December 11, 2020

"It’s going to be the same old crap, frankly. It’s going to be people coming in without direct knowledge... giving some kind of hare-brained charge that can’t be validated."

"And we’re going to continue to do this. And every time we do it, every time we do something like this, as a country, as a state, as individuals, we’re taking more people out of the system. They’re going to say, 'This is crazy, I’m not going to vote anymore.' So yeah, there’s a hell of a lot of damage going on."

Said Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers, referring to the hearing about the 2020 voting irregularities scheduled for today in the Wisconsin legislature. He's quoted in The Wisconsin State Journal.

The headline isn't about the state governor and the state legislature, but about the U.S. Senator: "Sen. Ron Johnson called 'delusional scum' for considering challenge to election." I thought that was a very strange headline. People are always insulting prominent individuals, so why is the fact that somebody hurled one particular epithet the subject of a headline? If the insult-hurler isn't important enough to name in the headline, why put one nasty insult in a headline? It would be different, perhaps, if thousands of people were using the word "scum" in reference to Ron Johnson or if "scum" — like "liar" or "thief" — constituted a specific factual allegation.

But The Wisconsin State Journal decided to make an article that featured not the Governor's statement — which only goes as far as "crap" and doesn't call any person "crap" (just the hearing) — out of this tweet:
Who is Hong? The article just says she "was elected in November to represent Madison’s Downtown district." Elected to represent Madison’s Downtown district where? I had to look it up. The answer is in the state assembly. 

And why didn't The Wisconsin State Journal headline also call our attention to "45's asshole"? Hong's idea of where Johnson is crawling seems at least as newsworthy as her opinion of what he is made of. 

By the way, it's a mixed metaphor. Scum can't crawl. 


Shouting Thomas said...

Nancy Pelosi stated that she deliberately held up the survival checks and relief to damage President Trump’s electoral prospects.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Maybe she could comment on Pelosi ...

Ron Winkleheimer said...

"So yeah, there’s a hell of a lot of damage going on."

I agree. I wonder, will all the people who swore under oath that they witnessed election tampering be prosecuted for perjury?

Humperdink said...

"This delusional scum continues to crawl further into 45's asshole"

Let the healing begin! Or did the healing begin and I missed it?

mezzrow said...

"Scum" eh?

Perhaps she hangs out on Premier league football forums. In the one I frequent, the word that most often follows "Tory" is "scum". It's a whole way of thinking that took me awhile to understand. These people would dig Mrs. Thatcher up and perform a full Cromwell if they got the opportunity.

Just a theory. If given the opportunity, I bet this individual would grab a shovel and start digging. Solidarity, you know.

David Begley said...

Unless TX wins the SCOTUS case, the Dems are going to cheat with impunity because they have immunity.

We’re fucked. ATL, Philly, Detroit and Milwaukee now control the Presidency.

Darrell said...

Trump wanted the Covid relief to go out in August. Kick a Democrat in the face if you're hurting. The nerve of the lyin' cheating cocksuckers!

gilbar said...

so, what stage of fraud are we in?
looks like we're in the:

It's UNPATRIOTIC to Look Into Our Fraud, stage

PB said...

Journalism isn't what it used to be. Was it ever that? What's happening now leverages the maleducation of our youth with enforced conformity of social media to produce a complete misrepresentation of reality.

Shouting Thomas said...

Big prediction... Over the course of the next year, the Dems and their media will tell you in detail how they rigged the election.... why?

1. They are proud of what they did. Had to be done to defeat the Orange Hitler. So they’ll start bragging about their heroism.
2. They have to pave the way for transitioning to Harris.
3. To assist, the media will start to uncover all those negative stories about Biden they concealed during the election.
4. As the story is played out, an element of the Dems and their media will just enjoying sticking a finger in your eye and laughing at your helplessness.

gilbar said...

Ron Winkleheimer said...
will the people who swore under oath they witnessed election tampering be prosecuted for perjury?

I Assume that they will be tried (and burnt) for Heresy

born01930 said...

Scum can crawl...haven’t you seen Godzilla vs the Smog Monster?

gilbar said...

Shouting Thomas said...
next... the Dems and their media will tell you in detail how they rigged the election

I am waiting for that too. The "Bragging about the Fraud" stage will be the final fraud stage

PB said...

Evers really want everyone to "Move along, now. Nothing to see here.", Because he got in office by similar means. Like all wanna be totalitarians, he wants to stop voting because the desired results was reached.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

"Treason doth never prosper, what's the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it Treason."

John Harington

The persecution of dissident voices is going to accelerate to warp speed under the brief Biden and then Harris admin.

Which reminds me of another quote:

"They are in front of us, behind us, and we are flanked on both sides by an enemy that outnumbers us 29:1. They can’t get away from us now!” “Great. Now we can shoot at them from every direction.”

Puller: Hero of World War II and Korea The most decorated Marine in Corps History

David Begley said...

Who stops the election stealing? A Dem will always be Governor and Senator from WI as long as there is Dane and Milwaukee counties.

MayBee said...

I assume Johnson can both call for more scrutiny over the last election AND try to get a bill passed for COVID relief. I don't think calling Senators "scum" on Twitter is the way for State Reps to best lobby the Senators that represent their states to get things done.

