January 17, 2021

"It’s like you get the most confident, strong personality people, a lot of them being women, and it’s like you’re layering all of them on top of each other and it becomes everyone trying to talk over each other."

"So it’s a lot of really enthusiastic yelling.... It was nice to have so many different, really strong opinions. We always joke that whenever we bring our friends over for the first time they’re going to get grilled. Like, if you don’t have your 10-year plan, like, fully ready and outlined in a spreadsheet for them, you’re not going to survive that meal." 

Said Ella Emhoff, quoted in "What’s It Like to Have Kamala Harris As ‘Momala’? We Asked Her Stepkids/A Zoom interview with Ella and Cole Emhoff" (NYT). 

I was interested in the question — asked by the NYT interviewer — "Your dad has never not worked, right? What do you think that’s going to be like for him?" 

The reader is forced to infer that Emhoff is quitting his work. There's no link or statement to that effect, and I didn't know it. He's only 56. He's been a lawyer. I see at his Wikipedia page that he took a leave of absence from his law firm when Harris was running for VP, and he permanently resigned when she became VP. So what will this be like for him? I'd say, he's old enough to retire, and not retiring would probably cause more trouble than any good his working could have done, even assuming that his legal work was for the good.

Here's his daughter's answer:
I hope he takes up, like, another hobby. I hope he starts knitting, like I do. I think it’ll be a good time for him to slow down and just, I don’t know, like appreciate life. And tap into a lot of the things that he couldn’t do because he was working so much or had these, like, time constraints. I hope that it opens up some of those creative outlets, but that’s obviously just me, the creative child.

Let him play the supportive role with grace and dignity, like the female first and second spouses have done. He's inventing the masculine version of a traditional role. I've seen some people say that the arrival of a man into this role ought to be an occasion for getting rid of it altogether — as if the role itself is sexist, and putting a man in it reveals that it was never a good at all. But I'd say that line of reasoning is sexist. 

BUT: Just clicking on footnotes at Emhoff's Wikipedia page, I see "Kamala Harris’s Husband Named to Faculty at Georgetown Law":  

Emhoff will be a Distinguished Visitor from Practice focusing on media and entertainment law, which he practiced for nearly three decades as a partner at DLA Piper. He will also serve as a distinguished fellow of the school’s Institute for Technology Law and Policy.

Dad needs a hobby. Ha ha. Being a law professor is a hobby. Or such a nothing pastime that you need to load in something like knitting to keep from being at loose ends. 

That NYT question — "Your dad has never not worked, right? What do you think that’s going to be like for him?" — contains the inference that to be a law professor is not to work!


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Kevin said...

What was it like to have Melania Trump as a mom?

Answer: What? So we’re humanizing the Nazis now?

MayBee said...

Isn't it weird that his daughter answered the question as if he isn't going to work?

tim maguire said...

How is it sexist to recognize that first lady is a fake role we would be better off without? Is the sexism in thinking that having a man in the role would make people more aware of how pointless it is? How? It is impugning sexism in others, but I don’t see how it reveals sexism in the person holding the position that a man in the role may help get rid of it.

rhhardin said...

If the wife is nuts, it's just the traditional husband role, namely not mentioning stuff.

MayBee said...

A meal where you get grilled about your 10 year plan does not sound the least bit fun, and I wonder how much fun Ella Emhoff really thinks it is.

MayBee said...

I agree, Tim Maguire. IMO, every First Lady and Second Lady and Gentleman should just knit behind the scenes and leave us alone.

(I will be very interested to see how much of the "role" of the First Lady the new female VP is given by the press. Will she be the fashion icon? The person in charge of national culture? She's already been on Vogue and today CBS is running a story about Harris and her shoes. That all feels kind of sexist!)

Mikey NTH said...

The breathless "squeeing" of the press is something I didn't miss from the Obama years.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Invest heavily in Kimberly-Clark. Gonna be a tsunami of self wetting in the press.

Mikey NTH said...

Maybee said...

What's weird is that his daughter doesn't seem to know what his plans are.

Mikey NTH said...

10 year plans? The Soviets only did 5 year plans.

wendybar said...

Who cares??

Tank said...

He won’t be busy laundering foreign money into a Kamala Foundation?

wendybar said...

I already mute her whenever she comes on TV, because I can't stand that cackle whenever she is asked a question....

mezzrow said...

A: A Law Professor's spouse.

Q: What does Meade have in common with our soon-to-be vice president?

Scott said...

DC is such a meritocracy.

Tom said...

I’m not sure we should consider “reporter at the NYT” work. I mean, the term “work” infers something productive occurred and, clearly, that’s not the case.

Big Mike said...

That NYT question — "Your dad has never not worked, right? What do you think that’s going to be like for him?" — contains the inference that to be a law professor is not to work!

And here I thought you believed everything you read in the Times.

Fernandinande said...

We always joke that whenever we bring our friends over for the first time they’re going to get grilled. .. your 10-year plan,

So their friends are high-school teenagers in need of guidance?

"What’s It Like to Have Kamala Harris As ‘Momala’?"

I think we already know that it's just about the most wonderfullest thing evar!

rehajm said...

Traditionally the role his wife will assume is mostly useless.

Deb said...

@Maybee: Will she be the fashion icon? The person in charge of national culture? She's already been on Vogue and today CBS is running a story about Harris and her shoes. That all feels kind of sexist!)

It's interesting, these puff pieces on Harris. Kind of telling.

TheDopeFromHope said...

When talking to young gals, does Commie Harris's advice include "spread your legs for profit and advancement"?

Wince said...

I wonder how she'd react if your 10-year plan included "fucking my way to the top"?

rehajm said...

So it’s a lot of really enthusiastic yelling.... It was nice to have so many different, really strong opinions

Those cabinet meetings are going to be real productive, won't they? One for the good guys...

William said...

The Biden's team plan is to cede Hawaii back to its rightful owners, the Chinese, as partial reparations for the Opium Wars. Hunter Biden was originally slated to head this team, but he's recently had some health issues. This might be a job for Emhoff. He knows how to bargain and how to work out the details. With him at the helm, I can see Disney gaining some very valuable concessions for their new theme park/hospital complex on mainland China.

tim in vermont said...

Looks like he is doing the same thing that Michelle Obama did, getting paid for being the spouse of a powerful person. This is how it works now.

"He won’t be busy laundering foreign money into a Kamala Foundation?”

Basically his salary will consist of a laundered bribe to Kamala.

cassandra lite said...

It's never not going to creep me out that what Harris's Jewish husband calls her is the word that Yiddish-speaking grandparents use affectionately for their granddaughters.

Jeff Brokaw said...

“How amazing are these Democrats with their policy expertise!”

The usual bullshit media fan-girling. Gag.

It’s going to be a long 4 years ... oops I mean 8 years ... make that the rest of my life ...

Mr Wibble said...

