December 21, 2020

3 hours and 24 minutes after the solstice....


... the darkness had resolved into this.


Laslo Spatula said...

Maxfield Parrish sky coming down on Madison.

Watch out for nymphs.

I am Laslo.

bagoh20 said...

We turn back toward summer. This is about as much winter as I can take. I like having seasons, but I would prefer 10 months of summer, even if it is in the 100's. Right now, 110 degrees sounds wonderfully balmy. "I'm hot-blooded, check it and see."

Curious George said...

I love the winter solstice. It's comforting knowing we are gaining sunshine ground every day as we endure winter.

Mr. Groovington said...

But it's not the sea.

This is the sea.

wild chicken said...

Trouble is, mornings keep getting darker, because of that thing, you know, the thing

Lawrence Person said...

Another election fraud update.

narciso said...

very thorough lawrence,

Rusty said...

Thank you, Lawrence.

Breezy said...

What a gorgeous photo!

Achilles said...

Lawrence Person said...

Another election fraud update.

There is less than .001% chance Joe Biden wins an open transparent election.

The math might be too hard for a lawyer to understand. We get it. That is why you should no longer be in charge of any of this.

Jersey Fled said...

Waiting for the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter tonight. You can see it in the Southwest sky shortly after sunset. First time they have appeared so close together in about800 years.

Whiskeybum said...

I've almost the opposite of your seasonal preferences, bagoh2O. If it never got over 78 degrees, I'd be happy. I prefer it cooler, dryer, and sunny to partly-sunny, with light breezes. I love the change of seasons - even winter in the north. Problem with winter here is that it just lasts too long. I love the look of snow - the downside is dealing with driving, snow blowing, etc. And fall is my favorite. My 'perfect' mix of seasonal weather would be something like 2 months of (true) Spring, 3 months of 'hot' (78 deg.) summer, 2 months of snowy winter and 5 months of late summer/true fall weather.

Curious George said...

"Jersey Fled said...
Waiting for the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter tonight. You can see it in the Southwest sky shortly after sunset. First time they have appeared so close together in about800 years."

Not in Wisconsin. As usual, cloudy. Well, maybe next time.

Whiskeybum said...

Not just Wisconsin with the clouds tonight. The whole contiguous US is under clouds except for the South Central/Western portions, and the southern half of Florida. Poor Grand Conjuction viewing for most of us.

Political Junkie said...

324, pretty number, 18 squared.

tcrosse said...
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tcrosse said...

From the Telegraph:

“To the generation that grew up watching Flash Gordon, Max von Sydow as Ming the Merciless was one of the great screen villains.

He was also a “discriminatory stereotype”, according to the British Board of Film Classification. The censor has added the warning to its rating for Flash Gordon, saying the casting of a white actor in the role could be considered “dubious if not outright offensive”.

Ming hailed from the Planet Mongo but, the BBFC said, was clearly of East Asian origin.

The organisation will conduct research in the New Year to establish if other old films contain racial stereotypes that need to be caveated for modern audiences.

In a newly-released podcast, the BBFC explained why the stereotype warning had been added.

Matt Tindall, senior policy officer, said: “Flash’s arch-nemesis, Ming the Merciless, is coded as an East Asian character due to his hair and make-up but he’s played by the Swedish actor, Max von Sydow, which I don’t think is something that would happen if this were a modern production and is something we’re also aware that viewers may find dubious, if not outright offensive.”

Humperdink said...
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Humperdink said...

My son's 44th birthday. Brought him home Christmas day in a stocking. Back then four days in the hospital post-birth was the norm. Now, my stepson and his spouse do the "delivery-at-home" thing (4 times, so far).

Narr said...

The conjunction tonight is the first one easily visible since the 13th C; Galileo saw it but they were too close to the sun for good viewing---or so I read.

Clear here, and we ought to get a good view but they are low and will set pretty quickly.

Don't wait for next time.

Gorgeous cubed, prof

etbass said...

Just a note of thanks again to Yancey Ward for his work of posting china virus data. Seems laborious and maybe tedious but it is the best source of data, with graphs, I know of.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

it's the "Wizard of Oz" sunrise!

...part way thru, it changes from sepia to COLOR!

The Wizard of Oz was filmed that way to give it the "Over the Rainbow" effect. The Black and White parts were actually filmed on Sepia Tone film, It has a more brownish tint to it. Which if you have the DVD you will see the true color of the Sepia Tone. The color parts of the movie were filmed on 3 strip Technicolor film.

effinayright said...
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effinayright said...

Here's something to get your blood boiling:

The epidemiologist who modeled vaccine distribution for the CDC is a gender nonbinary, defund-the-police activist "living on occupied land." A hardcore SJW. Twitter account went private today.

Welcome to the kakistocracy!!

Tina Trent said...

Maureen and her deceased husband Danny Faulkner are being dragged through the mud again. In 1981, Mumia Abu Jamal assassinated Faulkner. Now a Soros-underwritten DA is lobbying to get Jamal released.

Evemn if you don't care about innocent young cops having their heads blown off; even if you don;t care that their killers are given radio shows on our dime to brag about the crime on public radio, you should care about this:

I've tracked this case for decades. I can't find basic in-depth reporting on it anymore, no matter which search tools I use. If you care at all about free speech, free exchange of ideas, or the the truth itself, you should give a shrieking horror goddamn shit about this selective, one-sided, suppression of facts.

chuck said...


Sounds like the CDC is waging germ warfare on the US. You can't trust anyone these days...

effinayright said...

More on Jo Walker, the fucked-up "epidemiologist" who modeled vaccine distribution:

From Twitter:

Emily Burns@Emily_Burns_V
Dec 20, 2020
Meet Jo. Jo is a 20-something MPH who works for the CDC. Jo’s model is being used to decide who gets vaccinated in the U.S. Jo is a proud American who lives on “occupied Mvskoke land”.

"The CDC says the risk of death is 270x higher for 70+ as those aged 18-50. Jo’s model ignored the highly lethal nature of this disease to the elderly, so Jo was able to recommend that younger essential workers be prioritized above the elderly, because the elderly are whiter.

Jo is a scientist, but rather than use the reported vaccine efficacy (90-100%), Jo’s model used an estimate of 70%. Jo's model also doesn't take into account the highly age-stratified risk of COVID published by the CDC."