I am actually aghast that governors are closing business with no relief. I'm distraught that my Dem governor isn't calling Nancy Pelosi daily, begging her to pass something to help take care of the businesses she has shut down. I'm still upset that we, as independent contractors, didn't get a dime of the unemployment we were owed in the first go-round because our governor couldn't get the unemployment system kinks worked out. BUT she does have a new Moto jacket and matching match everytime she announces she's keeping businesses closed and if everyone would have just ignored their families at Thanksgiving, she wouldn't have to do this.

They are so non-functional. It's really upsetting.

RBE said...

...and Trump is the vulgar one?

RMc said...

This delusional scum continues to crawl further into 45's asshole

Nice. You tweet your mother with those fingers?

This is the type of person that gets elected in your town, professor. (Time to get out, I think...)

Patrick Henry was right! said...

These are the people you want me to continue to COEXIST with?
And you wonder why people are discussing succession? This is why.

Mark said...

She was just speaking like Drago or Achilles, what's the big deal?

Guildofcannonballs said...

If charges are serious no evidence is needed whether they are true or not. One set of rules to rule us is all.

Guildofcannonballs said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Guildofcannonballs said...

Oh wait Trump and his 75 million voters are sub-human so they don't get any rights or equal protection. Sounds fair to Richard Spencer and his tribe represented here, at the Althouse blog.

Birkel said...

They stole the election fair and square.
As Althouse might say, the losers of the cheat should quit complaining.

rehajm said...

Big prediction... Over the course of the next year, the Dems and their media will tell you in detail how they rigged the election.... why?

I suspected a few scumbags would be so proud of their achievement they'd be stupid enough to brag in public. These high level politicos that got Cs in high school or were held back in third grade and can't believe the position they're in.

Marcus Bressler said...

If scum was street slang for cum and scumbag meant a condom, then scum can indeed crawl. Or rather, swim.

donald said...

Joe Biden is gonna be removed when the Democrat attorney General indicts his piece of shit son for his and Joe’s federal crimes. Joe will resign with honor so as not to put the country through the pain of his impeachment and be declared a hero, Hunter will get 6 months in Fort Walton Beach and we will then have a civil war.

Leland said...

I'm reading Slanted, which has a long list of news articles in this style in which opinion is the lede.

Browndog said...

In their Supreme Court filing, Pennsylvania referred to the Texas petition as an act of sedition.

Browndog said...

Shouting Thomas said...

Big prediction... Over the course of the next year, the Dems and their media will tell you in detail how they rigged the election....

It's O.J. Simpson writing a book "If I did it" after being acquitted.

Mike Sylwester said...

My new blog article:

The Target Dot on the Scanners' Long, Covered Table

Qwinn said...

Ruby Freeman of Georgia video fame *did* brag openly on Facebook about committing fraud. You can still find Screencaps of her posts.

That got disappeared very very quickly.

Mike Sylwester said...

Joe Biden will restore civility and normalcy to our country's politics.

MadTownGuy said...

From the post:

"If the insult-hurler isn't important enough to name in the headline, why put one nasty insult in a headline?"

The point is to perpetuate the insult, to magnify its public presence.

Tony Evers is a fine one to deny election fraud; his last-minute magic votes that put him and Josh Kaul over the top in 2018 were the test case for 2020.

J L Oliver said...

Pond scum oozes and it definite expands.

320Busdriver said...

Poor Ms Hong will lose her shit if scotus let’s WI legislature choose its slate of electors. It would serve these cheaters right after making all these illegal changes to election laws.

J L Oliver said...

Words and tone. This morning NPR told me the WH added to COVID chaos by offering their own version of a bill about an immunization process. Her voice was very shill, “Chaos!” She calmed right down when she spoke about how experienced Susan Rice will be as Biden’s policy advisor.

Rusty said...

I've been called scum on these very pages. But when you consider the source I'm in good company.

Danno said...

David Begley said...Unless TX wins the SCOTUS case, the Dems are going to cheat with impunity because they have immunity. We’re fucked. ATL, Philly, Detroit and Milwaukee now control the Presidency.

I am pretty sure that civil disobedience will become the norm for every state, county or locality that feels they were screwed. If the tards try to enforce things, that's when the weapons are locked and loaded.

Jeff Brokaw said...

Let me guess ... Evers cannot point me to his public statements questioning the Russia collusion allegations ... which were always obvious bullshit.

GFY, all of you, and take your sanctimony with you.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I’m more disgusted by your stupid governor, who thinks trying to understand how secure the vote was is some kind of annoying exercise and it frustrates voters to have the system questioned. At least that’s what it SEEMS he is expressing. What kind of cover-up is that? There were huge improper changes made this year to the voting system in WI and something extraordinary happened in Milwaukee. Any elected official who is blocking the hearings, insulting those who raise questions or pretending there’s “nothing to see here, move along” regarding the still undecided election should be removed from office with extreme prejudice. Why do some wisconsinites constantly need reminding that THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE?

hombre said...

There is always that dichotomy between the facts and what Democrats say about the facts. It was part of Joe’s platform. You remember: “We choose truth over facts.” If there was no dichotomy, there would be no Democrats.

