December 23, 2020

At the Sunrise Café...


... you can write about whatever you want.


Laslo Spatula said...

Two of my films just got nominated for three awards at the IndieX Film Festival in Los Angeles.

Our competition for one film in the Best Mobile Short category? "Until" by Kyra Sedgwick and Kevin Bacon.

Our competition for the other film in the Best Acting Duo category? "Until" by Kyra Sedgwick and Kevin Bacon.

Freaking Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick.

My hundred-dollar movies are competing with Kyra Sedgwick and Kevin Bacon.

(I also got a nomination for Best Screenplay; luckily Kevin and Kyra didn't write one themselves this time around.)

Take that, murder hornets.

I am Laslo.

Laslo Spatula said...

(to be fair: one of the films might be closer to two-hundred dollars, if you add the beer tab).

I am Laslo.

Clyde said...

So, one degree of separation then, Laslo!

David53 said...

My wife tested positive on the 17th. Generally, for her, it is like the flu.

On the 21st I started exhibiting symptoms, the same as my wife. I called my doc who suggested, but did not insist I get tested. His reasoning was that it might change where I stand in the line for a vaccine if I was confirmed positive. I didn’t really understand that. My wife asked her doc if I should get tested, he said no, just take Tylenol, hydrate, etc. Go to the ER if symptoms worsen. I still have flu-like symptoms and suspect I will for a few more days.

I live in San Antonio where we are spiking in cases and hospitalizations. I don’t want to be another statistical data point that politicians use to declare a lockdown or curfew. Can anyone give me a good reason to get tested?

Clyde said...

We were talking about music earlier today. One of my favorite albums from 2020 is 'Hold My Beer, Vol. 2' by Randy Rogers and Wade Bowen, which came out in May. They did a 56-minute live show on the night before the album was released, which I watched earlier today. All except one of the songs are from that new album. If you like country music, you might enjoy it. My favorite song from the album was "Let Merle Be Merle," which comes on around 41:30, but I've played the whole thing numerous times this year. Enjoy!

Hold My Beer, Vol. 2 Album Release Concert

mockturtle said...

Can anyone give me a good reason to get tested?

Absolutely none

The Crack Emcee said...

Read my blog and I'll suck your dick for rock.


Rick.T. said...

Our doctor gave us the same advice as David53's. Don't be one of those people rushing to get tested every time you THINK you might have been exposed. One person on our neighborhood app mentioned her "regular" COVID testing location. WTH?

steve uhr said...

Looks like they finally found some irrefutable evidence of voter fraud In Pennsylvania:

“The lawyer for the Republican who pretended to be his dead mom to illegally vote for Trump says his client was attempting 'civil disobedience'”. (From Business Insider)

h said...

Mockturtle asks, "why get tested?" I asked my doctor who said, there is no advantage to you personally. There may be some "social benefit" from getting more people tested. (1) if you have it and get tested, and the test result is "you have it", then you can isolate for 10-14 days; that would keep others from getting it from you, but is of no advantage to you -- you already have it. (2) if you have it and get tested and the test result is "you don't have it", then you do nothing; you probably spread the virus just as you would have if you'd never taken the test, but no advantage to you -- you already have it. (3) if you don't have it and you get tested and the test result if "you don't have it", then nothing, except you might be a little more aggressive about socializing, which would increase your probability of getting the virus in the future, but no real advantage to you. (4) if you don't have it and you get tested and the test result is "you do have it", then you aggressively self-isolate (though you don't need to) and probably retest, and no real advantage to you.

Has anyone heard a political or public health leader lay out a clear rationale for why people should get tested? It's almost like: "public health professionals have a number of metrics of 'success' and one of those metrics is "number of people tested." So get tested in order to improve the performance metrics for public health professionals."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bill Mahaer is correct about 2% of the time. But it's a big 2%.

Thanks for posting, Crack. I don't have cable.

Clyde said...

The New York Pravda's Maggie Haberman has her panties in a wad about the latest batch of pardons from President Trump:

"The pardons to Mr. Manafort and Mr. Stone on the same day will be particularly stinging for the former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III and his team."

Sting like a bee!

Clyde said...

Or a murder hornet!

mockturtle said...

Read my blog and I'll suck your dick for rock.


What if I don't have a dick? ;-)

Qwinn said...

Leftist fascists in Michigan are now attempting to sanction and disbar any lawyer who contested voter fraud, including Matthew DePerno, whose findings have not even been addressed, much less successfully rebutted by anyone.

Because that's what innocent people always do.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

how much of the 2020 mayhem can be laid at the feet of


BUMBLE BEE said...

h... You've summed it up accurately. My medical friends point out the metrics have been fubar since the onset. Testing is mostly CYA public relations for the ruling class. As Bonnie sang, "lets give 'em something to talk about".

Jupiter said...

Democrat coup in Oregon

Jupiter said...

You might also consider that most covid positives are false positives. So getting tested is asking to be locked up for nothing.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Quinn... More "debunked/discredited" allegations drummed up without hearings. Formerly known as "Newspapers" the Free Press and News are currently serving as "Whitmer suppositories".

The Crack Emcee said...

mockturtle said...

"What if I don't have a dick? ;-)"

I'm available for the night.

BUMBLE BEE said...

What Jupiter said... false positives. Big part of the show!

effinayright said...

Here are your "woke" tax dollars at work:

"In 2015, Dayna Bowen Matthew, the dean of George Washington University Law School, published a paper concerning racial disparities in health care. She traced those disparities back to the Founding Fathers and argued their persistence today reflects the "structural violence" of American society.

Matthew was 1 of 11 people who helped draft the Centers for Disease Control's ethical framework for allocating COVID-19 vaccines. She is also listed as a "health equity" consultant to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, which voted in November to vaccinate essential workers before the elderly, partly on the grounds that the elderly skew white—only to pull back Sunday in the face of outrage from across the political spectrum.

