December 19, 2020

"The Answer."

Meade directed my attention to William James Chidley (c.1860 – 21 December 1916) — "an Australian philosopher with unconventional theories on sex, diet and clothing" (Wikipedia):
In 1911, Chidley published The Answer in Melbourne.... Chidley sold copies to curious passers-by on the footpath. In 1912, Chidley moved to Sydney, where he became a familiar bearded figure dressed in a Grecian-style tunic and sandals, giving public lectures and wandering the streets, carrying a bundle of his pamphlets....
"Do nothing which is unnatural however slight" was his precept. He believed people should return to nudity, natural coition and a diet comprising only fruit and nuts to "be at one with Nature and one another."...
Chidley was charged with offensive behaviour, deemed insane by the Lunacy Court on 3 August 1912 and sent to the Callan Park Hospital.... [P]eople regard[ed] him as a well meaning eccentric or crank deprived of his liberty and his right to speak freely. In August 1916 Chidley was released from an asylum under conditions that he "not address persons, and particularly women, by circular asking them to grant him interviews, in order that he might explain his theory to them." He was banned from holding meetings in public parks but he was soon addressing Sydney crowds in The Domain. On 16 February 1916 Chidley was again found insane and committed to Kenmore Mental Hospital at Goulburn.

Here's the text of the pamphlet. Excerpt: "The female womb and vagina when active and erect, with the sphincter closed, has the power of sucking the unerect penis in, there manipulating it naturally to erection and emission.... This is the simple secret that solves all our troubles. Man fell when through tampering he cultivated an erection strong enough to force an entrance to female...." 

That's some serious female empowerment!


Ice Nine said...

So there's hope for us old guys?

Tom T. said...

Certainly, though, in practice nudity and natural coition are the opposite of empowering to women.

Skeptical Voter said...

I'm tempted---but better to leave the obvious jests alone.

tcrosse said...

I thought The Answer was 42.

traditionalguy said...

Mr. Chidley couldn't get a hard on. Thank God modern Urologists have miraculously solved that one. And modern golf balls and modern golf clubs are also miraculous.

Bob said...

Vagina Vortex.

Meade said...

Stop tampering with your tamper!

Tina Trent said...

Prices weren't the only thing in reach.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

The Answer

I'll sorry, what was the question?

WK said...

Imagine if Chidley had access to podcast technology. It would be a different world.

Wince said...

In August 1916 Chidley was released from an asylum under conditions that he "not address persons, and particularly women, by circular asking them to grant him interviews, in order that he might explain his theory to them."

Don't give Twitter any ideas.

Lurker21 said...

Sounds like Raymond Duncan, Isadora's brother, who went about in the capitals of early 20th century Europe in ancient Greek or Roman garb, even in winter. The 1910s were a great time for crankery of all sorts.

Joe Smith said...

The power of the pussy compels you...

Wince said...

The female womb and vagina when active and erect, with the sphincter closed, has the power of sucking the unerect penis in, there manipulating it naturally to erection and emission.... This is the simple secret that solves all our troubles.

"I don't know much in this crazy, crazy world, but I do know..."


Sebastian said...

"people should return to nudity, natural coition"

IOW, more sex is The Answer. It always is.

Dave Begley said...

If only I had known this natural secret earlier!

Openidname said...

Where's the vaginal sphincter? I have enough trouble finding the G-spot.

Dave Begley said...

This passed for "science" in 1911. Just like today's "science" that a mask can stop a virus much smaller than most masks' fabric.

And, of course, my favorite "science:" The Global Warming Scam.

Some Seppo said...

Dear Mr. Chidley,

Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


Stephen said...

William Chidley was at least 50 years ahead of his time. He would have found fertile ground in Berkeley in the 1960's. From the Australian Dictionary of Biography:

While reasonably recommending vegetarianism, fresh air, sunlight and unrestrictive clothing, and criticizing money-making and class distinction, he also postulated a 'correct' method of intercourse that would 'take place only in the Spring … and between true lovers only'. He believed that his sexual theory was the answer to all the ills of mankind and reluctantly resolved to 'go on the active warpath' and propagate it, but began to run foul of the authorities when trying to explain its technicalities to audiences.

Freeman Hunt said...

We need more wild characters with crazy ideas. Everyone's so prim and into mouthing all the right pieties now.

Anonymous said...

The life span of people who lived like that was about 30years (may be)

Earnest Prole said...

The female womb and vagina . . . has the power of sucking the unerect penis in, there manipulating it naturally to erection and emission.

Remember, the plural of succubus is succubi.

Kate said...

That was a scroll-down fug.

gspencer said...

San Francisco would have been accommodating than Sydney.

Maybe we should hear more about that sphincter technique.

FullMoon said...

The female womb and vagina . . . has the power of sucking the unerect penis in, there manipulating it naturally to erection and emission.

Extra charge at AAMP.

Heartless Aztec said...
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Heartless Aztec said...

Well, for whatever reason, that techique never caught on. Amusing to think of it being brandished about.

chickelit said...

"The female womb and vagina when active and erect, with the sphincter closed, has the power of sucking the unerect penis in, there manipulating it naturally to erection and emission"

Those were called kegel stands back in college. Sometimes they'd last more than 4 hours.

Barry Dauphin said...

But what about Jeffrey Toobin?

madAsHell said...

vagina when active and erect, with the sphincter closed

What do you mean??........I don't know!

It was YOUR job to check the sphincter!! Don't you remember what happened last time!!

madAsHell said...

vagina when active and erect

I think in the States we call that slippery, and delicious.

Lurker21 said...

It is probably no accident that this was about the time the vacuum cleaner was invented.

Chidley may have been tramatized by his first sight of one being operated.

But then, who wasn't?


Somebody posted a theory very similar to Chidley's on the Internet and was roundly and viciously attacked.

It sounds like the best prank ever.

Josephbleau said...

"people should return to nudity, natural coition" Chidley was smart enough to move from Melbourne to Sidney before putting this into operation.

Anonymous said...

What does someone do, when their whole life was based on the Earth being the center of the Universe. How do you give that up?

Fernandinande said...

This passed for "science" in 1911.

No it didn't; it's the ramblings of a schizophrenic.