January 8, 2021

Is it some notion that government officials deserve a higher level of personal security or an idea that the building that houses government is sacred?


wendybar said...

The media didn't care. The people have insurance. (that is an excuse I heard why rioting and looting was okay)

MayBee said...

I 100% agree with this.

I am aghast that government officials who thought "let it burn" as a way of letting people let off steam are now calling people who came on *their* workplace "Seditionists" and "terrorists".

I am aghast that people who have been singing the praises of the artfulness of the plywood on mainstreet are now calling the people in the Capitol "Terrorists".

Does government exist to perpetuate itself, or to protect the governed?

wendybar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NCMoss said...

Banned on Twitter in 3-2-1...

mockturtle said...

The US Capital and Capitol should be moved to somewhere central in the nation. If it were in, say, Topeka, KS, maybe the lure would be less attractive. Same with media. They are all based in NYC. This is just asking for corruption and bias.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, +others... all asked for their supporters to harass and riot in the streets. The birth of Antifa was the answer to that call.
Antifa were roundly supported by many in the media and the top of the D-party.
Media ignore it all.

YoungHegelian said...

is it some notion that government officials...

It's neither. It's the belief by the people who rule us that they have a monopoly on the use of force, and that they can visit force on the peons at will.

Understand just what a horror Wednesday's assault on the Capitol was for the "Deep State" (for lack of a better word). What was clearly a planned assault took place on the center of political power & it was simply a twist of fate that it wasn't much, much worse than it was. It took place against what is in essence a private army (the Capitol Police) and in the heart of Deep Blue America.

Antifa has never been able to pull off something this bold in the middle of Red State America. They can only do their sustained campaigns in the most lefty & thus sympathetic of jurisdictions. But, on Wednesday, some unknown & off the radar group of Righties busted through & sowed very public chaos.

This hits the blue ruling classes where they live. They know now how vulnerable they are. That's not how this was supposed to go. Other folks, like the military & the police, were supposed to be on the front lines for them. Now, they see that's not teh case, and it's terrifying.

mockturtle said...

Antifa were roundly supported by many in the media and the top of the D-party.
Media ignore it all.

WA Gov. Inslee claimed he knew nothing of the takeover of part of downtown Seattle. My sister, who lives in WA, didn't believe it because 'I haven't seen anything about it on any reputable news sources'. LOL!

Calypso Facto said...

I'm much more concerned about Wisconsin's Governor shutting down most of the downtown Madison businesses in "an abundance of caution" and then the Madison Mayor letting BLM vandalize and loot them than I am about some citizens rearranging the furniture in a public building in Washington DC yesterday.

Joe Smith said...

Yeah, I'm pretty fucking tired of the 'sacred' bullshit.

It's essentially an office, and our employees work there.

Same with the sanctity of voting.

During mass, priests don't scatter bread from helicopters after it's been consecrated.

It is treated with respect because it is actually sacred.

Why do we scatter ballots like a ticker-tape parade?

Wait, I know that answer to that one.

Joe Smith said...

"Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, +others... all asked for their supporters to harass and riot in the streets. The birth of Antifa was the answer to that call."

And they exhorted their followers to get in the faces of republicans to shout and scream their opposition.

Even when eating dinner with family.

Leftist scum.

Bilwick said...

To any self-respecting State-cultist, the answer to the question is: Of course! The Priesthood must be protected above all else!

Not Sure said...

The difference between is the two is ... Who, whom?

Lyssa said...

If you had asked a liberal the question in the heading last week, they would have scoffed. But it’s definitely conventional wisdom right now. (Until the next time.).

Rusty said...

Sacred, huh? Like the Reichstag?

daskol said...

It has been an interesting array of people invoking the "sacred" meme, from hyperventilating anti-Trumpers across the media and politics to conservatives, some supposedly religious, who ought to know better what is sacred. Mostly the invocation of sacred was meant to scorn the sacrilegious barbarians rioting in DC, but maybe this also represents the mainstreaming of the historically leftist "politics as religion" concept. Anyway, when you stop to think about it, there's something funny about calling govt buildings sacred at this particular moment, and it shows how out of touch our elites are with respect to what most Americans actually consecrate.

Arashi said...

I am farily certain that one of the founding members of the US said the citizens should not fear their government, but that the government should fear the citizens. When our ruling class behaves in a similar fashion to the ruling class in France just before the French revolution got going, they need a come to Jesus moment. Perhaps for the first time in their oh so slimey existance as swamp creatures the elected officials in the peoples house of government actually discovered that they are not the end all of existance and that they are mortal creatures like the rest of us.

If they do not grasp that they only exist with the consent of the governed, then this country is in for some interesting times going forward. Personaly, though I hope for the best, after what I have seen the left do for the last four years and especially what they have allowed, in their name, to occur in places like Portland, Seattle, etc. I fear for the worst.

This is not the country I was born and raised in. Yesterday I took down my American flag that has been properly displayed at my home since we moved in in '92. I do not think I will be putting it back up anytime soon as it no longer represents the US.

And while I do not condone any of the violence that happended in DC, I can certainly understand the circumstances that got us to where it happened.

Dan from Madison said...