The committee openly acknowledged that its initial plan would result in more deaths than "vaccinating older adults first." But, the panel said, the plan would reduce racial disparities—something they deemed more important than saving lives—because essential workers, unlike adults over 65, are disproportionately black and Hispanic, the two groups that have borne the brunt of the pandemic.

Got that? Low-level "minority" workers are "essential" while seniors are just useless "eaters".

We will see more of this demented Woke bullshit during the Biden regency, and even more when Kamala assumes the throne. They make have gotten caught this time, but they will try again.

Meanwhile, in nursing homes all across America, oldsters like Grandpa Simpson are reacting to the news:

effinayright said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rt41Rebel said...

I have no problem with vaccinating minorities first. But you better be damned sure that the vaccine is perfectly safe... Otherwise there's gonna be a whole LOTTA hell to pay...

mockturtle said...

I'm available for the night.


Dave Begley said...

Congrats Laslo!

Today may have been the final Rush Limbaugh show ever.

J. Farmer said...

@The Crack Emcee:

Read my blog and I'll suck your dick for rock.


That's amazing construction. It sounds like a much better deal than "Read my blog and give me rock, and I'll suck your dick." Whenever I hear "suck your dick for rock" I think of that scene in Menace II Society where the desperate crackhead with the cheeseburgers told O-Dog he'd suck his dick and then got killed. That that was Larenz Tate's first role and the Hughes brothers' first film is even more incredible. I was so excited to see Dead Presidents but was pretty disappoitned.

Unknown said...

Dylan's hate speech

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J. Farmer said...

Can anyone give me a good reason to get tested?

I have a question, and it isn't rhetorical in nature. I have not followed much of any covid news for probably around six months, including conversations with friends and family, so I have no idea if this question was long-ago debated and answered, officially dropped, or whatever.

What happened with the mass testing/isolating/contact tracing strategy? Was that determine infeasible, unnecessary, ineffective, or what?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Raphael "Ike Turner" Warnock says he will have no problem

beating Kelly Loeffler

...but says he will apologize and promise it will never happen again

Joe Smith said...

30 days to flatten the curve!

2020 is the year that Science!® became a political tool of the left, following the trail the Media® blazed long ago.

Fuck Science!®

Joe Smith said...

"Today may have been the final Rush Limbaugh show ever."

I got the same impression.

But if he knew it was the last show, I don't see how he could have held it together during the sign off...

Achilles said...

J. Farmer said...

What happened with the mass testing/isolating/contact tracing strategy? Was that determine infeasible, unnecessary, ineffective, or what?

The BLM/Antifa protests made the who thing look really bad.

They had to drop it because people kept pointing out there are thousands of people burning and looting shit while the churches are shut down.

There was a time when everyone had to report where they had been unless they were at a BLM protest.

That put an end to that.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

wouldnt a 12-Step program be more fiscally responsible?

This year taxpayers spent $4.5 million to “spray alcoholic rats with bobcat urine” according to a report released by

Clark said...

"What happened with the mass testing/isolating/contact tracing strategy? Was that determine infeasible, unnecessary, ineffective, or what?"

I think the answer is not feasible--too many cases. I got tested because I have a lot of skeptics in my life. I didn't really need the test to know I was positive. It took 7 days to get into one of the county testing sites to get tested, and it took another 6 days to get the results. I started isolating 2 or 3 days before I exhibited symptoms, so I was able to do the right thing without advice from the state. The contact tracing call from the state health dept was pretty hilarious. That call was two weeks too late to do anything to reduce the spread of the disease.

Rt41Rebel said...

You missed my sarcasm, wholelottasplainin'.

I mean, it's not like there is a history of governments around the world conducting risky medical research on minorities or anything.

I'm Not Sure said...

"Democrat coup in Oregon"

From the link above:

"During a special session of the Oregon legislature called by Democrat Gov. Kate Brown, protesters descended on the building to attempt to enter. Several police agencies responded with officers in riot gear, MRAPs, and pepper spray to enforce the governor’s order to close the building due to concerns about the Wuhan CCP coronavirus pandemic."

Concerns about the pandemic? Yeah, that's the ticket. Covid- the gift that keeps on giving.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

as long as democrats and their families are getting rich - - the hivemind don't care.

JML said...

Congrats, Laslo!

Nice blog, Crack, but I'll pass on the suck. Save it for someone who needs a little lift in life. I actually ran across it a few days ago. I even bookmarked it.

Andrew said...

Since we're talking about testing, here's something interesting. I will be having surgery a week from today. So I am required to get tested for Covid on Saturday. The results will be known by Wednesday (which seems quick). Obviously if I test positive the surgery will be delayed. Between my test and surgery I am required to self-isolate. The rules are very strict for that.
Just a little fyi.

mandrewa said...

h said, "(1) if you have it and get tested, and the test result is "you have it", then you can isolate for 10-14 days; that would keep others from getting it from you, but is of no advantage to you -- you already have it."

What you are missing is that if it's a PCR test then by the time you get a result it's already over. You've already spread the virus to everyone in your circle and you are no longer infectious!

Now I had a cold and I took the PCR test several months ago. The result came back negative but it was four days later. If I had been infectious, I would have been infectious for 2, 3, 4, or at the worst 5 days. I was way past that point by the time I got a result.

And that is true for 99% of people that take the PCR test.

Now it would be different if we could take an antigen test that gives a result in 15 minutes, and in your home, and then you could do something constructive by avoiding other people for a few days, but the government in its stupidity has blocked that. So really there is no useful test that normal people can take.

iowan2 said...

"Today may have been the final Rush Limbaugh show ever."

I got the same impression.

