battle it's own voter base and roll over for the Democrats.

Temujin said...

I'll repeat my comment from the previous post.

Yes, these words should have been said beforehand last week. But the plan to attack the Capitol was already in place. More info coming out. More video/audio. Clearly there were Agent Provocateurs. Clearly there were people who look like Antifa crew, not Maga- and there is a difference- leading the crowds. And apparently they had a plan, and access to the knowledge on where to go and how to coordinate.

Still don't know why there was not a strong law enforcement presence out there. And our incurious press seems to be, well...incurious about it at all. Just...blank stares coming out of the TV. Like freakin stuffed animals. If I knew that there was a great chance for violence, then a LOT of people knew. And it's now known that our FBI knew- why was there nothing set up to prevent any possibility of it? Why no National Guard? No larger Capitol Police presence? No local police presence?

This looks to be too pat. Too arranged. Too organized- from the inside. As the 'fog of war' clears, more will come out. Not that the press will write or talk about it, but the information will continue to come out.

Lexington Green said...

Michael Yon, who has closely observed Antifa in action many times, was in DC and an eye witness. He says it was Antifa tactics. That’s some evidence. McCarthy is wrong.

exhelodrvr1 said...

President Trump did not incite or cause the riots. He probably should have anticipated the potential for this, and probably should have been more specific in the week leading up to this with comments specifically and repeatedly calling for no rioting. He definitely should have said something sooner once the problems started, although highly unlikely that would have made a difference at that point. But he did NOT incite anything.

narciso said...

Let me try this


The Crack Emcee said...

If we're in "Hell" then the Democrats SHOULD be allowed to do anything to get out of it - but we never were.

If Trump is "Hitler" or a dictator then the Democrats SHOULD be allowed to do anything to defeat him - but he never was.

If they're trying to "save the planet" then the Democrats SHOULD be allowed to do anything to stop it from dying - but only we're in danger.

From the Democrat Party and it's delusions.

Jaq said...

"and ensure President elect Biden is able to successfully begin his term”


" I think a fact finding commission and a censure resolution would be prudent.”

At least he put the show trial before the punishment.

"As the 'fog of war' clears, more will come out.”

Did we ever get the facts about Charlottesville? Surely they are known now after the secret trial.

MountainMan said...

Temujin and Lexington Green are exactly right. Yon has appeared in a video interview and written long posts on his personal blog and at Patreon on what he saw - Antifa. He has the expertise, experience, reputation, and video evidence to make this assessment stand up. That our leaders in Congress, as well as the FBI, don't already know this is shameful.

narciso said...

So mccarthy is pretty ignorant ot he doesnr want to get scalised, see that beta test that ringmaster durbin was involved with.

MayBee said...

What is there evidence of?

I get that we need to impeach Trump before he leaves office so there's no time for an investigation, but if there is no evidence it was Antifa, there is similarly no evidence *Trump* bears responsibility for the riots on Wednesday.
He absolutely did not do enough to quell them once they started. For the way he has acted after the election, I am fine seeing the backside of him as he leaves office.
But we don't know exactly why people decided to beat police officers last Wednesday, and it seems we need to know that before we say "Oh, well it was Trump saying the election was rigged that did it". Because that opens a whole can of worms.

Anonymous said...

Anybody know- does the President have the power to pardon James Fields, or is that strictly a state matter?

narciso said...

It was a case of the virginia kangaroo court, like the one in dark knight rises.

The Crack Emcee said...

"Some say the riots were caused by Antifa. There was absolutely no evidence of that. And conservatives should be the first to say so...."

I'm not saying anything to protect those bastards.

Matt Sablan said...

"Caused by?" Yeah, I'll agree Antifa didn't cause the riots. There's a large number of things that "caused" the riots. But I won't pretend Antifa wasn't there, since we have at least one guy we know is antifa who the police questioned (But did not arrest.)

narciso said...

You notice how black bloc is allowe to organize extort and punish on all platforms

MayBee said...

You are going to have to excuse me for noting that people have not been able to find "evidence" of Antifa "it's just an idea!" since they started throwing Molotov cocktails during Occupy riots.

gilbar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

I dont call them black bloc or the resistance because it fits their narrative.

gilbar said...

(please excuse my slowness, it's from my traumatic brain injury)
What violence took place?
were there shootings (other than those done by police on unarmed protesters)?
were there killings (other than by using voodoo to cause a police officer's stroke)?
was there arson?
were molotov cocktails or other IEDs used (USED, not supposedly possessed back in someone's car)?
were bike locks used to crush skulls?

I am Brain Damaged, so i probably missed a bunch of stuff?

Jaq said...

Did the guy who organized Charlottesville, the one who supported Hillary on his blog right up until she said “Resist” and the guy who wrote on his blog how much he admired agent provocateurs when she sid “resist.” is he in prison now?

Up until this fiasco, that little action was one of the most successful bits of political street theater for the Democrats, I am pretty sure that this call for “armed protest” by Trump supporters is another "Unite the Right" style trap intended to allow mass gun seizures from anybody who ever expressed doubt even, that the Hunter Biden laptop was anything but what it was, his actual laptop.

narciso said...

There are five lights remember that comrade first it was social revolutionaries then mensheviks white russians then everyone else.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yet that antifa guy from Salt Lake City told fake jake tapper all about invading the capitol last week and they played video that his Buddy filmed of him in the sacred halls of congress inciting violence. So I guess none of that actually happened? So we can’t trust cnn even when the actual antifa guy confesses on live tv? That’s some serious gaslighting McCarthy way to go bitch and now I’m surprised you didn’t vote to impeach if that’s the story your selling. What an idiot.

MayBee said...

gilbar- there was violence. It's on video and if you google or duck duck go I think you'll easily find it.

Gusty Winds said...

Funny, because CNN is even reporting that investigators believe the Capitol riot was planned. It wasn’t MAGA planned and we all know that. It wasn’t MAGA planned. We have been led to this point since COVID first hit. You could see it coming throughout 2020.

MayBee said...

If Antifa wasn't involved, it will be the first time Trump supporters have protested without Antifa there to fight them

Amadeus 48 said...

Antifa may have been there to provoke and assist the crowd to mob action without being the "cause". Michael Yon's video about what he observed is interesting without being conclusive.

If there is evidence of Antifa action, will it ever see the light of day?

Lewis Wetzel said...

"Caused" is an awful slippery word.
Were there antifa at the capitol on January 6th? Did they participate in the riots? None of them? All of them? Some of them?
People are coming to conclusions that are not merited by evidence.

narciso said...

Look at the charge sheet


Fernandinande said...

ensure President elect Biden is able to successfully begin his term.

Ugh, what a creepy idea.

Darrell said...

