January 17, 2021

"It’s like you get the most confident, strong personality people, a lot of them being women, and it’s like you’re layering all of them on top of each other and it becomes everyone trying to talk over each other."

"So it’s a lot of really enthusiastic yelling.... It was nice to have so many different, really strong opinions. We always joke that whenever we bring our friends over for the first time they’re going to get grilled. Like, if you don’t have your 10-year plan, like, fully ready and outlined in a spreadsheet for them, you’re not going to survive that meal." 

Said Ella Emhoff, quoted in "What’s It Like to Have Kamala Harris As ‘Momala’? We Asked Her Stepkids/A Zoom interview with Ella and Cole Emhoff" (NYT). 

I was interested in the question — asked by the NYT interviewer — "Your dad has never not worked, right? What do you think that’s going to be like for him?" 

The reader is forced to infer that Emhoff is quitting his work. There's no link or statement to that effect, and I didn't know it. He's only 56. He's been a lawyer. I see at his Wikipedia page that he took a leave of absence from his law firm when Harris was running for VP, and he permanently resigned when she became VP. So what will this be like for him? I'd say, he's old enough to retire, and not retiring would probably cause more trouble than any good his working could have done, even assuming that his legal work was for the good.

Here's his daughter's answer:
I hope he takes up, like, another hobby. I hope he starts knitting, like I do. I think it’ll be a good time for him to slow down and just, I don’t know, like appreciate life. And tap into a lot of the things that he couldn’t do because he was working so much or had these, like, time constraints. I hope that it opens up some of those creative outlets, but that’s obviously just me, the creative child.

Let him play the supportive role with grace and dignity, like the female first and second spouses have done. He's inventing the masculine version of a traditional role. I've seen some people say that the arrival of a man into this role ought to be an occasion for getting rid of it altogether — as if the role itself is sexist, and putting a man in it reveals that it was never a good at all. But I'd say that line of reasoning is sexist. 

BUT: Just clicking on footnotes at Emhoff's Wikipedia page, I see "Kamala Harris’s Husband Named to Faculty at Georgetown Law":  

Emhoff will be a Distinguished Visitor from Practice focusing on media and entertainment law, which he practiced for nearly three decades as a partner at DLA Piper. He will also serve as a distinguished fellow of the school’s Institute for Technology Law and Policy.

Dad needs a hobby. Ha ha. Being a law professor is a hobby. Or such a nothing pastime that you need to load in something like knitting to keep from being at loose ends. 

That NYT question — "Your dad has never not worked, right? What do you think that’s going to be like for him?" — contains the inference that to be a law professor is not to work!


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Inga said...

“Enabling your child's self destructive behavior isn't being a good parent. It makes you a terrible parent.”

Indeed IF that’s what Biden was or is doing.

hpudding said...

Haha - "Discourse engineering" = "Let my irate nonsense remark stand without challenge or comment - or else you are infringing my 1st amendment rights!"

Deplatforming definitely means corporations won't be forced to host/amplify misinformation, and that could mean the death of civilization! Civilization thrives on misinforming people, bolstering their superstitions. ;-)

tim in vermont said...

"Indeed IF that’s what Biden was or is doing.”

There is tons of evidence that that is exactly what he was doing.

“I hope you all can do what I did, and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years and it has been tough. It’s really hard but don’t worry, unlike Pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.” -- IM from Hunter Biden to his daughter.

Poor Hunter, slaving away for thirty years selling his dad’s influence and spreading the money around and people aren’t even grateful!

tim in vermont said...

"Let my irate nonsense remark stand without challenge or comment “

Please do challenge anything I say, with factual replies, rather than attempts to change the subject. If I am wrong, I would be most happy to have my errors pointed out by anybody with access to the facts.

hpudding said...

"Tons" of evidence as to what Biden does... Hmmmm, similar to the "tons" of evidence never presented in court about Trump's false election claims?

It's funny how much right-wing insurrectionists suddenly shut up about when a legal ruling against them or campaign donations are at stake. Normals, take note.

Achilles said...

hpudding said...