Over/under on how long before they get a divorce? Men don't do well without work of some sort. And relationships often don't do well when the woman becomes the primary bread winner.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Many practicing lawyers who teach law classes do it as a hobby.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Teaching law was Barack Obama’s hobby while he worked as a state legislator.

tim maguire said...

a lot of them being women... it becomes everyone trying to talk over each other. So it’s a lot of really enthusiastic yelling.

gilbar said...

serious Question
WHEN will america get its First African American President?

Not a Kenyan Kansan, not an Indian Jamaican...
But, an Honest to GOD African American?
You know, one that can trace their roots back to the '60's? The 1860's, that is....

Aren't America's children TIRED of all these immigrants PRETENDING to be African American?

I, for one, am getting kinda tired of hearing about the ORDEAL of being a 1st generation POC, living in a 'hotbed' of racism; like Berkley, or Honolulu.
If the Basis of this country was the 1619 project (8 generations back?);
how come the only 'black' Presidents we get, didn't get here until THIS generation

chuck said...

The press is building an imaginary world and half of us can't suspend our disbelief.

tcrosse said...

Denis Thatcher set a good example in the role.

Ralph L said...

Like, what a family!

Shouting Thomas said...

I’m not going to go nuts and screech like a loon over Biden the way Democrats did over Trump.

Nor am I going to become a political activist.

The puff pieces will pass, too.

Howard said...

I hear he is expected to earn $85 million next year from China patents.

Deb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Howard said...

Deb: exactly. Elites have very high standards. Who needs that?

RMc said...

"We always joke that whenever we bring our friends over for the first time they’re going to get grilled. Like, if you don’t have your 10-year plan, like, fully ready and outlined in a spreadsheet for them, you’re not going to survive that meal."

How utterly exhausting it must be to be around these people.

RMc said...

Dad needs a hobby. Ha ha. Being a law professor is a hobby.

Sometimes, the jokes really do write themselves...

Lewis Wetzel said...

Like Hillary, Harris's career strategy has been to appeal to politicians and bureaucrats, not actual voters.

Kai Akker said...

NYT is so informative! Don't u just luv it!!

Lewis Wetzel said...

/21, 8:14 AM
Blogger Howard said...

Deb: exactly. Elites have very high standards. Who needs that?

They set the standards, too! Nice work, when you can get it.

chuck said...

Are any of those people serious? I'm looking for signs of competence and don't see any, it sounds like they are playing social games.

daskol said...

Any title that begins with Distinguished isn't a job.

David Begley said...

CNN also had a special about Kamala and Doug was a big part of it. In one segment it was “the cute meet.” I just saw a cut of it. She’s being humanized.

chickelit said...

"Momala's" 10 year plans sound like living hell. Also, what gilbar said at 7:58.

David Begley said...

Doug will soon be on the cover of Esquire.

daskol said...

It means he'll have to work cocktail parties.

Mr Wibble said...

How is it sexist to recognize that first lady is a fake role we would be better off without? Is the sexism in thinking that having a man in the role would make people more aware of how pointless it is? How? It is impugning sexism in others, but I don’t see how it reveals sexism in the person holding the position that a man in the role may help get rid of it.

Meh, you're never going to get rid of it because too often a spouse plays a significant social role when you're high up in importance. Corporate world, military, etc., it doesn't matter: you're going to be judged by the person you married.

I would love it if a candidate was single, or announced that his spouse wouldn't be serving the role of first lady because she wants to stay out of the spotlight. If the White House needs a hostess for Social Events then select a woman for that specific event, or rotate the position every year.

Matt Sablan said...

"How utterly exhausting it must be to be around these people."

-- A story I always tell, when I was just fresh out of college, I met with some friends, and their friends, and their parents. Their parents asked me what I was studying, and I said I'd finished my bachelors last semester, which was true. I'd entered college with almost half a semester of AP credits, so I got done early, and was an RA for summer sessions so I could get done early. They said, "Oh, no, so what are you going to study next?"

I explained I had a job, and that I was currently working doing X, Y and Z. They were shocked. Most of the table was shocked. They said, but what about your masters? And I said, I didn't have the money to get a masters, and the debt wasn't a good gamble given the things I wanted to study. So, instead, I just read books from the library and went to free lectures at the Smithsonian, while working.

To this day, how I went from bright, charming friend of our friend/brother/sister, son and daughter, to low class uneducated guy in the view of a lot of those people sticks in my mind, and I made it a point to never, ever be that snobbish.

tim maguire said...

Howard said...Deb: exactly. Elites have very high standards. Who needs that?

The problem is not how high the standards are set, but what those standards are that are set so highly.

Deb said...

I have No problem with "high standards", if you're implying that I do. I hope these kids were exaggerating (probably), but it still says a lot about that family, and THAT was my point.

DavidUW said...

I wonder what the required ratio of Ho fluffing to questioning Joe’s capabilities (New Yorker) is required before the latter goes away and they crown the Ho. The Ho who couldn’t break out of the single digits in any dem primary. But we’re going to believe she gets elected in 24.

walter said...

"I've seen some people say that the arrival of a man into this role ought to be an occasion for getting rid of it altogether — as if the role itself is sexist, and putting a man in it reveals that it was never a good at all. But I'd say that line of reasoning is sexist. "
Some, like myself, have been against conferring power amd prestige to a pseudo-office to an unelected spouse of any gender construct. It's a bit too similar to monarchical Queen status for my taste.
Think Hillary's health care flow charts and Michelle Obama's bloated "Let's Move" project. Yes, knitting would have been a helluva lot less expensive hobby. How about ukulele? Wouldn't that be fun?

"not retiring would probably cause more trouble than any good his working could have done, even assuming that his legal work was for the good."
Please explain. Conflict of interest?

Anne-I-Am said...

What strikes me is that, for all the supposed intellect at play here, Kamala could not or did not teach her kids (or at least this kid) not to pepper their speech with meaningless filler words. This young woman sounds like a moron, throwing in "like" every sentence.

All three of my boys have learned to speak intelligibly and concisely, leaving out the verbal tics.

Matt Sablan said...

"Kamala could not or did not teach her kids (or at least this kid) not to pepper their speech with meaningless filler words. This young woman sounds like a moron, throwing in "like" every sentence."

-- I mean, that's hard to do. Look at that first sentence! I'm typing, and I still through in the conversational, "I mean." There's a lot to beat up Harris for -- how her kids talk in a high stress situation isn't one of them.

Mr Wibble said...

Please explain. Conflict of interest?

Can you imagine any judge ruling against the VPs husband? Kiss your future prospects goodbye.

Matt Sablan said...

Heck, typing makes me lazy. Through indeed.

SGT Ted said...

'That NYT question — "Your dad has never not worked, right? What do you think that’s going to be like for him?" — contains the inference that to be a law professor is not to work!' -Althouse

That NYT question confirms that his fellowship is a sinecure for a politically connected spouse.

pacwest said...