But if he knew it was the last show, I don't see how he could have held it together during the sign off...

I mentioned it on one of the posts this morning.

Listening between the words, I put together Rush was telling his audience that he has been working on borrowed time. I dont track Rush's schedule, but I don't think he can put together a week any more. Hard to tell with holidays messing things up. But today could have been his last full show. Maybe make spot appearances until he physically can't.

Gospace said...

My wife went to the doctors office a week ago- after a software failure on their part so they couldn't do phone consult with video. She told the doctor- "I have a sinus infection. I need an antibiotic." We're in out 60s. When if either of us goes to the doctor and says "I have a sinus infection.", it means- "I HAVE a sinus infection." So they tested her for the dreaded covid, and sent her home. 3 days later she had to call back because they didn't call her- and didn't have the results yet. Got 'em back later that day. She was, of course, negative, because she didn't have the dreaded covid- she had a sinus infection. Today, 8 days later, she called back- and the nurse wanted her to get another covid test- because she's got "symptoms". Yeah, virtually everything under the sun is dreaded covid symptoms. Her voice is going, and she yelled at them- and the doctor called in an antibiotic prescription to the pharmacy.

I go to a different practice. A few months back I called them for a same day appointment- for a sinus infection. Told 'em I didn't care which office, which doctor, I wanted an appointment that day. Got one , went in, described the symptoms, she tapped on my temples and looked up my nose- and agreed with me, and wrote a prescription.

Not everything is covid. We're pretty sure she had it back in February.

Narr said...

Farmer's "what about?" is a good one. Since March or so, we've eaten out only once a month (if that) and once or twice we were asked to fill out contact cards . . .

h pretty much sums up the testing logic-- it's like Kafka or Heller. It looks like the vaccine will be administered willy-nilly according to politics and I predict that some people will be required to get it while others will be forbidden (or at least put at the back of the bu -- line). Maybe the same people, by different authorities and protocols.

Not that I have any alternative to suggest. What happens with the vaccines will recapitulate what has happened since January anyway--mass neurosis and identity-group tussles over priority.

Personally I want to see a few million or more of my fellows get the vaccine/s, and maybe watch closely from a safe distance for a months or years if possible before risking some new-fangled wonder drug.

I do have allergies . . .

wildswan said...

Rt1Rebel said...
You missed my sarcasm, wholelottasplainin'.

I mean, it's not like there is a history of governments around the world conducting risky medical research on minorities or anything.

The Tuskegee study was conducted by the USPHS and the first leader of the Tuskegee study, Raymond A. Vonderlehr, was the first director of the CDC 1947-1951. His credentials included his leadership of the Tuskegee study. So the USPHS and the CDC have disgraced themselves before. We need the work which public health workers at their best do but equally we need to understand that public health workers are not always at their best. Not at the time of Tuskegee, not now. At present the public health people are destroying more lives than CovidSARS because they will not acknowledge that the dangerous form of covid, SARS, targets the old and everyone else is in more danger from lockdowns, no schooling, and destruction of businesses than from SARS.

PS They didn't try out vaccines and medicines in the Tuskegee study, they left syphilis untreated so as to have baseline of the effects of untreated syphilis with which to compare medicines used on others. But they told the men involved that they were getting special treatment. Peter Buxton, the man who exposed the Tuskegee study has never been given a single award or medal or honor by any group, private or public, public health or otherwise. So when they tell you the USPHS has cleaned up its act, mention the honors it has showered on Peter Buxton and how they tell the story of his struggle to get the story out to admiring groups of public school children. Not

Narr said...

Congrats Laslo!

Going back to catch up

Marcus Bressler said...

"Sucking cock for rock" is one of the many reasons crack still is around, especially for young white girls. They don't have jobs, their parents have disowned them after adopting their bastard child, and their boyfriends or baby daddies feed that addiction for a daily Lewinsky.

They also suck cock and spread their legs for vaginal and anal sex, for heroin and fentanyl.

You may have to go into the hood to get your 40 hard, but it's cheaper than dinner at Red Lobster and the night always ends the way you want it to.


Lawrence Person said...

What Rough Porkulus Shambles Out of Washington?

steve uhr said...

“The night always end the way you want it to”. Except when they OD,

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Pelosi family - big money corruption.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Why so much money/ our tax dollars to Ukraine all the time? Hunter and Paul Pelosi still must be managing partners on some bogus energy board there.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

my fav..

Don’t think this story is complete. There are several more instances of Pelosi led financial wrongdoing that we have uncovered. We’re going to come back to you with one you’ve heard of on a broader scale, but I bet you didn’t know Pelosi and her family were right in the middle of it. Do you remember that $792 Billion Obama stimulus? It was actually called the “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.” It should have been called instead the “American 2009 Porkulous Investment Act for Political Elites."

Joe Smith said...

"Hunter and Paul Pelosi still must be managing partners on some bogus energy board there."

They are bullet-proof.

They are connected Democrats, and therefor better than us.

We are not in the club, merely peons who pay for the Democrat constituents who vote to raise our taxes to keep the milk flowing to the government teat...

Rt41Rebel said...

“The night always end the way you want it to”. Except when they OD,

Depending what you're into, I'm not sure the night is completely ruined.

William said...

Congratulations Laslo. Do the actors ever ask you "what's my motivation?". Your lines are very funny, but who says such things aloud in real life?

Wince said...

There are no Red Lobster restaurants in Massachusetts.

Seafood snobbery.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

This is the man they just drug across the finish line.

Also - Joe is a racist. A real one.

Mutaman said...

Trump just pardoned 3 convicted congressmen.

Drain the swamp indeed.

narciso said...


mockturtle said...

It's flu season, isn't it? Is anyone--anyone at all--getting the flu???

Wince said...