Would Inga like to comment on this? Is she "down" with the "woke" notion that we vulnerable seniors don't deserve the vaccine, but that minorities do, because a FUBAR excuse for a rational being essentially says to "shut up"?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

As New York City Bankrupts Every Other Business, It Permits Saturday Night Live to Go On With No Masks, No Social Distancing, and an Audience of "Independent Contractors"

"New York City dropped another bomb on restaurants this past week: Not only are restaurants only permitted to serve patrons outdoors in sub-30-degree weather, but now they've declared that patrons cannot even come inside the restaurant briefly to go to the bathroom."

Priorities! NBC... Hollywood... Democratic Propaganda. SNL can go on! FU small business owners.

Michael K said...

Now a Soros-underwritten DA is lobbying to get Jamal released.

Soros spent his money wisely. The new DA in Los Angeles defeated the previous DA who was a black female. He is a crazy radical, of course. He was giving a speech about commuting the term of a murderer when the family of the murdered teen began shouting at him. He walked away complaining that people are not well enough educated to listen.

I remember that Faulkner case well. Mumia executed the policeman.

narciso said...

this is the best I couldfind on short notice,

Michael K said...

The "Doctor" who got fired for criticizing the Governor's plans in Florida was described as "the author " of the plan. In fact, she is a "doctor" of Geography who was doing data entry.

narciso said...

and the relief bill, gave the new york transit association, 4 billion,

effinayright said...

Here's a very satisfying story from PowerLine about chickens coming home to root for "woke" hoity-toity New Yorkers:

If you don’t live in Manhattan, well, first of all, congratulations, but also you probably haven’t heard about the meltdown currently underway at the Dalton School, one of Manhattan’s more elite private schools. While many other private schools in New York City have reopened, Dalton has remained closed, much to the annoyance of tuition-paying parents.

The Dalton faculty, it seems, consists of community college rejects who flunked a Dr. Jill course, judging from their list of demands for agreeing to resume normal teaching:"

Here's the list. Enjoy!!!

narciso said...

yes thanks again yancey,

narciso said...

and that's not all

stevew said...

I love this time of year and all that it brings and offers. Warm today (34 degrees F), will be warmer later in the week. I expect the usual biting cold and snow after 1 Jan. Good thing I've got a truck.

The days start getting longer, later, tomorrow. Only seconds to start, then minutes. I always enjoy the fact that the sunrise comes later in the morning until early January, with the day lengthening on the backend, sunset. An interesting celestial, spatial, orbital thing-a-ma-bob.

The move in to the new place is now targeted for the second weekend in January. Covid has put a crimp in the plan - product was delayed, countertop fabrication affected by the required skeleton staffing, yada, yada. We will be there for many years so a few weeks delay will shortly be forgotten. Still, kinda sucks right now.

In other news: Mitt Romney opened his pie hole on national tv to remind us all what a complete insufferable ass wipe he really is. He's still smarting from that Russia jab Obama laid on him in the debate several years ago. It would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.

Humperdink said...

From the archives: Responding to a critic of his mandatory gun buy-back program: "It would be a short war my friend," Congressman X said, "The government has nukes. Too many of them."

Who might this congressman be? Why none other than Fang Bang's former lover.

effinayright said...

Instapundit has a list of the Dalton demands:

The hiring of twelve full time diversity officers

An additional full time employee whose “entire role is to support Black students who come forward with complaints.”

Hiring of multiple psychologists with “specialization on the psychological issues affecting ethnic minority populations.”

Pay off student debt of incoming black faculty.

Re-route 50 percent of all donations to NYC public schools.

Elimination of AP courses if black students don’t score as high as white.

Required courses on “Black liberation.”

Reduced tuition for black students whose photographs appear in school promotional materials.

Public “anti-racism” statements required from all employees.

Mandatory “Community and Diversity Days” to be held “throughout the year.”

Required anti-bias training to be conducted every year for all staff and parent volunteers.

Mandatory minority representation in (otherwise elective) student leadership roles.

Mandatory diversity plot lines in school plays.

Overhaul of entire curriculum to reflect diversity narratives.”

>>>>>Can anyone imagine the atmosphere in such a soul-destroying racist gulag?

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Re Dalton School:

All of those woke demands for just $54,000/year. A bargain at half the price. Those parents are so lucky to have their littl' uns attending. I'm sure the history classes are based upon the 1619 project. Can't get much more woke than that.

Tank said...

For those interested, Maureen Faulkner wrote a very good book about the murder of her husband. Well worth reading.

Humperdink said...

So why is our country $400,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 quadrillion in debt? From the latest Covid relief bill:

> $453 mil to Ukraine
> $10 mil for “gender programs” in Pakistan
> $130 mil to Nepal
> $700 mil to Sudan
> $1.3 bil to Egypt
> $135 mil to Burma
> $85 mil to Cambodia

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The Oregon natives are revolting. Some 300 of them demanded to attend the legislative session in person. The nerve of them! Just because their Constitution says they have that right, they became upset when the capital doors were locked to keep them out. The state cops declared an unlawful assembly and showed much more energy beating up citizens than they did trying to control antifa and BLM.

J. Farmer said...

I think my earliest connection to winter was "snowbirds." If you are raised by Florida crackers, you will develop early on a deep disdain for northern interlopers. And "northern" typically means north of Valdosta, Georgia.

My parents always hosted parties during the Super Bowl, and one year an uncle brought a girlfriend of his over. She had recently moved from Michigan and was not shy about letting people know what she did not like about Florida and what she preferred about Michigan. After about the fourth or fifth such remark, my mother said, "Oh. should go back there." She immediately played it off like she was joking, but about three seconds after they left exclaimed, "Oh god! Fuck off back to Michigan will you."

West Florida's cracker culture has been almost completely washed away. It's nearly impossible to find its authentic expression in the community anymore. It pretty much only exists within individual families and is passed down like an heirloom. The idea of not passing it on myself feels like a great betrayal of forebearers I never knew and are long passed dead.

CWJ said...

Just got back from viewing the Christmas Star. Picked a lookout well away from city lights. It was great. Much higher above the horizon than I expected. Also the difference in luminosity between the planets was much greater than I expected.

Lyle Sanford, RMT said...

Looks like a happy Mark Rothko ;-)

Humperdink said...