Of course it is all outrageous. I do wish all of the politicians would have been equally outraged during the last year when many, many other federal buildings and private ones were vandalized, set on fire, etc.

Anonymous said...

Government buildings are sacred to the Left only when they're under attack from people the Left doesn't like, such as the deplorables, for example. The same level of outrage didn't seem to attach to attempts to destroy ICE offices or a Federal courthouse.

mockturtle said...

Hey, wasn't the White House built by a bunch of Illuminati Freemasons?

daskol said...

Arashi, an American flag at this point might as well be a Trump flag. It gets the same response around these parts, anyway. The Italians still fly American flags on their homes, but everybody else probably worries about getting egged or bricked or worse should a peaceful protest route itself down their block.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

But, on Wednesday, some unknown & off the radar group of Righties busted through & sowed very public chaos.

This hits the blue ruling classes where they live. They know now how vulnerable they are. That's not how this was supposed to go.

Yep. White conservatives aren't supposed to riot. That's got to be making certain people's assholes pucker.

mockturtle said...

As someone mentioned in another thread, there is some parallel with the burning of the Reichstag. Especially if the instigators of vandalism turn out to be Antifa [there is some evidence].

I'm Not Sure said...

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

Everybody knows this.

mockturtle said...

Keep the flag flying. When they add DC and Puerto Rico stars to the 'official' version, continue to fly the old one.

Anonymous said...

If it weren't for double standards...

le Douanier said...

Target and such being burned is not the same as a POTUS inspired mob trashing and taking over the cap building because they failed to overturn a legitimate election.

As the gaslight folks already know.

Cut It said...

I'm shocked that he incited folks to go in the Capitol, risking the lives of the VP and all members of Congress as well as staffers and security. It's not about the building itself. Certainly there might be times when violent revolution is warranted. This ain't nowhere near it. Absolutely unconscionable. Those of you saying otherwise-- also unconscionable.

Mark said...

Thank you.

Chuck said...

And yeah, Althouse; sorry, but I do think that a riot in a poor neighborhood in Milwaukee, where a 7-11 is ransacked, is different from a riot in the United States Capitol on the day that the Presidential/Vice Presidential electoral vote is being certified. Especially when the riot was exhorted by the Current Occupant.

Not that either is acceptable. But they are different.

I don't condone murder, either. But a murder in a poor neighborhood in Milwaukee is different from the murders committed when an Airliner is flown into the Pentagon. Murder is always against the law. But not all murders are the same.

BothSidesNow said...

Seeing what happened as a strike against the ruling class is quite a take. The people voted, they voted to get rid of the current ruler (Trump) and replace him. Invading the Capitol on Wednesday at the behest of the current ruler (Trump) in an attempt to prevent his removal from power is hardly a strike against the ruling class. And the idea that this is a strike against DC is bizarre. Congress was counting the electoral ballots from across the nation. This was an attempted strike against PA, Michigan, Georgia, none of those states are in DC. Or to put it another way, which is more to the point, this was a strike against those states where a large number of blacks voted. This was a strike in favor of a ruling class, and in favor of a powerful, but waning, white culture, not against it. The carrying of the confederate flag into the Capitol tells you all you need to know about what was happening.

Big Mike said...

Seeing what happened as a strike against the ruling class is quite a take. The people voted, they voted to get rid of the current ruler (Trump) and replace him.

Did we? Or did we vote to give him four more years, only to have our erstwhile rulers take it away through massive, in-your-face cheating? If the arc of history truly does bend towards justice, there are going to be a lot of Democrats living out their lives in prison. But personally I think Martin Luther King, Jr. was wrong and they’ll get away with it.

Lyle Smith said...

Fits your civility is bullshit tag, no?

Joe Smith said...

"I am farily certain that one of the founding members of the US said the citizens should not fear their government, but that the government should fear the citizens."

You should love your dog, and you should treat your dog well, but you should never fear your dog.

Your dog should love you, and your dog should treat you well.

But if your dog doesn't fear you just a little bit, then you are no longer its master.

daskol said...

If YoungHegelian's take is on point, then we should all celebrate what happened at the Capital, and unfortunate Ashli Barrett died a martyr to a worthy cause. I'd like that to be true.

Todd said...

Boy, there sure is an influx of "blank profile" posters showing up and trying to sound "oh so reasonable" and "how dare you not condemn".

How dare the plebs act out of sorts!

It is almost enough to give one the vapors...

Joe Smith said...

"Invading the Capitol on Wednesday at the behest of the current ruler (Trump)..."

It was not a the 'behest' of Trump.

Please show me where he ordered anyone to invade the capital building.

This is the big fucking lie that will be repeated until the sun burns out.

Nonapod said...

The media and various blue state governors and mayors basically spent several months last summer excusing and forgiving looters and rioters (if not outright praising them) as they ruined lives and livelihoods. It's not surprising that some people feel a mix of despondency and rage over such displays of blatant lawlessness. And now many people strongly feel that the election was stolen. Now we have a very tiny minority of bad actors among those millions and millions of people who behaved badly and were roundly condemned by virtually everybody for it.

Sadly I'm not seeing any empathy from the winning side. In fact I'm seeing even more venom directed toward the very people who feel disenfranchised. I'm seeing things ramping up even more. What do people imagine will happen here? What do they imagine the counter response will be? I don't understand how people can't see the dangerous waters ahead.

hstad said...