Trump is the most accomplished President in decades. Democrats deny. The devastation by Covid, particularly in NY and NJ, in not attributable to Trump. Democrats deny. Trump has condemned white supremacists. Democrats deny. The Russian collusion was a hoax. Democrats deny. BLM and Antifa have rioted and burned in our cities. Democrats deny. Open borders threaten our security and our economy. Democrats deny. Joe Biden is mentally challenged. Democrats deny. The Bidens are a family of grifters. Democrats deny. China is a huge threat to the US. Democrats deny. Evidence of fraud and irregularities in the 2020 election in battleground states is rampant. Democrats deny.

Some or all of three things are common to all Democrats: Ignorance, denial, projection.

Sebastian said...

"delusional scum"

You wanted normal, you get normal. It's what Dems do.

jim said...

"scum can't crawl".

But it can creep. Ask Lindsey, Ted, ... and "Ken".

Fernandinande said...

Is slime mold scum? Because slime mold can crawl.

Curious George said...

"And we’re going to continue to do this. And every time we do it, every time we do something like this, as a country, as a state, as individuals, we’re taking more people out of the system. They’re going to say, 'This is crazy, I’m not going to vote anymore.' So yeah, there’s a hell of a lot of damage going on."

LOL There is ZERO evidence of this ever happening.

Gusty Winds said...

Evers is part of the Wisconsin Fraud and more than likely his "victory" over Walker in 2018 achieved via late night Milwaukee ballot dump was a test run. Tony Evers is the man that burned Kenosha. Kyle Rittenhouse put out the fires. Now Evers will let the boy hand from the yardarm.

Gusty Winds said...

How dare you hold a hearing about Wisconsin election corruption and fraud in Madison where the fraud was coordinated!! The nerve!! We've got pretend lives to live!

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

If Evers wants people to believe in fair elections, then all he needs to do is conduct fair elections. Prosecute anyone who threatens the Republican observers. Same for anyone who threatens Democrat observers, but that never happens. Video tape all election operations. Until he does that, he's just blowing smoke out of his poop-hole.

Brian said...

next... the Dems and their media will tell you in detail how they rigged the election

I am waiting for that too. The "Bragging about the Fraud" stage will be the final fraud stage

There will be a lot of disgruntled people also who didn't get the job they expected.

RNB said...

"It’s going to be the same old crap, frankly. It’s going to be people coming in... giving some kind of hare-brained charge that can’t be validated." Like stories about Russian hookers and peeing on hotel beds?

D.D. Driver said...

"It’s going to be the same old crap, frankly. It’s going to be people coming in... giving some kind of hare-brained charge that can’t be validated." Like stories about Russian hookers and peeing on hotel beds?

Yes. It's exactly like that. Except, embarrassingly, in court.

D.D. Driver said...

Who stops the election stealing? A Dem will always be Governor and Senator from WI as long as there is Dane and Milwaukee counties.

I'm just whether you know what Scott Walkers job was before he became Governor? LOL.

Gusty Winds said...

Of course such discourse would come out of a downtown Madison representative. Ann, you’re surprised the Wisconsin State Journal would use such a headline? What’s with all the perplexity? Haven’t you accepted the corrupt nature of these liberal rags you read?

The real story is which Madison and Milwaukee Democrat members of the Wisconsin Executive Branch and Legislative Branch are shitting themselves today as to what is about to be sworn in public. The Milwaukee Journal is freaking out because Dan O’Donnel from WISN will testify, and the new Twitter star Bob Spindell and Dean Knudson from the Wisconsin election commission. The Journal is pissed that the GOP will not let Meagan Wolfe (Democrat Director of the Wisconsin Election Commission) and Claire Woodall-Vogg (Democrat Director of the Milwaukee Election Commission) testify and lie that everything was on the up and up.

The hearing is about the truth. Hopefully soon Ms. Wolfe and Ms. Woddall-Vogg will get to testify in court as they are part of the fraud perpetuated in Wisconsin and on the rest of the country.

The Gipper Lives said...

Dred Scot Democrats: The black man has no rights we're bound to respect.
Dominion Democrats: Trump voters have no rights we're bound to respect.

We'll see what happens.

steve uhr said...

So what is your point Dave begley? That people who live in Madison and Milwaukee should not be allowed to vote?

Scott walker was governor from 2011 to 2019. Curious how that fact fits your theory. Care to explain?

D.D. Driver said...

Scott walker was governor from 2011 to 2019. Curious how that fact fits your theory. Care to explain?

Not only that--he won an extra recall election in the process. Walker would still be governor but for Foxconn.

And the answer to the trivia question above: Walker was the Milwaukee County Executive. And, he won almost 60% of the vote in 2008.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I’m struck by the similarity of the way news gets out to how the virus moves through a population. In the same way we “flattened the curve” to slow down the viral communicability the media’s blackout on stories only serves to delay their revelation not actually stop it. Enough people are digging into the election malfeasance to uncover it if they are diligent. Same with the Hunter story. They delayed it but they can’t stop all that juicy info from surfacing eventually.

Browndog said...

It's now

-North Dakota
-South Carolina
-South Dakota
-West Virginia



Jupiter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jupiter said...