Haha - "Discourse engineering" = "Let my irate nonsense remark stand without challenge or comment - or else you are infringing my 1st amendment rights!"

Deplatforming definitely means corporations won't be forced to host/amplify misinformation, and that could mean the death of civilization! Civilization thrives on misinforming people, bolstering their superstitions. ;-)

Read your own posts.

You never actually challenge anything we say. You just make poor sarcastic remarks.

Sarcasm is the go to for stupid people trying to tell a joke.

Chennaul said...

Indeed IF that’s what Biden was or is doing.

let’s say you are a savvy experienced politician and you know how rough and tumble politics can get even when you run for class President in college.

Then— your expertise is supposedly the cut throat world of international politics.

Do you let your kid with many vulnerabilities, and problems go to the premiere city of the power trying to eclipse your nation?

He sent —or helped the kid go to— Shanghai.

China. One thing about China— they are ruthless. Look up greatest massacres by percent of world population.... The land of China wipes each other off the map to the tune of percentages of world population.

To send your kid to the belly of China with all of his problems and not expect the Chinese not to prod and exploit every possibility....

Joe is either horribly naive or..... There might be a third choice here not trying to corner you into the either or dilemma— but I do not know what that third option would be.

Rabel said...

I truly miss the grace and dignity of Hillary Clinton.

Achilles said...

hpudding said...

"Tons" of evidence as to what Biden does... Hmmmm, similar to the "tons" of evidence never presented in court about Trump's false election claims?

It's funny how much right-wing insurrectionists suddenly shut up about when a legal ruling against them or campaign donations are at stake. Normals, take note.

Biden is on video literally threatening Ukraine with removal of foreign aid if they don't fire a prosecutor.

"Well son-of-a-bitch," he got fired."

Michael K said...

In any event, isn't the usual approach for right-wing insurrectionists to discriminate against her by calling her a "diversity hire?"

Amazing the new trolls turning up every day here. Blank profiles, of course, but obvious tales to tell.

hpudding said...

"challenge anything we say."

Insurrectionists who get off on saying things they would never dare defend in court or that get their campaign donations to dry up seem to think they are saying serious things. Funny. ;-)

How about this - try saying something you would say under penalty of perjury to a judge and then we'll take it seriously. Deal?

In the meantime, let's rejoice! The NRA just filed for bankruptcy.

Drago said...

hpudding: ""hooking up with brother's wives"

The Bible definitely says you can do that."

Marxists now using the Bible as a reference.


hpudding said...

Doctors who promote discredited dangerous crank advice like treating viral illness with anti-malarials are definitely trolling someone. At the least themselves and any family members they'd mistreat that way - but also anyone gullible enough to listen to them.

Inga said...

“In the meantime, let's rejoice! The NRA just filed for bankruptcy.”

Doing my happy dance!

Achilles said...

Michael K said...

In any event, isn't the usual approach for right-wing insurrectionists to discriminate against her by calling her a "diversity hire?"

Amazing the new trolls turning up every day here. Blank profiles, of course, but obvious tales to tell.

He is just as empty as Inga.

But he is smart enough to know he can't hang here. Most likely...

He will wash out after a thread or two of getting embarrassed.

tim in vermont said...

You can read all about Joe Biden’s problematic dealings in Ukraine involving his son here in the New York Times. This is before they demanding that their reporters stop investigating Joe and Hunter.


There is lots of stuff like this, here’s one from Politico

The day the Bidens took over Paradigm Global Advisors was a memorable one.

In the late summer of 2006 Joe Biden’s son Hunter and Joe’s younger brother, James, purchased the firm. On their first day on the job, they showed up with Joe’s other son, Beau, and two large men and ordered the hedge fund’s chief of compliance to fire its president, according to a Paradigm executive who was present.

After the firing, the two large men escorted the fund’s president out of the firm’s midtown Manhattan office, and James Biden laid out his vision for the fund’s future. “Don’t worry about investors,” he said, according to the executive, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing fear of retaliation. “We’ve got people all around the world who want to invest in Joe Biden.”


Inga said...