Well it's instructive to see the usual 'Anti-Trumpers' and people infected with TDS claim all sorts of things happening in D.C. To labeling of riots and and calling people "Seditionists" and "terrorists". I would point out that if the majority of people at this event would've done 1/10 of the things you propogandists claim, then the sheer size of that crowd would've burned down the 'Capitol'. But surprise nothing like this happened and a few 'hotheads' got out of control - it happens. Now, President Trump has ended his effort on a 'sour note' and everyone has now called for him to resign or be impeached [with two weeks left in his term]. All of you TDS and Never Trumpers are being played and I'm not surprised. It's instructive again to note the kind of people you want to be your leaders and vote into office. Once Trump removes himself from the public arena, I wonder what the TDS crowd and Never Trumpers will do for a living? But the fight will go on, this is a bigger issue than Trump, it's an issue of who rules this country - the 'Elites' or the 'American People'.

Ice Nine said...

>>Cut It said...
I'm shocked that he incited folks to go in the Capitol, risking the lives of the VP and all members of Congress as well as staffers and security. It's not about the building itself. Certainly there might be times when violent revolution is warranted. This ain't nowhere near it. Absolutely unconscionable. Those of you saying otherwise-- also unconscionable.<<

You're shocked because you're an idiot who hasn't bothered to read what Trump actually said before you made that hysterical comment. This whole post-riot hysteria is based on Trump's WH 'Save America' speech's supposedly encouraging his crowd to go to the Capitol building and riot. That is completely fabricated - based on a total falsehood. Trump mentioned the Capitol four times in the speech and only three times talked about going there. Pay particular attention to the third one. Here they are:

"We’re gathered together in the heart of our nation’s Capitol for one very, very basic and simple reason, to save our democracy."

"We’re going walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators, and congressmen and women."

"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

"So we’re going to, we’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue...and we’re going to the Capitol and we’re going to try and give…our Republicans, the weak ones, because the strong ones don’t need any of our help, we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country."

I'm Not Sure said...

"This is the big fucking lie that will be repeated until the sun burns out."

It's still early, there'll be others.

Anonymous said...

"If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun"

YoungHegelian said...


The carrying of the confederate flag into the Capitol tells you all you need to know about what was happening.

I worked at the New Executive Office Building in DC from 1983-1991, right next to Lafayette Square. There were always demonstrations of some sort in Lafayette Square, as it's right in front of the White House.

Always, and I mean always, if there was some groups of Lefties demonstrating, there were groups carrying a hammer & sickle flag. Always. Go look at Andy Ngo's & others coverage of Antifa riots/protests. Always a hammer & sickle in the crowd. Always.

One hundred million innocent citizens died in the 20th C. in their own countries in peace time under the banner of the hammer & sickle. Does that tell you all you need to know about those protests?

Leland said...

100% agree with Jindal. Alas, many of the same people shocked about Wednesday have forgotten about the damage done to DC businesses when Trump was inaugurated. They didn’t pretend shock then.

Static Ping said...

Welcome to the late Roman Republic, American style. If we are lucky, the new emperor will be a benevolent one.

Oh well.

Matt Sablan said...

It has nothing to do with their thoughts on the sanctity of the building. We'd have gotten the same pearl clutching "shocked" faces if the right wing protesters had damaged private property.

Fernandinande said...

the People's House

Why have I never heard that term used that way? (other than ignorance, that is)

"A People's House is a European type of leisure, cultural and community centre."

MikeM said...

Bobby's tweet is clever and correct, however his title, Gov., ended in 2016 and is not like a title of nobility with which one is born to and granted for life.

daskol said...

This is the guy Joe Biden called a domestic terrorist, an insurrectionist. We're supposed to fear this guy, a movement of guys like this. Somebody ought to be afraid of them, but I'm in an admiring place.

Rusty said...

Cut It said...
"I'm shocked that he incited folks to go in the Capitol, risking the lives of the VP and all members of Congress as well as staffers and security. It's not about the building itself. Certainly there might be times when violent revolution is warranted. This ain't nowhere near it. Absolutely unconscionable. Those of you saying otherwise-- also unconscionable. "
But the previous four years of violence, vitriol and thuggery are just fine? Yeah? Piss off.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Fernandinande said...

the People's House

Why have I never heard that term used that way? (other than ignorance, that is)

I've heard it used in reference to the White House, but never the Capitol Building.

Joe Smith said...

"The media and various blue state governors and mayors basically spent several months last summer excusing and forgiving looters and rioters (if not outright praising them) as they ruined lives and livelihoods."

There is a theory that says the destruction of small businesses is desirable...it benefits the massive corporations like Amazon and Walmart. The rich get richer.

There is also a theory that says the destruction of the middle class is desirable...it establishes the current 'rich' as a 'super class' and grows the numbers of the lower class who will then be dependent upon the government.

Hence, they will forever vote democrat and keep the government officials and the super class eternally in power.

The poor get poorer.

mockturtle said...

After Andrew Jackson's inauguration, his supporters raised some hell in the Capitol, too.

mccullough said...