My parents moved from Pittsburgh to the west coast of Florida in 1973. I was 22 and stayed in Pa. My sister was still in high school at the time, so she moved with my parents to sunny FL. She dated a cracker for awhile. My dad affectionately called the crackers Johnny Rebs.

During one of my visits in the 70's, my sister's rebel boyfriend asked if I wanted to go to drag races with him. I jumped at the chance. I had no idea. So off we go to some totally desolate soon-to-be housing plan with paved roads. Out in the middle of nowhere. And there we find 40-50 young hot-rodders ready to go. And two-by-two they go at it. They had a starter in the middle of the road with a flashlight (crazy fool). And two flashlights at the finish line, 1/4 mile down the road designating the winner. Craziest thing I'd ever seen.

Paco Wové said...

Had a good view of the conjunction here in central Iowa. Held the binoculars very, very still, and could even see a few of the Galilean moons.

Narr said...

I was surprised to see that Saturn had pulled into the 2 oclock position--it has been cloudy or worse for several nights and it was on the other side last I saw them.

The binoculars helped more than I thought they would-- the contrast was marked, as mentioned already, and to me Saturn seemed a little pink-tinged. Very nice!

Capice, Tina.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Good evening Althousians.

Team Pants baked cookies and wrapped presents all day. I took a short nap with the new doggo on my lap this afternoon while the toddler slept. Beautiful day; temps in the 70s and sunny down here in the Republic of Texas. All of us plus a couple extra teenagers — BFFs of our teens — went outside and admired the planets, then back in the house for roasted sausage and root vegetables and French bread. Had a robust conversation with all the teens about communism and am pleased to report they are all skeptical of the concept. Soon the little ones will go down and hubs and teenagers and I will watch a little TV and finish up wrapping.

It’s a good night. We are all blessed by increased clarity about this world we are living in. The Pants motto for 2021 is “more Jesus, more truth, more beauty, more goodness; defeat the bullshit.” I feel very blessed to be in a position to get what’s going on here. It ain’t gonna be easy folks but we were created for times such as these. Let’s do it!

narciso said...


Joe Smith said...

"Flash’s arch-nemesis, Ming the Merciless..."

Back in the early '90s me and a friend were the new guys at a tech company.

There was a big meeting with our department and the CEO was going to be there and give a brief presentation.

As he was introduced (his name was Ming), I leaned over to my friend and whispered, "I hear he's merciless."

My friend laughed out was awkward : )

mockturtle said...

Just got back from standing in the desert [less than a block from my house] looking at Jupiter and Saturn. There is a fair amount of space between them so it didn't have the appearance of a single star but still cool to see them that close together.

mockturtle said...

Pants @7:07 PM: Amen!!!

Michael K said...

There is a fair amount of space between them so it didn't have the appearance of a single star but still cool to see them that close together.

I've been watching them with 10x40 binos for about a half hour and the two are separating. Earlier, they were closer.

Crimso said...

Some years ago (about 40), I was with my 2 best friends. Christmas break, which we spent together as much as possible. At my friend Dave's house, out in the country. Had about a foot of snow on the ground, and Dave had a killer telescope. Middle of the night, we tromped across the road into the neighbor's field. Great view of Jupiter and some of its moons. Then back inside to play games, read, think deep thoughts. Those days we slept when we felt like it, woke up when we pleased. We were free and didn't even know it.

Occasionally, I think of that night, and others that were just like it (in feeling, if not circumstance). The world, or what little of it we troubled ourselves with, was a million miles away. I'd give almost anything to go back there. And stay.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

First day of winter in Pugetopolis and we're getting our first snowfall. It's 34 with big, wet flakes coming down. It's sticking to the grass and plants, but not the road yet. We've set two records so far at SeaTac: highest temperature (59-deg F) for December 21st and most rain (1.19-in). Tomorrow is supposed to be partly cloudy and cold instead of the heavy rain we've had today.

gadfly said...

Our narcissist president wants a national or international airport in the United States named after @realDonaldTrump.

I recommend the nonpolitical renaming of A.B. Won Pat International Airport in Guam to D.J. Trump Sr. International. The airport is the most remote U.S. airport facility where the largely Japanese and South Korean passenger traffic (about 3.5 million total arrivals plus departures annually) will react with "Who dat?".

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All dumps should be re-named Pelosi-Clinton-Biden-Brennan-Maddow.

William50 said...

Our narcissist president wants a national or international airport in the United States named after @realDonaldTrump.

That was awful nice of Obama to suggest that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All the Democrat's garbage in the "Covid relief bill"


So much for helping those on the edge of losing their homes here in the US.

narciso said...

The cherry on top is that an executive for this particular group is Mary Mapes, the ex-CBS producer fired over Dan Rather's report about George W. Bush.

w/ Hoffman, Fusion and Mapes, it's a smorgasbord of disinformation.
Quote Tweet
Chuck Ross
· 22m
EXCLUSIVE: Who Has Covered Fusion GPS's Mounting Legal Bills?

A non-profit backed heavily by tech billionaire Reid Hoffman, who has funded several anti-GOP disinformation operations, contributed $620,000 to a legal defense fund for Fusion GPS in 2018.
9:09 PM · Dec 21, 2020·Twitter Web App
Quote Tweets

J. Farmer said...

My dad affectionately called the crackers Johnny Rebs.

West Florida was pretty lawless and corrupt until about the mid-1980s. Although the notion of the American frontier is totally dominated by cultural tropes of the Old West, ranch culture, and cowboys, Florida cattle ranching and the cracker cowman long preceded them and outlasted them.

Eager to escape working in one of my grandfather's restaurants, my father left home at 16 and went to work on a cattle ranch in central Florida as a cowman. And that was 1971.

Lars Porsena said...

Blogger BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...
All dumps should be re-named Pelosi-Clinton-Biden-Brennan-Maddo

No, they each should have their own. These kind of people wouldn’t share anything.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Chuck Schumer is a lying scum bag.

Our media are dangerous hacks who promote a corrupt party.

madAsHell said...

Today-Dec.21 is the final day you can get a Concealed Carry Gun Certificate Permit. Get it in under 15 mins here

I received this today as an unsolicited text message.

Why would I get a carry permit?......or is it just a black privilege to carry-until-caught?

Humperdink said...