Yeah. Because Antifa is just an idea. Like the vote fraud that stole the win Trump had earned. Forget the videos of both of these crimes. Believe the idiots that say there is no evidence. They aren't protecting their narrative or anything.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

FIFY: “McCarthy claims WITHOUT CITING EVIDENCE that Antifa did not ‘cause’ the ‘riot’.”

Gusty Winds said...

I went to the Waukesha Airport Trump rally. 20K people. Not ONE incident. Everyone cooperated with Secret Service and police. Wish airports could run like that. Small amount of woke Democrat protestors outside were ignored. Everyone waited four hours peacefully, friendly. Nobody was wearing knee pads, or ski helmets, shaman buffalo horns.

Kevin McCarthy knows it was planned. Why is he lying in public too?

Jaq said...

There is video and pictures of people talking on radios and egging the crowd on with bullhorns. When they have questioned those people, and their stories are public, we can talk about who is responsible. Not to mention the guy who was inside the Capitol before it was breached who came through police lines and started egging the crowd on, right where the cops murdered the first protester, he then went back through police lines and changed his clothes.

Look at the video if you doubt this


Bob Boyd said...

If the situation was so critical, if it was such a tinderbox, that Trump's relatively ordinary and benign political rhetoric was all the spark that was needed to start a conflagration, we need to ask, how did it get that way?

If Joe Biden is such a leader, why is up to Trump to help him handle the job?

Patrick Henry was right! said...

There was an Antifa guy right next to Ashley when she was shot!!! What the heck is he thinking????

MountainMan said...

""The President bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters. He should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding."

This is incorrect. A timeline analysis provided by several news reports over the past couple of days - something I had been waiting for - show that the President could have had no idea what was unfolding. The rally was at the Ellipse. That at least 2.0 miles from the Capitol building. The timeline shows that the first protesters arrived at the Capitol about 12:40 PM. By 1:00PM the Capitol Police chief sees his officers being attacked and at 1:09 he calls and asks for the National Guard. Trump finished his speech at 1:11PM. Thus, the assault on the Capitol began and became violent during the time Trump was down the Mall at the Ellipse giving his speech. For those at the Ellipse who then went to the Capitol - and Yon says by this time many of the attendees simply left as it was very cold and it was a long walk - they had about a 45min walk, getting to the Capitol about 1:55PM at the earliest. Thus, anyone coming from Trump's speech - where he supposedly incited a riot - got to the Capitol with a riot that had already been under way for at least 1 hour 15 minutes and that no one at the Ellipse could have known about. Yon took a car from the Ellipse to the Capitol and got there much earlier to find the riot well in-progress. He stayed outside and observed as he knows, from lots of experience, that going into a riot inside a building is a no-no. This is why we don't need rushes to judgement, like a quick impeachment and a quick trial. This needs investigation and analysis and then appropriate decisions based on the facts. That is not what we are getting and I am afraid the country is going to pay a very heavy price for this. This is all about getting Trump (and his supporters), not about understanding the event and proceeding according to facts.

Lyle said...

That's all fine, if the House also investigates AOC and Democrats who supported the rioting this summer. Kamala Harris should be impeached as well.

Not going to happen, I know. Washington does what it wants for itself.

Matt Sablan said...

Just because they were there doesn't mean they "caused" the riot. Frankly, I doubt there was much anyone could do once the Capitol Police and Bowser decided they weren't going to bother defending the Capitol with any serious intent to stop people from going in, and at that point, there wasn't going to take much to turn it from a mostly peaceful protest to a riot.

The people in charge of security, as usual, screwed up, and created an opening for bad actors -- and stupid actors -- to start the riot. There is no doubt there were some Antifa there; there is also no doubt that there were several Trump supporters who willingly broke into the building, and their actions are on them, not mystery whispering, agent provocateurs. They could have said, "whoa there buddy, that sounds like a bad idea," and walked away.

Gusty Winds said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SensibleCitizen said...

Wow. The video of the woman being shot by capitol police was captured by an Antifa lieutenant who is under indictment in Utah for previous violent crimes.

That's evidence that Antifa was at least present. Facial recognition software found multiple people who were involved in past Antifa violence on the front lines of the push to get into the Capitol.

New idiomatic phrases like "he stated, without evidence, that..." mean 180 degrees what they are saying. Of course there is almost always evidence and all of these "evidence based" issues, such as election fraud, are complicated or ambiguous when you get beneath the headlines. Where did this declaration of "without evidence" when you disagree with someone come from?

narciso said...

They were pulled from the capitol grounds the fake explosive device served as distraction but pelosi controls the capitolpolice as we discovered in the awan bros affair.

Matt Sablan said...

I believe the explosives were real devices (they were detonated by the bomb squad in earlier reporting.) Is there more recent reporting that states they were fake?

zipity said...

"and ensure President elect Biden is able to successfully begin his term."

You know, like the Democrats and Hillary Clinton did when Trump won in 2016.

ESAD buddy. ESAD.

peacelovewoodstock said...

We've known McCarthy is an idiot for a long time, anyone who has watched him struggle to put a coherent sentence together during an interview knows that.

Now we know he is a squish, a jellyfish, spineless. Like many "Republican" Congresspersons and Senators.

The Crack Emcee said...

narciso said...

"They were pulled from the capitol grounds the fake explosive device served as distraction but pelosi controls the capitolpolice as we discovered in the awan bros affair."

You guys like getting down in the weeds, and mud, with these people - rather than nailing them down.

We'll never win that way.

Gusty Winds said...

Althouse’s second favorite source, the Washington Post is reporting the Outgoing Capitol Police chief claims: House, Senate security officials hamstrung efforts to call in National Guard

From the opening of the article: “Two days before Congress was set to formalize President-elect Joe Biden’s victory, Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund was growing increasingly worried about the size of the pro-Trump crowds expected to stream into Washington in protest.

To be on the safe side, Sund asked House and Senate security officials for permission to request that the D.C. National Guard be placed on standby in case he needed quick backup.

But, Sund said Sunday, they turned him down.

Hmmmm….wonder why???

Matt Sablan said...

I mean, I'd turn down giving him the National Guard too while Bowser was insisting the National Guard *couldn't even wear body armor.*

Like I said: A lot of leadership screwed up dealing with securing the Capitol before the rioters/protesters even arrived.

Browndog said...

People think Antifa is just a bunch of loser potheads that run around breaking things.

Though all that may be true, they are well trained. They operate in small teams, each with a specific purpose.

That video you see of a guy breaking out a window with a shield, then "Trump supporters" climb through the window?

Classic Antifa tactical entry I've seen 100 times in different cities over the past two years.

Jaq said...

Who the hell is in this tent villages and why haven’t they been cleared out during this “emergency”?


donald said...