If you can't get a grifter elected in 2016 go with a grifter and a whore in 2020. I can't wait for 2024. It's going to be totally awesome!

walter said...

By the way, I suspect we lose some good candidates due to spouses not wanting to be put in that role, being held to expectations they want nothing to do with.

Shouting Thomas said...

This might surprise you, but I don’t like this shit of bitching out Harris for using sex to get what she wants out of life.

I’m no saint. Shit, I’ve been a pro musician all my life, which means I’ve always been in the midst of whores and bad girls.

I like whores and bad girls. They’re can be a lot of fun.

Yancey Ward said...

The Harris Presidency is going to be non-stop ass-licking by the press.

Sam L. said...

Ah, the NYT! Always DOWN with the Dems.

Shouting Thomas said...

In one way, I’m glad Trump is over.

I got too tied up in supporting a pol.

Never did that before. Don’t think I’ll ever do it again.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It pays to be a democratic insider.

rhhardin said...

"Confident" means Kamala is using the right feminine hygiene product.

walter said...

I think it was Bill and Hil's 60 minutes interview where she was faux drawling about "two for one!" that got me thinking about it.

West Texas Intermediate Crude said...

"Doug will soon be on the cover of Esquire."
-David Begley at 0829.

I'm thinking more likely Teen Vogue.

Rory said...

"Don’t think I’ll ever do it again."

Fortunately, they're arranging things so you'll never want to again.

BUMBLE BEE said...

It's like she's a totally gnarly chick, and like so clearly like a ditz. Valley girl reports in for like street cred. Bitchin!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The 4 year media tongue bath begins.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Deb... I saw what you did there... Kamala's "Puff Pieces". Heh Heh Heh

BUMBLE BEE said...

Ask Montel

Jamie said...

It was nice to have so many different, really strong opinions.

I suppose this could be true. Two of my kids, to my dismay, are on the Woke spectrum (though possibly moderating a bit, as one is now a banker and the other is chafing at silly COVID restrictions as a college student). But my first thought was, "Sure, there were different opinions. Maybe about the potatoes."

Temujin said...

Ugh. I'm going to be severely nauseous for 4 years. Not enough Zofran in all the pharmacies in all the world to stop it.

Howard said...

You people are like Private Pyle in Full Metal Jacket, expecting Jesus to miracle you over obstacles. It must be frustrating to be out worked by soy boys and whores.

Michael K said...

Blogger tcrosse said...
Denis Thatcher set a good example in the role.

Yes he did and he had been a successful businessman. Plus he and Margaret had had two sons. The new "first gentleman" had his kids with someone other than the Ho.

That NYT question confirms that his fellowship is a sinecure for a politically connected spouse.

Of course it is. A friend of mine was chairman of the Surgery department at a UC medical school. He told me one time that the school was trying to recruit some new female Dean of Humanities and, as an added incentive recruiting her, they offered my friend's position as Surgery Chair to her husband. At least he was a surgeon but not of any distinction. My friend had many publications and had a textbook in his special area of expertise. No matter to the UC. A department Chair is a chess piece to be moved around. Fortunately for my friend and for the world of academic surgery, the deal did not come off.

Lurker21 said...

If you stick to your usual news sources during the Biden years you will end up boring and brain-dead.

I did read that line as, "Your dad has never worked, right?" and thought for a minute, "This is getting interesting," but the minute passed.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Mr Wibble said..."Over/under on how long before they get a divorce? Men don't do well without work of some sort. And relationships often don't do well when the woman becomes the primary bread winner."

I retired at 56 while my wife continued to work for 8 more years, pulling in good money. Yeah, that was really rough…

Michael K said...

It must be frustrating to be out worked by soy boys and whores.<

Out "worked?" Jesus, you must think Obama actually was a "law professor" and Michelle was not a cover for U of Chicago to keep the riff raff out of the U hospital.

Howard, I have trouble imagining that you have ever worked at anything difficult. Most of you lefties have government jobs of one sort or another that have full benefits and don't require stuff like overtime.

walter said...

Don't forget Basement Joementia, Howie!
I mean, he got ALL THOSE VOTES without even trying.
We are so inept.

Jamie said...

I'm more or less with Shouting Thomas on the "Harris slept her way to the top" thing. I don't really care how she became AG except for the fact that it wasn't any sort of struggle against obstacles that she had to overcome. I consider her experience to be insufficient for the role she'll now play, and her character untested thanks to how easy it was, in relative terms, for her to... um, garner... that experience. Maybe she'll rise to the challenge; some people do. I'll hate it if she does because that will mean she'll be an even more effective smiling petty tyrant, that seeming to be the goal of every Democrat executive (in public service and in corporate life alike) these days.

Shouting Thomas said...


Joe Biden is anything but a soy boy.

He’s been a vicious attack dog for the Dems all his career.

He led the attack on Clarence Thomas, and he also led the charge to cover up the FBI incineration of the Branch Davidians.

Although I’m not going to be a political activist, I know a blood thirsty, vicious bastard when I see one.

It’s a good thing that Republicans are not activist and hard working pols. We don’t need to outwork the world savers. We need to convince them to go home and find something else to do with their lives.

John Bragg said...

I'm skeptical that our esteeemed host is still reading 80 comments in, but just in case.

I think there's an understood distinction between "real professors" and celebrity-star-professors. Or to be less uncharitable, between scholar-professors and nonscholar-professors.

I don't think Georgetown expects any major publications out of Emhoff, he's not scrabbling to get tenure. He is not an Associate or an Assistant or a Full PRofessor. He is a "Distinguished Visitor." In other words, a semi-retired bigshot law-partner, as well as a highly placed connection to the Administration.

I've never been to law school, but I'd imagine that for many law students, exposure to a semi-retired bigshot law partner is a valuable experience.

narciso said...

Dont forget he cofounded smart matic with nigel knowles

Charlie said...

Most normal American men have never not worked.

Howard said...

Thomas: The douche coup did the exact opposite. Thanks for the boost!

Howard said...

Math is hard for doc Mike.

Sebastian said...

"It’s like you get the most confident, strong personality people, a lot of them being women, and it’s like you’re layering all of them on top of each other and it becomes everyone trying to talk over each other."

Harris is confident? That's news! The nervous cackle, the flame-out before the primaries, the empty-headed inauthentic answering of questions, the Indian-raised white- and Brahmin-descended woman claiming to be black: that's all an act to hide confidence?

"Being a law professor is a hobby"

Well, it's not like work work, is it?

Readering said...

I know several folks who have held that position at Georgetown, which is well established for non-academics to teach a practical course in their practice specialty. Not a hobby but far from a full-time time job.

Tina Trent said...