“Doctors who promote discredited dangerous crank advice like treating viral illness with anti-malarials are definitely trolling someone. At the least themselves and any family members they'd mistreat that way - but also anyone gullible enough to listen to them.”

Indeed. If it had been such a great treatment then Trump would’ve gotten it when he had Covid.

hpudding said...

I'm not aware Jesus or his predecessors were capitalists opposed to collective action on behalf of the downtrodden. Discuss.

Are the downtrodden deplorable? Or is that just if they're in a red state that can only survive financially thanks to blue state largess? Discuss.

tim in vermont said...

- try saying something you would say under penalty of perjury to a judge and then we'll take it seriously. Deal?

Feel free to challenge anything I have said and I will back it up with a link to a media source, which should be close enough.

tim in vermont said...

They are really trying hard to change the subject, like I said, clumsy discourse engineering.

Drago said...

tim in vermont: ""Hunter smoking crack and hooking up with underage girls...”

“Hooking up” implies consent."

When you have as much crack coursing thru your system as Hunter has, I suspect he couldnt really tell.

Fun Question To Ponder: when the ChiComs no doubt filmed Hunter smoking crack and having sex with the underage Asian girls the ChiComs provided to satisfy the "needs" of the Biden Crime Family Influence Peddling Schemes, did the ChiComs also provide the drugs Hunter used while he was assaulting the young girls, or did Hunter or an aide transport his drugs while flying on AF2?

Lurker21 said...

Yes, don't insult the woman, but you can't say that all lines of criticism are closed down. How does that work after the last four years or twenty or thirty years? All of a sudden criticism of her is off-limits because of her race or gender?

The point is, she's an empty pantsuit. She's somebody without much of a record of serious or independent thought, somebody whose record of activities is rather shabby, somebody who doesn't address the issues much of the country cares about, and somebody who hasn't revealed herself to be more than a careerist or opportunist.

Shouting Thomas said...

The NRA filing for bankruptcy doesn’t mean it will go away.

Just that it will go into re-organization.

It’s leaving NY for TX.

The NY AG is a crazy woman, a black racist. She’s been using her position to constantly file lawsuits against the NRA, and Trump.

The NRA is shedding an attacker who is deliberately violating the constitution by using public office to prosecute her hatred for gun owners, and moving to a state where it can discharge the litigation debt and be treated decently.

Figures that Inga would applaud using public office to punish political enemies.

Drago said...

hpudding: "I'm not aware Jesus or his predecessors were capitalists opposed to collective action on behalf of the downtrodden. Discuss."

Marxist continues his/her/xer first "deep dive" into the Bible in hopes of delivering "teh interwebs" "rhetorical knockout blow.

Lets watch and see how this turns out....

tim in vermont said...

I don’t know why this didn’t get posted

The day the Bidens took over Paradigm Global Advisors was a memorable one.

In the late summer of 2006 Joe Biden’s son Hunter and Joe’s younger brother, James, purchased the firm. On their first day on the job, they showed up with Joe’s other son, Beau, and two large men and ordered the hedge fund’s chief of compliance to fire its president, according to a Paradigm executive who was present.

After the firing, the two large men escorted the fund’s president out of the firm’s midtown Manhattan office, and James Biden laid out his vision for the fund’s future. “Don’t worry about investors,” he said, according to the executive, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing fear of retaliation. “We’ve got people all around the world who want to invest in Joe Biden.”


hpudding said...

Hmmmm, similar to the "tons" of evidence never presented in court about Trump's false election claims?

Don't worry. I'm sure the kangaroo "court" that erected Mike Pence's gallows outside the capitol would have heard such "evidence."

A political putsch that refuses the legitimacy of both the existing court system and science. Where have we seen that before? Lavoisier? Nuremberg?

tim in vermont said...

Or you can read about Biden sleaze in the New York Times if you like


There’s more.

hpudding said...

Feel free to challenge anything I have said and I will back it up with a link to a media source, which should be close enough.