Fuck you Maybee.

donald said...

“You are going to have to excuse me for noting that people have not been able to find "evidence" of Antifa "it's just an idea!" since they started throwing Molotov cocktails during Occupy riots”.

And yet...Yeah, fuck you.

GDI said...

Intel is available, they just don't want to release it ...

rhhardin said...

quell the brewing unrest

Quelling is just what you want for riots. The force of cliches on reasoning is huge. Kids learning a language learn to disassemble and reassemble cliches, so cliches are pretty basic.

J.L.Austin has a quelling example, in trying to come up with something that's done deliberately but not intentionally.

"I am summoned to quell a riot in India. Speed is imperative. My mind runs on the action to be taken five miles down the road at the Residency. As I set off down the drive, my cookboy’s child’s new gocart, the apple of her eye, is right across the road. I realize I could stop, get out, and move it, but to hell with that: I must push on. It’s too bad, that’s all: I drive right over it and am on my way. In this case, a snap decision is taken on what is essentially an incidental matter. I did drive over the gocart deliberately, but not intentionally – nor, of course, unintentionally either…”

donald said...

Resist. War motherfuckers. Start with McCarthy’s head.

daskol said...

It's been debunked. You know, sprinkled with magic debunking powder. So shut the fuck up about it.

narciso said...

The bureau from the top with christies lawyer wray insist black bloc isnt real but maga is a clear and present danger.

MayBee said...

donald said...
Fuck you Maybee.


Matt Sablan said...


-- I'm evenly split on whether donald is a standard troll, an actual radical Trump supporter, or a moby. I wouldn't give him much time of day until he starts writing and acting like a real person and not a caricature.

rhhardin said...

What Trump should have anticipated is that the left would provoke a riot. It's the obvious move, though it wouldn't work without a new media narrative grabbing it and running with it.

Simultaneously Trump's zinger opportunities were taken away, so the media have framing to themselves.

Matt Sablan said...

You can't provoke a riot if the people there didn't want to riot; the Trump supporters who joined in the riot or started the riot are just as much responsible as any antifa agents in the crowd.

Jaq said...

CBS News says that law enforcement is looking at people with tactical training who were leading the breech of the capitol. The kinds of tactics that we have never seen from MAGA nation, but tactics that antifa uses all the time.


This “without evidence” trope really depends on willful blindness. At the very least, there is a lot of unexplained stuff that based on anything we knew previous to this date, would not point to MAGA nation.

Jaq said...

I think a three month trial in the Senate could be quite salubrious. Trump has been denied his day in court for far too long.

Leland said...

Kevin McCarthy says no antifa was involved. That means that the "rioters" were all conservatives, most of whom tend to vote Republican. Kevin McCarthy says the President should have immediately denounced them as I guess Kevin McCarthy is doing. Ok, Kevin McCarthy, so noted. I denounce Republicans inside the Capitol. Are you happy now?

rhhardin said...

It's sort of like burning the flag. A lot of people on the right don't give a shit about it, it's only cloth. Kneel for as many anthems as you want, as well.

The capitol is the left's flag or anthem, anyway when they run it. The sign of patriotism that must not be defaced. That way they get to be the patriots.

It's called virtue signalling today, formerly known as cheap grace.

Browndog said...

He absolutely did not do enough to quell them once they started. For the way he has acted after the election, I am fine seeing the backside of him as he leaves office.

He was speaking on a stage 1/2 mile away when it started. When he got back to the White House and saw what was going in he walked out of the White House and told everyone to stay peaceful and go home in front of news cameras.

That video was immediately censored.

I don't know what you expected him to do.

MayBee said...

Matt Sablan said...
You can't provoke a riot if the people there didn't want to riot; the Trump supporters who joined in the riot or started the riot are just as much responsible as any antifa agents in the crowd.

I totally agree with this. Anybody who rioted should be tried and convicted, as well as anyone who planned the riots.

rhhardin said...

I'm surprised there's only one flag in back of the speaker, in the house. Usually politicians have as many as eight flags to show how patriotic they are.

Jaq said...

Donald is clearly a troll. He projects it in every comment. He conveys no sense that he understands the support for Trump, he knows it, and that’s why he seems afraid to write too many words.

rhhardin said...

It's good that the lectern of power was recovered.

Jaq said...

"That video was immediately censored.”

That’s right, big tech censored his call for calm because they said it was inflammatory.

Bob Boyd said...

There's plenty of blame to go around, but as always, the left takes no responsibility and they never will. That's not the game they're playing.

Anything they do is justified. Anything their opponents do is an outrage. The very existence of opposition is an outrage justifying anything.

rhhardin said...

Watching the impeachment on TV it was prety obvious that the house is not worth the paper it's printed on.

That would be a worry for a patriot, but apparently not these people.

wendybar said...

I call Bull shit. Biden claimed the Violent Antifa was "just an idea". We know...the idea was to get Trump out of there.

rhhardin said...

Maybe the problem is diversity. It brings down the level of corruption to soap opera level, instead of keeping it at shrewd deals.

Anon said...

"The President bears responsibility . . . These facts require . . . which is why I think a fact finding commission . . ."

So, McCarthy has already decided what the facts are and blamed Trump for them, and then wants a "fact-finding commission"?

Can't any GOPer play the game?

Look, I am in favor of trying to sideline Trump and replacing him with a hard-nosed, better-informed, and more inclusive leader. But if the GOPe is going to act like that, they will keep Trump relevant.

narciso said...

Any more questions


rhhardin said...

Shrewd deal corruption at least doesn't insult your intelligence.

rhhardin said...

The scandalous thing about ABSCAM was how little money it takes to bribe a congressman.

narciso said...


rehajm said...

If only there was still a curious media...

mockturtle said...

'No evidence':
-of Big Tech social media collusion
-of election fraud
-that the Wuhan virus was created in the lab
-that Epstein was murdered

and the list goes on. Two terms that have lost all credibility with the alert public are: "There is no evidence" and "unprecedented".

rhhardin said...

If the right ran the riot, is just means they're stupid. It's so obviously counterproductive, and Trump's strength was support from cleans-up-after-itself real Americans.

What congress was debating was whether to investigate election fraud, to determine whether it happened or not, before the inauguration. You'd want to support that.

D.D. Driver said...

"Oh, well it was Trump saying the election was rigged that did it"

Here's my analogy. I tell me neighbor his wife his fucking her boss. My neighbor believes me and kills his wife. At no point did I tell my neighbor to kill his wife. But, at the same time if I didn't tell the dangerous lie, the murder would not have occurred.

Telling citizens that their government is illegitimate and selected by the Chinese is a similar dangerous lie. If people believe the lie (and they definitely believe the lie) there is almost certain to be violence.