Yet another tragic COVID death.

COVID patient beats 82-year-old in next bed to death with oxygen tank, L.A. cops say

Read more here:

Marcus Bressler said...

I work with the public seven days a week, since before the lockdown, right through today. Not a single sniffle. No flu. No COVID. I'm grateful.


I'm Not Sure said...

"It's flu season, isn't it? Is anyone--anyone at all--getting the flu???"

That might cut into the covid numbers, so- no.

Darkisland said...

A couple issues with the tests for whoever it was asked if they should be tested.

1) Very high false positive rate. You aren't sick but you have to lock yourself down for 14 days anyway. Possibly freaking out the whole time.

2) Very long retention rate. If you are actually positive, it may take as long as 60 days until you no longer have enough gunk in your system to get a negative test.

3) Each positive test result skews is counted as a case. So the person who takes the test once and is positive (false or real) is counted as one of the gazillion "cases" or "infected". Then, 2 weeks later, trying to get cleared negative, if it comes up positive, they no account for 2 cases. And so on.

Every positive test result, even on the same person, even if false or real is counted as a separate case.

I just came back from Flatlandia Saturday. Puerto Rico requires me to remain in my house for 14 days or get a test. I've got no problem working from home and there are other benefits. Such as not having to go to the mall today with my wife and daughter in law. Not having to go grocery shopping Monday. Not having to run any errands at all.

Then, a week after I get off lockdown, 4 weeks back in Flatlandia where things are almost normal. A lot of people mask. A lot don't. Everything is open and seemingly normal.

Naaah. Not getting tested if I came back negative, my wife would just put me to work. If I came back positive, it would screw me out of a lot of good paying work.

John Henry

narciso said...

Yes its a scarlet letter, and the auestionzabout its sourcing which go back to the mojiang incident of 2012!

narciso said...

Questions about, the ones neither fauci or the head of the nhs or french minstry of hralth have been questioned on

Michael K said...

Blogger Joe Smith said...
"Today may have been the final Rush Limbaugh show ever."

I got the same impression.

Me, too. He sounded like it is about over.

We drove 7 hours to spend tomorrow night with 30 friends and relatives. Taking my HCQ and no worries. The despicable in DC joined up with the incorrigible. I hope GTRump vetoers that bill.

FullMoon said...

Laslo Spatula said... [hush]​[hide comment]

Two of my films just got nominated for three awards at the IndieX Film Festival in Los Angeles.

Our competition for one film in the Best Mobile Short category? "Until" by Kyra Sedgwick and Kevin Bacon.

Our competition for the other film in the Best Acting Duo category? "Until" by Kyra Sedgwick and Kevin Bacon.

Freaking Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick.

My hundred-dollar movies are competing with Kyra Sedgwick and Kevin Bacon.

(I also got a nomination for Best Screenplay; luckily Kevin and Kyra didn't write one themselves this time around.)

Fantastic.Seems like a subject for another film , right there.
Lot's of entertaining Laslo comments but most memorable is the revelation of maxing out credit cards to help others.

narciso said...

Congrats lazlo.

effinayright said...

I sent around a YouTube vid mocking/making fun of covid hysteria to a bunch of high school/college friends, all of us old codgers.

One guy wrote back calling it a "bunch of crap", claiming governments have a duty to act to protect those who believe in science from those who don't.

Whew! I responded with facts and supporting reasoning. That just made him angry. (never mind that I have a science background, and he doesn't)

I checked around, and the guy in question is in Florida, having gone down on his annual "snowbird" excursion from New Hampshire.

If he had just stayed in NH, where the covid death/million is 498, and not gone to Florida, where the covid death/million is 978, he would statistically subjected himself to about half the risk.

So he is apparently terrified of dying from covid but has still "moved to the nuisance", as tort cases sometimes put it.

On top of that, he has moved from a state where lockdowns are severe despite the low number of deaths (677), to one less stringent, with almost 21,000 deaths. If he trusts lockdowns, masks and all the other bullshit, why didn't he stay in NH?

He warned me not to respond with any more arguments, saying that our lifelong friendship was at stake. But I suspect he killed it, right then and there.

effinayright said...

"Now it would be different if we could take an antigen test that gives a result in 15 minutes, and in your home, and then you could do something constructive by avoiding other people for a few days, but the government in its stupidity has blocked that. So really there is no useful test that normal people can take."


It's a lot like the tests prostitutes used to get to prove they were "clean".

Never mind that they could be infected by another John even before their results came back.

It's political theatre, all the way down.

FullMoon said...

He warned me not to respond with any more arguments, saying that our lifelong friendship was at stake. But I suspect he killed it, right then and there.

Better stay with something safe, like climate change.

FullMoon said...

....or, reparations.

DavidUW said...

Since I’ve been racking up the days to prove Florida residency and stop paying taxes to Gavin and co., I’ve been on plenty of flights, dined in Florida restaurants etc etc. I also was in Europe in early March ancs came back March 13.

Nothing. Not a sniffle. Although I did get my flu shot. As I do every year.

I’m astounded by the utter inability of the entire world to do math.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

He warned me not to respond with any more arguments, saying that our lifelong friendship was at stake. But I suspect he killed it, right then and there.

Just tell him the Sun is headed towards a long-term period with zero sun spots and we're all going to freeze. That we're going to need all of that extra CO2 just to stay warm. Watch his little head explode.

effinayright said...

FullMoon said...
He warned me not to respond with any more arguments, saying that our lifelong friendship was at stake. But I suspect he killed it, right then and there.

Better stay with something safe, like climate change.

Funny, I told him to expect "climate change" as the NEXT public health emergency excuse used to take away our liberties.

I suspect it will start by allowing half the public to drive/fly on M-W-F, and the other half on T-Th-S, and no one on Sunday---while the pols and elites will drive/fly whenever they freakin' want to, because "essential".