Ann, you of all people must know that these invented academic and professional positions for people like Marco Rubio, Emhoff, Michelle Obama, Barack Obama, Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter, and countless other elected officials and their spouses are sheer bull involving no real work, paid for by students and taxpayers. Just because some people do some work when given set-aside jobs doesn’t make them any less set-aside and revolting. And as usual the untenured take up the real work for pennies while these people jet in and out doing nothing more than an occasional speech about themselves.

Most people would be amazed to learn the percentage of even minor state legislators who score no-show academic jobs paid with our hard-earned taxes. Rosalyn Carter’s job was to have dinner once a year with us. Jimmy gave an annual speech about himself. Judges, Medical School professors, and many, many law profs get to double dip with such non-work positions. It is an utter disgrace in your profession.

Matt said...

It’s a good thing that Republicans are not activist and hard working pols. We don’t need to outwork the world savers. We need to convince them to go home and find something else to do with their lives.
Once, in grad school, a fellow student was talking about her job with a non-profit working on childhood obesity and how frustrated she got seeing fat kids in the mall with their mom eating ice cream or McDonalds or something similarly unhealthy. I told her I knew how to solve her problem. Skeptically, she asked how. "Simple," says I. "Just mind your own business. That fat kid and his mom are not your problem."

She did not care for my solution. It must be exhausting being perfect and carrying 8 billion other people's problems on your shoulders.

Luckily, we have people like Joke Biden and Vice-President Willie Brown's Cock Holster to do this for us.

Mary Beth said...

A bunch of people all trying to talk over the others because each thinks their ideas/opinions are the only ones that matter. Sounds like a fun evening.

Darrell said...

Big Tech gained control of the US--and maybe the world--on January 8, 2021. When you can silence the elected President of the US at will, you control the country. Biden and Harris with their past history can be canceled within a week if they should ever choose to not go along with Big Tech's plans. If you didn't hear about Biden's quid pro quo or son's misdeeds or Harris' withholding of exculpatory evidence and her involvement with the Jussie Smollett hoax, you sure will. Around the clock.

Lurker21 said...

Did she really do much to raise the kids, though? The son was already in college when Kamala married Doug. Did the daughter live with Doug or with his ex-wife when she was in high school? It would be amusing if Kerstin were so busy with her producing career that Kamala had to raise Ella, but I doubt that happened. Maybe nobody "raised" her at all.

I don't fault Harris for dating a guy who she thought was leaving his wife (eventually), but to take jobs from him does bespeak a lack of character and conscientiousness. Still, years of calling her a "ho" with all the baggage that word carries are going to leave everybody sick. It's unwise to make oneself more irritating than the people one is attacking.

I do note the cleverness of the Democrats in picking people with such complicated ethnic backgrounds and serving that up to the media, which are already so fascinated by race, to give journalists something to talk about other than issues, policies, or scandals.

Iman said...

Picking up knitting would be a darning admission of sorts...

walter said...

Emhoff must be pretty butch if his kid thinks he should take up knitting.
Gotta rein in that Toxic Masculinity.

tcrosse said...

I'm just guessing that Melania will be delighted to be out of it.

madAsHell said...

Back in the frat house, their were several Penthouse subscriptions to Jack Emhoff.

Biff said...

"We always joke that whenever we bring our friends over for the first time they’re going to get grilled. Like, if you don’t have your 10-year plan, like, fully ready and outlined in a spreadsheet for them, you’re not going to survive that meal."

Exercise for the reader: Imagine how that would be portrayed if the individuals were conservatives or Republicans.

John henry said...

It sounds like Emhoff, like Obama before him, will be an adjunct with a glorified title and salary. I know something about adjuncting, having spent almost 30 years doing it. It is not hard work in either engineering or business school. I suspect that law school is similar.

I figure I spent about 1 hour out of class for every hour in class. Perhaps 2 hours if it was a course I was teaching the first time and had to develop course materials. For a typical graduate level course, meeting once a week for 4 hours that was 48 hours over 3 months. Plus 48 hours actually teaching.

The out of class time included reviewing and updating lecture notes, grading cases, tests, research papers and other assignments. Pretty much something every week.

I taught 3-4 courses a year, pretty much 1 per 12 week semester.

I did this while driving 35,000 miles a year calling on clients 4-5 days a week.

No complaints about pay but it was seldom more than 10% of my annual income.

I never thought about it as a hobby but that is basically what it was. I really enjoyed doing it and learned much more doing it than I ever did as a student. I had to read and understand the whole textbook for one thing, which I never did as a student.

I find it hard to believe that Emhoff will work any harder than I did, and I never thought I worked that hard, as a distinguished professor. Plus he will likely have assistants, which I never did.

Ann, as a full time professor probably had a lot more to do.

John Henry

tim maguire said...

Blogger Mr Wibble said...
Meh, you're never going to get rid of it because too often a spouse plays a significant social role when you're high up in importance. Corporate world, military, etc., it doesn't matter: you're going to be judged by the person you married.

Yes, but that doesn't justify a staff of dozens at taxpayer's expense or the pressure to adopt some cause we can all be hectored over for the next 4 years.

Joe Smith said...

"I hope he takes up, like, another hobby. I hope he starts knitting, like I do."

So, a real alpha male?

He can get a job being an 'ambassador' (fake one, not like to a country or anything) to the entertainment industry, for example.

Ambassador to Hollywood. Sounds nice.

A 'stipend' of $2M per year and his choice of any of the young Disney stars.

All the coke he can hoover up goes without saying.

We live in a wonderful country.

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...
Math is hard for doc Mike.

No, I'm going back through my college calculus to stave off Joe's problem.

Howard has his superiority complex dialed up to 11 on a scale of 10.

walter said...

Speaking of retiring to creative hobbies, what will Jim Carrey paint in a couple weeks? Senate impeachment proceedings deemed unconstitutional by Cotton?

Iman said...

Howard has his superiority complex dialed up to 11 on a scale of 10.

Howard is a needle-dicked bug fucker. There... I said it.

David Begley said...

Speaking of lawprofs, a Creighton lawprof posted last week on Twitter about a lawprof gabfest discussing the “insurrection.” I took her to task for her imprecision in language and told her what it was like when I was a student. If we got called on and were that imprecise, the professors would humiliate us.

She whined and said it was an ad hominem attack. No, it wasn’t. I was trying to sharpen her thinking. Her Dean defended her. He had signed that letter about 1-6. I called him out along with 156 other law school Deans. Begley takes on the entire legal academy!

I previously got into a dispute with the Creighton law school dean when he defended a student who called an Omaha police officer a murderer. This same student was trying to rally people up to create trouble. But the Dean was proud of him. Turns out the black man who was killed had a loaded gun and was going for it, but the cop shot first.

I’m very, very disappointed in my alma mater. Very glad my son didn’t go there. Creighton Law School is lowly rated for a reason.

John henry said...

Kamala's stepchildren were fully grown adults, not children. College graduates, in their 20's and out of the house when she married emhoff.