Matt Sablan said...

"If the right ran the riot, is just means they're stupid."

-- I mean... *gestures at the near entire ranks of Republican/conservative elected and appointed leadership.*

Gunner said...

Even if Trump had angrily denounced the rioters the second he found out what happened, all these Dems would just say it doesn't matter because he still caused it to happen.

rehajm said...

Kevin McCarthy knows it was planned. Why is he lying in public too?

Because he can.

Bob Boyd said...

The Progs started everything on fire in their effort to get Trump. Now they call on him to save us all from the flames while still saying he made them start the fires.

donald said...

I caught about 30 seconds of that grotesquely fat fuck’s insane porky pig squealing about impeachment yesterday. I cannot see how he can ever load himself into a wheelbarrow to be pushed to a remote ever again. I also cannot see how Omaha Steaks, Dynamic money (A fraud company on WSB) or any other advertisers can with any conscience advertise in his shows after his call for assassination and imprisonment if American citizens. God is he fat.

Iman said...

If Antifa wasn't involved, it will be the first time Trump supporters have protested without Antifa there to fight them.

ding! ding! ding! We have a winner!

Gunner said...

D. D. Driver: Democrats call every Republican Supreme Court member a Nazi who will bring back Jim Crow. Why isn't that a dangerous lie for the fools who believe it?

Matt Sablan said...

Your analogy is horribly flawed, in so many ways, it is counter productive to even accept your argument by analogy. Take it back to the drawing board, attempt to actually understand what the right's issues with the election were (start with the people who may not think there was fraud or vote switching, but have serious questions about poll watchers being turned away, why Republicans were lied to about counting stopping, and why despite being told everything was done right, multiple USBs of votes were found during recounts that were supposed to have been secured, and why each and every one of these errors all went in one direction -- people like that (like me) aren't positively saying there was fraud, even Trump's lawyers didn't push fraud so much as unequally applied rules and the vast, vast, provable incompetence and unethical behavior involving vote counting.)

You simply don't understand the right, so you view them as malicious bad actors instead of actually understanding their motives and actions.

Spend some time actually learning about the people you disagree with before making lazy, bad faith analogies.

daskol said...

I used to fake illness as a kid and stay home from school. When I got tired of our very limited repertoire of VHS tapes, I would sometimes check out CSPAN. British parliament was and remains a way more entertaining forum. Instead of orating to an empty room, they actually debate and argue with one another, with panache and aplomb, and they're all quick. Even the Lords, although the commons of course is better TV. As a chauvinistic American, it was hard for me to admit that fusty Europeans, Brits, were less pompous than our leadership, and more impressive people, to a man or woman. They've gotten less impressive in the UK, but they are still less pompous, less ridiculous than our Congress, which turned up the pomposity to 11.

Jaq said...

"Telling citizens that their government is illegitimate and selected by the Chinese is a similar dangerous lie.”

You do know that one of the impeachment managers for the Democrats was sleeping with a Chinese spy and that the Chinese have forked over hundreds of millions if not billions to the Biden family, right? This is all a matter of public record.

mockturtle said...

If Antifa wasn't involved, it will be the first time Trump supporters have protested without Antifa there to fight them

Good point, MayBee!

William said...

Whatever the involvement of antifa, the mob was made up of mostly Trump supporters. I would blame antifa for creating the kind of world where outrageous crowd actions are defined as free speech, but those Trump supporters who participated in this riot did so with their own free will. It's on them, and McCarthy is right to attempt damage control......If you eliminate all the Democrats and then those people sympathetic to McCarthy, Pence, McConnell, Graham,, Ryan, Bush et al., then your movement becomes more the froth of the whitecap than a wave and certainly not a sea change.

hombre said...

Another example of Republicans as The Stupid Party. Another example of Trump’s presence exposing the depth of the swamp.

I’m not sure there is no evidence of Antifa or other agent provocateurs inciting the violence. I know Michael Yon would disagree with McCarthy about that. I am certain that there is no evidence in the public domain that the President incited violence. I am also certain that we are seeing the swamprats attempting to administer a death blow to yet another populist movement trying to relieve the country of its corruption.

There is no other defensible reason for McCarthy to be pimping for the Democrats. Clearly, the United States Congress, the White House, the media and much of the federal court system are in the grip of evil. The stench of corruption is overwhelmingly indicated by the gawdawful hyperbole on both sides.

La Señora insists it is time for a third party. McCarthy,McConnell, Romney and their ilk are proving her right.

narciso said...

The trolls dont want to understand. So an animal house stunt gets out of hand and its ragnarok the same dems fans thr flames of property destruction and cop murder and its crickets.

Browndog said...

20,000 troops in D.C. today. More than Iraq and Afghanistan combined.

All to protect Congress from Trump supporters.

I Callahan said...

But, at the same time if I didn't tell the dangerous lie, the murder would not have occurred.

And if he hadn't moved in next to you, his wife wouldn't be dead either. Or if you hadn't moved in next to him. Or, if the wife had gotten a job elsewhere.

How far down this slippery slope do you want to travel?

Your neighbor killed his wife. The fault is entirely on him. He decided to kill her all on his own.

Does anyone on the Trump-hating side even think anymore?

Gusty Winds said...

In the Wizard of Oz it was Toto, Dorothy’s dog, who found the snake oil salesman behind the curtain while Dorothy and crew were enamored and fearful of the propaganda image of the Wizard.

95% of University PhD Credentialed elites believe 2020’s crap propaganda. They are either stupid and only credentialed like the Scarecrow, Cowards like the Lion, or Heartless like the Tin-Man. Certainly dumber than dogs, and not nearly as charming as Dororthy.

daskol said...

The scandalous thing about ABSCAM was how little money it takes to bribe a congressman.

Yes, and Spiro Agnew could be had with an envelope's worth of cash, even as VP. I feel similarly about the Biden grifts that have been exposed. 47 years in the halls of power, and they're scrounging for a few mil here and there. Jim Biden seems to have done pretty well with some big deals, but in general the deal sizes revealed were embarrassingly small.

Jaq said...

"If people believe the lie (and they definitely believe the lie) there is almost certain to be violence."

Suppressing clear evidence of Joe Biden’s corruption with totally unfounded claims that it was “Russian disinformation” is by your same reasoning, inflammatory. Your very denial of the multiple lines of evidence of Biden’s corruption, the interlocking tranches of emails, the sworn depositions by people involved, the fact that nobody has denied it was Hunter’s laptop is inflammatory

What would have calmed people down would have been an honest and open review of the facts, of the laptop, of the election, and since every attempt at that was thrown out on one technicality or another, well it only makes people look guilty.

daskol said...