Next step: the elites will rename their summer homes in the Hamptons and the like "dachas".

Mike of Snoqualmie said...


Tell to follow the money. AGW/"climate crisis" is a bullshit theory that requires $BILLION and $BILLIONs to research so the "climate scientists" can save us. That NOAA and NASA have been fiddling with the history record to make things look much worse than it really is. Also, the computer models couldn't predict their way out of a paper bag. They all predict much greater temperature increases than the data shows and ignore any changes (read decreases) in solar heating effects.

Rt41Rebel said...

Yes David, SWFL is paradise, the weather, the freedom. My fiancee's children have arrived for the Holiday, the first time that they've visited us since we moved here. They are from Boston and Baltimore, and they are amazed. Not just amazed at the weather and beauty and cleanliness and friendliness of Naples, but amazed that we can go out to a bar, eat at a restaurant, walk around on a beach or out on 5th Ave without a mask. All of their skills are transferrable, I wouldn't be surprised if they had a serious discussion among themselves about relocating after this visit.

effinayright said...

@Mike of Snoqualmie:

Thanks for the reminders.

I've been following, and the other big climate sites for years.

They can get deep in the weeds, but---as I'm sure you know---since "Climategate" WUWT has been quick to pounce on the fraud, chicanery, bad science and misinformation the climatistas have been serving up, including the massive dicking with the temp data worldwide, in every case pushing down old temp records in order to accentuate the purported recent rise, which itself is not unusual.

The warmistas are doing to us what Lysenko did to the Soviets, all to control and rule us.

They cite computer models---I ask , why are there so many, why do they contradict each other, and why are they ALL so wrong?

Sorry, but I'm not blinded by that kind of "science".

And obviously neither are you.

eddie willers said...

I have no problem with vaccinating minorities first.

BLM has succeeded in getting all black people off of products on the shelves (whites only, now) and is now trying to get blacks to be the first to test the vaccinations.Just like in Tuskegee.

The Klan couldn't have done it any better.

virgil xenophon said...

@wholelottasplainin', Mike of Snoqualmie et al/

AGW is the biggest hoax on mankind since Piltdown Man..

J. Farmer said...

While I think the deplorables have been pretty hopeless the last few decades, there is one area in contemporary politics where they achieved unequivocal success: media. From talk radio to cable news to the Internet, and a little help from Clinton's telecom deregulation, Republicans built an entire media ecosystem. Rush, O'Reilly, Hannity, Coulter, Ingraham, Drudge. The Lewinsky scandal and subsequent impeachment was the first big coup to emerge from the new ecosystem.

The best evidence for right-wing media's perceived effectiveness was how much the Democrats hated it, criticized it, and tried to copy it, with predictably lame results. Keith Olbermann who apparently thought paying tribute to Edward R. Murrow meant screechy melodrama. MSNBC managed to get something vaguely like the Fox News business model going.

Meanwhile, if we thought the first pantheon of right-wing media starts was a little over-the-top and self-involved, we hadn't seen anything yet. Savage, Malkin, Erickson, Loesch, Gilfoyle. But when Obama got the nomination, the gloves really came off. They went from nitwit to batshit with Glenn Beck, Joe the Plumber, Sarah Palin, Judge Jeanine, that woman who said "terrorist fist jab," Megyn Kelly assuring children that Jesus and Santa were white. And then they really hit the mother lode: Donald J. Trump, each sending each other to new heights.

Right-wing media has been a victim of its own success. It encouraged all the worst trends among those on the right: cocooning, echo chambering, polarization, resentment, Reaganism, half-baked conspiracy mongering, neocon warmongering, and a parade of grifter looking to make a buck on the speaker's circuit.

Rush Limbaugh practically wrote the job description for Right-Wing Media Star. He was among the many conservatives who would emerge in the early 90s and insure that the Reagan revolution continued. That is no longer the job at hand, and if Rush's time on Earth truly is nearing an end, it would be a fitting tribute for his remains to be entombed in the ship of the Reagan Republican, the vessel set ablaze, and the pyre launched into the sea of history.

Bruce Hayden said...

Good news. Apparently, the ATF has backed off its proposed regulations that would (maybe) disallow AR-15 braces. It was a horribly written proposed regulation that essentially said that they would know braces that were really stocks when they saw them. They can’t do it that way and expect that they can utilize the regulation against the public. Much too ambiguous.

If you aren’t in that world, here is what this means. The National Firearms Act (NFA) of 1934 requires registration and a $200 tax stamp for several things including: machine guns; silencers; Short barreled (<16”) rifles (SBRs); short barreled shotguns (<18”); etc. The problem is not the cost of the tax stamp, per se, but rather that they require an extensive background check, the process may take most of a year, and anyone who acquires the item requiring a stamp either needs their own tax stamp or a FFL license. It’s a ridiculous system, and makes little sense, but was effectively validated in the US v Miller case later that decade, where the defendant was convicted of possessing a sawed off shotgun without the required tax stamp.

It’s ridiculous in several respects. For example, silencers are heavily used throughout the rest of the world to prevent hearing loss. In the case of SBRs, the US military has mostly moved away from the 18” or so barreled M16 to a 14” or so barreled M4 carbine. Esp in somewhere like IRAQ, a 18” barrel is just to long to maneuver well inside buildings, etc. The problem is that the very same firearm, incapable of select fire, an AR-15, is illegal with a barrel shorter than 16” without a tax stamp (requiring most of a year wait, extensive background test etc).