Tony Evers, Tony Evers. Why is that name so familiar? Oh yeah! Tony Evers fiddled while Kenosha burned! That's where I remember this lying piece of dogshit from.

Well, Wisconsin deserves him. They elected him, right? Oh, wait. He's a Democrat, isn't he. Citizens don't elect Democrats, shadowy cabals of political and corporate insiders do. I'm starting to realize that there hasn't been an honest election in this country in 20 years. I guess that's what Tony is concerned about, isn't it. People are starting to realize that he is the reeking product of a filthy, corrupt machine.

Jupiter said...

'Who is Hong? The article just says she "was elected in November to represent Madison’s Downtown district."'

"Elected"? Funny. There's a lot of that going around, isn't there.

Tommy Duncan said...

Does this article mean we've moved beyond the new Democrat civility, cooperation and transparency? That was quick...

Gahrie said...

By the way, it's a mixed metaphor. Scum can't crawl.

Considering that scum is in fact a euphemism for semen, and we are loosely talking about anal sex, describing it as scum crawling up someone's ass seems appropriate to me.

MountainMan said...

Wisconsin's Vote Just Doesn't Look Right

I'm Not Sure said...

The article just says she "was elected..."

Shouldn't that be "enough votes were counted in her favor..."?

Jupiter said...

"We’re fucked. ATL, Philly, Detroit and Milwaukee now control the Presidency."

Well. What you mean is that whoever controls the computers purchased by corrupt officials in those cities controls the Presidency. The funny thing is, I don't think Joe Biden knows that the election was stolen. No one went down into his cage and briefed him before they stole the election. He spends his days reading the same couple of lines from a teleprompter, over and over, until they finally get a version without too many mistakes.

D.D. Driver said...

Wisconsin's Vote Just Doesn't Look Right

TL;DR Trump got rocked in the suburbs just as everyone warned him would happen and just as everyone predicted.

Earnest Prole said...

Republicans are doing the country a great service by subjecting their claims of electoral fraud to legal scrutiny. Unlike the Democrats' baseless allegations that Russia hacked actual vote totals to swing the 2016 election (allegations that two-thirds of Democrats believe), Republicans' allegations of 2020 electoral fraud are being tested in real time during the period devoted to certifying the election. When a Supreme Court that leans 6-3 Republican (including three justices Trump personally selected) issues 0-9 rulings against the Republican position, it's as definitive a judgment on the integrity of the 2020 election as we are likely to get.

Biff said...

If you are bothered by anything about Francesca Hong's comments, then you will be accused of racist "tone policing."

Jupiter said...

For most of my lifetime, voting was done with ballots, and ballots were counted by people, or by special hardware. Not software, hardware. That process was far from fraud-proof, but there were certain controls. But those controls are gone, and what we are left with is trust. In short, I am starting to realize that for decades, American democracy has been a small, extremely valuable property sitting undefended in a lonely place at midnight. Of course someone stole it! Of course Soros bought himself some DAs and Secretaries of State! They're cheap, and effective! Of course someone, God only knows who, decided to make Biden the President! Hell, why not? What could be simpler? Yeah, the baby cries a bit, but you've still got the candy.

Joe Smith said...

Liberal scum can indeed crawl. Harris crawled on her knees a lot to get where she is today.

Everyone in WI who voted for these weirdos deserve what they get.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

The buck stops with Tony Evers. If the state broke election laws to aid Democrats (hint: they did) he needs to be held accountable. I don’t give a fuck if he thinks it’s an uncomfortable conversation. If he is really interested in restoring public trust in elections (hint: he isn’t) he needs to explain how this happened as well as his plan to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Instead, I predict we’ll get more partisan snipes as he hunkers down in the Governor’s mansion waiting for Wisconsin media to provide cover (hint: they’ll try).

Jupiter said...

Earnest Prole said...
"When a Supreme Court that leans 6-3 Republican (including three justices Trump personally selected) issues 0-9 rulings against the Republican position, it's as definitive a judgment on the integrity of the 2020 election as we are likely to get."

It is an interesting legal question. The Constitution is, in form if not in essence, a compact between the States. Setting aside the question of whether citizens have a right to honest elections in their own State, to what extent does one State have a right to honest elections in another State? EP says there is no such right. Or, more precisely, that such a right exists only if the Supreme Court chooses to assert it, and he doubts that they will. A plausible analysis.

Earnest Prole said...

EP says there is no such right. Or, more precisely, that such a right exists only if the Supreme Court chooses to assert it, and he doubts that they will.

I said none of those things. It's entirely possible the Supreme Court will agree the right exists but the factual basis for challenging the honesty of the election does not.

Jupiter said...

It does seem, that if American democracy is a practicable system, under current technological circumstances, it ought to have a more robust means of protecting itself against election fraud, than relying upon a haphazardly assembled group of semi-politicians to hastily review a squalid batch of incomprehensible "evidence", before issuing a ruling which will inevitably be seen as nakedly partisan. If this is how the system is supposed to work, then the system is not workable.

The members of the Court could be forgiven if they refrain from involving themselves and their institution in such a three-ring clusterfuck. Leave it to the legislatures, and the voters, to clean up this mess. Of course, "the voters" have increasingly little to do with the outcome of "elections", so it is not at all clear that they can apply any pressure to the legislatures. And the legislatures are, by definition, composed of those who have done well in the current system of vote-counting.