Meanwhile, the Clintons get 8 or 9 figures at a time, like the Obamas. I guess if you look at it from a certain angle, it burnishes Biden's "man of the people" credentials.

Jaq said...

"but in general the deal sizes revealed were embarrassingly small.”

Several billion dollars of US aid have gone missing in Ukraine, and the Ukrainians are pretty pissed about it, so I am not sure at all that Joe doesn’t play in the same league of corruption as his brother James with his Iraq deal (Also a matter of public record)

donald said...

I caught about 30 seconds of that grotesquely fat fuck’s insane porky pig squealing about impeachment yesterday. I cannot see how he can ever load himself into a wheelbarrow to be pushed to a remote ever again. I also cannot see how Omaha Steaks, Dynamic money (A fraud company on WSB) or any other advertisers can with any conscience advertise in his shows after his call for assassination and imprisonment if American citizens. God is he fat.

That is Erick Erickson who’s destruction of thought on WSB consists of begging for sheckels on their airwaves. I’m
Done with WSB and that includes O’Neill and The Georgia Bulldogs.

320Busdriver said...


I like the term “baseless”

donald said...


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No evidence?

Wince said...

If McCarthy were prepping the battle space for giving the Biden and the Democrats equal treatment for their depredations, you could almost excuse his duplicity.

But you know he never will. Ever.

gspencer said...

Never trusted this Kevin McCarthy. Now have even more solid evidence why.

Bob Boyd said...

My neighbor believes me

You forgot the part when he asked his wife where she was all those late nights, she said, "I never worked late. You're imagining it." And when he confronted her with pictures of her coming out of a motel room with her boss she said. "That's not evidence. There is no evidence. This why I have no respect for you, because you're a stupid fool. I wish you more like my boss. Now go to work, because he's coming over and he'll be here any minute."

Unknown said...

> There was absolutely no evidence of that. And

"Absolutely no" cannot be true - simple set theory meets reality.

Just like "absolutely no fraud" in election.

Politicians are such asswipe virtue signalers.

CASEY STENGEL: "Can't anybody here play this game?

Matt Sablan said...

"If McCarthy were prepping the battle space for giving the Biden and the Democrats equal treatment for their depredations, you could almost excuse his duplicity."

-- I've said it many times: I'd happily sacrifice Trump politically if I thought the rules used to Get Trump would be applied equally across parties and up and down the elected official chain. It would be the closest thing to "vote the bums out" we'd ever get.

But, alas, I know that Trump is special and gets special rules that only apply to Trump.

Iman said...

Try a shot of decaf, donald. With a Drano chaser.

hombre said...

Are we certain that the “invasion” of the Capitol by Trump demonstrators is more of a threat to the Republic than the invasion and burning of a police station in Portland or the occupation of a police station in Seattle by BLM/Antifa, the Democrat Brownshirts.

Ask around Queen Nan. Ask around McCarthy, her echo. Who would 74 million Americans choose to protect the Republic, this clown show called Congress or the police?

Jaq said...

Remember when Joe Biden went to Iraq to negotiate the Status of Forces agreement with the Iraqis, failed miserably, as we all recall, but came back with his brother who had no experience getting a 1.5 billion dollar contract to rebuild the housing Joe voted bo bomb?

Remember when Joe Biden went to China to negotiate over the Spratly Islands and the Chinese told him to fuck off, but took his documented pedophile(Video proof) son along on Air Force Two as a “chaperone” for his young niece, a son who had no experience suggesting he could run a hedge fund yet came back with a 1.5 billion dollar pledge to his brand new hedge fund?

It’s inflammatory, sure, but it’s also true.

stlcdr said...

MayBee said...
Matt Sablan said...
You can't provoke a riot if the people there didn't want to riot; the Trump supporters who joined in the riot or started the riot are just as much responsible as any antifa agents in the crowd.

I totally agree with this. Anybody who rioted should be tried and convicted, as well as anyone who planned the riots.

1/14/21, 8:00 AM

No (not to everything), but people who get caught up in action, a crowd, a surge are not necessarily active participants. While it would be nice to think that conservatives are 'better than that', there is a real psychological effect of being caught in the moment.

Riot provocateurs know that. Those provocateurs should be held accountable - identifying them is another story. But it seems like we are tarring everyone with the same brush. Indeed, should everyone who encouraged a protest be prosecuted (for what?) because it turned into a riot? It appears that is the case. That is wrong, and encourages those who would do harm to the Republic to perform simple and minor acts of violence or vandalism, to succeed.

Should we prevent all protests because violence might occur? I think most people would agree that it would be a bad idea to attend any kind of protest or gathering from now on, for fear of being prosecuted, doxed, having your life destroyed, because of simply voicing an opinion by being present.

320Busdriver said...

Marjorie Taylor Greene...the freshman Rep from GA has chutzpah. Seems AOC was uncomfortable sheltering in place with MTG saying she feared she would give her up.

MTG has indicated she will push to begin impeachment of Joe Biden on his first day in office..

I say good... flood the zone. Scorch the earth.

donald said...

Fuck you Iman. I suggest a threesome with Erickson and Stacy Abrams.

boatbuilder said...

This is objectively bizarre behavior by McCarthy.
He may be right; he’s probably wrong.
The one thing that is clear is that he is not on my side. Whose side is he on?

Matt Sablan said...

I agree that you have to punish people for what they did, not what the people around them did. Looking at the Capitol riot, for example, you had, what, tens of thousands of people there... and maybe a small percentage, a few hundred? Maybe a thousand at most, who actually rioted.

The actual rioters? They should face the consequences of their actions. The attempt to get everyone who was present -- even those who didn't go to the Capitol or attack it/riot -- is not a good idea, and is not going to help to unite the country.

Likewise, pretending "well, they were just swept up in the moment by agent provocateurs, so they're not responsible," is not a good idea either.

Bob Boyd said...

If Trump had been announced the winner, the Dems wouldn't believe it either and they would burning and looting in every major city.

Why do we have system where we can't easily prove to everyone who won?
You know the answer.

Matt Sablan said...

AOC's attempts to convince her supporters to not trust Republican law makers and that some of them might threaten her life -- does that count as "incitement?"

Static Ping said...

Whenever I hear the phrase "no evidence," my bull**** detectors go off. That often means one of the following:

1. The speaker is ignorant of the subject at hand, and therefore knows of no evidence because he or she is willfully ignoring it.
2. The situation is currently chaotic and the facts are unclear. Rather than wait for the facts to come out, the speaker has decided that everyone other than himself or herself has the burden of proof immediately. It's a nice way to "win" an argument by default without actually proving anything.
3. The speaker does not know the definition of "evidence." This seems to be a common problem. There is a huge difference between "no evidence" and "insufficient evidence" or "unpersuasive evidence."
4. The speaker is lying.