Then someone had the bright idea of an AR-15 pistol. Pistols don’t have the same sort of barrel length issues. A 3” pistol barrel is just fine. What’s the legal difference between a rife and a pistol? Rifles have several features that pistol do not, including a butt stock that you put up to your shoulder to stabilize it. Some AR-15 pistols don’t have anything to put up against your shoulder just a naked buffer tube (that is usually hidden in the butt stock). Along comes a disabled veteran, trained on an M16, who wanted to shoot the civilian equivalent AR-15. And they developed a stabilizer brace that fit over his wrist. Hence was born the AR-15 pistol with a short barrel and a stabilizer brace, that can typically be shouldered as a butt stock. Over the last several years, they have become quite popular, allowing AR-15 barrels shorter than 16” - even shorter than the M4 14” barrels. 10” and 7.5” barrels are becoming popular, esp with the advent of other types of ammunition that burn more quickly (5.56 NATO designed for the M16 was optimized for a 18” barrel) such as .300 AAC Blackout. (I have one 7.5” .300 BO built, and another on the way). The regulation was supposed to rein this in, but was way too indefinite to pass Constitutional muster, and received tens of thousands of negative comments in a very short period of time. And likely got some pushback from the Trump boys, who like AR-15s. Meanwhile, ATF approved braces are flying off the shelves, in anticipation of a more concerted push by a possible Biden Administration to ban AR-15 pistols.

walter said...

"What happened with the mass testing/isolating/contact tracing strategy?"
Between false + potential of PCR tests at undisclosed cycle thresholds and prospect of being inaccurately sidelined in quarantine, some like myself avoid gigs that require testing.

Bruce Hayden said...

The existence of AR-15 pistols makes things interesting legally. AR-15s are extremely modular. You ca build them from scratch, mostly with parts that you can acquire legally over the Internet. Because they are a bunch of pieces bolted together, the ATF had to figure out a way to serialize them, so that they could be sold and tracked (somewhat) through their FFL system like they do other firearms. Every legal firearm sold in interstate commerce must have a serial number, which means some part that is considered THE firearm. In the case of an AR-15 (AR-10, etc), the ATF settled on the lower receiver. It wasn’t an optimal solution, and may not be completely legal, since an AR-15 lower receiver only provides some of the functionality required by the definition of a “firearm” in the NFA. You need to combine it with an upper receiver for full NFA “firearm” functionality and the upper and lower receivers are only held together by two easily removable pins. In any case, that is what we have - the lower receiver is the serialized part in an AR-15.

You can, of course, purchase just a lower receiver, and if it is ready to use, must have a serial number and be purchased through an FFL. Buying handguns is inevitably more onerous than buying long guns (rifles and shotguns). For one thing, you can typically buy long guns outside the state of your residence, but cannot purchase handguns that way. Before the advent of AR-15 pistols, AR-15 lower receivers were classed as rifles, and treated by the ATF accordingly. Now though with the possibility that a lower receiver could be used to build an AR-15 pistol, lower receivers are now classed as pistols, meaning that, for example, I can only buy them through or from FFLs in MT (my legal residence). We won’t be back there for another 4 months, so am SOL if I want to buy another one.

The other interesting aspect is that alluded to with “ready to use” above. The NFA is based on Commerce Clause justification, which means that the ATF can only really regulate them if they move in interstate commerce. You have always been able to build your own firearms, just not sell them, at least since the 1934 NFA, without going through an FFL. An AR-15 lower receiver is just a block of (typically) metal with holes cut in it for the magazine well, trigger group, selector switch, the two pins mentioned above, and the buffer tube. If you don’t have all the right holes cut correctly, the gun won’t work. The maximum that the ATF will allow before it considers a lower receiver a firearm is that the trigger well, trigger group pins, and selector switch holes must not be completed. An AR-15 lower receiver with those not drilled out is considered 80% complete. 80% complete lower receivers can be purchased without going through an FFL (and thus over the Internet), and then completed later with a drill press or a computer controlled routing and drilling machine. You can then in most states build a completely legal AR-15 without having to register it with the ATF for your own use (but you probably can’t sell it). For the paranoid gun grabbers here - because of this loophole, there are now millions of untraceable AR-15s in private hands in this country, and the ATF has no real way to determine how many, or who has them. For the rest of us, that is a feature and not a bug.

Bruce Hayden said...

Brief addition - FFL is a Federal Firearms Licensee - someone or some company licensed by the ATF to perform some firearms related function, such as manufacture, sell, or otherwise transfer a firearm. If you want to buy a gun, you need to buy it through an FFL, unless you buy it in a private sale from a private party not in the business of selling firearms. You even need to ship every firearm that crosses a state line to an FFL, even if you are shipping the gun to yourself. FFLs must have a brick and mortar physical address, and keep meticulous records of all of their transfers (they keep the records for the ATF, but don’t send them to the agency until they go out gif business).

A lot of new gun owners discovered this year that firearms are one of the harder things to purchase legally, not easiest, as is claimed by gun grabbers. As long as you are paying cash, it is far easier to buy a house or a car, than a gun. Easier to get married. A government background check is required to transfer a gun to you, even if it is your own gun. (Luckily for me, in MT, the background check for a concealed carry permit counts as the required government background check - this allows you to walk out of the store with the gun you just bought, instead of coming back a day or two later to pick it up).

Bruce Hayden said...

Changing directions.

Today is apparently the day that the President of the Senate (VP Pence) opens up the envelopes with the slates of electors. It will be interesting to see what he will do. Will he throw out any of the slates from the swing states where the cheating was so rampant and gave the purported win to Biden? I think that they mostly now have either an alternative slate of electors from most of these states, or a request by the state legislatures that the certified vote totals and elector slates be ignored because they were determined illegally and as a result of election fraud.

The interesting aspect here is that Trump publicly asked Pence to reject those slates of electors. You would expect that the two would be working closely enough together here, that Trump wouldn’t have needed to ask Pence - it just would have happened. Or maybe they are working closely together, and this was just pro forma. Probably won’t know which, unless Pence goes a different direction.