J.Farmer said: "West Florida was pretty lawless and corrupt until about the mid-1980s. Although the notion of the American frontier is totally dominated by cultural tropes of the Old West, ranch culture, and cowboys, Florida cattle ranching and the cracker cowman long preceded them and outlasted them."

Arcadia, Florida/ DeSoto County fits your description in the late seventies. Everyone packed a sidearm. My dad called it Dodge City.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democrats control the HOUSE:

Ever wonder why your cut of a $900 billion "Covid Relief" bill is only $600? Here are a few reasons:

The Covid relief bill also includes $10 million for “gender programs” in Pakistan

The Covid relief bill sets aside funds to investigate the “1908 Springfield Race Riot"

The Covid relief bill includes a lengthy subsection titled “the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act of 2020”

The Covid relief bill creates a committee to regulate performance-enhancing drugs in horse racing

The Covid relief bill will make it illegal to give racehorses pain-killers before training or racing

The Covid relief bill outlays funds to address gender inequality amongst statues

The Covid relief bill includes funds for a museum that will offer “programming, education, exhibitions” on … “the life, art, history, and culture of women”

The Covid relief bill includes $193 million for federal HIV/AIDS workers stationed abroad to buy new cars

The Covid relief bill includes funding to discourage teenagers from drinking and hooking up

The Covid relief bill stipulates funds can’t be used for accessing pornographic websites unless it’s “official business”

The Covid relief bill provides $40 million for the Kennedy Center

The Covid relief bill creates a commission tasked with educating “consumers about the dangers associated with using or storing portable fuel containers for flammable liquids near an open flame."

The Covid relief bill includes $1.5 million for the Appropriations Committee’s “Office of Diversity and Inclusion” as well as lots of money for receptions

The Covid relief bill mandates new hiring measures to ensure diversity in the intelligence community

The Covid relief package provides $8 million to support Biden’s presidential transition

The Covid relief package directs funds to pay for the U.S. Senate daycare center

The Covid relief bill includes $40 million for the Kennedy Center

madAsHell said...

The last unsolicited text message I received came from the Democrats wanting my support for Joe Biden.

It's like the perimeter defenses are being tested. They're probing.

narciso said...

So they can fire the staff again and pocket the salaries.

The Godfather said...

"The Covid relief bill includes funding to discourage teenagers from drinking and hooking up." Used to be, parents did this for free. It didn't work when parents did it, and it won't work when the government does it, but at least the parents didn't increase the national debt.

DavidUW said...

Part of the reason to distribute the vaccine to the populations that don't die from it, is, of course not really for racial redistribution or whatever bullshit they're lying about these days, but in order to prolong the panic.


It would remove their primary method of controlling you.


Drip drab distribution to people LEAST likely to die.
Make up bullshit about vaccinated people still able to transmit it so have to wear masks etc.

Give them a year to think of the next "emergency" lie for lockdowns.

Get it through your skulls. You're not cynical enough.
Hell I'm not. I'm sure there's something I'm missing to make it worse.

mockturtle said...

It's doubtful that employers will make vaccines mandatory. Though Pfizer and Moderna can't be sued, the employer can. Our local hospital is encouraging voluntary vaccines for health professionals.

mockturtle said...

DavidUW: One cannot be too cynical nowadays. The Leftist/NWO agenda is far, far worse than even the most cynical of us can conceive.

Narr said...

I wish I had reason to question DavidUW's evaluation. Any reason at all.

It can get a lot worse

mockturtle said...

It can get a lot worse

It will.

effinayright said...

At State U way back when, I used a Magic Marker to write "Ming the Merciless" in large letters on the front of a sweatshirt. I can't remember why.

An Italian fraternity brother sneaked into my clothes closet with his own marker, and the next time I put on the shirt, it now read "Mingia the Merciless".

Look it up.

Rt41Rebel said...

"An Italian fraternity brother sneaked into my clothes closet with his own marker, and the next time I put on the shirt, it now read "Mingia the Merciless"."

I had to look up Ming the Merciless because I had never heard of it before. Since I was looking things up, I also looked up 'mingia in italian,' needless to say, it's a lot funnier to me now. I suspect a few readers like me won't get the joke having not done that.

madAsHell said...

I leaned over to my friend and whispered, "I hear he's merciless."

Yeah....I've read enough of your comments.

That kinda shit stunted my career path as well.

Joe Smith said...

"That kinda shit stunted my career path as well."

Fortunately he was a VP so all was cool.

He went on to become a CEO at a telecom startup and made 40 or 50 million.

Unfortunately, cancer killed him at 60 years old.

He was a super nice guy.

My career stayed stunted but I was on the creative side of tech...nobody pays for that.

Tina Trent said...

J.Farmer: some fun cracker factoids.

It took from 1521 to 1949 for agriculture to become important enough for the state legislature to institute a bitterly contested fence law. Before then, wild cattle ruled the state and rued farmers, who took to growing small kitchen gardens surrounded by things cattle,and often people, don't eat. I've heard horrors stories of surviving the Depression on persimmons, and more than once heard the saying "I'd rather starve than eat another." Yet every year, the ladies still boil them with sugar and can them. Habits die hard. You never know when we'll be subsisting on those hated persimmions again, and we've got bunches ready.

The state House and Senate races were a good time to get drunk and make a little cash. Down Cockroach Bay, two bars set on either side of the oyster-shell road (made from mounds of oyster shells fifty feet high left behind by Indians since time immemorial), where the train stopped to pick up cauliflower if someone answered the town's one phone (the phone lines ran under the railroad tracks) and said they had a shipment ready. The bars, basically one room mud and shell hovels, were hired for the day by the opposing parties. Outside each bar, there was a box with a lock on it. The men would gather early in the morning for free whisky, and when they were done drinking, they would accept coin from whoever was paying better or had better booze and put their ballots in the respective boxes.

So, not so different from today.

I knew some old ranchers. If I'm not mistaken, beef is still Florida's number two crop, after citrus, which has taken some Biblical hits from blights and browning. It may now be three after ornamentals for landscaping, which seems sad.

Paul Dickman, a visionary inventor and later Cabinet Secretary of Agriculture, who followed his sister to Ruskin to help form a Christian Ruskinite colony that quickly abandoned its Fabian roots for more practical matters, invented a type of cellophane that transformed the way America eats. Now you could get lettuce from Tampa to New York City in freezing weather! Paul's plane flew from Cockroach Bay filled with dahlias and chrysanthemums that stocked funeral parlors from Queens to Rochester.