I'm not saying any of this applies here, but whenever I see that phrase I become deeply suspicious. It immediately makes me think the speaker is hiding something.

Oh well.

Jaq said...

The funny thing is that these young liberals have been so played by a small cabal of billionaires who control what they see and read into installing a corrupt old white man with #METOO problems and obviously for sale as president. People with piles of money prefer politicians who can be bought. Since money to buy politicians is something they have in abundance.

And who the fuck stole half a billion dollars from the Trump campaign during the election when he sorely needed the money? That’s another investigation that would go a long way to clearing things up. My bet is a RINO, but who knows?

Jaq said...

All of this corruption is probably behind the soaring price of BitCoin.

Curious George said...

No evidence of nuttin! Ever!

Iman said...

Fuck you Iman. I suggest a threesome with Erickson and Stacy Abrams.

LOL... sweet Baby Jesus... put you in the middle of that, ya gotta true shit sandwich.

Browndog said...

And who the fuck stole half a billion dollars from the Trump campaign during the election when he sorely needed the money? That’s another investigation that would go a long way to clearing things up. My bet is a RINO, but who knows?

Interesting to see who and how this story gets buried. I was furious when they pulled their ads from Michigan.

Ronna Romney and Jared Kushner have some hard questions to answer.

rehajm said...

All of this corruption is probably behind the soaring price of BitCoin.

Chinese stocks are cranking, too- BABA TCEHY...I wonder if it's for the same reason?

jeremyabrams said...

McCarthy wouldn't say any of that without clearing it with his membership. For the very first time, I feel like equating them with the Whigs.

Big Mike said...

Kevin McCarthy is simply wrong, and part of the proof is at the end of this article in Buzzfeed, of all places. Here's the paragraph:

"I got called a [n-word] 15 times today,” the veteran officer shouted in the Rotunda to no one in particular. “Trump did this and we got all of these fucking people in our department that voted for him. How the fuck can you support him?”

Anyone remember way backk when moby Chuck used the n-word to describe famous pediatric neurosurgeon Ben Carson and his agency (HUD). I'm not saying that there are no conservatives who would call a black cop the n-word to his face, but the main usage is either blacks talking to each other, or lefty extremists trying to pretend to be Republicans because, like most of the lefty trolls on this thread (and probably Althouse herself), they believe that all Republicans are racists so part of their act is to use the evil word -- dare I say it? -- liberally.

Another part of the proof is in the same article. Here's that paragraph:

“That was a heavily trained group of militia terrorists that attacked us,” said the officer, who has been with the department for more than a decade. “They had radios, we found them, they had two-way communicators and earpieces. They had bear spray. They had flash bangs ... They were prepared. They strategically put two IEDs, pipe bombs, in two different locations. These guys were military trained. A lot of them were former military,” the officer said, referring to two suspected pipe bombs that were found outside the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee.

Not the Proud Boys. Antifa.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


The guy who stole Nancy's podium... did you see him? Goof ball.

The people who were wearing Antifa-style gear, communicating to each other ala Antifa - that was the planned attack - and that was Antifa. They were dressed as maga.

RichAndSceptical said...

If you believe there was no Antifa, it's only because you haven't watched the latest Michael Yon video on youtube. 'Agent Provocateur' Tactics Seen at Jan 6 US Capitol Protest — Interview With Michael Yon | Crossroads

From Yon's website

Those who follow my work for many years know that I am careful with my words, and that I am amazingly accurate on my stated predictions in conflicts. I have never seen any country that I am more sure is heading into revolution, and civil war. All compass needles point this direction.Those who follow my work for many years know that I am careful with my words, and that I am amazingly accurate on my stated predictions in conflicts. I have never seen any country that I am more sure is heading into revolution, and civil war. All compass needles point this direction.

Howard said...

Let me get this straight. You people are the macho former military men of action with all the guns brawn testosterone and guts. Antifa is a ragtag group of lily livered libtards soyboys who run at the first sign of trouble.

These Antifa pussies somehow disguised themselves, infiltrated into the thousands and thousands of MAGA protestors, incited many of them to riot and led the unwitting innocent MAGA faithful into the Capitol for fun and great selfies. Once inside, these librul scum caused all the violence while the MAGAs were otherwise occupied enjoying their Cosplay party then disappeared into the ether.

You can't have it both ways.

Nicholas said...

Daskol - "British parliament was and remains a way more entertaining forum". As an Englishman, that cheers me up. As you say, it is not as good as it used to be - the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, is a brillant writer, but not so strong on oratory, although his denunciation of the far Left Jeremy Corbyn early on in his Premiership, around July 2019, was pretty good, as was Michael Gove's similar takedown. William Hague used to run rings around Tony Blair at Prime Minister's questions, although it didn't get him very far politically.

On that matter, can you imagine Joe Biden having to stand before the Commons to take an unknown array of oral questions from MPs, with only a few briefing notes on the hot topics of the day? It would be tragi-comic.

Bob Boyd said...

The Proud Boys dressed as Antifa and Antifa dressed as the Proud Boys and they canceled each other's false flags.

Browndog said...

These Antifa pussies somehow disguised themselves



320Busdriver said...

Can Donald Trump use his $ and influence to advocate and bail out these Capitol offenders? How would that be viewed?

Kamala incited riots over the summer and worked to bail out those who were jailed.

How does she get away with that? Because she’s a woman? Because she’s a POC?

Explain that shit!

mockturtle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mdg said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mockturtle said...

Boatbuilder asks regarding Kevin McCarthy: The one thing that is clear is that he is not on my side. Whose side is he on?

His own, of course. He fancies himself the leader of the Vichy GOP, the Pétain, if you will, who will lead the Party to victory in 2024. He's sadly mistaken, of course...

320Busdriver said...

WAPO alert tells me national mall will be closed for inaugural.

So you can toot your horn from across the Potomac when Joe takes the oath.

Where’s my pitchfork?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

'No evidence! It's all lies!'

Feels like blackmail... mob tactics. mass lies.

Carol said...

Antifa was in there all right, leading the vanguard, but so what. This is why the good guys shouldn't participate in these events. Totally out of control.

Write letters, send money.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Antifa wasn't there. And, the Benghazi consulate attack was caused by a trailer from a unknown film maker. Both are Democrat positions. The FBI knew an attack was coming, told the Capitol Police, but both did nothing to prepare. Did Nancy Pelosi tell the CP to do nothing so she could have her little coup?

Howard said...

Aprilbidencrackpipe:. More mass hysteria from you people. Your brain has been hacked and you keep guzzling the Kool-Aid.

Mark said...

Did Qwinn get arrested? Seems like he is usually around for these threads.

Howard said...