Readering said...

I missed the class in con law that explained the US as a banana Republic.

Big Mike said...

@Readering, it was there. You just slept through it.

Big Mike said...

@Laslo, congratulations! Do either of those films feature a pretty girl with a ponytail on a treadmill? That’s a sure winner.

The Crack Emcee said...

I have no problem with vaccinating minorities first.

THE MACHO RESPONSE is to push myself to the head of the line, and then scream "Thank You, President Trump!" as loudly as I can, and start a riot.

That's how I roll.

tim maguire said...

There are 2 reasons to get tested. It gives you some guidance on what to pay attention to and whether you need to isolate and it helps the health system understand how the virus is moving through to population

West Texas Intermediate Crude said...

David53 (and everyone else) should be tested if he fits into a high risk group:
Chronic illness, cancer, severe high blood pressure, bad heart, liver, kidneys.
Also, get a pulse oximeter and get checked if oxygen read is less than 94% or so.
Reason- if you have any of the above comorbidities, the Wuflu goes from being a case of the flu to high risk of severe complications or pneumonia which could kill you or lead to long term damage. The docs do have treatments that can decrease these complications, not necessarily requiring hospitalizations. In my case, it was a few pills a day, and I felt weak for a couple of weeks, but came back 100%.
If you are <55, healthy, no need to test. Take VitD, zinc, and get exercise and fresh air. But don't sacrifice yourself for the cause. We need you.

tim maguire said...

The most vulnerable people should be vaccinated first. After that, I don’t really care who gets vaccinated so long as we vaccinate as many as we can as fast as we can because at that point, the benefits are societal, not individual. Get the R number substantially below 1 so cases/hospitalizations/deaths go down so we can open up again.

tim maguire said...

wildswan said... it's not like there is a history of governments around the world conducting risky medical research on minorities or anything.

I find this sort of thing really frustrating. There is not a single person alive today who was in any way involved in the Tuskegee experiments, but public health today is undermined because Tuskegee “shows” that the people today, who had nothing to do with it, can’t be trusted because of it.

Marcus Bressler said...

My gov, Desantis in FL, just said that those 65 and older would be given priority for the vaccine over so-called essential workers (I believe some are essential but the category seems very broad - I am one as I work in semi-retirement in a produce-gourmet food market). I'll be giving up my place in line to someone else who wants it more. I have made the decision to wait and see how those who are first in line make out. And by "make out", I don't mean sucking face and grabbing tiddies.


Rusty said...

Congratulations Lazlo. You gots da skilzzz.
(Shameless plug) If you ever need some graphic artists/ animators I can hook you up.

J. Farmer said...
Can anyone give me a good reason to get tested?

I have a question, and it isn't rhetorical in nature. I have not followed much of any covid news for probably around six months, including conversations with friends and family, so I have no idea if this question was long-ago debated and answered, officially dropped, or whatever.

What happened with the mass testing/isolating/contact tracing strategy? Was that determine infeasible, unnecessary, ineffective, or what?

I find that curious as well. Our public health betters don't seem to be in any hurry to end this fiasco. Almost like they wanted to prolong this....crisis?
Anyway. I was exposed at work to someone who tested positive. Northwestern Medicine has a facility near me. Drive up. Hand the your ID. A nurse-or a facsimile- comes out and swabs you nose. You never leave your car. Took about five minutes. Results in 24 hours. The test was negative.

mockturtle said...

wholelottasplainin': My sister and I had a small kerfuffle over the phone yesterday about the efficacy of masks. She is terrified of catching the virus even though she and her husband live in a rural mountain area and, other than having their groceries deposited in the trunk of the car every couple of weeks, they don't go anywhere except to their cabin and back. She gets quite hysterical when she sees people coming out of stores not wearing masks. I think she gets most of her 'news' from CNN so that would explain a lot and her severe TDS might qualify as an 'underlying condition'.

mockturtle said...

Rusty suggests: Our public health betters don't seem to be in any hurry to end this fiasco. Almost like they wanted to prolong this....crisis?


hawkeyedjb said...

Blogger Bruce Hayden said...
"there are now millions of untraceable AR-15s in private hands in this country"

Pure nonsense. As trusted authorities (like JoBiden) have told me, these weapons have no purpose except to kill people efficiently. So, if your statement were true, there would be like 100 million people dead from AR15s alone.

mockturtle said...

Pure nonsense. As trusted authorities (like JoBiden) have told me, these weapons have no purpose except to kill people efficiently. So, if your statement were true, there would be like 100 million people dead from AR15s alone..

That's right, hawkeyed! Because guns are violent! People die every day from 'gun violence' so even if these weapons are locked in a gun safe they are quite capable of escaping on their own and rampaging around your local community.

Andrew said...

@Bruce Hayden,
I would love for Pence to take all of the envelopes, leave them sealed, and burn them in his backyard.

Then he could look at the camera and say, "I am the President now."

I'm Not Sure said...

"and her severe TDS might qualify as an 'underlying condition'."

Sadly, there is no cure for this.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Fascinating... someone believes we'll open back up based on "test results". Fauci says next fall we'll be "approaching normal".

BUMBLE BEE said...

"Two weeks to flatten the curve". We hardly knew ya.

mockturtle said...

Trust science. Trust the experts. LOLOLOLOLOLOL!

Bruce Hayden said...

“ My sister and I had a small kerfuffle over the phone yesterday about the efficacy of masks. She is terrified of catching the virus even though she and her husband live in a rural mountain area and, other than having their groceries deposited in the trunk of the car every couple of weeks, they don't go anywhere except to their cabin and back. She gets quite hysterical when she sees people coming out of stores not wearing masks. I think she gets most of her 'news' from CNN so that would explain a lot and her severe TDS might qualify as an 'underlying condition'.”