If OAN or Breitbart etc. pundits count as media then I can safely say we'll stick to the court rulings that got even foreigner-owned FOX to change their tune. No shame in political debates with court-defined parameters, unless you want to dismantle the judiciary.

tim in vermont said...

"If OAN or Breitbart etc. pundits count as media then”

I have so far linked The New York Times and Politico. Here is one from The Hill


Shouting Thomas said...

NYC has degenerated into chaos and violence as a result of Inga’s paramilitary forces, Antifa and BLM, looting and ransacking the city twice in 2020. DiBlasio has accelerated the collapse into the good old days of gang control of the streets and exploding murder rates.

It’s like the crack epidemic all over again. Courtesy of idiots like Inga.

Thanks, Inga, for applauding the AG’s attempts to disarm law abiding citizens seeking to protect themselves from the gang violence created by Democrats.

Your combination of evil and stupidity is awesome.

Lewis Wetzel said...

The NY AG is a crazy woman, a black racist. She’s been using her position to constantly file lawsuits against the NRA, and Trump.

"Young black men in the inner city are shooting each other! And it is the fault of middle-aged white guys in the suburbs! Why can't anyone but me see that!?"

hpudding said...

Lets watch and see how this turns out....

Famous last words of anyone who couldn't defend their own argument.

Glad receive this concession as a way out of the baneful "back-and-forth." ;-)

Shouting Thomas said...

Thank God, I live 2 hours away from NYC now. I lived there and in Woodstock for 45 years.

Never seeks to astound me that vicious shits like Inga get a little thrill out of unleashing violent criminals on my defenseless family.

Achilles said...

It is interesting that the regime is currently using the military to occupy Washington DC.

The resist protests in 2017 and blm protests in 2020 were far more violent and insurrectionist than anything that happened on January 6th.

They are acting like they know they are illegitimate.

hpudding said...

I have so far linked The New York Times and Politico. Here is one from The Hill.

Thank you for that. Much appreciated. What was the topic, again?

Oh right. Joe Biden's corruption. I'll take a pass. Public interest in seeing him as anything less the boy scout than his horrifyingly underperforming predecessor precludes me from finding any more interest in that than I do in the ravings of the Flat-Earth Society, Jonestown, or your insurrectionist co-ideologues of last week.

But don't worry. I'm sure you can look into many other ways to politically destroy a decent man who survived the deaths of his wife, daughter and son. That's basically just the only type of thing factions as desperate as yours seem to stand for.

Shouting Thomas said...

New York’s Democrats, in their wisdom, and love for violent criminals, have also stopped prosecuting most criminal violence.

Inga must be wetting her pants in joy.

tim in vermont said...

"Joe Biden's corruption. I'll take a pass."

"I'm sure you can look into many other ways to politically destroy a decent man”

He is not a decent man, and your refusal to look at the evidence doesn’t change that fact. But your concession that you couldn’t back up the shit you threw at me in this thread is noted, and obvious to all.

I guess if you think that kleptocrats who are involved the rape of the resources of a poor county like Ukraine and Kazakhstan can still be decent, your position then retains a certain logical coherence.

hpudding said...

He is not a decent man,

I'm sure you know him well, tv.

and your refusal to look at the evidence doesn’t change that fact.

Your insurrectionism-biased opinion does not seem to be factually relevant.

But your concession that you couldn’t back up the shit you threw at me in this thread is noted, and obvious to all.

And now an appeal to popularity - popularity of the mob in these threads. Like I said, the popularity of the 46th president over Trump's following exists for good reason, and it's the one I'll stick with in discussing what's relevant. Leave your rabbit holes for the minority mob followers who dwell in those things and constantly find new ones to keep jumping into. I'll stay out. Thanks.

Iman said...

When afforded the opportunity to 0ccupy the Oval Office, Harris will blow it. Of that I am certain.

tim in vermont said...

You are really reaching now, Puddin’Head

"Joe Biden's corruption. I'll take a pass."

"I'm sure you can look into many other ways to politically destroy a decent man”

Thought-stopping cliches are used in cults and unhealthy groups to kill dialogue or healthy, investigative thought.