Laslo Spatula said...

"Scum can't crawl" sounds like something Mickey Spillane could've written.

I am Laslo.

hombre said...

Earnest Prole said...
"When a Supreme Court that leans 6-3 Republican (including three justices Trump personally selected) issues 0-9 rulings against the Republican position, it's as definitive a judgment on the integrity of the 2020 election as we are likely to get."

Oh, bullshit. The Supremes have not ruled on the merits and are unlikely to do so. The problem for Republicans is that the obvious remedy for voter fraud is criminal prosecution not reversal of an election. The burden of proof warranting the latter is virtually insurmountable because of the particularity required. It is not enough to prove the existence of fraud or irregularity. It must be proved that it altered the results. For example, is it extremely unlikely that Biden got 95% of the legal votes from several precincts? Yes. Is it impossible? No. Did 25,000 illegal votes in Nevada favor Biden? Probably, but not necessarily.

Regardless of the comments from some partisan judges, there is a mountain of evidence favoring the conclusion that massive fraud took place. Half of the country will no longer believe in the sanctity of our elections, nor should they. That is what’s so. Democrats can be expected to lie about this or to be in denial. So what!? They are about winning, not integrity.

Known Unknown said...

Let's just fix bayonets and get this over with.

Jupiter said...

Earnest Prole said...

"I said none of those things. It's entirely possible the Supreme Court will agree the right exists but the factual basis for challenging the honesty of the election does not."

Pardon me for misstating your position. You said "... Republicans' allegations of 2020 electoral fraud are being tested in real time during the period devoted to certifying the election."

So your view is that stealing an election is indeed a crime, but the statute of limitations for that crime is two months?

Jupiter said...

And, of course, any potential evidence of this crime, which has been destroyed, is assumed to favor the position of those who destroyed it.

Mikey NTH said...

They want unity with racist, Nazi, misogynistic, homophobic, white supremacist scum?

That's weird.

Michael K said...

Blogger Mark said...
She was just speaking like Drago or Achilles, what's the big deal?

Lefty Mark approves of the tone. And the thought. I missed when Drago or Achilles posted something like that but TDS will alter your consciousness.

steve uhr wants to know if Milwaukee residents will be allowed to vote if honest elections ever return. The answer is yes, but only once and if they are alive.

Michael K said...

Regardless of the comments from some partisan judges, there is a mountain of evidence favoring the conclusion that massive fraud took place. Half of the country will no longer believe in the sanctity of our elections, nor should they. That is what’s so. Democrats can be expected to lie about this or to be in denial. So what!? They are about winning, not integrity.

Yes, and their fellow travelers are eager to cover it up in hopes peace and quiet will return.

Earnest Prole said...

So your view is that stealing an election is indeed a crime, but the statute of limitations for that crime is two months?

Put up or shut up -- otherwise you'll be indistinguishable from Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams, whining about a stolen election years later. And I'm sure you don't want to be like Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams.

Joe Smith said...

"Scum can't crawl"

My son lives in San Francisco in a nice part of a certain neighborhood. He lives on a hill a few blocks above an area with a lot of junkies and bums. But because of the steep hill, his area is quite nice and safe as these things go.

When I asked him if he ever worries about the bums invading his neighborhood, his reply was, 'Crime don't climb.'

I.e. the bastards are too lazy and/or stoned to get up the hill : )

mccullough said...

Congress counts the electoral votes and settles the questions about presidential elections.

Congress has the duty to object and settle any electoral dispute for President and Vice President.

Achilles said...

Earnest Prole said...

EP says there is no such right. Or, more precisely, that such a right exists only if the Supreme Court chooses to assert it, and he doubts that they will.

I said none of those things. It's entirely possible the Supreme Court will agree the right exists but the factual basis for challenging the honesty of the election does not.

Were Republican poll workers violently barred from observing the votes being counted?

Since it is on video the answer is yes. Over 1000 sworn affidavits as well.

So far courts have not dealt with the actual video evidence and hundreds of sworn witness statements. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has dismissed cases before the election because there was no standing, and after the election because the cases were not filed in a timely manner.

The only ruling that have actually dealt with the evidence came down on the side of people alleging fraud.

The courts have only demonstrated that they are useless and vestigial. There is no point in having a court system if it is going to deny Due Process.

Jupiter said...

Earnest Prole said...
So your view is that stealing an election is indeed a crime, but the statute of limitations for that crime is two months?

"Put up or shut up -- otherwise you'll be indistinguishable from Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams, whining about a stolen election years later. And I'm sure you don't want to be like Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams."

A simple "Yes" would be sufficient. No need to get personal.

Achilles said...

Earnest Prole said...

So your view is that stealing an election is indeed a crime, but the statute of limitations for that crime is two months?

Put up or shut up -- otherwise you'll be indistinguishable from Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams, whining about a stolen election years later. And I'm sure you don't want to be like Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams.

The democrats have broken the law. They have been caught on video hiding and destroying evidence.

In any reasonable court action alleging fraud the Doctrine of Spoliation goes into effect once the defendants have been demonstrated to have destroyed evidence or acted illegaly. Once they are in contempt of the law they must prove their actions were not fraudulent.