So when the protestors show up at the homes of Senators, what is that?

When protestors accosted Flake in a non-public part of the Capitol, what is that?

So when that lunatic shot Scalise on a baseball field, what is that?

When Rand Paul’s lunatic neighbor beat him up, what is that?

Some Lunatic Leftist accosts the Mayor of Portland in a restaurant and hits him.

Let me know when our politicians want to put a stop to all this.

They won’t protect private citizens and won’t even protect themselves.

Joe Smith said...

"Bobby's tweet is clever and correct, however his title, Gov., ended in 2016 and is not like a title of nobility with which one is born to and granted for life."

Yes...lose the title. You're not a fucking prince.

clint said...

Perhaps it's related to the idea that ordinary people must be forbidden from holding funerals at the same time that the Great and the Good gather for mass funerals for political martyrs.

And, yeah, it's nothing about the buildings. There wasn't a hint of this reaction when the White House grounds were stormed by rioters a few months back or when protestors broke into the Hart Senate Office Building two years back.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...


WA Gov. Inslee claimed he knew nothing of the takeover of part of downtown Seattle. My sister, who lives in WA, didn't believe it because 'I haven't seen anything about it on any reputable news sources'. LOL!

I called the Governor's office on the day the CHAZ was create and talked to a staffer about that. He knew. All he had to do was call failed-mayor Jenny Durkin to find out what was going on. He's just like Barrack "I heard it on the news" Obama mimicking Sgt. Schultz: "I know nothing!"

Rosalyn C. said...

Here we are again. I wonder how many people who are getting all worked up in their condemnations of Trump, claiming he exhorted the crowd to break into the Capitol, actually listened to his speech? I declare unequivocally, none.

I finally listened to Trump's speech yesterday and it was more sad than anything, certainly not incendiary or riot inspiring.

The people who had decided to breach the Capitol security measures clearly did so before they even arrived in DC. If anything inspired them it was the endless destruction and looting we witnessed over the summer.

I agree that public facilities and historical sites should receive extra protection -- I wouldn't call them sacred though because they are actually the opposite of sacred, they are the marketplaces of our public discourse -- which represents our lowest aspects. Damaging these places would be like destroying your phone because you are angry at someone after an upsetting conversation -- it's idiotic. We have to preserve our public institutions even when they are sorely disappointing, because hopefully there will be honorable people serving someday.

n.n said...

they will forever vote democrat and keep the government officials and the super class eternally in power

We saw that when Some, Select Black Lives Matter occupied the private homes of Bezos. Shortly thereafter, his wife donated several billion to Some, Select Black Lives Matter. He donated several billion to Environmentalism. A diversity racket. A climate racket. Was there precedent?

Rosalyn C. said...

PS To be clear, the speech Trump gave on 1/6/21

NYC JournoList said...

If Biden were a healer he would forgive the rioters their trespass, ask Pelosi for patience and to not impeach and ask Trump to make a joint appearance to call for reconciliation. It will never occur to him to do so because he is Uncle Joe and not a healer.

William said...

I agree with Jindal's statement. I also think that there's a difference between throwing a brick through the center stained glass window of Chartres Cathedral and throwing a brick through the store front window of Dunkin Donuts....I voted for Trump. He has risen to the occasion but not above the occasion. He could behave better under the present circumstances. I think his behavior might be responsible for those two lost seats in Georgia. It's possible to be right in the wrong way.

Caroline said...

@JoeSmith, lighten up, dude. It's very common to refer to public personae by their most recent title or honorific. All through the campaign, to cite just one example, Joe Biden was referred to as "Vice President Biden," even though he is not the current vice president. When Bill Bennett is interviewed, he is referred to as "Secretary Bennett" etc etc etc

Awomen, Bobby Jindal!

Sebastian said...

"Media were rightfully shocked when the People's House was vandalized."

They were shocked, shocked. Outraged even.

"They should also be shocked when people's private homes and businesses are damaged in "peaceful protests.""

It's so nice of nice GOPers and nice women to call for common standards applied evenhandedly. On the other hand, there's reality.

The double standard is the prog standard.

Sally327 said...

I guess the Capitol building is the ultimate "place of privilege"* in this country, at least based on the way some have reacted.

I am glad Jindal wrote that because about the only thing that surprised me is how little I cared about what happened on Tuesday from the standpoint of where it happened and I wondered to myself, have I become so cynical about American democracy that I've lost most of my respect for the trappings of that democracy and for the people who represent it. I would say yes except I never saw government buildings inhabited by legislative bodies or other arms of government as sacred ground or the people in them any more important or significant than anyone else in the country.

Partly it's because an elected office in Congress is almost like a sinecure, those people just keep getting reelected regardless of how stupid or ineffective they are. And because of the public unions the staffers and other bureaucrats are paid well above what the market would bear in the private sector. It's close to a big swindle for the most part.

Or maybe I've subconsciously accepted the pervasive and long-standing message from the left, which is that America is fatally flawed and even evil and it needs a major overhaul. So why would I be reverential about the trappings of its government. Why are they? Now at least.

I thought Tuesday's actions were stupid and pointless and gave the left an incredible gift. That's why it shouldn't have happened, not because the Capitol is to be revered as consecrated ground.