It’s interesting that both Puddin’Head and Inga resort to these though stopping cliches. Since Hunter BIden is at the center of the Biden corruption, as he is the bag man, as his laptop clearly shows, as well as his whole carreer as documented in plenty of mainstream sources, if you refuse to look at Hunter, you cannot examine for yourself Joe Biden’s history of corruption.

You guys are in a cult.

Michael K said...

Feeding the new troll, I see.

Have a nice day.

Michael K said...

Blogger Inga said...
“Doctors who promote discredited dangerous crank advice like treating viral illness with anti-malarials are definitely trolling someone. At the least themselves and any family members they'd mistreat that way - but also anyone gullible enough to listen to them.”

Indeed. If it had been such a great treatment then Trump would’ve gotten it when he had Covid.

The bed pan commando shows, once again, how stupid she is. Millions have received it and there is literature reporting that.

tim in vermont said...

I’m done doc. He sees himself as some kind of a mind guard, but he is not really equipped for the task in terms of IQ (I bet that’s not the first time you heard that one Puddin’Head! Did you get left back in the third grade like your hero Joe?) or in terms of command of the facts.

Browndog said...

Back to the topic at hand...

Never trust a barren woman to make sound, public policy that in any way effects the nuclear family.

Hard truths that need to be said.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden, Inc.

Saying Joe's brother and son are "out of bounds" is like saying water can't be wet.

tim in vermont said...

"Millions have received it and there is literature reporting that.”

Like this study from the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents

• First COVID-19 outpatient study based on risk stratification and early antiviral treatment at the beginning of the disease.

• Low-dose hydroxychloroquine combined with zinc and azithromycin was an effective therapeutic approach against COVID-19.

• Significantly reduced hospitalisation rates in the treatment group.

Reduced mortality rates in the treatment group.


But if you wanna own Trump, ya gotta break some eggs! Even now that Trump is gone, they are still demonizing an effective treatment because he touted it as possibly effective. Because they don’t care about people, they care about power.

But Inga’s not in a cult! Nooooo!

tim in vermont said...

What I don’t get is why a person who purportedly spent her career in health care would advocate against a treatment that has been demonstrated to save lives just to score imagined points in a political debate.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


A point of correction. Antoine Lavoisier was indeed a very fine scientist, one of the best of his age. But he was not murdered for being a very fine scientist; he was murdered for being a "tax farmer," a collector of revenue for the French Government. We can, and probably will, dispute whether such employment made him a "deplorable" in the context of the Terror. But, really, extrapolating from Lavoisier to "the French Revolution was anti-science" is one of those acrobatic feats of logistical gimcrackery I leave to the skilled at such things, like gymnasts who can do splits all three ways.

Michael K said...

Tim, the politics has infested the WuHan virus story since day 1. I know you know why. It's CHINA !

Of course, anything Trump said was fair game. But the level of malice is surprising when talking about medications and treatment. Can anyone remember a similar situation ? In WWI the aspirin patent was taken away from Bayer but I can't recall anything like this, at least in modern medicine. The Civil War Surgeon General, William Hammond, got into trouble with Stanton over his ban of Mercury as "Calomel" which was used as an emetic and which Hammond thought harmful (which it was). Stanton had a favorite doctor who used "Blue Pills" in that day of useless remedies and he sacked Hammond eventually.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Inga, lovely that you see nothing but sweetness and light about the Harris family, and deliberately avoid looking at all at the Biden family. That's the way to stay moderately sane and still support the incoming Administration, as of course you must.

Still, how can it conceivably be "being a good father" to send your son into all manner of tense political situations and fully expecting him to return with lots of moola? I can remember all manner of, er, "embarrassing" Presidential relatives, at least as far back as Billy Carter. Trump's are no worse than most, and a lot better than some. I am puzzled particularly by the sustained hate-on lefties have against Jared Kushner. Look, the man just arranged peace between four Arab states and Israel (Saudi Arabia is rumored to come next), something that hasn't happened for decades with even a single Arab nation. But, no, Jared is the only original f-up. For why?