This is necessary because it is impossible to prove fraud if the group committing fraud is also controlling the evidence.

If you assert that the democrats can kick out poll observers and hide evidence and that the burden is on us to prove fraud then you can eat shit and die.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

There is no voter fraud
There is no proof of voter fraud
There is no proof of widespread voter fraud
You don’t have standing
There is no proof of widespread voter fraud sufficient to overturn results
It’s too early to file (still counting you know)
You can file but we may not respond in a timely manner <—— you are here
There is no proof of widespread voter fraud the court will have time to examine
Too late! The time to fix it has expired
There is no proof of voter fraud

[rinse and repeat as needed]

D.D. Driver said...

The democrats have broken the law. They have been caught on video hiding and destroying evidence.

Oh yeah. Sure. I remember seeing a video people swore depicted a teenager harassing a native American veteran. Your "video evidence" is just as compelling.

Partisans of all stripes will believe whatever stupid thing their party tells them to believe. Pathetic.

Jupiter said...

"The courts have only demonstrated that they are useless and vestigial. There is no point in having a court system if it is going to deny Due Process."

The courts serve many functions, none perfectly. But the chief function of a court system is to dissuade people from settling their disputes in the most direct and efficacious manner. Someone -- I won't say the Democrats, I think the Democratic Party has essentially been hijacked -- but someone decided to settle the US election in a most direct and efficacious manner. If those of us dispossessed by that decision have, in fact, no recourse in the courts, then those courts are indeed vestigial.

Earnest Prole said...

A simple "Yes" would be sufficient. No need to get personal.

Fair enough -- my apologies.

Jupiter said...

D.D. Driver said...
"I remember seeing a video people swore depicted a teenager harassing a native American veteran. Your "video evidence" is just as compelling."

What is "compelling", to me, at least, is the fact that with Trump far ahead on election night, Democrats in control of elections stopped counting for many hours. When they started again, suddenly Biden had caught up. That computers could be used to produce such a result by fraud is manifest. Your position, and that of Earnest Prole, is that unless we have signed confessions by the malefactors, there is no actionable crime, and we have no recourse. Your position is duly noted. We should expect you to behave in this fashion, again and again, until we find some way to stop you.

Achilles said...

D.D. Driver said...

The democrats have broken the law. They have been caught on video hiding and destroying evidence.

Oh yeah. Sure. I remember seeing a video people swore depicted a teenager harassing a native American veteran. Your "video evidence" is just as compelling.

Partisans of all stripes will believe whatever stupid thing their party tells them to believe. Pathetic.

You are a joke.

That is a pathetic argument.

If you actually are a lawyer you should be embarrassed for yourself.

mccullough said...

Georgia performed a manual recount of all presidential ballots. Why was this not sufficient to correct any problems of machine counts and re-running ballots through machines and excluding monitors of machine counts of absentee ballots?

Joe Smith said...

"Georgia performed a manual recount of all presidential ballots. Why was this not sufficient to correct any problems of machine counts and re-running ballots through machines and excluding monitors of machine counts of absentee ballots?"

If signatures are not being checked, or the validity of the ballot is not being checked (dead people voting, felons voting, children voting, multiple votes from the same person, votes after the deadline, etc.) then recounting the ballots alone is meaningless.

It's not that difficult to understand...

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Democrats committed election fraud in the swing states. Their guilt is apparent from how they kept Republicans from viewing the counting processes. They expelled Republican observers from the polling places and from the counting centers. They kept them far away from the election workers. They covered up observing windows. The shutdown for the night at 10:30, to resume the next day at 8:00 am, yet somehow managed to count 150,000 ballots while they weren't working. That's a really good trick: counting ballots at the same time their not counting ballots. Must be a new version of Schrodinger's cat being simultaneously dead and alive.

China Joe will be forever known as the Schrodinger President: Elected and not elected at the same time.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

"It’s going to be the same old crap, frankly. It’s going to be people coming in without direct knowledge"

Really? How much "direct knowledge" do we need to know that the WEC announced that people could use "Covid" as an excuse to register to vote and vote absentee without using photo ID? How much "direct knowledge" do we need to know that in Crawford v. Marion County Election Board, the 2008 Supreme Court case about Indiana's photo ID law, at the trial, the plaintiffs were unable to produce any witnesses who claimed they were unable to meet the law's requirements? How much "direct knowledge" do we need, to know that if 150k people are claiming they have no photo ID, but still want to vote, the vast majority of them are lying, and are planning on practicing vote fraud?

Known Unknown said...

"TL;DR Trump got rocked in the suburbs just as everyone warned him would happen and just as everyone predicted."

In the one county she elaborated on, the numbers don't actually make sense. The county population increase by 2K people from 2010-2020 but Joe Biden won 4500+ more votes from 2016 to 2020. If R-to-D voting was happening in the burbs (anti-Trump), why would Trump's vote total increase as well?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

D.D. Driver said...
The democrats have broken the law. They have been caught on video hiding and destroying evidence.

Oh yeah. Sure. I remember seeing a video people swore depicted a teenager harassing a native American veteran. Your "video evidence" is just as compelling.

Yep, and within less than a day we had the full video, and knew the claims were false.