*Reference to statement by Minneapolis City Councilwoman that expecting law enforcement protection comes from a place of privilege.

mockturtle said...

I assume vandalizing statues of Abraham Lincoln is OK.

The Vault Dweller said...

I'm a big fan of civil society. I didn't like the riots in the summer, and I didn't like the riot the other day. That being said, it is hard to swallow the idea that the riot of the other day was some sort of heinous act of treason and insurrection, yet actions of the summer were just the unheard using their voice. Compared to the riot two days ago, the ones in the summer, were more widespread, more prolonged, and more violent. Generally speaking arson is a couple orders of magnitude higher in violence than smashing windows and forcing your way into offices and places you are not allowed. What about the people who took over part of the Senate building during the Kavanaugh confirmation? Weren't they trying to disrupt the process just like the people from two days ago? When it is useful political theater for the left then riots and civil unrest transform into 'mostly peaceful' protests and the voice of the unheard.

RMc said...

"Bobby's tweet is clever and correct, however his title, Gov., ended in 2016 and is not like a title of nobility with which one is born to and granted for life."

Yes...lose the title. You're not a fucking prince.

Simmer down. Governors (and senators) are allowed to use those titles for the rest of their lives. (But not congresscritters, or, technically, presidents. But tradition demands that ex-Prexys are always referred to as "Mr President".)

Joe Smith said...


Sorry, but it's a huge pet peeve of mine.

I am tired of politicians being treated as if we are the servants and they are the masters. They work for us.

A title that is kept after leaving office is pretentious, and is indeed akin to nobility.

If someone wants to refer to Joe as 'former' vice-president Biden then I am OK with that, as it is accurate.

IMHO all politicians that reach the national level are of questionable character, and should only be tolerated, not encouraged or venerated.

While on the subject, I would like to see a law that forbids the naming of any public building, park, airport, battle ship, etc. after any elected official, living or dead.

Do you name your vacation home after your gardener? Your child after your accountant?

These people get rich on our dime and we're supposed to honor them?

Todd said...

NYC JournoList said...

If Biden were a healer he would forgive the rioters their trespass, ask Pelosi for patience and to not impeach and ask Trump to make a joint appearance to call for reconciliation. It will never occur to him to do so because he is Uncle Joe and not a healer.

1/8/21, 1:10 PM

It might if someone shows Joe a photo of Trump's granddaughter.

Oh come on, you KNOW it is true...

Joe Smith said...

"Simmer down. Governors (and senators) are allowed to use those titles for the rest of their lives. (But not congresscritters, or, technically, presidents. But tradition demands that ex-Prexys are always referred to as "Mr President".)"

See my post above.

Don't tell me, you're the type (like Obama) who would bow to the queen of England?

Todd said...

Joe Smith said...

Don't tell me, you're the type (like Obama) who would bow to the queen of England?

1/8/21, 1:42 PM

Or Saudi King Abdullah...

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

NYC JournoList said...

If Biden were a healer he would forgive the rioters their trespass, ask Pelosi for patience and to not impeach and ask Trump to make a joint appearance to call for reconciliation. It will never occur to him to do so because he is Uncle Joe and not a healer.

He won't because he can't. He'd piss off half of his base if he did.

320Busdriver said...

Looks like Lindsey Graham is gonna need more security judging from the video of him trying to walk through DCA terminal. Those patriots are pissed.

“ Audit the vote”

“Audit OUR vote”

I'm Not Sure said...

"It's close to a big swindle for the most part."

Six more words than necessary.

320Busdriver said...

Black Lives Matter activist who stormed Capitol previously called for violent coup against Trump


It was only a matter of time.

Freeman Hunt said...

Some people care about law and order all the time. Those people have condemned rioting of all kinds both last summer and now. Then there are partisan hacks.

Calypso Facto said...

If you are more worried about the sanctity of the Capitol building than the sanctity of election integrity, I suggest you examine your priorities.

Ken B said...

Old Hegelian says “ It's the belief by the people who rule us that they have a monopoly on the use of force, and that they can visit force on the peons at will.”

I agree.

I am less certain he is right they are terrified. But maybe. They are certainly determined to punish Red staters. But I was telling you that long before this. Expect a massive use of corporate power to punish the non woke. “They are a private company they can deny you a credit card.”
Greenwald had some tweets about his thoughts here. Recommended.

NYC JournoList said...

@Not101: You are correct about his base. And Uncle Joe is not a healer, so much so he does not even know what a healer looks like. Make me respect Abe Lincoln and US Grant all the more. They forgave the men who took up arms in order to promote healing and unity. Uncle Joe does not even know who they are.

mockturtle said...

The healing having been abandoned as unrealistic, ABC recommends 'cleansing of Trump supporters'.

NYC JournoList said...

A reporter ask Uncle Joe today if he supported efforts to impeach Trump. Joe started his answer by saying he always thought Trump was unfit to hold the office. That is not healing, man. The Democrats led by Joe and Nancy intend to keep their kneel on our throats until we pass out. I fear this will all end badly. At best Uncle Joe will be the next James Buchanan.

Cut It said...