It is hard for me to think of her as a "mom". in any meaningful sense of the word. A mom is someone who raises children from birth, or childhood in the case of a stepmom. Someone who knows the issues of childcare, schools, teenage angst and all that goes into being a parent.

This article, which I did not read, sounds like it is trying to make Kamala someone who understands motherhood. She may, or may not. If she does, she understands it as an intellectual exercise rather than someone who has been there, done that. I would take any of her opinions on motherhood with a huge dose of salt.

Smells like bullshit to me.

John Henry

Mark said...

This is a bad as watching a video of the Toobin Zoom call. Certainly it is the same behavior.

Arashi said...

Well can't he simply get an apron, embrace his new role, and learn to bake cookies and look handsome for his wife? Learn how to decorate effectivley and look charming, but always in the background?

Geez - first world, elitist BS problems. Maybe he could get a paper route or volunteer full time at a homeless shelter or two - great recurring photo op.

madAsHell said...

It’s like you get the most confident, strong personality people, a lot of them being women, and it’s like you’re layering all of them on top of each other and it becomes everyone trying to talk over each other.

Oh, my.....guess who found their way to the kitchen!!

Fustigator said...

I wonder why they didnt ask the daughter if she knew that her mother is rumored to have blown Willie Brown. And, was it true? And, does she also see herself getting ahead by blowing important people like her mother did?

You know if the press deigned to interview a republican all these nasty questions are just par for the course. But they are democrats so they get a tongue bath from the biased press.

Funny part is half the country is completely blind to this phenomenon.

madAsHell said...

It’s like you get the most confident, strong personality people, a lot of them being women, and it’s like you’re layering all of them on top of each other and it becomes everyone trying to talk over each other.

This is the formula for the The View.

walter said...

I eagerly await his upcoming Christmas decorating flourishes ;)

Joe Smith said...

"Smells like bullshit to me."

Really? Get ready for the avalanche.

I was watching a Jane Pauley interview with Harris this morning.

I thought you had to be on Pornhub to watch a 70-something woman put her tongue that deep in the ass of a 'younger' woman.

Guess I was wrong.

There was actual penetration on national television.


Michael K said...

A 'stipend' of $2M per year and his choice of any of the young Disney stars.

I think those under 15 are reserved for the new Ambassador to China.

Ken B said...

Contains the inference, or contains the implication? They are implying, you are inferring.

narciso said...

don't venture into the Capitol (hunger games)without permission


JPS said...

"You people are like Private Pyle in Full Metal Jacket, expecting Jesus to miracle you over obstacles."

Goddamn it, Howard, every time I'm tempted to write you off for the casual "you people" insults, you come in with one that's actually interesting.

David Begley,

"She whined and said it was an ad hominem attack."

We've redefined ad hominem. Disagreeing with someone on what they say is intrinsically a personal attack. Try to keep up.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

John henry said...

It is hard for me to think of her as a "mom". in any meaningful sense of the word. A mom is someone who raises children from birth, or childhood in the case of a stepmom. Someone who knows the issues of childcare, schools, teenage angst and all that goes into being a parent.

I have no children of my own. My wife has a son and daughter that were 11 and 8 years old when we married and are now 26 and 23. I do not consider myself a "dad" even though both spent a decade living under my roof. There were just too many things I felt like I had to stand back and let my wife and her ex handle. I would be surprised if it were not the same way for Kamala. This, like the "Fweedom" story, is just a sad attempt at trying to make her appealing to a public who wouldn't get behind her when she ran for President.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

And as far as Emily Emhoff goes; no one is ever going to convince me that a lawyer,s kid has never received any instruction on how to handle the press.

Joe Smith said...

"...trying to make her appealing to a public who wouldn't get behind her when she ran for President."

This is an important point to remember.

When she ran in the primaries, NOBODY voted for her.

And yet, she will (soon) be president.

WAF (we are fucked).

Chick said...

Gag me. The daily fawning begins.

boatbuilder said...

It will not be long before we start seeing endless video of the current over-the-top military occupation of DC played to illustrate "What DC was like during the Trump Administration."

Trust me on this.

Freeman Hunt said...

The husband could build one of those sprawling electric train scenes. Maybe Rod Stewart would come over and talk shop with him.

NCMoss said...

In the Trump era, no suffering was allowed; now it will be demanded to satisfy a 10 year plan that nobody voted for or wants.

BarrySanders20 said...

John henry said...
It sounds like Emhoff, like Obama before him, will be an adjunct with a glorified title and salary.

Agree. He will have no pressure to research or publish. The course work and outline will be entirely his to determine, and with 30 years in media law, he could riff an entire semester just based on past experience. Plug that into an outline that breaks it into digestible parts, or just teach from a media law textbook, and he is done.

Rusty said...

Joe Smith said...
"I hope he takes up, like, another hobby. I hope he starts knitting, like I do."

"So, a real alpha male?"
He and Howard can exchange patterns.

Lurker21 said...

"It’s like you get the most confident, strong personality people, a lot of them being women, and it’s like you’re layering all of them on top of each other and it becomes everyone trying to talk over each other. So it’s a lot of really enthusiastic yelling ..."

It's like Ella woke up in the middle of the night, went downstairs, saw an orgy in progress and has repressed the memory ...

alanc709 said...

From all the Althouse quotes of the NYT and WaPo, she must consider pandering as delightfully boring.

cacimbo said...

I agree with John Henry the steps were not "children" when KH arrived on the scene. I find this attempt to mommyify KH far more sexist than anything they are saying about the husband.

Lurker21 said...

The grad students will do all the work for Doug.

On the other hand, celebs will be lining up to talk to Doug's entertainment law class if it means meeting Kamala and discussing their pet projects and pet peeves with her.

Ice Nine said...

>>Althouse said...
"Dad needs a hobby. Ha ha. Being a law professor is a hobby. Or such a nothing pastime that you need to load in something like knitting to keep from being at loose ends.
That NYT question — "Your dad has never not worked, right? What do you think that’s going to be like for him?" — contains the inference that to be a law professor is not to work!"<<

The NYT, which mentioned the "hobby" comment, said nothing at all about the coming Georgetown law professorship. Wikipedia reported that Emhoff would join the G'town faculty.

Conflating two separate articles in order to arrive at your groundless inference -- you're trying a bit too hard to construct an insult.

Anonymous said...

"Shouting Thomas said...
This might surprise you, but I don’t like this shit of bitching out Harris for using sex to get what she wants out of life."
She was paid for her whoring with the people's money, taxpayer money. Willie Brown didn't pay her with HIS money. See the difference?

chickelit said...

Joe Smith said...When she ran in the primaries, NOBODY voted for her.

She had equal opportunity and failed. When she becomes POTUS, she will have equality of outcome which is the stated goal of her party and her narrow bunch of followers. That's modern progressive US politics.