So, where's the "full video" that proves that the GA fraud claims are false? Oh, wait, it doesn't exist?

"No, it was debunked!" No, it was not:

"Gov't officials accused of criminal action claim that nothing bad happened" != "debunked". At least, not if you're not a moron.

Partisans of all stripes will believe whatever stupid thing their party tells them to believe. Pathetic.

The projection is strong with this one, who believes amazingly stupid things because that's what his partisan interests require

Greg The Class Traitor said...

D.D. Driver said...
TL;DR Trump got rocked in the suburbs just as everyone warned him would happen and just as everyone predicted.

If "Trump got rocked in the suburbs" by former Trump voters voting for Biden, Trump's vote totals should have dropped. that's what happens when population remains roughly the same, and your voters abandon you.

So, why didn't Trump's vote totals drop?

The suburban voters who were supposed to be abandoning Trump were and are high propensity voters. They voted in 2016 for Trump, and then they supposedly switched to vote against him this year.

So, Biden picks up 4k more votes, Trump should be getting at least 3k fewer votes. Why'd his vote totals go UP, too, just not as much?

Rusty said...

steve uhr said...
"So what is your point Dave begley? That people who live in Madison and Milwaukee should not be allowed to vote?"
Don't be stupid. Of course they should vote. Just limit it to one vote like the rest of us.
Now go protect the country from scum like me.

Earnest Prole said...

Your position, and that of Earnest Prole, is that unless we have signed confessions by the malefactors, there is no actionable crime, and we have no recourse. Your position is duly noted. We should expect you to behave in this fashion, again and again, until we find some way to stop you.

Stop me from thinking a thought that differs from your own? There’s a word for that: totalitarian. You’ve become what you claim to oppose.

Known Unknown said...

"The suburban voters who were supposed to be abandoning Trump were and are high propensity voters. They voted in 2016 for Trump, and then they supposedly switched to vote against him this year."

He also improved with white women, which make up a lot of those OMB-hating suburban voters.

I get it, participation went up, fueled by in-mail voting. I also get that Biden secured more of those votes than Trump by a wide margin. But even those margins (sometimes in the neighborhood of 90-10) seem out of whack.

Achilles said...

mccullough said...

Georgia performed a manual recount of all presidential ballots. Why was this not sufficient to correct any problems of machine counts and re-running ballots through machines and excluding monitors of machine counts of absentee ballots?

They hand recounted a bunch of printed ballots.

Good job being a moron.

Achilles said...

Earnest Prole said...

Your position, and that of Earnest Prole, is that unless we have signed confessions by the malefactors, there is no actionable crime, and we have no recourse. Your position is duly noted. We should expect you to behave in this fashion, again and again, until we find some way to stop you.

Stop me from thinking a thought that differs from your own? There’s a word for that: totalitarian. You’ve become what you claim to oppose.

He make an argument to reason.

You made an appeal to authority.

Once you make an appeal to authority and resort to power we have no other choice but to reciprocate.

mccullough said...


All absentee ballots were printed.

mccullough said...

Georgia 2019:

“The replacement touchscreens will be attached to printers that will create paper ballots for voters to review before inserting them into optical scanners to be counted and stored for recounts and audits.“

mccullough said...

Georgia recounted all 5 million paper ballots by hand for the Presidential race.

Georgia got rid of its touchscreen voting machines, which did not print a ballot, in 2019, and replaced them with touchscreen machines that print the ballot out when the voter is finished.

The voter then takes the ballot, has the ability to review it, and then turns the ballot in to be scanned by the tabulating machine.

So all ballots in Georgia are on paper.

All of them.

Earnest Prole said...

He make an argument to reason. You made an appeal to authority.

I made an argument that we should use reason to appeal to authority, like people do in a constitutional republic. Anything else is shithole talk.

Achilles said...

mccullough said...

Georgia recounted all 5 million paper ballots by hand for the Presidential race.

Georgia got rid of its touchscreen voting machines, which did not print a ballot, in 2019, and replaced them with touchscreen machines that print the ballot out when the voter is finished.

The voter then takes the ballot, has the ability to review it, and then turns the ballot in to be scanned by the tabulating machine.

So all ballots in Georgia are on paper.

All of them.

And all of the mail in ballots were accepted.

None of the signatures were audited.

Huge numbers of them were counted after poll observers were sent home. This was due to a "Water Main" leak that never happened.

And you have counties that could not reproduce the original counts with those machines because the counting machines gave different totals.

You had hundreds of thousands of ballots with no chain of custody records.

The Georgia SoS Raffensburger made "settlements" with Democrat lawyers that were never disclosed to parties involved in the election that changed how signature matching standards would be applied.

You are full of shit.

In a real election with paper ballots and purple thumbs Trump wins Georgia by double digits.

Achilles said...

Earnest Prole said...

He make an argument to reason. You made an appeal to authority.

I made an argument that we should use reason to appeal to authority, like people do in a constitutional republic. Anything else is shithole talk.

And this is the argument to reason.

We allege fraud occurred in Fulton County.

We have video evidence that is court admissible showing they sent everyone home and then proceeded to count ballots.

We have "settlements" between SoS Raffensburger and Democrat lawyers effectively eliminating signature matching requirements on mail in ballots that no legislature would pass as law.