Ice Nine- I did watch/ read what he said. And it's clear that he intended what happened. And if you are too big of a child to see/ acknowledge that-- one way to confirm is based on his statements and behavior after the event. I'm not somebody who defended the looting in the summer. But it's good to have confirmation that the right no longer lays claim to being the party of law and order any more than it does to being the party of fiscal responsibility. And all this, not because there's been any real major change to your culture, not that you're entitled to that anyway. But just because some guy toyed with your emotions. Who knew your pussies were so easily for the grab as well?

Todd said...

Cut It said...

And all this, not because there's been any real major change to your culture, not that you're entitled to that anyway. But just because some guy toyed with your emotions. Who knew your pussies were so easily for the grab as well?

1/8/21, 2:37 PM

The best part of being lefty, for lefties? History starts anew each and every minute!

He completely forgets/ignores 4+ years of cancel culture, #Resist, not my president, "get in their faces", "bring a knife", "hound them out of public life", not to mention at least 6 months of riots, burnings, theft, beating up "Nazis", fire bombs, attacks on the police and federal buildings, the canceling of anyone opposed to cancel/woke culture, and a stolen election.

If you are "less happy" now with what the right is just starting to do, well "we learned it from YOU".

Joe Smith said...

"And all this, not because there's been any real major change to your culture..."

No major changes?


Joe Smith said...


Static Ping said...

It does not help that we are now getting footage of the protesters being invited into the Capitol building by security, including opening the doors for them. Oh, and the security reports to Congress, not the President.

Oh well.

Todd said...

Everyone involved in Wednesday’s riot should be arrested and punished — right after everyone involved in every left-wing riot for the last four years. The moment that backlog has been dealt with, these people should be given sentences in the same range. But not a moment before. This is not “what-aboutism”, it’s a matter of simple justice. The prosecutors have set the standard, and should now be stopped from changing it, unless they do so retroactively for all.

Cut It said...

Also, let's be clear. You can say the Democratic Party is a hypocritical party. Fine. But let's talk about you. YOU are a hypocrite. You are justifying this. You won't find any comments from me here or elsewhere where I justified the looting or any of that over the summer. But here YOU are being a hypocrite. Own that.

MayBee said...

Cut It said...
Also, let's be clear. You can say the Democratic Party is a hypocritical party. Fine. But let's talk about you. YOU are a hypocrite. You are justifying this

Who is this directed to?
I'm not justifying any of this. What happened is despicable.
All around.

Todd said...

I don't believe I am being a hypocrite at all. I was against the needless and politically supported riots and all the rest, and still am. That was all done by those that have access to all the levers of power; politicians, the press, higher-ed, social media, the lot. Still they choose to riot, burn, loot, attack, and kill because they did not like who was elected and that their "girl" lost.

Here we have an extremely suspect election where every single avenue of recourse has been closed or denied. All having been attempted within the law. All of it not even getting a public hearing.

So, 4 years of an approved temper tantrum by the left. One day of a protest involving some identified Antifa and some Trump supporters. Media and politicians continue their 12 year attack and immediately blame the right before all the facts are in. I can absolutely understand the frustration.

As I said above: Everyone involved in Wednesday’s riot should be arrested and punished — right after everyone involved in every left-wing riot for the last four years. The moment that backlog has been dealt with, these people should be given sentences in the same range. But not a moment before. This is not “what-aboutism”, it’s a matter of simple justice. The prosecutors have set the standard, and should now be stopped from changing it, unless they do so retroactively for all.

MayBee said...

Someone is going to have to explain to me why Ashli Babbit is just another dead woman, while Jacob Blake's family's ring must be kissed by Dem politicians.

RichAndSceptical said...

Nice comeback from oblivion, Bobby.

Jim at said...

Absolutely unconscionable. Those of you saying otherwise-- also unconscionable.

Oh noes. Another sanctimonious twit waving his/her finger of shame. Just what shall I do?
What shall I do, indeed.

I'm Not Sure said...

"Someone is going to have to explain to me why Ashli Babbit is just another dead woman, while Jacob Blake's family's ring must be kissed by Dem politicians."

Do an internet search for their pictures and you'll have your answer.

steve uhr said...

Another post minimizing the conduct on Wednesday. No wonder this blog is so popular among traitors.

Jim at said...

Yawn. Being considered a 'traitor' by the likes of you is a badge of honor, Steve.

stan said...

Democrats work every day to become more vile, more vicious, and nastier. They lie, steal and cheat with impunity. Just when one is convinced they couldn't possibly be bigger hypocrites they manage to move the needle farther.

How could any morally decent patriot stomach voting for Democrats? The 'othering' process is steamrolling along. And every Democrat voter is helping it. The blood will be on their hands.

Joe Smith said...

"As I said above: Everyone involved in Wednesday’s riot should be arrested and punished — right after everyone involved in every left-wing riot for the last four years."

People are just tired of the double standard.

Democrats lie before congress (Clapper) or store highly classified documents on private homemade servers (Clinton) and they are not prosecuted, but instead are held up as model citizens and get contracts as TV commentators.

Guys like Stone (who is an idiot) make minor mistakes and are hauled off the jail in pre-dawn SWAT raids, all televised in living color on CNN.

Even if you are a liberal, can't you see why people are getting really fed up?