The family, being spiritualists, used an ouiji board with Ancient Greek lettering to to communicate with Plato in the piney woods.

I miss Florida so bad I feel it in my teeth.

gpm said...

>To the generation that grew up watching Flash Gordon, Max von Sydow as Ming the Merciless was one of the great screen villains.

Do I really have to say this? To the generation that actually "grew up watching Flash Gordon," "Ming the Merciless" was Charles Middleton. Not some Johnnie come lately in a stupid movie from decades later, after they had fully grown up.

Sheesh. The ignorance.


Rt41Rebel said...

I'm watching Back to School on the way-back cable channel, a mediocre movie, but a great cast. Rodney Dangerfield of course, and Sam Kinison as an enthusiastic history professor. Danny Elfman wrote the score with a performance by Oingo Boingo. Cameo by Kurt Vonnegut. Filmed at University of Wisconsin - Madison.

narciso said...

'You know nothing about kurt vonnegut' lol

Rt41Rebel said...

Speaking of Vonnegut, I've never read him, but one of my favorite modern authors, Christopher Moore, has been compared.

gpm said...

Though Sam Jones was much purtier than Buster Crabbe and Brian Blessed is always a plus. Probably totally wrong in many respects as Augustus, but still great in I, Claudius.


narciso said...

That was such a crazy film, with elements from chodorowskys iconoclastic take on dune.

narciso said...

The score from queen just dialed it up to eleven. Yes ive seen some of thr classic flash gordon segments on movies channel tcn sometimes

Achilles said...

As expected. Smartmatic and Dominion demands for retraction are met with an LOLGF from Lin Wood and Sydney Powell.

Since they will not enjoy discovery they will not file.

Gahrie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gahrie said...

Over the last six months, on our worst days, around 3,500 people died of COVID. Most days the number is around half of that. Every day in the United States we abort 3,000 babies.

J. Farmer said...

There has been quite a swing of the pendulum. Earlier this year, Trumpists were upbeat and ebullient, and I was being chastised for pessimism, fatalism, and doomsaying. I went into Election Day with a certain degree of unease. To me, the nightmare scenario would've been a big repudiation of Trumpism. I wrote here on Ann's election day thread: "My sense for the last several months has been Democrats taking the Senate, Biden winning by a very narrow margin, and Trump to pick up black/Latino votes but lose white votes."

Not exactly a dream scenario but also not a nightmare scenario. I checked the box for Trump and did my part to deliver him Florida, I was still ambivalent and thought perhaps Trumpism's best chance for survival would be a slight repudiation of Trump that still left Trumpism largely intact. I am still ambivalent on that question even as I fully recognize the absurdity of Biden/Harris. She doesn't know what to think, and he doesn't know where he is.

While I have opinions on electiongate, I have no intention to discuss them here. The temperature's too high for a fruitful discussion. That said, I do have one thought experiment and am genuinely interested in the response:

Assume Biiden is inaugurated. If you were able to know to a metaphysical certainty that Biden won the election without requiring a recourse to fraud, what effect would that have after January 20th? What would you do differently?

I am not attempting to challenge anyone's views on the election. But I am curious on what impact the views will have moving forward.

Rt41Rebel said...

Hey, Kurt, can you read lips, *fuck you*! Next time I'll call Robert Ludlum!

Gahrie said...

Assume Biiden is inaugurated. If you were able to know to a metaphysical certainty that Biden won the election without requiring a recourse to fraud, what effect would that have after January 20th? What would you do differently?

I would demand that Republican leadership concentrate on voter outreach instead of electoral reform.

Rt41Rebel said...

"Assume Biiden is inaugurated. If you were able to know to a metaphysical certainty that Biden won the election without requiring a recourse to fraud, what effect would that have after January 20th? What would you do differently?"

Not much to do differently, I already made my move to SWFL almost two years ago. Voters here are roughly 51% R, 25% D, and 24% I. I already refuse to associate or even speak with anyone that is not of my political stripe, and that includes old friends and distant relatives. If Biden taxes my guns I will not pay, and if they come for them, I will either hide the very well or shoot back.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Blogger J. Farmer said...

@Humperdink: My dad affectionately called the crackers Johnny Rebs.

West Florida was pretty lawless and corrupt until about the mid-1980s. Although the notion of the American frontier is totally dominated by cultural tropes of the Old West, ranch culture, and cowboys, Florida cattle ranching and the cracker cowman long preceded them and outlasted them.

Eager to escape working in one of my grandfather's restaurants, my father left home at 16 and went to work on a cattle ranch in central Florida as a cowman. And that was 1971.

Here's a (recently) vanished bit of that history.

StephenFearby said...

Bellingcat comes through again!

"If it Hadn't Been for the Prompt Work of the Medics": FSB Officer Inadvertently Confesses Murder Plot to Navalny

"...Bellingcat can now disclose that it and its investigative partners are in possession of a recorded conversation in which a member of the suspected FSB poison squad describes how his unit carried out, and attempted to clean up evidence of, the poisoning of Alexey Navalny.

The inadvertent confession was made during a phone call with a person who the officer believed was a high-ranking security official. In fact, the FSB officer did not recognize the voice of the person to whom he was reporting details of the failed mission: Alexey Navalny himself.

This 49-minute call between Navalny and Konstantin Kudryavtsev, one of the FSB officers who traveled to Omsk in the aftermath of the Navalny poisoning, provides a detailed first-person account that describes how the FSB organized the attempted assassination in Tomsk as well as the subsequent clean-up operation.

The unintended confession adds significant new details to our understanding of the operation, including the exact manner in which, according to the FSB officer, the Novichok was administered. It also sheds light on Russia’s secret service’s efforts to destroy the evidence in the wake of what Kudryavtsev divulges was its failure to kill the opposition activist. Shockingly, the member of the suspected poison squad blames the fast response time of the pilot and emergency medical services for the failure of FSB’s assassination plot..."

Churchy LaFemme: said...

"I hear he's merciless."

Well, too bad for Ming!

narciso said...

As i pointed out on the other threas, they shouldnt be pointing this out, unless ridicule is to be invited.

Achilles said...