Dekalb County has failed to produce chain of custody documents on hundreds of thousands of mail in votes.

When fraud is alleged and there is documented evidence the people accused of fraud have broken the law and are hiding evidence the Doctrine of Spoliation is applied. The people running the elections in all of these states have hidden and destroyed evidence.

The burden of proof shifts to the accused to prove they were not committing fraud. This election was non-transparent by force. Everything after that is bullshit.

We all know why the Democrats in Fulton and Dekalb Counties cannot prove they didn't commit fraud.

If the court refuses to follow long standing precedents with respect to allegations of fraud and denies due process then they are abrogating their responsibilities.

Everything you post about accepting court rulings at that point with your two sentence replies that have zero logical assertions are just worthless.

Appeals to authority like yours are generally short because you have nothing.

mccullough said...


Georgia hand recounted all ballots for president.

Any machine problems are rectified in a hand recount. Any blocking of vote count monitors is are rectified in a hand recount. That was my point. You have not rebutted it.

Now you are complaining about signature verification.

In Georgia in 2016 elections, .24% of mail-in ballots were rejected for missing or non-matching signatures.

In Georgia in 2018 elections, .15% of mail-in ballots were rejected for missing or non-matching signatures.

In Georgia in 2020 elections, .15% of mail-in ballots were rejected for missing or non-matching signatures.

Jim at said...

She was just speaking like Drago or Achilles, what's the big deal?

Maybe you could point out which elected office those two hold, and who they represent in said office.

Or maybe you're just fine with your elected officials running their mouths publicly in the same manner as anonymous people on a blog.


Earnest Prole said...

Appeals to authority like yours are generally short because you have nothing.


D.D. Driver said...

In the one county she elaborated on, the numbers don't actually make sense. The county population increase by 2K people from 2010-2020 but Joe Biden won 4500+ more votes from 2016 to 2020. If R-to-D voting was happening in the burbs (anti-Trump), why would Trump's vote total increase as well?

Do you even math, bro? Voter turnout was up and votes for third-parties were down.

Achilles said...

mccullough said...


Georgia hand recounted all ballots for president.

Any machine problems are rectified in a hand recount. Any blocking of vote count monitors is are rectified in a hand recount. That was my point. You have not rebutted it.

You are a retard.

You can recount fraudulent ballots all you want.

They are still fraudulent ballots.

There was no signature audit because Raffensberger changed signature requirements in a deal with democrat lawyers outside of legislative pervue.

The election in Geogia was a sham from top to bottom.

You can pretend it was not a sham. Your arguments are stupid.

The Union is finished. We will not accept this election.

Deal with it.

Achilles said...

mccullough said...

Now you are complaining about signature verification.

I am complaining about the SoS making "settlements" with Democrat lawyers about interpreting the guidelines for signature matching.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Blogger mccullough said...
Georgia recounted all 5 million paper ballots by hand for the Presidential race.

GOP was only allowed 1 watcher for every 10 poll workers

One of the GOP watchers caught the poll workers trying to screw up the count awarding 10,707 ballots for Biden and 13 ballots for Trump. The actual count was 1,081 for Biden and 13 for Trump only 9,626 votes off, all for Biden.

How many bad numbers made it through? We don't know.

And that doesn't count the illegal absentee ballots. You know, the ones that would be caught by the signature audit that Fulton County refuses to do.

It's really a simple situation: If you want people to believe that you didn't commit vote fraud, you have to act like you didn't commit vote fraud.

Refusing audits means you committed vote fraud. Excluding poll watchers means you committed vote fraud. Putting cardboard over the windows so people can't observe what you're doing means you committed vote fraud.

mccullough said...


Why was the signature verification rejection rate in 2020 the same as 2018 before the lawsuit (.15%)?

The 2016 signature verification rejection rate in Georgia was .24%.

What do you believe the signature verification rate should be?

mccullough said...


They recounted all 5 million presidential votes in Georgia by hand.

How did that not address the issues you.

The signature verification rejection rate of ballots in Georgia was as follows:

2016: .24%

2018: .15%

2020: .15%

What were you hoping the signature verification rejection rate in Georgia would be?

What rate would make you happy?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

mccullough said...

They recounted all 5 million presidential votes in Georgia by hand.

Yeah, and one of those recounts had the poll workers trying to screw up the count awarding 10,707 ballots for Biden and 13 ballots for Trump. The actual count was 1,081 for Biden and 13 for Trump only 9,626 votes off, all for Biden.

Which means the hand recount was garbage.

What were you hoping the signature verification rejection rate in Georgia would be?

What rate would make you happy?

Multiple individuals submitted affidavits saying that there were large numbers of unfolded absentee ballots at Fulton and Dekalb.

GA absentee ballots have to be folded in half to go into the envelope. So what I expect to find is that there will be a lot fewer security envelopes than their will be "counted ballots". And every single difference will be a fraudulent vote for Biden.

What you need to explain is what legitimate reason there is to resist the audit. Because there is none.

Readering said...

So many urban legends.

Greg The Class Traitor said...


The claim that Joe Biden didn't steal the election is a sad, widespread urban legend

Must suck to be such a sucker as to believe it

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