I'm Not Sure said...

"Even if you are a liberal, can't you see why people are getting really fed up?"

1. Liberals think people on the right are the equivalent of Hitler or his supporters.
2. Hitler and his supporters should be locked up (or worse).

So- no... they can't see why.

Leland said...

+1 to Maybee at 3:10p.

Michael K said...

Blogger steve uhr said...
Another post minimizing the conduct on Wednesday. No wonder this blog is so popular among traitors.

Sorry. Could not resist. Here is a video of Capitol Police opening doors for "protestors."

This was planned. I won't bother the trolls anymore. That one was just too sweet.

MadTownGuy said...

Joe Smith said...

["The media and various blue state governors and mayors basically spent several months last summer excusing and forgiving looters and rioters (if not outright praising them) as they ruined lives and livelihoods."]

"There is a theory that says the destruction of small businesses is desirable...it benefits the massive corporations like Amazon and Walmart. The rich get richer.

There is also a theory that says the destruction of the middle class is desirable...it establishes the current 'rich' as a 'super class' and grows the numbers of the lower class who will then be dependent upon the government.

Hence, they will forever vote democrat and keep the government officials and the super class eternally in power.

The poor get poorer.

Dependence on government is a feature of the issuance (and, by extension, withholding) of benefits. It's a means of control. And the poor getting poorer - that's also a feature, not a bug. Limiting mobility and housing options makes the deplorables easier to keep in line.

Bilwick said...

steve uhr (aka "State-shtupping Steve" writes: Another post minimizing the conduct on Wednesday. No wonder this blog is so popular among traitors."

The only "traitors" I can recall reading on this blog were people who would betray liberty by promoting statism. But I can't even call those creatures "traitors" because they were never really in the pro-freedom camp to begin with. Even Benedict Arnold rendered some good service to the cause of liberty before he sold out to the British. So who's worse? A Benedict Arnold, or someone who's always been an Eloi for the State?

steve uhr said...

Consider a mob of BLM supporters, some with guns, storming the White House whileTrump is meeting with his cabinet. No big deal.

DavidUW said...

9 months of house arrest and people are supposed to care they got inconvenienced for 3 hours while a real American got killed?

Jindal should be more forceful with this point because it’s correct.

n.n said...

The Eloi are technically adept but don't understand the technology; they regress and unlearn millennia of culture, thought and reason, until they are satisfied with the pleasure of merely existingig
- wikipedia.org

Progress (i.e. unqualified monotonic change): one step forward, two steps backward.

Not unlearn, but rather learn (i.e. change in knowledge).

Pleasure of merely existing? Aborting "burdens". Shared/shifted responsibility. Forward!

n.n said...

Scott Adams has an interesting theory. A member of the female sex was targeted for abortion because members of the male sex would hesitate when the viability of the opposite sex are threatened. I wonder if this is why Progressive/Liberals/feminists normalized women to serve on the front lines. A sacrificial pawn in a fashion.

It seems the opposite should be true. Normal male behavior is to place the lives of women, particularly ladies, and children, first. We go so far as to sacrifice our bodies and lives to protect them. I wonder why Ashli was selected then planned.

Joe Smith said...

"Dependence on government is a feature of the issuance (and, by extension, withholding) of benefits. It's a means of control. And the poor getting poorer - that's also a feature, not a bug. Limiting mobility and housing options makes the deplorables easier to keep in line."

Exactly...I neglected to tie up the bow as you did above...

Lurker21 said...

Depends on who's ox is being gored. Politicians who urged on the "not necessarily peaceful protests" this summer are now talking about being in fear of their lives.

Ken B said...

That video of the cops opening the doors is pretty shocking. I don’t know if it means this was a set up. But it clearly wasn’t just a mob rush either.

Kate said...

Bobby's running.

I'd forgotten about him. He's about to slip from my mind again, too.

mockturtle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mockturtle said...

Michael K, your link is now an 'error' message. I certainly recall yesterday seeing footage of cops opening gates and ushering protesters inside the Capitol grounds. It pays to watch things quickly and take a screen shot before they disappear.

RMc said...

"Simmer down. Governors (and senators) are allowed to use those titles for the rest of their lives. (But not congresscritters, or, technically, presidents. But tradition demands that ex-Prexys are always referred to as "Mr President".)"

See my post above.

Don't tell me, you're the type (like Obama) who would bow to the queen of England?

Not my rules, chief. (In any event, it's an absurdly small thing to get wound up about.)

My family is Scottish, and as such have some rather pungent things to say about ol' Liz...

Achilles said...

steve uhr said...

Another post minimizing the conduct on Wednesday. No wonder this blog is so popular among traitors.

We are enemies.

BUMBLE BEE said...

COPS OPENING GATES? - yes feast yer eyes


Mutaman said...

We on the left are so lucky that you on the right are so incredibly dumb.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Steve Uhr ... time for meds Stevie, you're over due!

BUMBLE BEE said...