Mike of Snow:. Didn't most of the Rioters in the Capitol look like former military guys you served with?

320Busdriver said...

Well when you turn that dial clockwise the pan gets hotter and hotter. ………Science!

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Press your Representatives about expelling Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and AOC and others because they have been inciting insurrection. Impeach Harris for same and impeach Biden for bribery. Make them stand up for their new principles on protected speech.

Also press them on whether they support civil liberties or are they fascists?

Hold a blow torch to their feet and make them live up to the new standards.

Jaq said...

" Antifa is a ragtag group of lily livered libtards soyboys who run at the first sign of trouble.”

I don’t know where you get that. Some of these guys are well trained and disciplined, as has been pointed out all along and demonstrated over the summer. Black bloc types have been doing this kind of stuff for years. Funded by billionaires to do their political bidding and covered for by prosecutors and police while having a good time in the process.

Here is a picture of one smiling behind police lines right before he goes into the crown and starts bellowing for violence. “You deliver me the pictures, and I will deliver you the war” is an old quote. Agent provocateurs are there to deliver the pictures. Then the Democrats seized on this almost as hard as the Nazis seized on the Reichstag Fire.


They are brownshirts, used in the same way Hitler used his. Charlottesville was only the first, but since the trial was secret, we will never see the evidence there, I guess.

henge2243 said...

Who's responsible? The people that did the rioting.

Agency? No group that can be labeled has it.

Free will? Never heard of it.

mockturtle said...

Carol opines: Antifa was in there all right, leading the vanguard, but so what. This is why the good guys shouldn't participate in these events. Totally out of control.

Write letters, send money.

I agree that mobs/protests will only play into their hands. Violence is what they want. Look how quickly it led to a concerted cancellation of conservative thought on social media. This is just the tip of their totalitarian iceberg. Along with letters and contributions to principled officials, stealth and resistance should be the order of the day.

Birches said...

Haha. No evidence just like election fraud. Where do these guys get their news?

Michael K said...

Kevin McCarthy knows it was planned. Why is he lying in public too?

McCarthy has been a squish for years. First he is a California GOP member and, aside from Devon Nunez and Tom McClintok, most are squishes, too.

The Capitol riot was an Antifa led operation. The Genuine Trump people who joined were dumb and being led.

I've been posting links to Michael Yon all week.

The Democrats are still deathly afraid of Trump. I think he will be too old by 2024 but the Dims just "elected" a 78 year old senile man. This operation by their "kinetic wing" was intended to disgrace Trump. Hence the fake "impeachment."

If I were Trump I would say the hell with it and retire but I don't know what he will do.

I had not heard about the money missing from the campaign. I have hundreds of texts every day but none mention that as a reason for trying to get more money out of me. I wonder why ?

Witness said...

"And conservatives should be the first to say so...."

Better late than never, I suppose.

Matt Sablan said...

"I have hundreds of texts every day but none mention that as a reason for trying to get more money out of me. I wonder why ?"

-- Option 1: "Give us money, because we lost the last money you gave us," isn't exactly a compelling pitch.

Michael K said...

As far as arresting "the rioters," the LA Times reported that a two time Olympic gold medal winner was present and has been arrested. His crime was wearing his Olympic jacket, I assume.

Michael K said...

Give us money, because we lost the last money you gave us," isn't exactly a compelling pitch.

Excellent point. I hadn't thought of that but should have.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Well who are these guys?
“ Then, from the north, a column of uniformed, agile younger men walked briskly, single-file, toward the inaugural stand. They came within two feet of me. Their camouflage uniforms were clean, neat, and with a pattern I couldn’t identify.

“Some had helmets and GoPro cameras. Some uniforms bore subdued insignia, including the Punisher skull. These were the disciplined, uniformed column of attackers. I had seen them in groups of two or three among the marchers on Connecticut Avenue from the Ellipse.

320Busdriver said...

Blogger Michael K said...
As far as arresting "the rioters," the LA Times reported that a two time Olympic gold medal winner was present and has been arrested. His crime was wearing his Olympic jacket, I assume.

He’s a 6’6” swimmer. Doesn’t exactly blend in.

Jaq said...

If you go on the premise that the breech of the Capitol was well organized by people with knowledge of military tactics, as CBS News is reporting, then you have to ask yourselves who had a plausible endgame?

Antifa had a plausible and achievable endgame, which was a Reichstag Fire type complete delegitimization of Trump and his supporters and all political opponents of the Democrats in general

MAGA Nation never before seen paramilitary wing endgame: ... ... ... ...

No “well organized” paramilitary action is undertaken without a plausible path to achieving some concrete political or military objective.

Jaq said...

"No “well organized” paramilitary action is undertaken without a plausible path to achieving some concrete political or military objective.”

An objective by the way that serves an overall strategy to achieve victory. This is utterly absent in the case of MAGA nation, and the overreaction to this is being orchestrated and amplified by the yellow journalists of today to serve their masters.

Sam L. said...

The GOP has wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too many splitters.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

the far left and the far right often have the same objectives.

Sadly - our elite ivory tower political class are unaware of the reality on the ground and shrug it off on blame their enemy.

We know who wins that Bs - the left. They control the narrative.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Tim's link to video- that coordination is really astonishing.
The left got what they wanted from the deal. The take-down of Trump and the removal of free speech.

Now we have the swamp creature back in charge.
Biden and his family are still crooked and deserve a full investigation.

chuck said...

I'm not buying the claim that there was a riot. There was a disturbance, tiny on the scale of last Summer, calling it a riot is ginning up an emergency to justify repression.

Curious George said...

"mockturtle said...
Boatbuilder asks regarding Kevin McCarthy: The one thing that is clear is that he is not on my side. Whose side is he on?

His own, of course. He fancies himself the leader of the Vichy GOP, the Pétain, if you will, who will lead the Party to victory in 2024. He's sadly mistaken, of course..."

Partially right. McCarthy and old guard GOP don't care about GOP victory. They are mostly in safe districts and like the DC life. The love being in the minority where they can vote against Democrats but never have an effect. Look at Ryan, once he became House leader accomplished nothing that the GOP espoused.

Thats why they hate Trump. He makes them look like the Eunuchs they are.

Browndog said...

chuck said...

I'm not buying the claim that there was a riot. There was a disturbance, tiny on the scale of last Summer, calling it a riot is ginning up an emergency to justify repression.


chuck said...

Antifa was in there all right

I don't think we know much, the question is whether we ever will. I don't trust the FBI or any other government agency to do that job, it isn't in their interest.
QAnon was likely more influential among older people, Antifa tends to be younger.

Browndog said...

Let's not forget, the reason so many people were inside the building is because the police opened the doors and let them in.

David53 said...