J. Farmer said...

Assume Biiden is inaugurated. If you were able to know to a metaphysical certainty that Biden won the election without requiring a recourse to fraud, what effect would that have after January 20th? What would you do differently?

The biggest thing that would change is I would begin to act like a subject in a despotic regime of my enemies rather than a free citizen of a country I voluntarily joined the military for. A Shia in Sunni dominated Iraq about sums it up.

n.n said...

Every day in the United States we abort 3,000 babies.

Fetal-Americans... 1/2, approach a limit of zero. Diversity (i.e. color judgment) dogma denies individual dignity, intrinsic value, and individual conscience is a progressive condition under the Pro-Choice quasi-religious/ethical code.

n.n said...

"As expected. Smartmatic and Dominion demands for retraction are met with an LOLGF from Lin Wood and Sydney Powell."

Since they will not enjoy discovery they will not file.

Whatever happened to the Obama/Biden-era lawsuit targeting the Russian operated company, where after 16 trimesters of Democrat social justice and obstruction of democracy, and an investigation that concluded with Democrats spying, colluding, braying (e.g. NYT, WaPo, NPR, CNN etc.), and protesting?

Tina Trent said...

West Florida was magical in the 80's. Burt Reynolds, that asshole, showed up to create the Burt Reynolds School of Film Editing. One of my friends is the first and last graduate, and he makes a pretty good living in Hollywood doing Hello Kitty documentaries and colorized Hitler for the History Channel.

Downtown Tampa was like a time machine to 1974. Still is.

Tina Trent said...

In fairness, the privately-owned zoos are hanging on by a thread. But Tarpon Springs is still a must-see, and the mermaids still put on underwater shows. How many of you still visualize the mermaids in off-hours? Remember Glass Bottom Boat? How do they keep their mascara from running?

Gospace said...

One son diagnosed by doctors with the dreaded covid, spent a night hospitalized on oxygen because when he stood up his O2 went into the 60s.. and had 2 negative covid tests. No 3rd, that noted medical expert Dictator Cuomo forbade it - said 2 was it, no exceptions. Don't know if that edict is still in effect. Talking with him last might found his last blood donation shows covid antibodies- confirmation he had it. I suspect the test for covid even today is far less reliable than the ARC antibody test. My 2 blood donations since testing started are negative. Next donation coming up soon.

We've heard how contagious the dreaded covid is. Very- you get exposed you're getting it- and if you're old-- YOU'RE GOING TO DIE! My liberal friends think everyone's chance of dying is equal, but that's besides the point. Instapundit posted a graph of what vaccinating by age will do to the dreaded covid death rate. Son got it at work- he has to wear a mask all the time. My other son diagnosed got it at college- where he had to wear a mask all the time. So where were these two when diagnosed with dreaded covid? Living at home with mom (63) and dad (65). What precautions did we take against the dreaded covid? None. Well, no extra precautions. They didn't breathe on us, but we didn't socially distance, we didn't mask, nothing different. And- didn't get it. I drove my son to the hospital and back- an enclosed space, just the two of us, inches apart- no masks. 25 minutes one way. My wife had all the symptoms in February- including complete loss of taste and smell. Supposedly before it was here- except it's been here since last November. Me? Nope, no symptoms. One URI this year, a bacterial sinus infection. After wearing masks for 3 days every time I left my hotel room. The two sons with me also came down with one. Someone or something in the hotel contributed the bacteria - and wearing the masks multiplied the bacterial load by forcing us to keep breathing in the bacteria we just exhaled. When all is said and done, the know-it-all medical professionals are going to discover something common sense tells everyone else- constant wearing of masks increases viral/bacterial loads in respiratory passages resulting in an increased number of URIs with greater severity.

After being exposed twice, maybe thrice, I've not gotten it. My wife, having been exposed twice, hasn't- unless she had it already, from a completely unknown unidentifiable source. It also appears contact tracing for the dreaded covid is virtually useless...

This of course is only anecdotal. We've had evidence for some time the dreaded covid isn't all that contagious. We know it's really not all that deadly. Unless you're immuno-compromised. For the rest of us- if we get it, we recover, life goes on. That's it. Mask theater is just that- theater. I'd like to to see smiles again. Social distancing? Unnecessary. You a frightened ninny? Wear a mask, social distance. Protect yourself. The rest of us can go on living. And Ann, unless I've missed it, you haven't expressed a thought on what we should be doing. In your humble opinion- back to normal? Or continue draconian lockdown edicts issued by dictatorial power hungry governors? Or something in between? Are you personally worried about catching dreaded covid? I'm 65- I'm not. I know my vitamin D level, I take supplements, added extra zinc once a week, my multi has the MDR. Added quercetin.That’s the only extra precaution I've taken. Other things I do that most don't are daily nasal irrigation (with xylitol/salt mixture) and gargle/rinse mouth with xylitol daily. I did that before covid.

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Marcus Bressler said...

Posted: It's doubtful that employers will make vaccines mandatory. Though Pfizer and Moderna can't be sued, the employer can. Our local hospital is encouraging voluntary vaccines for health professionals.

Me: From my very limited perspective, it appears they intend to. I do contract work for the Florida Lodging and Restaurant Association's training arm and two weeks ago I received an update from them that said requiring vaccines for staff was a fait accompli. If so, I will be resigning as I will not be a part of that.

I do hope, tho, that the commenter is correct.


Big Mike said...

Though Sam Jones was much purtier than Buster Crabbe

But could he swim as fast?

320Busdriver said...


My 80 YO Dad, with copd, has been going to breakfast with his pals for years. One of the guys showed up and couldn’t keep his head off the table one morning. Why would he show up feeling that way? No one can guess. He tested positive. Somehow my Dad, who did spend a day in bed not feeling well a couple days after, did not contract c19. He got a test, tested negative, and is fine. It’s all a mystery.

iowan2 said...

Posted: It's doubtful that employers will make vaccines mandatory.

The better half works for an eye clinic. They have a dozen full service medical offices across the state and more vision centers, they have absorbed from one man shops that need help with regs, training, and accounting. They will be getting the moderna vaccine soon and it is 100% voluntary for those with patient contact. The better half works in accounting and has minor patient contact, but she was offered the vaccination depending to availability, and signed up. Age plus Type II diabetes. This vaccine is allocated through the county health dept.

wendybar said...