Shouting Thomas said...



It’s a complete non-issue for me.

Stick to your policy differences with her.

Everybody likes nice things, fancy meals, expense account traveling, etc.

It’s a normal, almost universal human weakness.

Inga said...

Sounds like a fun and lively family. For Kamala Harris being a stepmom, apparently it hasn’t hampered her from creating a close and loving relationship with her step children. They sound like they have genuine affection for her and are very proud of her. The daughter’s quip about her dad learning knitting was probably in jest or to her, an example of her dad finding new ways to be as a spouse of a public person, the spouse of the VP of the USA. I’d rather hear about this family than the bizarre weirdos that were Trump’s family, except for Barron, who hasn’t yet grown up. I hope the Barron has a good future and more normalcy in his young life.

n.n said...

Mounting insults up on insults. NYT is a condescending creature. Diversitist and politically congruent, following the prevailing or preferred winds spreading social contagion. Perhaps it's just difficult for them to reconcile as mature men and women do. So Pro-Choice.

n.n said...

I think those under 15 are reserved for the new Ambassador to China.

In China, yes, perhaps a consultation perk. In America, too? Here's to social progress. #NoJudgment #NoLabels #Forward

Achilles said...

It took a strong personality to throw people in jail for smoking pot after smoking pot for decades in College.

Kamala Harris is a piece of shit and so is anyone that supports her.

Achilles said...

Inga said...

Sounds like a fun and lively family. For Kamala Harris being a stepmom, apparently it hasn’t hampered her from creating a close and loving relationship with her step children. They sound like they have genuine affection for her and are very proud of her.

I bet they all smoked pot and I bet they laughed with Kamala about throwing poor black people in jail for smoking pot.

Shouting Thomas said...


Your stupidity is so overwhelming I don’t know what to make of it.

You’re willingness to swallow partisan PR, both pro and con, is hilarious.

You know nothing about the Harris family or the Trump family except for dumb clickbait shit. What a sucker you are!

It’s so easy to manipulate you.

Shouting Thomas said...

I worked in the popular music biz, did many interviews and pumped out PR.

I don’t believe a fucking word of anything written about me, or the acts I represented, in the media.

That includes the favorable and negative stuff. It was all bullshit.

tim in vermont said...

I guess that getting a trademark approved in China for a line of products that you had developed as part of your long standing business is exactly the same as flying in on Air Force 2 and getting set up in the hedge fund business, a business in which you had zero experience, to the tune of 2 billion dollars by the Chinese communists. That’s what Hunter did. Same and Joe’s brother James got set up in a 1.5 billion dollar contract in Iraq to build homes, even though he had zero experience in that area.

You see, if you are a Democrat, you believe that these are exactly the same things. Some objectivist Howard must have been, one who thinks that an entrepreneur who created her own line of products has no right to hawk her wares in a foreign country, but the son of a vice president has every right to enrich himself massively based solely on being the son of a very powerful man.

Don’t forget that he held ten percent of the deal with the Chicoms for “The Big Guy.” We have a sworn affidavit from somebody in a position to know since he was involved in the negotiations, that “The Big Guy” was Joe Biden, and still they cant let it rest that a Trump was allowed to do the same business in China that she had been doing a long time.

Inga said...

And I don’t want to hear about Biden’s weird son, Hunter either. Too bad so many of you are fixated on him.

Josephbleau said...

“That NYT question — "Your dad has never not worked, right? What do you think that’s going to be like for him?" — contains the inference that to be a law professor is not to work!”

A Gell-Mann moment.

chickelit said...

Inga said...Sounds like a fun and lively family. For Kamala Harris being a stepmom, apparently it hasn’t hampered her from creating a close and loving relationship with her step children. They sound like they have genuine affection for her and are very proud of her.

What's obviously missing here is any mention of the children's biological mother. She is a non-entity in the fawning press. Perhaps because of the father having custody, we are to assume that the mother was a wreck. And given the example of Trump's ex's -- I'm inclined to think that she's being paid to keep quiet.

tim in vermont said...

Howard has zero problems lumping the Trumps into a crime family, but James Biden and Hunter Biden, why they are totally separate from St Joe. That’s why the Bidens set up their graft operation in the manner that they did, to pull the wool over simple minded people like Howard.

Lawrence Person said...

I would just naturally assume that he'll be using his lawyer skills to set up some sort of fake charity and associated cutoffs to rake off graft, kickbacks and payoffs from companies and foreign governments who want the Biden Administration to do them favors.

It's what the Biden family did.

It's what the Clinton family did.

It's what Democrats do.

Why would anyone assume that Kamala Harris' family wouldn't do the same?

tim in vermont said...

Look how far blowing Willie Brown can get you in America!

Achilles said...

Markoni said...

"Shouting Thomas said...
This might surprise you, but I don’t like this shit of bitching out Harris for using sex to get what she wants out of life."

She was paid for her whoring with the people's money, taxpayer money. Willie Brown didn't pay her with HIS money. See the difference?

You have to change the way you talk about this. Calling Kamala Harris a whore will just turn off the conversation and make women mad.

The issue here is that it speaks to the type of people that democrats are and the system they want. They reward mediocre women like Kamala Harris with positions of power because they are willing to suck powerful democrat men's dicks.

The whole getting paid to be a whore thing doesn't matter. It is the system that matters. The democrats pick female leaders because they are willing to support their men.

Hillary is another good example of a completely mediocre human who should have been a form filer for a non-profit somewhere. She was a moral degenerate and couldn't solve the most basic of problems. But she became a political power because she was willing to stay married to another complete moral degenerate.

tim in vermont said...

Hunter’s laptop had a sticker from the Beau Biden Foundation on it. It had child pornography on it staring Hunter himself. This kind of stuff lands a normal person in Federal Prison for 20 years.

But let’s talk about trademarks.

Shouting Thomas said...

In my experience there are two kinds of interview articles, the puff piece and the hit piece.

The puff piece is written and produced by a “reporter” who hopes to attach himself to your career. In the music biz, this means that he’s hoping you hit it big and he gets hired on at a big salary in the touring crew. In politics, this means he’s hoping to land a cushy job in your administration.

The hit piece is written and produced by a “reporter” who pretends to be doing what I described in the above paragraph, but is kissing up to gain insider status in order to stab you in the back and enhance his position with the opposition.

Inga, you’re hopelessly stupid, and I doubt you can understand this. Read it several times and see if it sinks in. You just think you know something personal and intimate about the Harris and Trump families. In fact, you don’t know shit.

Inga said...

“What's obviously missing here is any mention of the children's biological mother. She is a non-entity in the fawning press. Perhaps because of the father having custody, we are to assume that the mother was a wreck. And given the example of Trump's ex's -- I'm inclined to think that she's being paid to keep quiet.”

Did the father have custody? I don’t know how old the kids were when Harris met her husband. I did read somewhere sometime back that they had a good relationship with the mother of Harris’ step kids.