As for Kamala's kids: I have the same reservations many here have, esp. about "ten-year plans." Not saying it's out of bounds, but it isn't what I think of when I think of a "loving and lively family," or whatever your exact words were. She was describing a family dinner that sounded exactly like a Masters' oral exam. Not for me, thanks.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

tim in vermont,

Exactly. The HCQ/zinc/azithromycin "cocktail" has had many studies suggesting that it is very helpful, and a few suggesting that it isn't. I remain skeptical, b/c originally the idea was that it was useful in tackling immune over-response, with patients already seriously sick, while later it was urged, to the contrary, for patients with no or few symptoms. The former actually made more sense to me, b/c cytokine storms were blamed for the more virulent cases. But my point is that HCQ was opposed, fiercely, by many people for no better reason than that Trump had said something good about it. That is no way to do medicine. Or anything else.

(Inga, why do you assume that Trump didn't use HCQ/Zn/azithro when he caught COVID? I assumed that he was on the same protocol he had been when he was taking the cocktail prophylactically.)

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

About the Vogue cover: Tremendous political huhu now. The chosen cover image showed KH in "street dress" -- "trademark" sneakers, leather (?) jacket that might be "casual" for her but certainly is well beyond my "street dress" budget, &c. -- and the competing one was more "professional," many-thousand-dollar suit, more formal background (the other was in front of draperies in her college sorority colors, pink and green -- "ew," if I may say so). In today's WaPo, there was an op-ed about how this falls into a long tradition of fashion magazines demeaning and belittling powerful Black women. I mentioned this to my husband this morning, and he was puzzled: In his Internet universe, they'd been talking about the Vogue cover for about a week and a half. Ooookay.

KH is a "powerful Black woman" only in the sense that she's VP, which is usually a nothingburger job, unless of course you can parley your name into vast quantities of graft, like the last-VP-but-one. She's in luck, because suddenly "President Pro Tem of the Senate" means something, that's all.

John henry said...

I wonder how much emhoff is a beard to deflect accusations of kamala being a lesbian? I don't think she is, I've never seen any accusations or rumors that she is. But an unmarried 50 year old woman (at the time of her marriage) is Likely to raise talk.

There was an article about her last year NYT? Where a friend was quoted as saying "when she announced she was getting married, that's when I knew she was running."

Several people have mentioned that she lost in the primary. Not true. Out of 40 or so primaries on her road to the vice presidency, she did not lose a single one.

"You can't lose if you refuse to play the game" - Marla Daniels

John Henry

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga said...

Blogger Inga said...
“Inga, lovely that you see nothing but sweetness and light about the Harris family, and deliberately avoid looking at all at the Biden family.”

I guess you missed my comment in which I said Hunter Biden was a train wreck.

“Inga, why do you assume that Trump didn't use HCQ/Zn/azithro when he caught COVID? I assumed that he was on the same protocol he had been when he was taking the cocktail prophylactically.)”

Trumps doctor released the list of meds that had treated Trump with. HCQ was not on the list.

“As reported by the Times, the President was receiving supplemental oxygen when his levels dipped below 95 percent.

An October 2 memo from Trump’s physician reveals that in addition to these interventions, he has also been taking daily aspirin, melatonin (a supplement to aid in sleep), zinc, and famotidine, an antacid sold under the tradename Pepcid.

The memo also noted that Trump has been given vitamin D supplements. In August, a study found a connection to low vitamin D levels and susceptibility to COVID-19. It is not clear if these supplements are part of routine health maintenance or his coronavirus infection care.

Notably absent from the President’s treatment plan is hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malarial that Trump has touted as a promising treatment throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, even after it was shown to be largely ineffective and potentially harmful. In May, Trump claimed to have taken a two-week-long preventive dose of the drug. In late July, he was still tweeting about the drug, long after its emergency use authorization had been rescinded. The tweet has since been deleted.”


Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

hpudding, re: Bible saying that "hooking up with brother's wives" is OK, where do you find this? All I remember is that marrying the widow of your brother is incest -- a "plot point" in Henry VIII's marital history, IIRC -- but surely that's OT, not NT. And it was "widow," not "wife."