Is everybody awake now to how much congress HATES us??? They don't care about us, they only care about their donors, their lobbyists, and keeping their own wealth and power....You SERFS work for them. Enjoy your lousy $600.00.....suckers.

Rusty said...

Wendybar X 2

320Busdriver said...

A Thanks to the six Senators voting against this abomination which includes one of mine. Ron Johnson.

Enjoy your “significant crumbs”

mockturtle said...

I just emailed my Congressman thanking him for voting against the Relief Package. What a ridiculous hodgepodge of special interest and Prog agenda. He said the bill was over 5500 pps long and just hours to read it. I guess this is what works for Pelosi: We have to pass it to find out what's in it. :-(

J. Farmer said...

@Tina Trent:

I miss Florida so bad I feel it in my teeth.

It's a transformed place. Old Florida has been mostly painted over, with only a few patches of the past showing through. The Colonnade Restaurant on Bayshore was one of the last great places when it was demolished a few years back. Another glass-and-steel high-rise iCondominium is going in its place. Even old hidden gems like Anna Maria Island or Eggmont Key have been overrun.

We survived the mosquitos, the alligators, the sinkholes, the lightning, the hurricanes, the humidity, the last of the buccaneers, the Seminoles, the Confederacy, Reconstruction, the Cubans, the Spaniards, the Italians, the Greeks, the Rough Riders, the KKK, the blacks, the Trafficante family and its era of blood, the Kefauver Committee, the Warren Commission, desegregation, and that time in 1977 when Tampa experienced record snowfall of 0.2" for 40 minutes. It was literally front-page news in the biggest headline ever seen. "SNOW!"

Ultimately, the snowbirds won. Retirees. Elderly temporary migrants. Bridge and tunnel from the New York metro area. And worst of all, Michiganders. Strange new practices were implemented, like the homeowners association and local government without bribes and kickbacks. Unsurprisingly, on one of those surveys of which state do other states hate most, Alabama and Georgia picked Florida. Florida picked Florida.

Achilles said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No one cares about the insane covid relief bill that give billions to projects that have nothing to do with covid?

Is Our Government Totally Broken? COVID 'Relief' Bill Strongly Suggests Yes. Yes, It Is Broken.

Achilles said...

This is where we are now.

This is Oregon.

Inaugurating Joe Biden would be a huge mistake.

Achilles said...

BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...

No one cares about the insane covid relief bill that give billions to projects that have nothing to do with covid?

Oh people care.

They are just ignored by the media.

Shit is already starting.

Susan in Seattle said...

Lovely photo.

CWJ said...

"Assume Biiden is inaugurated. If you were able to know to a metaphysical certainty that Biden won the election without requiring a recourse to fraud, what effect would that have after January 20th? What would you do differently?"


It's not what I would do differently, but what he and those running him and the Democrats would do to me. I hated Obama and the Democrats not for style reasons like those who have Trump, but because their policies and actions had direct identifiable negative effects upon me.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Covid relief = Daycare for congress!

While people are losing their apartments because they cannot pay the rent. good thing! I hope Nancy Pelosi family is well taken care of in this bill.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Covid relief bill includes $1.5 million for the Appropriations Committee’s “Office of Diversity and Inclusion” as well as lots of money for receptions

Michael K said...

Blogger Achilles said...
This is where we are now.

This is Oregon.

Inaugurating Joe Biden would be a huge mistake.

I'm not as concerned about Biden. He is a fool and a front for the people running him, who probably recruited and ran Obama. What concerns me is that somewhere another Tim McVeigh is watching this.

Birkel said...

Where are all the stories about voters who never voted before but voted for Joe Biden this time?
There must be a whole bunch of them.

And such articles would be of great interest.

I'm Not Sure said...

"Where are all the stories about voters who never voted before but voted for Joe Biden this time?"

If you don't know you voted for him, how would you know to come forward to tell your story?

cf said...

I found that collection of Althouse readers invited to list Trumps accomplishments, somewhere in September.
looking through it, I found this one prescient:

hombre said...
Perhaps his most important achievement is stimulating the Democrat Party, the Mainstream Media, federal law enforcement and the other elements of the Deep State to expose their moral bankruptcy and political corruption. At least 40% of the population sees that clearly, another 40% is either in denial or stricken with cognitive dissonance about it. The remaining 20% are too stupid to know the difference.

That makes the election both interesting and terrifying.
9/14/20, 11:33 PM

Terrifying Indeed.

I'm Not Sure said...

"At least 40% of the population sees that clearly, another 40% is either in denial or stricken with cognitive dissonance about it. The remaining 20% are too stupid to know the difference."

Unfortunately, this appears to leave out the percent of people who have no problem with moral bankruptcy and political corruption. Clearly, these people exist.

cf said...

(re: Oregon protesters at the capitol )
Michael K said:
re: Oregon protesters at the capitol

"What concerns me is that somewhere another Tim McVeigh is watching this."

Yes, me, too. And as one who lives outside of Portland, it is NOT HELPFUL to be mimicking the violence of the Dem Goonsquads.

It makes MUTE my non-violent efforts for Trump and individual freedom, hard enough to talk about, and endangers me as I make what efforts I can to share my views.

[ Day 12 of my personal #40DayTrumpParade celebrating all the Good that our duly-elected President has achieved in thesevfour years, and cheering for the legal vote of four more years. We never got to savor his leadership, even one day. So I am singing souza and marching in joy, holding America in my heart. will be striding extra today. ]

Big Mike said...

$900 Billion divided by 330 Million Americans = $2,727.

Actual amount sent to Americans = $600.

Who is getting the other $2,127?

effinayright said...

wendybar said...
Is everybody awake now to how much congress HATES us??? They don't care about us, they only care about their donors, their lobbyists, and keeping their own wealth and power....You SERFS work for them. Enjoy your lousy $600.00.....suckers.

This is PRECISELY why million-man marches in Washington have utterly no effect. Our Masters simply don't give a good goddamn.

Birkel said...

An election was stolen fair and square.
After that why would they pretend to care about the citizens?
Are they even answerable to the first three boxes?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Covid relief:
"diversity" and Biden transition - more money for that crooked asshole.
and I'd bet the corrupt Pelosi family will make out really well with the new House bill that shafts Americans.

YAY Pelosi!

mockturtle said...

There should be no professional politicians. Period. Whatever happened to term limits?

Birkel said...