Drago said...

Russian Collusion Dead Ender Truther Inga: "I’d rather hear about this family than the bizarre weirdos that were Trump’s family, except for Barron, who hasn’t yet grown up."

"Bizarre weirdos" you said?

Hunter Biden smokes crack while partying with underage Chinese girls provided by his ChiCom handlers after having a child with stripper and having Slow Joe and Not-Real-Doctor Jill refusing to even acknowledge that child's existence.

Inga approves of all that. Strongly.

Interestingly, Russia Collusion Dead Ender Truther Inga also went to bat defending the very democraticals who were pushing post-birth abortion in Virginia and Rhode Island while simultaneously claiming to be against it.

Inga gets very confused like that quite often.

Achilles said...

Inga said...

And I don’t want to hear about Biden’s weird son, Hunter either. Too bad so many of you are fixated on him.

Except that he is making deals on our behalf with countries like China and Ukraine and these deals involve laundering millions of dollars into Joe Biden's bank account.

And these deals are clearly not in the interest of the American people.

But it is easy for a complete idiot like Inga to claim there is some rule against going after families.

Achilles said...

Inga doesn't want to hear anything negative about democrats ever.

It is a fascist thing.

iowan2 said...

"Harris is confident"

Yea, suuuure.

I automatically judge people I just met, as wildly insecure if the giggle/chuckle is a constant. Just the opposite of confident.

But exactly where would Harris have drawn such confidence. Its easy to see the lack of accomplishment.

Inga said...

“Bizarre weirdos" you said?

Hunter Biden smokes crack while partying with underage Chinese girls provided by his ChiCom handlers after having a child with stripper and having Slow Joe and Not-Real-Doctor Jill refusing to even acknowledge that child's existence.

Inga approves of all that. Strongly.”

As I said above, I’m not interested in reading about Hunter Biden. He sounds like a train wreck and that Biden appears to love him unconditionally and has him show up in the family public events speaks to what a good father Biden seems to be. I’m sure Hunter has given him plenty of heartache.

Drago said...

Russia Collusion Dead Ender Truther Inga: "I’d rather hear about this family than the bizarre weirdos that were Trump’s family...."
1/17/21, 11:36 AM

The Very Forgetful Putin-Literally-Changed-Votes-Conspiracy Theorist Inga: "And I don’t want to hear about Biden’s weird son, Hunter either."
1/17/21, 11:47 AM


tim in vermont said...

Basically we have solid evidence that the Bidens are guilty of everything the Borat movie accuses Republicans of. Sex with underage and likely trafficked girls. Are they trafficked if they are provided by the CCP? And even laundering money for a Kazakhstani kleptocrat, yes, Borat is supposed to be a Kazakhstani kleptocrat and the people of Kazakhstan want their money back from the Bidens.

Always accuse the other side of what you are doing yourself because it makes the waters impossibly muddy. Sasha Cohen, if he were an honest person, should be horrified by the facts of the matter regarding the Democrats and the Bidens and Kazakhstan, but he probably doesn’t even know.

Inga said...

I wasn’t interested in reading or hearing about Trump’s kids either, but they put themselves forward publicly, even becoming a members of Trump’s administration. It was pretty hard to ignore Trump’s grown children.

Drago said...

Russia Collusion Moron Inga: "As I said above, I’m not interested in reading about Hunter Biden. He sounds like a train wreck and that Biden appears to love him unconditionally and has him show up in the family public events speaks to what a good father Biden seems to be."

Hunter was literally recorded complaining about how he was put into the position of essentially the corrupt bagman for the family by corrupt Joe.


Post-birth abortion defender Inga response? Gee, what a terrific dad!

tim in vermont said...

""I’d rather hear about this family than the bizarre weirdos that were Trump’s family....”

There is a video on Hunter’s laptop of him sexually molesting a 14 year old relative. But that’s not weird.

Drago said...

Inga: "I wasn’t interested in reading or hearing about Trump’s kids either, but they put themselves forward publicly, even becoming a members of Trump’s administration."

Hunter Biden literally traveled on Air Force 2 with Secret Service protection as Slow Joe provided the official entrée for Hunter to pick up millions of dollars directly into the Biden family coffers.

tim in vermont said...

"As I said above, I’m not interested in reading about Hunter Biden.”

Of course not, if you did, it might shake your faith in the Democrat party. As we know, nobody would trust that crackhead with a single dime if he weren’t the son of Joe Biden and he has delivered the power of Joe Biden, and not just to get that Ukrainian billionaire who got rich by using his power as a government minister to give energy leases to companies he secretly controlled, by getting the prosecutor fired and then getting all of the charges dropped. No, that was just one.

Impeachment was the cover up for that crime, and you don’t want your belief in the rightness of that impeachment shaken by looking at the evidence.

cacimbo said...

I don't think the father had custody. Kids said it was friendly divorce. Impression is kids would spend time with both parents but lived mainly with birth mom.

tim in vermont said...

"Hunter Biden literally traveled on Air Force 2”

You know what the pretext was to give this documented pedophile a reason to fly on that flight? To act as chaperone for his young niece. You can’t make this stuff up.

Drago said...

tim in vermont: "Impeachment was the cover up for that crime, and you don’t want your belief in the rightness of that impeachment shaken by looking at the evidence."

To this very day Inga still calls Gen Flynn and Carter Page traitors and russian spies.

Thats how deep Inga's delusions go.

And she has never retracted her accusations of gang rape against Kavanaugh.

Michael K said...

Hillary is another good example of a completely mediocre human who should have been a form filer for a non-profit somewhere. She was a moral degenerate and couldn't solve the most basic of problems. But she became a political power because she was willing to stay married to another complete moral degenerate.

I kind of disagree here. Hillary did pretty well as Bill's bag man in Arkansas. When she got to DC, she thought she was smarter than people like Billy Dale and began her slide into real crime. Bill kept her out of trouble until 2008.

Matt Sablan said...

"I wasn’t interested in reading or hearing about Trump’s kids either, but they put themselves forward publicly, even becoming a members of Trump’s administration."

-- You do realize that Biden was a major public official, and cut deals for the United States during the last administration, and that he is a public person?

Like, I get that you don't want to talk about him. I'd rather we didn't have to as well, because he's a terrible human being. But, sorry. The Rules say that he's a fair target to discuss. If you don't like the rules, you should get the left to agree to the level of disarmament both sides are going to do, because the right is getting tired of being the ones who have to always say, "Ok, Hunter Biden is off limits, so you guys won't insinuate Sarah Palin's daughter is secretly the mom of her last kid and that Barron Trump has a mental disorder right?"

Only to be met with: "Hah, nonsense."

tim in vermont said...