Today is my step daughter’s birthday. One of the big ones. She has started shopping at Kohl’s. Her mother (my partner) tells her that she should get a membership at a gym. But her husband is putting on weight even faster. Anyway, we were in a Kohl’s yesterday looking for gift cards for her, and I walked up to a cashier waiting on a pair of customerettes and asked where to find them. The two of them got in my face, complaining very vocally about how I needed to maintain the six foot distancing. My response was no I didn’t and that they were idiotic. Things seemed to be going from bad to worse, so my partner literally dragged me off. She claimed that they were a couple of young, overweight, Lesbos, who were getting ready to kick my ass. I expect that she was just stereotyping, as she is want to do. But she did agree that they were idiotic. The chance that they would pick up the virus from someone with no symptoms, and then die from it, as a result of our very brief proximity, is probably less than if they get hit and killed in the parking lot after leaving the store. Idiots.

Gahrie said...

The chance that they would pick up the virus from someone with no symptoms, and then die from it, as a result of our very brief proximity, is probably less than if they get hit and killed in the parking lot after leaving the store. Idiots.

This is a little harsh, but I understand. I teach public school. I've been pushing a return to normal since March 2020, back when we were told it was masks and social distancing for the next two weeks. I'm constantly getting into arguments with my fellow teachers many of whom were (are?) friends. The simple truth is that they are hysterically terrified. The MSM and the Democrats have spent the last year terrifying them. They took the normal Democratic appeal to emotion and turned it up to eleven. Facts literally don't matter. When you ask them when we can return to normal, or what needs to happen to return to normal, and they are completely unwilling to even discuss it, and think I'm disgusting for wanting to.

Michael K said...

The chance that they would pick up the virus from someone with no symptoms, and then die from it, as a result of our very brief proximity, is probably less than if they get hit and killed in the parking lot after leaving the store. Idiots.

One can hope.

We are having breakfast this morning with my left wing FBI daughter who is too worried about the virus to attend my son's Christmas Eve party tonight. It might be interesting. I wonder if her TDS is subsiding.

Joe Smith said...

"Do either of those films feature a pretty girl with a ponytail on a treadmill?"

Better yet, a trampoline. It worked for Jimmy Kimmel.

"I have no problem with vaccinating minorities first."

Don't you watch TV...movies?

Blacks are clearly no longer minorities in this country.

mockturtle said...

I wonder if her TDS is subsiding.

I'm convinced, from by observations of friends [?] and family, that it's gone beyond acute and has become chronic. Even if Biden or Harris becomes President, the TDS will endure. The hysteria over COVID is a feature of the disease. And we know COVID is Trump's fault due to his 'cavalier' attitude toward masks, etc.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

TDS is a permanent debilitating condition. No matter how long PDT is out of office, the TDS sufferer will always be bemoaning his time in office. They will complain about all of his lawless actions, but can never give you an example. They will say he must be horsewhipped for the good of the country, but never complain about the BLM/antifa domestic terrorists.

Joe Smith said...

"We are having breakfast this morning with my left wing FBI daughter..."

Did she take a knee in deference to BLM along with her colleagues?

Any agent that did that should be an ex-FBI agent.

Were I Trump, I would have demanded their names and fired them on the spot.

mockturtle said...

"The American people are confused".

I get so tired of hearing this from the mediaswine. No, we are NOT confused. We know very well what's going on. Our only confusion at this point stems from the question of what we do about it.

Readering said...

When did folks realize they might be in a cult?

Francisco D said...

I took my morning hike here in Tucson. You can tell that the Democrat snowbirds are back because they are walking with masks on although there is no one within 100 yards of them for more than a split second. Proper protocol these days is to walk into the street when someone is passing you on the sidewalk. I do that but I do not wear a mask outside.

Joe Smith said...

"When did folks realize they might be in a cult?

The cult of the creased pants?

The cult of the most qualified person to ever run for president?

The cult of a man who flunked third grade and drools?

I missed those.

Rusty said...

Readering said...
"When did folks realize they might be in a cult?"
You're still in one.
Perhaps, one day, you'll realize what happened to you.

Readering said...

Yeah, big cult of Biden!!!!

Joe Smith said...

"Yeah, big cult of Biden!!!!"

Biden's too stupid to be the object of cult affection.

But he represents the state.

And you are an adherent of the cult of the state.

But to be fair, you'd worship a sack of shit (see Biden) if it kept feeding you other people's hard-earned money.

JML said...

My SIL and her husband in the Denver area are going to have to open gifts at their daughter's house while socially distanced on the front porch. The daughter is a HS science teacher.

MadisonMan said...

My kids are downstairs playing cribbage. What delightful sounds.

Tomcc said...

Gahrie @ 9:49: The MSM and the Democrats have spent the last year terrifying them.
This cannot be overstated. Covid-19 is a serious problem and it should not be trivialized. The amount of hysteria that's been produced, and willingly consumed, is a travesty. Let me know when we can see a breakout of deaths- with Covid, from Covid, or simply, during Covid.

Rusty said...

Readering said...
"Yeah, big cult of Biden!!!!"
Use broader strokes. If you're capable.

Michael K said...

Blogger Readering said...
When did folks realize they might be in a cult?

I dunno. When did you decide to vote for a senile old man?

Michael K said...

Cold and drizzling in OC so, of course, everyone must sit out side to eat.

Did anyone mention cult ?

Hawaii-Houston game is good. Houston just scored and the Hawaii kid ran the kickoff back for a TD.

Rusty said...

It was 11 degF here in the hinterlands of Chicago, Doc, I would welcome eating some gyros just off the beach in Laguna today. Cold and drizzle and all.

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