And there's this: "I'm not aware Jesus or his predecessors were capitalists opposed to collective action on behalf of the downtrodden." Well, if you are a Christian, Jesus doesn't have "predecessors," exactly. If you are a Muslim, say, He is just one in a long, long line of prophets, as distinct from The Prophet.

But as to "collective action on behalf of the downtrodden": Sure, that's just Jesus's style. Tax everyone -- a graduated tax, naturally; we want "the rich" to pay "their fair share" -- and dole the money back out with a bias towards the "most disadvantaged," obviously allowing some drain-off for "overhead." Sounds totes Christian to me!

Actually, Jesus does not talk like that. He is not a "collective action" sort of guy at all. He demands seemingly impossible things from His followers, like selling all their possessions and going on a sort of endless walking-tour in complete poverty, but there is nothing, no faintest trace, in the Bible about "collective action" (apart from, say, the Roman State in the Gospels, which acts collectively all the time, and whose soldiers therefore become almost interchangeable) because we are individuals, not collectives. Individuals have souls. Collectives do not.

No doubt you can find adumbrations of the modern state and its frantic redistributionism in other religions, but from here, Christianity appears solidly opposed to your view.

Michael K said...

Notably absent from the President’s treatment plan is hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malarial that Trump has touted as a promising treatment throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, even after it was shown to be largely ineffective and potentially harmful.

NO surprise from the bed pan department. The "studies" that suggested it was harmful were all political. It has been used as malaria prophylaxis for 50 years by a hundred million. The most recent suggestions have been to use as a prophylactic or in early stages. I have seen no recommendation that it is useful in cytokine storm. Low dose aspirin my be useful in preventing that.

Again, I have never seen such a political frenzy around a suggested treatment. When all this began, and before the hysteria, I prescribed amounts for my family to use as prophylaxis if exposed. Even my FBI Trump hater daughter has a supply she requested.

Then lunatic governors, like Whitmer in MI, took over and banned its use. Suddenly it was almost unavailable. My wife, who had taken it for years for her rheumatoid arthritis, had trouble refilling her regular prescription. She had Covid last June and had a mild case in spite of her high risk status. Her internist agreed that the HCQ had modulated the response.

John henry said...

USA 1,225 deaths/mm pop

India 110 deaths/mm

Nigeria 7 deaths/mm

Indonesia 94 deaths/mm

Stats from Worldometer just now.

What do Nigeria, India and Indonesia have in common one might ask? All have high risks of Malaria. Nigeria accounts for 25% of all malaria cases in the world.

Consequently, people in those, and other countries where malaria is still prevalent, take HQL like we eat peanuts. It is over the counter, not prescription in many of those countries.

Just pure coinkidink I am sure.

John Henry

Francisco D said...

John Henry,

Don't tell the resident idiot about anti-malarials. She thinks that her bedpan expertise gives her the equivalency of a MD. It's a Dr. Jill Biden sort of thing.

Lurker21 said...

Harris got married in 2014, three years into her first term as California AG. It's clear that it was a necessary move if she wanted to rise in politics, but she was a long way from running for president (or even vice president) back then. The Senate race was only two years away, though. Barbara Boxer wasn't getting much in the way of donations so she bowed out, unexpectedly perhaps, but Harris got an awful lot of money from contributors in that cycle, so perhaps she intended to put the squeeze on Boxer. Getting married, like joining a church, was something Kamala had to do to advance her career.

Harris and her team picked the outfits she wore for the Vogue shoot. Now twitter is complaining about the picture saying it looks "washed out" and is disrespectful to Black women. The photographer is Black himself, the first African-American to shoot the magazine's cover photo (Beyonce, natch). I wonder if "washed out" is a "dog whistle": Kamala skin tone in the photo is lighter than it is in other photos. Possibly, I got some of the details wrong; I'm embarrassed that this is even a topic at all.

FullMoon said...

tim in vermont said... [hush]​[hide comment]

I’m done doc. He sees himself as some kind of a mind guard,

Tim, it's (D.V.) comment(s ) were removed Yesterday.by a blog administrator.
Changed the name and back again.