" but they put themselves forward publicly, “

Hunter went into business with is dad by selling influence and it is well documented that Joe Biden was lying when he said he knew nothing of his son’s business. There is a picture on a Kazakhstani anti corruption website of Joe and Hunter Biden posing with two former Kazakhstani officials who had stolen hundreds of millions of dollars, Borat stye, from Kazakhstan.

Michael K said...

Did the father have custody? I don’t know how old the kids were when Harris met her husband.

No, and they were in college.

Drago said...

tim in vermont: "You know what the pretext was to give this documented pedophile a reason to fly on that flight? To act as chaperone for his young niece. You can’t make this stuff up."

Even better than that, Hunter has a picture taken in a room with that young neice in bed in the background...the very niece that BIDEN FAMILY MEMBERS subsequently demanded Hunter the frackhead stay away from.

According to pro-MS13 "spark of divinity" machete murderers Inga, none of that is strange or out of the ordinary at all.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Joe and his family are corrupt. We all know it. Hiveminders excuse it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

FBI arrest Florida 'hardcore leftist' who plotted armed attack on pro-Trump protesters at state Capitol

More real information that will be hidden by Biden's corrupt press.

wild chicken said...

All those shouting layers of "confident" women sound odious.

After all this time my fellow females seem to still have a chip on their shoulder, at the ones here in Bumfuck Montana.

"I know more than u"

wild chicken said...

At least....

tim in vermont said...

If Joe and Hunter Biden appear in photographs together with Hunter’s clients, like the other one where Joe and Hunter are posing with executives from Burisma, does that make Hunter of interest to the voters of the United States? Not in Inga’s book. That’s his private life.

Face it Democrats, the billionaires who control Google, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, and 90% of the media want a president who can be bought for cash money, and they played you guys to deliver it to them. These people have piles and piles of cash and only need corrupt officials to turn that cash into power.

tim in vermont said...

"niece that BIDEN FAMILY MEMBERS subsequently demanded Hunter the frackhead stay away from.”

It’s not weird that Joe forgives his son for sexually molesting his granddaughter “for whatever reason.” My guess is that it is because Joe is a sociopath.

hpudding said...

Inferences aside, GMA said he's on to teaching law at GU. Not sure what the viewpoints are of the readers here on education, or on law education, but hopefully they won't discriminate against him for doing that like they did against Barry Obama.

Drago said...

So I guess we have to list pedophilia, familial incest, smoking crack, hooking up with brother's wives and having the entire family deny the very existence of a baby simply because the heir apparent had an affair with a stripper as "normal family stuff" according to Inga.

Inga, if you would be so kind and you clearly believe all of that is totally, could you rank order those things listed above, all of which you have zero problem with, in order of desirability?

Final Note for Inga response: please try to avoid blaming the russians for Hunter smoking crack and hooking up with underage girls provided by ChiCom handlers.

By the way, how much actual video do you think the ChiComs have of crackhead Hunter having sex with underage ChiCom girls?

Dont worry though Inga. The ChiComs have no interest in exposing their man in the White House.

chickelit said...

Drago said...And she has never retracted her accusations of gang rape against Kavanaugh.

Let's change the subject back to Harris. Did Harris ever walk back her shameful accusations during the Jusse Smollet hoax? How about Harris' abysmal performance during the Kavanaugh hearings? I don't think so. I'll bet she smugly still asserts "It's just politics."

Drago said...

chickelit: "Let's change the subject back to Harris. Did Harris ever walk back her shameful accusations during the Jusse Smollet hoax? How about Harris' abysmal performance during the Kavanaugh hearings? I don't think so. I'll bet she smugly still asserts "It's just politics."'

On the contrary, lefties like Harris and Inga and LLR-lefty ***** have already fully internalized the Deep Deep "Truth" of those events.

Lurker21 said...

Cole was in college (Colorado College) when Kamala and Doug married. He's now working in entertainment and dating someone named (of all things) Greenley.

Ella is in college now (Parsons School of Design) and has tattoos. She must have been in high school when Kamala married her father.

The Emhoffs really, really, really like to take selfies and post them on Instagram. They are also really playing up the Jewish thing lately.

This was all in the Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Diwali letter we sent out. Didn't you get it?

Lurker21 said...

There is the story about Hunter having sex with underage Chinese girls and being recorded doing so on the laptop, and there is the story of something unseemly between Hunter and his niece, but just what that was or how far it went isn't clear, so maybe hold off on that until confirmation comes.

I am waiting for Ella Emhoff's teenage diaries to surface some day. That could be another revelation.

hpudding said...

Doesn't deleting uses of the "n-word" amount to viewpoint discrimination - at least against confederates and their right-wing allies?

"Calling Kamala Harris a whore will just turn off the conversation and make women mad."


"They reward mediocre women like Kamala Harris with positions of power because they are willing to suck powerful democrat men's dicks."

I definitely see this line of attack going much, much further!

In any event, isn't the usual approach for right-wing insurrectionists to discriminate against her by calling her a "diversity hire?" Or is there something different about her or the times we live in that make it harder for the insurrectionists to attack her just for being a black Indian woman - as they would usually prefer to do?

Chennaul said...

like Berkley, or Honolulu.


You forgot that pantheon of American structural racism—Montreal.

Freeman Hunt said...

Something small and surprising would be good. Organizing neighborhood community theater maybe. Waiting for Guffman. Something interesting to read about him doing.

Mr Wibble said...

As I said above, I’m not interested in reading about Hunter Biden. He sounds like a train wreck and that Biden appears to love him unconditionally and has him show up in the family public events speaks to what a good father Biden seems to be. I’m sure Hunter has given him plenty of heartache.

Enabling your child's self destructive behavior isn't being a good parent. It makes you a terrible parent.

Tina Trent said...

I wouldn’t want to be in the same zip code with Hillary Clinton when she read the Times this morning.

hstad said...

Yeah, just another garbage line of questions asked? Guess "The New York Times" is trying to telegraph the acceptable standard of questions. If so and the MSM follows look for losing circulation, clicks, and clients. MSM only survives on loud and outrageous articles. Just look at their actions the past 4 years. Created artificial bump because of Trump. Most of these idiotic so-called news outlets will die the next four years.

hpudding said...

"hooking up with brother's wives"

The Bible definitely says you can do that. Looks like the right-wing insurrectionists are now going anti-bible??? Wow!

This insurrection is revolting against so many traditional things, beyond even just the usual American things!

Chennaul said...

Enabling your child's self destructive behavior isn't being a good parent. It makes you a terrible parent.


It might be worse than enabling, Joe might have been using him. Or—allowing his brother to do so. A lawyerly technique of keeping his hands clean while they did the dirty work.

tim in vermont said...

We have a troll clumsily attempting some discourse engineering. I guess if that’s all you got.

tim in vermont said...

"Hunter smoking crack and hooking up with underage girls...”

“Hooking up” implies consent.

Sir Loin said...

A four year avalanche of media bullshit. It bores.

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