Michael Yon makes some good points. I have never seen Trumpsters carrying shields before, that's an ANTIFA tactic. McCarthy went full "absolutely no evidence," never go full absolutely.

WK said...

I doubt we will ever have good answers. Who has investigated anything of note lately and come up with a definitive answer or resolution? A number of MAGA participants identified in videos will be prosecuted for obvious crimes at the Capitol. Underlying influences will never be searched for or discovered. Or if so they will be covered up. Then we will move on. Hillary emails. Russia influence. Hunter laptop. Voter fraud. No one in power interested in looking at anything.

Jeff Brokaw said...

What is that saying ... you can’t make someone understand something whose livelihood depends on them not understanding it?

5M - Eckstine said...

John Solomon points out the timeline of the violence started while Trump was still giving his speech. Also that the National Guard was requested to manage the large crowd but that Pelosi and her staff nixed it. There were briefing of possible terrorism in advance but no one took them seriously.

Michael Yon does a good job of detailing the organized people instigating at the demonstration.

Lots of questions. Like why haven't we heard anything about these pipe bombs? Who threw that fire extinguisher?

Rusty said...

Wait. Did a politician say this? Then it is not factual.

Jaq said...

Watch this with the sound on, seriously. Here is the guy who was a “serous threat" to the government of the United States of America.


Maybe he was just trying to set up an insanity defense in advance. He reminds me of that character Paul Rudd played in that move “My Idiot Brother.”

5M - Eckstine said...

Watch all the little ANTIFA Trump crowd riots. It's always a group of mostly naive Trump supporters thinking nothing bad is going to happen. Then an ANTIFA type distracts them with concern troll talk while their partner circles around and sucker punches the Trump supporter from behind.

You can see it in just about any violent ANTIFA video.

Butkus51 said...

its funny, you go to google and you type in Italy Dominion Servers............you get a bunch of "fact checking" sites. But you use an alternative, you find all sorts of interesting things happening in Europe last week.

stlcdr said...

Matt Sablan said...

The actual rioters? They should face the consequences of their actions. The attempt to get everyone who was present -- even those who didn't go to the Capitol or attack it/riot -- is not a good idea, and is not going to help to unite the country.

Likewise, pretending "well, they were just swept up in the moment by agent provocateurs, so they're not responsible," is not a good idea either.

1/14/21, 8:42 AM

It has made me look at the BLM protests and riots from a different perspective and scrutiny. People should be punished for punishable things; people should not be punished for protesting a grievance, no matter how angry they appear, or how whether that grievance is real or perceived.

Rabel said...

Kevin McCarthy:

"No investigations have been completed. No hearings have been held."

Also Kevin McCarthy:

"Some say the riots were caused by Antifa. There was absolutely no evidence of that."

"The President bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters."

He has chosen a side.

farmgirl said...


mockturtle said...

Farm girl, good article. Here's a hyperlink: Link

walter said...

(from narciso's link)
"Pictured inside the Capitol wearing furs, a police vest, a riot shield, and a walking stick. Son of Brooklyn Supreme Court Judge Shlomo Mostofsky."
Wearing furs!

The worst thing about all this the disinformation swirling around lectern vs podium.

farmgirl said...

There’s this, as well.
For perspective.
I do appreciate the hyperlink!!


walter said...

Out: "unrest"
In: "mob"

Howard said...

Rabel: Agree McCarthy has chosen a side: USA over himself, Trump and GOP.

walter said...

Got what he wanted out of Trump...for now.
Once he "lost", figures no value.
I wonder what Kevie's job approval looks like. Or Kimchee Mitch...

Leland said...

Good post MountainMan 7:35am. Timelines are a good thing.

effinayright said...

D. Driver:

"Telling citizens that their government is illegitimate and selected by the Russians is a similar dangerous lie. If people believe the lie (and they definitely believe the lie) there is almost certain to be violence."



MountainMan said...

Night said..."Like why haven't we heard anything about these pipe bombs?"

I think it was this morning I saw a report from Catherine Herridge at CBS News that authorities now think the pipe bombs were meant to be a diversion during the planned riot that would take significant law enforcement sources away from the Capitol building. Don't recall hearing any theory about why they did not go off. More evidence, though, that this event was planned.

Jeff Brokaw said...

“Absolutely no evidence”


Do any politicians realize the Internet exists and belies their narratives EVERY DAY?

n.n said...

you go to google and you type in Italy Dominion Servers............you get a bunch of "fact checking" sites...

Steering engine.

Amadeus 48 said...

Well, McCarthy was the first to say so, so he has that going for him which is nice. But he better check out the Shinola before he uses it.

I don’t think anyone knows who voted in the 2020 election and I don’t think anyone knows who stormed the Capitol.

No one knows anything.

Bilwick said...

Until now I didn't think Antifa was behind the riots. (I'm assuming by "the riots" we mean the non-approved riots at the capital, and not the "peaceful protests" that Pelosi, the MSM et al, gave their assent to during the past year. "People will do what they will do.") But I'm old enough and experienced enough to know when a politician says "There's no evidence" it means "There's evidence."

Amadeus 48 said...

Howard— your patriotism is stirring. It has all the grace and condescension of someone whose candidate has been proclaimed the winner. Personally, I smell a rat, but no one can do anything about it. Do I’ll join you.

Joe Biden is the kindest, bravest, warmest most wonderful human being I have ever known in my life.

Brad said...

Catherine Herridge has reported that the pipe bombs @ RNC and DNC headquarters were placed before Trump finished speaking.

That pipe bombs were even assembled to be placed at all indicates premeditation which cuts against the whole "incitement" argument, doesn't it?

As does the presence of "Mr. Zip Ties" at the Capitol . . . .

I'm not suggesting for a moment that Trump has no culpability for his comments. Claiming he won in a landslide (his own polling units didn't find that to be the case, and Trafalgar, which was about the only pollster which came close to 'getting it right' in 2016, said it was "close" this year), claiming that Mike Pence had the ability to refuse to count electoral votes of anyone, and so on - - all of that was bo-hunk spewed to rile people up. I have no doubt that Trump wanted a demonstration which might prove intimidating.

But one would have to be a complete loon (which, yes, cannot be completely ruled out) to believe that the rag tag assemblage at the demonstration was going cause the Biden Presidency "not to happen."

IMO, Trump - narcissist that he is - believed he could control the situation, that while there'd be a nice, intimidating demonstration of his massive popularity, that even out of the Presidency he'd still be a "force to be reckoned with, blah blah blah.

I suspect there were elements of the crowd there which had no intention of being "controlled," along with others which were swept along.

And while each and every person who got involved is responsible for his or her own actions, I believe Trump demonstrated poor judgment, both in his participation in the event, and in the speech he chose to make.

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