Name has changed, song remains the same.

BTW, great links.

I'm Not Sure said...

Do "powerful black women" typically trade sex for career advancement?

Asking for a friend.

gilbar said...

hpudding said...
"hooking up with brother's wives"
The Bible definitely says you can do that.

The Bible says EXPLICITLY, that you can NOT do that (if they had kids)
Leviticus 18:16 You may not have sex relations with your brother's wife, for she is your brother's.

Please pay attention!

tim in vermont said...

Trump had access to a highly effective experimental antibody treatment. I am not sure when it is expected to be available in quantity, but this is more dishonest argumentation from Inga. It’s almost Lysenkoism from her, like most lefties. Lysenko’s ’science’ backed socialism, and since it was politically useful, it was deemed correct by the communists even though it was dead wrong. Same with Inga’s long since debunked idea that HCQ is ineffective. I even posted a link to a medical journal study that showed that it was effective when used properly and she pretends that it never happened because better for people to die than Trump be shown to have been right about something, right Inga.

Joanne Jacobs said...

I think the people all talking at once are from her father's side of the family (Jewish). Remember the kids were in high school when Harris became their stepmother, no doubt living with their mother. Harris didn't raise them.

Most presidents get a honeymoon period. Then the press gets bored. I expect critical stories about Biden in a month or two, and very little coverage of Harris. That's until the press decides it's time for Biden to step down and let Harris run in 2024 as an incumbent. That will take more than stories about her shoes or her hubby.

Joe Smith said...

"But don't worry. I'm sure you can look into many other ways to politically destroy a decent man who survived the deaths of his wife, daughter and son."

Puddin' Pop is wrong. Joe was schtupping Jill while she was still married.

And then Joe tries to (and succeeds) on pinning the blame for his wife and daughter's death on an innocent man.

Joe claimed the man was drunk driving, but he was never charged with that offense.

According to the man's family, Biden's characterizing him as a drunk driver ruined his life.

Joe...such a decent man.

DavidUW said...

Joe ruining an innocent man's life.
In which he shares a characteristic of the Ho.

DavidUW said...

For anyone trying to discuss the Ho.

The Ho is a HOrrible person.

Any simple search will reveal the following. (never mind I know all this from residing in CA during her "rise")
1) Willie Brown's side piece
2) Willie Brown installing her as SF DA
3) Persecuting truant parents, weed smokers. Failing to disclose that the crime lab in SF was corrupt and wrongfully convicted hundreds of people.
4) Getting installed as CA AG
5) Persecuting not guilty people. (Fradulent confessions). Continuing to imprison weed smokers.
6) Pursuing the elimination of free speech

Harris is one of the worst national politicians in the past 100 years.

I'm Not Sure said...

"Harris is one of the worst national politicians in the past 100 years."

See? Women can be competitive at a professional level.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Joanne Jacobs,

I expect critical stories about Biden in a month or two, and very little coverage of Harris. That's until the press decides it's time for Biden to step down and let Harris run in 2024 as an incumbent. That will take more than stories about her shoes or her hubby.

This is why I really hope that Biden stays in office for his full term. Then he steps down, and Harris runs as a not-incumbent, against a worthy opponent TBD.

But what are the chances that Biden makes it through that labyrinth? He's surrounded by people who really, really want President Harris.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

I ought to have added, JJ, that the very idea of "the press deciding" that such-and-such should happen is just vile. That is not -- or shouldn't be -- what the press is there for, and if they are to decide, themselves, when a President leaves office, then they are way exceeding their rightful place.

DavidUW said...

The chances are zero.

We will have President Harris by 2022 at the latest.

Well you will. I’ll be a non citizen by then.

Tina Trent said...

I would like to argue with Inga, but let's please remember the utterly unimaginable horror she has just experienced.

Unless arguing cheers her up.

Lewis said...

I'm probably banned as a reprobate - but an old joke from Fasire - "When I thought he was betraying me, I never thought it him"

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