Heh what's in a name?
MUTA, an acronym for Male Urogenital Teaching Associate, in medical education

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Of course politicians deserve protection more than the citizens the purport to serve. Didn't you know that? Among the Democrats' first efforts will be a ban on "assault weapons" including a $200 tax on each existing weapon, or forfeiture, whichever fits your budget. This will be followed by a repeal of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. Anti-gun groups will then be free to sue gunmakers into bankruptcy without winning a single case, ending the lawful manufacture of firearms. The cowards will never send men to your house to collect the contraband, however-- too much chance of creating martyrs. They will simply interdict your bank accounts, shut off your cell service and stop your internet. You will be a non-person if you resist.

And politicians? They will still have full-time government thugs armed with automatic weapons to protect them. They are so much more valuable than you, don't you see?

Left Bank of the Charles said...

No, it’s the notion that the President of the United States incited the mob and sent it to the Capitol.

steve uhr said...

Question the guy who broke into Pelosi’s office, stole her mail, and then bragged about it on the radio. Did he want to be a martyr for the cause or is he just incredibly stupid. That would explain his leadership position in the movement I guess.

mockturtle said...

Tyrone: The Left isn't really anti-gun. Just anti-gun for deplorables. The lefties in Seattle and Portland are as well armed as anyone. And they are being supplied from a foreign source.

Lurker21 said...

There is also a theory that says the destruction of the middle class is desirable...it establishes the current 'rich' as a 'super class' and grows the numbers of the lower class who will then be dependent upon the government.

Hence, they will forever vote democrat and keep the government officials and the super class eternally in power.

Not entirely different from what Marx was saying about "immiseration." It didn't work out that way in the 20th century: the middle class grew.

If it works out that way in the 20th century, revolution of that growing lower class isn't excluded as a possibility.

But country that guts its middle class will probably fall behind economically, leading to changes and efforts at reform before things reach that point.

rcocean said...

I agree completely. I hate the Republican Senators. I hope they all lose. They said almost nothing during the DC riots, the Portland riots and all the other riots. Did Mitch get worked up when Hawley's home was attacked? Did Mittens care that Rand Paul got attacked? No, he even marched for BLM.

But a few peaceful Protestor wander into the capital building the Republican senators became hysterial, and started calling the protestors "Terrorists" and "Insurrectionists" and they must be thrown in jail and prosecuted TO THE FULL EXTENT OT THE LAW!!

Fucking cowards.

rcocean said...

"Another post minimizing the conduct on Wednesday. No wonder this blog is so popular among traitors."

And no wonder that American hating communists hate this blog so much.

Joe Smith said...

"But country that guts its middle class will probably fall behind economically, leading to changes and efforts at reform before things reach that point."

It will be good for China...thy will be done.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Cut It said...
I'm not somebody who defended the looting in the summer. But it's good to have confirmation that the right no longer lays claim to being the party of law and order any more than it does to being the party of fiscal responsibility.

How nice. You "didn't defend" the looting and violence this summer.

Did you vote for teh people who DID defend it? People like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris?

It that case, you can kindly get stuffed, because if you voted Democrat, you supported the rioting, the looting, the violence.

Which means you have not one shred of legitimacy when you complain about Republicans returning the favor.

There IS no "law and order". It was murdered in 2020, but the Democrats.

Which means it no longer exists to protect them.

You don't like that? Good! Hope you're utterly miserable.

I would have preferred the US be a country without political violence. But the Democrats made that impossible.

Given that, I want a lot of political violence, directed at the Democrats, and at the Republicans who are siding with the Democrats.

When will the violence end? When we get our way.

That's what the Dems said. So that's what we will do

Steven said...

The same people who shrugged at (never mind declaring themselves) "the Resistance" are now suddenly worried about sedition?

The same people who shrugged at (never mind themselves yelling) "Not my President" are now suddenly worried about rejection of election results?

The same people who shrugged at (or even cheered) anti-Kavanaugh trespassers confronting Senators are suddenly worried about Capitol security?

Yeah, sure.

The only principle these people have is "кто кого".

Readering said...

Pretty sure you are the only one thinking in Russian.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


Target and such being burned is not the same as a POTUS inspired mob trashing and taking over the cap building because they failed to overturn a legitimate election.

Oh, of course. Don't mind "Target and such." That's just property. Whereas the electors' ballots which were being read into the record on Wednesday, and were saved from burning (we are told) by some nameless, heroic Capitol Police person . . . those weren't "property." Or were they?

People don't get what property is. They think of property as a bunch of identical items for sale in a shop. But the shop itself is also "property," and so are all the innumerable, various accumulations of things that each of us clings to. If someone burns down my home, I've lost a lot of "property," including the home itself, and each and every particular thing in it. We get this when it applies to something like the CA Camp Fire; why can't we see that it's exactly the same for anyone else's home, threatened by much more direct human action than a PG&E wiring mishap?

There is always something inhuman about people who can't care for "property," and I'm beginning to understand what it is.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Sprezzatura said...
Target and such being burned is not the same as a POTUS inspired mob trashing and taking over the cap building because they failed to overturn a legitimate election.

It wasn't a legitimate election result.

The Democrats stole it.

To have a legitimate election result, Trump needs to be installed as president.

Since you all refuse to do that, we, the 75 million disenfranchised Trump voters, will follow the Democrats rules, and engage in political violence in order to fight or disenfranchisement.

Just like BLM.

Ince you approved of it when BLM did it, it's too late to complain now

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