Family members of unauthorized immigrants are now eligible to get stimulus checks under the $900 billion deal reached last night. That eligibility is retroactive, so adults excluded last time could get up to $1800 now

So Democraticals are going to give more money to illegals than to Americans in this bill.
That's where citizens stand in Democratical eyes.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Pelosi calls $600 stimulus checks 'significant’ but said $1k tax cut bonuses were 'crumbs’ in 2018

Michael K said...

I wonder if Trump will veto it ? All of the Swamp has signed on. Six GOP Senators declined McConnell's request for a unanimous vote by acclimation.

It would be interesting if he lets it sit there as the news of the pork trickles out, then veto before he leaves office.

Michael K said...

Whatever happened to term limits?

The problem with term limits is that it places the administrative state, which does not need to run for office, in charge even more than it is now. McCain-Finegold was the first big blow to Congress members being involved in writing legislation. They had to spend all their time raising money. The staffs write the legislation. Eugene McCarthy ran against Johnson because he had one big donor who funded his campaign. The big donors now all spend their money on PACs. Look at who is funding BLM.

Birkel said...

A pocket veto would leave the new Congress to re-vote on the thing, I believe.

MadTownGuy said...

bagoh20 said...
"We turn back toward summer. This is about as much winter as I can take. I like having seasons, but I would prefer 10 months of summer, even if it is in the 100's. Right now, 110 degrees sounds wonderfully balmy. "I'm hot-blooded, check it and see."

We visited relatives in Vegas for a few weeks and were pleasantly surprised with how comfortable it felt even when it was over 110°. I don't think it would be too hard to get used to it as long as you had good a/c in the house and car - and oven mitts for when you first get hold of the steering wheel.

Bruce Hayden said...

"Assume Biiden is inaugurated. If you were able to know to a metaphysical certainty that Biden won the election without requiring a recourse to fraud, what effect would that have after January 20th? What would you do differently?"

The big thing is that I would accept the legitimacy of the election. As is, Biden isn’t going to be my President, nor will he be for maybe half the voters. The voting fraud in those six states was blatant, and it was gross. In 2008, I wasn’t happy with the election of Obama, but McCain had been a horrible candidate. Sure, there was a lot of cheating going on on the financial end, but in the end, Obama win, fair and square, garnering more electoral votes than the hapless McCain.

He of the biggest losers in this election is the judiciary. The courts are supposed to follow and enforce the law. All the way from the local courts, up to the state, and ultimately the US, Supreme Courts, they abrogated their responsibility. All up and down the line, they refused to enforce the law, the constitution, refused to look at the evidence, and routinely dismissed cases for patently frivolous reasons (yes, including the US Supreme Court, refusing to grant Cert, and then utilizing standing to dismiss the TX case, despite that only being applicable in cases essentially created by Congress - they have Article III plenary jurisdiction over suits between states). What good are they, if they aren’t going to do the right thing, and actually look at the evidence of fraud? If CJ Roberts was intentionally ignoring the Bush v Gore percent out of fear of AntiFA violence, he has just done more damage to the legitimacy of his court, and the American justice system, that probably the last half dozen Chief Justices combined. At least since Korematsu, if not Plessy v. Ferguson.

Achilles said...

Michael K said...

What concerns me is that somewhere another Tim McVeigh is watching this.

That is a given. Being concerned about that is Somewhat understandable.

But there is something that should be much more concerning than that.

Michael K said...

If CJ Roberts was intentionally ignoring the Bush v Gore percent out of fear of AntiFA violence, he has just done more damage to the legitimacy of his court, and the American justice system, that probably the last half dozen Chief Justices combined. At least since Korematsu, if not Plessy v. Ferguson.

Yes, that Roberts shouting story is still making the rounds. What was overheard could have been him shouting at others on the Zoom call.

Achilles said...

Bruce Hayden said...

If CJ Roberts was intentionally ignoring the Bush v Gore percent out of fear of AntiFA violence, he has just done more damage to the legitimacy of his court, and the American justice system, that probably the last half dozen Chief Justices combined. At least since Korematsu, if not Plessy v. Ferguson.

And the Governor and Legislature of Oregon refused to enforce the law against Antifa/BLM for six months.

But Yesterday they were out with MRAPs and tear gas against people who wanted to be present at the legislature during special session which is a right specifically given to people in the Oregon constitution.

And now in Vancouver, WA the prosecutor is refusing to press charges against a BLM terrorist that ran over a man in a parking lot.

Inaugurating Biden is a mistake.

Just telling you all now.

320Busdriver said...

Blogger Michael K said...
Whatever happened to term limits?

The problem with term limits is that it places the administrative state, which does not need to run for office, in charge even more than it is now.

I don’t know how much more the administrative state could be “in charge”, all I know is that more than about 10 or 12 years is sure to swampify any elected official and this can’t stand any longer. We need a convention of states. And NOW!!

One bright spot that I haven’t confirmed independently and was brought up by Stephen Moore is that this POS bill does not bail out the corrupt, bankrupt, mismanaged, shutdown, blue states like they wanted.

Birkel said...

320 Busdriver:
I think the convention of the states would end poorly. The leadership at the state level is every bit as corrupt as DC. And that's in the red states. I can count South Dakota, Florida, and Texas as solidly conservative at the state house and governor's level.

You the corrupt Ohio governor would be an ally? Or the corrupt Georgia delegation headed by Stacey Abrams? Or the Lindsay Graham and Co South Carolina government?

We have to do the very hard work of taking a long march through our own party before we can accomplish much of anything.

But then I'm an optimist.

mockturtle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Qwinn said...

I want to say I'm with Birkel. I am convinced Pennsylvania voted overwhelmingly for Trump, but the government is as corrupt Democrat as it gets. Even the Supreme Court Justices here are elected and wildly openly partisan Democrats. So is the hideous tranny Secretary of Health. So is the AG. So is Governor Wolfenstein.

But, fact is, cleaning out the infiltration of the Republican Party isn't possible until AFTER elections are fixed. For obvious reasons. That will have to be done without the party. Somehow.

Michael K said...

I have no idea what Biden will do after Jan 20 and neither does he.

Amazing situation for a nation. Prior to the 20th century, it didn't matter so much. The country could carry on. Now, we have fake news, fake money and fake politicians.

Might be the time to take up farming.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

This is the perfect picture... in my book

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